iSMA - Configurator - Manual - V1.0 Controlador
iSMA - Configurator - Manual - V1.0 Controlador
iSMA - Configurator - Manual - V1.0 Controlador
User Manual
Table of content
1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Revision history ........................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Software requirements............................................................................................... 3
1.3 General purpose of iSMA Configurator software .................................................. 3
1.4 Naming and its definition ........................................................................................... 7
1.5 Internet access and firmware availability ............................................................... 8
2 How to connect iSMA-Configurator to devices ............................................................... 10
2.1 Direct Ethernet connection ..................................................................................... 10
2.2 Connection to RS485 bus ....................................................................................... 10
2.3 Connection to USB ................................................................................................... 14
3 Main functions ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Upgrade ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Resetting the Module ............................................................................................... 18
3.3 Reload Settings.......................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Default Settings ......................................................................................................... 20
4 Device configurations ........................................................................................................... 21
5 Projects .................................................................................................................................... 22
6 Discovering the Devices ....................................................................................................... 23
6.1 Discovering Devices for Modbus via RS485 ........................................................ 24
6.2 Discovering Devices for Modbus via TCP/IP ....................................................... 28
6.3 Discovering Devices via RS485 connected to IP Gateway................................ 30
6.4 Discovering Devices for BACnet via RS485 ......................................................... 33
6.5 Discovering Devices for BACnet IP ........................................................................ 35
7 Adding and removing the devices manually .................................................................... 40
1 Introduction
There is no need to install any additional software or drivers in order to run iSMA Configurator.
• Downloading the latest firmware versions to your PC from Global Control 5 Sp. z o.o.
• Uploading new firmware on devices;
• Creating/saving/loading the list of discovered devices (Project);
• Resetting devices;
• Reloading device settings;
(only via
2D ✓ ✓ X X ✓
(only via
W0202 ✓ ✓ X X ✓
(only via
MG-IP ✓ ✓ X X ✓
Device Configuration
Modbus Modbus BACnet MS/TP BACnet IP USB
MIX series ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(only via (completely from FW (completely
Gateway 6.0) from FW 6.0)
MIX-IP X ✓ X ✓ ✓
series (from FW 6.0)
MINI Series ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(only via (from FW 6.0) (from FW 6.0)
MINI-IP X ✓ X ✓ ✓
Series (from FW 6.0)
FCU ✓ ✓ ✓ X ✓
(only via
LP ✓ ✓ ✓ X ✓
(only via (read only)
2D1B ✓ ✓ X X ✓
(only via
2D ✓ ✓ X X ✓
(only via
AAC20 X ✓ X ✓ ✓
AAC20-LCD X ✓ X ✓ ✓
W0202 ✓ ✓ X X ✓
(only via
MG-IP X ✓ X X ✓
• Read module – transfers the data from the module to PC, for example when you want
to see how the module was configured.
• Write module – transfers the data from the PC to the module, for example when you
have made changes in module configuration and you want to send them to the module.
Read module
Write module
If the new firmware is available, the user can download it by pressing ‘Download Latest
Firmware’ button. When iSMA Configurator finishes the downloading, a message pop-up
window shows which firmware was downloaded. In case if you have all latest firmware
versions, you will have the message as in the figure below.
Note: Before connecting the PC to the iSMA Configurator running on the RS485 network, it is
recommended to disconnect the master controller. The next step is to connect the PC via the
RS485 converter (if required) and to run the iSMA Configurator. After this, the new project
needs to be opened or created. When finished, setup all the required transmission settings,
and the transmission will start. The transmission settings for the Modbus and BACnet
protocols are described below.
Note: Once the operation with the iSMA Configurator is finished, please remember to
disconnect the PC from the RS485 network and reconnect the master unit.
In order to configure the RS485 connection, click on the “Configure connection” button.
Depending on the protocol chosen, the following transmission settings are required:
• ‘COM Port’– COM port used for the BACnet MSTP communication to which the RS485
bus is attached;
• ‘Baud rate’ – baud rate for communication;
• ‘Timeout’ - time the driver will wait for an expected response from the device before
retrying or going on to the next request.
• ‘Software Device ID’ – the BACnet ID of the local PC. It must be different from the ones
for the other devices connected to BACnet bus.
• ‘COM Port’ – the COM port used for the Modbus RTU communication to which the
RS485 bus is attached;
• ‘Baud rate’ – baud rate for communication;
• ‘Parity Bits’ – defining parity bits; available options: None, Even, Odd.
Note: With USB cable connected to the mini USB slot on the device it is possible to operate
only on one device which was automatically recognised as attached to the controller and
appears under “USB” branch.
After direct connecting of the controller or the panel to the PC, the system automatically
recognises the attached device and shows it in the main table assuming that a project is
already opened. No particular communication settings are required for setting transmission
parameters or starting the transmission.
Note: The direct connection with USB cable can only be setup to one device at the time.To
stop the direct connection simply disconnect the cable.
3 Main functions
After selecting a marked device, the following functions are available:
• Upgrade;
• Reset Module;
• Reload Settings;
• Default Settings.
3.1 Upgrade
The Upgrade function allows the user for upgrading the firmware of the device if necessary.
Before starting the Upgrade process it is recommended to check if new versions of firmware
are available by clicking “Download newest firmwares”. The Upgrade function can be executed
only for one device at a time.
Note: Devices with hardware version older than 2.0 and/or firmware versions older than 6.0
cannot be Upgraded via BACnet.
