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The Believers Are But Brothers

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S H A Y K H M U S A J I B R I L ‫ح ف ظ ه هللا‬
‫ َوَمْن َكاَن ِف ي َح اَج ِة َأِخ يِه‬، ‫ لَا َيْظِل ُم ُه َو لَا ُيْس ِل ُم ُه‬، ‫اْلُمْس ِل ُم َأُخ و اْلُمْس ِل ِم‬

‫ َوَمْن َفَّر َج َع ْن ُمْس ِل ٍم ُكْر َبًة َفَّر َج الَّلُه َعْنُه ُكْر َبًة ِم ْن‬، ‫َكاَن الَّلُه ِف ي َح اَج ِتِه‬
‫ َوَمْن َس َتَر ُمْس ِل ًم ا َس َتَر ُه الَّلُه َيْو َم اْلِق َياَمِة‬، ‫ُكُر َباِت َيْو ِم اْلِق َياَمِة‬

When the reports say that 95% of those facing starvation in the world
are in Gaza, and this Ummah has abundant food and resources, know
the problem is us not our enemies!

During Umar ibn al-Khattab's reign as Caliph, a period of severe

drought befell the Muslim Ummah wherein they faced a severe famine.
There was a widespread scarcity of food, leading to widespread hunger.
Umar himself felt the pangs of hunger, with his own stomach rumbling
and growling from emptiness. Despite his hunger, he would address his
belly, saying: “‫ قرقري أو ال تقرقري‬- Grumble as you please, Oh my
stomach, protest all you want, you shall not be filled until the stomach
of the Muslim Ummah has been filled first."

There is a Hadith in which Muhammad ‫ صىل هللا عليه وسلم‬said, “By

Allah, he does not have faith! By Allah, he does not have faith! By Allah,
he does not have faith!” It was said, “Who is it, O Messenger of Allah?”
The Prophet replied, “He whose neighbor is not safe from his harm.”

In another narration the Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه وسلم‬said: “He is not a
believer whose stomach is full while the neighbor to his side is

The Prophet swore by Allah three times and went as far as saying, he is
not a Muslim. Who? The one who who sleeps with his stomach full and
his neighbor is starving and he knows about it. There’s three or four
ahadith mentioning this. If this Hadith applies to even a disbeliever
neighbour, imagine the right our Muslim brothers and sisters have upon
us! The situation all around the Muslim Ummah, in ash-Shaam, Gaza,
Sudan, Rohingya, every corner on this Earth where there is a single
Muslim in despair - it’s our concern and our duty to relieve them of
their pain and suffering.
The Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه وسلم‬said “Whoever relieves the hardship
of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve his hardship on the Day of
Resurrection. Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make it
easy for him in this world and the Hereafter. Whoever conceals the
faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the
Hereafter. Allah helps the servant as long as he helps his brother…”

The only separation preventing us from aiding our brothers and sisters
is an artificial boarder, a constructed border, enforced by traitorous
leaders who betrayed our trust and are bolstered by Riff-Raff sellout
scholars. Why do they do that? They close the boarders and don’t open
it aimed with the goal to restrain and contain the strongest and most
powerful Ummah from uniting - the Muslims.

Once, Ali ibn Abi Talib ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬lost his armor and later
discovered it in the possession of a Jewish man. When Ali claimed the
armor as his own, the Jewish man disputed it. Despite being the Caliph
at the time, Ali took the matter to Judge Shurayh, whom he had
appointed. Ali had no proof to support his claim, and so Shurayh ruled
in favor of the Jewish man, demonstrating impartiality even against the
very Caliph who had appointed him.

