SCIENCE 6 4th Autosaved
SCIENCE 6 4th Autosaved
SCIENCE 6 4th Autosaved
Fourth Periodic Examination
43. Which is true in the following statements in relation to revolution of planets around the sun?
a. The bigger the planet the faster to revolve around the sun
b. The smaller the planet the faster to revolve around the sun
c. The farthest the planet from the sun the slowest to revolve
d. The nearest the planet from the sun the slowest to revolve
44. Which of the following reasons why Earth is really different from other planets in the solar system?
a. The only planet composed of nitrogen that is why life exists
b. The only planet composed of large percentage of oxygen that is why life exists
c. The only planet which is blue because of carbon dioxide that is why life exists
d. The only rocky planet that is why life exists
45. Distance affects the apparent brightness of the stars. Do you agree with this idea?
a. Yes, because it appears smaller when it is closer to Earth
b. No, because it appears bigger thsn the other which is farther
c. Yes, because apparent brightness depends on their distance from the Earth
d. No, because scientists believe that the stars were placed with the same distance from the Earth
46. The first four planets of the Solar System are considered terrestrial planets because they are made up solid rocks. They are
also called the inner planets because they are the closest to the sun. What is the correct arrangement of the four planets
according to their distance to the sun.
a. Venus→ Mars→ Earth→Mercury c. Earth→Mars→Venus→Mercury
b. Mercury→Venus→Earth→Mars d. Mars→Earth→Venus→Mercury
47. The last four planets of the solar system are considered as the Jovian planets or the outer planets. They are also known as
the gas giants or huge planets because they are made up of gas, they do not have solid surfaces. The correct order is
a. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune c. Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune
b. Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus d. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus
48. Rank the stars from hottest to coolest.
Name of star Color Surface Temperature
Sun yellow About 6, 000
Sirius white About 11. 000
Betelgeuse red About 3, 000
Arcturus orange About 4, 200
Rigel bluish - white About 20, 000
49. Which is the correct order of the stars’ surface temperature, from the hottest to coolest?
a. red - orange - yellow - white - bluish white
b. bluish white - white - yellow - orange - red
c. white - bluish white - orange - yellow - red
d. yellow - white - orange - red - bluish white
50. Below are some beliefs of the uses of star groupings we called constellations. Which of them have scientific basis?
I. Predict the future.
II. Guide farmers when to plant.
III. Serve as direction/ compass when lost.
IV. Help in scheduling the lucky dates of major events like wedding day.
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Head Teacher I
District Supervisor