ZPB R12 GL Integration
ZPB R12 GL Integration
ZPB R12 GL Integration
February 2007
Implementing Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting (R12.ZPB.A) with Oracle General Ledger
This document describes the steps to configure Oracle General Ledger with Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation for implementations of Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. The purpose of this document is to provide information about implementing Enterprise Planning and Budgeting with General Ledger in addition to the information provided in the standard user guides. Refer to the Enterprise Performance Foundation User Guide and the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting User Guide for more information. For specific steps when setting up Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, refer to the Implementing Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, Oracle MetaLink Document 412329.1. It assumes that Oracle Applications has been installed with the latest patches for Oracle Enterprise Performance Foundation, Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, and that Oracle General Ledger has been configured.
Document Structure
Overview This section provides an overview of the five steps involved, from configuring Enterprise Performance Foundation to creating reports in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. Phase1: Configure Enterprise Performance Foundation This section details the required configuration steps for preparing Enterprise Performance Foundation for Oracle General Ledger intergration. Phase2: Configure the General Ledger Integration Rules This section covers the steps for configuring the Oracle General Ledger integration. Phase 3: Configure Enterprise Planning and Budgeting This section discusses the steps of configuring the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting to work with the Oracle General Ledger.
Copyright Oracle Corporation 1997, 2007. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. All other products are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
Phase 4: Create Business Processes in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting This section details the steps involved in creating business processes in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. Phase 5: Create Reports in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting This section covers topics related to creating reports with Oracle General Ledger data in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. Configuration Paths This section discusses the typical configuration options and how to set up each one. Ongoing Maintenance This section lists topics related to ongoing maintenance to be performed after the initial implementation has been completed. Troubleshooting This section contains some troubleshooting topics and questions and answers.
Software Version
The document is only valid for the following products release: Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, Release 12 (R12.ZPB.A) which uses Enterprise Performance Foundation, Release 12 Before implementing Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, you should review the Enterprise Performance Foundation User Guide and the Enterprise Performance Foundation R12 Roadmap, Oracle MetaLink Document 396850.1.
These are the phases involved in the overall implementation of Enterprise Planning and Budgeting with General Ledger. Phase1: Configure Enterprise Performance Foundation The objective of this section is to configure Enterprise Performance Foundation by setting the processing key on the FEM_BALANCES table and by setting key parameters for the implementation with General Ledger. 1. Grant Access to the Security Folders 2. Set the Unique Index on the Balances Table 3. Set the Processing Key on the Balances Table 4. Update the Dimension Display Names 5. Create the Actuals Dataset Dimension Member 6. Set the Sign of Extended Account Types
Phase 2: Configure the General Ledger integration rules The objective of this section is to load the dimensions, hierarchies, the calendar, and balances from General Ledger into Enterprise Performance Foundation. 1. Assign the Ledgers 2. Set the Application Preferences 3. Create and Run Dimension Rules 4. Create and Run Hierarchy Rules 5. Run Calendar Rules 6. Create and Run Balance Rules 7. Create the Organization Currency Attribute Phase 3: Configure Enterprise Planning and Budgeting The objective of this section is to bring the dimensional metadata from Enterprise Performance Foundation into an Enterprise Planning and Budgeting business area, set the current month in the system, and set up sufficient security to build the business processes. 1. Create a Business Area 2. Refresh the Business Area 3. Set the Ownership Dimension 4. Register the Users with Enterprise Planning and Budgeting 5. Set the Current Periods Phase 4: Create Business Processes in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting The objective of this section is to create business processes, initiate the business process runs to load data from Enterprise Performance Foundation into Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, and perform the aggregations and calculations. 1. Create the Actuals Business Process 2. Create the Budget Business Process 3. Run the Business Processes 4. Set the Current Periods Phase 5: Create Reports in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting The objective of this section is to create a variance report comparing Actuals with Budget. 1. Create the Variance Report
Background Information
Background information about each of the steps is listed immediately below; assumptions about the example and the example itself follow. Security Folders There are two security folders, Data Integration and Default, access to which is required for implementation with General Ledger. Users who will create dimension, hierarchy, calendar, and balances rules must have read/write access to these two folders (read access is inherited if write access is granted). To run these rules users must at least have read access to these folders. Setting the Processing Key on the Balances Table To set the processing key on the Balances table, you first create a unique index on FEM_BALANCES containing the dimensions you wish to have in the processing key. Then you define the processing key to use that unique index. You can either create a new index or modify an existing index, such as FEM_BALANCES_P. After creating the unique index, you should synchronize the Balances table. This pulls in any new database changes that have been made since the last time you registered the table. So if you added an index, or changed the column from nullable to not null, you should synchronize the table and then register it. Synchronize just makes the new changes available for the registration process, so if you changed an index that already existed, you still need to register after you synchronize. You must complete all the registration steps in the registration train to successfully register the Balances table. The processing key is derived from the unique index and must include the eleven dimensions marked with an asterisk (*) below when implementing with General Ledger.
