LAFM03-Mar 11 - ISO 17025 Chklist - v2

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Laboratory Assessment Checklist

Type of Assessment : Preliminary / Initial / Renewal / Surveillance / Non-Routine / Verification

Laboratory :

Address :

Tel / Fax :

Names of persons :

Field :

Date of visit :

Technical :

Lead Assessor :

Name & Signature Date

File Ref: LAS / /

ISO/IEC 17025: 2005, SAC-01, SAC-SINGLAS 001, SAC-SINGLAS 002, SAC-SINGLAS 006, PROF 001

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4. Management Requirements
4.1 Organization
4.1.1 Is the laboratory or the organization legally

4.1.3 Does the laboratory management

system cover work carried out in:
• permanent facilities?
• sites away from its permanent
• associated temporary facilities?
• mobile facilities ?

4.1.4 If the laboratory is part of an organization

performing activities other than testing
and/or calibration:
• are the responsibilities of key
personnel defined in order to
identify potential conflicts of

(2.1, Are policies available to define how

SAC- impartiality is assured for personnel with
SINGLAS production/ marketing related
002) responsibilities and for departments with
conflicting interests?

4.1.5a Does the laboratory have managerial and

technical personnel, who have the
authority and resources needed to:
• carry out their duties including the
implementation, maintenance and
implementation of the
management system?
• to identify the occurrence of
departures from the management
system or from procedures for
performing tests and/or
• to initiate actions to prevent or
minimize such departures?

4.1.5b Does the laboratory have arrangements to

ensure that its management and personnel
are free from:
• any undue internal and external
commercial pressure?
• financial pressure?
• Other pressures and influences
that may adversely affect the
quality of their work?

(2.2, Is there clear policy & instruction

SAC- implemented for countering these
SINGLAS ‘pressures”?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
Are precaution taken to ensure that there
is no conflict of interest between staff and

If relevant, the laboratory should have a

policy written against acceptance of gifts &
gratuities from customers?

4.1.5c have policies and procedures to ensure:

• protection of its customers’
confidential information and
propriety rights?
• protecting electronic storage and
transmission of results?

4.1.5d have policies and procedures to avoid

involvement in any activities that would
diminish confidence in its competence,
impartiality, judgment or operational

4.1.5e define the organization and management

structure of the laboratory:
• its place in any parent
• relationships between quality
management, technical operations
and support services?

4.1.5f specify the:

• responsibility?
• authority?
• interrelationships of all personnel
who manage, perform or verify
work affecting the quality of the
tests and/or calibrations?

4.1.5g Provide adequate supervision of testing

and calibration staff, including trainees, by:
• persons familiar with methods and
• purpose of each test and /or
• assessment of the test or
calibration results?

4.1.5h. Is technical management available?

(2.3, Are all technical issues relating to testing &

SAC- calibration activities fully covered by the
SINGLAS technical management?
4.1.5i. Is a quality manager appointed?
• with defined responsibility and
• direct access to the highest level of

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4.1.5j. Are deputies for key managerial personnel

4.1.5k. Are the personnel aware of the relevance

and importance of their activities and how
they contribute to the achievement of the
objectives of the management system?

4.1.6 Does top management ensure that

• appropriate communication
processes are established within
the laboratory?
• Communication takes place
regarding the effectiveness of the
management system?

4.2 Management System

( 2.4, Is reference to approved signatories, terms
SAC- of accreditation and policy on the use of
SINGLAS the SAC-SINGLAS endorsement included
002) in the quality documentation?

4.2.1 Is the management system appropriate to

the scope of its activities established,
implemented and maintained?

Are policies, systems, programmes,

procedures and instructions documented
to assure the quality of the test and/or
calibration results?

Is the system’s documentation:

• communicated?
• understood?
• available?
• Implemented?
by the appropriate personnel?

4.2.2 Are the management system policies,

including a quality policy statement defined
in a quality manual?

Are the overall objectives established and

reviewed during management review?

Is the quality policy statement issued under

the authority of the top management?

Does the quality policy statement include

at least the following:

4.2.2a laboratory management’s commitment to

good professional practice and service to

4.2.2b the management’s statement of the

laboratory’s standard of service?

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4.2.2c The purpose of the management system
related to quality?

4.2.2d a requirement that all staff within the

laboratory familiarize themselves with the
quality documentation and implement the
policies and procedures in their work?

4.2.2e laboratory management’s commitment to

• comply with ISO/IEC 17025 ?
• continually improve the
effectiveness of the management

4.2.3 Does the top management provide

evidence of commitment to:
• the development and
implementation of the
management system?
• continually improving its

4.2.4 Does the top management communicate to

the organization the importance of meeting
customer requirements as well as statutory
and regulatory requirements?

4.2.5 Does the quality manual include or make

reference to the supporting procedures
including technical procedures?

Does it outline the structure of the

documentation used in the management

4.2.6 Are the roles and responsibilities of

technical management and the quality
manager defined in the quality manual?

4.2.7 Does the top management ensure that the

integrity of the management system is
maintained when changes to the
management system are planned and

4.3 Document Control

4.3.1 General
Does the laboratory establish and maintain
procedures to control all documents that
form part of its management system?

