Estate Management
Estate Management
Estate Management
The basic and indispensable nature of land resource in all of man’s socio-political and economic activities
makes Estate Management discipline inevitably eclectic in nature, its being both multi- and inter-disciplinary.
Consequently, postgraduate educational training in such a complex field calls for inculcation, in the products, of
more effective and rigorous managerial, analytic and quantitative creative scholarly and entrepreneurial abilities
sufficient to grapple with the dynamic and ever-increasing complex land resource activity problems of the society
from first principles. Hence the postgraduate programmes are designed to give the graduate students in-depth
exposure to and thorough grasp of the literary foundations and current developments in the field of Estate
Management. Ultimately the products are to be equipped with highly skilled professional abilities, advanced critical
thinking, more spirit of inquiry, and philosophical attitudes.
The general and composite objectives of the postgraduate programmes in Estate Management are as
To provide bridge or equip persons deficient in their first degree or equivalent qualifications with enhanced
academic background to enable them either pursue a higher degree study in Estate Management or practice
the profession with cutting-edge capability.
To meet the needs of the more progrmatically inclined individuals whose primary career interest is
possession of advanced knowledge of the literary foundations which will enable them to be more effective
entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders in commerce, industry and self-employment in flourishing real estate
business and consultancy.
To meet the career needs of the more academically and philosophically inclined individuals whose primary
interest is acquisition and development of in-depth theoretical knowledge-base with sufficient practical flair
and well sharpened research capability for more effective service in the public and private sectors such as
government ministries, research institutes, universities and polytechnics, commerce and industry, and
international orgranizations.
To produce top-most academics, researchers, and highly advanced manpower and radical thinkers for our
universities and other tertiary institution, government, private corporations, and organizations and policy
formulators on various aspects of estate management.
The postgraduate programmes in Estate Management are at their various respective levels both extensive
and intensive in nature as appropriate. The aim being to expose the graduate student to advanced thinking in all
aspects of the discipline, thus broadening their knowledge base, and deepening their literary foundations,
practical applications and philosophical attitudes. The main thrust of the programme, therefore, embraces
advanced course work in compulsory/core courses and electives, seminars, as well as a research work to be
prosecuted and presented either as a project or thesis report. The number of compulsory/core courses and
electives, and their subtotal credit units vis a vis the credit units assigned to the research component vary
according to the level and nature of the postgraduate programme. For the PGD programme, however, students
whose entry qualification background is not estate management have additional remedial courses to take at
undergraduate level.
PGD Programme:
Be a graduate of the University of Nigeria or other recognized universities with at least a third
class honours and having obtained a CGPA of not less than 2.00 on a 5-point scale or its
Master of Science (M.Sc) Programme:
Be a bachelor’s degree holder in Estate Management of the University of Nigeria, or of other recognized
universities, with CGPA of not less than 2.50 on a 5-point scale or its equivalent. Also candidates with postgraduate
diploma in Estate Management of the University of Nigeria, or of other recognized universities, with CGPA of not
less than 3.50 on a 5-point scale or its equivalent.
First, and preferably the candidate could complete the Master’s degree programme and then, if he passes it
with a minimum of 3.50 GPA on a 5 point scale, apply for Doctoral programme; or
Secondly, the student’s general performance could be evaluated after the first two semesters of being on
the M.Sc/Ph.D programme . If the student makes a GPA of 3.50 or above in the coursework and shows
sufficient ability for research work at Ph.D level, then Senate, on the recommendation of the Departmental
and Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee, and the Board of the School of postgraduate studies, may
approve that the candidate proceeds to the Ph.D programme without fully completing the Master’s
PGD Programme:
MRE Programme:
- Full-Time: Minimum of two (2) semesters and a maximum of four (4) semesters.
- Part-Time: Minimum of four (4) semesters and a maximum of six (6) semesters.
M.Sc Programme:
The duration of the M.Sc. programme is as follows:
- Full-Time: Minimum of three (3) semester and a maximum of five (5)
Ph.D Programme:
- Full-Time: Minimum of (6) six semesters and a maximum of (10) ten
- Part-Time: Minimum of (8) eight semesters and a maximum of (12)
twelve semesters.
