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com JULY2018

USB Power Sensors for

Pulse Measurements

Power Amps for EW

Upcoming Industry

New Products

Tom Perkins: IMS

Philadelphia – Friendly
and Revolutionary

Ideas for Today’s Engineers: Analog · Digital · RF · Microwave · MM-Wave · Lightwave


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highfrequencyelectronics.com Vol. 17 No.7

22: Feature Article

USB Power Sensors for Statistical Pulse Measurements
By Orwill Hawkins

Today’s modern USB power sensors are capable of many advanced

power measurements. They are capable of demodulating the signal
and processing the video information into usable measurements.
Statistical pulse measurement capability is just one of the many
features these new sensors can deliver to the engineer at a modest
cost. This article will discuss the benefits and explain the methodology
used to make statistical pulse measurements in two state pulse

30: Feature Article

Compact PA Solution Using Novel GaN Process and
Specialized Software

Modern electronic warfare (EW) and battlefield awareness require

reliable, high-output-power, high-efficiency, and large-bandwidth
power amplifier (PA) solutions. With many applications requiring
single PA compact solution covering a broader frequency range, GaN
on SiC has become the technology of choice due to its high-power
density, high-frequency capability and robust design ability.

16: F
 eatured Products 12: I n the News 6: Editorial
Featuring SGMC Microwave, GXV-T vehicle; John Morelli Tom Perkins’ IMS Philadelphia
Ironwood Electronics, MECA appointed Secretary for IEC/ re-cap.
Electronics, XMA Corp., Norden SC46F.
Millimeter, OML, and more.

8 Meetings & Events ■ 12 In the News ■ 36 Product Highlights

16 Featured Products ■ 68 Advertiser Index

4 High Frequency Electronics

Vol. 16 No. 7 July 2018
Scott Spencer
IMS Philadelphia:
Friendly and
Tel: 603-759-1840

Associate Publisher/Managing Editor

Tim Burkhard
Tel: 707-544-9977

Senior Technical Editor

Tom Perkins
Tel: 603-759-1840
Tom Perkins
Vice President, Sales
Gary Rhodes
Senior Technical Editor
Tel: 631-274-9530
IMS should be held in Philly more frequently. The
Editorial Advisors: weather was good. It was easy to navigate, and the local
Ali Abedi, Ph.D.
Candice Brittain
folks seemed quite friendly. If you had any spare time,
Paul Carr, Ph.D. there was plenty to see and do, from both historical and
Alen Fezjuli contemporary perspectives.
Roland Gilbert, Ph.D.
Sherry Hess
Thomas Lambalot General Impressions
John Morelli Having over two dozen appointments with a mix of
Karen Panetta, Ph.D.
Jeffrey Pawlan, Ph.D.
symposium leaders and exhibitors, along with HFE booth
presence, I had limited time to attend technical sessions (about 10 alto-
Business Office gether). The most prevalent subject matter -- no surprise -- was 5G, with
Summit Technical Media, LLC
One Hardy Road, Ste. 203
secondary emphasis on bio-medical called IMBioC.
PO Box 10621
Bedford, NH 03110 Meetings/Interviews
Also Published Online at
My week started with a visit to the new, realistic Museum of the
www.highfrequencyelectronics.com American Revolution on Sunday afternoon. Monday brought an early meet-
ing with Larry Kushner, 2019 General Chair, followed by Sridhar
Subscription Services
Kim Winge
Kanamaluru, 2018 General Chair. Dr. Kanamaluru and I discussed 5G and
Tel: 651-292-0160 Internet of Things maturation, efforts to digitize signal processing and its
circulation@highfrequencyelectronics.com limits, workshop topics with emphasis on mobility, and the special efforts to
Send subscription inquiries and address
emphasize medical advances incorporating microwaves. We discussed the
changes to the above contact person. You special effort to get attendees to the exhibit floor by having exhibit-only time
can send them by mail to the Business for four hours on Wednesday afternoon.
Office address above.
Next was a one-on-one with J.-C. Chiao, with emphasis on his leadership
of the IMBioC, which primarily happened on Friday. He mentioned topics
like non-evasive techniques that will be able to detect normal cells vs. can-
cer, behind the wall imaging, glucose monitoring, brain scan imaging using
Our Environmental Commitment a mini-MRI device, wireless power to recharge implants, and many other
High Frequency Electronics is printed emerging techniques. J.-C. has appeared on Fox, CBS and National
on paper produced using sustain-
able forestry practices, certified by Geographic, among others. Absolutely revolutionary, and fitting for the
the Program for the Endorsement Philly setting!
of Forest Certification (PEFC™),
www.pefc.org Later I had lunch with Sherry Hess and David Vye of NI/AWR. We dis-
cussed new integrated passive devices from 3D Glass Solutions that can be
analyzed with NI AWR Design Environment software. We also went over
their latest simulation and modeling tools in areas such as amplifiers, filters
and antennas. At the IMS Plenary the speaker was Stephen K. Klasko, MD,
President and CEO of Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health,
Copyright © 2018, Summit Technical Media, LLC discussing the disruption of the traditional health system that is rapidly

6 High Frequency Electronics

I met with many companies known for probe stations. Their latest Both companies seem to be well posi-
regarding their latest research, incorporates Keysight equipment, tioned to participate in 5G no matter
development, new product rollouts, with pattern recognition, automatic where the technology prospers.
plans, sometimes mergers, and everything -- all day long. Visited Likewise, MACOM is coming on
visions for the future. Ampleon and their latest innova- strong with 5G hardware.
The Keysight press briefing tions including solid-state cooking. Met with Jim Cable of pSemi, the
focused on quantum computing – Next was Ardent Concepts, with former Peregrine Semiconductor now
very fast, consuming low power. very flexible/durable contact technol- owned by Murata. This 500-employ-
Analog Devices discussed 5G focus ogy. National Instruments had ee company is really moving with
on 6 GHz and new AD9213 12-bit much to show, as well as Keysight. SOIs and RFICs with switch, LNA
10.25 GSPS ADC with 6.5 GHz input

Powerful Payload &

bandwidth. Jim Milligan, VP RF and
Microwave Products for Wolfspeed,

RF Link Emulator
discussed the acquisition of Infineon,
allowing complementing of their GaN
product line with LDMOS devices.
We discussed a projected growth of
about 3X by year 2020 to perhaps $
1.1B. Growing activity is expected in
industrial drying and replacement of
TWTs with solid state, particularly

enhanced by simpler power supplies.

0M i
At lunch, Strategy Analytics

0 w
6 and
discussed trends in 5G including
reduced complexity antenna arrays
and signal through glass work. They
expect Verizon to be the first to deploy
5G at 28 GHz. Jim Barrett, President  Link emulation: Delay, Doppler, AWGN, Phase shift
of Ion Beam Milling presented con-  Real time control for Arial Vehicle (UAV) testing
siderable evidence that “first pass”  Payload: MUX, Compression, Phase noise, Group delay
success can be had using cost-effec-
tive ion etch instead of wet etch, par-  Multipath: 12 paths per channel
ticularly at higher microwave and  Up to sixteen synchronous channels with correlation
millimeter-wave frequencies.
Kevin Harrington, Director
Strategic Marketing, Microsemi,
discussed their wide variety of prod-
ucts. Lockheed-Martin, in nearby
Moorestown, NJ, discussed their
newest GaN devices, S Band to milli-
meter-wave. Next was AVX and we
learned they are making much more
than capacitors these days. Followed
Junkosha, first syllable appropri-
ately pronounced like the month of
June. Excellent high grade flexible
cables! At SiTime, Nazariy
Tshchynskyy and Plyush Sevalia dis-
cussed innovative alternatives to
quartz oscillators using MEMs. dBmCorp, Inc
Element Six discussed and demon- 32A Spruce Street  Oakland, NJ 07436
Tel (201) 677-0008  Fax (201) 677-9444
strated CVD Diamond heat sinks. RF Test Equipment for Wireless Communications
Wednesday brought a meeting email: info@dbmcorp.com www.dbmcorp.com
with Form Factor, the parent
Get info at www.HFeLink.com
company of Cascade Microtech,
Meetings and Events

2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Mil-

limeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW THz-2018) Company-Sponsored
September 9 – 14, 2018
Nagoya, Japan
Training & Tools
http://www.irmmw-thz2018.org/ Analog Devices
Training, tutorials and seminars.
European Microwave Conference 2018 (EuMC 2018)
September 25 – 27, 2018
http://www.eumweek.com/ NI AWR
On-site and online training, and open training courses on
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2018 (APMC 2018)
design software.
Nov 6 – 9, 2018
Kyoto, Japan
http://www.apmc-conf.org/ National Instruments
LabVIEW Core 1
IEEE Radio Wireless Symposium 2019
January 20 – 23, 2019
LabVIEW Core 2
Object-Oriented Design and Programming in LabVIEW
Upcoming Events: Online
Women in Engineering http://sine.ni.com/tacs/app/fp/p/ap/ov/pg/1/
Free, online LabVIEW training for students and teachers.
Women in Engineering International Leadership http://sine.ni.com/nievents/app/results/p/country/
Summit – Tunisia us/type/webcasts/
August 10 – 12
Tunis, Tunisa

(Continued from page 7)

and 5G massive MIMO. Huber+Suhner provided a very Thursday brought more meetings, with Speedlink
competent description of their latest connectors and Technology and Pentek in the 5G pavilion. APA
cables. Stephanie Jarno’s presentation was outstanding. Wireless (oscillators) is gaining market share in Florida.
Lark RF Technology now has liquid crystal polymer Friday I was able to attend several IMBioC papers and an
substrate technology, whereas the great Rogers Corp. interactive forum. More on that in a future HFE issue.
(who I also met with) no longer makes the product. Pete
Alfano of Response Microwave gave a briefing on their Final Comments
latest products. Barry Industries continues to grow and Finally, kudos to the IMS Program Book team. They
innovate. prepared an excellent document. I think it should be
A planned 15-minute meeting with IDT turned into mailed to prospective attendees in advance of the confer-
an hour. Many topics were covered including base station ence. It would enhance attendance and provide better
cost effective arrays, push to millimeter-wave, IP from preparation/planning on the part of attendees. All in all, a
SpectraBeam, fabless silicon innovations, linearization, momentous week! See you in Boston next June!
noise figure control with variable gain, 5G push to 39
GHz, SATCOM, fixed wireless and future mobile applica-

HFE’s August Issue

Was Your Paper Rejected by IMS?
EDA, Defense Electronics, HFE Wants to See It
Email MS Word Doc to:
Signal Generators tim@highfrequencyelectronics.com

8 High Frequency Electronics

Lowest Noise in the Industry
Phase Noise Performance at 10 GHz


-90.00 21 GHz
20 GHz
10 GHz
-100.0 5 GHz
500 MHz
-110.0 50 MHz







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Frequency Synthesizers
Industry Leading Performance!
The LUXYN™ MLVS-Series Frequency Synthesizers from Micro Lambda Wireless is one of the fastest and
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and 500 MHz to 10 GHz with options to cover down to 50 MHz and up to 21 GHz in a single unit.
With the lowest noise in the industry, (phase noise at 5 GHz is -130 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset and at 10 GHz is
-125 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset), these synthesizers are designed for low noise & fast tune applications such as
Receiving Systems, Frequency Converters and Test & Measurement Equipment.