Required Dimensions in the Processing Key The Balances table, FEM_BALANCES, includes the following dimensions or columns
PK Column Name ACTIVITY_ID X CAL_PERIOD_ID CHANNEL_ID X COMPANY_COST_CENTER_ORG_ID COST_OBJECT_ID X CREATED_BY_OBJECT_ID CREATED_BY_REQUEST_ID CREATION_ROW_SEQUENCE X X CURRENCY_CODE CURRENCY_TYPE_CODE CUSTOMER_ID X DATASET_CODE ENTITY_ID X FINANCIAL_ELEM_ID INTERCOMPANY_ID LAST_UPDATED_BY_OBJECT_ID LAST_UPDATED_BY_REQUEST_ID X X X LEDGER_ID LINE_ITEM_ID NATURAL_ACCOUNT_ID PRODUCT_ID PROJECT_ID PTD_CREDIT_BALANCE_E PTD_DEBIT_BALANCE_E QTD_BALANCE_E QTD_BALANCE_F X SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODE TASK_ID USER_DIM10_ID Display Name Activity Calendar Period Channel Company Cost Center Organization Cost Object Created By Object Created By Request Creation Row Sequence Currency Currency Type Code Customer Dataset Entity Financial Element Intercompany Last Updated By Object Last Updated By Request Ledger Line Item Natural Account Product Project Period to Date Credit Balance Entered Period to Date Debit Balance Entered Quarter to Date Balance Entered Quarter to Date Balance Functional Source System Task User Dimension10 Data Type Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Identifier Identifier Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Identifier Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Monetary Balance Monetary Balance Monetary Balance Monetary Balance Dimension Dimension Dimension
Display Name User Dimension01 User Dimension02 User Dimension03 User Dimension04 User Dimension05 User Dimension06 User Dimension07 User Dimension08 User Dimension09 Period to Date Balance Entered Period to Date Balance Functional Year to Date Balance Entered Year to Date Balance Functional Year to Date Credit Balance Entered Year to Date Debit Balance Entered
Data Type Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Monetary Balance Monetary Balance Monetary Balance Monetary Balance Monetary Balance Monetary Balance
Note: The processing key is derived from the unique index and must include the 11 dimensions marked with an X in the PK column above when using the General Ledger Integration. The following questions may help to clarify which dimensions you should include in the processing key, although you will not actually perform the segment to dimension mapping until Configure the General Ledger Integration. Which dimensions should I include in the processing key? In Configure the General Ledger Integration, you will map the segments in your General Ledger chart of accounts to dimensions in Enterprise Performance Foundation: these are the dimensions that should be included in the processing key, as well as any other dimensions marked with an asterisk in the above table. Usually, each segment in your chart of accounts maps to a dimension. Note that if there is an intercompany segment in the chart of accounts, then INTERCOMPANY_ID should be included in the processing key. Must I map all the segments in my chart of accounts to dimensions? No, you can ignore particular segments in your chart of accounts if that level of detail is not needed in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. To ignore a segment, you map it
to a single default value. Then, when the balance rule is run, the General Ledger balances for unmapped segments will be summed. Can I map a segment multiple times? You can map a dimension to a single segment, and another dimension to a concatenation of the same segment and another segment. Must I map all the account-based dimensions to segments in my chart of accounts? No, only map those that are relevant. The unmapped dimensions will be assigned a default value in the Balances table automatically when the balance rule is run. Which segments and dimensions must be mapped? Both the Natural Account and Line Item dimensions must be mapped from the natural accounting segment; these dimensions are required by General Ledger and Enterprise Planning and Budgeting respectively. The Company Cost Center Organization dimension can be mapped from: A single segment A single value Multiple segments If it is mapped from multiple segments then one segment must be the balancing segment (which is usually Company) and one segment must be the cost center segment (which is usually Department). Why must I include other dimensions in the processing key even though I do not map them? You do map them, but not by creating dimension rules. The Ledger dimension is mapped through Ledger Assignments, details in Assign the Ledgers. The Dataset, Currency, and Currency Type dimensions are specified when