(b) For Students Whose Entry Qualification Background is Not Estate Management
To be awarded the PGD, a student whose sentry qualification background is not Estate Management must
have satisfied the following prescribe requirements, stated similarly as in subsection (a) above:
Remedial Courses 14 Units
Compulsory/Core Courses 18 Units
Elective Courses 12 Units
Research Project Seminar 2 “
Research Project Report 2 “
Total 48 Units
MRE Programme:
To be awarded the MRE, a student must have satisfied the following requirements: taken and passed the
prescribed number of courses from the approved list, successfully presented a seminar from his/her research project,
submitted an acceptable written report of the project which must pass plagiarism test, and successfully defended it in
an oral examination before an external examiner, all of which totaling 37 credit units as follows:
Compulsory/Core Courses 20 Units
Elective Courses 8 Units
Seminar from the Research Project 3 “
Research Project Report/Oral Defence 6 “
Total 37 Units
M.Sc Programme:
To be awarded the M.Sc a student must have satisfied the following requirements: taken and passed the
prescribed number of courses from the approved list, successfully presented a seminar from his/her research project,
submitted an acceptable written report of the project which must pass plagiarism test, and successfully defended it in
an oral examination, all of which totaling 41 credit units as follows:
Compulsory/Core Courses 16 Units
Elective Courses 12 Units
Seminar from the Research Project 3 “
Research Project Report/Oral Defence 10 “
Total 41 Units
Ph.D Programme:
To be awarded the Ph.D, a student must have satisfied the following requirements: taken and passed the
prescribed number of courses from the approved list, successfully presented two seminars, submitted an original,
convincing and authoritatively written thesis report on his/her research topic, presented a paper out of the thesis at an
international or national conference in his/her field, and successfully defended the thesis in an oral examination
before an external examiner; the thesis report must also pass plagiarism test. The total credit load of the doctoral
programme is as follows:
Compulsory/Core Courses 7 Credit Units
Elective Courses 6 Credit Units
Seminar I, Research Proposal 3 “
Seminar II, Pre-defence 3 “
Thesis Report/Oral Defence 12 “
Total 31 Credit Units
There is wide employment market for holders of various levels of postgraduate qualification in Estate
Management in both the private and public sectors of the Nigerian economy. Career options include middle and top
management positions in commerce and industry, research and development departments of private organizations
with strong real estate orientation, government ministries and agencies at the federal, state, and local government
levels, and not least of all, professional consulting in private practice. Other areas of employment are academic
positions in the departments of Estate Management in Nigerian universities and polytechnics, the numerical strength
of which has been on a sustained increase over the years.
The stress area in which a student’s research topic falls becomes his/her area of specialization.
For reasons of expediency due to some uniqueness of two (PGD and MRE) of the postgraduate
programmes of the Department, there are of necessity some little variations in the stress areas titles and code
numbers among the four postgraduate programmes. Accordingly, each programme has its own stress area titles and
code numbers as presented under it.
Elective Courses Credit Units
ACC 0101 Principles of Accounting I 2
SVY 0201 Basic Land Surveying I 2
ARC 0341 Building Construction Methods & Materials 2
ESM 0641 Principles of Law of Contract, Tort, and
Arbitration 2
ESM 0611 Rural and Urban Land Policies 2
ESM 0621 Applied Town and Country Planning 2
ESM 0633 Plant and Machinery Valuation 2
ESM 0671 Property Rating and Land Taxation 2
Course Code Course Title Credit Units
Compulsory/Core Courses
ESM 0612 Land Use & Resources Development II 2 2
ESM 0632 Property Investment Valuation II 2 2
ESM 0662 Portfolio Analysis and Management 2 2
ESM 0672 Professional Practice 2 2
*ESM 0642 Principles of Land Law - 2
Electives (2 no.) .. 4 4
Research Project
ESM 0682 Research Project Seminar 2 2
ESM 0692 Research Project Report 2 2
Sub-total .. .. 16 18
Total .. .. 28 30
of national land reforms in selected countries. Implementation and evaluation of land policies and specialized
government institutions and other bodies related to land policy implementation.