4.3.2 Document Approval and Issue Are all documents issued to personnel
reviewed and approved for use prior to

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
Is a master list or an equivalent document
control procedure available to:
• identifying the current revision
• distribution of documents in the
management system established?
• readily available to preclude the
use of invalid and/or obsolete
documents? Does the procedure(s) adopted ensure

that: appropriate documents are available at all
appropriate locations? documents are periodically reviewed? invalid or obsolete documents are:

• promptly removed from all points
of issue or use?
• assured against unintended use? obsolete documents retained for either

legal or knowledge preservation purposes
are suitably marked? Is the management system documents

generated by the laboratory uniquely

Do such identification include:

• date of issue and/or revision
• page numbering?
• the total number of pages or a
mark to signify the end of the
• the issuing authority(ies)?

4.3.3 Document Changes Are changes to documents reviewed and
approved by the same function that
performed the original review unless
specifically designated otherwise?

Does designated staff have access to

pertinent background information upon
which to base their review and approval? Where practicable, is the altered or new

text identified?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
No. If the laboratory’s document control system
allows for the amendment of documents by
hand pending the re-issue of the
• are the procedures for such
amendments defined?
• are the authorities for such
amendments defined?

Are these amendments clearly marked,

Initialed and dated?

Is a revised document formally re-issued

as soon as practicable? Are procedures established to describe

how changes in documents maintained in
computerized systems are made and

4.4 Review of Requests, Tenders and Contracts

4.4.1 Are procedures established and
maintained for the review of requests,
tenders and contracts?

Are policies and procedures for these

reviews ensure that:

4.4.1a the requirements, including the methods to

be used, are defined, documented and

4.4.1b the laboratory has the capability and

resources meet the requirements?

4.4.1c the appropriate method is selected and

capable of meeting the customers’

(2.5, NB: During contract review, calibration

SAC- laboratories should specifically discuss
SINGLAS their measurement uncertainty with their
002) customers to ensure they can meet the
customers’ specifications.

Are differences between the request /

tender/ contract resolved before any work

Is each contract acceptable to both the

laboratory and customer?

4.4.2 Are records of these reviews and any

significant changes maintained?

Are records of pertinent discussions

relating to the customer’s requirements or
the results of the work during the period of
contract maintained?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4.4.3 Does the review cover any work that is
subcontracted by the laboratory?

4.4.4 Is the customer informed of any deviation

from the contract?

4.4.5 If a contract needs to be amended after

work has commenced:
• is the same contract review
process repeated?
• are any amendments
communicated to all affected

4.5 Subcontracting of Tests and Calibrations

4.5.1 When a laboratory needs to subcontract
work, is this work placed with a competent

(2.6, Are policies and procedures documented

SAC- for engaging subcontractors?
Are result reported by the subcontractor
covered by an endorsed report?

(2.6.1, For non-accredited subcontractor, does

SAC- laboratory record its assessment of that
SINGLAS subcontractor’s capability to meet ISO/IEC
002) 17025 requirements?

(2.6.1, Are the results of the subcontracted work

SAC- expressed in a SAC-SINGLAS endorsed
SINGLAS report?

4.5.2 Does the laboratory:

• advise the customer of the
arrangement in writing?
• when appropriate, gain the
approval of the customer,
preferably in writing?

4.5.3 Is the laboratory responsible to the

customer for the subcontractor’s work,
except in the case where the customer or a
regulatory authority specifies which
subcontractor is to be used?

4.5.4 Does the laboratory maintain a:

• register of all subcontractors that it
uses for tests and/or calibrations?
• record of the evidence of
compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 for
the work in question?(accreditation
status should be current)

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4.6 Purchasing Services and Supplies
(2.7, NB: when purchasing calibration services,
SAC- laboratories should refer to the SAC-
SINGLAS SINGLAS 006 to ensure that traceability
002) requirements are met.

4.6.1 Are policy and procedure(s) available for

• selection?
• purchasing of services and
supplies it uses?
that affect the quality of the tests and/or

Do procedures exist for the:

• purchase?
• reception?
• storage?
of reagents and laboratory consumable
materials relevant for the tests and

4.6.2 Are purchased supplies/ reagents/

consumable materials inspected before

Are records of inspections / verifications


4.6.3 Do purchasing documents for items

contain data describing the services and
supplies ordered?

Are these purchasing documents reviewed

and approved for technical content prior to

4.6.4 Does the laboratory evaluate:

• suppliers of critical consumables?
• supplies and services which affect
the quality of testing and
• maintain approved list and records
of these evaluations?

4.7 Service to the Customers

4.7.1 Is the laboratory willing to cooperate with
customers or their representatives in
• clarifying the customer’s request?
• monitoring the laboratory’s
performance in relation to the work

Ensure confidentiality to other customers

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4.7.2 Does the laboratory seek feedback, both
positive and negative, from its customers?

Is the feedback used and analyzed to

improve the management system,
testing/calibration activities and customer

(2.8, If applicable, are the feedback from the

SAC- internal clients sought?

4.8 Complaints
Are policy and procedure for the resolution
of complaints received from customers or
other parties available?

(2.9, Does the laboratory inform SAC-SINGLAS

SAC- when a complaint involving any technical
SINGLAS competency or integrity of test/calibration
002) result relating to the scope of accreditation
is not resolved within 90 days from the
date of receipt of the complaint?

Are records maintained for all complaints

and of the investigations and the corrective
actions taken by the laboratory?

4.9 Control of Non-Conforming Testing and/or Calibration work

4.9.1 Are policy and procedures implemented
when the results do not conform to its own
procedures or the agreed requirements of
the customer?

Do the policy and procedures ensure that:

4.9.1a responsibilities, authorities and actions are

defined and taken?

4.9.1b an evaluation of the significance of the

nonconforming work is made?

4.9.1c correction and decisions are taken

immediately about the acceptability of the
nonconforming work?

