Industry Projects - Project Brief (Beech Tree)
Industry Projects - Project Brief (Beech Tree)
Industry Projects - Project Brief (Beech Tree)
Skills City – Cloud Security Bootcamp (CS2 – JUN2024)
Project outline
What is the business problem to be addressed in this Industry Project?
A common theme across Beech Tree’s corporate portfolio is the lack of visibility in the utilisation
and effective productivity of staff across a business.
For example, if a business employees 100 consultants (or other employees), who are working on a
number of different departments or projects, the productivity must be reflected towards a number of
well-established metrics, so that the company ensures that their resources (either human or
inanimate) are utilised as best as possible.
Furthermore, when it comes to the employees, the company must account for their absences /
booked holidays to ensure that their place and responsibilities are adequately covered while they
are absent.
❖ The details of the Industry Project described in the brief and the number of students required for it will be
agreed in consultation with the client organisation and the Skills City Project Management Team.
❖ This Project Brief will be released to the Skills City Bootcamp students upon confirmation of project
deliverables and requirements with the client.
❖ The content of this project is property of the client providing the project and Skills City, as part of the
curriculum provided in the Skills Bootcamps.
❖ To ensure and protect the confidentiality of the information provided, Non-Disclosure Agreements
(NDAs) between Skills City and project team members will be signed (upon entering the Bootcamp).
o For this reason, any project-related information must not be shared in any external platform
(not provided with or agreed to with the Skills City staff) or to any person outside the team
involved in the Industry Project, prior to and following the conclusion of the project and without
any written consent of the client.
o Any learner found in breach of the confidentiality agreement signed (either by knowingly
disclosing or storing information in external platforms or by not contributing to the project work)
could potentially be removed from the Bootcamp.
❖ The series of meetings between the team and the client will be organised by the Project Management
Team delegate associated with this Project. After this, project-related communication with the client will
be handled and monitored primarily by the Project Management Team.
❖ The duration of the Bootcamp is a total of 12 weeks. The project work will follow the curriculum with the
work being finalised in weeks 10-11 and presented in Week 12.
❖ Clients only: For any queries regarding this form, please contact the Project Management Team.
o Georgios Evangelinos:
o Jonathan Walsh: