Chemistry - Gaseous State - Assignment

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2. In 1m long tube at one end He is introduced while

Paragraph for Questions 1 and 2
from other end SO2 is introduced under identical
The process by which a gas passes through a
conditions. Gas will first meet from He end at a
small hole into vacuum is called effusion. The
distance -
rate of change of pressure (p) of a gas at
constant temperature due to effusion of gas (A) 1/2 m (B) 1/5 m
from a vessel of constant volume can be (C) 3/5 m (D) 4/5 m
related to rate of change of number of 3. Which is/are correct graphs ?
molecules by the expression:

( )
kT dN
= (A)
dt V dt

where Rate of change of number of

dN pA0
molecules ⇒ − =
dt (2 π mkT )1/2
where k = Boltzmann constant (B)
NA = Avogadro’s number
T = temperature (in K)
V = volume of vessel
N = No.of molecules
A0 = area of aperture
m = mass of single molecule (C)
V √ 2πm
A0 kT

1. If 2gm of SO2 effuses from given container in 10

sec then mass of He effusing out in 30 second
under identical conditions will be -
(A) 6 gm (B) 3 gm
(C) 1.5 gm (D) 0.75 gm

Space for Rough Work

Paragraph for Questions 4 and 5 7. When pressure of NH3(g) is 1 atm in 44.8 lit flask at
Given : 0°C then number of molecules of ammonia gas is :
Tube have uniform cross section (A) 4NA (B) NA
SPM-1 : Movable and it allow to transfer H2 NA
(C) (D) 2NA
only 2
SPM-2 : Fixed and it allow to transfer He 8. The density of a gas is equal to (P = pressure, V =
only volume, T = temperature, R = gas constant, n =
At equilibrium SPM-1 move 20 cm towards number of moles and M = molecular weight) :
right. Assuming that temperature is constant. P Mw
(A) nP (B)
(C) P (D) Mw
9. 3
10 dm of hydrogen gas under 1 bar pressure are
contained in a cylinder which has a movable piston.
4. Moles of H2 present in compartment II at
The piston is moved in until the same mass of gas
equilibrium is -
occupies 2 dm3 at the same temperature. Find the
(A) 4 (B) 6
pressure of the cylinder.
(C) 2 (D) 8
5. Moles of He present in compartment-III is 10. Inside a drum of 'V' L , a sealed glass tube of
(A) 3 (B) 4 volume 25 L containing an inert gas at 25 atm
(C) 5 (D) 6 pressure is placed. The drum is now sealed. During
6. A container of volume 2 litre contains H2 gas at transportation the glass tube cracked and final
300K as shown (Patm= 76 cm of Hg) pressure inside drum rises to 1.5 atm. Find volume
of drum [Assume constant temperature].

The pressure (in cm Hg) of H2 in the container is P,

then what is the value of .

Space for Rough Work

11. The rate of diffusion of 2 gases ‘A’ and ‘B’ are in 14. The density of phosphours vapours at 327°C and 1
the ratio 16: 3. If the ratio of their masses present in atm is 2.52 gm/lit. If molecular formula of
the mixture is 2 : 3. Then phosphours is PX, then calculate 'X' (Atomic
(A) The ratio of their molar masses is 16 : 1 weight of : P = 31)
(B) The ratio of their molar masses is 1 : 4 15. At constant pressure P, log TVs log Vis plotted for
12.18 moles of an ideal gas as shown in following
(C) The ratio of their moles present inside the
graph. Find the value of pressure (in atm). (Given:
container is 1 : 24
log2 = 0.3, volume in litre, temperature in kelvin).
(D) The ratio of their moles present inside the
container is 8 : 3
Paragraph for Questions 12 and 13
Initially, flask A contained oxygen gas at 27°C
and 950 mm of Hg, and flask B contained
neon gas at 27°C and 900 mm. Finally, the
16. Suppose your weight is 80 kg and you want to fly
two flasks were joined by means of a narrow
tube of negligible volume equipped with a
in the sky with the help of balloons each containing
stopcork and gases were allowed to mixup 50 moles of H2 gas at 0.5 atm and 27°C. How many
freely. The final pressure in the combined balloons do you need to attach with yourself to fly.
system was found to be 910 mm of Hg. Given density of air = 1.25 g/L and it remains
constant throughout (Neglect the weight of
(A) 25 (B) 27
12. What is the correct relationship between volumes (C) 30 (D) 20
of the two flasks ?
17. From the graph of d v/s P at a constant
(A) VB = 3VA (B) VB = 4VA temperature of 300K calculate molar mass of gas :
(C) VB = 5VA (D) VB = 4.5VA (R = 0.0821)
13. How many moles of gas are present in flask A in the
final condition, if volume of flask B is 304 litre ? (R
= 0.08 atm L mol – 1 K – 1)
(A) 7.58 (B) 3.79
(C) 15.16 (D) None of these

