Colregs Part B

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Part B: Course Outline and Timetable

Time Allotment (in hours)

Term OUTCOMES Demonstration /
Practical Work
CO1. Create a voyage plan from berth to berth taking into account the dangers to
navigation, meteorological and oceanographical conditions, requirements under traffic
separation schemes and vessel traffic services, and the provision of ship's routeing.
LO1.1. Explain on the four stages of voyage planning in terms of their purpose and the
general activities undertaken in each stage
LO1.2 Explain the significance of the following routeing practices in the planning of a
safe and efficient voyage
2.1 Ship’s Routeing
2.2 Subscribed Weather Routeing Services
LO1.3 Explain the reporting requirements in accordance with the General Principles for
Ship’s Reporting Systems and with the VTW procedures
LO1.4. With the use of applicable charts and nautical publications, carry out a full
appraisal of information that are relevant and essential to planning a voyage between two 2 15
given berths
LO1.5 Carry out the “planning stage’ by:
● Laying into the appropriate paper charts and/or in the ECIDS, the course lines or
ship’s route from berth to berth based on the appraised applicable information;
the time
● Considering key safety parameters when using an ECDIS in planning;
allotment for
● Considering navigational, meteorological, and oceanographical factors which may 4 15
the conduct
affect the chosen passage;
of course
● Determining an appropriate contingency plan, and;
● Preparing the relevant documentation including consumable calculations for the
assessments. Course Outcome Assessment 9
CO2. Execute and monitor the progress of the ship in accordance with the prepared
voyage plan.
LO2.1 Explain the importance of conducting a briefing about the voyage plan with the
2 15
bridge team members and key engine officers
LO2.2. Execute and monitor the progress of the ship’s navigation based on the planned
route or plotted course lines of the approved voyage plan.
● Following established procedures for the monitoring of the ship’s navigational
safety 4 15
● Determining and monitoring the ship’s position and using the appropriate and
fixing methods and intervals;
● Reporting to the designated VTS, and;
Course Outcome Assessment 12
Part B: Course Outline and Timetable
Time Allotment (in hours)
Term OUTCOMES Demonstration /
Practical Work

Total Contact Hours 90

1. The MHEIs are to develop their respective timetable according to their resources but meet the minimum time allocation for the contact hours. OR
2. The MHEIs shall determine the time allotment for the conduct of summative assessments.

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