Uts 35114402123 2021-2023

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Course Code- B.Ed. 151

Course Title- Understanding the Self
Submitted To – Submitted By-
Dr. Bharti Kumari Chahek Kalra
Asst. Professor Enrolment no.- 35114402123

Kalka Institute For Research And Advanced Studies

Bachelor of Education (2023 – 2025)


My adamant gratitude is to my subject professor, Dr. Bharti Kumari Ma’am for her constant
guidance, support and encouragement throughout the duration of this Practical, without her
support, supervision, motivation and inspiration it would not have been possible for me to
complete this study.
I am grateful to the respectable Director of B.Ed. Department, Head of Departments and faculty
of Kalka Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (KIRAS), New Delhi for their motivation;
encouragement and participation that made it possible for this piece of work to get it in its
present shape.

Chahek Kalra
Batch 2023-2025

1. Introduction 4
2. About the Practical 5-6
3. Objectives 7
4. Unit-1-Journal Writing 8-20
5. Unit 2 Workshop 1-Timeline 22-33

6. Unit 2 Workshop 2- 34-48

Observing Nature
7. Unit 2 Workshop 3- 49-63
8. Unit 3 Workshop 4- 64-72
Understanding Working in
9. Unit 3 Workshop 5- Iconic 73-91
10. Seminar 1-Glimpses of 92-103
different childhood in India
11. Overall Reflection of 104
Understanding the self
12. References 105
Teacher’s signature
Teacher’s Remark
Philosophers have engaged in lengthy discussions, debates, and productive conceptualizations of
the self throughout history. The development of social sciences allowed for the re-examination of
the true nature of the self using novel approaches and paradigms. Weary of the concepts put
forward by ancient philosophers regarding the relationship between the body and the intellect,
philosophers came to the conclusion that the existence of the self is more significant than the
relationship between the two. Contemporary Researchers recognize the value of several self-related
disciplines of research, from the study of the self in relation to a broader context (nature and
society) to the study of the individual. According to other development research, the idea of the self
changes during time from being concrete and centered on observable traits to being more abstract.
The meaning of understanding the self is having inside into ones behaviour attitude strength and
weakness. The practical understanding of the self is for knowing and to understand yourself full
stop it focuses on the concept of commas "knowing the self" through the help of this practical one
is able to better understand the idea of knowing yourself. Understanding the self is designed to help
the people teacher understand the nature of Identity of themselves. The content of this practical is
made in such a way that it helps people teacher in overall understanding of self in the following

About the Practical
1)JOURNAL WRITING- journal writing helps the pupil teacher to record their overall
achievements mistakes in personal life from childhood to the college level. This helps them to
analyse and evaluate their life till college so that they will be able to understand themselves

2) WORKSHOP I-The workshop! is based on the significant life experience through timeline or
mind map. Through this pupil teacher will be entering their past experience, recording their
achievements of the past. After doing this pupil teacher will be able to analyse their own life.

3) WORKSHOP 2- In this workshop the pupil teachers are asked to observe the nature and
people around them which will help them to better understand the surroundings which will
automatically lead to knowing themselves. Observing nature and people is important for the
better understanding of oneself and would also help to know the nature of other people around

Workshop 3- This workshop is related to mindfulness. It aims at developing the understanding of potential
benefits of mindfulness and meditation for the mental health and well being. It provides inner peace calmness
and rest to our mind.

Workshop 4- Under this workshop the pupil teacher is asked to work in group by the faculty members of our
college(KIRAS) as through this the pupil teacher gets to know about the importance of group work. Through
group work they can observe the nature of the people around them that how they work effectively in the

Workshop 5- This workshop was conducted in our college. Through this the pupil teacher will be able to
understand the life's of iconic figures like Teejan Bai, Saadat Hasan Manto and Rabindranath Tagore. They
will be know about their life and their contribution to the country.

Seminar 1- Through this seminar the pupil teacher gets the glimpses of different childhood in India like
childhood of a child below poverty line, childhood of a single parent, childhood of a child of marginalized and
tribal community and childhood of a child of upper class. Under this seminar the pupil teacher are to
understand the psychology of child of various class and groups and the problems faced by them in their

 To develop the capacity for sensitivity, life skills to understand self, sound
communication and ways to establish peace and harmony.
 To develop the capacity to facilitate personal growth and social skills in their own
 To enable student-teachers to recall and reflect on their own educational journeys
and become conscious of factors those have shaped their aspirations and
 To enable student-teachers to become more conscious of their responses to
experiences, observations of life situations, as also of ideas and issues that arise in
their minds, and to thus develop their capacity for reflection.


PART A) Short reflective accounts of significant life experiences

Date-14th Sep,2023
Journal Entry 1: Orientation Program of B.Ed. 2023-2025 Batch at Kalka Institute of
Research and Advance Studies (KIRAS)
The orientation program of B.Ed. 2023-2025 Batch was held at KIRAS institute on 14th September, 2023. I
was very excited to attend this at the multi -purpose of KIRAS institute. We got the message about the
orientation program one day before. I am very thankful to my stars that I got admission in this amazing
institute. I have a passion of teaching, so in order to enhance my teaching skills, I always wanted to do
B.ED. I have my B.SC Chemistry (H) and M.SC in Applied Chemistry from Amity University, Noida.
Now, I am pursuing B.Ed. from IP university (KIRAS). The orientation was held in a very systematic way.
Firstly, the director ma’am introduced herself, then all the faculty members of the B.Ed. and BCA
department present in the program introduced themselves. The students also interacted with the faculty
members. They also introduced themselves. After that, a presentation was presented by one the faculty
member Ms. Himani Singh. Himani ma’am explained about the rules and regulations, about various
guidelines of examinations, about the dress code to be followed and about the curriculum of the course.
Overall, it was a very enlightening experience for me. It made me realize that I have made a very nice
choice by taking admission in this college. The college infrastructure, class rooms and various facilities
were also very nice. Lastly, it was announced that our classes will commence from 18th September, 2023.
Date-18th Sep,2023
Journal Entry 2- First Day at College

Classes were started from 18th September, 2023

As I walked through the towering gates of my new college, a mix of emotions swirled within me –
excitement, nervousness, and a touch of anxiety on 18th September,2023. This day marked the beginning of
a new chapter in my life, and it was filled with anticipation. The journey ahead promised to be a
rollercoaster of experiences, challenges, and personal growth.
The assembly was started at 9:05 a.m. I reached college at 9:00 a.m. Students did Ohm chanting and sang
Gayatri mantra. Followed by Vande Matarum. One student also said the thought of the day and other student
spoke topic of the day, followed by news report. Lastly, student sang the National Anthem together. The
assembly was over by 9:30 a.m. Then the classes started. There were six classes of School organisation and
management, Critical understanding of ICT, Understanding Disciplines and Subjects, Language across
curriculum. Childhood and growing up and Philosophical Foundation of Education. The classes were over
by 3:30 p.m. It was the beginning of an adventure that would take me through academic challenges, new
friendships, and a greater understanding of the world around me. It was a journey, and I was ready to
embrace every moment of it. Overall, the first day of my college was a very enlightening and delightful
experience for me.

