E Paper - 30 - July - 2024
E Paper - 30 - July - 2024
E Paper - 30 - July - 2024
: UPENG/2007/19688
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(+633.82 ; 1.17%) VOL. 19 | ISSUE NO: 08 | Tuesday, 30 July 2024 | DAILY MORNING | Page 4 | Price Rs 1.00
Editorial: Back the anarchy ‘Nothing can bring back... took out loan for coaching centre fee’: Father BJP is suffering from anti-OBC & SC mentality
OUR CORRESPONDENT the Bhagavad Gita. Paris. NEW DELHI: The absence
So, I know what it is to Back to the air pistol of a proper drainage sys-
PARIS: Manu Bhaker stood do your duty and not think match, there were differ- tem, inadequate safety
in the shooting lane, squeez- of the results,” said Manu ent nations represented by measures, and the unautho-
ing the trigger as if her life Bhaker later. Such maturity fierce competitors in the rised use of a basement for
depended on it. The air pis- from a young shooter was fray. Manu did not care who commercial activities led to
tol final on Sunday at the honest and genuine. she was up against. One the tragic deaths of three
Paris 2024 Olympics was Manu had no time to cel- point more, and she could civil services aspirants at a
high-stress, high-pressure. ebrate; she had to go for a have even won silver. But coaching centre in Old Ra-
Over a billion people were dope test and then get back then, she will get her chanc- jinder Nagar, central Delhi,
praying for her. And she de- to training. She has two es soon. officials and students re-
livered — a historic bronze more matches to go, two A bit about Manu and Jas- ported on Sunday. idential and commercial es- formed multiple teams to
medal for India. No Indian more chances for a medal pal: They had split and then The Delhi Police have ar- tablishments, was only per- investigate the cause of the
markswoman had ever won in the same Olympics. reunited in 2023. Rebuild- rested the owner and the mitted to use the basement incident.
an Olympic medal in the “On Saturday, I was both ing was brick by brick, layer coordinator of Rau’s IAS as a storeroom. However, it A police officer report-
Summer Games before, nervous and upset, not to- by layer, and reaching this Study Circle and charged was being used as a library, ed that over 35 people, in-
and history will always sa- South Korean shooters image on Saturday when day,” said Manu. She had far has been methodical. them with culpable homi- violating regulations. cluding students and staff,
lute her for it. dominating the top posi- she was a bit shaky in the prepared well, trained like “This medal is for India, we cide, among other offences. An FIR was registered at were trapped on Saturday
Rifle shooters Ramita tions, with Kim Yeji clinch- qualifying phase. The young a young girl on a mission. worked for it, and I thank all, Later in the evening, a court Rajinder Nagar police sta- evening when water be-
Jindal and Arjun Babuta ing the silver medal, scoring girl from Jhajjar, Haryana, Her routine was gruelling, including IOA President PT sent them to 14-day judicial tion under sections 105 gan flooding the basement
boosted the team’s morale 241.3 points. has grown into an Olympic indeed. Usha Madam and everyone custody. (culpable homicide) and during heavy rains.