For more information contact Micro Lambda Wireless.

Micro Lambda is a ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company “Look to the leader in YIG-Technology”

46515 Landing Parkway, Fremont CA 94538 • (510) 770-9221 • sales@microlambdawireless.com

Market Reports

Military Satellite Sector Fueled by 3. PNT having the most stable spending because it
Heightened Funding Against Escalating affects both military and commercial interests;
Cyber Warfare 4. Development of satellite materials that will last
The US defense satellite market is experiencing longer in space and safeguarding signals through
tremendous expansion with intensive cyber war- encryption methodologies; and
fare driving US Department of Defense (DoD) spend 5. Defense seeking more partnerships with the
toward hardening its satellite infrastructure through private sector to streamline research and
program funding, modernization strategies, and development and accelerate program time-
innovative counter and offensive space initiatives. Frost lines.
& Sullivan forecasts the market to reach $30.30 billion —Frost & Sullivan
by 2023, growing at a compound annual growth frost.com
rate (CAGR) of 10.3%. Competition is expected to
heighten as demand for shorter development times and Small-Satellite Launch Market Heading
access to additional launch windows surges. Toward $62 Billion by 2030
Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, US Defense The evolution of small satellites from technology dem-
Satellite Market, Forecast to 2023, assesses disruptive onstrators to providers of low-cost operational services
trends, drivers and restraints, market share and the com- across distributed industry segments is attracting launch
petitive environment for players such as L-3 demand from organizations all over the world. By 2030,
Communications, Lockheed Martin, United Launch there will be an estimated 11,631 launch demands
Services LLC, Raytheon, and Harris Corp. Spending for new constellation installations and replace-
forecasts, key findings, and engineering measurements ment missions, which could take the market past
for segments such as asset defense, asset development, the $62 billion mark. As the lifespan of these satellites
communications, detection/warning, ground elements, is between two years and five years, there will be constant
meteorological, surveillance, and position, navigation, and launch demand and participants will look to enhance
time (PNT) are provided. their systems and infrastructure.
“As a nation with the largest number of satellites, the “While North American and European companies will
US DoD is taking every precaution to protect against be the leading developers of flexible, dedicated launch
adversaries’ evolving threats and ensure that space sys- vehicles, players in Asia-Pacific are looking to follow suit,”
tems are constantly operational,” said John Hernandez, said Vivek Suresh Prasad, Space Industry Principal,
Senior Industry Analyst, Defense at Frost & Sullivan. Aerospace & Defense. “Many players are also analyzing
“Resilient satellite communications, PNT, and reliable the feasibility of the small-satellite spaceport business
weather data are imperative for successful military oper- model to provide dedicated launch services to small-satel-
ations as well as ensuring robust missile detection.” lite operators.”
To gain a competitive advantage in an evolving mar- The high volume of launch demand for small
ket, Hernandez recommends players develop and use satellites is driving satellite operators to increase
small satellites that can be quickly manufactured, cost their launch capacity. The current rideshare capac-
less, and launched in large numbers. They should emulate ity is insufficient to meet the upcoming launch
innovative companies such as Raytheon, which has demand. Most small satellites use the rideshare
taken a large step into the small-satellite market by capacity as a secondary payload on existing launch-
producing small satellites for the US Coast Guard es. This makes their project schedule and mission require-
designed to detect emergency position-indicating radio ments dependent on the primary payload. Many incum-
beacons for search-and-rescue operations in the Arctic bent and emerging commercial operators are preparing
region. for the impending capacity expansion by providing dedi-
Five key trends creating growth opportunities cated services and launch flexibility to small-satellite
in the market include: operators.
1. The two largest spending areas in 2017 went • Once the unit shipment needs are met, the market
toward the communications segment at 40.7% and could grow impressively.
the PNT segment at 30.6%;
2. The US Air Force, which serves as the lead agency —Frost & Sullivan
for space operations within the Department of
Defense (DoD), is projected to spend a cumulative
$28.04 billion on the defense satellite market by
2023; HFE

10 High Frequency Electronics












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In the News
triangular track and back again while the vehicle
is on the move, for instant improvements to tacti-
cal mobility and maneuverability on diverse ter-

• Electric In-hub Motor

Putting motors directly inside the wheels offers
numerous potential benefits for combat vehicles,
such as heightened acceleration and maneuverabili-
ty with optimal torque, traction, power, and speed
over rough or smooth terrain. In an earlier demon-
DARPA’s Ground X-Vehicle Technologies (GXV-T) program
stration, QinetiQ demonstrated a unique approach,
demonstrations show progress on technologies for traveling incorporating three gear stages and a complex ther-
quickly over varied terrain and improving situational mal management design into a system small enough
awareness and ease of operation.
to fit a standard military 20-inch rim.

• Multi-mode Extreme Travel Suspension (METS)

GXV-T Advances Radical Technology for Pratt & Miller’s METS system aims to enable high-
Future Combat Vehicles speed travel over rough terrain while keeping the
DARPA’s Ground X-Vehicle Technologies (GXV-T) vehicle upright and minimizing occupant discomfort.
program aims to improve mobility, survivability, The vehicle demonstrator incorporates standard mili-
safety, and effectiveness of future combat vehicles tary 20-inch wheels, advanced short-travel suspen-
without piling on armor. Several Phase 2 contract sion of four-to-six inches, and a novel high-travel
awardees recently demonstrated advances on a suspension that extends up to six feet – 42 inches
variety of potentially groundbreaking technologies upward and 30 inches downward. The demonstration
to meet the program’s goals. in May showed off its ability to tackle steep slopes
and grades by actively and independently adjusting
“We’re looking at how to enhance survivability by button- the hydraulic suspension on each wheel of the vehicle.
ing up the cockpit and augmenting the crew through driv-
er-assistance aids,” said Maj. Amber Walker, the pro- Crew Augmentation
gram manager for GXV-T in DARPA’s Tactical Technology Traditional combat vehicle designs have small windows
Office. “For mobility, we’ve taken a radically different that improve protection, but limit visibility. GXV-T sought
approach by avoiding armor and developing options to solutions with multiple onboard sensors and technologies
move quickly and be agile over all terrain.” to provide high-resolution, 360-degree situational
awareness while keeping the vehicle enclosed.
Demonstrations, such as one in May at Aberdeen Test
Center, have given potential military service transition Enhanced 360-degree Awareness with Virtual
partners an opportunity to observe technical progress on Windows
the GXV-T program, including: Honeywell International demonstrated its windowless
cockpit in an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) with an opaque
Radically Enhanced Mobility canopy. The 3-D near-to-eye goggles, optical head-tracker
GXV-T envisions future combat vehicles that could and wrap-around Active Window Display screens provide
traverse up to 95 percent of off-road terrain, includ- real-time, high-resolution views outside the vehicle. In
ing slopes and various elevations. Capabilities off-road courses, drivers have completed numerous tests
include revolutionary wheel-to-track and suspen- using the system in roughly the same time as drivers in
sion technologies that would enable access and All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) with full visibility.
faster travel both on- and off-road, compared to
existing ground vehicles. Virtual Perspectives Augmenting Natural
• Reconfigurable Wheel-Track (RWT) Experience (V-PANE)
Wheels permit fast travel on hard surfaces while A tactical vehicle offers limited visibility and data for
tracks perform better on soft surfaces. A team decision-making, especially when moving rapidly through
from Carnegie Mellon University National unfamiliar territory. Raytheon BBN Technologies’
Robotics Engineering Center (CMU NREC) dem- V-PANE technology demonstrator fuses data from mul-
onstrated shape-shifting wheel-track mecha- tiple vehicle-mounted video and LIDAR cameras to create
nisms that transition from a round wheel to a a real-time 3-D model of the vehicle and its nearby sur-

12 High Frequency Electronics

ATC 180 R Series High RF Power
Porcelain Ultra-Low ESR MLCs
Lowest ESR in Class
• Optimized Package Geometry
• Lowest ESR in Class
• Excellent for Critical Tuning Applications
• Superior Thermal Performance

• Case R Size • 500 WVDC • Ultra-Stable
(.070” x .090”) Performance
• High Reliability
• High Q • High Self-Resonance
• Capacitance Range
• Low ESR/ESL 0.5 pF to 100 pF • Low Noise

Typical Applications:
• RF / Microwave • HDTV Amplifiers • High Power
Power Amplifiers • High Power Filter Matching Networks
Networks • Antenna Coupling




1 0.1

1000 MHz
ESR (Ohms)
ESR (Ohms)
ESR (Ohms)

500 MHz

1000 MHz

150 MHz
500 MHz

150 MHz
0.01 0.01
1 10 100 10 30 100
(1.0 pF to 22 pF) (24 pF to 100 pF)

Radio tower image courtesy of Tom Rauch, W8JI

THE ENGINEERS’ CHOICE ® w w w.a t c er am ic s .c o m

In the News
roundings. In a final Phase 2 dem- on experts’ intuition in a laborious,
GENERATORS onstration, drivers and commanders trial-and-error research process.
1 - 75 GHz in a windowless recreational vehicle
successfully switched among multi- DARPA’s Make-It program, cur-
ple virtual perspectives to accurately rently in year three of a four-year
maneuver the vehicle and detect tar- effort, is developing software
gets of interest during both low- and tools based on machine learn-
.50 x .66” high-speed travel. ing and expert-encoded rules to
. Very Broad Band High Output Frequency recommend synthetic routes (i.e.,
Spectrum (from - GHz), single unit Off-Road Crew the “recipe” to make a particu-
. No Bias Required
. Input Matched to Ohms Augmentation (ORCA) lar molecule) optimized for fac-
. Very Low Phase Noise A second CMU NREC technology tors such as cost, time, safety, or
. Custom Input Freq. available from
--- GHz
demonstration, ORCA aims to pre- waste reduction.
. Ideal Frequency Multiplication Base dict in real time the safest and fast-
Element for Millimeterwave Frequency * * *
est route and when necessary, enable
. Hermetically sealed package a vehicle to drive itself off-road – Insulated Wire is pleased to
. Removable Connector Drop in module even around obstacles. In Phase 2 announce that following the retire-
Typical Performance @ Pin = +++ dBm
testing, drivers using the ORCA aids ment of a French delegate, IW
@+ Deg. C (Preliminary) and visual overlays traveled faster Microwave Products Division
between waypoints and eliminated President John Morelli has been
nearly all pauses to determine their appointed as the Secretary for IEC/
routes. The team found autonomy SC46F, a subcommittee of IEC/TC46.
improved either vehicle speed or risk IEC/SC46F is responsible for RF and
posture, and sometimes both. Microwave Connectors andCompo-
nents International Standardization.
Mr. Morelli, who is sponsored by
Insulated Wire, Inc., brings signifi-
cant RF/Microwave connector and-
component experience to the position,
* Output frequency starts from nd and we congratulate him on his new
harmonic of the input frequency and up. appointment. Mr. Morelli had been
* Input Connector: SMA F; Output
Connector ...mm F. serving as the chief Technical Advisor
for the US National Committee’s
Custom Designs: Please call
for Detailed Brochures Technical Advisory Group to IEC/
Employing AI and SC46F.
Other Herotek Products: Automation to Map Out and
Detectors, Amplifiers, Switches,
Limiters, Impulse Generators, Make Molecules The US National Committee of the
Multipliers, Integrated Chemical innovation plays a key IEC is a fully integrated entity of
Subassemblies. role in developing cutting-edge tech- the American National Standards
nologies for the military. Research Institute (ANSI).
chemists design and synthesize new * * *
molecules that could enable a slew
of next-generation military products,
ISO -----
such as novel propellants for space- LadyBug Technologies, manu-
Made in U.S.A. Company craft engines; new pharmaceuticals facturers of patented no-zero no-cal
and medicines for troops in the field; before use USB RF Power Sensors, is
lighter and longer-lasting batter- pleased to announce MC Microwave,
ies and fuel cells; advanced adhe- Inc. of San Jose, as its new
155 Baytech Drive, San Jose, CA 95134 sives, coatings and paints; and less representatives for Northern
. Tel: (408) 941-8399
. Fax: (408) 941-8388 expensive explosives that are safer California and Northern Nevada.
. Email: Info@herotek.com
to handle. The problem, however, is MC has extensive experience in RF
. Website: www.herotek.com
. Visa/MasterCard Accepted that existing molecule design and and microwave technology.
production methods rely primarily
Get info at www.HFeLink.com

