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Cloud Computing Lab Manual

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Programme : B.Tech
Semester :VIII
Course Code : CS 802 (B)
Subject Name : Cloud Computing

Prepared By: Approved By:

Yash lodha Prof. Madhuri waliya mam
List of Experiments

S.No. Name of Experiment Page

1. Working of Goggle Drive to make spreadsheet and notes.

2. Installation and Configuration of Justcloud

3. Working in Cloud9 to demonstrate different language

4. Working and installation of Google App Engine

5. Working and installation of Microsoft Azure

Experiment No. 1
Objective: Working of Goggle Drive to make spreadsheet and notes.

Requirement: Google account, Internet Connection.


Google Docs is a free cloud-based suite of tools for creating documents, spreadsheets, presentations,
and more. This tutorial will cover the Spreadsheets application in Google Docs, in addition to showing
you how to access and store your Docs from Google Drive.

Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides are productivity apps that let you create different kinds of online
documents, work on them in real time with other people, and store them in your Google Drive online
— all for free. You can access the documents, spreadsheets, and presentations you create from any
computer, anywhere in the world. (There's even some work you can do without an Internet connection!)
This guide will give you a quick overview of the many things that you can do with Google Docs,
Sheets, and Slides.

Google Docs

Google Docs is an online word processor that lets you create and format text documents and collaborate
with other people in real time. Here's what you can do with Google Docs:

 Upload a Word document and convert it to a Google document

 Add flair and formatting to your documents by adjusting margins, spacing, fonts, and colors —
all that fun stuff
 Invite other people to collaborate on a document with you, giving them edit, comment or view
 Collaborate online in real time and chat with other collaborators — right from inside the
 View your document's revision history and roll back to any previous version
 Download a Google document to your desktop as a Word, OpenOffice, RTF, PDF, HTML or
zip file
 Translate a document to a different language
 Email your documents to other people as attachments

Google Sheets

Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet app that lets you create and format spreadsheets and
simultaneously work with other people. Here's what you can do with Google Sheets:

 Import and convert Excel, .csv, .txt and .ods formatted data to a Google spreadsheet
 Export Excel, .csv, .txt and .ods formatted data, as well as PDF and HTML files
 Use formula editing to perform calculations on your data, and use formatting make it look the
way you'd like
 Chat in real time with others who are editing your spreadsheet
 Create charts with your data
 Embed a spreadsheet — or individual sheets of your spreadsheet — on your blog or website
Google Slides

Google Slides is an online presentations app that allows you to show off your work in a visual way.
Here's what you can do with Google Slides:

 Create and edit presentations

 Edit a presentation with friends or coworkers, and share it with others effortlessly
 Import .pptx and .pps files and convert them to Google presentations
 Download your presentations as a PDF, a PPT, or a .txt file
 Insert images and videos into your presentation
 Publish and embed your presentations in a website

Create, name or delete a Google document

Create a Google document

To create a new document, go to your Drive, click the Create button, and select Document.

A window with a new Google document will open, and you'll be able to edit the document, share it
with other people, and collaborate on it in real-time. Google Docs saves your document automatically,
and you can always access it from your Drive.

Name a document

When you create a new document, Google Docs will name it Untitled by default.

To choose a name other than Untitled, click the File menu, and select Rename. From here you can
choose and confirm your document's title. You can also edit the name by clicking the title displayed at
the top of the page, and making your changes in the dialog that appears. Titles can be up to 255
characters long.

Delete a document

Delete an item that you own from your Drive

1. From your Drive, select the item(s) you want to delete.

2. From the More menu, choose Move to trash.
3. If you're deleting a shared document that you own, you'll see an option to change the ownership
of the document.
4. The item will be moved to the Trash.
5. To purge individual items from Trash, select them and choose Delete forever. To purge all your
items click Empty Trash in the upper left.

Create and save a document

There are different ways of getting started using Google documents: you can create a new online
document, you can upload an existing one, or you can use a template from our templates gallery.
To create a new document, go to your Drive, click the red Create button, and select Document from
the drop-down menu.

As soon as you name the document or start typing, Google Docs will automatically save your work
every few seconds. At the top of the document, you'll see text that indicates when your document was
last saved. You can access your document at any time by opening your Drive at

To save a copy of a document to your computer, you can download it. In your document, go to the File
menu and point your mouse to the Download as option. Select one of the following file types: HTML
(zipped), RTF, Word, Open Office, PDF, and plain text. Your document will download to your

Upload a document
You can upload existing documents to Google documents at any time. When you're uploading, you can
either keep your document in its original file type or convert it to Google Docs format. Converting your
document to Google Docs format allows you to edit and collaborate online from any computer.

