Patent Search - Pet Stairs US
Patent Search - Pet Stairs US
Patent Search - Pet Stairs US
Pet Stairs Dog Stairs Ramp
Dog Ramp Dog Stairs For High Bed Couch
Dog Steps Dog Stairs For High Beds
Dog Stairs For Small Dogs Non-Slip Pet Steps
Dog Steps For Bed Small Dog Ladder For Pets
Stable Foam Dog Steps Easy Pet Stairs
Sturdy Dog Stairs And Ramp For Beds Non-Slip Bottom Pet Steps
Note: The search report is not limited to these keywords, I have collected all the relevant
keywords and used in the search queries
This research report and novelty search was conducted through the available records of the
various databases in the US. The purpose of this research was to locate issued patents and
published applications, which appear to disclose similar concepts that relate to the above-
named invention. This report lists both the patents and published patent applications that
appear relevant to your invention. A combination of keyword and class-based searching
techniques were used to locate these references.
It is important to understand the purpose of a patent search. A patent search is not an absolute
measure of patentability and there can never be a guarantee that such a search is complete.
This is because the official patent databases include millions of issued patents, and there are
over 140,000 class/subclass schemes classified with these databases. Additionally, with all
patent searches, regardless of who does the search, not all relevant prior art can be guaranteed
to be found. Specifically, pending patent applications are not published until 18 months after
they are filed, so even with an exhaustive and expansive “no stone unturned” patent search
there is no way to be sure that everything pending at the Patent Office has been discovered.
The goal of a patent search, therefore, is not to guarantee that there is no relevant prior art
that will bar patentability, but rather to investigate whether pursuing with the expense of a
patent application makes sense. While an extensive effort has been made to assure the
integrity of the present search, no such search can be very conclusive.
The prime objective of this patent research is to find out all exact and closely related design and
utility patents.
This represents a design patent, distinct from the dog stairs designs
you proposed, and it will not have any impact on your suggestions.
Patent #2
United States
Once granted, a design patent gives the owner the exclusive right to use, make, and sell the
design for a period of up to 15 years from the date of grant. If someone else copies the design
without permission, the owner of the design patent can take legal action to stop them and seek
damages for any losses suffered as a result of the infringement.
A utility patent covers the functional features of an invention as well as the method of use or
operation. In other words, it protects the way in which the invention is used to achieve a
particular function or result. Overall, a utility patent is intended to protect the practical
application of an invention and the specific way in which it functions, rather than its aesthetic
or ornamental features.
After the details research and data analysis I did not found any design and utility patent on your
products “Dog stairs” and also, all close and related patents are detailed above. After reading
their claims and analyzing field of invention and design, it is concluded that all these patents did
not applies on your product design. So these all patents will not affect you while advertising
and selling these products in the US.
Please do not copy any brand name or logos or images of other sellers to avoid
copyright issues.
Please note that this search is done against all published (Active, Expired, Abandoned)
patents available as of now and we cannot search under process/registration patents
without registration number
I conducted my research through different patent database to find all the exact and relevant
patents for the subjected product & relevant results are given above with reference links. The
search is done against all published utility and design patents available and close related are
detailed above.
Keeping in view all the detailed analysis and findings regarding your product named “dog stairs
for small dogs” on the basis of patents already registered in the US. I would say that after
detailed research I did not found any exact design and utility patents on your product designs. I
have included all similar close matching design and utility patents that cover the whole US for
the similar category and somehow these patents relate to your product with design and utility
patents. But these patents are not applicable to your products. After detailed analysis of the
data I will recommend these products to be sold online or off line channel (website etc.) as an
own brand product in the US.
Having thoroughly reviewed the design and data, along with evaluating the claims stated in
the applicable patents, I have confirmed that these designs of dog stairs for small dogs do not
infringe upon any patents (including both utility and design patents) in the United States. You
are free to utilize/sell these designs without any concerns about patent violations in the US.
Our opinion is based on the content of this report (collected from internationally available
patent databases) and our best knowledge that you may disagree with. Please consider all the
above cited patents and pay special attention to the following points.
⮚ Before going to the next step, consider the patented designs and their status (active,
abandoned, expired).
⮚ You may do further risk assessment by looking at patent owners in case it is one of your
competitors selling on Amazon or any other online channel.
⮚ The databases do not include the patent applications which are filed and currently
under process. So, this search does not cover under process applications.
If you have any question need more time or you have any confusion at any point Just message
me I will be happy to assist you.
Best Regard,