Date-21st Sep,2023
Journal Entry 3- House allotment Day-
It was a very exciting day for me as we were divided to various houses (Satyam. Shivam, Sundaram, Shakti)
designed to foster a sense of community and provide us with chances for leadership . I became a part of Satyam
house. I also gave my name to become the house leader. Then, voting among the house members was conducted
I (Chahek kalra) and Priyanka Mehlawat became the house leaders. I felt very enthusiastic after becoming the
house leader, every student of the house introduced themselves and told us their achievements and interest.
Some were good at craft work, some singing, some dancing etc. I felt were obliged to be a part of such an
enthusiastic and skilful house. All the house members also gave their names in the cultural and discipline
committee the first day itself. I was told them that I have participated in various cultural like dance, music and
debate at my school and college, and I will always motivate them to practicipated in the house activities that
will be held every Friday. My Satyam house peers and I were energized by each other's eagerness as we got to
know one another better. By the conclusion, we had formed new friendships and felt a united house, and I'm
eager to start coming up with ideas for the next inter-house events. Working together, I'm sure we can produce
something amazing that highlights all of our unique skills. I gained an understanding of how communities may
flourish when differences are recognized over similarities or comparisons through this exercise of discussing my
own strengths while also acknowledging those of my house members. Our combined potential outweighs each
of our unique advantages. I am thankful to be surrounded by a group of prospective teachers whose diversity
inspires me and who already feel like family. They are very kind and helpful towards each and every student.
They guide us to the best possible way. 12
Date-6th Oct,2023
Journal Entry 4-Footloose Competition at Anugoonj (GGSIPU)

This year, the Anugoonj Fest, organized by GGSIPU, took place in the month of October at Talkatora
Stadium. The overarching theme for the fest was "health." A health mela by IP University was organized at
Talkatora Stadium from 5th-10th October 2023. Our college was represented by a group of eight talented
girls who participated in the footloose dance competition at the zonal level. The Footloose competition of
our college was held on 6th October, 2023 as our college belongs to Zone 5 and the competitions of zone 5
was organized on 6th October 2023.

The competition was governed by straightforward rules: the chosen dance form had to be footloose, and
each participating group was required to consist of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15 participants.
Performances were to last between 10 to 12 minutes. In line with the theme, costumes and song selections
were expected to be appropriate and not indecently entertaining. Usage of props is also required. All
relevant rules and regulations pertaining to the dance competition were made available on the official
website for easy reference.

This event provided us numerous opportunities for participation and amongst all of them we choose to participate
in dance as it is the only thing which makes our soul happy and although we didn’t got the first prize but still we
were happy as this event helped us in creating a better version of ourselves ,it boosted our confidence . We feel so
lucky that we were part of this event and we were thankful to all the teachers of KIRAS as they motivated us very
well. We prepared our performance in just 3 days due to lack of time, yet we were able to coordinate well and
giving a rocking performance. We were also praised by all the faculty teachers for our dedication and hard work.
Certificate is also provided to us by the university which was the pride moment of us. Overall, it was a very
ravishing and delightful experience for us, as the audience also enjoyed our performance, we were very glad to
see the smiling enthusiastic faces of the audience.

Anugoonj-Foot loose Event 14

PART B) Observations of life situations that evoke questions and responses
Date-29th Sep,2023
Journal Entry 5- Gandhi Jayanti Celebration
A Friday activity which was conducted on 29th September,2023 to Celebrate Gandhi Jayanti. Each house was
asked to prepare a role play and a presentation of Gandhi ji. Half of the house members gave their names for the
presentation and half for the role play to me the house leader. For the role play we decided to show the
Champaran Act Satyagraha, that was the first popular satyagraha movement. I was a part of the role play, I
became Gandhi ji in the role play. I was very excited and enthusiastic to play the role of such an iconic
personality. Few members played the role of britishers and a few became farmers in the role play. We all first
wrote our script and decided our dialogues of the role play by our own in a collaborative way. Mean while, the
presentation members prepared an brief and informative presentation of Gandhi ji showing his work and
philosophy of work. For the role play we practiced for about 3 days on our dialogue delivery and events that we
wanted show.
While, Preparing for this activity, I carefully observed my group members that how they were working towards
the completion of this activity. They worked very hard and enthusiastically with full cooperation. Sometimes
their opinions also clashed with each other but they listened to each others point very carefully. From this
questions related to cooperation, understanding and morality came to my mind. And, from this experience of
observation, I got to know about the importance of these.
The most significant lesson I took away from this experience is that communities must be built on
understanding, morality, and tenacity if they are to see constructive social progress. Gandhi was successful
because he touched people's emotions and provided them with the means to resolve conflicts. Organizing
values-based events with fellow classmates helps foster empathy and collaboration. Through overcoming
obstacles with my roommates,
I came to see how group creative endeavours may significantly improve each of our unique abilities and
purposes. Our combined triumph demonstrated how cooperation distils our individual abilities into common
goals. This will support me in pursuing constructive systemic change while keeping in mind the value of
unity with upcoming students.
Finally, our hard work pay off and we receive the first prize for the role play on Gandhi ji in the Inter-house
activity. Every faculty member also praised me for my role as Gandhi ji in the role play. The presentation
group also received the third prize. I was very happy for my house members. What was more satisfying,
though, was seeing Gandhi Jayanti inspire us to unite in our zeal for causes that bring about change.

PART C) questions on education, learning and teaching that he/she is facing
Date-13th Oct,2023
Journal Entry 6 - Interhouse Debate Competition

Interhouse Debate Competition was held on 13th October, 2023. The topic given was “Let the women be given
the power to decide her power” how this statement by Swami Vivekananda is truthful in today’s scenario. I
spoke for this topic and my friend Tannu spoke against this topic.
While discussing preparing for this Debate competition we discussed several points with each other about
women rights in the society. We also discussed points about right to education and problems that women face in
education. Women around the world face various challenges related to education, despite progress being made
in recent years. Disparities in access to technology and digital skills training may further widen the gender gap
in education, especially in a world increasingly reliant on digital tools for learning.
We also went a bit out of the topic and discussed about problems related to education, learning and teaching for
all. Teachers face a lot of problems in teaching related to role of technologies that not all the teachers and
students can adopt to these technologies. The distractions of the digital world seem to overpower the allure of
learning of students. The pandemic has left an indelible mark on my students' learning. Addressing the gaps and
learning loss is proving to be a monumental task, and I find myself wondering if there's a way to expedite the
recovery process without compromising on the quality of education. 18
In my part of Debate I also discussed about the philosophy of Swami Vivekananda. Whether it is
man or woman every citizen has right to freedom and to decide his or her power. My friend Tannu
who was speaking against this topic spoke about that how women these days are misusing their
power. We got a very nice and enlightening feedback from our faculty members. It was a first time
I participated in Debate competition. We received third prize. I felt very confident and motivated.

