Gazette Notice English
Gazette Notice English
Gazette Notice English
(Limited Recruitment)
Applications are called for Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes conducted by the Sri Lanka
Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) from those who have successfully completed
the G.C.E.(A/L) Examination in 2023 or preceding years.
Students who have been/are registered to pursue a full-time (HND) course of three years or more
conducted by Advanced Technological Institutes ATIS of the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced
Technological Education (SLIATE) shall not be eligible for admission to any Government University
or Higher Education Institute (Please refer Note No2).
The applying process for the HND programmes of SLIATE should be done only via
and any other means of applying will not be accepted. Applicants must read and understand the
Admission guidelines and follow the rules & and regulations therein when applying for the SLIATE
programmes through online as well as getting registered for the selected programme of study through
online. The admission guideline is available with the online application.
Eligible candidates can select ATIs and HND programme combinations based on their priority up to 25
maximum opportunities from two categories of programmes that are based on the Z-score and select
based on a marking scheme.
Please refer to Section “A” for Entry Qualifications of HND programmes and Section “B” for the
details of Advanced Technological Institutes (ATIs).
Eligible candidates can apply for 25 academic programmes of ATIs (ATI and HND programme
combinations) at a cost of Rs.1000/= from above two categories.
Application fees should be paid directly to the bank. Online payments are not accepted.
The Transaction Reference Number (TRN) of the bank payment receipt should be entered into the online
Payments should be credited to SLIATE Account number 025-2-001-1-3397613 at Peoples’ Bank,
Hyde Park Branch, Colombo 02 or any other branch of the Peoples’ Bank in Sri Lanka on or before
After the confirmation of the online application, obtain a system generated hard copy of the application.
A signed copy of the above application and the payment receipt should be produced, when registering
for the selected programme in the relevant ATI.
The status of the application during and after processing will be informed to the applicant via the given
e-mail address, mobile phone number or by post.
After the closing date, selected applicants are informed through an e-mail/ SMS to confirm the
registration for the selected HND programme through the system within two weeks. If the applicant does
not confirm the registration through the system during the given period, he/she will not be considered
again for any HND programme of SLIATE and his/ her the application will be rejected.
Part-Time courses are conducted for those who are employed in the relevant fields.
Originals and certified copies of the educational and other required documents should be produced at the
Section "A”
Entry Qualifications for the Higher National Diploma (HND) Programmes
1. Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (HNDA)
1.1 Full-Time - 4 years
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
Passed the G.C.E. (A/L) examination in the commerce stream in one sitting with
Accounting as one of the subjects.
An Ordinary pass for English and Mathematics at the G.C.E. (O/L) examination.
(i) Passed the G.C.E. (A/L) examination in the commerce stream in one sitting with
Accounting as one of the subjects.
An Ordinary pass for English and Mathematics at the G.C.E. (O/L) examination.
The applicant should be employed in the relevant field in a government institution / public
enterprise / recognized firm or self-employed (entrepreneur). Should produce legal
documents at the interview.
Completion of any of the certificate courses given below conducted by the Department of Technical
Education & Training (DTET).
An Ordinary pass for English and Mathematics at the G.C.E. (O/L) examination.
The applicant should be employed in the relevant field in a government institution / public enterprise /
recognized firm or self-employed (entrepreneur). Should produce legal documents at the interview.
Note 1: Any Part-Time HNDA applicant from the commerce stream who has one or more of the
following qualifications will be exempted from the first year and enrolled in the second year if other
entry requirements are met and the capacity of the ATI is available.
i. Completion of the Higher National Diploma in Business Administration/ Business Finance &
National Diploma in Business Studies conducted by the SLIATE.
ii. Have a Degree in Management discipline.
iii. Completion of Business Level I & II (or Executive level or CAB I and CAB II or Foundation
& Intermediate level or Licentiate I and II) conducted by the Chartered Accountants of Sri
iv. Completion of part I and part II of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
(CIMA – UK).
v. Completion of part I and part II of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
vi. Completion of the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT).
vii. Completion of ACMA conducted by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants
(CMA-Sri Lanka).
Note 2: According to the Public Administration Circular No. 46/90, the Higher National Diploma in
Accountancy has been recognized to be accepted as an alternative qualification to a General Degree in
Commerce (Ordinary pass), awarded by a recognized university registered under the University Grants
Commission (UGC) for recruitment purposes.
Ordinary pass for Appreciation of English Literary Text and Mathematics at the G.C.E.
(O/L) examination
Ordinary pass for English and Mathematics at the G.C.E. (O/L) examination.
13. Higher National Diploma in Project Management (HNDPM)
13.1 Full-Time –2 ½ years
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
(i) Passed the G.C.E. (A/L) examination in one sitting in any stream.
Ordinary pass for English and Mathematics at the G.C.E. (O/L) examination.
