Jio Fiber
Jio Fiber
Jio Fiber
Tax Invoice
Jio Number : 6613562656 Customer Address : At- Katasahi, Po- Sahidnagar Odisha
Sr. Taxable
Item Name HSN/SAC Qty MRP/Unit( `) Discount( `)
No. Amount( `)
Total Amount (in words) One Thousand One Hundred Seventy Eight Rupees And Eighty Two Paise Only
Telecommunication services to be provided by Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited. Platform services to be provided by Jio Platforms
Limited. All disputes are subjected to Mumbai Jurisdiction. Tax is not payable under Reverse Charge
Declaration : Certified that all the particulars given above are true and correct
Digital Signature
Registered Office: Reliance Retail Limited 3rd floor, Court House, Lokmanya Tilak Marg, Dhobi Talao, Mumbai - 400002
CIN: U01100MH1999PLC120563
Reliance Retail Limited
1st Floor, Wing-A B, Fortune Tower, Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneshwar, Khorda, Odisha Odisha Odisha 751023
Payment Receipt
Customer Name : GOURAB SAHOO Customer Address : At- Katasahi, Po- Sahidnagar Odisha
Jio Number : 6613562656
Plan Details Qty MRP/Unit( `) Total( `)
Total Amount (in words) One Thousand One Hundred Seventy Eight Rupees And Eighty Two Paise Only
Declaration : Certified that all the particulars given above are true and correct.
This is a computer generated payment receipt, hence does not require signature.
Registered Office: Reliance Retail Limited 3rd floor, Court House, Lokmanya Tilak Marg, Dhobi Talao, Mumbai - 400002
CIN: U01100MH1999PLC120563