Reflecting on journal writing about my life experiences was a
valuable exercise that allows me to gain insights into myself. I was
able to track my personal growth, and explore the patterns and
themes in my life. I was develop the capacity for sensitivity and
life skills to understand myself in a better way. I was able to get the
answers of various questions related to education, teaching and
learning. I developed an understanding of my life situations that
evoke questions and responses by observing them. Overall, It was
an enlightening experience for me.




 I was born on 9th March, 2000 at
7:45 p.m.
 I was the first child in my family.
My parents were very happy
when I was born.
 I was born in a joint family.
 I was always loved and pampered
by my parents as well as Dada ji
and Dadi ji.
 I lived with my family in Rohini.

• At the age of 3 my parents put me in a school
near my locality shamrock playschool.
• My parents told me that from childhood only,
I had being very active in school.
• My keen interests very singing and dancing.
• At 5 years of age my parents got my
admission in New Era Public School,
Mayapuri in KG class.
• I loved to go to school. I was good at
academics and co-curricular activities.

 In 2008, I visited to Amritsar with my
parents and brother.
 It was an amazing experience for me. I
visited the Golden temple and Jallianwala
 I got to know about the history of
Jallianwala Bagh massacre and the Golden
 I enjoyed with the family a lot in the
Shatabdi Express train also. I travelled in
train for the first time.
 After, coming back from the trip I wrote a
paragraph on my trip to Amritsar and
showed it to my teacher. My 8th class
English teacher was very expressed by
writing skills.
 At 9 years of age, In my summer vacation I
went to a summer camp whose name was
dazzling dales.
 I learnt swimming, singing, dancing and Art
and craft in that camp.
 I was able to learn new skills.
 It helped in my physical and cognitive
development as a child.
 I am very thankful to my parents that in my
childhood only they indulged me in various
extra curricular activities that’s why today
my overall holistic development as an adult
has taken place.


 At, 13 years of age, I participated in a fancy dress

competition in my school.
 I became Indra Gandhi.
 It was a very delightful experience for me. It increased my
confidence level as, I received the first prize by my
 I was motivated and guided by teachers in school specially
my class teacher in 7th class.
 My parents also always motivated me to do well in
academics as well as extra co-curricular activities.

 In 9th class, I also participated in a dance competition in my
 I received a first prize in that competition.
 The prize was given by the chairperson of the society.
 In 10th class, I scored a CGPA of 9.4.
 I also received an award for academics in class 10th .
 My parents were very proud of me.
 Earlier, I was very confused that which stream I should
 I have keen interest in science and also my tuition teacher
motivated me that I can take science, I can do it and I will
definitely score good in 11th and 12th.
 So, I decided to take PCM stream.

 Class 11th was a roller costar journey for me. I loved to study
 But, physics was not my cup of tea.
 I failed in the unit test of Physics, I was very disheartened.
 I assumed that science stream is very tough in class 11th after failing
the unit test of physics.
 But, tuition teacher always motivated me, guided me and helped me
in a better way.
 In my final exam of class 11th physics, I scored really well.
 I again gained confidence in myself.
 And 12th class steamed to be easy for me, as my 11th concepts were
very clear.
 I worked really hard day and night.
 And finally by hard work payed off, I scored 86% in class 12 th.
 I took admission in Amity University, Noida in Bachelor’s in
science B.SC. (H) Chemistry.
 I was very excited for this new journey of life. 29
 My graduation was also a roller coaster ride. It
started of really well.
 I started taking tuition of science and math to meet
my expenses and gain experience of teaching.
 Also, at college I learn a lot of new skills about
content writing.
 I also became a part of an NGO named Karuna the
Compassion, in which I performed various task like
plantation drive, social media marketing, content
writing and taught children.
 But when Covid 19 came, all the classes were held
in online mode, as well as exams of 2 semesters.
There was a lot of negativity and loneliness around.
 Finally, after all the hussel I was graduated in 2021.
 I received my degree in convocation held on 17th
December 2021.
 My parents were very proud of me.

 In 2021, after completing my graduation I decided to
pursue my studies and do post graduation Masters in
Applied Chemistry from Amity University Noida.
 In my Masters journey, I developed skills related to
research field.
 I wrote several research and review paper, and one
research also got published in Material Today proceeding
journal. I also did 6 months internship at CSIR-NPL till
June 2023. I also got the best poster presentation award
for my work at CSIR-NPL.
 I submitted by final report of Masters and my exams were
also completed by July 2023.
 Now, I was a bit confused whether, I should go for PH.D
or B.Ed. program. I have keen interest in teaching so, I
gave IP university CET exam. After, that I got admission
in Kalka Institute of Research and Advanced studies in
B.Ed. program.
 I got my Masters degree on 12th Dec,2023. I got silver
medal for academic performance in Masters. My parents
were very proud of me.
 Kalka Institute of Research advanced
Studies is unquestionably the best choice
that I have made to pursue by B.Ed.
degree. They offer flexible instructional
techniques and the great faculty
 They provide us the best chance possible
to discover our creative selves.
 Without a doubt, this journey will be
wonderful and will help to improve my
 All this I realized on the day of
orientation of B.Ed. Program itself.
 I feel so lucky to be a part of this
amazing institution.

After, creating my timeline I was able to analyze the significant events, milestones, and
changes in my life. Also, while collecting my childhood pictures and thinking about my
past events ,I felt overwhelmed seeing my whole journey in front of me. I felt very
proud of myself by looking at my educational journey. This assignment was more than
a chronological sequence of events. It was a narrative of growth, resilience, and the
intricate tapestry of experiences that have woven the fabric of my identity. As a
student, this assignment served as a reflective tool, prompting me to appreciate the
journey and look forward to the chapters yet to unfold.



THEME- Observation of nature, people around you and

situations around you

 Observational learning, also known as social learning or modeling, is a type of
learning that occurs by observing and imitating the behavior of others.
 Unlike classical and operant conditioning, which focus on direct experience and
reinforcement, observational learning involves acquiring new knowledge, skills, or
behaviors by watching others in action.
 This form of learning is a fundamental aspect of human development and is observed
in various species throughout the animal kingdom.
 Albert Bandura, a prominent psychologist, conducted extensive research on
observational learning and introduced the concept of social cognitive theory.
Observational learning involves a series of cognitive and behavioral processes through
which individuals acquire new knowledge, skills, or behaviors by observing others. The
process, as outlined by Albert Bandura in his social cognitive theory, includes several key

The first step in observational learning is paying attention to the model. Individuals must
actively observe the model's behavior, focusing on relevant aspects. Factors influencing
attention include the model's characteristics (e.g., attractiveness, expertise) and the
complexity or novelty of the behavior.