Both Ali and the Jewish man were equal before the judge — the judge
that Ali had chosen — and the judge's decision reflected what he
believed to be truthful, despite ruling against the Khalifah who had
appointed him. This exemplifies the fairness and integrity the Shari’ah

According to some accounts, after the judgment was passed, the Jewish
man acknowledged the armor as Ali's and returned it to him. Impressed
by the fair treatment and the principles of Islamic justice, he embraced
Islam by uttering the Shahadah. It is reported that he said:
! ‫َأَّم ا َأَنا َفَأْش َه ُد َأَّن َهِذ ِه َأْح َكاُم اْلَأْنِب َياِء َأِم يُر اْلُم ْؤ ِمِن يَن َقَّد َمِن ي ِإ َلى َقاِض يِه َو َقاِض يِه َيْق ِض ي َع َلْيِه‬

‫َأْش َه ُد َأْن َلا ِإ َلَه ِإ َّلا الَّلُه َو َأْش َه ُد َأَّن ُمَحَّم ًد ا َع ْبُد ُه َوَرُس وُلُه الِّد ْر ُع َو الَّلِه ِد ْر ُع َك َيا َأِم يَر اْلُم ْؤ ِمِن يَن‬
‫اَّتَبْعُت اْلَجْيَش َو َأْنَت ُمْنَطِل ٌق ِإ َلى ِص ِّف يَن َفَخ َرَج ْت ِم ْن َبِع يِر َك اْلَأْوَر ِق‬

“As for me, I testify that this is the judgment of the Prophets. The
leader of the believers himself takes me to his judge and the judge rules
against him! I testify that there is no God except Allah, and I testify that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. By Allah, the armor is yours, O
leader of the believers. I followed the army when you were on your way
to the Battle of Siffin and the armor fell from your equipment.”

Following his conversion, Ali gifted the armor back to the Jewish man,
encouraging him to keep it. This is the essence of Islamic justice.

Islam is just like that, when it comes to your brothers you prefer them
over yourself! Between us and our oppressed brothers is an artificial
border created by the traitors, our treacherous rulers and supported by
the sell out Riff-Raff scholars. We blame the scholars for dollars, we
blame them for blind sighting the Ummah and silently feasting on the
flesh of our brethren.

Whilst we can say the rulers do not care, they are not Muslims. They
fight Islam and are against Islam. They are driven purely by their desire
for power. The true blame, the real culprits is placed at the feet of the
scholars. All of them so called scholars —the Asha'irah, the Salafi
claimants, name them all— it doesn’t matter who they are, it’s their
responsibility to let their actions precede their words - though they are
both non existent in their case.
With a community of two billion, is it inconceivable that even a
fraction, say a million men aid and support our brothers and sisters?
Can they not surpass and pulverize an artificial border the divides the
nation of Muhammad to quench the thirst and provide comfort to the
petrified Muslim children?

It seems as though we are bereft of true men. Men. Men. Men.

The Ummah will hold accountable the scholars who remained silent
during the slaughter, who focused on teaching Adab of eating whilst the
Ummah starved. They distracted the masses to fill their own stomachs.
The scholars for dollars - we will never forgive!

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, from amongst the
first to be brought to account on the Judgement day, (which shows the
seriousness of this position), are the scholars. He will be a man who has
studied [religious] knowledge and has taught it and who used to recite
the Quran. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His
favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what
did you do about them? He will say: I studied [religious] knowledge and
I taught it and I recited the Quran for Your sake. He will say: You have
lied - you did but study [religious] knowledge that it might be said [of
you]: He is learned. And you recited the Quran that it might be said [of
you]: He is a reciter. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be
dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire.
Scholars are of three kinds:

They speak the truth, and although there are very few of these
scholars, mostly residing in prisons and dungeons, their words of
truth shake the world despite the attempts to silence them. These
scholars do not care about what happens to them in this life, they
do not waiver with the blame of the blamers, they wait patiently for
the reward from their Lord.

Abu Umamah al-Bahili narrated: “Two men were mentioned before the
Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬. One of them a worshiper, and the other a
scholar. So the Messenger of Allah said: ‘The superiority of the scholar
over the worshiper is like my superiority over the least of you.’ Then the
Messenger of Allah said: ‘Indeed Allah, His Angels, the inhabitants of
the heavens and the earths - even the ant in his hole, even the fish - say
Salat upon the one who teaches the people to do good.’”

The second category are the sugar coaters, they tell people whatever
they want to hear. Their aim is to please the people even at the
expense of selling their religion. Whatever people want they tell
them to satisfy them.

