1st Chapter (EEE-1101)
1st Chapter (EEE-1101)
1st Chapter (EEE-1101)
Concept of Charge
Electric charge is a physical property that causes subatomic particles to
attract and repel each other. An object becomes electrically charged
through transfer of negative charge (movement of electrons) by means of
friction. By gaining or losing electrons atoms obtain charge.
In the light of modern view of bulk matter, an objects in its normal state is
electrically neutral i.e., it contains equal amounts of positive and negative
charge. When two objects rub together, relatively few electrons from the
atoms of one objects are transferred to the other.
Charge is Conserved
There are two kinds of charge: positive and negative. The ordinary matter is
electrically neutral. Like many other physical entities charge can not be
created or destroyed. When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, a positive charge
appears on the rod. Measurement shows that a negative charge of equal
magnitude appears on the silk. This suggests that charge is not created by
rubbing but is merely transferred from one object to another. Thus the total
charge of an isolated system cannot change.
Fig. 2
F q1q2 and 1
F 2
Here, F is the magnitude of the mutual force that acts on each of the two
charges q1 and q2 and r is the distance between their centres. The direction
of the force is always along a line joining the two charges.
F K 2 This equation is called Coulomb’s law.
Coulomb’s Law
The Coulomb constant K has the corresponding value
K 8.99 10 9 N m 2 / C 2
4 0
With the choice of the constant K, Coulomb’s law can be written as
qq0 1
4 0 r 2
Coulomb’s Law in Vector Form
Suppose we have two point charges q1 and q2 separated by a distance r12. Let
us consider the force on particle 1 exerted by particle 2 be F12 . The position
vector that locates particle 1 relatives to particle 2 is r12 .
If the two charges have the same sign, then the force is repulsive and F must be parallel
to r12 as in Fig. 2(a). If the charges have opposite sign, then the force is attractive and
antiparallel to r12 .
1 q1q2
F12 rˆ ......(i )
4 0 r12
2 12
Here, r12 represents the magnitude of r12
and r̂12 indicates
the unit vector in the Fig. 3
direction of r12 .
According to Newton’s third law, the force exerted on particle 2 by particle 1
is F21 and is opposite to F12 . This force can be written as
1 q1q2
F21 rˆ21 ............ (ii )
4 0 r21
Fig. 4
What is Field?
Scalar Field ( Temperature field, Pressure field etc) Static Field
Vector Field (Velocity, Gravitational force etc) Time varying Field
Before the concept of fields which is called the action at a distance view,
the interaction as
mass mass
Which is direct and instantaneous interaction and it violates the special theory of relativity.
The present interaction is based on the field concept as
mass field mass
In which each mass interacts not directly with the other but instead with the
gravitational field established by the other. That is, the first mass sets up a field that has a
certain value at every point in space; the 2nd mass then interacts with the field at its
particular location. The field plays the role of an intermediary between the two
bodies. The force exerted on the 2nd mass with the field of 1st mass as
F mg ........(ii )
Electric Field: In terms of action at a distance, the interaction as
ch arg e ch arg e
Introducing the field as an intermediary between the charges, the interaction as
ch arg e field ch arg e
That is, the 1st charge sets up an electric field and the 2nd charge interacts
with the
electric field of the 1st charge. In analogy with g ,we define the electric field E associated
with a charge in terms of the force exerted on a positive test charge q0 at a point as
E ........(iii )
The direction of E is the same as the direction of F , because q0 is a positive scalar.
Electric Field
When an electric charge is placed at some point in space, this establishes
everywhere a state of electric stress, which is called an electric field.
Electric field is defined as the electric force per unit charge. The direction of
the field is taken to be the direction of the force it would exert on a positive
test charge. The electric field is radially outward from a positive charge and
radially inward to a negative point charge.
We then say there is an electric field in the region, whose strength at the
point is given by
Here E is a vector quantity because F is a vector. The direction of E is the
direction of F , that is, it is the direction in which a stationary positive charge
placed at the point would tend to move.
Electric Field of Point Charges
Let a test charge q0 be placed at a distance r from a point charge. The magnitude of the
force acting on q0 is given by Coulomb's law,
4 0 r 2
The magnitude of the electric field at the site of the test charge as given by
The direction of E is the same as the direction of F ,
F 1 q
along a radial line from q. It points radially outward if q
q0 4 0 r 2
is positive and inward if q is negative.