Note: It is recommended to restart the application before contacting the technical support.
Warning: “Default Settings” procedure will erase all settings previously made by user!
Note: The procedure of resetting to default values is recommended in the following cases:
To perform the action of setting to default values, select the device and press the ‘Default
Settings’ button. The iSMA Configurator sends a special request to the device.
4 Device configurations
There are two ways to configure devices in iSMA Configurator: in “online” and “offline” mode.
When a device is discovered, double click on it and choose one of the abovementioned
In case of “offline” mode it is crucial to click “Read Module” in order to learn what are the
configurations of the chosen module in that moment. Successful Read operation is confirmed
by pop-up window with “Read successful” message. After that, the user can make all the
changes and send them to the controller by clicking the “Write Module” button. Successful
Write operation is confirmed with pop-up window with “Write successful” message.
In order to configure the module in “online” mode, click on the “Switch to Online” button. In that
case every change in configuration is sent immediately to the controller. “Read module” and
“Write module” are not available in that mode.
5 Projects
For user convenience, iSMA Configurator is equipped with Configuration Database which can
be used for creating lists of the devices discovered in every project. For example, if the user
has three projects (buildings) with their unique lists of the devices, there is no need to perform
the discovery process every time when he connects to the network. Projects can be saved for
each field object and stored on local PC for future use.
The process of saving the configuration is very simple. After finishing the discovery, the user
should save the configuration using “Save Configuration” button. The configuration file will be
saved to the location chosen by the user and can be used next time by clicking the “Load
Configuration” button and choosing the appropriate configuration file. “New Configuration”
button is used to clear the list of discovered devices and create a new empty project. Every
time when iSMA Configurator is opened for the first time, a new project is created.
It is possible to start the discovering process by pressing the ‘Discover Devices’ button or by
right-clicking on the protocol in the navigation tree. The discovering process requires some
individual settings depending on the protocol type.
Press the ‘Discover’ button to run the identification process. It is possible to abort this process
without adding any devices to the table in the project, by pressing the ‘Cancel’ button. If the
number of already identified devices is satisfactory, the user can stop the further process and
all he needs to do is to add the devices found to the table by pressing the ‘Finish’ button.
In case your PC is not equipped with RS485 port, it is required to have RS485/USB converter
in order to start discovery process. It is important to check the communication parameters
before starting the discovery. An example of device connection is shown in the figure below.
Note: Before connecting the PC to the iSMA Configurator running on the RS485 network, it is
recommended to disconnect the master controller.
Before beginning the discovery process, it is necessary to setup the range of the addresses.
The iSMA Configurator starts searching for the first device with the given address in the ‘Start
Address’ field until reaching the last device with the address specified in the ‘Stop Address’
field. The time spent on discovering varies depends on the range of the devices and on the
network's baud rate. To reduce the detecting time, it is recommended to adjust the range
After the discovery process is finished, devices appear in the navigation tree, under RS485
branch. Device types and their Modbus addresses are identified automatically.
In case of Modbus TCP, the devices discovered recently appear in the list only with IP address
and information that they are not identified. In order to make any changes to the devices, it is
crucial to identify them. To do so, right click on the device in the tree and choose “Identify and
Discover Gateway Devices” option.
To make any changes to the device it is crucial to identify it and discover the gateway devices.
Discovered gateway devices appear below in the new branch with their Gateway IP address
and Modbus address at the end.
Software BACnet ID parameter allows for the user to change software ID in order to make sure
it is not duplicated on the network.
In case your PC is not equipped with RS485 port, it is required to have RS485/USB converter
in order to start discovery process. It is important to check the communication parameters
before starting the discovery. An example of device connection is shown in the figure below.
Note: Before connecting the PC to the iSMA Configurator running on the RS485 network, it is
recommended to disconnect the master controller.
Note: If all the devices are not found after the first scanning process is complete, increase the
timeout value. If some missing controllers are still found, add the missing devices manually
by pressing the ‘Add Device’ button. The devices discovered or added manually become visible
under the BACnet IP branch with their ID and IP address, as in the figure below.
Before starting the discovery process, it is necessary to start BACnet IP Transmission. If the
user forgets to do so, iSMA Configurator will remind to do it in a pop-up window.
Note: If all the devices are not found after the first scanning process is complete, increase the
timeout value. If some missing controllers are still found, add the missing devices manually
by pressing the ‘Add Device’ button. The devices discovered or added manually become visible
under the BACnet IP branch with their ID and IP address, as in the figure below.
The function of discovering devices along with adding and removing option helps the user to
build a virtual list of all physical devices installed on the Modbus or BACnet network.
Note: It is recommended to do discovery process first, because starting discovery will erase
the list of previously added devices.
The process of adding a new device varies depending on the type of connection chosen for
the project. Both protocol types ask for unique device identification on the bus. In case of
Modbus the Modbus address (MAC address filed) is required, but in BACnet the BACnet ID is
needed. To simplify the process, the system automatically calculates and proposes a BACnet
ID basing on the MAC Address typed, assuming that BACnet net is built with default 82600
sub-net (provided by BACnet organisation to all Global Control 5 Sp. z o.o. devices).
To remove the devices from the project, right click on the device and choose the “Delete”
option from the list.
It is possible to add the device to the list automatically (to extend the list of devices) as soon
as the physical unit is connected to the iSMA Configurator directly with the cable. This feature
is convenient when there is a controller that is not yet attached to the bus, but the user can
easily connect a USB cable to it. The next chapter describes this process in more detail.