Su Worksheet - Numbers To 100000

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Multiple Choice
Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
provided before each number.

_____1. What is the value of 4 in the number 45 786?

a. 40 c. 4 000
b. 400 d. 40 000

_____2. Which number is represented by “7 thousands 3 hundreds 25 tens”?

a. 7 250 c. 7 505
b. 7 325 d. 7 550

_____3. Which number is the smallest?

a. 49 275 c. 49 000
b. 49 585 d. 49 200

_____4. What is 10 000 more than 73 435?

a. 63 435 c. 83 435
b. 74 435 d. 93 435

_____5. In which number is the value of the digit “3” the greatest?
a. 86 397 c. 73 435
b. 11 203 d. 93 435

_____6. Seventy thousand and forty can be written as ______________.

a. 70 400 c. 74 000
b. 70 004 d. 74 040

_____7. In 87 360, the value of the digit “7” is _______________.

a. 7 000 c. 70
b. 700 d. 70 000

_____8. What is the missing number in 28 356 = 20 056 +________________.

a. 8 500 c. 805
b. 85 000 d. 850

_____9. In 19 856, the digit “9” is in what place?

a. Tens b. thousands c. hundreds d. tens

_____10. Given the following numbers: 6 417, 42 567, 54 027;

which is the biggest number?
a. 54 027 c. 6 417
b. 42 567 d. 64 170
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. 10 000 more than 28 000 is ________________.

2. 4 000 less than 28 695 is ________________.
3. ________________ is 400 less than 96 785.
4. ________________ more than 10 200 is 10 500.
5. 15 200 is ________________ more than 12 800.
III. Complete the number pattern.
1-2) 72 104, 72 108, 72 112, ________________, ________________

3-4) ________________, 25 820, ________________, 25 810, 25 805,

25 800

IV. 1-2) Arrange the numbers in increasing order.

24 386 20 286 20 185 24 570


3-4) Arrange the numbers in decreasing order.

80 000 85 478 83 192 83 291


5) 1 more than 30 095 is ____________________.

6) 1 less than 23 674 is ____________________.

7) 25 940 is ____________________ more than 15 940.

8) ____________________ is 200 less than 51 978.

9) 36 704 is 10 less than ____________________

10) 53 hundreds more than 20 530 is ____________________.

V. Using the following clues, identify the number.

I am thinking of a 5-digit number. The value of the digit 4 is 4 000.

The digit in the tens place is 5. The digit in the ones place is 2 more
than the digit in the tens place. The digit in the hundreds place
stands for 8 hundred. The digit in the ten thousands place is 3 less
than the digit in the tens place. What is my number?


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