Electric Field Lines
An electric field line is an imaginary line or curve drawn through a region of
empty space so that its tangent at any point is in the direction of the electric
field vector at that point. The electric field lines are supposed to originate from
the positive charge and terminate in the negative charges. These lines may be
straight or curved depending on the system of charge creating them.
Fig. 6(b): Lines of force for two equal positive charges Fig.6(c): Electric field Lines for equal but
opposite charges
Relation between Electric Field Lines and Electric Field
Characteristics of Field Lines
The relationship between the Electric field lines and the electric field is given below:
The tangent to the electric field line passing through any point in space gives the
direction of E at that point.
The electric field lines are drawn such that the number of lines per unit cross
sectional area is proportional to the magnitude of E. That is, the density of field
lines gives the magnitude of E . Where the lines are close together E is strong and
where they are far apart E is weak. And the density of lines of force depends on
the magnitude of charge. Thus, the field lines determine the magnitude as well as
the direction of the electric field.
They enter or leave charge symmetrically. The lines must begin on positive
charges (or infinity) and they must end on negative charges (or infinity)
Fig. 8:An electric dipole
We would like to calculate the electric field E of the dipole at a point
P. P is located at a distance r along the perpendicular bisector of the dipole.
We shall assume that r»a.
Let the distance of the point P be y from both the charges. Let E1 be
the electric field at the point P due to the charge +q and E 2 be that due to -q.
The total field at P due to the dipole is obtained by vector addition of E1 and E 2 .
E E1 E 2
Since the charges have the same magnitude and the distance of the p
from the charges is also same, the magnitude of the fields E1 and E 2 are equal,
1 q 1 q ………(ii) [ y 2 a 2 r 2 ]
E1 E 2
4π 0 y 2 4π 0 r 2 a 2
The directions of E1 and E 2 are indicated by arrows in Fig.8. The
horizontal components of E1 and E 2 cancel each other. Hence the vector sum
of E1 and E 2 points vertically downwards and has the magnitude
a a
cosθ ………(iv)
y a2 r2
Substituting the values of E1 and cos in equation (iii), we obtain
2 q a y
4π 0 a 2 r 2 a2 r2
1 2aq
………(v) y
4π 0 (a 2 r 2 )3/2
1 2aq
E ………(v)
4π 0 (a 2 r 2 ) 3/2
Since r»a, a2 can be neglected in the denominator. The above equation then
reduces to
1 2aq 1 P ………(vi)
4π 0 r 3
4π 0 r 3
Fig.9 (a) An electric dipole in a uniform external field. (b) An oblique view, illustrating =p×E
The two forces ( F and F ) acting on the charges are equal and opposite
where, F qE
The net force on the dipole is clearly zero. But since the forces do not act
along the same line, there is a net torque on the dipole about an axis passing
through the centre O of the dipole given by
Or, τ F 2a sin θ
or, τ qE 2asinθ τ PEsinθ ……..(i)
where, p = 2aq is the electric dipole moment. Equation (i) can be written in vector
form as
τ pE
Thus, when an electric dipole is placed in an external electric field, it
experiences a torque tending to align it with this field. Hence work must be
done by an external agent to change the orientation of an electric dipole in an
external electric field. This work is stored as potential energy U in the system
consisting of the dipole and the arrangement used to set up the external field.
The work done to change the orientation of the dipole through a small
angle d is given by
dW τ.d ……..(ii)
where, is the torque exerted by the agent and does the work.
Then the work done to turn the dipole from an initial orientation 0 to
a final orientation is given by
θ θ
W dW τ.dθ
θ0 θ0
where, 0 and are the initial and final values of the angle between the dipole
axis and the external field.
This work is stored as potential energy U. Thus
U τ dθ
Combing equations (i) and (iv), we obtain
θ θ
pE sinθ dθ pE sin θ dθ pE [cos θ]θθ
θ0 θ0
U pE cos θ
U p.E
Thus U is a minimum when p and E are parallel.
Problem: An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges of magnitude
2.010-6C separated by a distance 2a = 1.0 cm. It is placed in an external
electric field of 2.0 105 N/C.
(i) What maximum torque does the field exert on the dipole?