14 High Frequency Electronics

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Featured Products
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EW Detector Module
Production Test Socket for PMI Model No. EWDM-2G8G-65-
LQFP216 70MV is a CW immune EW detector
Ironwood Electronics introduced module operating over the 2.0 to 8.0
a new stamped spring pin socket GHz frequency range. This model
addressing high performance features an internal switch used to
requirements for testing 216 lead Capacitors
Passive Plus, Inc. (PPI) now offers switch between the Bit IN and RF IN
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18 High Frequency Electronics

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USB Power Sensors for

Statistical Pulse Measurements

By Orwill Hawkins

Today’s modern USB power sensors are capable of many advanced power measurements.
They are capable of demodulating the signal and processing the video information into usable
Statistical pulse measurement capability is just one of the many fea-
Modern USB power
tures these new sensors can deliver to the engineer at a modest cost. This
sensors are capable of
article will discuss the benefits and explain the methodology used to make
demodulating the
statistical pulse measurements in two state pulse waveforms. Its purpose
signal and processing
is to explain to the user the methodology in making the measurements so
the video information
that the user can make better measurements with confidence.
into usable
Pulse measurements are usually made by one of three methods. The
first and simplest method begins by measuring average power. Once the
average power is known, the user calculates pulse power from an assumed
duty cycle. This simple, time-tested method is relatively inexpensive; however it relies on an
assumed duty cycle, which can add error into the measurement.
Graphical analysis is another method that is commonly used. Here, the user or software pro-
cess acquires, parses, and analyzes a time domain representation of the signal. This requires more
expensive equipment and additional training. Data analysis can be slower and relies on triggering
which can make acquisition difficult. Its greatest value is being able to directly view the signal.
The last method and the subject of this article is statistical analysis in which samples are
taken over a period of time and then analyzed. This method collects more data, and can provide
better accuracy. It can produce repeatable accurate results, and requires less training. It is also
cost effective. This approach is usually less reliant on skill or assumptions than the first two
While currently as in the past this method has been employed heavily on radar pulses, it
can also provide significant value on today’s communication signals. Size and weight reduction
in PA (Power Amp) circuits for portable devices is a challenge. Statistical measurements can be
utilized to directly measure important signal parameters. These tests can help the engineer
confirm device speci-
fications and opti-
mize data density on
signals with complex
modulation without
exceeding component
design specifications.
Statistical pulse mea-
surements excel in
this area and can be
used to verify an
engineer’s design and
test for component
failures. A gated mea-
surement can be

22 High Frequency Electronics

made on an actual data-borne signal with non-repetitive The bisecting points of the 10%, 50% and 90%
pulse shapes, and the statistical measurement will accu- References are used to locate time related information
rately report crest factor and other parameters. such as Transition Durations (Rise and Fall Times), Pulse
To explain how measurements are made, pulse param- Duration (Pulse Width) etc. Only the 50% Reference will
eters must first be specified. In this article, pulse defini- be utilized here. This point is defined as the 50% of the
tions from IEEE Standard 181-2011 will be utilized. This State 2 Power, and may also be referred to as the 3dB
specification defines all necessary pulse parameters in down point by some users.
detail. Only a portion of the defined parameters will be The Base State represents no power, and is often
used in this paper; further, an added parameter, Peak equated to the noise floor on a typical Power Sensor, such
Power, will be specified. Refer to Figure 1, Pulse Amplitude as the LB479A referenced here. With this sensor this
Specifications along with the fol-
lowing explanation.

Pulse Specifications
This article used IEEE
Standards 194-1977, 181-1977,
181-2003, and 181-2011. With revi-
sions of these standards, some tra-
ditional terminology has been dep-
recated and or replaced. The statis-
tical measurement principles dis-
cussed here remain essentially the
same. Table 1 lists the important
terminology changes utilized in
this article. Descriptions listed for
these terms may vary. For example,
10% and 90% are not always used
as the reference points. Some of
these deprecated terms are in use
in the industry and may be refer-
enced here along with the new
terminology. See Table 1 for a list of
some of the new terms along with
the deprecated terms.
Referring to Figure 1, Peak
Power is added and is not general-
ly referenced in the IEEE
Standards. This is usually the first
overshoot. The LB479A power sen-
sor used in this article reports this
State 2 or Top Magnitude Power
is often referred to as Pulse Power
or Pulse Top Power, and will be
referenced as Pulse Power here.
Occasionally, this measurement is
confused with Peak Power; howev-
er, they are very different. The
Power Sensor user should make
sure they fully understand their
sensor’s measurement. This is an
important measurement, often
needed by engineers designing PA
circuits which operate at or very
near specific limits.
Get info at www.HFeLink.com


Table 1 • Terminology.

Figure 1 • Pulse Amplitude Specifications.

24 High Frequency Electronics

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In Stock
 
     
   
 
    

0201 0402 0603 0805

• TC = NPO
• Modeling Data Available
    

Figure 2 • Pulse with Grid.

• Case Sizes: 0505, 1111
• Q > 10,000
• Low ESR/ESL level is well below -60 dBm. Base State is the minimum power the system can
• TC = NPO / P90 measure. In some instances, such as the case where a switch with leakage is
• RoHS or Tin/Lead Termination implemented for pulse generation, the State 1 will represent the presence of
• Modeling Data Available
power as is indicated in Figure 1; this power is referred to as Offset Power. A
Available in Non-Magnetic Terminations
typical Power Sensor will represent State 2 Power and Peak Power as absolute
 power (measured from the Base State), since that is the measurement of inter-
est in most cases. Any Base State Power will simply be included in the average
  
power measurement.
Using the above Pulse definitions, let’s look at how the specific measure-
ments can be made. The statistical measurements discussed here are done
without consideration to pulse timing information, and will not provide Pulse
2225 3838 6040 7676 1313
Duration or Pulse Period; however Duty Factor measurements will be made.
• High Power Capacitors Case Sizes: The only two time considerations are: 1) The digitized samples should be taken
• Up to 25kV 2225
• High Current 3838 on a consistent repetitive time basis so that there is the same amount of time
• TC = NPO 6040
• Values: 1pF - 120,000pF 7676
• RoHS or Tin/Lead Termination 1313
• Custom Assemblies
Available in Non-Magnetic Terminations
      
   
• Unmatched customer service
• Modeling Available
• Design kits in stock
• Inventory programs
Call us today
Get info at www.HFeLink.com Figure 3 • Pulse with Grid and Histogram.
26 High Frequency Electronics
Figure 4 • Multiple Cycles with Expanded Histogram.

between samples. Of course sufficient bandwidth and waveform, each data sample is evaluated, and its associ-
sampling rate for the given waveform must be available, ated bin incremented. This “occurrence density distribu-
and 2) The waveform epoch (entire period of time that tion” algorithm, develops the shown histogram. Note that
samples are taken within) is sufficient to collect all the bins do not contain power levels. The contents is the
required signal information, more on this later. sum of the presence of values within a power level range.
To make Statistical Pulse measurements, samples are For example, if a sample value is 5dBm, the 5dBm bin
taken repetitively in accordance with their power level. would be incremented. On pulsed waveforms such as the
Referring to Figure 2, this can be visualized by laying the example in the Figures, this method will develop two dis-
pulse over a sheet of graph paper with the X axis repre- tinct modes, State 2 (f2) and State 1 (f1). These are noted
senting point a sample is taken, and the Y axis represent- on the horizontal peaks shown in the histogram at right
ing its power level. Note that the Y axis is limited to the in Figure 3. Since the pulse has not been repeated in this
measurement power level capability while the X axis is diagram, and only one pulse is shown with no clarity of
only limited by the number of samples desired, a very the number of samples taken between pulses, f1 is
significant number of samples may be taken if necessary. unknown at this point. It (f1), the count of matching power
In the graph shown in Figure 2, each vertical line repre- levels could be much larger than shown in cases such as
sents the occurrence of a sample, while each horizontal a radar pulse with significant time between pulses.
line represents a power level. It should be noted that so Note: The algorithm may be automatically modified or
long as consistency and associated math rules are uti- a different algorithm altogether may be used for
lized, the units can be liner or log. distorted pulses or other shapes. The LB479A
At this point, it is easy to see the Peak Power. It is sensor, for example, employs this and several
simply the highest measured power level. additional algorithms to evaluate statistical
State 2 or Pulse Power, shown in Figure 2, must be power. For further discussion, refer to the IEEE
calculated and represent an average of the top of the standards listed earlier.
pulse. Here, the IEEE Standards are utilized. One meth-
od is to use Mean of Density Distribution. This is a good Average Power
method for a basic pulse such as the one in the Figures Average Power can be calculated by simply averaging
and is suggested in the original standard. Newer stan- the sampled power levels (converted to linear units if in
dards reduce the graphical explanation of the method. log). As previously mentioned, the image shown in Figure
Visualization is utilized here to help explain the process. 3 does not necessarily include a complete wave form, ren-
dering an average of only the data shown inaccurate. This
Histogram Data is no different than any typical average power measure-
Referring to Figure 3, note the added histogram data ment, many samples should be averaged for accuracy and
at right. This graph represents the sum of binned sam- stability. In this case we are examining specific pulses,
ples. As the individual samples are taken across the however the averaging calculations are the same. For


Figure 5 • Histograms with Mesial Line.