creating a balance rule, discussed in Create and Run Balance Rules. The Calendar Period, Created By Object, Financial Element, and Source System dimensions are mapped automatically to General Ledger concepts. The Financial Element mapping is discussed in Phase 3: Configure Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. Are there any columns that I must not include in the processing key? The columns whose data type is Identifier or Monetary Balance should never be included in the processing key. Dataset Dimension Members By default, Actuals data from General Ledger will be loaded into the dataset dimension member Default; Budget data from General Ledger will be loaded into new datasets for each Budget Version that are created automatically. It is good practice to create a dataset explicitly for Actuals rather than using the Default dataset.
Signage Methodology You must state the signage methodology that you will use in Enterprise Performance Foundation; this will also be used in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. There are 3 options: 1. All account types stored as naturally positive (Absolute Value) 2. The storage used by the General Ledger (Standard General Accounting Principles) 3. Reverse signs from that used by the General Ledger (Reverse General Accounting Principles).
Option Absolute Value Reverse General Accounting Principles Standard General Accounting Principles Revenues Expenses Assets Liabilities Equity
+ + -
+ +
+ +
+ + -
+ + -
So, if you want revenues and expenses to appear as naturally positive, then you would choose Absolute Value. Note this does not mean that every single balance will be positive: there may be contra transactions resulting in a negative balance. Which signage methodology should I use? It depends on what you want to see in reports, and how you want to calculate accounts such as Profit. If you use Absolute Value, then (a) your Revenue and Expense account types will all appear naturally positive in reports; (b) you can use the Line Item hierarchy to sum the parent accounts from the detailed accounts, but you must create calculations for accounts such as Profit. If you use Standard General Accounting Principles, then (a) your Expense account types will appear naturally positive in reports, but your Revenue account types will appear naturally negative in reports; you cannot create pie charts on negative data; a way around this is to create a calculation in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting that reverses the sign of Revenue (and Liability and Equity) account types and use that calculation as the base for reporting; (b) you can use the Line Item hierarchy to sum the parent accounts from the detailed accounts, including parent accounts such as Profit. This is also true for Reverse General Accounting Principles. How do I set the signage? You set the FEM: Signage Methodology profile option at the site level, which then requires you to bounce the middle tier. The signage is controlled by the extended
account type attribute, so you then run the Sign Extended Account Types concurrent program to set the appropriate attribute values based on the profile option. Example Assumptions In the examples below, we assume: The Balances table resides in the FEMX tablespace. In your processing key you include the asterisked dimensions above as well as User Dimension01 and User Dimension02. You rename User Dimension01 to Department, User Dimension02 to Sub Account, Company Cost Center Organization to Organization, and Line Item to Account. Note that there is a dimension in Enterprise Performance Foundation called Company, but it is an internal dimension. We have chosen to name Company Cost Center Organization as Organization instead of naming it Company to avoid confusion when selecting the columns. You create a new data set for Actuals. You use Absolute Values as your signage methodology.
Navigation - update the description for the dimensions and columns Enterprise Performance Foundation Administrator responsibility > Configuration Rules tab > Dimension subtab > Definition sidebar Example 1. Switch Dimension to Organization. 2. Under Dimension Definition, change the Description from Company Cost Center Organization to Organization. 3. Switch Dimension to Account. 4. Under Dimension Definition, change the Description from Line Item to Account. 5. Switch Dimension to Department. 6. Under Dimension Definition, change the Description from User Dimension01 to Department. 7. Switch Dimension to Sub Account. 8. Under Dimension Definition, change the Description from User Dimension02 to Sub Account.
