Utility Bill

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Account Number: 0000-0000-00-0 Page 1 of 3

Customer Number: 000000000

Contact Us
Email, "live chat" and other options: CentralHudson.com/ContactUs
Report an outage: CentralHudson.com, 845-452-2700 or text OUT to 236483
POUGHKEEPSIE NY 12601-4839 Natural gas odors: Call 911 or 1-800-942-8274
Fallen wires and other electrical hazards: Stay at least 30 feet away and call 911
Service For: Customer Name
Customer Address
Customer Address Bill Summary
Previous Billed Amount $87.82 $46.04
Payments $0.00 $0.00
Current Charges $59.36 $26.30
Billing Adjustments $-1.42 $0.00
Account Totals $145.76 $72.34
Total Amount Due Now $218.10
Current Billing Period May 25, 2021 - Jun 22, 2021
Late Charges Added After Jul 19, 2021
Next Scheduled Reading Date Jul 22, 2021
This Year Last Year
Electric Usage 458 kWh 521 kWh
Heating Degree Days 69 36

Ways to Pay

Download at CentraHudson.com/MobileApp

TEXT MESSAGE: Text PAY to 236483

PHONE: 845-452-2700 or 800-527-2714

See back for details and other options.

Billing details on page 3

Please return this stub and make checks payable to Central Hudson

Account Number 0000-0000-00-0

Amount Due Now $218.10
Late Charges Added After 07/19/2021
Amount Enclosed

To contribute to the Good Neighbor

Fund add a whole dollar amount, $1 to
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
Customer Name 284 South Avenue
Customer Address Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-4839
Customer Address
For Your Information programs are implemented. For certain gas heating customers, the RDM
Inquiries: Please refer to your account number shown on this bill will reflect a separate Weather Normalization Adjustment to adjust gas
when making inquiries. Representatives are available by telephone, delivery charges due to variations from normal weather for October
Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., through May.
and Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; call 845-452-2700 or 1- System Benefits Charge (SBC)/Renewable
800-527-2714. Portfolio Standard (RPS): Incremental state-mandated
Employee Identification: For your protection, our electric and gas charges to fund energy efficiency programs, assistance
Payment Options employees carry an official card bearing the employee’s name and for low-income customers, energy research and development, increase
eBills: Receive your bills electronically and payphotograph.
ask toyour
see it.bank account. renewable resources, and other initiatives. An additional cost may be
Direct Pay: Your payment will be deducted automatically from your Program:
Senior Identification bank account, whetherspecial
We provide you receive a paper bill or
included eBill.
in this line item associated with the Clean Energy Standard,
Credit/Debit card: By phone (1-888-909-4634)protections
or on our andwebsite (www.CentralHudson.com).
services for seniors. If you are age 60 or older, please explained below. Purchased Power Adjustment: A
ezPay: One-time payment available on our website.contactYou
us towill
in ouryour CentralSenior
confidential Hudson account number and your
Identification banking
mechanism information.
to refund to electric customers the benefits associated
Pay by text: Pay your account balance. RegisterProgram.
for our text messaging service online by logging in at You may withalso register
the revenue for this
sharing service
agreement withby
owner ofREG
one oftoCentral
236483 (CenHud). If your
Pay by phone: 845-452-2700 or 1-800-527-2714. Life Have
Central Hudson If lifeaccount
support number
bankas account information
Hudson’s handy.
former electric generating plants.
Pay through U.S. mail: Return your bill stub aand check
kidney in the
machine return respirator,
or 24-hour envelopeisprovided. When
being used by you oryou provide Miscellaneous
another a check as a payment,Charge: you authorize Central
A mechanism Hudson either
to refund/recover from to use information
Pay in person at an authorized payment location. Be of
member sure
the to includeplease
household, yourletbill stub to ensure proper credit. electric customers the benefits/cost associated with Central Hudson’s
us know.
Late Payment Charge: Bills are due when rendered. To retained electric generation and mandatory power purchases. An
Additional information on payment options and avoid a lateofpayment
a listing charge of
convenient 1.5 percent bill
authorized per month,
payment yourlocations
payment can beadditional
found atcost included in this electric line item for non-demand
must be received by the date shown on your bill stub. Deposit customers is the MISC II charge explained below. For gas customers, a
Payment agreement options & billing accuracy: Requirements:
You are We may require
entitled to pay ayour
bill deposit if your
in installments with a mechanism
payment to refund/recover
agreement interruptible
based on yourrefunds/surcharges applicable and/or when your
financial circumstances,
account is in arrears or if we have terminated service for nonpayment. to SC No. 11 customers, Earnings Adjustment Mechanism and Rate
Please contact us for further information on deposit requirements. Adjustment Mechanism.
Contact Information Keep your contact
Budget information
Billing: current
To levelize your bybillslogging intothe
throughout ouryear
at an at and
MISCupdating your mailing
II: A mechanism address,
to recover phonecustomers
from electric numbertheandcostemail.
equal monthly amount, call us and ask about Budget Billing. Rate associated with the Company’s Targeted Demand Response Program,
Schedules: Rate schedules are available at our 284 South Ave., the Company’s Distributed System Implementation Plan, the costs
Poughkeepsie, office and on our website. associated with certain elements of Value Stack Compensation related
Unmetered Service: Usage for unmetered lighting accounts is to the purchase of generation, the Company’s Commercial System
based on wattage and estimated hours of operation. Right to an Relief Program, Earnings Adjustment Mechanism and Rate Adjustment
actual meter read: Upon the discontinuation of utility service, Mechanism.
customers may obtain, upon request , an actual meter reading. A $25
special meter reading fee may apply. The meter reading will be obtained Definition of Supply Charges
within 48 hours, not including holidays or non-work day. Full access to MFC Supply Charge: A charge to reflect the costs Central
the meter(s) is required. Hudson incurs associated with purchasing electric and natural gas
supply for full-service customers.
Definition of General Billing Terms Market Price: The average monthly price per kWh Central Hudson
Full-Service Customers: Customers who purchase electricity pays for electric supply for full-service customers.
and/or gas supply from Central Hudson for delivery through our wires Additional costs included in this line item are state-mandated charges to
or pipes. recover costs associated with supporting renewable and zero emission
ESCO-Service Customers: Customers enrolled in our power sources.
Customer Choice Program, who purchase electricity and/or gas from Market Price Adjustment: An adjustment (credit or charge)
an independent energy supply company (ESCO) for delivery through to the previous month’s Market Price for differences caused by the
Central Hudson’s wires or pipes. timing of billing and collection.
Meter Multiplier: A conversion factor used for a meter designed to Gas Supply Charge: The average monthly price per Ccf Central
record only a portion of energy use. Hudson incurs for gas supply for full-service customers. Clean
NYS & Local Taxes: Taxes and surcharges imposed upon Energy Standard (CES): A state-mandated initiative to reduce
Central Hudson by the state of New York and/or local authorities, to emissions from power sources by 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2030,
be collected from all customers. and 80 percent by 2050; and produce 50 percent of electricity from
Heating Degree Days: A method of measuring the severity of renewable sources by 2030.
winters. A higher degree-day number represents a colder time period. Charges to recover costs associated with supporting renewable and
For more information about degree days and energy conservation, visit zero-emissions power sources are included within the supply portion of
our website at www.CentralHudson.com. kWh: Kilowatt hour, a the bill of all New York utility and energy service companies.
measured volume of electricity. kW is a maximum measured rate of
electricity. Customer Choice Billing
Ccf: Hundreds of cubic feet, a measured volume of gas. Consolidated Bill Credit: A credit will be provided on bills
issued as a result of a regular meter reading for ESCO-electric and/or
Definition of Delivery Charges gas service customers receiving one consolidated bill for Central
Basic Service Charge: A pro-rated 30-day charge for Hudson delivery charges and the ESCO’s supply charges. This credit
maintenance and account administrative costs; billed whether or not you represents certain costs that we no longer incur to provide service to
use electricity or gas during the billing period. you; and the amount is subject to change and approval by the PSC.
Delivery Service Charge: The cost of delivering electricity MFC Administration Charge: (see definition above);
or gas to customers, whether purchased from Central Hudson or ESCO-service customers receiving a separate bill from their
another supplier. supplier are not billed this charge.
MFC Administration Charge: A charge to reflect the MFC Supply Charge: (see definition above);
administrative costs Central Hudson incurs to support the provision of ESCO-service customers are not billed this charge.
electric and natural gas. Transportation Demand Adjustment (TDA): For gas
Transition Adjustment: A charge that balances the costs of ESCO-service customers, a mechanism to recover costs of state-
converting customer from full-service to ESCO-service. mandated programs and refund benefits of specific types of gas sales.
Bill Credit: A mechanism to refund a regulatory balance owed to These amounts are included in the Gas Supply Charge for full-service
customers. customers.
Revenue Decoupling Mechanism (RDM): A
mechanism intended to minimize the impact to Central Hudson
resulting from reduced energy consumption as efficiency