by qualifying for the finals Jin Ye Oh, another Kore- medallist through an in- The way Jaspal had else who helped me in this Political accusations en- 290 (negligent conduct with Led to incident Police
in their respective 10m air an competitor, set a new tense and passionate jour- planned her journey was fan- journey,” said Jaspal Rana. sued as the BJP and Con- respect to pulling down, sources indicated that the
rifle events. Jindal secured Games record with an im- ney. tastic. He worked on mak- He wept tears of joy. gress criticised the AAP repairing, or constructing basement’s gate was closed
a spot in the women’s final, pressive 243.2 points, earn- When she failed at the To- ing her perfect in “slow fire,” Having trained her before, government, labelling the buildings) of the Bharatiya but was damaged by the
while Babuta made it to the ing her the gold medal. kyo Olympics in 2021, she which is air pistol. When she Jaspal knew what needed incident as “murder.” The Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). pressure of the incoming
men’s final, keeping India’s By the time the final was had a weapon malfunction. shoots in the team event, it to be done in the last 13 victims—Shreya Yadav from So far, two individuals— rainwater. Hundreds of civil
hopes alive for additional sealed with a kiss, congrat- Plus, she criticised Jaspal will be different. months. The way he under- Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar coaching centre owner services aspirants protest-
medals in the competition. ulatory messages started Rana, even though he was Then again, she will have stands Manu is brilliant, and Pradesh; Tanya Soni from Abhishek Gupta and coordi- ed in the area, blocking the
Bhaker secured a bronze pouring in, from Prime Min- not her coach. On Sunday, a break and compete in the the form she has shown Telangana; and Navin Dal- nator Deshpal Singh—have road near Karol Bagh Metro
medal with a commendable ister Narendra Modi to the she hugged the same Jas- 25m sports pistol event on deserves praise. For India win from Ernakulam, Kera- been arrested. According Station, causing traffic jams
score of 221.7 in a closely common man. pal, her God, her Guru, for August 1 and 2 at the same to win an Olympic medal in la—died after the basement to the FIR, Gupta admitted and necessitating police in-
contested match. Manu was brave, fierce, guiding her to this medal. “I ranges in Chateauroux, shooting after 12 years is of the coaching institute was there was no drainage sys- tervention. A scuffle broke
The competition saw and very different from her believe in Karma and I read which is 275 km away from big, historic indeed. flooded during heavy rain on tem in the basement, lead- out between students and
Things going..
Back the anarchy
The whole of last week, Bangladesh saw a series of bloody
pitched battles between the Police, Rapid Action Battalion
(RAB), and other security forces taking on the protesting
students mainly in the capital city of Dhaka and other parts
of the country. Police shot dead many agitators, and there
were armed skirmishes between the Chhatra League, the IT IS DISTRESSING THAT 7.3 PER CENT OF INDIANS IN THE 13-17 YEARS AGE BRACKET HAVE
students’ wing of the ruling Awami League (AL), and the ele-
ments opposed to the imposition of a quota in government MENTAL DISORDERS. IT’S EVEN MORE STARTLING THAT THIS MALAISE IS WORSENING IN INDIA
jobs. If we read between the
This was the primary cause of the violence, leading to lines in Hopf’s quote, we are
more than a hundred deaths and wanton destruction of witnessing some really good
public property. To recapitulate, the government under times, at least insofar as the
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had reserved quotas for the crux of this column goes.
descendants of the freedom fighters, which incurred the This opening line makes
wrath of the huge number of unemployed youth who re- me recall the weekend just
main vehemently opposed to the reservations, leading to gone by, when I found my-
such a violent standoff. self sitting in the lawns of
Bangladesh has a recorded history of political agitations an august club aka watering
spearheaded by students, whether it was the language hole after a long time, with-
movement of 1952 against West Pakistan or the liberation out getting ‘watered’.
struggle of 1971. In the recent case of quota agitation too, I was shaken out of my so-
students took the lead, but unfortunately, the movement briety when the discussion
was surreptitiously hijacked swung the way of Gen Zs.
by anti-liberation and reli- The reactions of Pakistan In the heated debate that
gious fundamentalists, draw- and China merit close ensued, of particular pique
ing a clear divide and demon- watch as the former, and concern was an insouci-
strating a kind of schism. taking advantage of the ant exchange on the mental
So many deaths, unending fluid situation, may fish in health of today’s youngsters.
violence, and incidents like troubled waters; Urgent No one side was speak-
the storming of the Narsing- reforms are needed to ing ‘for’, while another
di prison and the freeing of restore the credibility was ‘against’. Both sides
a large number of captives of the government in ambivalently agreed that
show that the law and order the aftermath of deadly a rot had taken hold. The
machinery had completely clashes between security disagreement was on how
collapsed, and the anti-gov- forces and protesting far this malaise has spread
ernment and antiquota pro- students over job quotas in amongst today’s children
testers had a field day. Bangladesh and youth, and why they are
On their part, Police and exhibiting such a runaway
RAB also exercised little or no discretion or even application propensity for mental fragili-
of mind, resulting in ruthless killings and perhaps dispropor- ty, even instability.