Background Information
Dimension Rules To map segments to dimensions, you create dimension rules, choosing the source of each Enterprise Performance Foundation dimension. Only those dimensions included in the processing key can be mapped. By default, some dimensions are already mapped to a single segment, and others are assigned a single value, but these can all be updated. The Line Item dimension and the Natural Account dimension must each be mapped to the natural accounting segment. The source of each dimensions members can be: A single value, meaning that you do not want to include that dimension for Enterprise Planning and Budgeting purposes Mapped to a single segment, so that the dimension members are the segment values Concatenated from two or more segments Only the valid combinations in the General Ledger code combinations table create dimension members. The segment to dimension mapping is also discussed in Section 3.1 Configure Enterprise Performance Foundation. Enterprise Performance Foundation will create dimension rules for all the other dimensions in the Balances table, even if they are not part of the processing key, but these other dimensions will be mapped to a single, default value. They are not displayed in the user interface, but when you Submit All Rules and view the resulting concurrent requests, you can see rules for these other dimensions as well as the ones you have mapped directly. Running the dimension rules creates and locks the Global Value Set Combination for that chart of accounts. Ledger Assignment You can assign multiple ledgers or sets of books in Enterprise Performance Foundation. Within Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Business Area, multiple ledgers or sets of books can be added provide all those must belong to a single chart of accounts. Different charts of accounts must reside in different business areas. Hierarchy Rules Enterprise Performance Foundation will generate hierarchies automatically based on the parent-child relationships between segment values in General Ledger. To create a hierarchy rule, you choose the top segment value or root node of each hierarchy. When creating a hierarchy rule, besides specifying the top segment value, you specify the settings for two options:
Generate Hierarchy in Standard and Flattened Format You only need to check this option if you are using another application (besides Enterprise Planning and Budgeting) that leverages Enterprise Performance Foundation, and you can always change this option later. If this option is unchecked, the hierarchy is created in Standard form: only the parentchild pairs are saved in the database. If this option is checked, all possible implicit parent-child relations are saved in the database, providing faster traversal through the tree if you are using Conditions in Enterprise Performance Foundation. Create as Sequence Enforced Hierarchy Generally, you should uncheck this option when implementing with General Ledger, since there is no concept of hierarchy levels in General Ledger. If this is unchecked, the hierarchy is created using parent-child relationships. If this is checked, the hierarchy is created using levels (also known as groups). Both types can be used in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, and the solve input and output selections will default to the last descendents (if unchecked) or the lowest level (if checked) appropriately. If a dimension has been mapped from a single segment then the Parent Traversal Order for its hierarchy is irrelevant. If a dimension has been mapped from multiple segments then the Parent Traversal Order determines how the hierarchy is built up from the different segments. The example includes dimensions built from single segments as well as a dimension built from multiple segments. Levels (also known as Groups) and Creation of Sequence Enforced Hierarchies Hierarchies in Enterprise Performance Foundation are created from the parent-child relationships in General Ledger. However, for sequence enforced hierarchies, each dimension member must only be at one level, so it is critical to ensure that your General Ledger hierarchies are correct before you run the hierarchy rules. Unbalanced hierarchies are supported where, for example, one branch has 4 levels while another branch has 2 levels. But Enterprise Performance Foundation assigns each dimension member to a specific level the first time that the dimension member is placed in a sequence-enforced hierarchy. So if you have more than one sequence enforced hierarchy on a dimension, it is critical that you run the hierarchy rule for the deepest one first, that is the one with the highest number of levels. The algorithm used for creating a sequence enforced hierarchy on a dimension sourced from a single segment is The top is level 1, the children are level 2, their children are level 3, and so on. But the leaves are always the lowest level, even if that means skipping some levels in certain branches. The algorithm it uses for creating a sequence-enforced hierarchy sourced from multiple segments is described in the Enterprise Performance Foundation User Guide.