4.9.1d Where necessary, the customer is notified

and work is recalled?

4.9.1e the responsibility for authorizing the

resumption of work is defined?

4.9.2 Does evaluation reveal possible

If YES, see 4.11 for compliance.

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4.10 Improvement
Does the laboratory continually improve
the effectiveness of its management
system through the use of the
• quality policy and objectives?
• audit results?
• analysis of data?
• corrective and preventive actions?
• management review?

(2.10, Is the laboratory able to show evidences

SAC- on how continuous improvement are
SINGLAS sought in the workplace?

4.11 Corrective Action

4.11.1 Does the laboratory establish a policy and
a procedure and designate appropriate
authorities for implementing corrective

4.11.2 Is cause analysis done to determine the

root cause(s) of the problem?

4.11.3 Where corrective action is needed, does

the laboratory:
• identify potential corrective
• select and implement the action(s)
to prevent recurrence?

Are corrective actions appropriate to the

magnitude and risk of the problem?

Does the laboratory document and

implement any required changes resulting
from the above corrective action?

4.11.4 Are corrective actions monitored for


4.11.5 Are the appropriate areas of activity

audited in accordance with 4.14 when
there is a doubt(s) on the laboratory’s

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4.12 Preventive Action
4.12.1 Are needed improvements and potential
sources of non-conformances identified?

If preventive action is required, are action

plans developed, implemented and
monitored to take advantage of the
opportunities for improvement?

4.12.2 Are procedures for preventive actions


4.13 Control of Records

4.13.1 General Does the laboratory establish and maintain
procedures for:
• identification
• collection
• indexing
• access
• filing
• storage
• maintenance
disposal of quality and technical records Are all records:

• legible?
• stored and retained?
• to prevent damage or
• to prevent loss?

Is retention time of records established? Are all records held secure and in

confidence? Are procedures available to:

• to protect?
• back-up records stored
• to prevent unauthorized access to
or amendment of these record?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4.13.2 Technical Records Does the laboratory for a defined period
retain records of:
• original data?
• derived data?
• sufficient information to establish
an audit trail?
• calibration records?
• staff records?
• copy of test / calibration report?
• identity of personnel responsible
- Sampling?
- Performance of each test
- Checking of results?

Do the records for each test or calibration

contain sufficient information to:
• identification of factors affecting
the uncertainty?
• enable the test or calibration to be
repeated under original
conditions? Are observations, data and calculations

recorded at the time they are made and
identifiable to the specific task? When mistakes occur in records, is each

• crossed out?
• not erased?
• made illegible or deleted, and the
correct value entered alongside?
• signed or initialed by the person
making the correction?

Are equivalent measures taken for records

stored electronically?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4.14 Internal Audits
4.14.1 Are internal audits conducted periodically
and in accordance with a predetermined

(2.12.1, Is this cover over a twelve-month period?

Are all elements of the management
system, testing and/or calibration activities

(2.12.1, NB: The audit should determine if

SAC- • procedures described in the
SINGLAS management system are being
• objectives (as defined in the
management system) are being
• designated duties are being
carried out satisfactorily and
• there are opportunities for

(2.12.2, Is an audit checklist used? Are all

SAC- evidences of areas audited recorded?

Are such audits carried out by trained and

qualified personnel who are, however
resources permit, independent of the
activity to be audited?

4.14.2 When audit findings cast doubts, does the

laboratory take:
• timely corrective action?
• where necessary, notify customers
in writing?

4.14.3 Are the following recorded:

• the area of activity audited?
• the audit findings?
• corrective actions that arise from

4.14.4 Are follow-up audit activities verified for the

implementation and effectiveness of the
corrective action taken recorded?

(2.12.3, Are the corrective actions verified and

SAC- accepted by the relevant internal auditor?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
4.15 Management Reviews
4.15.1 Are management reviews conducted
periodically by the top management and in
accordance with a predetermined

(2.13, Is this carried out at least once every

SAC- twelve months?
Does the review take account of:
• the suitability of policies and
• reports from managerial and
supervisory personnel?
• the outcome of recent internal
• corrective and preventive actions?
• assessments by external bodies?
• the results of inter-laboratory
comparisons or proficiency tests?
• changes in the volume and type of
the work?
• Customers feedback?
• complaints?
• Recommendations for
• other relevant factors? (e.g. quality
control activities, resources and
staff training)

4.15.2 Are findings and actions from management

reviews recorded and carried out within an
appropriate and agreed time scale?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5. Technical Requirements
5.2 Personnel
5.2.1 Ensure the competence of all who
• operate specific equipment,
• perform tests / calibrations
• evaluate results
• sign test reports / calibration

(3.1, NB: Criteria for evaluation should be based

SAC- on the range, complexity and frequency of
SINGLAS performing of calibrations/tests for which
002) accreditation is sought

Are staff undergoing training supervised?

Does the laboratory have qualified

personnel for the required:
• education?
• training?
• experience and/or demonstrated

5.2.2 Does the laboratory formulate goals with

respect to:
• education?
• training?
• skills?
of the staff?

Does the laboratory have policies and

procedures for:
• identifying training needs?
• providing training of personnel?

Does the laboratory evaluate the

effectiveness of the training actions taken?

(3.1.1, Does the laboratory has proper procedures

SAC- for training new technical personnel and for
SINGLAS developing the expertise of existing
002) technical personnel in new or rarely used

Are criteria defined, records available and

validity of results monitored?

5.2.3 If contracted staff are used, are they:

• evaluated for competency?
• supervised?