2. Retention:
Once the behavior has been observed, the learner must retain the information in
memory. This involves encoding the details of the observed behavior for later recall.
Factors affecting retention include the learner's cognitive abilities, the complexity of the
behavior, and the duration of the observation.

3. Reproduction:
After encoding the observed behavior, the learner must have the physical and cognitive
ability to reproduce it. This stage involves translating the mental representation of the
behavior into actual action. Motor skills, cognitive abilities, and past experiences can
influence the reproduction process.

The decision to imitate a behavior is strongly influenced by motivation. Individuals are
more likely to reproduce observed behaviors if they perceive positive outcomes or
rewards associated with the behavior. Motivation can be intrinsic (internal desires) or
extrinsic (external rewards or punishments).

5. Reinforcement:
The consequences following the imitation of a behavior play a crucial role in determining
whether the behavior will be repeated. Positive reinforcement, where a positive outcome
follows the behavior, increases the likelihood of future imitation. Negative consequences
may discourage repetition.

Observation is a fundamental and crucial aspect of the scientific method and the learning process in various
fields. Its importance spans across different disciplines, including science, education, research, and everyday life.
Here are some key reasons why observation is essential:

1.Foundation of Scientific Inquiry:

Observation is the first step in the scientific method. Scientists make careful observations to formulate
hypotheses, conduct experiments, and draw conclusions. Accurate and detailed observations are the foundation of
scientific research.

2. Data Collection:
Observations serve as a primary method for collecting data. In scientific experiments, observational data provide
evidence and information that can be analyzed to draw meaningful conclusions.

3. Problem-Solving:

In everyday life, effective problem-solving often starts with observation. Identifying and understanding the details
of a situation through observation can lead to informed decisions and solutions.
4. Learning and Education:
Observation is a key component of the learning process. In educational settings, students observe demonstrations,
experiments, or real-world examples to understand concepts and gain practical knowledge.

5.Understanding the Environment:

Observation helps individuals understand the natural world and their surroundings. It fosters an appreciation for
the complexity and interconnectedness of ecosystems, weather patterns, and other environmental factors.

6.Enhancing Attention and Mindfulness:

Regular observation exercises can enhance attention and mindfulness. By actively observing the present moment,
individuals can improve their focus, concentration, and overall awareness.

7. Innovation and Creativity:

Observation can spark creativity and innovation. By keenly observing the world around them, individuals may
identify patterns, connections, or opportunities that lead to new ideas and solutions.

8.Cultural Understanding : Observing and understanding cultural practices, traditions, and societal norms
contribute to cross-cultural awareness and empathy.

Observation of Nature
Date: 21st July, 2022
Location: Nainital, Uttarakhand
I went to Nainital with my family and when I went for boating in the Naini Lake, I observed the nature very
carefully. Looking around, me I saw the lush greenery of the hills embracing the lake, creating a nature of
beauty. The vibrant colors of the trees and flowers add a touch of enchantment to the scene, reflecting off the
water's surface. The distant calls of birds create a soothing soundtrack, enhancing the overall sense of peace and
serenity of the lake. As I continued my journey, I noticed the occasional rowboat passing by, each carrying its
own set of explorers eager to soak in the beauty of Naini Lake. The reflections of the surrounding hills on the
water create a mirror-like effect, doubling the visual delight. In the distance, the town of Nainital might be
visible, nestled among the hills and adding a touch of human presence to the otherwise natural panorama.
If I would look down into the crystal-clear water, you might catch a glimpse of fish swimming beneath the
surface, adding an element of aquatic life to the experience. The shifting sunlight throughout the day creates
dynamic patterns on the water, further enhancing the visual spectacle.
The boat ride becomes not just a recreational activity but a journey into the heart of the landscape, allowing you
to appreciate the beauty of Nainital from a unique perspective.
Overall, boating in Naini Lake is a sensory experience that combines the visual beauty of the natural
surroundings with the gentle sounds of nature and the rhythmic motion of the boat
Naini Lake’s beauty in Nainital

Observation of Situation
Date:13th October, 2023
Location- GGSIPU Campus, Sports Ground (Celebrating Annual Sports Meet)

It was time for the annual university sports competition to begin. Taking a vacation from my studies, I chose
to focus on honing my observational abilities at this youthful energy-filled event. I sat down on the grassy
incline and started to observe the busy scene with interest. I watched kids who were throwing discuses,
javelins, hurdles, and sprints run fast in competitions. Their posture and body type gave away details about
each sport. Teams were playing basketball, volleyball, and football outside of the track while choreographed
dances were performed. They cooperated as a team in addition to their fierce competition. I was astounded by
their intensity. I observed their situation carefully that how anxious and nervous they were before the event.
The participants were receiving applause and encouragement from their friends and classmates. The situation
of the race seemed to be a little tensed, it was a difficult call between the two runners that who will win. At the
end of the race , the winner was applauded with a gold medal. A few weary athletes sat on the grass and drank
water . I was delighted to see all of this vibrant youthful energy and was reminded of my school days. Such
excitement frequently wanes with adult responsibilities. However, seeing such excitement and camaraderie
made me remember to maintain my sense of humor in life. I was emotionally revitalized by this image.
GGSIPU University Sports Meet

Observation of People
Date- 25th October,2023
Location-Class Xth-D at St. Andrews Scots senior secondary school

During my Preliminary School engagement program, we were asked to do classroom observation so, I went to
class Xth-D in my free period. I observed class management techniques of the teacher also. I observed the
classroom’s infrastructure. The classroom was well designed with proper ventilation and windows. There were
five windows, four fans, 40 benches and one clock in the classroom. Also there was one black board in the
classroom. I also observed that there were only 39 students present in classroom out of them only 12 to 15
students were listening to the teacher properly, other students were engrossed in some other work. The teacher
adapting question-answer method of teaching of effective learning, yet the back benchers were not paying
attention so, the teacher made them sit forward. Now, after making the back benchers sit forward the teacher
asked them to explain the concept of Metals and non-metals taught till now in class. The two students were not
able to answer so the teacher told theme to stand for the whole period now and pay attention. I liked this way
of the teacher of dealing with the students. The teacher also adopted experimentation method of teaching.
When, only five minutes of the class was left the teacher asked questions again to the punished students now,
they were able to answer as they were paying attention to the lecture now. I gained a lot of knowledge and
experience after observing this class and methodologies of teaching adopted by the teacher.

Observation of Nature
Date- 20th June,2023
Location- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Physical Laboratory(CSIR-NPL), Dr KS
Krishnan Marg, Pusa New Delhi.