(ii) Passed the G. C. E. (A/L) examination in one sitting in Bio-System Technology
stream including subjects Bio-System Technology, Science for Technology and
Ordinary pass for English and Mathematics at G. C. E. (O/L) examination.
Section "B”
Names of ATIs, Addresses, Telephone Numbers and the Higher National Diploma (HND) courses
[Full Time (FT) & Part Time (PT)]
Name of ATI Address Courses Offered
HNDT (Agriculture)(FT), HNDA (FT),
Hardy Advanced Prof. Even A HNDM(FT), HNDIT (FT), HNDTHM(FT),
01 Technological Hardy Mawatha, HND in English (FT),
063-2223035 HNDA (PT), HND in English (PT) HNDIT (PT)
Institute - Ampara Ampara.
Main Street,
Advanced Kovil Kulam HNDIT (FT), HNDA (FT), HND in
04 Technological East, English,(FT) HNDA (PT), HND in English (PT),
065-2247470 HNDIT(PT).
Institute - Batticaloa Arayampathy,
No. 16, HNDIT (FT), HNDA (FT), HNDM(FT),
Advanced Keppetipola HNDBA(FT), HND in English (FT),
10 Technological Institute - Mawatha, HNDTHM (FT)
081-2226644 HNDA (PT), HND in English (PT), HNDIT (PT).
Kandy Kandy.
Advanced Mannar.
023-2223045 HND in English (FT),
13 Technological Institute - HNDIT (FT).
076 7966111
Off A 9 Road,
Advanced Veppankulam, HNDA (FT), HND in English(FT)
19 Technological Institute - Ómanthai, 024-2052733 HNDA (PT), HND in English (PT), HNDIT (FT),
Vavuniya HNDIT (PT).
1. The applicant should fulfil the required entry qualifications before the closing date of applications.
2. Students who have been/are registered to pursue a full-time (HND) course of three years or more
conducted by Advanced Technological Institutes ATIs of the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced
Technological Education (SLIATE) shall not be eligible for admission to any Government University
or Higher Education Institute established under the university Act No: 16 of 1978 (as amended from
time to time).
HND Programmes of 3 years or more:
i. Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (HNDA)
ii. Higher National Diploma in Engineering (HNDE - Civil)
iii. Higher National Diploma in Engineering (HNDE - Electrical & Electronics)
iv. Higher National Diploma in Engineering (HNDE - Mechanical)
v. Higher National Diploma in Building Services Engineering (HNDBSE)
vi. Higher National Diploma in Technology (Agriculture) – (HNDT- Agriculture)
vii. Higher National Diploma in Management (HNDM)
viii. Higher National Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management – (HNDTHM)
3. Preference will be given to full-time students who are below 23 years of age. Priority will be given to
the applicants who have successfully completed the G.C.E.(A/L) Examination in 2023
4. At least 50 students should be registered in a particular study programme to commence the course at
a particular ATI. If there is no sufficient number of applicants to commence the programme, such
students will be transferred to the nearest ATI where the same programme is conducted. The final decision
will be taken by the Director General.
5. Full-time students of all the courses should attend lectures during weekdays and if required, during
6. Part-time courses will be conducted during weekends.
7. Mode of delivery of academic activities for both of full-time and part-time courses will be mainly in
physical mode (in-class). However, Hybrid mode might be applied depending on the requirement.
8. The first and second years of HNDA (Full-Time) programme is conducted only on weekdays. The
third and fourth years are conducted during weekends.
9. Students of full-time programmes must undergo in-plant training for minimum six months in the
relevant field. Part time students must undertake a project/ industrial training for a minimum six
months in the relevant field.
10. Part-time applicants should be employed in a relevant field.
11. Once a student has been enrolled in a full-time course, transferring to any other ATI will not
be entertained under any circumstances.
12. Students who have registered for any HND course would be allowed to cancel their registration before
60 days starting from the closing date of registration given by the relevant institute without any
13. (i) Rs.5, 000.00 per month will be charged for the period of stay from the full-time students who are
cancelling their registration after 60 days. A maximum of Rs. 30,000.00 will be charged from full-
time students who cancel the registration in a six-month period or more.
(ii) Initial refundable deposit of Rs. 10,000.00/- will be charged at the registration of part-time
students and it will be refunded at the end of the programme. If the student leaves earlier from the
programm, then this deposit will not be refunded. A discount of 10% will be given to the part-time
applicants who pay the whole fees in the registration as a lump sum.
14. Semester-end examinations will be held for both full-time and part-time students during weekdays
and weekends.
15. G.C.E. (A/L) and G.C.E. (O/L) Examinations must be the examinations administered by the
Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
16. The application of any applicant who has provided false information will be rejected.
17. The decision of the Director General of SLIATE will be the final decision for the admission of
students to Advanced Technological Institutes for the academic year 2024/2025.
18. Recruitment will be done based on the available seating capacity of the ATIs.
19. For more information please visit the web site:
Director General
Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education