Classification, objectives, methods and over-view of land reforms in Nigeria. The Land Use Act 1978, Public Lands
Acquisitions (Miscellaneous Provisions) degree 1976, etc. Effects of constitutional land tenure and planning policies
on national development, Rural and Urban land policies compared and contrasted Comparisons of Nigerian land
policies with those of selected countries of the world.
The place of Property Rating in local government finance. The nature, content, preparation and amendment of the
valuation list. The basis and methods of rating valuation. Rating laws and appeals. Income tax: nature and incidence,
allowance and deductions. Assessment of owners and occupiers of landed property. Taxation of capital: Estate duty,
Stamp duty, Capital transfer tax, etc and valuations associated therewith. Statutory provisions and Case laws on land
taxation reforms.
ESM 0672: Professional Practice (2 Units)
The law and ethical rules and codes of conduct guiding the practice of Estate Surveying and Valuation Profession in
Nigeria. Comparison with selected countries of the world. Critical examination of legal stipulations guiding the
above. Estate management professional practice as a classic example of entrepreneurial business organization
developed and strictly operated in ethics and morality.
The 3–digit numbering of courses is adopted for the programme. The first digit stands for the year of study;
the second for the stress area and the third for the serial number of courses within a stress area, reflecting the odd
and even number endings for first and second semesters, respectively.
Elective Courses
(Select 2 Courses of 4 Units from the following 3 Electives)
ESM 631 Applied Land Use Planning 2
ESM 641 Applied Property Rating & Land Taxation 2
ESM 671 Applied Real Estate Development Finance &
Securitization 2
Course Code Course Title Credit Units
Compulsory Core Courses
ESM 602 Quantitative Techniques and Computer Application
in Estate Management 2
ESM 612 Applied Minerals, Plant & Machinery and Insurance
Valuations 2
ESM 652 Advanced Facility Management 2
Electives (2 no.) 4
Research Project
ESM 682 Research Project Seminar 3
ESM 692 Research Project Report/Oral Defence 6
Sub-total 19
Total 37
Elective Courses
(Select 2 Courses of 4 Units from the following 5 Electives)
ESM 622 Applied Land Economy and Resource
Development 2
ESM 614 Environmental Valuation 2
ESM 642 Administration of Public Property s2
ESM 662 Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management 2
ESM 672 Housing Economics 2
Definition and Types of Research; Research Process including sources; organization; steps in conducting a review of
literature and citation styles. Research designs. Proposal Pre-analysis of planned measurements. Methods of data
collection and the measurement processes, blunders, systematic errors, precision, and accuracy. Statistical
techniques for describing and drawing inference from research data: Hypothesis Testing. Mathematical modeling of
real life problems. Types and steps of modeling. The Use of ICT tools in the accomplishment of the above process.
ICT Terminologies: Hardware and Software components; Internet and World Wide Web; Web Browsers and Search
utilities; Text processing and Presentation tools, ICT Research Tools.
Methods of project/dissertation writing and the format for presenting research results: preliminaries, table of
contents, grammatical style, main text, referencing/bibliography, and appendix.
All registered Master’s degree students must attend a solution-based interactive workshop to be organized by the
School of Postgraduate Studies for a practical demonstration and application of the knowledge acquired from the
course, conducted by selected experts.
Survey of real estate business opportunities and organizations in Nigeria, and comparison with counterparts in
developed economies. Case studies of failed, flourishing/enduring real estate businesses, corporations and
consultancy partnerships. Professionalism: meaning and challenges. Partnerships and company formation
procedures and laws. Job procurement methods: proposals and retainership, tendering, personal selling and service
marketing. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneur: Concepts, characteristics: Innovation, creativity, strategic choices
and decisions, small businesses and corporations, enterprise life cycle. Management functions, theories/styles of
leadership, effectiveness and efficiency in managing and leasing.
recovery of national cultural artifacts and sacred objects lost to other countries. Legal bases for protection and
valuation, traditional and modern techniques for their valuations.
ESM 641: Applied Land Taxation & Property Rating Practice (2 Unit)
Land as an object of taxation. Taxation of income, capital, capital transfer and estate duty etc. Rating as a major
source of local government finance. Taxation as a major source of State and National government finance. Legal
frameworks for imposition. Valuation, collection and appeal. Rating and taxation as Policy Instrument in Society.