Note: When uploaded, images within a document are left as images (rather than being converted to text
by Optical Character Recognition technology).

You can upload the following file types:

 .html
 .txt
 .odt
 .rtf
 .doc and .docx
 .pdf

Follow these steps to upload a document:

1. Click the Upload icon in the top left of your Documents List.
2. Click Files..., and select the document you'd like to upload.
3. Click Open.
4. Check the box next to 'Convert documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and drawings to the
corresponding Google Docs format' if you'd like to be able to edit and collaborate on the
document online. Uploaded document files that are converted to Google documents format can't
be larger than 1 MB.
5. Click Start upload. The uploaded file will appear in your Documents List.
Experiment No. 2
Objective: Installation and Configuration of Justcloud.

Requirement: Justcloud exe File


Professional Cloud Storage from JustCloud is Simple, Fast and Secure.

Just Cloud will automatically backup the documents, photos, music and videos
stored on your computer, to the cloud so you are never without files again.

Installation :

1. Download Software this link


2. By following these steps you will download and install the JustCloud software application on
this computer. This software will automatically start backing up files from your computer and
saving them securely in an online cloud user account. Your free account gives you 15MB
storage space or 50 files for 14 days. Once installed a sync folder will be added to your desktop
for you to easily drag and drop files you wish to backup.
Experiment No. 3

Objective: Working in Cloud9 to demonstrate different language.

Requirement: Login account in Cloud9


Cloud9 IDE is an online development environment for JavaScript and Node.js applications as well as
HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, Ruby and 23 other languages. Anyone looking for a modern and secure IDE.
With your code online and accessible from anywhere, you can work more efficiently than before.

Creating a new account

Creating an account for the Cloud 9 IDE can be done in a few simple steps:

1. First, sign up for an account on the Cloud9 homepage, by filling in your desired username and email
address and pressing the Sign me up button:

You will then see a message indicating that we have sent you an email to the address you provided with
activation instructions:
2. Check your email now. You will receive an email from us with a link to activate the account. Click
on the link. You will now be asked to set a password for your new Cloud9 account:

3. Click on Activate.

Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a Cloud9 account. Now, go ahead and create your
first project.

Create a new project

The first step for creating a new project is to click on the "+" next to My Projects in the Projects tab:

At this point, you will encounter two choices: Create a new project and Clone from url. We will
explore both paths.

After clicking on Create a new project, you will be presented with the screen shown below:

Enter a project name. You will now have three choices for the type of project you wish to create:

 Git project: will allow you to run git commands from the console and push your changes to
 Mercurial: will allow you to run hg commands form the console and push your changes to
 FTP: will allow you to upload your files directly to an FTP server you have access to.

Make a choice for the type of project and press Create. That is all! You will now see your new project
in the dashboard:
Now, just click Start Editing to get started!

Let's start with a simple "Hello Cloud9" example.

1. From your dashboard, click 'create new workspace' and then select 'create new workspace'.
2. Enter a catchy workspace name, visibility: open (proud to share your creations), hosting: hosted
and choose a 'custom' workspace type. Click 'create'.
3. The workspace is being prepared and when done, select the project in the dashboard and click
'start editing'.
4. The workspace is opened, right click the project tree and select 'new file'. Name it
5. Open the file by double clicking it in the file tree. Copy / paste the following code in the file:

int main() {

cout << "Hello world\n";

6. Compile the code using:

g++ helloCloud9.cc -o helloCloud9

7. Run the file by typing:

Experiment No. 4

Objective: Working and installation of Google App Engine.

Requirement: Login account codenvy.


