D 03
D 03
D 03
2. General Requirements:
The materials shall be of first class quality and designed for continuous satisfactory
operation as continuity of supply is of prime importance and to operate satisfactorily under
variation of load, voltage and short circuit or other conditions which may occur on the system
provided that these variations are within the assigned rating of the apparatus. The materials used
shall be suitable for the following climatic and soil conditions.
Maximum 92% at 40 °C
Minimum 12%
Yearly average 44%
2-4 Altitudes:
3. Technical Requirement:
b.11 KV System
Nominal voltage 11000 volts
Highest system voltage 12000 volts
System 3-phase, 3wire neutral earthed through resistance of 21.1 Ohm
limiting the earth fault current to 300A
Short circuit breaking current 25 KA R.M.S at 11000 volts
3-2 Standards:
The cable shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the I.E.C. particularly IEC nos
60502 & 60228 specifications and 60949.
Technical specification of Medium Voltage Power Cables
3-3 Deviations
The tendrer shall particularly mention in his tender all deviations of his offer from the
specifications described in these tender documents.
4-1 Conductor:
Compact electrolytic annealed stranded plain circular copper Conductor of high
conductivity 99.9% purity according to the attached table as in IEC standards mentioned above.
4-3 Insulation:
Extruded XLPE cured with dry curing process:
a- 24kV nominal thickness 5.5 mm
b- 36kV nominal thickness 8 mm
Technical specification of Medium Voltage Power Cables
4-9 Packing
The required cables lengths are to be supplied on sea – worthy good quality steel drums of
lengths as specified in item 5.
5. Type of Cables:
5-1 36 KV cables:
5-2 24 kv cables:
1x95 mm2
1x70 mm2
(same statement AS 5-2-2)
Technical specification of Medium Voltage Power Cables
7. Tests
Cables and accessories shall be subjected to inspections and tests by our inspectors or
international inspectors at any time during manufacture. The manufacturers shall provide
inspection facilities for the said inspection shall be made at place of manufacture or at international
testing facilities.
Cable joints and terminations to be slip on or heat shrinkable type complete with all
necessary jointing materials suitable for 24 & 36 kV under-ground cable from qualified
manufacturers, The terminations and joints should be as follows :-
6-1 Straight through joint for cable shown under 5.1.1 complete .
6.2 Outdoor terminations suitable for cable shown under 5.1.1 complete
6-3 Indoor terminations suitable for cable shown under 5.1.1 complete
6-4 straight through joint suitable for cable shown under 5.1.2 complete
6-5 Outdoor terminations suitable for cable shown under 5.1.2 complete
6-6 Indoor terminations suitable for cable shown under 5.2.1 complete
6-7 straight through joint suitable for cable shown under 5.2.1
6-8 indoor terminations suitable for cable shown under 5.2.1 complete
6-9 Outdoor terminations suitable for cable shown under 5.2.1
6-10 indoor terminations suitable for cable shown under 5.2.2
6-11 indoor terminations suitable for cable shown under 5.2.3
1- The prices shall be based on L.M.E. price for copper bar ( ) U.S.D/M.T. The formula for
price variation shall be given.
2- Sample of cables to be submitted with the offer.
# cross section area / Min. No. of wires Max. D.C resistance Short circuit current
mm2 at 20 °C ohm/km for 1 sec. in KA
1 50 6 0.387 7.5
2 70 12 0.268 10.5
3 95 15 0.193 15
4 150 18 0.124 21.5
5 400 53 0.0470 55