In my Master in Science(Applied Chemistry) 4th semester, I did Internship of six months in CSIR-NPL. CSIR-
NPL focus on their core areas of research, which may include physics, metrology, and related fields. It has
gardens or green spaces on their campuses, the primary emphasis is on scientific research rather than ecological
studies. I worked on a project on Thermoelectrics of Carbon nanotube structures. While , my doing my
internship I decided to horn my observational skills. I observed the environment at CSIR-NPL. It is famous for
its Flaura and Fauna. I saw many peacocks their. In lunch time after having my lunch I used to walk their on
green roads thinking about my research project. The place gave me calm and relaxed feeling. I used to feed
sparrows and peacock their. This gave a feeling of joy and happiness. It made be realize that the nature is so
beautiful and the people are destroying the nature.
I used to do long walks their with my friends observing different types of trees like Pine tree, oak tree and Maple
I enjoyed a lot feeding their different species. Overall, it was an amazing experience for me.

 Completing the assignment on the observation of nature, people, and situations has been an
enlightening experience that allowed me to engage more deeply with my surroundings.
 The assignment encouraged me to be more present and attentive in my surroundings.
 I discovered details and nuances that often go unnoticed in the hustle of daily life. This
heightened awareness has enriched my connection with the environment.
 In conclusion, the assignment on the observation of nature, people, and situations has been
a journey of discovery and introspection.
 It has broadened my perspective, enhanced my appreciation for the world around me, and
instilled a sense of curiosity that I aim to carry forward in future endeavors.

Table of Contents
01 02 03

04 06


 Mindfulness is a mental state characterized by the awareness of one's
thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings in the present moment,
without judgment. It involves paying attention intentionally and non-
judgmentally to the present experience and cultivating a heightened sense of
 It involves focusing on the present moment without being overly
preoccupied with the past or the future.
 This awareness can be applied to various aspects of experience, including
thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment.
 It involves sitting quietly, often focusing on the breath or a specific point of
attention. The goal is to observe thoughts and sensations without becoming
entangled in them, fostering a sense of clarity and mental stillness.

Mindfulness holds significant importance across various aspects of mental,
emotional, and physical well-being. Its practice has been associated with
numerous benefits, contributing to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Here
are some key reasons highlighting the importance of mindfulness:

 Stress Reduction
 Improved Emotional Regulation
 Enhanced Focus and Concentration
 Increased Self-Awareness
 Better Mental Health:
 Improved Sleep
 Physical Health Benefits

 By integrating mindfulness into the classroom, educators can create a positive and
nurturing learning environment that supports students' social, emotional, and
academic development. It equips them with valuable tools for self-awareness, stress
management, and overall well-being.
 Often referred to as "contemplative pedagogy," mindfulness in the classroom refers to
instructional strategies intended to foster increased awareness, focus, and
 Educators who incorporate mindfulness into their own lives are better equipped to
model and share these practices with students.
 Teacher should encourage students to set personal mindfulness goals, such as
practicing mindful breathing for a certain duration each day, and celebrate their
 Teachers should integrate mindfulness into social-emotional learning (SEL)
programs. They should also students how mindfulness can support their emotional
intelligence, empathy, and interpersonal skills.
A workshop of Mindfulness was organized on 5th December,2023 in Kalka Institute of Research and
Advanced Studies, Auditorium .The speakers that came were Ms. Alekhya and Amulya Shastri, Director and
CEO PMC-Hindi. They were invited to share their valuable insights on mindfulness. The Guest arrived at
10:05 a.m. in the Auditorium. Our narrators introduced the guest by presentation in a very formal way. At,
10:15 the lighting of lamp took place, followed by singing Saraswati Vandana by students of Kalka institute
of Research and Advanced Studies B.Ed. course. Kathak dance was also conducted by students of Kalka
Institute. The guests were also given token of respect in the form of samplings.



Discussion on Mindfulness
 First, speaker Amulya Shastri ma’am enlightened us about
her life experiences that how she adapted meditation
practices. Earlier, she lacked a lot of confidence as her father
suffered from some neurological disease that’s when she
discovered meditation. She started meditating at an age of 16
years. She took science in class 11th-12th as she wanted to do
so. She is also a musician and taught dancing to many
 Earlier, she score 65 percent marks but after meditating she
score 87 percent marks. She did MBA also. She told us that
how mindfulness has changed her life completely.
 Now both the sisters Amulya ma'am and Alekhya ma'am are
leading a meditation channel PMC Hindi with 3.5
 They have inspired lakhs of people.
 Then she asked us to analyze our thoughts by doing Ms. Amulya Shastri Ma’am
meditation for 10mins.
 The next speaker Ms. Alekhya Shastri ma'am motivated us by saying
that ‘if we are alive we all have the potential to do anything in life’.
 She gave us the example of a seed that how it has a potential to grow
into a big plant.
 She explained topics like conscious and sub conscious mind to us
through powerpoint presentation.
 The conscious mind refers to the thoughts, feelings, and perceptions
that you are currently aware of.
 The subconscious mind refers to the aspects of your mind that are not
currently in focal awareness but still influence your thoughts, feelings,
and behavior.
 She explained to us that while meditating we should always develop
miraculous thoughts in our mind and get our mind away from
negative thoughts.
 She also conducted a meditation session of 30mins with us, from
which I felt so relaxed and peaceful.
 They also answered to various questions asked by students related to
karma, miraculous thoughts, meditation and social media addiction. Ms. Alekhya Shastri ma’am

Meditation session

Interaction with students
Question asked my Chahek kalra
Q1. What if we get some tragic memories while meditating how we can think of miraculous thoughts?

Answer. Acknowledge the presence of the difficult memories without judgment. Accept that these thoughts
have arisen, and allow yourself to sit with them without trying to suppress or deny them. Bring your
attention back to the present moment. Engage your senses by noticing your breath, the sensations in your
body, or the sounds around you. Think about your karmas. Think positively and try to focus on miraculous

Questions asked by Aditya

Q2. How to keep up with miraculous thoughts in this corrupt world while meditating?
Remember that maintaining a positive mindset does not mean ignoring or denying the challenges in the
world. It involves cultivating an awareness that enables you to respond to challenges with resilience,
compassion, and a commitment to positive change. Consistent practice and a conscious effort to nurture
positive thoughts during meditation can contribute to a more optimistic and constructive outlook.
Q3. Can we all have tool specifically designed by ourselves to meditate or keep our mind
relaxed and calm ?
Choose a space that promotes meditation. It could be a quiet corner in your home, a favorite
room, or even an outdoor spot. Make sure it's comfortable and free from distractions.

