IR Spectros
IR Spectros
IR Spectros
Dipole moment is the product of charge and distance. Only those molecules which undergo a
net change in dipole moment because of its vibrational or rotational motion absorb in the IR
The effective transitions for infrared region range from 500 – 4000cm-1.
Types of vibration
There are two types of vibration
1. stretching 2. Bending
In this type of vibration, the distance between the atoms increases or decreases but the atoms
remain in the same bond axis. There are two types of stretching vibrations. They are:
2. Asymmetric Stretching: one atom approaches the central atom and the other
departs from it.
Bending vibrations
The position of the atom changes with respect to the original bond axis but the distance
between the atoms remains constant.
1. In plane bending vibrations: here the atoms remain in the same plane.
a. Scissoring b. rocking
More energy requires to stretch than bending, hence stretching vibrations appear at higher
frequency as compared to bending.
i. HCl
No:of atoms=2
ii. CO2
No:of atoms = 3
Eg: H2O
Total no. of atom = 3
No. of vibrational mode = 3 x 3 – 6 = 3
Vibrational energy states of a simple Diatomic Molecule
Consider a diatomic molecule associated with diploe moment. The vibrational motion of
atoms of a diatomic molecule is perpendicular to the vibration of simple harmonic oscillator.
When a photon of frequency come in resonance with the frequency of vibration of a
molecule, the absorption of photon takes place and molecules starts oscillating with the
frequency of radiation.
According to Hooke’s Law, the force required to restore an atom to its original state is
proportional to the displacement of the vibratory atom from its original position,
i.e., F x
F = -Kx
Where, K = force constant in Nm-1 x = displacement (-ve sign implies the restoring force)
V = - ½ Kx2
Consider two masses m1 and m2 connected by means of chemical bond of force constant K.
1 𝑘
Fundamental frequency 0 = 2𝜋 √𝜇
𝑚 𝑚
Where, = reduced mass = 𝑚 1+𝑚2
1 2
The solution of Schrodinger equation for a simple harmonic oscillator gives quantized
vibrational energy levels.
E = (V + ½) h 0
In the ground state; v=0, E = ½ h0 , termed as zero point energy. At zero-point energy, even
at absolute zero, there will be vibration.
Energy Levels of Harmonic Oscillator
If a diatomic molecule undergoes transitions from lower ‘V’ level to upper ‘V’ level
But, E = h
Thus for a diatomic molecule, two consecutive levels are equally spaced and they are equal to
h and hC .
Selection Rule
+ve sign indicates absorption and -ve sign indicates emission spectra.
At room temperatures the molecules are in ground vibrational state (V=0), hence the
transitions will occur from V= 0 to V= 1, corresponding frequency is called fundamental
vibrational frequency.
Anharmonic Vibrations
In harmonic oscillator model, the diatomic molecule reaches equilibrium state and never
dissociate, but for a real molecule, as the displacement increases, the restoring fore becomes
weaker and then the molecule gets dissociate into atoms. Such an oscillator is called
anharmonic oscillator.
1 𝑘
Also, 𝜈̅ = 2𝜋𝑐 √𝜇
By squaring we get the equation for finding the force constant as:
𝒌 = 𝟒𝝅𝟐 𝒄𝟐 𝝂̅𝟐 𝝁
• Identification of functional groups in organic compounds.
Eg. CO in ketones – 1700-1725 cm-1
OH in alcohol – 3300-3500 cm-1
NH2 – 3200-3300 cm-1
C=C – 1620 – 1650 cm-1
C-H – 2900 -3000 cm-1
• Identification of unknown compounds by comparison of IR spectrum of unknown
compound with that of a known compound.
• Determination of purity.
• Distinguish between inter molecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding.
• On dilution, intermolecular hydrogen bonding in p-hydroxy phenol weakens and
show a shift in absorption spectrum. In o-hydroxy phenol, the hydrogen bonding type
is intramolecular which is not affected by dilution.