Dca2104 MQP
Dca2104 MQP
Dca2104 MQP
Section A
Multiple Choice Questions (2 Marks each)
[Please answer all the questions]
3. _____ and _____ environment are the two major categories under external environment of a
a) Micro, macro
b) Direct, indirect
c) Push, pull
d) Controllable, uncontrollable
6. ---------- uses two carriers, one in phase and the other quadrature
a) ASK
b) PSK
c) FSK
d) QAM
9. What are the Methods to move data through a network of links and switches?
a) Packet switching and Line switching
b) Circuit switching and Line switching
c) Line switching and bit switching
d) Packet switching and Circuit switching
10. The minimum frame length for 10 mbps Ethernet is ------------- bytes.
a) 32
b) 80
c) 128
d) None of above
Section B
SHORT ANSWERS (5 Marks each)
[Please answer Any Four questions in a separate page answer sheet especially provided for this purpose]
Section C
LONG ANSWERS (10 Marks each)
[Please answer Any Three questions in a separate page answer sheet especially provided for this purpose]