Question asked by Mansi

Q4. How can we reduce our social media addiction by meditating?
Meditation can be a helpful tool in reducing social media addiction by promoting mindfulness
and self-awareness.
Remember that meditation is a skill that develops over time, so be patient with yourself. Your
social media usage can’t be completed eliminated it can only be minimized through

Students Interaction

After this workshop session of mindfulness with Ms. Alekhya and Amulya Shastri,
Director and CEO PMC-Hindi, I felt so relaxed , calm and motivated. The session
was so insightful and interactive. Every individual has a potential to do anything in
life. After, this session I promised myself that I will practice meditation daily at least
the time of my age. I will try to bring miraculous and positive thoughts in my
meditation. I felt so enthusiastic and motivated after hearing to these two speakers
Alekhya and Amulya ma’am that at such a young age they have achieved so much
in life, how they are inspiring so many people my their work through their channel.
I felt so inspired as well.


Our teachers assigned each house the task of preparing a skit for Gandhi
Jayanti as part of Interhouse activity. They informed us that we may write
a play about Gandhi Ji or any other social topic. We Satyam house
decided to show Champaran Satyagraha Act of 1917.
a) Narrators-Priyanka Mehlawat and Jagriti
b) Gandhi ji-Chahek Kalra
c) Rajkumar Shukla- Vertika Verma
d) Farmer 1- Nalini Sharma
e) Farmer 2-Aditi Thapliyal
f) Farmer-3-Priyanka Mahapatra
g) Britishers-Isha Mittal, Tanya Wahi
h) Judge-Tannu Rexwal
i) Lawyer-Sonal
The play was to showcase an important life event in the life of Gandhiji
that was held in Champaran and how successfully he made the Britishers
to stop the cultivation of Indigo with the help of Satyagraha and non-
Communication and Team work
The Satyam House members all agreed to write the play as soon as they
got to college. Initially, we looked for the CHAMPARAN
SATYAGRAHA on the internet. Vertika made the decision to pen the
entire play. The practice began the following day. When we were at
college, we would discuss everything in person. However, if we had any
questions at home, we would create a WhatsApp group called Satyam
House and ask all of our questions there.

Group Performance and Task executed

We all made a plan, and then we split up the work: one person looked up
information on the Internet, one person wrote the play based on the
information, one person wrote the narrator's part, one person found a song
about Gandhiji to act in the end, and two people made the banners and posters
that would be used during the play. We are all able to implement the link
successfully and efficiently in this way. We had realized the value of unity after
completing this work. 66
Conflict Management
With mutual respect and understanding, we initially divided our work
equally for the entire play. There was therefore a lower likelihood of
conflict, and in fact, it just so happened that we did not have any, but
we were all ready to handle any conflict in a mature manner, managing
it through appropriate dialogue and mutual understanding while
making an effort to take into account everyone's points of view.

Group Achievements
Then came the moment for outcomes. With our fingers crossed, we were all
sitting here hoping to win. When Ma'am arrived with the results, we could
all feel our pulse. We were the pioneers. We had the best of times. Gaining
success not only makes you feel good about yourself but also provides
important insights into your capabilities and opportunities for improvement.
This achievement has been the result of a combination of perseverance,
hard effort, and self-discovery moments.
Another group task that we were given was to make a board based on the theme that each house was given, our house theme
was,“’ Women esteem and confidence(20 famous personalities of women)’’, Here are a few glimpses of that activity-

Communication and Team work
The topic given to our house was Women self and confidence and also we needed to cover about 20 famous
personalities. We divided our work. Firstly, we discussed about the personalities that we wanted to cover. That were
Kalpana Chawla, Mother Teresa, Savitribai Phule, Sarojini Naidu, Sania Mirza, Mahadevi Verma, Droupadi
Murmu, Malala Yousafzai, Arunima Sinha, Indra Nooyi, Anadi Gopal Joshi, Rani Lakshmibai, Mithali Raj, Durga
Bhabhi, Suchita Kriplani, Cpt. Shiva Chauhan, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Shakuntala devi, Alhiya-Bai phulkar
and Varmarthi. Some members collected about these women and wrote them on small cut outs. Some members
prepared the boarders for the board. Some prepared different drawings showing women confidence and self esteem,
some wrote steps related to how women can gain confidence and self esteem .

Group Performance and Task executed

All the members worked efficiently and effectively. Different members contributed different ideas for board
decoration. Every member did all the work effectively given to them and executed their task in a proper way and on
time. At the end our board looked informative and creative.
3) SEMINAR - A seminar was organized by KALKA INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND
ADVANCED STUDIES On the topic Different Childhood In India . Each house presented a different
type of childhood as given to them . A field research was conducted by all the houses and interviews
were taken of the respective child according to the given topic . We analyzed the topic and prepared a
powerpoint presentation working in group . Each house and every individual presented the allotted
topic in the class with the help of dialogues , interviews and question – answers.
The topics presented by different houses in the seminar are as follows-





The topic of our house was CHIDHOOD OF CHIDREN BELOW POVERTY LINE. Each member of the house took
interview of children below poverty line. Priyanka and Srishti prepared the Introduction slides of the presentation. Each
member prepared their own interview slide. Conclusion slide was prepared by Jagriti. Government and Educational
policies adopted for these children slide was prepared by Ashu. Final editing were done by rest of the members of the
house. Each and every member of the house contributed towards the completion of the presentation. Following are the
glimpses of the seminar-

Glimpse of Seminar
The assignment on understanding working in groups has been an enriching
experience that not only honed my collaborative skills but also deepened my
appreciation for the complexities of teamwork. The lessons learned, from effective
communication to leadership and time management, are invaluable and applicable
beyond the confines of academia, preparing me for the challenges of future
collaborative endeavors in both professional and personal spheres. One key aspect
highlighted by the assignment was the importance of understanding team dynamics.
In a group setting, individuals bring diverse skills, perspectives, and communication
styles. Another significant aspect of the assignment was the exploration of leadership
and collaboration within a group. The assignment also emphasized the importance of
time management in group projects.



Saadat Hasan Manto

Some quotes attributed to Saadat Hasan Manto:

 "If you find my stories obscene or filthy, then the society

you are living in is obscene and dirty."
 "I am not a writer, a preacher or a literary figure; I am a
human being. I write about what happens around me.“
 "In the name of humanity, please do something to make the
condition of our prisons better. I assure you that the
condition in jails is so bad that no human being can stand
 "I don't write about the future. The only function of
predicting the future is to influence the present."