5.2.4 Are current job descriptions available?

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5.2.5 Has the management authorised specific
personnel to:
• perform particular types of
• perform test and/or calibration?
• issue test reports and calibration
• give opinions and interpretations?
• operate particular types of

(3.1.4, Does the personnel responsible for giving

SAC- opinions and interpretation have in-depth
SINGLAS knowledge of the relevant technical
002) discipline?
NB: They should comply with Note 2 of
Clause 5.2.1 of ISO/IEC 17025.

(3.1.5, NB: Site laboratory should be under

SAC- adequate technical control.

Does the laboratory maintain records of:

• relevant authorization (s)?
• competence?
• educational and professional
• training?
• skills and experience of all
technical personnel, including
contracted personnel?
• date on which authorization and/or
competence is confirmed?

5.3 Accommodation and Environmental Conditions

5.3.1 Are the following environmental conditions
• energy sources?
• accommodation e.g. lighting?
• others?

Do the following laboratory environmental

conditions invalidate the results or
adversely affect the required quality of any
• during sampling?
• at site laboratories?
• others?

(3.2, NB: Testing sites should be chosen to

SAC- minimise the effects of environmental
SINGLAS conditions and contamination. All relevant
002) environmental conditions should be
recorded and retained with other data.

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
Are the technical requirements for
accommodation and environmental
conditions that can affect the results of
tests and calibrations documented?

5.3.2 Does the laboratory monitor, control and

record environmental conditions?

When the environmental conditions

jeopardize results of the tests and/or
calibrations has the testing and/or
calibration activities stopped?

5.3.3 Is there effective separation between

neighbouring areas where incompatible
activities are performed?

If No, are appropriate measures taken to

prevent cross-contamination?

5.3.4 Is access to and use of areas affecting the

quality of tests and/or calibration

Is the extent of control determined?

5.3.5 Are measures taken to ensure good


Are special procedures prepared, where


5.4 Test and Calibration Methods and Method Validation

5.4.1 General
Is the laboratory using appropriate
methods and procedures for:
• all tests/calibration within its
• sampling?
• handling?
• transport?
• storage and preparation of items?
• where appropriate, an estimation
of measurement uncertainty?
• statistical techniques for analysis
of test and/or calibration data?

Does the laboratory have instructions on

• use and operation of relevant
• handling and preparation of items
for testing/calibration?

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Are all instructions, standards, manuals
and reference data relevant to the work of
the laboratory:
• kept up-to-date?
• made available to personnel?

(3.3, Is there a formalized system to issue,

SAC- review and update methods and
SINGLAS specifications?

When deviations from test/calibration

methods occur, are these:
- documented?
- technically justified?
- authorised?
- accepted by customer?

(3.3.1, NB: Laboratory may be required to show

SAC- records of test/calibration which are done
SINGLAS infrequently to demonstrate the
002) competence of the laboratory’s staff.
Laboratory is required to set up a regular
schedule of performance checks to verify
and demonstrate their continuing

5.4.2 Selection of methods

Is the laboratory using test/calibration
methods (including sampling) which meet
the needs of the customer?

Is the laboratory using the latest valid

edition of the test method?

Is the laboratory selecting appropriate

methods published from:
• international, regional, national
• reputable technical organization
• relevant scientific text/journals
• manufacturer’s specifications

Are laboratory-developed methods or non-

standard methods, adopted by the
laboratory used?
• are they appropriate for their
intended use?
• are these methods validated?
• is the customer informed?

Are the standard methods confirmed

before use?

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(3.4, NB: Confirmation of methods may include
SAC- verification of performance of equipment,
SINGLAS availability of the required reference
002) materials/standard, suitability of the
laboratory environment, skills and
competence of staff, ability to achieve
required precision detection limit,
proficiency testing.

5.4.3 Laboratory-developed Methods

Does the laboratory ensure that the
methods developed (for its own use) is:
• a planned activity?
• assigned to qualified personnel
with adequate resources to
manage this planned activity?
• updated on its developmental
plans and this is communicated?

5.4.4 Non-Standard Methods

When methods not covered by standard
methods are used, then:
• is the purpose identified?
• are the methods developed
validated before use?
• is customer agreement obtained
and this shall include customer

5.4.5 Validation of Methods Does the laboratory validate the methods
to confirm their fit for the intended use?

Are the following documented:

• results of the validation?
• procedure used for validation?
• statement as to whether the
method is fit for its intended use? Are the range and accuracy of the values

obtained relevant to the customer’s

5.4.6 Estimation of Uncertainty of Measurement Does the laboratory perform its own

Are procedures applied for estimation of

measurement uncertainty for all

(3.5, Is ISO GUM being used by calibration

SAC- laboratory to determine measurement
SINGLAS uncertainties? (NB: SAC-SINGLAS
002) Technical Guide 1 may be used for

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
(3.6, NB: The laboratory should have suitable
SAC- qualified personnel, procedures,
SINGLAS equipment and a traceability programme
002) available to perform its in-house

Are the following requirements being met?

a. Methods or procedures employed for
the purpose of in-house calibration
should be either published standards
or consensus methods which are fit for
their intended purpose.

b. Measurement uncertainty shall be

reported in the in-house calibration

c. To ensure the technical competence of

staff performing in-house calibration.

d. The in-house calibration report shall

include information where appropriate
as listed in clause 5.10.2 and clause
5.10.4 of ISO/IEC 17025. It shall
include detailed information on but not
limited to:
i. The intended use of the
calibrated equipment
ii. The specification limits of the
calibrated equipment
iii. The measurement range of the
calibrated equipment
iv. A statement of compliance of
the calibrated equipment
whether it meets the specified
v. The traceability of the
reference standard to
International System of Units
(SI) For Testing Laboratories Only

Are procedures available for estimating
uncertainty of measurement in test results?