statistical measurement work, averaging for extended Where DF is the duty Factor, A is the time the signal
periods of time (lots of samples) increase the accuracy on is active, and P is the total period the result is multiplied
all fronts. The pulse stream in Figure 4 shows many by 100 so that it is expressed as a percentage.
pulses, the result is an increase in all of the values in the Calculating Duty Factor requires locating the begin-
histogram, resulting in increased accuracy and a good ning and end of the pulse. This will be done using the 50%
average power measurement. The measurement epoch References. Refer to Figures 3 and 5. IEEE 181 specifies
must include many cycles to minimize error. that the 50% Reference is Base State Power plus 50% of
the difference between State 1 and state 2. This calcula-
Crest Factor tion removes the out-of-wave Offset Power from the tim-
Once Average Power is known, Crest Factor (CF) can ing calculation making it more accurate; then adds the
be calculated since Peak Power has already been deter- Offset back in so that Power is expressed from the abso-
mined. Crest Factor is normally reported in db. The fol- lute reference. Refer to Figures 3 and 5. Note that in
lowing formula can be used to calculate Crest Factor if Figure 5 Left, the data above and below the 50%
units are linear: Reference appears balanced, this is because the pulse has
CF(dB) = 10log10 (Peak Power / Average Power) a duty factor that is fairly close to 50%. Figure 5 Right
depicts a pulse stream with similar power levels and a
Pulse Power somewhat lower Duty Factor. This can be seen by the
Pulse Power can be found by identifying the State 2 additional bin volume below the 50% Reference and less
Mode (f2). Recall that while each bin contains the number above, indicating that the signal was at State 1 (f1) for a
of samples at a specific power level, it does represent a longer period of time and State 2(f2) for less time.
specific power level. Pulse Power is the power represent- Assuming the power levels have been converted to
ed by the State 2 Mode (f2). linear units, the following formula can be utilized to cal-
culate the 50% Reference Power Level.
Duty Factor P50%= Base State + (0.5*(State 2 - State 1))
Duty Factor (Duty Cycle) can be expressed as the per- This Power Level is recognized as the power at the
centage of one period in which the signal is active. Here is leading and trailing pulse edges. Once this is known,
the basic formula for Duty factor: Duty Factor can be calculated. To calculate Duty Factor,
DF(%)= A/P * 100 we won’t actually use the power level at the 50%

28 High Frequency Electronics

Figure 6 • Statistical Pulse Measurement.

Figure 7 • Pulse Profiling Display.

Reference because the calculation will be done with bin counts. Since the 50%
reference represents the leading and trailing edges of the pulse, all bin counts
RF Switching above the Reference represent time that the Pulse is Active.
Referring to Figures 4 and 5, and the Duty Factor formula above, the total
Solutions from sample count inside the measurement epoch represents the time that that
pulses were taken within, and is represented by P. The number of samples
DC-110 GHz taken that lie above the 50% Reference represent the Active time and is repre-
sentative of A. Note that while units of time are referenced with A and P, any
Trust in Ducommun RF such time units cancel out, leaving only the bin count, and the time informa-
Products for all your high tion is irrelevant to the calculation. The sensor’s sampling rate could be uti-
frequency testing needs. lized to associate actual time if desired, however it is unnecessary for the cal-
Ducommun offers a full culation of Duty Factor.
portfolio of coaxial switches For example, if during the measurement window, 1,276,412 samples were
up to 46GHz and pin diodes taken, and it is determined that 437,567 lie above the 50% Reference, the Duty
up to 110 GHz. Factor is:
DF = A/P*100 = 437,567/1,276,412*100 = 34.28%

Actual Measurement
Now let’s see what a real power sensor can give us as a measurement.
Using the pulse information and algorithms found in the IEEE specifications,
the LB479A sensor makes economically accurate measurements such as those
Coaxial Switches DC-46 GHz
shown below.

2.4mm, 2.92mm, SMA, TNC, N
Excellent RF performance
Figure 6 shows the pulse measurement using an LB479A power sensor.
• Internal 50Ω termination Note the Pulse Power in the main display and the Peak Power are nearly iden-
• High power, vacuum, hot switch
tical, indicating a pulse with a flat top and little overshoot or tilt (droop). The
Duty Cycle is 11.11% and average power is -3.657 dBm. This measurement
took very little time to setup and is highly accurate.
RF Switch Matrix For comparison purposes, the image in Figure 7 was made with an LB480A
• GUI interface power sensor with Option 004 on the same pulse stream. The measurement is
• USB/ RS-232/ Ethernet control
• No NRE charges edge triggered and trace based, plus it includes time related information such
• Modular design
as pulse width. Note that the measurements from the two different sensors,
while calculated in very different ways are essentially the same verifying that
fast, economical, high accuracy pulse measurements can be achieved using
Bench Top Switches statistical methods.
• Configurable switching
• USB, ethernet control
• Graphic user interface (GUI) Conclusion
• Low cost solutions
Compact USB Power Sensors offer a variety of measurements including
advanced analytical information. Deploying and integrating USB Power sen-
sors also offers several distinct advantages over traditional Power Meter plus
Space Grade Switches sensing Head technology. The small sensors are easily built into ATE equip-
• SPDT, transfer, multi-throw and ment, remote communications equipment, repeaters, and base stations, emerg-
switch matrix configurations
• Over 30 years of space ing 5G infrastructure, and new generation defense applications. They use
heritage minimal power, weigh less, and offer equal or greater accuracy. ATE system
builders will also benefit from Statistical Pulse measurements, which can pro-
vide easy to setup numeric measurements and can often eliminate the need for
Pin Diode Switches graphical analysis in manufacturing.
• SPST to SP8T configurations
• Nano second (ns) level
• 0.03 GHz to 110 GHz About the Author
• Reflective and absorptive
Orwill Hawkins serves as VP of Marketing and Sales for LadyBug
Technologies LLC.

For additional information contact our sales Ed. Note

team at: A prior version of this article originally appeared in HFE in 2016.
310-513-7256 or rfsales@ducommun.com

Get info at www.HFeLink.com

30 High Frequency Electronics

App Note

Compact PA Solution Using

Novel GaN Process and
Specialized Software


The Design Challenge

Modern electronic warfare (EW) and battlefield awareness require reliable, high-output-
power, high-efficiency, and large-bandwidth power amplifier (PA) solutions. With many applica-
tions requiring single PA compact solution covering a broader frequency range, GaN on SiC has
become the technology of choice due to its high-power density, high-frequen-
GaN on SiC has become cy capability and robust design ability.
the technology of Designers in this case were tasked with using a next-generation 28 V
choice due to its high- GaN process technology (G28V4, 0.25µm) to design a wideband general-
power density, high- purpose device capable of meeting the demands of the EW market for dis-
frequency capability mounted or man-portable uses that operate from battery power. Wolfspeed
and robust design selected the 0.25 µm process for its benefits of 6 W/mm power density, >120
ability. V breakdown, and 28 V operation to deliver the highest power gain possible
from a single-stage RF device.
Design goals for the PA, shown in Figure 1, were to create a single-ended amplifier with the
ability to deliver over 70 W (CW) from 0.5 - 3.0 GHz, while maintaining an efficiency high enough
to operate at a case temperature of 65° C.
Other critical parameters included gain flatness of +/- 1 dB for easy system integration and
good input/output return losses. To achieve the large bandwidth, a packaged input matched
approach was used to reduce the burden on the input matching network (IMN), while maintain-
ing a small form factor. An input equalizer design was implemented on the printed circuit board
(PCB) to shape the gain across the
band to meet the required specifica-
tion. A key requirement for the equal-
izer was to maintain the gain flatness
in band and add stability margin
while handling the maximum input
power needed to drive the transistor
into saturation without the need of
non-surface-mount components. For
this reason, careful simulations were
needed to see the dissipation in each
of the components on the PCB and
make sure the power ratings were not
exceeded during operation.

The Solution
The Wolfspeed design team chose Figure 1 • Compact PA solution designed using
the NI AWR Design Environment a next-generation 28 V GaN process technology.

(Continued on page 34)

App Note
(Continued from page 31)
efficiency. The input equalizer
enabled the gain flatness to be within
+/- 1 dB of the nominal value. Because
surface-mount components were
required to reduce the complexity of
the PCB, aluminum nitride (AlN)
thick-film chip resistors were used on
the equalizer network to handle the
high-power requirement, as shown in
Figure 2. Electromagnetic (EM) sim-
ulations, in conjunction with har-
monic balance, were used to verify
the power dissipation in each of the
components and to confirm that the
maximum rating was not exceeded.
Using Microwave Office graphs, the
dissipated power versus input drive
was plotted to determine the maxi-
mum rated input power of the PA, so
that a first-pass design was feasible
on the bench.
For the full design, a high degree
of correlation was achieved between
the simulations and measured
results, as demonstrated in Figure 3.
Figure 2 •Equalizer network used on IMN to achieve gain flatness The predicted drain efficiency was
across required bandwidth. typically within 2 percent of the mea-
sured data and the output power was
within 0.5 dB across the frequency

Why NI AWR Design Environment

The Wolfspeed design team chose
the NI AWR Design Environment
platform for the design of the
CG2H30070F 0.5-3.0 GHz GaN on
SiC PA utilizing a packaged pre-
match to reduce the required trans-
formation ratio and on-board equal-
izer to achieve optimal gain flatness.
The ability to quickly add a full Ansys
HFSS package transistor model in
Microwave Office software along with
a full AXIEM EM simulation of the
PCB enabled the team to analyze the
circuit in detail and achieve industry-
leading performance in a short period
Figure 3 • Measured (dashed) versus simulated (solid) data showing of time. The resulting measured-to-
a high degree of correlation. model correlation validated the
approach and enabled quick release of
platform, specifically Microwave Office circuit design a full device model.
software, for the design of this device. The final product Special thanks to Matthew Pizzella, RF Design
(CG2H30070) demonstrated 80 - 115 W of output power Engineer and Brad Millon, Applications Engineering
from 0.5 - 3.0 GHz with greater than 48 percent drain Manager, for their contributions to this story.

34 High Frequency Electronics

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from 4 Models

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www.minicircuits.com P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 sales@minicircuits.com 568 RevC
Corporate Focus
The Largest Selection
of Waveguide
Components For
Same-Day Shipping

Waveguide Bandpass Waveguide

Filters Detectors

Pasternack Inks Private-

Label Agreement with PMI
Waveguide Power Waveguide
Amplifiers Sections

Pasternack signed an agreement with Planar Monolithics Industries, Inc.

(PMI) to private-label a selection of PMI manufactured products under the
Waveguide Standard Waveguide Pasternack brand name. These new products will be available off-the-shelf for
Gain Horns Terminations
immediate shipping.
Through this private-label agreement, Pasternack will expand the visibil-
ity of its already extensive portfo-
lio of RF, microwave and millime- “Partnering with PMI is
ter wave coaxial component solu- an exciting development
Waveguide Variable Waveguide to Coax tions to a larger number of cus-
Attenuators Adapters
tomers. This new partnership pro- for Pasternack, further
vides customers with urgent RF aligning us with our goal
product needs access to an exten-
sive inventory of industry-leading
of being the RF
components through Pasternack, engineer’s single source
Flexible Waveguide Up/Down which include Pasternack’s 24/7 for urgently needed RF
Waveguide Converters
sales and technical support, online
purchasing and same-day ship- products globally.
“Partnering with PMI is an exciting development for Pasternack, further
aligning us with our goal of being the RF engineer’s single source for urgent-
• Frequencies from L-band to W-band ly needed RF products globally. With this agreement, we are able to expand
• Leading Edge Performance our existing, broad selection of in-stock RF and microwave products and
quickly deliver them to engineers when they need them,” said Tim Galla,
• Sizes from WR-10 to WR-430
Senior Product Manager, RF Components at Pasternack.
• High Precision Machining “Planar Monolithics Industries, Inc. (PMI) has, for a long period of time,
• Multiple Flange Styles been seeking an opportunity to provide customers with off-the-shelf solutions
• All In-Stock and Ready to Ship in situations where time and schedules do not allow for our state-of-the-art
advanced RF/Microwave components to be built-to-order. Partnering with the
remarkable distribution and marketing platform offered by Pasternack
Enterprises will now make this possible,” said Sebastian Palacio, VP at
Planar Monolithics Industries, Inc.
Get info at www.HFeLink.com

36 High Frequency Electronics

You Engineer the Future.
We’ll Supply the Components... Today!

