General Biology Module
General Biology Module
General Biology Module
General Biology II
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Recombinant DNA
Biology 2 – Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1
First Edition, 2020
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General Biology II
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Recombinant DNA
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
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What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
This module has pedagogical features adapted from the Deped textbook
designed to help students understand the concepts at hand. These features
encourage the students to engage in exploration and scientific inquiry.
What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
5. An animal, that has gained new genetic information from the acquisition of
foreign DNA, is considered as a
a. a chimera
b. a transgenic animal
c. a vector
d. an enzyme that links DNA molecules
Genetic Engineering
Every type of tissue in your body contains
a complete copy of your body’s DNA (Figure 1).
What’s In
How do engineers change the traits of organisms? DNA contains all of the genetic
information to determine an organism's traits or characteristics. By modifying the
DNA, engineers are able to determine which traits an organism will possess. Can
anyone guess what would happen if we combined the DNA from these two creatures?
Could engineers create a "spiderman" in the lab today? However, in 2000, engineers
created the first goat able to produce spider silk proteins (an amazingly strong and
elastic fiber with futuristic benefits in construction [bridge suspension cables,
airbags that are gentler for passengers], medicine [artificial skin to heal burns,
artificial ligaments, thread for stitching wounds] and the military [body armor] if
sufficient quantities could be generated), so maybe it is not too far away.
What’s New
Imagine DNA as a twisted ladder. The outside of the ladder is made up of alternating
sugar and phosphate molecules. The sugar is called deoxyribose. The rungs of the
ladder are made of a pair of molecules called bases. There are four bases in DNA:
adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. Because of the chemical structures of the
bases, adenine only pairs with thymine and cytosine only pairs with guanine to form
a rung.
1. From the paper provided by your teacher (cut out patterns will be attached to your
module), cut out the pattern for the chemical bases sugars, and phosphates assigned
to you.
2.Arrange the cut outs on any firm surface to form the pattern described in the
TOGETHER! As a guide, you can attach the chemical base to the sugar molecule by
matching up the dots. You can attach the phosphate group onto your model by
matching up the stars, and you can attach the top of the phosphates to the sugars
by matching up the squares.
5. When finished, check your model, it should have constructed a long DNA molecule.
• Check the pictures below as your guide on how your DNA paper model looks
like. Or you may access this site for DNA paper model video clip:
• Click this for video clip of DNA paper model:
What is It
What is DNA?
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a large biomolecule that contains the complete
genetic information for an organism. Every cell of living organisms and many viruses,
contains DNA. The basic building block of a DNA molecule is called a nucleotide, and
a single strand of DNA may contain billions of nucleotides. (Refer to Figure 1 to see
the DNA structure with labeled parts.) Although each DNA molecule contains many
of these building blocks, only four unique nucleotides are used to create the entire
DNA sequence; these are written as A, G, C and T. Analogous to how the 26 letters
of the alphabet can be arranged to create words with different meanings, these four
nucleotides can be arranged in sequences to "spell" the genetic instructions to create
all of the different proteins organisms need to live.
Because DNA contains instructions for an organism to create several different
proteins, it is useful to define another sub-unit of DNA called genes (shown in Figure
2). Each gene is a small segment of DNA that contains a set of instructions for an
organism to create a single protein; a single organism may have thousands of
different genes. Together, the entire set of genes for an organism is called its genome.
To use another analogy, think of the genome as an entire cookbook for an organism,
and each gene is an individual recipe in that cookbook. When a single recipe is
followed, the result is a specific protein.
When a protein is created by its gene, it is said that the gene is "expressed," or
used. Most gene expressions do not produce results visible to the unaided eye.
However, some genes, such as those that code for proteins responsible for pigment,
do have visual expression. The expression of a gene in an observable manner is
called a phenotypic trait; one example is an organism's hair color. In fact,
everything you can see in an organism is a result of proteins or protein actions.
When modifying bacteria, the most common method for this final step is to add
the isolated gene to a plasmid, a circular piece of DNA used by bacteria. This is done
by "cutting" the plasmid with the same restriction enzyme that was used to remove
the gene from the original DNA. The new gene can now be inserted into this opening
in the plasmid and the DNA can be bonded back together using another enzyme
called ligase. This process, shown in Figure 4, creates a recombinant plasmid.
Once the recombinant DNA has been built, it can be passed to the organism
to be modified. If modifying bacteria, this process is quite simple. The plasmid can
be easily inserted into the bacteria where the bacteria treat it as their own DNA. For
plant modification, certain bacteria such as Agrobacterium tumefaciens may be used
because these bacteria permit their plasmids to be passed to the plant's DNA.