tionate use of force. At one point, it looked as if complete That got me thinking, re-
anarchy was prevailing, and in the wake of the Internet and flecting hard. Why is it that
other means of communication being suspended, more today’s ‘haves’ battle such
chaos seemed on the anvil. ominous cerebral imbal-
After Hasina’s fourth consecutive win in the elections in ance, when many previous
January this year, the opposition parties and their cohorts ‘have-nots’, without access
were visibly frustrated, and they were waiting in the wings to today’s bells and whistles,
for an opportune moment to strike and corner Hasina. Oc- have turned out just fine?
casionally, they were critical of her, accusing her of a com- I thought of my own child-
plete ‘sell out’ to India. hood in the late 1970s and Half of mental illnesses begin by 14 years of age, and three-quarters in the mid-20s
Coincidentally, after her return from a recent visit to Chi- early 1980s, alongside What are the common This answer is a scurrilous is only happening in the only muscle atrophy, it is
na, particularly curtailing her visit, the quota protests sprang lakhs of other budding Indi- distresses? Anxiety; depres- one, one that would make West better think again. If also debilitating emotional A debilitating cerebral
up, and the same anti-Hasina and antiIndia elements took ans. We had no laptops or sion; Oppositional Defiant many dismiss the new gen- cardiac issues seem intense capacities and flexibility. imbalance has taken a
over the agitation, and the violence saw a complete con- Internet, no mobile phones Disorder (ODD); Conduct Dis- eration as being weaker. and ultimate, look at studies Mentally frail, yet bellig- pincer hold on India’s
frontation with no signs of abatement. The students’ deaths or tablets, no landline tele- order (CD); Attention-Defi- Let’s not. We should rec- that reveal that such occur- erent Last week, we hired youngsters; this is
caused by police firing evoked sympathy from the general phones or even televisions, cit/Hyperactivity Disorder ognize that each generation rences are growing fast. a trainee and asked him something most agree on.
public, who openly supported the students, criticising the no fibre optics and certainly (ADHD); Tourette Syndrome; has its strengths and weak- ‘Normal’ children who to pen a story to gauge his The discord is on how far
government and the police. no Artificial Intelligence (AI). ObsessiveCompulsive Dis- nesses, and that we need to look excessively at colour- writing skills. The result was this has spread and why
That was perhaps the turning point. Significantly, social Those were times when order (OCD); Post-traumatic adapt our expectations and ful screens can barely read out soon, leading us to con- our youth are prone to
media was full of antiIndia rhetoric, with India now becom- things were down-to-Earth, Stress Disorder (PTSD)… support systems. even simple texts, often vey to the boy some of his such mental flimsiness,
ing the target. With public perceptions going against Hasina uncomplicated and simple, There is a war of illness ac- That begs another ques- finding it taxing to solve ba- shortcomings and a path even instability
and lakhs of overseas Bangladeshis staging protests, espe- archaic yet genuine, old- ronyms raging. tion, though – if things are sic math problems. forward. nessed on our own home
cially in western countries, things added more fuel to the school and very analog. It may not involve guns, so bad, what are we doing Many ‘normal’ children fall All hell broke loose in the turf.
fire. Hasina did try to pacify by making a televised appeal The only digital thing we bullets and on-field billets, to make it better? short of even those affected digital world soon after, If we fail to do this and
to the people expressing sympathies to those who lost their had even heard of were but a war it is. Look at the Literally, nothing at all by Dyslexia, Attention Defi- when this fresh out-of-teens put our Gen Z right, we will
lives, but that did not seem to help. Casio watches, which were ailments above, typically Strange as it may sound, we cit/Hyperactivity Disorder turned whippersnapper. In a not have the right to call
Meanwhile, on July 21, the Supreme Court ruled that the an anathema, perhaps be- what we see on TV when are doing previous little to and neurodevelopmental terse message, we were told ourselves better or more
veterans’ quota be cut to 5 per cent, with 93 per cent of cause we couldn’t afford we watch soaps and thrill- turn the tide. disabilities. we were not good enough evolved.
