TM 11-1520-228-Esc
TM 11-1520-228-Esc
TM 11-1520-228-Esc
TM 11-1520-228-ESC
Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, D. C., 29 May 1969
1. Purpose. This manual furnishes the user with a procedure for primary mission immediate] y or possessing an unacceptable relia-
. .
evaluating the readiness condition of the equipment to perform bilitv for sustained performance (90 days) of its primary mission.
satisfactorily its primary mission for 90 days with normal mainte- 3. General Instructions. a. This evaluation will be performed by
nance support. Application of this procedure, however, does not the operator.
eliminate or reduce the requirement for prescribed maintenance b. This technical manual will be filed with the equipment log.
service on the equipment, and does not authorize replacement of c. This evaluation actually will be performed on the item(s)
components. being rated.
2. Definitions. a. Equipment Category GREEN. Equipment free of d. Equipment serviceability criteria items covered in this manual,
condition that would limit the reliable performance of its primary but not authorized to the evaluating organization, shall be scored
mission for a period of 90 days of operat ion. as “GREEN.”
b. Equipment Category AMBER. Operationally readly equipment e. An authorized item not on hand shall be given the minimum
that possesses a limiting factor(s) which may curtail a reliable per- rating designated for that item.
formance of its primary mission for a period of 90 days of operation. f. This equipmtent is rated on the basis of capability for immediate
C . Equipment Category RED. Equipment unable to perform its operation and amount of wear life remaining on time change com-
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ponents. The rating is not meaningful unless each check is made ponent. Indicate this classification at the bottom of the basic
with the utmost care and accuracy. evaluation sheet thus: SYSTEM EVALUATION. (Insert GREEN,
g. Record the evaluation results on DA Form 2404 (Equipment AMBER, or RED.) The color rating will be kept current by record-
Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) using a separate sheet for ing changes, as they occur, on DA Form 2404.
each multiple-aspect equipment, subsystem and/or component, (15) Staple all forms applying to the same system together,
including those evaluated by separately published equipment serv- with those which apply to the basic system on top.
iceability criteria technical manuals. The blocks will be completed h. Determine and record the appropriate rating for each check-
as shown below: point, each subsystem / component, and the system. The color rating
(1) Block 1 . Insert the organizational designation of the unit for multiple-aspect equipment will be the lowest rating recorded for
performing the evaluation. a subsystem/component.
(2) Block 2. Identify system and enter its item name and NOTE
model; e.g., “Avionics,” OH–58A Helicopter. If an URGENT modification work order has not been applied to any
(3) Block 3. Insert the registration, serial, or Federal stock authorized equipment, the equipment, and the system will be rated
number, as appropriate. Do not use more than one number. “RED.”
(4) Block 4. Enter N/A. i. Subsystems and components will be separately color rated.
(5) Block 5. Insert the standard six digit calendar date that j. A color rating will be assigned for the overall system.
equipment serviceability criteria evaluation is performed (example: k. The following is an example of a color categorization exception
3 Jan 1969 would be 690103). for aircraft having time change components due replacement in 150
(6) Block 6. Insert the letters “ESC.” hours. The concept is the same for all aircraft time change com-
(7) Block 7. Insert the equipment serviceability criteria tech- ponents, but the number of hours will vary depending on the time
nical manual number and its date of issue. change factor. Those. components due replacement in 150 hours or
(8) Column a. insert the checkpoint item number. more or less than 150 hours when the replacement item is on hand
(9) Column b. Place each obtained color rating opposite the or is available from the organization which is responsible for replace-
item to which it applies. (Insert “GREEN,” “AMBER,” or “RED,” ment of component will be given a rating of GREEN. If the item(s)
as applicable.) due replacement within 50-149 hours with no part on hand or avail-
(10) Column c. Briefly describe each test item. able from the organization which is responsible for replacement of
(11) Column rating. Obtain the color rating for each subsystem components, a rating of AMBER will be given. If the item(s) due
by taking the lowest color rating given. replacement within 0-49 hours with no part on hand or available
(12) Blocks 8 and 9. Self-explanatory. from the organization which is responsible for replacement of com-
(13) Block 10. Insert the subsystem color categorization. ponents, a rating of RED will be given.
(14) The color category for multiple-aspect equipment will not 4. Special Instructions. The electronic configuration in aircraft may
be rated any higher than the lowest-rated subsystem and/or com- vary, depending on the year of manufacture, production run, geo-
graphical area of operation, etc. The equipments that may be e. Radio Set AN/ARC–51BX or AN/ARC–116, Uhf Communi-
installed in the various configurations are listed below. Refer to the cation (item 6).
master log of the aircraft to be tested to determine which equip- f. Voice Security Facility (item 7).
ments should be installed in the particular aircraft. For the purpose g. Radio Set AN/ARC-116, Direction Finding (Df) Mode
of ESC evaluations, equipments listed in the master log shall be (item 8).
considered as authorized for the particular aircraft. Equipments h. Direction Finder Set AN/ARN-89, Adf Reception (item 9).
listed below, but not in the master log of the aircraft, shall be con- i. Gyromagnetic Compass Set AN/ASN-43 (item 10).
sidered as unauthorized. j. Transponder Set AN/APX-72, IFF Transponder (item 11).
a. Control, Communications System C-6533 ARC, Interphone 4. Reporting of Errors. The reporting of errors, omissions, and
. (item
. 2).