What’s More
What I Can Do
Activity 3. Complete the Genetic Engineering Flow Chart. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Genetic Engineering Flow Chart
Replacement of genes
3. Antigens are proteins that illicit an immune response from the human body.
Some vaccines contain these proteins so the body can provide immunity from the
pathogen, such as bacteria that harbor these harmful antigens. What might be some
roles for bacteria that would benefit humans in terms of antigen production?
Additional Activities
Recombinant DNA
2 Technology
What’s In
Many people are unaware that humans have been practicing genetic
engineering since ancient times. Selective breeding in agricultural crops and
livestock has actually altered the genetic makeup of these organisms over the
centuries in such a way that they no longer resemble their non-domesticated
relatives. This practice has been common long before genes were discovered. In
artificial selection, however, genes are only manipulated indirectly because it is only
the physical traits that are selected.
All organisms on Earth evolved from a common ancestor, so all organisms use
DNA as their molecule of heredity. At the chemical level, DNA is the same whether it
is taken from a microscopic bacterium or a blue whale. As a result, DNA from
different organisms can be “cut and pasted” together, resulting in “recombinant
With the advancement of technology, scientists are now able to directly study
and manipulate genes in the lab. This require isolating a specific gene and making
several copies of that gene, a process called DNA cloning (Figure 2).
What’s New
James Caryn says, “Ishiguro’s idea, that clones are people, too, shapes his novel,
which takes the theme to a more profound level”. Indeed, his work precisely appeals
to our morality on the issue of human cloning being ethically problematic for cloned
human beings in terms of their human rights infringement as research tools, confusing
identity issues with the originals, and technical and medical safety. This society needs
to find other alternatives apart from human cloning as it contains many a problem
which requires hard decisions.
What is It
Recombinant DNA is constructed by mixing DNA from two different sources (Figure
2). Here, a bacterial plasmid is typically used as a vector. A plasmid is a small circular
DNA found in bacteria, distinct from the much larger and also circular bacterial
chromosome. A restriction enzyme is used to cut the plasmid at specific sites. The
gene of interest from a donor organism is isolated, using the same restriction enzyme,
and is inserted into the plasmid. The resulting plasmid, now a recombinant molecule,
is inserted back to the bacterial cell. The bacterium divides multiple times to produce
a large number of identical cells, all having the recombinant plasmid with the gene
of interest (Figure 2). From there, the gene copies may be isolated and inserted to
other organisms to confer upon them the desired trait. For example, genes for pest
resistance may be isolated, cloned, and inserted to into plant cells. Alternatively,
bacterial cells may express the inserted gene in order to produce protein products.
Some important human proteins are produced by this technique.
Recombinant DNA technology has been widely used in improving crop varieties. With
the use of this technique, several transgenic or genetically modified organisms (GMO)
have been produced. Typically, the vector used to insert genes into plant calls is the
Ti plasmid, from the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This bacterium
normally causes the crown gall disease in plants by using its Ti, or tumor-inducing,
plasmid to insert into plant cells. The plasmid incorporates a portion of its DNA into
the DNA of the plant cells. Genetically modified (GM) plants are produced by
integrating a gene of interest into the Ti plasmid before inserting the plasmid into the
plant cells. These now possess genes that would confer traits such as resistance to
certain bacterial or fungal pests. For example, genetically engineered corn, also called
‘Bt corn” express a gene from the soil-dwelling bacterium Bacillus Thruringiensis,
making them resistant to the corn borer disease (Figure 3). The “golden rice” is a
transgenic variety of rice that is engineered to produce beta-carotene and prevent
vitamin-A deficiency. The International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines has
been active in the research and development golden rice. Rice and potato have
modified to produce harmless proteins derived from cholera to serve as a natural
vaccine. Soybean has been engineered to have resistance against herbicides. Thus,
an entire field can be exposed to herbicides in order to destroy the weeds without
harming the crops.
Figure 5. Corn borer infestation (inset) and field testing of genetically engineered corn. (source:
Genetic modification is not limited to plants. Recombinant bacterial cells with human
genes can be used in order to produce human proteins. One example is human
insulin. People with type I diabetes could not synthesize their own insulin. Thus,
they need to inject themselves daily. Other examples are human growth hormone,
which is taken to cure stunted growth, and tissue plasminogen activator, which
dissolves blood clots among patients who had heart attack.
If larger quantities of the protein are required, an option is to insert the gene
in animals. For example, transgenic pigs (Figure 4), have been used to order to
produce human hemoglobin. Human clotting factors have also been produced in the
milk of transgenic goats. Animals that are used to synthesize such pharmaceutical
products are referred to as “pharm “animals. Transgenic animals are not usually sold
for food because these take a long time to produce.
Ethical Considerations
Recent Developments
What’s More
• You will create a model on the process of using restriction enzymes and
plasmids to form recombinant DNA.
• The cut out patterns will be provided and it will be attached to your module.
• Read and understand the procedure carefully.