(ii)How much work must an external agent do to turn the dipole from its
initial alignment given by = 0° to final alignment = 90° ?
W U 90 U 0
or , 0 E.dS q
0 E q
Suppose a positive charge q is inside a closed surface. The electric field E at every point
of the closed surface is directed radially outward from the charge and its magnitude at
the point r is
1 q
E ...................... (1)
4 0 r 2
Over one infinitesimal area dS, the magnitude and direction of the field remains
the same. The component of E along the normal is En = E cos where is the
angle between E and the outward normal to the surface.
E n ds E cos ds
cos ds .............. (2)
4 0 r 2
ds cos
But 2
d , where d is the element
of solid angle subtended by the area dS at the
point where q is located.
E n ds d .................... (3)
4 0 Fig. 4
If we integrate equation (3) over the entire closed surface total outward flux is
En ds 4 d
0 s
or , E cos ds 4
4 0
(since the solid angle subtended by any closed surface on a point inside it is 4)
Eds cos
or , E.ds
0 E.ds (r ) dV where,
(r )dv total charge within v
Using Gauss’s divergence theorem, it can be written as
E.ds 0 .E ( r ) dV
or, 0 .E ( r ) dV
Coulomb’s Law From Gauss’s Law
Coulomb's law can be deduced from Gauss’s law. Let us apply gauss’s law to an
isolated positive point charge q as shown in Fig.5.
E.dS q
0 E dS q ............ (2)
But dS is simply the area 4r2 of the sphere. Equ. (2) therefore reduces to
0 E.4r 2 q
E ............. (3)
4 0 r 2
Equation (3) gives the magnitude of electric field strength E at any point at
a distance r from an isolated point charge q.
Let us now a second point charge q0 is placed at the point where E has been
calculated. The magnitude of force acting on q0 is
F q0 E .............. ( 4)
Combining equations (3) and (4), we obtain
1 qq0
4 0 r 2
Figure shows the cylinder immersed in the electric field. The flux E can
be written as the sum of three surfaces (i) the left cap (ii) the cylindrical
surface and (iii) the right cap
Fig. 6
Therefore, E E.dS
E.dS E.dS E.dS (1)
a b c
For the left cap, angle between E and dS is 180° for all points, i.e., E and dS are
oppositely directed. Thus,
E.dS E cos180 dS
a a
where S = R2 is the cap area. Similarly for right cap, angle between E and dS is
0° for all points. Thus
E.dS E cos 0 dS
c c
Finally, for cylindrical wall, =90° for all points on the cylindrical surface.
Electric Field due to a Spherically
Symmetric Charge Distribution
Fig. 7 shows a spherical distribution of charge of radius R. We find out E for
points at a distance r from the centre of the sphere when r>R or outside the
sphere and r<R or inside the sphere, where r is the radius of the imaginary
Gaussian surface.
Gaussian surface
Fig. 7(a)
Let us consider a point P outside the sphere at a distance r from the centre of the
sphere. Consider a spherical Gaussian surface of radius r which includes the charge
q as in Fig. 7(a). From symmetry consideration and uniformity of the density, the
field is radial and uniform over the Gaussian surface. Hence angle between E and
dS will be zero.
But since E is constant for all points on the surface of the sphere, it can
be taken outside the integral and consequently equ. (1) becomes
0 E dS q Or, 0 E.4r 2 q
1 q
4 0 r 2 ……(ii)
This is the expression for E at a distance when r>R.
Case (ii) E for points inside the charged sphere (r<R)
Now consider a point P inside the sphere at a distance r from the centre of the
sphere. Imagine a spherical Gaussian surface of radius r passing through the point
as in Fig. 7(b) . Again from symmetry consideration, E and dS will point in the
same direction. Hence angle between E and dS will be zero.
0 E.dS q R
Gaussian surface
or , 0 EdS cos 0 q ……(iii)
where q' is the part of q contained within the sphere
of radius R.
The part of q that lies outside this sphere makes no contribution to E at
radius r.
1 q
E …………(iv)
4 0 r 2
If this is a spherically symmetric charge distribution of a uniform sphere of
charge. For such a sphere, the charge density is constant value for all points
within the sphere of radius r. = 0 outside the sphere of radius R.
q q 4 3r 3 r3
q q. q 3
4 3R 3
4 3r 3
4 3R 3
Hence the expression for E for points inside the sphere (r<R) becomes
1 qr 3 1 qr
4 0 R r
3 2
4 0 R 3
1 qr
E ..............(v )
4 0 R 3
This is the expression for E for points inside the sphere (r<R).