Largest Selection p Same-Day Shipping p Expert Technical Support p

Armed with the world’s largest selection of in-stock, ready to ship RF components, and the brains to
back them up, Pasternack Applications Engineers stand ready to troubleshoot your technical issues and
think creatively to deliver solutions for all your RF project needs. Whether you’ve hit a design snag,
you’re looking for a hard to find part or simply need it by tomorrow, our Applications Engineers are at
your service. Call or visit us at pasternack.com to learn more.

an company
Product Focus

Real-Time DSP for EW

suming test scenarios. With new streaming APIs and
With new streaming APIs and interfaces, including support for 40 GbE and LVDS, the
analyzer offers the performance and ready-to-go conve-
interfaces, including support nience that system engineers need to move forward with
for 40 GbE and LVDS, the their next-generation designs.
“The RSA7100A with IQFlow leads the market as a
analyzer offers the comprehensive solution that can quickly and easily be
performance and ready-to-go dropped into a wide range of test scenarios,” said Jon
Baldwin, vice president and general manager, Wideband
convenience that system Solutions Business Unit at Tektronix. “IQFlow gives our
customers the flexibility to process their own DSP algo-
engineers need to move rithms in real time using our front-end system. They are
forward with their next- not limited to working only with the instrument vendors’
analysis results.”
generation designs.
100 percent intercept probability
The RSA7100A is the widest-bandwidth streaming
Tektronix announced the addition of IQFlowTM func-
real-time spectrum analysis on the market. The DPX
tionality to its RSA7100A wideband signal analysis solu-
spectrum/spectrogram display provides 100 percent prob-
tion. This enhancement delivers the speed and flexibility
ability of intercept of up to 419 ns signals in an 800 MHz
needed to perform real-time digital signal processing
span. The analyzer’s 16 kHz to 26.5 GHz frequency range
(DSP) and support hardware in the loop (HWIL or HIL)
covers a broad range of analysis needs, including radar &
test for radar and electronic warfare (EW) systems.
spectrum management applications.
The RSA7100A’s real-time analysis for live monitoring
of recording events allows systems engineers to ensure Tektronix
they are getting the data they need from their time-con- tek.com

38 High Frequency Electronics

Product Highlights

Millimeter and
Wave Frequency
OML is a premier supplier of
innovative millimeter and sub-mil-
limeter wave frequency extension
products for vector network analyz-
ers, scalar network analyzers, spec-
trum analyzers, converters, and sig-
nal generators. Our solutions
empower engineers in R&D and
manufacturing to pursue opportuni-
ties in emerging applications span-
ning radio astronomy, communica-
tion, imaging, space research, bio-
medical and homeland security.
OML works closely with premier
test equipment suppliers such as
Keysight and Anritsu to ensure that
our measurement solutions meet
expectations of precision, stability
and repeatability. We develop our
technology to provide reliable oper-
ation which we show with our
industry’s best standard warranty
of 2 years (restrictions apply - see
terms and conditions for details).
Let OML help you explore the mil-
limeter wave frontier by providing
knowledgeable and responsive ser-
Our millimeter wave frequency
extension products include: Vector
Network Analysis, Scalar Network
Analysis, Spectrum Analysis, Block
Down Converters for EMI Analysis,
and Low Spurious (‐50 dBc)
Frequency Multiplier Signal
OML has been exploring the
millimeter wave frontier for more
Innovation in Millimeter Wave Solutions
than 20 years. As a result, our inno-
vative solutions fulfill emerging test
& measurement needs. (408) 779-2698
Get info at www.HFeLink.com

Product Highlights

Ka Band Omnidirectional Antenna

Model SAO-2734030345-KF-S1 is a full band, Ka band na is equipped with K(F) coaxial connector. The version
omnidirectional antenna that covers the frequency range with WR-28 waveguide interface is offered under model
of 26.5 and 40 GHz. This vertically polarized antenna number, SAO-2734030345-28-S1.
offers 360 degrees azimuth coverage with a 3 dBi typical
SAGE Millimeter
gain and ±1 dB nominal gain flatness. sagemillimeter.com
The antenna features a half power beamwidth of 45
degrees in its vertical direction. The RF port of the anten-

VNA Cal Kit: DC to 40 GHz

Model STQ-TO-KFKM-U3-CKIT1 is a 2.92 mm coaxi- male, male to female and female to female adapters, and
al vector network analyzer (VNA) calibration kit designed a 5/16” Hex Torque wrench. It is collected in a wooden box
to work with industry standard network analyzers in the and is an ideal higher performance metrology grade cali-
frequency range of DC to 40 GHz. bration set for VNA system calibrations.
The calibration kit consists of 2.92 mm male and
SAGE Millimeter
female opens, shorts, matching loads, 2.92 mm male to sagemillimeter.com

40 High Frequency Electronics

Mini-Circuits ®

www.minicircuits.com P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 sales@minicircuits.com

Product Highlights

YIG-Tuned Oscillators for 5G Applications

Micro Lambda Wireless announced production release The standard model operates over the 0 to +65 degrees
of YIG-tuned oscillators covering the frequency range C temperature range. Extended temperature ranges are
from 6 to 21 GHz. These permanent magnet based oscilla- available. Applications include test instruments, frequen-
tor models have been specifically designed for the next cy converters, wide band receivers, Telecom, Satcom, and
generation requirements to support 5G applications. a variety of commercial applications.
With up to 12 GHz tuning range, these oscillators pro-
Micro Lambda Wireless
vide excellent phase noise performance with low prime microlambdawireless.com
power requirements. All units come in a plug-in package
for ease of PCB interface.

Low-Noise Frequency Synthesizer for 5G Applications

Micro Lambda Wireless announced a low noise fre- This series has been designed in a compact package
quency synthesizer specifically designed for new 5G that will fit within a 2 slot PXI chassis. Dimensions are
applications. Standard frequency models are available 5.0” x 3.0” x .99” tall. Units come with a 9-pin Molex con-
covering 6 to 18 GHz, 8 to 20 GHz, 10 to 21 GHz. nector for all input voltages and signals as well as a stan-
These synthesizers have been designed with superior dard USB Mini-B connector. RF connectors are SMA
integrated phase noise over the 20 kHz to 50 MHz offset female and are available in two locations on the package
frequencies and provide exceptional Error Vector depending on customer needs.
Magnitude (EVM) performance. Standard models are
Micro Lambda Wireless
specified to operate over the 0 to +65 degrees C tempera- microlambdawireless.com
ture range. Extended temperature ranges are available.

42 High Frequency Electronics

Product Highlights

Passive Solutions
XMA was founded in 2003 through the acquisition of strategy combined with an aggressive AS9100 Quality
the Omni-Spectra® product line from M/A-Com, Inc. Management System. This strategy allows us the flexibil-
Since our inception, XMA has been committed to continu- ity to manufacture
ous improvement while producing the highest quality custom products at both low and high volumes.
products. XMA is an industry leader in custom product
offerings through our New Product Introduction, xmacorp.com
Development and Transition to Manufacturing (NPID)

Adapters, Attenuators, Couplers,

Cryogenic Products, DC Blocks,
Equalizers, Power Dividers, Terminations

RF, Microwave & Millimeter Wave Passive Components

Feed Horn Antenna Assembly

Model SAH-2434231060-358-S1-280-DP is a dual
polarized, WR-28 choke flange feed horn antenna assem-
bly that covers several popular 5G bands in the frequency
range of 24 to 42 GHz. The antenna features an inte- You have RF, Microwave and Millimeter Wave Design Challenges.
Solutions Come Standard at XMA.
grated orthomode transducer (OMT) that provides high
At XMA Corporation-Omni Spectra®, our mission is to be an industry leader
port isolation and cross-polarization cancellation and a enhancing the global communication experience by providing quality RF
broad band scalar horn that provides low sidelobe levels.
Serving military, aerospace, test and measurement, medical and commercial
The OMT enables the antenna to separate a circular or markets around the globe, our in-house design and manufacturing
elliptical polarized waveform into two linear, orthogonal capabilities provide the flexibility needed to manufacture both standard and
custom products in high or low volumes.
waveforms or vice versa.
• Broadband frequencies from DC to 65GHz • Cryogenic product capabilities
The dual polarized horn also supports either vertical • High power products >300W • Military standard products
• DFARS and RoHS compliant products • ITAR, AS9100 and ISO registered
or horizontal polarized waveguide forms with more than
XMA is ready to be your strategic partner advancing future technologies
30 dB cross polarization rejections. At center frequency, through disruptive design, manufacturing, and support initiatives, one
the horn antenna exhibits 10 dBi nominal gain and a connection at a time.

typical half power beamwidth of 60 degrees and -25 dB 7 Perimeter Road, Manchester, NH 03103 | +1 (603) 222-2256 | xmacorp.com | sales@xmacorp.com
sidelobe level for E plane and -35 dB for H Plane.
SAGE Millimeter Get info at www.HFeLink.com

Product Highlights

EW Detector
PMI Model No. EWDM-8G18G-65-70MV is a CW the Hybrid MIC/MMIC technology innovations that are
immune EW detector module operating over the 8.0 to mushrooming in a big way all over the world. High perfor-
18.0 GHz frequency range. This model features an inter- mance and reliable products can be obtained by using this
nal switch used to switch between the Bit IN and RF IN technology.
with input blanking on both ports. In addition, an RF A vacuum exists in the demand for state-of-the-art
output port is provided with a gain of 33 dB minimum. Hybrid MIC/MMIC Components and Subsystems. Planar
The video output is designed to drive a 150 ft. cable. Monolithics will meet these requirements.
Planar Monolithics was founded to take advantage of
Planar Monolithics Industries
the growing demand in monolithic-based products using pmi-rf.com

High-Power Limiter
PMI Model No. LM-1G18G-15-3W-500WP-SFF is a Circuits) Components, Supercomponents, and Subsystems
high-power limiter that operates over the 1.0 to 18.0 GHz for applications in Telecommunications, Terrestrial,
frequency range. This model is capable of handling an Satellite, and Mobile-Radio Communications, Defense
input power of 3 Watts CW and 500 Watts peak. It is (ECM, ECCM, ESM, Radars, and Electronic Warfare),
housed within a compact 1.00” x 1.00” x 0.40” package Cable-TV, Navigation and Marine Electronics, FAA/DOT-
outfitted with field replaceable SMA female connectors. Avionics, Ground Based Systems, and Microwave Landing
Planar Monolithics Industries has been set up to Systems.
manufacture and market various MIC/MMIC (Microwave
Planar Monolithics Industries
Integrated Circuits and Monolithics Microwave Integrated pmi-rf.com