 On May 11, 1912, Saadat Hassan Manto was born into a Muslim family of barristers in Paproudi
village, Samrala, in the Ludhiana region of Punjab, India.
 He came from a trading family from Kashmir that immigrated to Amritsar in the beginning of the
1800s and became lawyers. Khwaja Ghulam Hasan, his father, was a session judge at a local court.
Sardar Begum, his mother, was his father's second marriage and was of Pathan descent. His ethnicity
was Kashmiri, and he took great pride in it.
 He proposed in a letter to Pandit Nehru that the second definition of being "Kashmiri" was "beautiful.
“Manto started his career as a writer in Bombay (now Mumbai), where he wrote scripts for Hindi
films. He gained recognition for his work in the film industry but faced criticism for his bold and
unconventional storytelling.
 He received his early education at a Muslim High School at Amritsar where he twice failed his
matriculation examination. In 1931 he got admitted to the Hindu Sabha College but dropped out after
the first year due to poor results
 His stories often dealt with the harsh realities of life, the partition of India in 1947, and the impact of
societal norms on individuals.
 The partition of India in 1947 had a profound impact on Manto. He chose to migrate to Pakistan and
settled in Lahore.
 Manto faced legal challenges for his outspoken and explicit
writing. His works were at times deemed controversial and
even obscene, leading to several court cases. Despite facing
these challenges, he continued to write fearlessly, addressing
societal issues with a raw and unfiltered lens.
 On 26 April 1939, Manto married Safia Begum. Their first
child Arif died in April 1941 in Delhi at a young age. Later they
had three daughters Nighat Manto, Nuzhat Manto, and Nusrat
 Saadat Hasan Manto passed away on January 18, 1955, at the
age of 42. Despite his relatively short life, he left behind a rich
body of work that has continued to influence generations of
 Manto's stories are celebrated for their unflinching exploration
of human nature, societal norms, and the consequences of
political upheavals.
 His legacy endures, and Manto is remembered as a literary icon
who dared to challenge conventions and provide an
unvarnished look at the complexities of the human condition.

 Name of Documentary:- Manto ki Duniya
 Producer, Director, and Writer:- Muhammad Kamran Butt
 Duration:-19 minutes 02 seconds
 Link:-https://youtu.be/2eWaeLa5zO0?si=OIbvR6Iou4MLLh73
 SAADAT HASSAN MANTO, a well-known Urdu short story
writer, has dealt with accusations that he writes pornographic
material. However, he writes fearlessly in the subcontinent's
crowded, multireligious environment. A brief examination of his
life and work is presented in this little documentary.


Rabindranath Tagore
Some memorable quotes attributed to Rabindranath Tagore:
 "The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time
 "Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip
of a leaf."
 "Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where
knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into
fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from
the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards
perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led
forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action — Into that
heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake."
 "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."

• Rabindranath Tagore, born on May 7, 1861, in Calcutta (now Kolkata), Bengal Presidency, British India, was a
renowned poet, philosopher, polymath, musician, and artist.
• Tagore's formal education began in England at the age of 17 when he enrolled at University College London.
However, he left before completing his degree.
• Tagore's literary career began with the publication of his poems and short stories. His collection of poems,
"Manasi," was published in 1890.
• The publication of "Gitanjali" in 1910 brought international acclaim. The English translation of these poems,
done by Tagore himself, earned him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.
• Tagore's literary works include poetry, short stories, novels, plays, and essays. Notable works include "The
Home and the World," "Gora," and "Chokher Bali’’. Tagore was deeply involved in social and political issues.
• He criticized British rule in India and supported the Indian independence movement, although he had
reservations about nationalism.
• He renounced his knighthood in 1919 in protest against the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

•Tagore was not only a literary figure but also a philosopher and
social reformer. He advocated for educational reforms and
believed in a holistic education system that connected intellectual
growth with nature and the arts.
•He spoke against societal injustices and championed the cause of
women's rights.
•In 1930, Rabindranath Tagore undertook a hunger strike against
British rule in India. He renounced his knighthood in protest of the
Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
•Tagore continued his creative work until his later years. He
passed away on August 7, 1941, in Calcutta.
Rabindranath Tagore's impact on literature, philosophy, education,
and the arts remains significant. His ideas of universalism,
humanism, and the interconnectedness of cultures have left a
lasting legacy both in India and around the world.

Documentary name-Rabindranath Tagore 1961
Director-Satyajit ray
Writer-Satyajit ray
Duration - 51minutes 19seconds
Link- https://youtu.be/pBECVjOrGkM?si=8JpZQyOh0dOtVfIU
We saw Rabindranath Tagore 1961, A film by Satyajit Ray by
Clapboard tales Collections in our classroom.
• Satyajit Ray direct a documentary film titled "Rabindranath
Tagore" in 1961, celebrating the centenary birth anniversary of
Tagore. The film is a tribute to the life and works of the poet-
• It features archival footage, photographs, and interviews with
people who knew Tagore.
• The film is known for its thoughtful portrayal of Tagore's
multifaceted contributions to art, literature, and philosophy.


Teejan Bai
Teejan Bai is a renowned Pandavani artist from India, known for her storytelling and singing of the
traditional art form of Pandavani, which is a form of folk ballad that narrates tales from the
Mahabharata. While Teejan Bai is not particularly known for extensive quotes in the same way some
other public figures are, she has shared insights about her art, life, and experiences. Here are a few
statements attributed to her:

 "Pandavani is not just about singing, it’s a performance art where the narrator enacts the characters
and their emotions through facial expressions and body language.“
 I never thought that my art would take me to different parts of the world. I am grateful for the
recognition, but my heart remains in my village.“
 "I did not go to school, but I have learned so much from the oral tradition. My gurus were my
parents, especially my mother.“
 I never thought that my art would take me to different parts of the world. I am grateful for the
recognition, but my heart remains in my village.“
 "Art has the power to transform lives. It has empowered me and given me a voice."
•Teejan Bai was born into a poor family. Her father, Chand Khan,
was a small farmer.
•She grew up in the Ganiyari village and was exposed to the
traditional art form of Pandavani from a young age.
•Teejan Bai was inspired by the Pandavani performances she
witnessed in her village. Pandavani is a traditional form of
storytelling that narrates episodes from the Mahabharata, the
ancient Indian epic.
•She began learning Pandavani from her maternal grandmother,
Maria Panthi, who was also a traditional Pandavani artist.
•Her breakthrough moment came in 1975 when she performed at
the All India Conference of Madhya Pradesh Kala Parishad in
Raipur. Her performance garnered attention, and she started
receiving invitations for performances in other parts of India.

•Over the years, Teejan Bai's talent brought her national and
international recognition. She has performed in various prestigious
cultural events and festivals worldwide.
•She has been honored with several awards, including the Padma
Shri (1988), Padma Bhushan (2003), and the Sangeet Natak
Akademi Award.
•Teejan Bai has played a crucial role in preserving and popularizing
the Pandavani tradition, ensuring its continuity across generations.
•Apart from traditional Pandavani, she has also experimented with
contemporary themes and issues in her performances.
•Teejan Bai's success story is remarkable because she overcame
societal and economic challenges to become a leading artist in a
male-dominated field.
Teejan Bai's life and work exemplify the power of folk traditions in
connecting communities and preserving cultural heritage. She
remains a source of inspiration for artists and enthusiasts interested
in the diverse cultural tapestry of India.