(3.7, Are measurement uncertainty estimated

SAC- for all quantitative tests?

(3.5.1, NB: Testing laboratories may use ISO

SAC- GUM, ISO 5725, SAC-SINGLAS Technical
SINGLAS Guide 2 or other international documents
002) such as Eurachem Guide to estimate
measurement uncertainty.

Are test methods precluded from the

calculation of uncertainty of measurement

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
If Yes, then has the laboratory attempted
• identify all the components of
• make a reasonable estimation?
• ensure that the reporting of the
result does not give the wrong
impression of the uncertainty?
• make use of previous experience
and validation data?

(3.7.1, Are measurement uncertainty reported for

SAC- borderline results where the uncertainty
SINGLAS may affect compliance to a specification
002) limit? Are all uncertainty components of

importance taken into account?

(3.7.3, Are all sources of uncertainty evaluated

SAC- and recorded?

(3.7.4, Does the applicant laboratory work

SAC- towards estimation of measurement
SINGLAS uncertainty for all parameters under its
002) scope?

5.4.7 Control of Data Are calculations and data transfers
checked? Are computers or automated equipment

used for acquisition, processing, recording,
reporting, storage, retrieval, of
test/calibration data? Does the laboratory ensure that the

computer software developed by the user
is documented and validated? Are procedures established and

implemented for protection of data? Are the computers and automated

equipment maintained in the appropriate
environmental and operating conditions?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5.5 Equipment
5.5.1 Are all the appropriate equipment and its
software (including that outside the
laboratory’s permanent control) required
for all testing and/or calibration activities:
• available and functioning properly?

5.5.2 • achieving the accuracy required?

• comply with specifications relevant
to the test and/or calibrations
• are calibration programmes
established? (where key quantities
or values of the instruments have
a significant effect on the results)
• calibrated and checked before
being placed in service?
• calibrated and checked before

(3.8.1, Is there a monitoring system in operation

SAC- to alert the laboratory staff on the due
SINGLAS dates of calibration, verification and
002) maintenance for all items of equipment?

(3.8.2, Is the laboratory able to show that the

SAC- calibration reports are reviewed after
SINGLAS calibration of equipment?

5.5.3 • Equipment operated by authorised

• having up-to-date instructions on
the use and maintenance?

5.5.4 • Equipment is uniquely identified

(where practicable)?

5.5.5 Are the following records of each item of

equipment and its software maintained:

5.5.5a. Identity of the item of equipment and its


5.5.5b. Manufacturer’s name, type identity, and

serial number or other unique
5.5.5c. Check of equipment for compliance with
specification (see 5.5.2)?

5.5.5d. Current location, where appropriate?

5.5.5e. Manufacturer’s instructions, if available, or

reference to their location?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5.5.5f. Dates, results and copies of reports and
certificates of all calibrations, adjustments,
acceptance criteria (e.g. NDT) and due
date of next calibration?

5.5.5g. Maintenance plan, where appropriate, and

maintenance carried out to date?

5.5.5h. Any damage, malfunction, modification or

repair to the equipment?

5.5.6 Are procedures to ensure proper

functioning and to prevent contamination
or deterioration of measuring equipment
available for:
• safe handling?
• transport?
• storage?
• use and planned maintenance?

5.5.7 Are equipment giving suspected results or

defective or outside specified limits due to
overloading or mishandling:
• taken out of service?
• isolated?
• clearly labeled?
• marked as being out of service?

Has the laboratory examined the effect of

the defect or departure from specified
limits on previous tests and/or calibrations?

If Yes, is the procedure for the “Control of

nonconforming work” implemented (see

5.5.8 Are all equipment under the control of the

laboratory and requiring calibration
identified to:
• indicate the status of last
calibration and next calibration?
• expiration criteria when
recalibration is due?

5.5.9 When equipment goes outside the direct

control of the laboratory, does the
laboratory ensure that the function and
calibration status of the equipment are
checked and shown to be satisfactory
before the equipment is returned to

5.5.10 Where intermediate checks are needed to

maintain confidence, are these checks
carried out in accordance to a defined

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5.5.11 Where calibrations give rise to a set of
correction factors, does the laboratory
have procedures to ensure that copies
(wherever used) are correctly updated?

5.5.12 Are test and calibration equipment

(including both hardware and software)
safeguarded from adjustments, which
would invalidate the test or calibration

5.6 Measurement Traceability

5.6.1 General
Is all equipment including equipment for
subsidiary measurements having a
significant effect on the accuracy or validity
of the result of the test, calibration or
sampling calibrated before being put into

Is a programme and procedure for the

calibration of its equipment established?

5.6.2 Specific Requirements Calibration
Are calibrations and measurements
traceable to the International System of
Units (SI)?

Where the laboratory is using external

calibration services, is traceability of
measurement assured by these external
calibration laboratories? (refer to SAC-

Do the external calibration certificates

• measurement results, including the
measurement uncertainty?
• and/or statement of compliance
with an identified metrological
specification? Where traceability of calibrations that

cannot be strictly made in SI units, is
confidence in measurement established by
use of:
• certified reference materials
• specified methods and/or
consensus standards that are
clearly described and agreed by all
parties concerned?