Valuation techniques. The use of Computer and quantitative techniques. Comparison with position in selected
ESM 661: Applied Feasibility & Viability Appraisal and Project Management (2 Units)
Concepts, scientific and other dimensions of traditional and modern decision appraisals, feasibility and viability
indicators and tests. Statistical and other forecasting techniques. Risk analysis, techniques: Sensitivity tests scenario
and simulation analysis etc. Follows-up appraisals, Critical path analysis. Treatment of capital recoupment,
depreciation, finance charges and taxation in project appraisal. DCF and Accounts formats of presentation of
financial appraisal.
Techniques for Organizing and Managing Development Projects and Project Teams. Principles and Case Studies of
Strategies including Psychological Aspect of Stress Management and Leadership. The Use of Critical Path
Analysis Technique; System Development and Risk Management; Contract Law and Leasing Strategy, Project
Evaluation and Review Techniques and Other Operational Research Techniques; and Statistical Control of Quality
and Risk; Methods of Organization and Control; An Overview of Contract Procurement Systems and Integration of
Project Management; Decision Making and Project Managers.
ESM 671: Applied Real Estate Development Finance and Securitization (2 Units)
Definition of securitization; Economics of securitization, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs); Development
finance and funding; contemporary issues, lending and risk; Finance and asset management. Mortgage Backed
Securities(MBS): nature and operations.
ESM 602: Quantitative Techniques and Computer Application in Estate Management (2 Units)
Input data for various quantitative analyses; measurement, processing analysis and presentation. Applications of
Statistics techniques and computer in valuations and various aspects of estate management: descriptive
interferential and probability; Liner rogramming and simulation analysis; GIS in real estate practice; Computer and
micro-computer system; software packages for estate management professionals; property appraisal application;
Real estate Analysis application Software’s including Residential Estimator 7, LinkWM, REIA V14’ Prolease, and
Ontarget 401.
ESM 612: Applied Mineral, Plant & Machinery, and Insurance Valuations (2 Unit)
Principles of mineral surveying, factors affecting value, royalty method of valuation; Residual value, mineral
classification; legal framework for compulsory acquisition and compensation, the structure of joint ventures and the
role of tax models in mineral valuation, Features of the Mineral and Mining Industry, Non renewable resources,
Scale of capital investment, Pattern of cash flows. Valuation of human structure, Disparity between cost and value,
Property, Plant, machinery and Equipment depreciation, depletion and amortization, Asset categories, Cost model
and revaluation model. Decommissioning Costs and Site Restoration; nature and recognition of cost, recognition of
liability, amortization and, accretion respectively. Issues in Insurance Valuation.
Conceptual definitions and identification of plant and machinery. Survey inspection and determination of functional
and economic lives and efficiency of plant and machinery. Various purposes, approaches and methods of valuation
of plant and machinery. Statutory enactments and case law decisions. Special problems in Nigeria and solutions.
Components of the assessment, bases and techniques. A critical appraisal of the legal bases for the above. Insurance
policies and clauses. Disparity between cost and value, Depreciation, depletion and amortization, Asset categories,
Cost and revaluation model.
ESM 662: Applied Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (2 Units)
Investment aims and investment options. Characteristics of property investment. Analytical investment techniques:
the risk return criterion, comparative techniques used for property and other investment fields. Critical appraisal and
applications of modern property investment analysis techniques: DCF/Equated Yield/Real Value Models, etc.
Concepts of Portfolio and Portfolio management; Evolution of portfolio management, performance measurement
and analysis; objectives, purposes, and process of portfolio management; objectives and purposes of portfolio
performance measurement and analyses. Measurements of return: Time weighted rate of return, Money weighted
rate of return; Portfolio strategy; tracking on index; selection of optimal portfolio: Economics of information. Risk
analysis techniques: unsystematic and systematic; Efficient frontier, CAPM. Decision making with continuous
variables; Investment aims and investment options. Fundamental and technical analyses of equity, gilts and indexed
stocks and other securities.