44 High Frequency Electronics

Education Focus

Upcoming Continuing
Education Courses in
San Jose, Calif
Smartphone RF Architecture Fundamentals
August 22 to 24, 2018; San Jose, CA
Early discount registration ends
mm-Wave RFIC and MMIC
Design Techniques
September 26 to 28, 2018; San
Jose, CA BESSER Get Up to Speed
5G, mm-Wave Antennas: Phased
Arrays, Propagation, Integration
The Worldwide Leader in RF and Wireless Training
— Fast!
& Test
September 24 to 25, 2018; San RF Technology Certification
Jose, CA Next Session Starts Soon! - Online Register Now!
Radio Systems: RF Transceiver Applied RF Engineering I
Design from Antenna to Bits and Next Session Starts Soon! - Online
September 24 to 28, 2018; San Smartphone RF Architecture Fundamentals
Jose, CA August 22-24, San Jose, CA - Rick Fornes

Our Services
Radio Systems: RF Transceiver Design from Antenna to Bits & Back
Founded in 1985, Besser September 24-28, San Jose, CA - Waleed Khalil
Associates delivers live and alter- 5G, mm-Wave Antennas:
native media training to profession- Phased Arrays, Propagation, Integration and Test
als working with analog, RF, wire- September 24-25, San Jose, CA - Steve Best
less, digital, and networking tech- mm-Wave RFIC and MMIC Design Techniques
nologies. We’ve trained over 60,000 September 26-28, San Jose, CA - Ali Darwish
people in these industries.
Our instruction combines theory EMI/EMC and Signal Integrity Boot Camp
with hands-on practice, the latest October 22-26, San Jose, CA - Arturo Mediano
tools and technology, and the most RF Power Amplifier Design Techniques
appropriate training media for indi- October 24-26, San Jose, CA - Ali Darwish
vidualized, meaningful participant
5G Wireless Networks
experiences. This education is criti-
October 22 - 24, San Jose, CA - Joe Boccuzzi
cal to process and product innova-
tion in the highly competitive RF,
wireless, and networking indus- Train your team on-site: Our instructors can present almost any
tries. Training options include our course from our full catalog at your domestic or international
public courses, customized/private location at a time that is most convenient for your schedule.
courses at your facility, and online/ Contact us for more details!
eLearning courses.
Our Customers
Our customers represent the

Besser Associates
most prominent leading and emerg- RF Technology 
ing communications design compa- Certification
nies around the world.

Besser Associates www.besserassociates.com info@besserassociates.com

Get info at www.HFeLink.com

Product Focus

Radio Test Set Supports Many Formats

also supports general-purpose measurements and com-
It has a scalable mercial standards (LTE, WLAN, and Bluetooth®) for next
generation radio test.
modular architecture for Key Features & Specifications

efficient and complete • RF and audio signal generation and analysis for
military, public safety, and avionics radio commu-
test development and nications
• Analog/digital signal formats measurements
execution needed for the including APCO P25, Tetra, DMR, and dPMR
• RF/AF Spectrum
manufacturing and • Tx and Rx measurements: hum and noise, SINAD
and THD, SNR, sensitivity, modulation quality
radio maintenance • General-purpose measurements and commercial
standards supported (LTE, WLAN, Bluetooth)
environment. • 100 kHz to 6 GHz frequency range
• Up to 160 MHz signal generation and analysis
Keysight’s M8920A Radio Test Set supports many bandwidth available
formats by combining PXI hardware with application • Using Keysight’s new N9093A Radio Test
specific software in a single flexible and scalable chassis, Software, giving access and control of multiple key
providing broad multiformat coverage for next generation instruments on one screen while viewing a variety
radio testing. of critical measurements at the same time
It has a scalable modular architecture for efficient and
complete test development and execution needed for the keysight.com
manufacturing and radio maintenance environment. It

46 High Frequency Electronics

Product Highlights
Connectors, Components, Solutions
VidaRF is a global technology provider of custom RF microwave components
to client’s requests, or directly built-to spec for the most specific applications.
VidaRF headquarters located in Huntersville, NC. Along with providing our
customers with a variety of MIL-SPEC products, VidaRF Components special-
izes in designing custom solutions.
Instead of designing around catalog items, VidaRF products are engineered
to meet and exceed customer requirements and expectations. Design assistance

is readily available and can result

in new concepts of weight reduction
and space savings. “When the stan-
dard just will not do, VidaRF has
the solution for you.”
Vida RF

Microsite: PCB Prototyping

LPKF announces the launch of
its new microsite,
There’s a lot to know about
PCB prototyping machines. How
much do they cost? Which machine
is right for you? What substrate
materials do they process? How
can you use them?
LPKF has pulled together all of
the answers and insights you need,
while providing you a fast path to
getting cost information via its
step-by-step PCB system selector
tool. This microsite is an all-in-one,
convenient guide to PCB prototyp-
ing machines which offers several
informative briefs, company spot-
lights on milling and laser machine
usage, blogs, and more.

Get info at www.HFeLink.com

Product Focus

SDAR: a Milestone for Airborne

The R&S®SDAR from Rohde & Schwarz brings the requirements. The R&S HDR series transmits up to two
latest generation of software defined airborne radios and voice channels and data in parallel at high speed and
network-capable waveforms to the skies. The R&S®SDAR with different priorities. Users can select the waveform
offers wideband and secure voice and data communica- that best matches their requirements regarding range,
tions for network centric operations. Thanks to the radio’s data rate and jamming immunity.
innovative technology, users can achieve information As a modern, software defined radio, the SDAR offers
superiority during operations. even more flexibility through the ability to port wave-
Features include simultaneous voice and data trans- forms independently of the manufacturer. Based on the
mission in wideband operation, superior frequency hop- international Software Communications Architecture
ping procedures, highly secure encryption algorithms and (SCA) standard, the SDAR was implemented as an open
radiocommunications networks that adapt to topological platform with a strict separation between the radio plat-
conditions, and the mobility required for operations form and the software, i.e. the waveform. This allows
(mobile ad hoc networking). SCA-based waveforms from other manufacturers as well
Rohde & Schwarz is the only provider to meet the civil as from existing waveforms to be ported to the radio,
aviation certification requirements of the European thereby providing both future investment protection and
Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Military aircraft can only backwards compatibility with established radio systems.
be certified and operated without restrictions when they Customers can develop and modify the integrated encryp-
fulfill both military and civil requirements. tion as well as the waveforms.
Rohde & Schwarz has developed a family of network
Rohde & Schwarz
capable, wideband waveforms to handle diverse mission rohde-schwarz.com

48 High Frequency Electronics

Product Highlights
Hybrid Amplifier Modules
Our Hybrid Amplifier Modules include GaN Power Amplifiers, Universal
Modules & GaAs Power Amplifier Modules.
AMCOM Communications is a leading edge microwave design organization
that provides power FETs, MMIC power amplifiers, as well as high-power ampli-
fier modules with RF and DC connectors.
MCOM has all the expertise, manpower, space, and equipment for manufac-
turing state-of-the-art products. Some of our capabilities are: active device
design, MMIC design, and power amplifier module design. In addition, we are
experts in device/MMIC packaging, module assembly and RF/DC testing.

AMCOM offers a variety of Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPA) for different
power levels and operating frequencies. The connectorized modules are
offered in compact sizes and are suitable for many applications such as radar,
instrumentation and broadband jamming. Also, AMCOM offers a custom
design service to meet customers' requirements for their own specific
applications. The table below shows some of AMCOM’s standard products:

Model Frequency Vsupply Idq Gain P1dB Psat

Low Noise Amplifier AM003040SF-4H 0.05-3GHz 3.5A 43dB 41dBm 42dBm
PMI Model No. PE2-19-6G18G-
1R6-16-12-SFF is a low noise AM004042SF-2H 0.05-4GHz 1.5A 24dB 40dBm 42dBm
amplifier which operates between
6.0 to 18.0 GHz. AM042644SF-3H 0.3-2.6GHz 2.7A 35dB 43dBm 44dBm
This LNA provides 19 dB of
small signal gain while maintain- AM153042SF-4H 6A 36dB 42dBm 43dBm
1.3-3.4GHz 15-20V
ing a low noise figure of only 2 dB.
The P1dB output power of 15 AM206545SF-3H 2.5A 28dB 38.5dBm 45dBm
2-6.5GHz 32-40V
dBm enables the LNA to function
as a LO driver for balanced, I/Q or AM02018041SF-3H 3.4A 26dB 36.5dBm 41dBm
2-18GHz 32-40V
image reject mixers. This model
also features I/O’s that are DC AM07511242SF-3H 5.5A 23dB 40.5dBm 41.5dBm
7.5-11.2GHz 12-15V
blocked and internally matched to
50 Ohms.
AM08513241SF-3H 8.5-13.2GHz 12-15V 6A 25dB 40.5dBm 41.5dBm
Planar Monolithics Industries
pmi-rf.com AM00010037UM-1H 0.05-10GHz +28, -2V 0.3A 13dB 30dBm 37dBm

AM30040031SF-3H 30-40GHz +6, -0.6V 1A 17dB 27dBm 31dBm

For more detailed information please visit:

HFE 401 Professional Dr.

info@amcomusa.com P: 301-353-8400
Gaithersburg, MD 20879 F: 301-353-8400

Get info at www.HFeLink.com

Product Focus

Spectrum Analyzer: Precision, Accuracy

The RSA5000B offers signal Familiar, independent controls: RBW, VBW, Quasi
Peak detector, Zero-Span Comprehensive measurements:
analysis that’s both wide and Channel Power, OBW, ACRL, Spurious, CCDF,
highly accurate. The accuracy Spectrogram Simultaneously see events in frequency,
time domains, and real time
allows you to make higher The RSA5000B offers signal analysis that’s both wide
margins in your measurements. and highly accurate. The accuracy allows you to make
higher margins in your measurements. The fact that it is
Visualize and characterize devices and components wide allows you to rest assured that you’ll find what
with precision and accuracy using the powerful, industry you’re seeking.
leading RSA5000B Real Time Spectrum Analyzer. This Wideband analysis with great dynamic range: 165
advanced spectrum analyzer makes high performance MHz with 80 dBc SFDR
and sensitivity measurements for spurious signals much Frequency Response for 165 MHz BW: ±0.4 dB, 1.5°
faster than other spectrum analyzers, so you can conduct Options for WLAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Pulsed Analysis,
conventional measurements and troubleshoot quickly, and more
accurately and successfully. Discover the most difficult, hard-to-find problems with
With its outstanding RF performance, generous fea- industry-best, powerful real-time architecture. Advanced,
ture set and easily accessible standard controls, you can proprietary DPX® technology lets you see RF characteris-
rely on the RSA5000B every day. The impressive sweep tics practically invisible to a conventional spectrum ana-
speed with high sensitivity lets you complete a 10 GHz lyzer. Fully controllable and independent settings for
span sweep with a noise floor of -110 dBm/Hz in just 22 Span, RBW, VBW in real time displays.
seconds, and multiple traces, markers and standard mea-
surements are always at the ready. tek.com

50 High Frequency Electronics

Product Highlights

Broad Band Low PIM Attenuators – 50 Watts

MECA offers Broad Band Low PIM Attenuators 50 to +85°C with no derating. Made in the USA and
watt models with a Typical PIM spec of -161dBc. Featuring 36-month warranty.
4.1/9.5, 7/16, N and 4.3/10.0 DIN interfaces with custom
MECA Electronics
in-between styles also available upon request. Covering e-meca.com
600 MHz through 4 GHz. While handling full rated power

Broadband 6-Way SMA Power Divider

MECA Electronics’ latest New Product Offering, non- This is in addition to the family of 2, 3, 4, 8 & 16 way
binary 6-way broadband of Power Divider covering 0.500- splitters in various connector styles and IP60 & 67/68 rat-
6.000 GHz (803-2-3.250WWP) encompassing Public ings. Made in the USA -- 36 month warranty.
Safety through ISM bands. With typical performance of;
MECA Electronics
VSWR’s of 1.30:1, Isolation 17 dB, Insertion Loss 1.5 dB e-meca.com
and exceptional Amplitude & Phase Balance of 1.5 dB &
15 degrees max.