(3.9.1, NB: It is the responsibility of the laboratory

SAC- to ensure that traceability of the reference
SINGLAS materials or reference standards is
002) established.

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
Is participation in a suitable inter-laboratory
comparison carried out (where possible)? Testing For testing laboratories, the requirements
in apply for measuring and test
equipment unless it can be established
that the associated contribution from the
calibration contributes little to the total
uncertainty of the test result.

(3.10, Are reference standards and equipment

SAC- calibrated over the intended range and to
SINGLAS the appropriate level of accuracy specified
002) in the relevant test methods?

Does the laboratory ensure that the

equipment used can provide the
uncertainty of measurement needed? Note: Where traceability of measurements

to SI units is not possible and/or not
relevant, the same requirements for
traceability to are required as for
calibration laboratories (Refer to

(3.10.1, NB: A laboratory performing its own

SAC- calibration will also be subjected to
SINGLAS technical assessment to ensure all the
002) relevant requirements of ISO/IEC 17025
are met.

5.6.3 Reference Standards and Reference

Materials Reference Standards
Does the laboratory have a programme
and procedure for the calibration of its
reference standards?

Are these reference standards calibrated

by a body that can provide traceability as
described in

Are these standards of measurement:

• only used for calibration?
• If standards are used for other
purposes then the laboratory has
to show that the performance as
reference standards is not

Are the reference standards calibrated

before and after adjustment?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
No. Reference Materials
Are all reference materials (where
possible) traceable to:
• SI units of measurement?
• Certified reference materials?

Are internal reference materials (where

possible) checked periodically?

(3.11, NB: For laboratories using reference

SAC- materials, all precautions have to be taken
SINGLAS to match the matrices of the reference
002) materials to those encountered in the
laboratory’s test samples.

Are the effects of any non-matching

matrices determined? Are intermediate checks carried out in

according to defined procedures and
schedules on:
• reference, primary standards,
transfer or working standards?
• reference materials? Are there procedures to prevent

contamination /deterioration/ to protect
integrity for the following:
• safe handling?
• transport?
• storage?
• use of reference standards and
reference materials?

5.7 Sampling (Note: This clause is applicable when the laboratory (staff) does the sampling)
Is laboratory fully or partially involved in the
sampling process?

5.7.1 Are a sampling plan and procedures for

sampling available?

Are sampling plan and procedures

available at the location where sampling is

Are the sampling plans based on

appropriate statistical methods (wherever

Does the sampling process address

factors that need to be controlled in order
to ensure validity of the test and calibration

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5.7.2 Where the customer requires deviations,
additions or exclusions from the
documented sampling procedure, then
does the laboratory:
• record in detail the appropriate
sampling data?
• Include this information in all
documents containing test or
calibration results?
• communicated to the appropriate

5.7.3 Does the laboratory have procedures for

recording relevant data and operations
relating to sampling that forms part of the
testing or calibration that is undertaken?

Do these records include the following:

• sampling procedure used
• identification of the sampler
• environmental conditions (if
• identification of sampling location
• statistics used in the sampling

(3.12.1, When the laboratory has partial or no

SAC- control over sampling, are the following
SINGLAS issues addressed?
a. Test records shall include details of the
supplier of the sample and other
relevant historical information such as
condition on receipt, reported date of
sampling. If a sample has a
characteristic that cast doubt on its
validity, but is not possible to reject the
sample, a clear statement of the
perceived deficiency shall be made on
the report.

b. When customer, suppliers or factory

personnel take samples, they should
be provided with written sampling
instructions. It may be necessary for
the laboratory to supply appropriate
clean and labeled sampling containers
and/or training in sampling technique.
Sample containers shall be free from
any source of contamination;

c. If a test method specifies the use of a

particular sampling method, and the
laboratory has no evidence as to
whether the sampler followed the
method, this fact shall be
acknowledged on the report.

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5.8 Handling of Test and Calibration Items
5.8.1 Does the laboratory have procedures for:
• Transportation
• Receipt
• Handling
• Protection
• Storage
• Retention
• disposal of test/calibration items

Does the laboratory have the necessary

provisions to protect the:
• integrity of the test or calibration
• interests of the laboratory and the

5.8.2 Does the laboratory have a system for

identifying test and/or calibration items
both physically and in the records and
accommodate subdivision of groups of
items, if applicable?

5.8.3 Upon receipt, are abnormalities or

departures recorded?

If there is doubt as to the suitability of an

item or does not conform to the description
provided or the test/calibration is not
specified in sufficient detail does the
laboratory consult the customer for further
instructions before proceeding?

Is the customer consulted and the

discussion recorded?

5.8.4 Does the laboratory have procedures and

appropriate facilities for:
• avoiding deterioration?
• loss or damage to the test
/calibration item during storage?
• handling and preparation?

Does the laboratory follow the handling

instructions provided with the item?

When items have to be stored, are these

conditions monitored, maintained and
Where a test or calibration item or a
portion of an item is to be held secure,
does the laboratory have arrangements
• storage and security to protect the
• integrity of the secured items or
portions concerned?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5.9 Assuring the Quality of Test and Calibration Results
5.9.1 Does the laboratory have quality control
procedures for monitoring the validity of
tests and calibrations undertaken?

Is the resulting data recorded in such a

way that trends are detectable?

Where applicable, are statistical

techniques applied to the reviewing of the

Is the monitoring planned and periodically


Tick the appropriate quality control activity

used by the laboratory?