Space for Rough Work

18. V vs T curves at constant P1 and P2 for an ideal gas 21. Which of the following curve represents Gay
are shown in figure. Which is correct : Lussac's law ?

(A) (B)

(A) P1 > P2 (B) P1 < P2

(C) P1 = P2 (D) all (C) (D)

19. A gaseous mixture contains three gases A,B and C

with a total number of moles of 10 and total
22. A polythene bag of 3 litre capacity is filled by
pressure of 10 atm. The partial pressures of A and
B are 3 atm and 1 atm, respectively. If C has Helium gas (Occupying 1L at 0.3 atm & 300K) at
molecular weight 2, then weight of C present in the 300K. Subsequently enough Ne gas is filled to
mixture is- make total pressure 0.4 atm at 300K. Calculate
(A) 32 g (B) 12 g ratio of moles of Ne to He in container.
(C) 6 g (D) 24 g
23. What is relative rate of effusion of O2 to CH4 from a
20. A vessel contains O2 gas saturated with water container containing O2 and CH4 in 3 : 2 mass ratio
vapours at a total pressure of 2 atm at 37°C. The
3 √2
volume of the vessel is reduced to one- third of its (A)
initial volume at same temperature. 3
(Given : aqueous tension at 37°C = 76 mm of Hg) 4 √2
Then finally. 3
2 √2
(A) Total pressure = 6 atm
(D) None of these
(B) Total pressure = 5.8 atm
24. The number of effusion steps required to convert a
(C) Pressure of O2 gas = 6 atm
mixture of H2 and O2 from 240 : 1600 (by mass) to
(D) Pressure of O2 gas = 5.7 atm
3072 : 20 (by mass) is

Space for Rough Work

25. If the gas in container has pressure 77 cm of Hg, then 28. In a rigid container NH3 is kept at certain
calculate the height difference in manometer (in mm) temperature where its pressure is found to be P1. If
dHg on doubling the temperature, it is completely
which contain glycerine (d = ). (Assume Patm =
4 dissociated into N2 and H2. At these conditions,
76 cm of Hg)
pressure of mixture is found to be P2. Find ratio of
P2 to P1
(A) 4 (B) 2
1 1
(C) (D)
2 4
29. 4.0g of argon gas has pressure, P and temperature,
TK in a vessel. On keeping the vessel at 50°C
26. At constant temperature of 273 K, 1 vs P are higher, 0.8g of argon was given out maintaing the
plotted for two ideal gases A & B as shown below. pressure P. The original temperature was “A” ×
Ratio of number of moles of gas A & gas B are 102 K. The value of A is
Paragraph for Questions 30 and 31
On the recently discovered 10th planet it has
been found that the gases follow the relationship
PeV/2 = nCT where C is constant other notation
are as usual (V in lit., P in atm and T in Kelvin).
A curve is plotted between P and V at 500 K & 2
3 1 1 √3 moles of gas as shown in figure
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1 √3 3 1
27. Two closed vessels A and B of equal volume each
containing air at pressure P1 & T1 are connected to
each other through a narrow tube. If the
temperature of one is maintained at T1 and other at
T2 (T1 > T2) then what is the final pressure -
30. The value of constant C is
2P1 T1 2P1 T2
(A) (T1 + T2 )
(B) (T1 + T2 ) 31. Find the slope in term of 1 of the curve plotted
2P1 T1 2P1 between P Vs T for closed container of volume 2
(C) (T1 − T2 )
(D) (T1 + T2 ) litre having same moles of gas

Space for Rough Work

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