Product Focus

Advanced Memory and Data Exchange

Each Kaman RMC boasts a capacity of 2TB with AES
Each Kaman RMC boasts a 256 encrypted data-at-rest. This small card is packaged in
a rugged and hermetically sealed stainless steel case and
capacity of 2TB with AES 256 moves data at blinding speeds.
encrypted data-at-rest. This The pocket sized GSA facilitates expeditionary opera-
small card is packaged in a tions and enables the operator to connect with virtually
any computer via USB 3.0 in order to rapidly exchange
rugged and hermetically sealed pre-and post-mission data. AMADEUS is engineered to
stainless steel case and moves align with Future Airborne Capability Environment
(FACETM) and flawlessly perform in the harshest mili-
data at blinding speeds. tary, aerospace, and industrial environments.
Kaman Memory continues to aggressively pursue
The Memory Division of Kaman Precision Products innovative enhancements that will improve capacity,
announced the AMADEUS – the Advanced Memory and read/write exchange rates, state-of-the-art data security,
Data Exchange Universal System. The AMADEUS favorable size, weight, power, and a modular design that
includes the Model 9740 Multi-Port® data transfer unit can support a number of unique and ever-changing cus-
which includes four removable memory cards (RMC) and tomer requirements. Kaman Memory experts look for-
a mini-Ground Station Adapter (GSA). The Model 9740 ward to discussing current products and invite visitors to
provides simultaneous data interface over 10GB Ethernet, assess the capabilities of the new products.
Mil-Std 1553, RS-232/422 as well as options to record
Kaman Precision Products
multiple SMPTE 292 and NTSC (RS-170) video/audio kamanmemory.com

52 High Frequency Electronics

Product Showcase
Fused Silica ! ! !
3.78 Circuit Board (Dk & Df) Measurements Testers
! !
3.76 !


Circuit Boards
0.0004 0 4 8 12
Thin Sheets

0.1 - 20 GHz
ph: (610) 358-0200 "#$%!&$'(')*+$)!,#''*!"'-*'+-.!
0 4 8 12
!!!!!!!!!! !
Frequency (GHz) !
! ! ! ! !!!!!!/<=,>?</<@"!9=A=BCDC"C<,!
! "#$%!1$'(')*+$)-4!E$(F-4!-GH-*+I*'-4!)$+)G$*!H0I+1-4!E0IF-4!*#$%!JI$%*!)0I*$%K-4!L'+M!*#$%!)'+IF$)-!!
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! /'I-G+'!$%SJ(I%'!I%$-0*+0JM!0E!"!:!*I%!!$%!-'(')*'1!*'-*'+-T!IL'+IK'!"!:!*I%!!$%!0*#'+!*'-*'+-!
SURFACE MOUNT SYNTHESIZER ! <I-M!-IFJ('!J+'J4!'I-M!*0!G-'4!EI-*!:!+'J'I*IH('!F'I-G+'F'%*4!IG*0FI*'1!F'I-G+'F'%*!
! &C!U9=VC"WX!-0E*OI+'!E0+!=%+$*-G!0+!=K$('%*!Y8AZ or Rohde & Schwarz!I%I(MP'+!
● Model: SMS-48 (4 - 8 GHz/1 MHz Steps) ! "'-*!-IF'!-IFJ('!$%!&C!FFS[IL'!\J'%!?'-0%I*0+-!*0!']*'%1!F'I-G+'F'%*!HI%1O$1*#!
! 9G-*0F!1'-$K%!I%1!)G-*0F!E'I*G+'-!HM!+'^G'-*!
● Freq. Ref., 10 MHz or Int TCXO ±1 PPM !

● Single 5 Vdc operation

PO Box 469 ! Concordville PA 19331 USA
● Freq. Control, SPI ! www.damaskosinc.com ! damaskos@aol.com
(610) 358 - 0200 fax (610) 558 - 1019
● Low phase noise & ! ! ! ! ! ! ! _2008 &IFI-`0-4!C%)a!

● Broadband units available to 40 GHz
● Output power typically +14 dBm
● Single 5 Vdc operation
● Connectorized
rugged package
● Low cost



Product Highlights

New Primer for RF Link Budget Analysis

Next-generation communication standards are incor- budget analysis of an entire system can be determined
porating more sophisticated channel models to account for through simulation, and how performing link budget
multipath losses. Link budget calculations are an essen- analysis in VSS simulation software enables designers to
tial step in the design of radio communications systems, address losses, gains and power levels to meet the opera-
however, their growing complexity requires a more robust tional requirements of the radio communication systems.
approach to this type of analysis than a simplistic spread- The VSS Primer for RF Link Budget Analysis is avail-
sheet accounting for loss and gain. able for download from the ni.com/awr site within the
A new primer featuring NI AWR Design Environment AWR Resource Library at awrcorp.com/resource-library.
software, specifically Visual System Simulator™ (VSS)
National Instruments
system simulator, examines how a more rigorous RF link awrcorp.com

RFMW announced design and sales support for a fully Providing 27dBM power out while drawing 555mA
integrated front-end module (FEM) from Skyworks from a 5V supply, the SKY85309-11 serves access points,
Solutions. The SKY85309-11, 2.4 GHz FEM incorporates routers and gateways. Transmit gain of 32dB improves
a 2.4 GHz single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) transmit/ SoC linearity. Receive gain of 13dB with noise figure of
receive (T/R) switch, a 2.4 GHz low-noise amplifier (LNA) 2.2dB improves receiver sensitivity and range. Offered in
with bypass, and a 2.4 GHz power amplifier (PA) intended a 3x5mm QFN package.
for high-power 802.11ac applications and systems.

54 High Frequency Electronics

Product Highlights

3-Way Splitter/Combiner
Werbel Microwave LLC model WMPD03-2-18-S is a versus using a 4-way splitter with one output terminated.
wide-band, “true” 3-way splitter/combiner that covers When every tenth of a dB counts, look to Werbel Microwave.
2-18GHz in a size measuring 4.46×2.46×0.38 inches. The
Werbel Microwave
unit ships with stainless steel SMA female connectors. werbelmicrowave.com
Features: Provides a “true” 3-way split over the con-
tinuous band, which saves about 1.2dB insertion loss

Power Modules
Vishay Intertechnology expanded its portfolio of power Vishay’s first with voltages of 150 V and 200 V, respec-
modules in the SOT-227 package with seven new devices tively. Ideal for high performance DC/DC converters, bat-
featuring ThunderFET® power MOSFETs and standard, tery chargers, AC motor drives, and UPS, the devices offer
FRED Pt®, and Trench MOS Barrier Schottky (TMBS®) current to 400 A, low on-resistance down to 1.93 mΩ at 10
diodes. The Vishay Semiconductors modules are available V, and gate charge of 250 nC.
in dual, single-phase bridge, and single-switch topologies
Vishay Intertechnology
with a variety of current and voltage ratings. vishay.com
The VS-FC420SA15 and VS-FC270SA20 single-switch
modules featuring ThunderFET power MOSFETs are

Product Highlights

End Launch Connectors

Withwave’s End Launch connectors are specially Features
designed for well-used high frequency substrates to mini- • Now available in : 2.92 mm (40 GHz), 2.40 mm (50
mize electromagnetic effects including impedance discon- GHz), 1.85 mm(67 GHz)
tinuities from coaxial to GCPWG (Ground Coplanar • GCPWG, Top Ground Microstrip structure
Waveguide) and Top Ground Microstrip structure. • Easy Installation on designed substrate
The types of connectors are 2.92 mm, 2.4 mm and 1.85 • No Soldering required
mm. We solve your performance and cost problems.

Bluetooth Series
Laird launched its new Bluetooth 5 series that enables and design risk, and speeding time-to-market when inte-
vital performance improvements with up to four times the grating Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), as well as Thread
range and twice the data throughput, opening up new (802.15.4) and NFC capabilities into an OEM design.
product opportunities for industrial, medical, and Internet
of Things (IoT) applications. lairdtech.com
Laird’s new BL654 Series builds upon its field-proven
BL600 and BL652 series, reducing engineering burden

56 High Frequency Electronics

Corporate Focus

mmW Products
DC-110 GHz

Trust in Ducommun mmW

Products for all your high
frequency testing needs.
Ducommun offers a full
portfolio of millimeter wave
Ducommun is a global provider of manufacturing and engineering ser- products up to 110 GHz.
vices, developing innovative electronic, engineered and structural solutions
for complex applications in aerospace, defense and industrial markets. Our
full-service collaborative approach, broad capabilities and value-added ser-
vices like new product introduction, supply chain strategies and program
management deliver value for our customers and innovative solutions for
their complex electronic and structural needs.
Microwave Products Amplifiers
Ducommun delivers a broad range of microwave products suitable for use • Offering 0.03 to 110 GHz
in both military and commercial applications. Many of these products are • Low noise / high power
• Single DC supply / internal
available in stock. We also manufacture custom-designed products for your regulated sequential biasing
• Broadband or custom design
unique needs.
Millimeter Wave Products Ducommun serves
Ducommun serves the avi-
onics, communications,
the avionics, Up/Down Converters
• Full waveguide band capability

• Low spurious / harmonics
defense, industrial, intelli- • Low LO frequency & power
• Compact, lightweight
gent traffic systems, medical,
and test equipment markets
with millimeter wave prod-
defense, industrial,
ucts. We design and manufac- intelligent traffic MMW mixer/multiplier/SNA
extender solutions
ture products including
systems, medical,
• K, Ka, Q, U, V, E, W full band
• Broadband and low harmonic/
amplifiers, antennas (horn spur
and patch), mixers, oscilla-
and test equipment
• Custom design
• Low cost solution
tors, multipliers, radar sen-
sors, industrial grade phase
shifters, lab components, up/
markets with Transceivers

down-converters, along with

sub-systems and integrated
millimeter wave • TRX for K, Ka, Q, U, V, E & W
• Integrated modular design
Ducommun offers a
products. • High sensitivity / low cost
• Custom design per request

diverse array of design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities that

service the aerospace and defense market, oil & gas exploration, test and Pin Diode Switches
measurement, telecommunications, space and medical markets. With over 50 • SPST to SP8T configurations
• Nano second (ns) level
years of heritage in custom product solutions, the Ducommun team can sup- switching
port your Human Machine Interface, Motion Control Device, RF and custom • 0.03 GHz to 110 GHz
• Reflective and absorptive
electronics manufacturing needs.
Please direct your product inquiries to the product sales team at 310-513-
7200 or sales@ducommun.com. For additional information contact our sales
team at:
Ducommun 310-513-7256 or rfsales@ducommun.com
Get info at www.HFeLink.com

