5 - 21IS642 - 5G and Internet of Things (3) Edited Final
5 - 21IS642 - 5G and Internet of Things (3) Edited Final
5 - 21IS642 - 5G and Internet of Things (3) Edited Final
Course Objectives
1. To understand the evolution of Cellular Technology and the IOT architecture
2. To understand the application of Python to programme IoT devices
3. Wireless connectivity design principles for IoT devices
Understand the integration of computing technologies like dockers and containers
4. with Internet of Things
5. Understand the sensor technology and its applications
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to:
Analyze the advances in Cellular technology and the functions of each layer in IoT
CO1 architecture
CO2 Analyze the application of protocols and programming of IoT devices
Apply the concepts of data analytics to understand how data acquired through IoT
CO3 devices are captured and realized
CO4 Comprehend the working of sensors and their applications
3. IoT : Introduction and end to end architecture:
LoRA&SigFox, WIFI, ZigBee, GSMR , Cellular IoT- 1, Cellular 3
IoT- 2, Security : Security in IOT
RB No. Author / Edition/ Publication / Year Chapters
Practical Internet of Things Security by Brian Russel and Drew Van Duren;
PACKTpublishing, 2016
Handbook of Modern Sensors – Physics, Designs and Applications;
by Jacob Fraden Springer Publication, 3rdedition