Padma Vibhushan Teejan bai

Producer, Director- Pradeep Kumar Pathak

Writer- Dr. Pradeshi Ram Verma
Duration- 46 mins 4 seconds
We saw this documentary of Teejan Bai in our classroom.
Teejan Bai is an exponent of Pandavani, a traditional
performing art form, from Chhattisgarh, in which she
enacts tales from the Mahabharata with musical
accompaniments. Interestingly, as the performance
progresses, the Tambura becomes her only prop during her


 We began by expressing our amazement at her astounding mastery at Pandavani, as seen in the
performance scenes from the movie. Teejan Bai's Pandavani dance and singing were incredibly
beautiful to all of us. A few of us discussed how well she used her dance and facial emotions to
narrate the ancient Indian myths.
 We also discussed about Tagore’s documentary. We made our way through his deep philosophical
insights, brilliant poetry, and contributions to Indian culture. His multifaceted abilities in art, music,
and poetry generated lively debates on the relationship between creativity and other forms of
 We also discussed about Saadat Manto’s documentary. We went further into Saadat Hasan Manto's
literary universe. Examining his writings led to enlightening conversations that revealed the deep
stories and societal criticism he incorporated. Prominent Urdu author Manto frequently examined the
intricacies of social customs and human nature.
 From his poignant short stories to thought-provoking essays, students engaged in a thoughtful
exploration of Manto's impact on literature and his ability to challenge societal norms through his
powerful storytelling.

Teejan Bai's path from a small town to international renown demonstrates to us that
we can overcome obstacles and realize our dreams if we have tenacity and
perseverance. Finally, Teejan Bai's commitment to social causes reminds us to use our
abilities and connections to improve society. All things considered, Teejan Bai's life
teaches us about the strength of narrative, passion, resiliency, and social
effect.Tagore's examination of spiritual subjects inspires us to pursue a better self-
awareness and promote harmony and empathy. His legacy serves as a reminder to
live a life that is full of creativity, a love of the natural world, education, cross-cultural
awareness, social responsibility, and spiritual development. We can use what we've
learned from his life to change the world for the better. The writings and life of
Saadat Hasan Manto can teach us important things. Manto's unwavering quest of
truth and his dedication to presenting reality as it is, even when it goes against social
standards, are among its most important features.


Made by:
Chahek Kalra 92
S.No. Content Slide number
1. Introduction 3
2. lifestyle 4-5
3. Gender stereotype 6
4. Health condition and sanity 7
5. Discrimination faced by 8
6. Education and government 9-10
schemes and polices
7. Mention about interview 11
8. Reflection 12

 The childhood of children below the poverty line is often characterized by a range of challenges
and hardships that can have long-lasting effects on their development and well-being.

 Poverty significantly impacts various aspects of a child's life, including their health, education,
and overall quality of life.

 Efforts to address childhood poverty often involve a combination of social, economic, and
educational interventions.

 Policies that focus on improving access to healthcare, quality education, and economic support for
families can contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty and providing a brighter future for

• The lifestyle of children below the poverty line is shaped by economic challenges and limited resources.
• I interviewed a child of 13 years of age. Her name is Chandini. She has come from a village in Ayodhya to
the city with her family.
• She lives with her family of 4 members, her mother, father, and two little brothers. She lives in a house
given by the builder, where her parents work as laborers, doing the construction of the building.
• They don’t have a permanent house to live. They live in unsafe and substandard conditions. They have
limited resources available in their house like a lack of proper utensils in the kitchen.
• The members of the family live in a single small room with one small washroom attached to it. Parents of
Chandini earn a total of 7000Rs per month and this income is also not fixed. They face a lot of financial
problems and challenges in living. 95
Gender Stereotype faced by Children below
Poverty line
 Gender stereotypes can reinforce traditional roles and
expectations, limiting opportunities for both boys and girls.
 Chandini’s parents do not any gender stereotype and
discrimination among their children. They have one daughter and
two son’s , they treat all of their children equally. They try their
best to fulfill their needs for living.
 Empowering both girls and boys with equal access to education,
healthcare, and opportunities can help break down these
stereotypes and contribute to more inclusive and equitable
societies. 97
Health condition and Sanitation of
Children below poverty line
 Children below the poverty line often face a higher risk of health problems due to a combination
of economic, social, and environmental factors.
 Chandini and her brother’s have limited access to nutritious food due to which their suffer from
malnutrition, affecting both their physical and cognitive development.
 They also live in poor conditions and have limited access to clean water and sanitation facilities in
their house which can result in the increase of infectious diseases.
 They also have limited access of clean drinking water. They have one bathroom which is used by
all the family members.

Discrimination faced by Children below
Poverty line

 Children below the poverty line often face various forms of discrimination, compounding the
challenges associated with economic hardship.
 Chandini has also faced stigma from her peers and teachers in school.
 Chandini has also experienced discrimination or judgment when seeking medical care, contributing
to a reluctance to seek help.
 Creating inclusive environments that promote empathy, understanding, and equal opportunities for
all children is crucial in breaking down the barriers that contribute to discrimination based on
economic status.

Education And
Government The Indian government has implemented
Schemes And several educational schemes and policies to
support children living below the poverty line
Policies (BPL). These initiatives aim to bridge the
educational gap and provide equal opportunities
for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Here are some of the key schemes and policies:

(BPBP), 2009

After interviewing, Chandini(a child below poverty line), I got to know about the
challenges that children below poverty line face. Inspite of so many problems in their
lives, they always have a smile on their face. Not only, children but the families living in
poverty also face a lot of obstacles. They don’t have permanent houses to live. The lack of
stability in housing and living conditions can further disrupt a child's sense of security.
They don’t have permanent jobs to earn their living. Poverty, unfortunately, casts a long
shadow over various aspects of a child's development, influencing their physical,
emotional, and cognitive well-being. However, amidst these challenges, many children
facing poverty exhibit incredible resilience. They often develop strength and
resourcefulness as they navigate difficult circumstances.

Overall, it was a very nice experience for me, I realized that as a society it important to
understand the root causes of poverty. As, a citizen of the country to eradicate poverty
from our country, it is very important to help these children to the best of your potential.
Working on the "Understanding the Self" practical has been experiential journey for
me; it has helped me understand more about the many childhood experiences that
children have as well as about my own strengths and weaknesses. I had very little
knowledge when I started this assignment about journal writing or what happens to
kids who live in poverty. However, working with these people, going there, and having
personal conversations with them, as well as engaging in first-hand experiences, have
taught me that, even though we students sit in traditional classrooms and read assigned
material, the impact that comes from doing things on our own is greater. I learned
from the mindfulness program how important it is to be at peace with oneself.
• https://youtu.be/SKacRRGUwaI?si=M0XLU6h0-CFHxaT

• https://youtu.be/o74hLBY0-ZM?si=jWQVufZK0C8m_o3z

• https://youtu.be/2eWaeLa5zO0?si=OIbvR6Iou4MLLh73


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