(i) For r = 0, then E = 0. Then there will be no electric field in the centre of the
sphere .
(i) If r = R, then this equation becomes the same as the equation (ii).
Electric Potential
Electric potential may be defined as numerically equal to the work done in
bringing a positive charge of one coulomb from infinity to a certain point
against the electric field.
If, in shifting one Coulomb from infinity to a certain point in the electric
field, the work done is one joule, then electric potential of that point is one
1 joule
Potential Difference
Suppose we have two points A and B in an electric field; move a test charge q0 from A
to B and if the work done by the agent moving the charge is WAB, then the electric
potential difference between points A and B is defined as
The work done WAB may be (i) positive (ii) negative (iii) Zero, so VB the potential at B
will be (i) higher (ii) lower or (iii) the same as VA.
Thus, we define the electric potential at a point as the work done in moving the test charge
q0 from infinity to that point.
Relation Between E and V
Suppose the points A and B are situated in a uniform electric field E as shown
in Fig 8. The separation between them is d. The electric force on the positive
test charge q0 is q0 E and points in right direction. Let us now move the test
charge q0 from A to B.
Fig. 8
The work done by the agent producing this force is
VB VA ……..(ii)
From equations (i) and (ii), we get
WAB q0 Ed
VB VA Ed ……..(iii)
q0 q0
WAB F .dl q0 E.dl ……..(iv)
The negative sign is due to the fact that the motion A to B is opposite to the
direction of the field. Hence
VB VA E.dl ……..(v)
q0 A
VB V E.dl ……..(vi)
Potential due to a Point Charge
Fig. 9 shows two points A and B near an isolated point charge q0. For simplicity, we
assume that A, B and q0 lie on a straight line. We shall calculate the potential
difference between points A and B, assuming that a test charge q0 is moved without
acceleration along a radial line from A to B.
VB VA ……..(i)
Fig. 9: A test charge q0 is moved by an external
agent from A to B in the field set up by a point
charge q.
The total work done WAB by the external agent in moving the test charge
from A to B is
WAB F .dl q0 E.dl ……..(ii)
dl = - dr
B rB
Where, rA and rB are the distances of the points A and B from the point charge.
But we know the electric field strength is given by
1 q
4 0 r 2
Combining this equation with equation (vi), we get
q dr q 1 rB
4 0 r r 2 4 0 [ r ]rA
q 1 1
[ ]
4 0 rB rA
If A is situated at infinity and potential there be zero, i.e., rA and VA = 0,
then potential at B if denoted by V,
1 q
4 0 r
Potential due to a Group of Point Charges
or , VC VA
Fig. 12
The length of the line AC is given as
d d C
AC 2d [ dl AC ]
cos 45 1 2
VC VA ( 2d ) Ed
E and dl being at right angles for all points on the line CB. Therefore, points B and
C have the same potential because no work is done in moving a charge between
them. In other words, B and C lie on the same equipotential surface at right angles
to the lines of the force. B B
VB VC E.dl E cos 90dl 0
VB VA (VC VA ) (VB VC ) Ed 0 Ed
This is the same value derived for a direct path connecting A and B. Hence, it is
proved that the potential difference between two points is path independent.
Potential due to a Dipole
Two equal but opposite charges,
q, separated by a small distance 2a,
constitute an electric dipole. We would
like to derive an expression for the electric
potential V at any point of space due to a
1 q
V1 and
4 0 r1
1 q
4 0 r2
Fig. 13 A Dipole
The resultant potential at the point P due to charges +q and –q is
1 q 1 q
4 0 r1 4 0 r2
1 q q q r2 r1
( ) ( ) ……………..(i)
4 0 r1 r2 4 0 r1r2
We know limit consideration to points such that r»2a. Then from Fig. 13
r2 r1 2a cos and r r
2 1 r 2
1 p cos
V where, 2aq =p is the electric dipole moment
4 0 r 2
Equation (ii) is the expression for the electric potential due to a dipole.
A Charged disk
## Find the electric potential for points on the axis of a uniformly charged circular
disk whose surface charge density is .