CS Curriculum
CS Curriculum
CS Curriculum
SOC 101 Introduction to Social Science 3
PHYS 154 General Physics II 3
PHYS 154L General Physics Laboratory 1
MATH 274 Probability and Statistics II 3 MATH 273
MATH 309 Intro. to Linear Algebra 3 MATH 154
MATH 421 Numerical Methods I 3 MATH 201
CS 310 Software Engineering 3 CS 236
CS 311 Information Assurance and Security 3 CS 236
CS 320 Database Management Systems 3 CS 236
CS 336 Programming Language Concepts 3 CS 236
CS 345 Operating Systems 3 CS 236
Semester Grade Substitution Course Course Name Hrs. Prerequisites
ART 105 Intro. To Fine & Performing Arts 3
ECON 201 Principles of Economics 3
CS 400 Computer Science Seminar 1 CS 236
CS 406 Capstone Project 3 CS 310
CS 419 Computer Networks 3 CS 236
CS 450 Parallel processing 3 CS 325
CS 4xx Major Elective 3 See list
CS 4xx Major Elective 3 See list
FR 101 SPAN 101 Foreign Language 3
FR 102 SPAN 102 Foreign Language 3
1. Students deficient in Math are required to take MATH147/148 before taking MATH153.
2. Foreign Languages: Spanish 101 and Spanish 102 or French 101 or French 102 or German 101 and German 102
Selective General Education electives replaces Foreign Languages:
(ACCT 201 and ACCCT 202) or (GB 150 and GB202) or (MC 303 and MC 304) or (GB 150 and MAN 301)
Transfer Students
Student must have 30 transfer credit hours to exempt FYE 101 and FYE 102
(CHEM 111 and CEHM 113L) can be substituted for (BIOL 113 and BIOL 115L)
Course Course Name Hrs. Prerequisites
CS 411 Applied Cryptography 3 CS 311
CS 415 Computer Games Programming 3 CS 236
CS 424 Advanced Programming Technique 3 CS 236
CS 426 Artificial Intelligence 3 CS 236
CS 428 Computer Graphics 3 CS 236
CS 435 Big Data and Cloud Security 3 CS 311
CS 451 Robotics 3 CS 236
CS 456 Special Topics in Computer science 3 CS 236
CS 462 Special Topics in Software Engineering 3 CS 310
CS 371 CO-OP-1 3
CS 372 CO-OP-2 3
CS 471 CO-OP-3 3
CS 472 CO-OP-4 3