All Abinitio Interview Questions
All Abinitio Interview Questions
All Abinitio Interview Questions
REDEFINED FORMAT: Copies records from its in port to its out port
without changing the values in the records. It doesn’t contain any
By using RFT we can change the data-record’s format and also we can
filter transform modify the data in the records according to our
requirement where in RDFT we can change data-record’s format only
1) It loads the data one by one record by preparing insert statement for
each record
2) Api decreases the performance of it needs to insert one record at a time
3) Api will not disable the constraints where it is inserting the data
4) Api is easy to debug because it provides detailed error information for
the failure record
1)It uses data base utilites for oracle,sql ldr and creates bulk insert
statemts at a time and executes them in one shot
3)it disables the constraints and loads the data one insertion done it will
enables the constriats and bad data will not indexed
4)utility wil not give the detailed information for error handling
I have 100 files with same dml how can you read these all?
SIT and UAT testing’s who will do? Your team or some other team ? ones
completed what the status, if failed what the status?
You run the grah your getting some error? Your getting some bad data in
source file getting error how you can fix it?
Can you explain each and every step how you going to schedule the job in
autosys ?
In the year end how you people are going to complete your deliverables
I have a file and table I have data in the file when the new record comes it
needs to check its therein the table?
What Is the shell script? what are the uses of shell scripting in abinitio?
How you can able to see only selected record from by using the view data?
Ab initio questions
1.What is a queue?
2.What is cursor in queue ?How it is implemented?
3.What is the use of Normalize component?
4.What is conditional dml?How to implement it ?
5.What is dynamic dml ?
6.What are block compressed files?Explain about ICFF.
7.What are the best practices you follow while developing a efficient graph?
8.What are different types of parallelism in ab>initio?
9.What is the difference between checkpoints and phases?
10.Do you know Meta programming?
11.What is dynamic Lookup ?
12.What is the difference between m_rollback and m_kill?
13.How to do checkin and checkout in unix command prompt?
14.How to create multifile ?
15.What are the objects created during the execution of the graph ?
16.After a graph has failed , how it is restarted from beginning or last
checkpoint ?
17.How huge amount of data (in 100 millions) is loaded using table
components in Ab initio efficiently ?
18.What all m commands you have worked on ?
19.What is PDL?How PDL enhances the ability of Ab initio?
20.How to determine the MAX_CORE value of a component?
21.How to determine the memory allocation for a graph?
22.What are micrographs?
23.What are the air commands you have worked on ?
24.How will you use a single xfr file in multiple graphs?
25.How multiple instances of a single graph runs parallely?
Non Ab initio questions
1.How to identify the process id of a process?
2.What are fact tables and dimension tables?Give example.
3.How to find second highest salary in a table without using rownum or rank
in sql?
4. How do you rate yourself in unix?
5.How to determine the CPU utilisation for a running process?
7)i/p is
9)i am having one script ,under that sub script is also to call
parameters to inner script from outer script?
9)i am having emps and different locations …I want to get the files based on
First round:
Ans: API mode, the insertion of data into database follows all the
constraints of database.
Utility mode, that disable the constraints & insert the data into
6)i/p is
My question is how to generate the rank group wise using scan & without
using scan?
Ans: To generate the rank group wise by using scan and reformat
8)i/p is
A jan 100
A feb 500
B jan 700
C feb 500
Ans:to find the second max salary employee wise we can use scan and
generate the rank and select the rank=2
5)what is parallelism?
Data Paralleliism
It is used when underlying data ( notice, I am not saying file )
is partitioned and each of these partitions is processed independently
Component Parallelism
Pipeline Parallelism
It is used when a receiving component starts processing received data
without having to wait for the last record in the data stream
7)i have one scenario:
if I run the graph first time 25 records should have to go to the output file
same for the 4 th run my output file have to be 100 records how?
Third round:
Ans: Multiple data f.iles combines as one file that’s file is called multifile
2)i have 87 records I want to devide those in 10 in each output file how can
u do ? if done how many records ur last output file contains?
By using the partition by round robin we can have the block size in this
block size we have 10
Ans: Sort: sort sorts and merge records you can use sort to order records
before you send them to
Order records before you send them to a component that requires grouped
or sorted records
Sort with in groups: sort within groups refines the sorting of records already
sorted according to one key specifier
Ans: Filter by expression :it filter the records based on the expression
based on the expression
Ans: if we want to pass one record to only one port then output index can
if we want to pass one record to multiple ports then output indexs can
First round:
6)i/p is
My question is how to generate the rank group wise by using scan with out
using scan?
Inthat there may be duplicates and may be or maynot matched records. And
my out put should be 14 records and unused0 have 1 record and unused1
have1 record..
8)i/p is
A jan 100
A feb 500
B jan 700
C feb 500
Second round:
5)what is parallelism?
if I run the graph first time 25 records should have to go to the output file
same for the 4 th run my output file have to be 100 records how?
Third round:
2)i have 87 records I want to devide those in 10 in each output file how can
u do ? if done how many records ur last output file contains?
3)what is layout?
11)i know we cant capture the records by using reformat but I want to
capture by using reformat how?
I have 100 records in a file in output is also serial file but I want output as
for every 10 records I need to print the 10 records count. How we can
achieve in abinitio.
What is $1,$?,$2,?
I have input file I don’t have indicter first is header and last tailer. How
your will separate the body records?
What is plan?
4. I have Dept No, Dept Name, and Salary I want to display second
highest salary from each department’s wise write the query In SQL?
Select deptno,dname,sal,rnk from (select dense_rank()over(order by
sal desc)as rnk,deptno,dname,sal from emp)where rnk=2;
5. Delete the duplicates by using distinct?
Delete from emp where rowid not in(select max(rowid)from emp group
by empno);
6. Want to display the first three lines in a file which including header?
Select * from (select rownum as rno,emp.* from emp)where rno<=3;
cust_id trans_amt
1001 10
1001 20
1001 30
1002 5
1002 40
1002 50
1003 20
1003 30
Select cust_id,sum(trans_amt)from table group by cust_id;
10. There are two input files .. file1--2000 record, file2 300 records.
I want get 2 columns from the second file?
Select column1,column2 from table2;
Delete from emp where rowid not in(select max(rowid )from emp
group by empno);
17. How to print unique rows from table
Select distinct* form emp;
Or select unique * from emp;
U2, O5,I1
U2, O5,I2
U2, O6, 12