Calendar Rules You must run calendar rules for all years covered by the datasets whose data you will load in the balances rule. The Period Set Name is the Calendar name in General Ledger. Balance Rules When setting the Execution Mode, you choose between Snapshot Only and Incremental Update. If you have closed periods that will not have any more updates, or if you always want to load everything, you should pick Snapshot Only. Choosing Incremental Update rather than Snapshot Only does not impact the way the data is stored; it merely allows you to load additional data into the same period. When running balance rules, the periods loaded must be sequential. Undoing Dimension Rules, Hierarchy Rules, and Balance Rules Hierarchy rules and balance rules can be undone using the Executed Rule Removal tool where you specify the concurrent request that ran the rule.
Enterprise Performance Foundation Administrator responsibility > Process Management tab > Executed Rules subtab To undo a dimension rule, you must use the Undo icon on the Dimension Rules page; you cannot use Executed Rule Removal to undo a dimension rule. Before undoing a dimension rule on a chart of accounts, you must undo all balances rules that you have run on any ledger in that chart of accounts and all hierarchy rules based on that dimension rule. As you have already run the hierarchy rules, you should delete the hierarchy, which will enable you to delete the hierarchy rules (for deleting a hierarchy you should have write access which you can update after running the Execute Removal Rules to undo the balance rules). Undoing a dimension rule removes the value set from the Global Value Set Combination.
Enterprise Performance Foundation Administrator responsibility > Data Rules tab > Oracle Dimension Sources subtab Organization Currency Attribute If you have multiple functional currencies or wish to use the currency conversion functionality in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, then you must create and populate an Organization Currency attribute. This holds the currency for each Company Cost Center Organization dimension member. If your currency varies by a different dimension, for example, Entity, then you can set it up between Entity and Currency instead. In all cases, the code for this attribute must be ZPB_ORG_CURRENCY.
Example Assumptions In the examples below, we assume: You map the ABC HOTELS ledger. You map the Company segment to the Company Cost Center Organization (renamed Organization) dimension; the Account segment to the Line Item (renamed Account) dimension and, therefore, also the Natural Account dimension; the Department and Product segments to User Dimension01 (renamed Department), and the Sub Account segment to User Dimension02 (renamed Sub Account). You have one hierarchy on each of these dimensions, and the parent value for each hierarchy is A for Organization, T for Account/Natural Account, X for Department, T for Product, and C for Sub Account. You have Actuals and Budget data already in General Ledger that you want to load. You will load Actuals data for January 2006. The Budget version is for 2003 to 2007, although you will load Budget data only for the periods in 2006. The implementation is single currency.
3. Click Submit All Rules to load the dimensions from General Ledger to Enterprise Performance Foundation. Important: Ensure each concurrent program request Program - Enterprise Performance Foundation General Ledger Dimension Rule Engine completes successfully before moving onto the next step.
Organization Hierarchy Account Hierarchy Natural Account Hierarchy Department Hierarchy Sub Account Hierarchy
Sub Account
3. Click Run against the version of each hierarchy rule to load the hierarchies from General Ledger to Enterprise Performance Foundation. Important: Ensure each concurrent program request Program - Enterprise Performance Foundation General Ledger Hierarchy Rule Engine completes successfully before moving onto the next step.
Important: Ensure each concurrent program request Program - Enterprise Performance Foundation General Ledger Calendar Rule Engine completes successfully before moving onto the next step.
1. Define the rule as follows: Name = GL Actuals Balances Ledger = ABC HOTELS Balance Type = Actual Maintain Quarterly Balances = Unchecked 2. Add a version as follows: Version = GL Actuals Balances V1 Output Dataset = Actuals_GL Execution Mode = Incremental Update 3. Select values as follows: Include Balancing Segment Value = All 4. Define options as follows: Currency Type = Cumulative Functional Include Translated Balances = None 5. Click Run against the balance rule version using the following parameters: From Period = JAN-2006 To Period = JAN-2006 From Balancing Segment Value To Balancing Segment Value
Create a balances rule for Budget:
1. Define the rule as follows: Name = GL Budget Balances Ledger = ABC HOTELS
Balance Type = Budget Maintain Quarterly Balances = Unchecked 2. Add a version as follows: Version = GL Budget Balances V1 Execution Mode = Incremental Update 3. Select Values Include Balancing Segment Value = All 4. Define Options Budgets = 2003-2007 Budget Include Translated Balances = None 5. Click Run against the balance rule version, using these parameters: From Period = JAN-2006 To Period = DEC-2006 From Balancing Segment Value To Balancing Segment Value Important: Ensure each concurrent program request Program - Enterprise Performance Foundation General Ledger Balances Rule Engine completes successfully before moving onto the next step.
