Centaflex - D: Flexible Flange Couplings Elastische Flanschkupplungen
Centaflex - D: Flexible Flange Couplings Elastische Flanschkupplungen
Centaflex - D: Flexible Flange Couplings Elastische Flanschkupplungen
Catalog CF-D-10-04
Power Transmission
Leading by innovation
The CENTAFLEX coupling series
D are very reliable, well proven cou-
plings for generator sets, centrifugal
pumpsets and other similar drives.
Within a few short years, these
couplings have gained a considera-
ble portion of the market and with
more than 50.000 units in opera-
tion, they belong amongst the top
ranking couplings for the gen-set
This range was purposely desig-
ned for Diesel driven generator and
similar drives. The couplings are
simple and robust in design following
the well-proven design principles of
the claw coupling with purely com-
pression stressed rubber elements.
In the development of the series
D coupling, particular importance
was attached to the following criteria:
a) Generous dimensioning of the
rubber elements to ensure very
low specific stress
b) Slim configuration of the claws by
attention to the material selection
and by careful generation of their
shape to allow a long elastic Important areas Important
length of the rubber elements.
This permits relatively large
of application: characteristics
angles of twist of 3°-5° at nominal and advantages:
The CENTAFLEX Series D is a
torque (depending on size).
coupling of medium stiffness (torsio- * simple, robust, safe in operation,
The resulting characteristics pro-
nal angle at rated torque of about 3- compact, non-lubricated, fail safe
vide a range of couplings with relati-
5°), which is usually used for drives * generously dimensioned, low
vely low torsional stiffness. The criti-
with overcritical operation, i.e. the stress, rubber in compression ele-
cal rotational speeds (resonances) of
working speeds are above the main ments, air cooled
the drive, even when the engine has
resonance speed. The secondary * carefully tuned torsional stiffness
few cylinders, are usually placed
inertia, therefore, should not be too to provide favourable torsional
below the operation speed of the
small and working speed should not vibration characteristics, available
drive. By using elements of various
be too low. with different shorehardness ele-
shorehardnesses it is possible to
Such conditions are normally ments, progressive stiffness curve
further adjust the resonance speed
provided in drives for gensets, pum- * dampens vibrations and shocks,
and torque characteristics so that a
ping sets, blowers etc. accepts axial, radial and angular
good torsional vibration situation is
The coupling is suitable for flan- misalignments
generally achieved with commercial
ge mounted and non-flange moun- * simple installation, even with flan-
engines and generators.
ted sets (please see allowable misa- ge mounted driven units since the
The couplings are designed as
lignment, page 4). couplings are "blind fitting"
standard to mount direct to SAE
If the set is not flange-mounted, * widely variable design for all stan-
standard flywheels, but in addition
then the engine should not be pla- dard and non-standard fitting
special designs for non-standard
ced on flexible mounts, because dimensions
flywheels are readily available.
these get a permanent set as time * competitively priced and readily
passes and this results in greater available from stock.
misalignment. In this case, we
recommend mounting both the engi-
ne and driven unit rigidly on a com-
mon frame and installing this frame
on flexible mounts.
Design components Materials : Alternative couplings :
The flange part (item 1) is dimensio-
Rubber Elements: As an alternative to the series D
ned to correspond to the most com-
Standard design: NBR couplings, we also have our CENTA-
mon flywheel dimensions to comply
Special synthetic rubber compound MAX range of highly flexible cou-
with SAE standard J620. In addition,
to provide oil resistant, abrasion plings.
there are numerous special designs
resistant elements. Both these ranges allow difficult
for non-standard flywheels.
Allowable temperatures applications such as misfiring or flik-
Due to the special manufacturing
-25 up to +90°C ker-free light to be correctly enginee-
methods employed, it is possible to
-50° with special material red. Furthermore, the CENTAMAX
virtually make any flywheel connec-
Temperature factor: see diagram on couplings are free of backlash and
tion economical.
page 7 provide overload protection.
The hub (item 2) on the output or dri-
Shorehardnesses: 50, 60 and 75 The basic difference: the CENTA-
ven side, is manufactured in two
Shore A, dependant upon torsional FLEX series D has a progressive
lengths, except sizes 425 and 560.
stiffness required. stiffness characteristic, whereas
With the short hub, the coupling
Special qualities of rubber elements CENTAMAX has a linear one.
mounting dimensions correspond to
can be provided where sufficient The CENTAMAX series covers
DIN 6281 (fitting dimensions for
quantities are envisaged. the range from small 1-cylinder engi-
generators and reciprocating engi-
nes up to engines with many cylin-
nes). Flange (item 1) ders and about 6000 kW capacity
The long hub is intended for other Steel or similar material of 400 (catalogue CM).
non-standard mounting dimensions. N/mm² approximate tensile strength. For small Diesel engines with 1 or
By shortening the long hub, it will of
Hub (item 2) 2 cylinders (and some 3 cylinder
course be possible to achieve any
Nodular cast iron (GGG50) in engines) we recommend our original
intermediate mounting dimension.
Meehanite Quality SF 500. well-proven CENTAFLEX series A
highly flexible couplings (catalogue
CF-A). We supply complete coupling
Design sizes kits for such engines with, in some
cases, additional flywheel masses in
The CENTAFLEX series D cou-
order to ensure proper control of tor-
plings comprise six design sizes for
sional vibrations and flicker-free light.
nominal torques from 250 to 40.000
We thus offer a comprehensive
Nm. This range will in practice cater
range of couplings for generator dri-
for all Diesel engines from 3 cylinders
ves from small single cylinder engi-
upwards to include ratings up to
nes of flow power up to engines rated
5.000 kW (approx. 6800 HP) at 1500
at 2.500 kW.