5.9.1a. Regular use of certified reference material

and/or internal quality control using
secondary reference materials;

5.9.1b. Participation in interlaboratory comparison

or proficiency-testing programmes;

5.9.1c. Replicate tests or calibrations using the

same or different methods;

5.9.1d. Retesting or recalibration of retained items;

5.9.1e. Correlation of results for different

characteristics of an item;

5.9.2 Is quality control data analyzed?

If they are found to be outside pre-defined

criteria, is planned action taken to correct
the problem and to prevent incorrect
results from being reported?

Does the laboratory comply with the

requirements stated in PROF 001 on
- participation?
- investigation of outlier?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5.10 Reporting the Results
5.10.1 Are the results accurately, clearly,
unambiguously and objectively reported in
accordance with any specific instructions in
the test or calibration methods?

If the results are in a simplified form, is the

information listed in 5.10.2 to 5.10.4
available in the laboratory?

5.10.2 Test reports only

Does the laboratory have at least the
following information in the test report:

a) A title (e.g. “Test Report” )

b) Name and address of the laboratory, and

the location where the tests are carried out,
if different from the address of the

c) Unique identification of the test report (such

as serial number) and on each page an
identification in order to ensure that the
page is recognised as a part of the test
report, and a clear identification of the end
of the test report

d) Name and address of the customer

e) Identification of the method used

f) A description of, the condition of, and

unambiguous identification of the item(s)

g) The date of receipt of the test item(s) where

this is critical to the validity and application
of the results, and the date(s) of
performance of the test

h) Reference to the sampling plan and

procedures used by the laboratory or other
bodies where these are relevant to the
validity or application of the results

i) The test results with, where appropriate,

the units of measurement

j) The name(s), function(s) and signature(s)

or equivalent identification of person(s)
authorising the test report

k) Where relevant, a statement to the effect

that the results relate only to the items

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
(3.14.2, Does the laboratory seek approval by
SAC- writing to SAC-SINGLAS on the use of
SINGLAS photographic, electronic and mechanical
002) means of reproduction of signatures or
names of signatories?

Is the system safeguarded and the identity

of the person taking responsibility for the
report clearly identified?

NB: Unendorsed reports and the

associated work on tests/calibration within
the terms of accreditation are expected to
be of the same standard as endorsed
reports. In addition to 5.10.2, does the test report

have also the following, when necessary
for the interpretation of the test results:

a) Deviations from, additions to, or exclusions

from the test method, and information on
specific test conditions such as
environmental conditions

b) Where relevant, a statement of

compliance/non-compliance with
requirements and/or specifications

c) Where applicable, a statement on the

estimated uncertainty of measurement;
information on uncertainty is needed in test
reports when it is relevant to the validity or
application of the test results, when a
customer instruction so requires, or when
the uncertainty affects compliance to a
specification limit

d) Where appropriate and needed, opinions

and interpretations (see 5.10.5)

e) Additional information which may be

required by specific methods, customer or
group of customers. In addition if the test report contains the

results of sampling, does the test report
have the following, when necessary for
the interpretation of the test results:

a) Date of sampling

b) Unambiguous identification of the

substance, material or product sampled
(including the name of the manufacturer,
the model or type of designation and serial
numbers as appropriate)

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
c) Location of sampling, including any
diagrams, sketches or photographs

d) A reference to the sampling plan and

procedures used

e) Details of any environmental conditions

during sampling that may affect the
interpretation of the test results

f) Any standard or other specification for the

sampling method or procedure, and
deviations, additions to or exclusions from
the specification concerned

5.10.2 / Calibration Certificates Only

5.10.4 Does the laboratory have at least the
following information in the calibration report

a) A title (e.g. “Calibration Certificate”)

b) Name and address of the laboratory, and

the location where the calibrations are
carried out, if different from the address of
the laboratory

c) Unique identification of the calibration

report (such as serial number) and on each
page an identification in order to ensure that
the page is recognised as a part of the
calibration report, and a clear identification
of the end of the calibration report

d) Name and address of the customer

e) Identification of the method used

f) A description of, the condition of, and

unambiguous identification of the item(s)

g) The date of receipt of the calibration item(s)

where this is critical to the validity and
application of the results, and the date(s) of
performance of the calibration

h) Reference to the sampling plan and

procedures used by the laboratory or other
bodies where these are relevant to the
validity or application of the results

i) The calibration results with, where

appropriate, the units of measurement

j) The name(s), function(s) and signature(s)

or equivalent identification of person(s)
authorising the calibration report

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
k) Where relevant, a statement to the effect
that the results relate only to the items
calibrated In addition, does the calibration report

have also the following, when necessary
for the interpretation of the calibration

a) The conditions (e.g. environmental) under

which the calibrations were made that
have an influence on the measurement

b) The uncertainty of measurement and/or

statement of compliance with an identified
metrological specification or clauses

c) Evidence that the measurements are

traceable (see note 2 in Does the calibration certificate relate only

to the quantities and the results of
functional tests?

If a statement of compliance with a

specification is made, are the clauses of
the specification identified?

If a statement of compliance with a

specification is made omitting the
measurement results and associated
uncertainties does the laboratory record
and maintain the results for possible future

When statements of compliance are made,

does the laboratory take into account the
uncertainty of measurement? Does the laboratory report the calibration

results before and after adjustment or
repair of the instrument for calibration (if
available)? Does the calibration certificate (or

calibration label) contain any
recommendation on the calibration

If Yes, then has this been agreed with the

customer? (Note this requirement may be
superseded by legal regulations)

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
(3.15, Are the measurement uncertainties
SAC- associated with the measurand reported
SINGLAS with the expanded uncertainty, coverage
002) factor k and level of confidence of
approximately 95%?