The slaves of the Sultans, Murjiat al-Asr, the Yahood al-Qiblah,

they are the ones who damaged the Muslim ummah by their
worship and obeying of scholars and their palaces. Forcing people
to follow them in their evil worship. All they do is praise the
scholars and worship them. They make verdicts based of the laws
of their real Gods - the kings. They placed the Ummah in a deep
slumber through their worship of the scholars and their palaces.
Our pious predecessors warned us against them and their evil.
Sa’id ibn al-Musayyib, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “If you see a
scholar become too close to the rulers, beware of him for he is a thief.”

The Messenger of Allah ‫ صىل هللا عليه وسلم‬said: “Whoever goes to the
gates of the ruler will be put to trial. A servant does not move closer to
the ruler but that he moves further away from Allah.”

Currently our Ummah is plagued with these scholars. You find them in
every corner you turn. That’s why we have no success, the men in this
Ummah are in a heedless slumber. Indeed, this is a sleeping Ummah.
The scholars said: “O my beloved people, sleep, do not wake up or
you’ll find Fitan. None have prosperity except the one who goes into
deep sleep.” And so they slept as their enemies annihilated everything
around them, only to be awoken when it’s their turn.

The Messenger of Allah ‫ صىل هللا عليه وسلم‬said: “Soon the nations
will be summoned to you just like one is invited to a feast.” It was said,
“Will we be few in that day?” The Prophet said, “No, rather you will be
many in that day, but you will be scum like such flowing down a torrent.
Allah will remove your esteem from the chests of your enemies, and
Allah will insert feebleness in your own hearts.” It was said, “O
Messenger of Allah, what is this feebleness?” The Prophet said, “Love
for the worldly life and hatred of death.”

Allah sent us to rectify others, not to emulate them; yet, we've done the
latter and have sunk even lower than their level.

Muslims are being obliterated but rather than aiding our oppressed
brethren we're indulging in celebrating Christmas and flocking to soccer
matches by the millions.
These are the same individuals who assert their inability to cross
artificial borders to liberate their siblings from oppression, tyranny and
destruction, or even quench their thirst and save them from starvation;
yet, they easily assemble in cinemas by the millions, extravagantly
splashing on snacks and drinks.

What kind of Ummah have we become?!

Is this the same Ummah of the courageous Muhammad ‫صىل هللا عليه‬
‫ وسلم‬who nurtured true men of strength? Where are the men? Where
are the offsprings of Khalid ibn Waleed and Umar ibn al-Khattab?

A woman went to hell fire because she oppressed a cat, she starved a cat
and tied it up so it couldn’t even eat the fertile of the earth to survive.
How do we differ from her, except that we are much worse? She
mistreated one animal and we are responsible for the condition of our
oppressed Muslim brothers, sisters and children across the globe, who
profess Laa ilaha illAllah and whom have a right to our lives for defence
and our wealth!

Just know, although the Ummah is in a deep slumber at the moment,

certainly one day they will awaken. This ummah will never die. So either
you support the religion of Allah or you get replaced. Allah will send
down a people who love Him and He loves them to aid the religion.
‫ُكنُتْم َخ ْيَر ُأَّم ٍة ُأْخِر َج ْت ِل لَّناِس َتْأ ُمُر وَن ِب ٱْلَمْعُر وِف َو َتْنَهْو َن َع ِن ٱْلُم نَكِر َو ُتْؤ ِم ُنوَن ِبٱلَّلِه‬

Allah Almighty said: “You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and

real followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah (legal ways, etc.)]
are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin al-Ma'ruf
(i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and forbid al-
Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden), and you
believe in Allah.”

— Surat Ali ‘Imran: 110

We have a rule in Islam, when our enemy usurp some Muslim land, it
becomes a duty incumbent and binding upon every capable Muslim to
defend that land, it doesn’t matter where they are geographically
located, all must join with their brothers to defend that land .

‫ُكنُتْم َخ ْيَر ُأَّم ٍة ُأْخِر َج ْت ِل لَّناِس َتْأ ُمُر وَن ِب ٱْلَمْعُر وِف َو َتْنَهْو َن َع ِن ٱْلُم نَكِر َو ُتْؤ ِم ُنوَن ِبٱلَّلِه‬

Aboo Hurayrah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him,

said: “The martyr does not feel the pain of being killed except as
one of you feels the pinch of an insect bite.”

— Sunan al-Tirmidhi

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