Furthermore we have the broad
experience and know-how for appli-
cation engineering and calculation of
torsional vibrations with our own
computer program.
It will be worth your while to
talk to the CENTA engineers. Our
"know how" guarantees advice,
based on field experience, that will
provide couplings which are com-
pletely satisfactory in service.
CENTAFLEX series D Selection Classification
coupling selection for For other applications and for gene- The couplings can be supplied in
diesel engine driven rators whose mass moment of iner- accordance with the requirements
tia is outside the stated limits, we of the leading classification socie-
generator drives request that full details of the pro- ties. However, if this is required, it
posed drives are sent to us. We can must be specified at the time of the
We have prepared selection
then carry out, free of charge, a tor- initial enquiry and when ordered.
charts for CENTAFLEX-D cou-
sional vibration calculation with the The couplings have general type
plings to suit engines from the follo-
aid of our computer. The design of approval from the following socie-
wing manufacturers amongst
the CENTAFLEX series D cou- ties. Please ask for details.
plings is such that we can frequent- Bureau Veritas
ly carry out a simple modification to Det Norske Veritas
the standard coupling to procedure Germanischer Lloyd
a satisfactory drive installation. Lloyds Register of Shipping
Daimler Benz
NOTE: Older technical literature RINA
Fiat Aifo
frequently quotes the value GD² For couplings which are to be clas-
(Kpm²) for inertia in place of the sified, we need the following data:
GM Detroit Diesel
new inertia unit J(kgm²). Name of society
KHD - Deutz D ² GD ² Main or auxiliary drive
MAN J = m ⋅ r2 = m ⋅ = (kgm ²) Technical data of the engine
4 4
MWM Technical data of the generator
i.e. the numerical value of GD² Shipowner
Perkins Rolls Royce
(Kpm²) should be divided by 4 in Name of the shipyard
Saab Scania
order to obtain the numerical Shipyard no.
Volvo Penta
values of J(kgm²).
Should you wish to design the Misalignment
These charts contain, amongst coupling yourself, then it is impor-
other details, the engine type, engi- tant to follow the procedure given in The couplings can accommodate
ne flywheel number, coupling size standard DIN 740 sheet 2. The low the following maximum misalign-
and shorehardness, minimum and design stress induced in the rubber ment:
maximum limiting values Jgmin and elements permit the engine torque angular: 1 degree
Jgmax for mass moment of inertia to closely match the nominal torque radial : 0.5 mm
of generators. rating of the coupling, but in gene- axial : ± 12
Where the mass moment of ral a minimum operation factor of These values for angular and radial
inertia of the generator to be dri- 1,5 should be used. misalignment are based on 1000
ven is within the limits of J, the Where: rpm. For other speeds convert
drive is satisfactory with regard TKN ≥ TM x 1,5 according to the following diagram.
to torsional vibration, and there TKN = nominal torque of the Since radial and angular misalign-
is no need for individual torsio- coupling ment causes relative movement
nal vibration calculation calcula- TM = Maximum torque of the each revolution, it is advisable to
tions to be made (disregarding engine have the best possible alignment
engine drive with intermittently All necessary coupling data for tor- especially on higher speed installa-
operating cylinders). sional vibration calculations is sta- tions to ensure long coupling life
By a simple comparison of figu- ted in this catalogue. and smooth running.
res therefore, engineers are able to
quickly ascertain whether or not the
torsional vibration situation is cor-
Balancing Permissible angular and radial misalignment
rect. A perfect torsional vibration If nothing else has been agreed, is dependant upon the speed when utilising
the couplings are normally balan- the nominal torque capacity.
situation is the most important con-
dition for smooth operation and ced as follows:
long service life of any flexible All flanges 1 of size 350 with dimen-
coupling. It is therefore, in your inte- sions according to SAE 14 (466,7∅)
rest to make this easy check (or and larger.
allow us to do so) for each individu- All hubs 2 of sizes 350 and 425 if
al case. delivered with finished bore and
We dynamically balance in one
plane with quality Q6,3 for 1800
CENTAFLEX series D technical data
CENTAFLEX D Shore- nominal maximum continuous Dynamic torsional stiffness * maximum speed n
size hardness torque torque vibr.torque CTdyn x 10³ Nm/rad at nmax (min-1)
Shore A TKN (Nm) TKmax (Nm) ± TKW (Nm)
at 10 Hz 0,25 TKN 0,50 TKN 0,75 TKN 1,00 TKN
The above mentioned technical mit these torques, especially when heel, the largest one should be pre-
data refers only to the couplings as relatively small flanges are used. In ferred. It is the responsibility of the
such. No guarantee is offered or these cases additional or larger customer to check this point as well
intended that, for example, the bolts and / or dowel pins must be as other points such as the dimen-
bolts attaching the flywheel flange provided. If there are several SAE sions of shafts and keys, or any
onto the flywheel can always trans- flange fittings provided in the flyw- other connection to the coupling.
f in Hz £ 10 > 10
Sf 1
Resonance factor VR
Relative damping ψ
Perbunan (NBR)
Shore VR y
NR natural rubber
50-60 7,5 0,84 NBR Perbunan, Nitrile
CR Chloroprene, Neoprene
70 6,5 0,97
Standard types for generators to DIN 6281 - Flanges to SAE J620
CENTA- SAE DIN 6281 C3 L2 d2 N2 d3 S d4 T weight mass moment of Order code
FLEX D J620 generator ± 1 +3 +3 kg inertia J kgm²
size size min. max. Primary Secondary
hub 2
hub 2 hub 2
If you do not find the required coupling, please ask us. There are myn further special types.
CENTA Australia CENTA Netherland