Deploying a New Application GAE

With Codenvy you can deploy Java, Python and PHP apps to Google App Engine.

 create a new project from scratch and choose either Java web application or Python and Google
App Engine as PaaS (if you have already created a project, then open it and go to PaaS >
Google App Engine > Create Application)
 enter project name and choose a Template
 check Use existing GAE ID if you want to overwrite an existing app
 click Create button
 if you deploy your first app to GAE from Codenvy you need to authenticate
 allow access to proceed
 enter required information at the GAE webpage (Application Title is optional)

Click to see a full sized image

 once you click Create Application, the browser’s tab will be automatically closed in a few
 when you are back to your Codenvy workspace, click Deploy to push the app to GAE

The process may take several minutes, and you will see a confirmation message in the Output panel
with the application url - yourappname.appspot.com
Make sure you use the same Google ID to log in to Codenvy and Google App Engine. Using
different accounts may cause 401 or 404 errors. 401 error can be fixed by logging out, and then logging
in Google App Engine at PaaS > Google App Engine > Logout/Login

Watch the entire process of deploying an app to GAE in the below video

Updating an Existing Application GAE

Having deployed your application to GAE, you can make some changes to the code and easily update

 The application is updated at Project > PaaS > Google App Engine
 The project is re-built and re-deployed once you press Application Update button. An
alternative way to update your GAE app is to go to PaaS > Google App Engine > Update

Three messages (project build, start and end of deployment) appear in the Output panel one by on.
Once done, changes are implemented in the application hosted on appspot.com.

Have a look at this short video demonstrating how you can update your GAE apps directly from

Managing GAE Applications

You can manage your GAE application at Project >PaaS > Google App Engine.

It’s possible to modify and vacuum Indexes, PageSpeed, Queues, DoS as well as have a look at
recourse limits, cron jobs and backends.
Import an Existing GAE Application
If you have a GAE application which you need to import to Codenvy, here’s a workaround (this is not a
direct import of source code, so it will take a few minutes or so):

 download source code of your app (of course, this step can be omitted if you have in on GitHub
and sync it regularly). You can download source code of your Java and Python apps using SDK
command line (check out GAE documentation).
 push this code to GitHub or whatever remote repository you use
 clone your GitHub project to Codenvy
 open appengine-web.xml file and edit application ID, if necessary, for
example <application>javagae112</application> (enter the app ID you need to update on
 if you want to create a new version of the same app, you can change it as well, for
example <version>2</version>

<appengine-web-app xmlns="http://appengine.google.com/ns/1.0">

 update application at Project > PaaS > Google App Engine.

Once the app is updated, you can change and update it anytime directly from Codenvy.

Since Codenvy uses Maven as a build manager, the projects you clone should also be built with
Maven, i.e. contain pom.xml file in the root project folder.

You may have a look at this short video demonstrating the procedure of importing an existing GAE app
to Codenvy using GitHub.

Device Support
Codenvy currently supports all desktop and laptop devices. We currently provide touch device support
through the use of the Puffin Web Browser which virtualizes double clicks and right clicks. We have
not yet created a native touch UI design. Vote for this feature at our Uservoice page.
Experiment No. 5

Objective: Working and installation of Microsoft Azure.

Requirement: Account on Microsoft Azure


In this article we are going to see how to create a new database stored procedure using the new Azure
portal instead of using the SQL Server Management Studio.


Stored procedures are created normally using the SQL Serve management studio, with the latest
version of SQL Azure we have option to create a user stored procedure directly online without need to
have a local interface. This way we have some control of using it anywhere anytime to do some updates

Let us see how to create the Stored procedure in Azure portal step by step.


Log in to the Azure portal using the below link. You can see the screen look similar to below


Login to the portal using your Microsoft Windows Live credentials with Azure credentials to the
management portal and you will see the screen as shown in the screen below
Now we can see the Database Menu at the bottom left, Click on that will go to the Database
Subscription window as shown in the screen below

Clicking on the subscription name will provide the complete details of the server created and the new
database created as shown in the screen below
Now we have a database created(LearnAzure) with a Max size of 1GB and ready to use it for the
application based on the requirement. To create a new Stored Procedure click on Manage at the top
menu tool bar as shown in the screen below

Check my previous article on how to connect to the manage portal using the credentials and the firewall
using the link. Once logged in you screen will look like below
To create a new stored procedure click on New Stored procedure menu at the top and we will see a
script window as shown in the screen below

Now we will write our customized stored procedure for the EmpDetails table which we created in our
earlier tutorial(Check my previous article for table creation) as shown in the screen below
Once we create the structure for the stored procedure as shown in the above screen we need to save it.
Once save we can use the stored procedure to execute the same as shown in the screen below. We need
to navigate to the new query window in the Database section and write a execute command as shown

We can create n Number of stored procedure as per the requirement and use it across the process which
we normally do with the traditional SQL Server locally.

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