Order Type = Nominal Data Type = Dimension Dimension = Currency Allow Multiple Assignment = Unchecked Use Inheritance = Unchecked Queryable for Reporting = Unchecked Allow Multiple Versions = Unchecked 3. Add a version: Version Name = Default Version Display Code = Default Description = Default 4. Populate the attribute either by using SQL*Loader or the Configuration Rules user interface for Attributes.
Background Information
Business Areas Enterprise Planning and Budgeting manages all data within OLAP analytic workspaces, which are tables in the Oracle Database whose Binary Large Object (BLOB) data is structured using an algorithm for very fast multidimensional access and modeling. Each business area has an analytic workspace that is shared by all users of that business area. Each user also has a personal analytic workspace in which personal calculation definitions and other personal metadata is stored.
Each business area can hold multiple ledgers or sets of books from a single chart of accounts. A business area has its own users, business processes, security, and reports. The business area definition states the ledgers, dimensions, hierarchies, levels, attributes, and dimension members within that business area, as well as the data sets that will be available when creating business processes. Once you have created a business area, you make it effective and then refresh it with the metadata from Enterprise Performance Foundation.
General Tab
On the General tab, you name the business area, and specify the settings for two options: Enable Currency Option Only check this option if you want to use the currency conversion within business processes: if you have multiple ledgers or sets of books with multiple functional currencies and wish to convert between them.
Ledgers Tab
On the Ledgers tab, you add the ledgers or sets of books that you want available in this business area. All the ledgers selected must belong to the same chart of accounts.
Dimensions Tab
On the Dimensions Tab, you add dimensions into the business area. You must include Calendar Period, Company Cost Center Organization, and Line Item in the business area. You should include the other dimensions that you mapped from segments, but you should not include Natural Account. Natural Account is mapped for compatibility with other Corporate Performance Foundation products and is not needed in the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting business areas. When implementing with General Ledger, you must include Currency and Financial Element as well; if you have multiple ledgers and they share the same functional currency, you should include Ledger if there is no other way to distinguish data from the different ledgers. You may wish to include other dimensions as well, although this is uncommon. When adding dimensions, at a minimum, you must refine each dimension to set a default hierarchy. When choosing to Refine Dimension, the steps are: 1. Select Hierarchies a. Choose the hierarchies that you want to include b. Refine Hierarchy if you want to specify versions of the hierarchy or exclude certain branches 2. Set Default Hierarchy and Select Levels a. Set one of the hierarchies to be the default hierarchy b. Choose the levels that you want to include
3. Select Queryable Attributes a. Choose the attributes by which you want to be able to query this dimension 4. Select Attribute Conditions a. You can filter which dimension members to include by attribute value. Queryable Attributes are those that you want to include so that the end user can select dimension members based on values of those attributes. Attributes that are required for data processing are brought into Enterprise Planning and Budgeting automatically, but they are only exposed to the end user if they have been included as Queryable Attributes. Usually, you need not include any queryable attributes. However, if you have enabled the currency option for the business area then you should select Organization Currency attribute for the Company Cost Center Organization dimension. When refining a dimension with no hierarchies, such as Currency or Financial Element, there are no hierarchy steps. When you have gone through Refine Dimension once, the dimensions are subsequently sorted in alphabetical order. This can be confusing so the first dimension you should choose to refine is the first alphabetically.