(3.15.1, NB: The numerical value of the uncertainty

SAC- of measurement should be given to at
SINGLAS most two significant figures.

(3.15.2, NB: The numerical value of the

SAC- measurement result should in the final
SINGLAS statement normally be rounded to the least
002) significant figure in the value of the
expanded uncertainty assigned to the
measurement result.

5.10.5 Opinions and Interpretations

Does the laboratory document the basis on
which the opinions and interpretations
have been made? (see 5.2.1 and Note 2)

Are these opinions and interpretations

clearly marked as such in the test report?

5.10.6 Testing and Calibration Results Obtained

from Subcontractors
Are the results in the test reports
performed by subcontractors clearly

Does the subcontractor report the results

• writing
• electronically

Does the laboratory performing the work

where the calibration has been
subcontracted, issue a calibration
certificate to the contracting laboratory?

5.10.7 Electronic Transmission of Results

Does the laboratory meet the requirements
of this International Standard when
transmitting test or calibration results by
telephone, telex, facsimile, or other
electronic or electromagnetic means?

5.10.8 Formats of Reports and Certificates

Does the design of the format
accommodate each type of test or
calibration carried out and minimizes the
possibility of misunderstanding or misuse?

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
5.10.9 Amendments to Test Reports and
Calibration Certificates
Does the laboratory make amendments to
the test reports or calibration certificates
after issue in the form of a further
document or data transfer which includes
the statement “Supplement to Test Report
[or Calibration Certificate], serial number
…[or as otherwise identified, or an
equivalent form of wording?

Do these amendments meet the

requirements of ISO/IEC 17025?

When a completely new test report or

calibration certificate is to be issued, does
the laboratory uniquely identify and make a
reference to the original that it replaces?

SAC-SINGLAS Requirements
A Existing Approved Signatory
1. Do the signatories still occupy appropriate SAC-SINGLAS 001, Clause
positions in the staff structure to be 5.1
responsible for the adequacy of test or
calibration results?

2. Do the signatories still retain sufficient SAC-SINGLAS 001, Clause

contact time with testing/calibration 5.10
procedures to maintain the ability for
critical evaluation of results?

3. For approved signatories including SAC-SINGLAS 001, Clause

nominees, are the requirements stated in 5.
Clause 5 of SAC-SINGLAS 0 01 being

B. New Nominees for Signatory Approval

1. Does/Do the nominee(s) occupy SAC-SINGLAS 001, Clause
appropriate positions in the staff structure 5.1
to be responsible for the adequacy of test
or calibration results?

2. Does/Do the nominee(s) spend sufficient SAC-SINGLAS 001, Clause

time in the laboratory in order to exercise 5.10
adequate supervision?

3. Is/are the nominee(s) familiar with the SAC-SINGLAS 001, Clause

quality system as documented in the 5.5
quality manual and SINGLAS

4. Comments from technical assessor on the SAC -SINGLAS 001, Clause

nominee(s) technical qualification, 5.1, 5.6, 5.9
experience, knowledge of test/calibration
methods, competency in making critical
evaluation of test/calibration results (See
requirements in A.3)

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
C. Obligations of the accredited laboratory

4.6.3 Submit a copy of the internal audit report to SAC-SINGLAS 001

SAC prior to the assessment.

3.1(a) Offer to all customers a standard of service SAC 01

consistent with the SAC terms and
conditions and maintain impartiality and
integrity in all operations;

3.1 (b) Immediately notify SAC-SINGLAS on:

(i) Any change in its legal, commercial or

organisational status;

(ii) Any changes in organisation, top

management and key personnel e.g. key
managerial staff, management
representative and approved signatories
who could affect the performance or
competence of the laboratory;

(iii) Plans to conduct any accredited activities

outside the Republic of Singapore;

(iv) Change of resources and premises, where

the accredited laboratory has the
responsibility to inform SAC at least 3
months in advance; The accreditation will
be inoperative once the relocation begins
and will be re-instated when competency
has been verified on a case by case basis;

(v) Any lawsuit or criminal investigation of the

laboratory or its staff;

(vi) Any changes to the scope of accreditation;

(vii) Any significant changes in main policies;

(viii) Any other matters that may affect the

ability of the laboratory to fulfil
requirements for accreditation;

3.1(c) Adhere to the rules for the use of the SAC

Accreditation Marks and reference to
accreditation status

3.1(d) Not to use the accreditation status in such Refer to Clause 14 in SAC 01
a manner as to bring SAC into disrepute
and not make any statement related to the
accreditation which SAC may consider
misleading or unauthorized.

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Clause Description Yes No N.A. Remarks
3.1(e) Provide reasonable facilities, such as
accommodation, cooperation, and access
to documentation, test/calibration
standards, personnel and
calibration/testing areas for assessors and
SAC staff to discharge their duties during
assessments and resolution of complaints;

3.1(f) Make prompt payment to SAC of all

necessary fees levied by SAC;

3.1(g) Upon the withdrawal of accreditation

forthwith discontinue its use of reference to
accreditation and withdraw all advertising
materials which contains any reference to

3.1(h) Make a clear and unequivocal statement in

all contacts with its customers that a
certificate of accreditation in no way
implies that the product or service is
approved by SAC; and

3.1 (i) Not represent or hold itself out as being the

agent or partner of SAC or make any
representations on behalf of SAC.

D. Follow up on last year findings

E. Other Observation and Comments

Safety (SAC-SINGLAS 001, Clause 7)

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