jobs allocated on merit. The remaining 2 per cent will be set them. ers – gunfights and military In fact, some parents are Infant girls are worse off, for him, that he had many We would also run the risk
aside for members of ethnic minorities, transgenders, and Today’s generation has standoffs, espionage and even making things worse. given the rising instances of other ways to make mon- of having more people make
disabled people. it all, and yet most man- reconnaissance, double We have to remember that gender dysphoria, anxiety, ey, that he had joined only statements like this boy, or
This verdict, however, is unlikely to heal the wounds of the age to do very little in the and triple agents, hospitals youngsters are unorthodox, depression and self-harm to prove a point, and that the one made by Charlie
youth who are still recovering from the excesses commit- real world. Why have things and shrinks, war veteran innovative, quite avant-gar- being seen. Physically, most we should not expect to be Lee when he said: “Truly the
ted by the law enforcement agencies. As an uneasy calm turned out this way? Statis- haplessness and homeless de; enfant terribles if you children today are seden- blessed with his presence worst generation… Stupid
prevails in Dhaka and other parts of Bangladesh, Prime tically, how bad are things? shelters. will. tary, facing the risk of phys- anymore. children nowadays are noth-
Minister Hasina and her advisors need to reach out to the ‘Things’ are quite bad Ac- None of that is happening They are great at aping ical and mental ailments Some old hands copied ing like my time. We were
aggrieved and sort things out by sitting across the table and cording to the Indian Journal at home to our youngsters, adults, and the Internet is early in life. on the message wanted more independent.
engaging them in negotiations. It must also be said that a of Medical Research, 7.3 so what gives? Ask that awash with videos posted Screen-use has been to react, but sleeping dogs We weren’t weak that we
huge amount of the government’s credibility is lost in han- per cent of the youth in the question and even experts by doting parents. In the par- harmful to neurological de- were eventually left to lie. needed to lean on others
dling this movement. 13-17 years’ age group have fidget, widget and reply ents’ eyes, these are mas- velopment and socialisa- But it was a vivid experi- to make it in this world.”
A lot more needs to be done to restore confidence and mental disorders, even with that it all boils down to toxic terpieces of their little ones tion, especially as the aver- ence for many, an eye-open- We need to give everyone
instill a sense of trust. Hasina also has to rein in her party substance use disorders ex- school environments, finan- cooing and cawing while age urban child spends 5-8 er on how emotional insta- a chance. We created this
and the youth wing, the Chhatra League, which is under the cluded. cial pressures and physical watching their Smartphone hours online each day. bility and belligerence can new world. It is up to us to
lens of society for being glaringly high-handed on their ad- Young Indians have a high health concerns that primar- and tablet screens. Before Smartphones and be detrimentally hand-in- prepare our youngsters to
versaries. rate of causing self-harm, ily stem from non-utilization But the statistics are screen-heavy devices came, glove. To an extent, this col- face this world appropriate-
This also led to several of them being violently targeted. with suicide being a lead- of muscles, “especially of numbing – increasingly, chil- kids spent that same time umn is dedicated to this boy ly.
The Prime Minister may consider revamping her set of advi- ing cause of sudden death. the grey kind”. dren under 10 years of age playing cricket, football, fly- and others like him, with If we do that, today’s Gen
sors and ministerial colleagues. Her team requires a fresh Half of mental illnesses be- The concerns listed above are dying of heart attacks ing kites and whatnot. a prayer on the lips that a Z will one day create their
look—partners with new, positive, and progressive ideas. gin by 14 years of age, and are “playing havoc with our if their ‘screens’ are taken Not engaging in physical future is created where full own Gen Z, and so on. If we
Such a move might help her and the government to come three-quarters in the mid- children in their formative away. activity, just being glued to movies are better than this don’t, or fail, we would have
out of a battered image, reducing the trust deficit not only 20s. years” is the stolid answer. Those who think that this the screen, is causing not sad short trailer we wit- only ourselves to blame.