Data Sets Tab
On the Data Sets tab, you specify which data sets from Enterprise Performance Foundation will be available to the business area. You use data sets when you create business processes. Currency Balances in functional currency are always brought into Enterprise Performance Foundation and Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. You can choose to transfer entered amounts and translated balances as well. The Statistical currency (STAT) is available in Enterprise Performance Foundation and Enterprise Planning and Budgeting. Financial Element Each of the different account types is mapped automatically into a particular Financial Element dimension member. It is, therefore, important to include Financial Element as a dimension in the business area. The mapping is as follows:
Account Type Revenue Expense Asset Liability Equity Financial Element dimension member Revenue Expense End Balance End Balance End Balance Financial Element code 455 457 100 100 100
Amounts in the Statistical currency (STAT) are brought into the Statistic (10000) Financial Element dimension member. Average balances are brought into the Average Balance (140) Financial Element dimension member. Current Periods Enterprise Planning and Budgeting supports the concept of Current Periods, which is usually the reporting Calendar Periods in the system. There are two ways to use Current Periods:
Querying and Reporting
Users often want to create reports that are tied to the reporting Calendar Period. A typical report would contain columns for Current Month Actuals, Current Month Budget, Variance, Prior Month Actuals, and Growth. One-way to do this is to select only the Current Month as the Calendar Period dimension member, with controlled calculation Views for the different columns. When creating a selection step for Calendar Period, you can choose the Current Periods attribute.
Setting the Time Range for Business Processes
Administrators often want to create business processes that update a relative set of Calendar Periods: Restated Actuals (from the start of the current year to the current month) Actuals (from the current month to the current month) Budget (from the start of the next fiscal year to the end of the next fiscal year) Rolling Forecast (from the current month to the next 18 months). When you set Current Periods, you choose a specific date. The projected Current Periods will be displayed so you know which members will be set as the Current Periods. For example, if the real date is 15 February 2006, and you have closed the books for January 2006, then once you have loaded the data into Enterprise Planning and Budgeting you would set the Current Periods to be 31 January 2006. Enterprise Planning and Budgeting derives the Current Periods for each level of Time in the hierarchy: on a calendar hierarchy, Current Month would be January 2006, Current Quarter would be Q4 2005, Current Year would be Year 2005. Example Assumptions In the examples below, we assume: Data accountability varies by the Organization dimension.
Navigation Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Controller responsibility > Business Areas tab Example 1. Click Create. 2. On the General tab, specify the following information: Name = ABC Hotels Description = ABC Hotels Enable Currency Option = Unchecked 3. On the Ledgers tab, specify the following information: Ledgers = ABC HOTELS 4. On the Dimensions tab, specify the following information: Dimensions= Account Merge into Line Set default hierarchy Queryable attribute = Line Item Extended Account Type Attribute condition = All members Dimension = Calendar Period Set default hierarchy Application Time Hierarchy = All levels Queryable attribute = Calendar Period Accounting Year Attribute condition = All members Dimension = Organization Set default hierarchy Attribute condition = All members Currency = accept defaults Dimension = Department Set default hierarchy Attribute condition = All members Financial Element = accept defaults Dimension = Sub Account Set default hierarchy Attribute condition = All members 5. On the Data Sets tab, specify the following information
Actuals_GL 03-07 BUDGET Make the business area effective. You may receive warnings about hierarchy and attribute names that are more than 30 characters. You can still proceed, but the names may be truncated in parts of the application.
Example Select your user, and click Add Account With Full Read Access. Ensure the concurrent request completes successfully before moving onto the next step.
