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Expenditure Profile 2024-2025

Railway Budget at a Glance STATEMENT II

Sr. Items Actuals Budget Revised Budget
No. 2022-2023 2023-2024 2023-2024 2024-2025
Revenue Expenditure
1 General Superintendance and Services 9014.73 9634.12 9832.30 10277.30

2 Repairs and Maintenance

a Permanent Way and Works 18115.39 18726.11 19686.80 21385.74

b Motive Power 6844.09 6883.25 7431.15 8042.81

c Carriages and Wagons 20242.11 19742.84 22081.82 23450.69

d Plants and Equipment 9827.56 9985.58 11193.64 11864.42

3 Operating Expenses
a Rolling Stock and Equipment 20473.95 21127.44 22454.71 24494.33

b Traffic 37324.41 45696.01 41043.65 46709.08

c Fuel 38286.32 34891.79 35263.89 34778.71

4 Staff Welfare and Amenities 8517.05 9094.89 9728.73 10185.56

5 Miscelleneous Working Expenses 9117.19 8824.97 9697.47 10237.49

6 Provident Fund and Retirement Benefits (Pension) 61182.73 68700.00 66302.34 72175.87

7 Deduct
a credits or recoveries (7a(i) to 7a(ii)) -58689.75 -64733.00 -63316.50 -68602.00

a(i) Amount Recouped from Pension Fund -55034.00 -62000.00 -59500.00 -65000.00

a(ii) Other Credits -3655.75 -2733.00 -3816.50 -3602.00

8 Ordinary Working Expenses (Net) from Revenue 180255.78 188574.00 191400.00 205000.00
9 Appropriation to Depreciation Reserve Fund 700.00 1000.00 800.00 1000.00

10 Appropriation to Pension Fund 54700.00 70516.00 62100.00 67000.00

11 Miscellaneous Expenditure 2003.80 2700.00 2300.00 2700.00

12 Total Revenue expenditure (8+9+10+11) 237659.58 262790.00 256600.00 275700.00

Capital Expenditure (Budgetary Sources)

13 New Lines (Construction) 24377.09 31850.00 34410.00 34602.75

14 Gauge Conversion 2582.19 4600.00 4278.54 4719.50

15 Doubling of Lines 25620.61 30749.40 35046.03 29312.19

16 Traffic Facilities-Yard Remodelling and Others 2257.51 6715.00 7808.62 8982.94

17 Computerisation 398.47 425.00 690.48 735.62

18 Railway Research 39.12 61.50 66.52 72.01

19 Rolling Stock 27576.41 47510.00 50324.87 52313.78

20 Leased Assets-Payment of Capital Component 17456.40 22228.57 21300.00 24270.00

21 Road Safety Works (21a to 21b)

a Level Crossing 519.91 700.00 551.53 705.18

b Road Over/Under Bridges 4827.29 7400.00 6297.42 9274.69

22 Track Renewals 16325.72 17296.84 16826.36 17651.98

23 Bridge Works, Tunnel Works and Approaches 1050.46 1255.00 1999.63 2137.46

24 Signalling and Telecommunication Works 2456.12 4198.22 3580.85 4647.28

25 Electrification Projects 340.14 8070.00 8360.72 6472.30

26 Other Electrical Works including TRD 734.96 1650.00 1545.20 1681.87

27 Machinery and Plant 528.86 740.00 467.71 715.02

28 Workshops Including Production Units 2480.70 4600.50 3457.79 4903.68

29 Staff Welfare 420.90 628.82 732.62 815.32

30 Customer Amenities 2159.40 13355.00 9618.21 15510.75

31 Investment in Government Commercial 27532.93 34353.55 32800.00 32760.58

Undertakings/Public Undertakings/JVs/SPVs
Expenditure Profile 2024-2025
32 Other Specified Works 556.22 1300.00 850.97 1222.26

33 Training/HRD 115.42 305.00 242.12 416.83

34 Net Inventories 1243.77 250.00 250.00 250.00

35 Gross Total Credits Excluding MTP Credits 3440.88 2040.40 2895.32 3050.10

36 Total {(13 to 34)-35} 158159.72 238202.00 238610.87 251123.89

37 Metropolitan Transport Projects(MTP) 4499.59 5000.00 4600.88 4090.12

38 MTP(excluding Suspense) Credit or Recoveries 1.69 2.00 11.75 14.01

39 Total Capital Expenditure (Budgetary Sources) {(36 162657.62 243200.00 243200.00 255200.00
to 37)-38}
Expenditure from Budgetary Support 159257.43 240200.00 240200.00 252200.00

40 Investment from EBR etc. 41325.46 17000.00 17000.00 10000.00

41 Grand Total Capital Expenditure including EBR 203983.08 260200.00 260200.00 265200.00
42 Sum Total of Revenue and Capital Expenditure 441642.66 522990.00 516800.00 540900.00
including EBR (12+41)

Misc. Expenditure comprise expenditure on Railway Board, other miscellaneous organisations like RDSO, RRBs/RCTs, Centralised Training institutes
and appropriation to Pension Fund in respect of miscellaneous organisations.
Capital support from Government in BE 2023-24, RE 2023-24 and BE 2024-25 includes Nirbhaya Fund of Rs. 200 crore each.
Expenditure Profile 2024-2025
Railway Budget at a Glance STATEMENT II
Expenditure on Safety Related Activities
Sr. No. Items Actuals Budget Revised Budget
2022-2023 2023-2024 2023-2024 2024-2025
Revenue Expenditure (Gross) on Safety:
Repairs & Maintenance of Permanent Ways & Works 18115 18726 19687 21386

Repairs & Maintenance of Motive Powers 6844 6883 7431 8043

Repairs & Maintenance of Carriage & Wagons 20242 19743 22082 23451

Repairs & Maintenance of Plant & Equipment 9828 9986 11194 11864

Operating Expenses- Traffic-Minor Head 600-Safety 9 14 17 19

Total Revenue Expenditure (Safety) : 55038 55352 60411 64763

Road Safety Works - Level Crossings 520 700 552 705

Road Safety Works - ROBs/ RUBs 4827 7400 6297 9275

Track Renewals 16326 17297 16826 17652

Bridge Works 1050 1255 2000 2137

Signalling and Telecom Works 2456 4198 3581 4647

Workshops (POH/IOH of Rolling Stock ) 2481 4601 3458 4904

Other Plan Heads 4638 5631 5289 4712

Total Capital Expenditure (Safety) : 32298 41082 38003 44032

Total (Revenue+Capital) Expenditure on Safety : 87336 96433 98414 108795

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