Tender 1107059
Tender 1107059
Tender 1107059
Please provide the following information and attach extra documentation as required. Every
question of this form must be completed. Insert “N/A” where questions are not applicable. All
information held within this form is CONFIDENTIAL and will be handled accordingly.
1 Legal Name of the Company:
Local Address:
Telephone: Mobile:
Fax No.:
2 Web Address:
Registered Address:
Telephone: Mobile:
Fax No.:
Web Address:
Type or Structure of Supplier’s Firm (please tick the appropriate one):
Public Limited Private Limited Partnership
Proprietorship Other
List of Subsidiary/Branches
Contact Person &
Name Address Business Category
Contact No.
Main Contact Person for The City Bank Limited Enquiries & Correspondence:
Contact Numbers (Phone, Cell &
8 Name Address Email)
11 Experience with the City Bank Ltd: Yes/No: ………………………...If yes fill up the followings-
Supplier will Provide Copies of the Following Documents: (please mark items provided)
Name of the Document Yes No N/A
Bank Solvency Certificate not older than 30 days from the date of
submission (if not a Limited Company)
Supplier Information Forms that are not completed in their entirety, with all relative and requested
attachments or which are not certified by an acknowledged official of the entity may not be accepted by The
City Bank Limited.
The undersigned is authorized to Certify on behalf of the entity that all stated information in the above form
and attachments are true and correct and no important and relevant information has been suppressed. The
undersigned acknowledges that the Company at any time may verify the validity the above information.
I do hereby declare that all the provided information here above is fully correct. In case of any false/ mis-
declaration, I shall personally be liable to appropriate legal action. I do take the responsibility to immediately
inform of any change concerning the advice declaration. Considering all the details as above, I would like to
be enlisted as a vendor in your esteemed company.
Name of Company :
Date :