1. Cut out the plasmid strips along the dotted lines. Scheme the strips and
tape them together to form a single long strip. Always remember that the
letters should all be in the same direction when the strips are taped. The two
ends of the strip should then be taped together with the genetic code facing
out to form a circular plasmid.
2. Cut out the DNA base sequence strips, and tape them together to form one
long strip. The pieces must be taped together in the order indicated at the
bottom of each strip.
3. Next, cut out the restriction enzyme cards. Point out that the enzyme cards
illustrate a short DNA sequence that shows the sequence that each
particular enzyme cuts.
4. Compare the sequence of base pairs on an enzyme card with the sequences
of the plasmid base pairs. If you find the same sequence of pairs on both the
enzyme card and the plasmid strip, then you should mark the location on
the plasmid with a pencil, and write the enzyme number in the marked area.
Do this for each enzyme card. You may wish to point out that some enzyme
sequences may not have a corresponding sequence on the plasmid, and that
some enzyme sequences may have more than one corresponding sequence
on the plasmid.
5. Once you have identified all corresponding enzyme sequences on the
plasmid, you have to identify those enzymes which cut the plasmid once and
only once. You should discard any enzymes that cut the plasmid in the
shaded plasmid replication sequence. You must record your findings on a
separate piece of paper.
6. Next, compare the enzymes you listed against the cell DNA strip. You have to
find any enzymes that will make two cuts in the DNA, one above the shaded
insulin gene sequence and one below the shaded insulin gene sequence.
Mark the areas on the DNA strip that each enzyme will cut.
7. After you have compared each enzyme with the DNA strip, select one enzyme
to use to make the cuts. Point out that the goal is to cut the DNA strand as
closely as possible to the insulin gene sequence without cutting into the gene
sequence. You have to make cuts on both the plasmid and the DNA strips.
Make the cuts in the staggered fashion indicated by the black line on the
enzyme card.
8. Lastly, tape the sticky ends (the staggered ends) of the plasmid to the sticky
ends of the insulin gene to create your recombinant DNA.
1. Recombinant DNA technology has been widely used in improving crop varieties.
Several genetically modified organisms have been produced. For example, the Bt
corn expresses a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, making them
resistant to the corn borer disease. The golden rice is engineered to produce beta
carotene. Soybean has also been engineered to have resistance against herbicides.
2. Recombinant bacterial cells with human genes can be used in order to produced
human proteins, like insulin and growth hormone. If larger quantities are required,
like in the case of some pharmaceutical products, the gene may be inserted to
animals. The transgenic animal would then produce these proteins throughout its
3. Some groups are concerned that the use of GM products would have negative
impacts on society, such as possible allergic reaction and the possible harmful
effects on the ecosystem. Although the
Philippines had been active in GM research and commercialization of GM crops, the
Supreme Court issued a ruling in 2015, banning further testing of the Bt talong
amid fears of potential problems. Yet the general safety approved GM products are
still maintained by academic experts.
What I Can Do
Instruction: Discuss your answer to the following questions below. Write your
answer/discussion on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Why was it important to find an enzyme that would cut the plasmid at only
one site? What could happen if the plasmid were cut at more than one site?
2. Why was it important to discard any enzymes that cut the plasmid at the
replication site?
3. Why might it be important to cut the DNA strand as closely to the desired
gene as possible?
1. Which of the following enzymes in bacteria are responsible for restricting the
growth of viruses?
a. restriction endonuclease
b. topoisomerase
c. gyrase
d. protease
2. Which enzyme is used to join together two different types of DNA molecules?
a. ligase
b. endonuclease
c. exonuclease
d. protease
3. Recombinant plasmids are added to a bacterial culture that has been pretreated
with _________________ ions.
a. iodine
b. magnesium
c. calcium
d. ferric
7. In the modern era, the term genetic engineering refers specifically to which of the
following methods?
a. in vitro fertilization
b. genetic variation
c. recombinant DNA technology
d. artificial selection
8. In recombinant DNA technology, what molecule is the most commonly used DNA
vector (or carrier, used to insert foreign genetic material into an organism’s
a. plasmid
b. gene
c. clone
d. cell
9. What type of organism was the first to be successfully modified via the
techniques of genetic engineering?
a. Virus
b. bacteria
c. plant
d. mouse
10. Which of the following is the primary method of genetic engineering that has
been studied in humans?
a. gene therapy
b. cloning
c. transformation
d. gene targeting
Additional Activities
Direction: Draw your desired GMO on a short bond paper. Write the features of
your GMO and state the reasons why did you create this kind of GMO. You may
add color to your GMO.
Belardo, Millete M., Avissar, Yael, Choi, Jung, Desaix, Jean, Jurukovski, Vladimir,
Wise, Robert, Try, Connie. General Biology 2: Quezon City: Vinal Group Publishing
House, Inc., 2016, pages 69 - 73