Prose Poetry
Prose Poetry
Prose Poetry
Hercules was born with odds against One version of the story describes
him. His father, Zeus, who was the Prometheus searching the workshop
king of gods, was married to the of Hephaistos and Athena to find a
goddess, Hera. However, Zeus had gift for man. Hephaistos was the god
an extramarital affair with a mortal of fire who forged houses, weapons,
woman, Alcmene, who became and armor, so Prometheus stole fire
pregnant with Hercules. from Hephaistos and Athena’s
workshop to give to mankind the
Hercules was born a demi-god and tools for metalworking.
showed his great strength early in
his life. As an infant, Hera sent The other version of Prometheus
serpents to kill Hercules as he slept stealing fire for mankind is derived
in his crib, but Hercules strangled from the story of Prometheus
them to death. tricking Zeus into eating bones and
fat of animals, instead of the desired
Hera’s vengeance continued into meat. Zeus angrily took fire away
Hercules’s adult life. Hercules from man to force man to
married and had many sons. To take consequently eat meat raw. In
everything away from Hercules, return, Prometheus stole fire to
Hera inflicted madness on Hercules, return the gift to mankind.
which caused him to kill his wife and
children. When Hercules realized Prometheus is one of the top heroes
what he had done, he sought in Greek mythology because he
repentance for his wrongdoings and provided the gift of fire. Many
consulted his cousin, Eurytheus. Athenians are potters, blacksmiths,
and metalworkers; all occupations
Hera continued to try to destroy that require the use of fire.
Hercules by persuading Eurytheus to
set twelve dangerous and deadly 3. Achilles
labors for Hercules to overcome to
repent for his transgressions. Image via
Hercules successfully overcame Achilles was born to the sea nymph,
each labor, putting him at the top of Thetis. To make her son immortal,
the list of Greek mythology heroes. Thetis submerged Achilles into the
River Styx while holding Achilles by
2. Prometheus his heel. His heel remained exposed,
which would be attributed to his an arrow through the heads of
downfall. twelve axes, she would marry.
Achilles was the star of the Trojan Knowing that none of the suitors
War, winning numerous battles would be able to fulfill such a task,
during the 10-year war. Achilles Penelope watched as suitor after
main triumph was slaying Hector, suitor failed. The beggar attempted
the prince of Troy. the challenge and was able to
complete the challenge with ease.
While Achilles was frequently After he won, Odysseus revealed
victorious, he would be defeated by himself, killed each suitor with his
Paris near the end of the Trojan War. bow, and reclaimed his life with
Paris shot an arrow that was guided Penelope.
by the gods to pierce the heel of
Achilles. Today, the tendon that 5. Perseus
connects the heel to the calf is
The story that makes Perseus
called the “Achilles tendon.”
heroic is his victory in defeating
Medusa. Medusa was a creature who
4. Odysseus
could turn anyone who looked at her
Image via into stone. Perseus approached
Odysseus was the King of Ithaca Medusa and used the reflection in
who provided much wisdom, his shield to view her without
counsel, and intelligence during the looking directly at her. Perseus was
Trojan War. Odysseus recruited able to behead her and put her head
Achilles to lead the Trojan War, in his satchel.
which contributed to the Greek
victory. On his way home, Perseus
encountered Andromeda who was
While Odysseus was victorious bonded to a rock awaiting a sea
during the Trojan War, he is most monster to attack. Before the sea
known for his heroic return to Ithaca monster could attack, Perseus
once the war was over. Facing appeared and used the head of
sirens, a Cyclops, and Scylla and Medusa to turn it to stone, saving
Charybdis, the 10-year journey of Andromeda and marrying her.
Odysseus returning home was
documented in Homer’s The When he returned home, Perseus
Odyssey. discovered his mother had been
abused by King Polydectes. To
Once he returned home, he protect his mother, Perseus uses the
disguised himself as a beggar head of Medusa to kill the king.
because his kingdom had presumed Perseus then presented Medusa’s
he was dead and requested his wife, head to Athena.
Penelope, remarry. Though she did
not want to, Penelope hosted a 6. Hector
challenge among the suitors. If a
The greatest warrior for Troy in the
suitor could string a bow and shoot
Trojan War, it is said that Hector
killed 31,000 Greek fighters. Hector 8. Aeneas
is featured many times
Son of the goddess Aphrodite,
throughout The Iliad, but it is his
Aeneas was a leader in the Trojan
battle with Achilles that is most
War, fighting for Troy against the
Entering the
Labyrinth, Theseus met Princess
Ariadne. Ariadne would give Theseus
a thread for him to unravel as he
made his way through the labyrinth.
This would show Theseus the way
out of the labyrinth once he slew the