Elective Courses
(Select 3 Courses of 6 Units from the following 4 Electives)
ESM 621 Advanced Town & Country Planning 2
ESM 641 Advanced Property Management 2
ESM 651 Advanced Property Rating and Land Taxation 2
ESM 661 Advanced Real Estate Development Finance &
Securitization 2
Elective Courses
(Select 3 Courses of 6 Units from the following 5 electives)
ESM 634 Environmental Valuation 2
Methods of project/dissertation writing. The format for presenting research results (from designing the table of
contents to referencing, bibliography and appendix).
All registered Masters Degree students must attend a solution-based interactive workshop to be organized by the
School of Postgraduate Studies for a practical demonstration and application of the knowledge acquired from the
course, conducted by selected experts.
ESM 661 - Advanced Real Estate Development FinancE & Securitization (2 Units)
Definition of securitization; Economics of securitization, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs); Development
finance and funding; contemporary issues, lending and risk; Finance and asset management, Mortgage-backed
securities (MBS): nature and operations.
ESM 671 – Advanced Feasibility & Viability Appraisals and Project Management (2 Units)
Concepts, scientific and other dimensions of traditional and modern decision appraisals, feasibility and viability
indicators and tests. Statistical and other forecasting techniques. Risk analysis, Sensitivity tests. Follows-up
appraisals, Determination of the four key input variables in DSF appraisal of development projects. Accounts
format of presentation of financial appraisal.
Project team management techniques including psychological aspect of stress management and leadership; case
studies of strategies and techniques for organizing and managing development project and the project team; the use
of Critical Path Analysis programme; Quantity System development and risk management; contract law and leasing
strategy, project evaluation and review techniques and other operational research techniques; statistics and statistical
control in quality and risk management, methods of organizing and control; An overview of contract procurement
systems and their integration into project management; Decision making and project managers.
ESM 602 - Quantitative Techniques and Computer Application in Estate Management (2 Units)
Methods of data collection, analysis and presentation, GIS in real estate practice; frequency distribution builds and
graphics; measures of central tendency and dispersions; Normal curve and other probability distribution models:
poisson, exponential binomial etc. Regression and correlation analysis; Liner programming and simulation analysis;
Application of valuations and various aspects of estate management, Valuation mathematics; Use of computers in
property valuation. Computer and micro-computer system; software, packages for estate management professionals;
property appraisal application; Real estate Analysis application Software’s including Residential Estimator 7,
LinkWM, REIA V14’ Prolease, and Ontarget 401.
ESM 632 : Advanced Mineral, Plant & Machinery, and Insurance Valuations (2 Units)
Principles of mineral surveying, factors affecting value, royalty method of valuation; Residential value, mineral
classification; legal framework of compulsory acquisition of minerals and compensation, the structure of joint
ventures and the role of tax models in mineral valuation: Features of the Mineral and Mining Industry, Non
renewable resources, Scale of capital investment, Pattern of cash flows. Valuation of human structure, Disparity
between cost and value, Decommissioning costs and land/site restoration, Property, Plant and Equipment
Depreciation, depletion and amortization, Asset categories, Cost model and revaluation model. Nature and extent of
requirement, recognition of cost, recognition of liability, amortization of cost, accretion of liability. The Minerals
and Mining Act Cap M12, LFN 2004.
Conceptual definitions and identification of plant and machinery. Survey and determination of functional and
economic lives and efficiency of plant and machinery. Various purposes for which plant and machinery valuation
may be required. Approaches and methods of valuation of plant and machinery. Statutory enactments and case law
decisions affecting plant and machinery valuation. Special problems attending plant and machinery valuation in
Nigeria and their solutions. Components of the assessment. The bases and techniques of assessment. A critical
appraisal of the legal bases for the above.
ESM 652: Advanced Land Taxation and Public Property Administration (2 Units)
Land Taxation Objectives and various alternative techniques for achieving them. The use of quantitative techniques
and computer in administration of public properties. A critical evaluation of privatization and its achievements. the
Issues in valuations for various land taxes: property rate, rental income (withholding), capital gains and transfers,
probate, etc; enabling statutes, principles and procedures of administration.