Rev. 08/2019
Account Number: 0000-0000-00-0 page 3 of 3

Meter # 00000000 Residential Service Message Center

POD ID: 0000000000

Did you know?

We understand that keeping your account current may sometimes require a little extra tim
Consolidated Bill Message
Your bill combines Central Hudson's charges for energy delivery and an alternative su

Electric Delivery Charges 458 kWh at a cost of $59.36

Average Daily Cost for Delivery $2.0469
Amount of Electricity Delivered
06/22/2021 Present Reading (estimated) 33753
05/25/2021 Previous Reading (actual) 33295
Electricity Used (kWh) 458
Cost for Electricity Delivered (for 1.0 months)
Basic Service Charge 1.0 Mos. @ 19.50000 19.50
Delivery Svc Chg 458 kWh @ 0.09579 43.87
MFC Admin Chg 458 kWh @ 0.00188 0.86
Transition Adj 458 kWh @ 0.00035 0.16
Bill Credit 458 kWh @ -0.00406 -1.86
SBC/RPS Chgs 458 kWh @ 0.00651 2.98
Misc. Charges 458 kWh @ 0.00347 1.59
RDM Chg 458 kWh @ -0.02090 -9.57
NYS & Local Taxes 1.83
Total Electric Delivery Charges: $59.36
Electric Supplier Info - RATE C000
Your Electric Supplier is ESCO NAME.
ESCO Address
For Electric supply pricing information, call ESCO phone number
Cost for Electricity Supply
Electric Supply Chg 458 kWh @ 0.05742 26.30
Total Electricity Supply Charges $26.30
Full Service Amount: 84.24

Payments and Adjustments

Consolidated Bill Credit 06/22/2021 $-1.42

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