Product Highlights

Block Frequency Converters

Norden Millimeter announced continued expansion of 18GHz bypass paths, and common IF input/output. Shown
its growing line of block frequency converters converting is an 18-40 GHz downconverter presently in production
18-26.5, 26.5-40, 26-50, 40-70, and 60-90 GHz bands into with 14.4 GHz LO Frequency and 0.5 to 18 GHz converter
the 2 - 18 GHz band. These converters extend the fre- bypass.
quency range of existing systems with 18 GHz capability.
Norden Millimeter
Norden offers both down and up converter versions for nordengroup.com
each of these bands. They can have variable gain, .03 -

Precision Receptacles
SGMC Microwave offers an extensive line of Precision Special/Custom Design service & modifications are also
Receptacles. 1.0mm, 1.85mm, 2.4mm, 2.92mm, 3.5mm, N, available. The name to count on for Quality, Performance,
SMA, & SSMA are some of the various interfaces we have and Reliability.
readily available. Configurations include, but are not lim-
SGMC Microwave
ited to Threaded Barrel (spark plug), 2 & 4 hole flange, sgmcmicrowave.com
PCB Mount (pin or tab), and Extended Pin & Dielectric.

58 High Frequency Electronics

Product Highlights

Noise Sources
NoiseWave released a line of precision millimeter (W-band) with output ENR from 6dB to 50dB. Applications
waveguide noise sources. The NW-W series of waveguide include noise figure measurement, millimeter wave radi-
noise sources covers all major millimeter waveguide ometers, automotive radar as well as research and devel-
bands with high output, excellent flatness and ripple-free opment in high frequency broadband wireless applica-
response. Designed for both built-in test and laboratory tions.
applications, these units can also replace outdated gas
tube noise sources. Models are available up to 110GHz noisewave.com

Cable Assemblies
Amphenol RF is pleased to introduce a line of SMA Amphenol company. These pre-configured cable assem-
fixed length cable assemblies on LMR-195 and LMR-240 blies are designed to offer a lower loss option with supe-
cables. This full Amphenol solution combines precision rior electrical performance to standard cables.
machined Amphenol RF SMA connectors with high per-
Amphenol RF
forming LMR cables developed by Times Microwave, an amphenolrf.com

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75Ω Diplexers for DOCSIS® Compliant Systems and Equipment
Mini-Circuits’ DPLB-6585A03+ 75Ω diplexer covers the DC to 1220 MHz band with a low pass band of DC to
65 MHz and a high pass band of 85 to 1220 MHz. This new model is specially designed to meet requirements
for DOCSIS 3.1 compliant systems and equipment. It provides low pass band insertion loss of 1.0 dB, 50 dB
typical rejection in the stop band and 24 dB typical return loss. Mini-Circuits has developed a variety of diplex-
er models in the DPLB- and DPLX-series for cable TV systems with different channel splits to accommodate
different upstream and downstream bandwidth requirements. The diplexer comes mounted on open style
printed laminate measuring 1.18 x 1.18 x 0.28”.

MMIC Amplifier Die Stretches the Boundaries of Dynamic Range from 1 MHz to 1 GHz
Mini-Circuits’ PHA-13HLN-D+ ultra-high dynamic range MMIC amplifier die sets the new industry standard for noise
figure and IP3 in VHF/UHF communications. This model is well matched to 50Ω from 1 MHz to 1 GHz and provides
1.1 dB noise figure, +43 dBm IP3, making it ideal for maximizing sensitivity and dynamic range in high-performance
receiver applications. It delivers 22.7 dB typical gain with ±2.3 dB flatness, +28.7 dBm output power at 1 dB com-
pression. The amplifier is fabricated using E-PHEMT technology with excellent repeatability. It operates on a single
8V supply, and is available in small quantity gel paks of 5, 10, 50 or 100 KGD (Known Good Dice) as well as partial
and full production wafers.

Wideband Coaxial Directional Coupler Handles 20W from 20 to 40 GHz

Mini-Circuits’ ZDC10-20403-K+ coaxial broadband high-power directional coupler provides a 10 dB coupling
ratio with ±0.5 dB coupling flatness across a frequency range from 20 to 40 GHz. This model is capable of han-
dling up to 20W RF input power with DC current passing up to 3A, 1.2 dB mainline loss, 20 dB return loss, and
typical directivity of 12 dB at 35 GHz. The coupler comes housed in a compact case (1.25 x 0.65 x 0.45”) featur-
ing 2.92mm-Female connectors and rugged, sealed construction suitable for indoor lab use or outdoor field
applications and remote location monitoring.

Ceramic Resonator Band Pass Filter, 1030 to 1090 MHz

Mini-Circuits’ CBP-1060Q+ surface mount ceramic coaxial-resonator based band pass filter has a passband of
1030 to 1060 MHz, supporting a variety of applications including fixed satellite, radio astronomy, radar systems
and more. This model provides 1.6 dB passband insertion loss, 32 dB lower stopband rejection at 930 MHz, and
30 dB upper stopband rejection at 1190 MHz. It can handle up to 8W RF input power and comes housed in a
miniature shielded case (0.365 x 1.36 x 0.24”), making it ideal for dense PCB layouts. Mini-Circuits ceramic reso-
nator filters give users the capability to pass fractional bandwidths from 3 to 25% spanning DC to 6 GHz with out-
standing selectivity. They feature rugged construction, qualified over a wide range of thermal, mechanical, and
environmental conditions, making them ideal for use in demanding environments.

Phase Stable Test Cable Covers DC to 50 GHz

Mini-Circuits’ T50-3FT-VFVM+ is a precision test cable supporting a wide range of applications from DC to 50 GHz. This
model is 3 feet in length and features 2.4mm-Female to 2.4mm Male connectors with triple shielded cable construction.
Designed to provide superior stability of phase performance vs. flexure, the cable exhibits typical phase change of less
than 8° in a 2” bend radius at 50 GHz and less than 4° at 30 GHz. The cable provides power handling of 144W at 2 GHz,
decreasing with frequency to 25W at 50 GHz. T50-series test cables are available in various lengths to meet your needs.

Tiny MMIC Gain Slope Equalizers Flatten DC-6 GHz

Mini-Circuits EQY-1-63+ is an absorptive MMIC gain equalizer with a negative 1.2 dB slope versus frequency from DC to 6 GHz. This device is
useful for flattening negative gain slope in amplifiers, receivers and transmitters in a wide range of applications from wireless communications to
broadband/optical, satellite, defense and more. This model is capable of handling up to +31 dBm RF
input power and provides 20 dB typical return loss across its full bandwidth. Fabricated using highly
repetitive GaAs IPD technology, this equalizer provides outstanding repeatability of performance, mak-
ing it suitable for volume production. It comes housed in a 2 x 2mm 8-lead QFN package, saving
board space and minimizing the effect of parasitics. EQY-series MMIC gain slope equalizers are available with nominal attenuation slopes from 1
to 10 dB in 1 dB steps to meet your needs.

Mini-Circuits ®

www.minicircuits.com P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 sales@minicircuits.com

from 2 kHz to 40 GHz as low as89 ea.( qty.1000)

NCOVERING 10 to 40 GHz
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The industry’s largest selection includes THOUSANDS

of models from 2 kHz to 40 GHz, with up to 300 W power
handling, in coaxial,flat-pack, surface mount and rack mount
housings for 50 and 75Ω systems.
From 2-way through 48-way designs, with 0°, 90°, or 180°
phase configurations, Mini-Circuits’ power splitter/combiners offer a vast
selection of features and capabilities to meet your needs from high power
and low insertion loss to ultra-tiny LTCC units and much more.
Need to find the right models fast? Visit minicircuits.com and use Yoni2®!
It’s our patented search engine that searches actual test data for the models
that meet your specific requirements! You’ll find test data, S-parameters,
PCB layouts, pricing, real-time availability, and everything
you need to make a smart decision fast!
All Mini-Circuits’ catalog models are available off the shelf for immediate
shipment, so check out our website today for delivery as soon as tomorrow!

RoHS Compliant
o S
Product availability is listed on our website.

Mini-Circuits ®

www.minicircuits.com P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 sales@minicircuits.com 448 Rev U
Advertiser Index
Company Page
AMCOM.................................................................................... 49
API Technologies........................................................................ 1 PUBLISHER
American Technical Ceramics................................................. 13 Scott Spencer
Besser Associates..................................................................... 45
Tel: 603-759-1840
Cernex....................................................................................... 18
Coilcraft.................................................................................... 11 scott@highfrequencyelectronics.com
C. W. Swift & Associates..........................................................C2
dBm............................................................................................. 7
Damaskos................................................................................. 53 Stuart Dale
Delta Electronics...................................................................... 19 508-655-6902
Ducommun............................................................................... 30 stuart@highfrequencyelectronics.com
Ducommun............................................................................... 57
EDICON................................................................................... 60 ADVERTISING SALES — EAST
Fairview Microwave................................................................. 17 Gary Rhodes
Herotek..................................................................................... 14
Vice President, Sales
Luff Research........................................................................... 53
Micro Lambda Wireless............................................................. 9 Tel: 631-274-9530
Microwave Components...........................................................C4 grhodes@highfrequencyelectronics.com
Mini-Circuits.......................................................................... 2, 3
Mini-Circuits............................................................................ 21 ADVERTISING SALES — CENTRAL
Mini-Circuits............................................................................ 25 Gary Rhodes
Mini-Circuits............................................................................ 35 Vice President, Sales
Mini-Circuits............................................................................ 41
Tel: 631-274-9530
Mini-Circuits...................................................................... 62, 63
National Instruments................................................................ 5
Norden Millimeter................................................................... 23
OML.......................................................................................... 39
Passive Plus.............................................................................. 26 Tim Burkhard
Pasternack................................................................................ 36 Associate Publisher
Pasternack................................................................................ 37 Tel: 707-696-2162
PolyPhaser................................................................................ 15 tim@highfrequencyelectronics.com
Pulsar Microwave.................................................................... 20
RF Bay...................................................................................... 53 ADVERTISING SALES—SOUTHWEST
SAGE Millimeter............................................................... 32, 33 Jeff Victor
Satellink................................................................................... 53
Tel: 224-436-8044
Sector Microwave..................................................................... 53
SGMC Microwave....................................................................C3 jeff@highfrequencyelectronics.com
Vida RF..................................................................................... 47
Wenteq Microwave................................................................... 53
XMA Corp................................................................................. 43 ACCOUNTS & PRODUCT SHOWCASE
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High Frequency Electronics (USPS 024-316) is published monthly by Summit Technical Media, LLC, 3 Hawk Dr., Bedford, NH 03110.
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64 High Frequency Electronics






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