Year One
First Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Units
Compulsory/Core Courses
PGC 701 Research Grant Writing and Synopsis Writing 3
ESM 731 Land Valuation, Investment and Portfolio
Analysis Philosophies 2
Elective (1 no.) 2
Elective Courses
(Select One (1) Course of 2 Units from the following 3 Electives)
ESM 741 Property and Facility Management Issues 2
ESM 761 Real Estate Development Finance,
Securitization and Housing Issues 2
ESM 751 Property Rating and Land Taxation
Philosophies 2
Second Semester
Compulsory/Core Courses
ESM 712 Land Policy, Administration and
Applications of GIS 2
Electives (2 no.) 4
Sub-total 6
Elective Courses
(Select 2 Courses of 4 Units from the following 3 Electives)
ESM 722 Advanced Land Use and Resources
Development Issues 2
ESM 732 Mineral, Plant & Machinery, Insurance,
Cultural Artifacts, etc Valuation Philosophies 2
ESM 772 Feasibility & Viability Appraisal and
Project Management Philosophies 2
Year Two
First Semester
ESM 791 Ph.D Thesis Research
ESM 781 Ph.D Thesis Seminar I (Research Proposal)
Presentation 3
Second Semester
ESM 782 Ph.D Thesis Seminar II in Progress
Year Three
First Semester
ESM 783 Ph.D Thesis Seminar II Final Presentation 3
Second Semester
ESM 791 Ph.D Thesis Report/Oral Defence 12
Sub-total 18
Grand Total 31units
Identification of types and nature of grant and grant writing; mining of grants application calls on the internet.
Determining appropriate strategy for each grant application. Study of various grant application structures and
contents and writing of concept notes, detailed project description, budgeting and budget defense. Study of sample
grant writings in various forms and writing of mock research and other grants.
All registered Ph.D students must attend a solution-based interactive workshop to be organized by the School of
Postgraduate Studies for a practical demonstration and application of the knowledge acquired from the course,
conducted by selected experts.
ESM 731: Land Valuation, Investment and Portfolio Analysis Philosophies (2 Units)
Land Valuation – Rural and Urban Property, Infrastructure, Environmental,
Compensation and Land Taxation.
Investment theory, Property Valuation and investment valuation, contemporary
Investment valuation models. Compulsory land acquisition and Compensation.
Investment – Risk and Return in real estate investment, Traditional Risk
Analysis Adjustment Methods, Contemporary Risk-Return measurement
methods: CAPM Arbitrage, etc.
ESM 761: Real Estate Development Finance, Securitization and Housing Issues (2 Units)
Use of real estate credit; Sources – mortgages, pledges; lease back, contractor finance, insurance; Banks and other
institutional lenders, mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and their associated issues in developed and developing
Second Semester:
ESM 712: Land Policy, Administration and Applications of GIS (2 Units)
Land Policy – Land reform, Land tenure Instruments for Land Policy Comparative study of land policy of selected
developed and developing economies. Impact of Land Policy on Land Use, Land Use regulation, Land redemption.
Conceptualization of Land Policy Issues, Pragmatic Formulation and Implementation.
Application of GIS – User of GIS in Real Estate, Appraisal Review, Use of GIS
for Business Cycle Analysis and Forecasting, Software Data and Management considerations in Establishing a
GIS/Mapping System. Similarities and differences between Mapping and GIS, critical factors, softwares, Data,
Management and Organizational Issues.
ESM 722: Advanced Land Use and Resources Development Issues: (2 Units)
Issues in Urban and Rural Land and Environmental Resource Planning Management and Utilization, Economic and
non-economic analysis of issues, statistical expression of relevant issues, Arbitration and resolution of contending
ESM 732: Mineral, Plant & Machinery, Insurance, Cultural Artifacts, and Sacred Objects/Lands
Valuation Philosophies (2 Units)
Survey and determination of functional and economic lives and efficiency of plant and machinery. Critical review
of the methods and various purposes of plant and machinery valuation. Issues in valuation for insurance
Philosophical/religions issues in valuations of cultural artifacts and sacred objects.
Critical examination of Socio-political, economic, philosophical, Statutory and methodical issues in Mineral
ESM 772: Feasibility & Viability Appraisal and Project Management Philosophies (2 Units)
Understanding the framework, techniques and models and roles of cognate professionals. The use of computerized
approaches, statistical forecasting and Networking techniques.