Railstat 2
Railstat 2
Railstat 2
3 Operating Expenses
a Rolling Stock and Equipment 20473.95 21127.44 22454.71 24494.33
6 Provident Fund and Retirement Benefits (Pension) 61182.73 68700.00 66302.34 72175.87
7 Deduct
a credits or recoveries (7a(i) to 7a(ii)) -58689.75 -64733.00 -63316.50 -68602.00
a(i) Amount Recouped from Pension Fund -55034.00 -62000.00 -59500.00 -65000.00
8 Ordinary Working Expenses (Net) from Revenue 180255.78 188574.00 191400.00 205000.00
9 Appropriation to Depreciation Reserve Fund 700.00 1000.00 800.00 1000.00
23 Bridge Works, Tunnel Works and Approaches 1050.46 1255.00 1999.63 2137.46
35 Gross Total Credits Excluding MTP Credits 3440.88 2040.40 2895.32 3050.10
39 Total Capital Expenditure (Budgetary Sources) {(36 162657.62 243200.00 243200.00 255200.00
to 37)-38}
Expenditure from Budgetary Support 159257.43 240200.00 240200.00 252200.00
41 Grand Total Capital Expenditure including EBR 203983.08 260200.00 260200.00 265200.00
42 Sum Total of Revenue and Capital Expenditure 441642.66 522990.00 516800.00 540900.00
including EBR (12+41)
Misc. Expenditure comprise expenditure on Railway Board, other miscellaneous organisations like RDSO, RRBs/RCTs, Centralised Training institutes
and appropriation to Pension Fund in respect of miscellaneous organisations.
Capital support from Government in BE 2023-24, RE 2023-24 and BE 2024-25 includes Nirbhaya Fund of Rs. 200 crore each.
Expenditure Profile 2024-2025
Railway Budget at a Glance STATEMENT II
Expenditure on Safety Related Activities
Sr. No. Items Actuals Budget Revised Budget
2022-2023 2023-2024 2023-2024 2024-2025
Revenue Expenditure (Gross) on Safety:
Repairs & Maintenance of Permanent Ways & Works 18115 18726 19687 21386
Repairs & Maintenance of Carriage & Wagons 20242 19743 22082 23451
Repairs & Maintenance of Plant & Equipment 9828 9986 11194 11864