Earth Science Lesson 2.3 - Soil Resources
Earth Science Lesson 2.3 - Soil Resources
Earth Science Lesson 2.3 - Soil Resources
Identify and describe Identify and describe how
the distribution of human activities affect the
arable land. quality & quantity of soil.
Material found on the surface of the
Earth that is composed of organic
and inorganic materials. Soil is a
renewable material because it is
constantly being replenished by the
geologic and biological processes in
our environment.
Arable Land
Arable is derived from the Latin word “arabilis” - meaning
"land that can be plowed". To plow is to turn up the earth with
a plow so that seeds can be sown into it. Arable land is the
first requirement for agriculture, because it has the
characteristics that allow plants to grow quickly and acquire a
large biomass. Therefore, arable land is an area that can be
used for growing crops.
Arable Land
First, a land which is not arable is
nearly rock solid. Roots cannot go deep
into the soil to reach their needed water
and nutrients. Second, nitrogen, which is
an essential plant nutrient, cannot mix
with the soil where it is needed by
plants. And third, water cannot infiltrate
the soil where it is needed by plant roots.
Land-use Statistics of selected ASEAN nations