Bayer Agenda

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The ultimate 7-YEARS

Termite Protection Program

7 7-year protection
Colony management

Envir onmentally Preferred Termiticide
In South-East Asia, termites are a fact of life, and it’s not uncommon
for termites to infest buildings within just a few years of being built.

Consequently, taking appropriate measures to protect your home

are critical. It is especially important that you don’t wait till you
discover termites to control them, because by then the damage will
be extensive and costly.

Termite protection programs

Termite protection should start before a building is built. This is the best time to create a termite bar-
rier or treatment zone between the soil and the building itself. Don’t skimp on protection here, or you
will be inviting trouble later.

aim is to create a protective zone around the building that the termites cannot breach, or die if they
do. Engage a professional to conduct regular inspections and to ensure protective measures are in

The critical factors for termite protection are:

// To ensure the creation of a proper barrier or treatment zone before buildings are built
// To conduct regular termite inspections of existing buildings, and
// To ensure proper protective measures are in place throughout the lifetime of a building

Termite protection options

For buildings under construction, the following termite protection measures can be undertaken:
// The installation of a physical barrier to physically pre-
vent termites entering a building
// The treatment of soil with a termiticide to repel or kill
the termites (the most popular method)
// The installation of a reticulated piping system through
which a termiticide can be introduced to treat the soil as
necessary throughout the life time of a building without
the need for drilling

For existing buildings, the only practical method to provide protection is to treat the soil with a liquid

// Repellent termiticides - these work by repelling the

termites from the treated soil
// Non-repellent termiticides - these work by killing the
termites that enter the treated soil

Non-repellent termiticides tend to be favoured because by killing

the termites you get a more reliable treatment.
Agenda® 10 SC
Agenda® is a non-repellent termiticide, providing the ultimate
7-YEARS termite protection program combined with a colony man-
agement effect.

It has faced the stiffest tests that researchers throughout the world
have been able to throw at it. Now after more than 15 years of com-
mercial use in Singapore, it is recommended by the leading pest man-
agement companies around the world because it has proven to be the
best and most reliable termite solution.
Customers whose homes have been protected by Agenda®, have
found they no longer have to worry about the threat from termites.
There are reassured knowing that their property and belongings are
safe from termite damage.

The colony management effect

Agenda® 10 SC works by killing termites, including those back at the
colony. Contaminated termites which have entered treated-soil, pass
it on to others in the termite colony, causing large numbers of termites
in the colony to die. This is what we call the “colony management” or
“Domino Effect”.
This colony management effect greatly increases the success of termite
control, as termites are eliminated, not just where the soil is treated, but
also back their source – the termite colony.

Agenda-treated soil Agenda-treated soil Agenda-treated soil treated

Untreated soil Untreated soil Untreated soil

Untreated soil

Foraging termites are not Foraging termites pick up Contaminated termites Agenda is passed to other
repelled, and willingly Agenda in two ways: through transfer the active ingredient termites in the colony
enter Agenda-treated soil ingestion, and through to uncontaminated termites
contact with the soil. by contact, grooming, and
exchange of food.

Long-term protection
Agenda®’s action however, does not end with the colony management effect. Agenda® remains effec-
tive in the soil for 7 YEARS when applied at recommended dose rates as Agenda® binds to the soil
strongly and do not leach easily after application.

A sustainable solution
Agenda® is a sustainable option. It has been designed to provide protection as extremely lo doses,
which means there’s minimal environmental impact. It also won’t affect earthworms, soil microorgan-
isms, or vegetation planted in the treated soil.

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