Chapter Four
Chapter Four
Chapter Four
The goal of data analysis is to find meaning in the data which can lead to a conclusion and
assist with decision making. To accurately interpret data, several data analysis methods must
be conducted. First, data must be prepared and cleaned, as in its raw form it is often not in a
suitable state to be analyzed. Following this, it is common for data to be restructured and/or
converted. This process is often referred to as on-the-fly computation and is a crucial part of
statistical analysis. There are several statistical analysis methods that can be used on a set of
data. These range from simple methods such as mean, median, and mode averages, through to
more complex methods such as regression analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and
cluster analysis. Ideally, the method chosen will depend on the situation and the information
sought. A detailed explanation of these methods is beyond the scope of this chapter, but
generally, these will provide a solution or result, and a confidence level, which is then used to
make an inference about the situation.