Limbach-905 750 018 405
Limbach-905 750 018 405
Limbach-905 750 018 405
Subject: Removal- and installation of magneto
Affected engine
models: All engine models
L 1700
L 2000
L 2400
I. Removal:
1.Switch off ignition.
Turn engine slowly until the impulse coupling of the magneto "snaps" (apprx. 30°) and thereafter
rotate the engine backwards to the firing position (timing mark and crankcase parting surface line
up resp. timing pin engages on L 2400 EB1.AD engines).
Caution: If the engine is equipped with a vacuum pump, turning of the engine against it´s ro-
tation sense must be reduced to the absolute minimum.
2.Check clearance of the magneto. To do so, determine the dimensions a, b, c and d. Insert values into
the formulas and calculate the clearance.
The nominal installation clearance is 1.0 to 1.5 mm for EA-type engines and 2.0 to 3.5 mm for E0-,
EB- and EC-type engines. The difference to the calculated clearance is adjusted by means of gas-
kets for the EA-type engines (there are two thicknesses available 0.5 and 1.0 mm). On E0-, EB- and
EC-type engines the clearance is adjusted by means of gaskets or shims placed underneath the
magneto flange
Rotate the magneto drive slowly against it's rotational sense (counterclockwise for SLICK 4230,
4330; clockwise for SLICK 4201, 4301) until the locating pin engages. In this position the magneto
is locked for installation on the no.1 cylinder.
Caution: If there is any noticable resistance while turning the magneto before the locating pin is
engaged, lift the pin slightly until the magneto drive can be turned. Do not force the magneto
drive. After aprx. 10° rotation reinsert locating pin.
5.Check whether engine is still in firing position for no.1 cylinder. Otherwise adjust the engine as de-
scribed in the section removal.
6.Insert magneto into the accessory case resp. magneto mount. Install bolts, spring washers, washers
and magneto clamps. Remove locating pin. Tighten bolts such that the magneto may still be
turned by hand.
7.Connect timing light type Limbach P/N 170.235.010 or SLICK Timing Light Mod. 2300 with the red or
green (if available) lead to the ground terminal on the magneto. Connect the blank or black lead to
Caution: Do not use any other adjusting tool, since electrical currents may destroy the magneto.
8.Adjust timing.
9.Check timing.
Turn the engine in it's rotational sense until the impulse coupling "snaps". Turn engine backwards
until about 10mm beyond the timing mark (not more, because the impulse coupling may engage
more) and slowly line up the timing mark with the crankcase parting surface. When lined-up or
when the timing pin P/N: 803.001.125 is engaged (L 2400 EB1.AD) the timing light must just come
on. Otherwise the timing has to be corrected.
12. Install spark plug on no.1 cylinder (25 Nm) resp. valve cover.
Caution: Check for foreign objects in the engine compartment after completion of work. Remove
timing pin P/N: 803.001.125 on L 2400 EB1.AD engines
4.Hold high tension lead of the no.1 cylinder in a distance of aprx. 5 mm to the magneto ground. R otate
the magneto drive in it's rotational sense (clockwise) until a spark jumps on no. 1 cylinder. Then
turn magneto drive backwards aprx. 30°. Make sure, that the impulse coupling doesn't engage
3.Rotate magneto slowly against it's rotational sense (counterclockwise) until a tooth marked red on the
distributor drive gear becomes visible in the inspection hole. Close inspection hole.