, recommendations for improving this publication by the individual
user is encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028
b. Radio Set AN/ARC-ll4, Fm Communication (item 3).
(Recommended Changes to DA Publications) and forwarded direct
c. Radio Set AN/ARC-114, Fm Homing (item 4). to Commanding General, U. S. Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
d. Radio Set AN/ARC-115, Vhf Communication (item 5). AMSEL-ME-NMP-AD, Fort Monmouth, N. J., 07703.
6. Evaluation Requirements. a. Aircrajt Placement. Have the aircraft placed in a location that is clear of obstructions such as large buildings,
hangars, powerlines, and other aircraft.
b. Power Application.
To prevent damage to the equipment, the aircraft’s master power (battery) switch must be in the OFF position at all times when an
auxiliary power unit is connected to the aircraft.
(1) Auxiliary power. For those tests not requiring flight of the aircraft, items 2 through 9, use aircraft auxiliary power unit.
(2) Aircrajt power. Tests given in items 10 and 11 require the use of aircraft power and aircraft flight controls. For those criteria items
that require the use of aircraft flight controls or aircraft power, qualified personnel must be used to operate the aircraft. (Refer to Operator’s
Manual, Army Model OH-58A Helicopter, TM 55 1520 228 10.)
To prevent damage to equipment set the electronics equipment controls to OFF position before starting or stopping the aircraft’s
c. Controls. Before beginning the tests, set the electronic equipment controls to their normal OFF positions. Set the aircraft alternating
current (ac) and direct current (dc) circuit breakers so that power is available to operate the electronic equipment. Perform the tests from
each position, in turn, to insure a complete check of the electronic facilities.
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Avionics equipment.s require a 3-minute warmup period-before operation, except the uhf radio set which requires a 5-minute warmup
7. Evaluation Procedures. a. Information to be Determined by Inspection and Operation. Evaluate each item listed and record the proper color
rating on DA Form 2404 as described in section I.
Determine whether URGENT MWO’s have been applied.
Condition URGENT MWO not applied.
Rating RED
ITEM 2. Control, Communications System C-6533/ARC.
The following serviceability test applies only to the interphone function of the C-6533/ARC. Other functions of the C-6533/ARC, with communication and
navigation equipment interconnected, are tested in other items.
Turn on pilot’s, copilot’s, and crewmember’s C-6533 ARC’s; set for interphone operation. Operate pilot’s microphone switch for inter-
phone, and speak into microphone. Repeat from copilot’s and crewmember’s positions.
Adequate sidetone heard in all headsets; undistorted
Condition audio heard at a comfortable level in all headsets. Audio not heard in any headset.
ITEM 3. Radio Set AN/ARC-l14, Fm Communications.
1. If two AN/ARC-114’s (AN/ARC-114 No. 1 and AN/ARC-114 No. 2) are used, repeat the test below for AN/ARC-114 No. 2.
2. If only a single AN/ARC-114 is authorized and it is inoperative, it will be given a rating of RED. If dual AN/ARC-l 14’s are authorized and only one is oper-
ative, a rating of AMBER will be given. If both are inoperative, a rating of RED will be given.
Set the pilot’s, copilot’s, and crewmember’s C-6533 ARC’s for fm communications. Set the mode control to T/R. Tune to the frequency
of the local fm station, and establish two-way communications from the pilot’s, copilot’s, and crewmember’s positions, in turn.
Strength and readability of signals
are adequate to maintain reliable Reliable communications possible No reliable two-way communications
Condition communications from all positions. from one or two positions only. possible.
ITEM 4. Radio Set AN/ARC-114, Fm Homing.
More conclusive tests of this equipment can be made if the tests are performed in flight. If a flight test cannot be performed, move the aircraft through a 180 o
arc while performing the test.
Apply power to the AN/ARC-114. Set the pilot’s and copilot’s C-6533, ARC’s for fm communications. Set the mode control of the
C-6533/ARC to T, R. Establish two-way communications with a local station. Request the station to transmit a carrier signal for at least
30 seconds. After the request has been made, switch the mode control switch on the C-6533/ARC from T/R to HOME. Observe the heading-
radio bearing indicator. The red flag will drop completely out of sight. The vertical needle on the indicator will swing to the left, right, or
remain centered. A left-hand needle swing will indicate that the station is to the left; a right-hand needle swing will indicate the station is
to the right; a needle center condition will indicate the station is directly in front of or directly in back of the aircraft. Rotate the aircraft
while observing the meter indication for the three conditions. After the test is completed, return the mode control switch to the T/R position.
Vertical pointer flag does not completely disappear.
Vertical pointer flag completely disappears. Vertical Vertical pointer does not swing left, right, or
Condition pointer swings to the left, right, or center. remain centered.
ITEM 5. Radio Set AN/ ARC-l 15, Vhf Communication.
Set the pilot’s, copilot’s, and crewmember’s C-6533 ARC for vhf communication. Set the mode control to T/R. Tune the AN/ARC-115
to the frequency of the local vhf station, and establish two-way communication from the pilot’s position and then from the copilot’s and
crewmember’s positions, in turn.
Received signals
— in all headsets are
sufficiently reliable to maintain Reliable two-way communication No reliable two-way communication
Condition two-way communication. possible from one position only. possible.
b. Rating for Electronic Configuration in Army Model OH-58A Helicopter. The color rating will be the lowest rating recorded in a above.
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-31, (qty rqr block no. 109) operator and Crew maintenance requirements fm OH-58