Background Information
Business Processes An Enterprise Planning and Budgeting business process is the definition of a set of tasks and a set of business rules for what happens to the data from those tasks. Examples of business processes are Actuals, Budget, and Forecast. Each time a business process runs, it generates a process run that either creates a new View or appends data to an existing View. Examples of these Views are Actuals, Budget 2006, Budget 2007, and Forecast 2006. Refer to the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Users Guide for more information. The business process definition states whether the business process is appended or not, which dimensions to include, the solve or business rules for processing the data, the
currency conversion rules, the tasks the business process will follow, and the schedule for the business process runs. Once you have created a business process, you make it effective, which initiates a process run. General Tab On the General tab, you name the business process, choose the data sets, and specify whether to Append View. If you plan to load data from Enterprise Performance Foundation in this business process then you must specify the data set (or data sets) from which it will be loaded. Unchecking the Append View option means that a new View will be created for each process run. This is typically used for budgets and forecasts, where each run of the budget results in a new set of data. Checking the Append View option means that for each process run, data is appended to a single View for that business process. This is typically used for actuals, where each monthly run loads and solves the latest months data only. However, appended Views are always fully pre-computed: all data is stored rather than calculated dynamically. This means that the solve times and physical size of the data are typically higher than in non-appended Views. Furthermore, you cannot change the dimensionality of business processes with the Append View option selected: this is not an issue if you know the dimensionality of the business process will never change, but you may wish to use non-appended Views while prototyping. Dimensions Tab On the Dimensions tab, you specify the range of Time or Calendar Period dimension members that each run of the business process will include; which Line Item dimension members to include; whether any additional dimensions should be added besides those in the data sets; and whether any data set dimensions should be removed. How do I know if I should remove data set dimensions? When implementing with General Ledger, it is common to remove data set dimensions, most typically Currency and Financial Element. Which dimensions should be removed, and how they should be dealt with, is covered in detail in Configuration Paths. Solve Tab On the Solve tab, you specify for each Line Item dimension member: Source -- This can be Loaded, Calculated, Worksheet Input, Initialized Worksheet Input, or Hierarchical Total. Dimension Handling -- This handles Line Items that are differently dimensioned in Enterprise Performance Foundation than the dimensions in the business process, and Line Items that are already fully or partially solved in the source data.
Input and Output Selections -- This specifies what data will be loaded or input through a worksheet, and which hierarchies will be used for aggregation. Allocation -- Where an input selection is higher than an output selection, this states the allocation rule that will be used to derive the data at the output selection. The default Solve settings are designed for implementation with General Ledger: the solve input and output selections will default to the last descendents (for parent-child hierarchies) or the lowest level (for sequence-enforced hierarchies) appropriately. When using Standard General Accounting Principles or Reverse General Accounting Principles signage methodology, you should not make any changes to the Solve settings. When using Absolute Values signage methodology, you should set the Source to be Calculated for accounts such as Profit that net different types together such as Revenues and Expenses. Currency Tab This tab only appears if the business area is enabled for currency. In this tab, you state: Business Process Currency -- This is either Local, where each organizations data is in its own currency, or a specified currency. Data to Load -- Functional currency data is automatically loaded. You can choose to also load Entered currency data and Translated currency data, if that is present in your General Ledger implementation. Historical Data -- You choose the currency conversion parameters for historical data: the Exchange Rate Strategy (from your list of rate scenarios in General Ledger), the Exchange Rate Type (Average or Ending), and the Exchange Rate Time (constant currency or not). Future Data - You choose the currency conversion parameters for future data; these are the same parameters as for historical data. Tasks Tab The tasks you should include to bring General Ledger data into Enterprise Planning and Budgeting are Load Data and Solve. All other tasks are optional. If your business process is not Appended View, then you may wish to include Set Current Process Run, so that you can create a single set of reports that are updated automatically each month. Schedule Tab You can choose to schedule a business process based on a frequency, such as monthly, or you can initiate a process run programmatically using an API. Example Assumptions In the examples below, we assume: The business process for Actuals is appended, for Budget is versioned. The Actuals business process loads one month at a time.
Only the Accounts relating to Gross Room Revenue are included in these business processes.
selection, creates a new view or appends to the existing view. In any case to get the updated / new view for selections and reports, the user must logout and login or should click Refresh View. Navigation Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Controller responsibility > Business Processes tab Example Make each business process effective. This validates the settings you chose when creating or updating the business process, and then generates and initiates the workflows that manage the process runs. Navigation Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Controller responsibility > Monitor tab Example Monitor that each of the two process runs are progressing through the tasks, and that they complete successfully.
dimension, whose values are Actuals, Budget 2006, Budget 2007, and Forecast 2006 and so on. In this example, because you included a Set Current Process Run task in the Budget business process, you will see the Current Budget View as well as the Budget 001 View. The Controller, Business Process Administrator, and Analyst responsibilities can create reports.
Tool Calculations
Description enter the annotation. To select a row or column and insert or edit a calculation. Usually you will insert the calculation on the View dimension. For example, you can insert a Variance calculation to compare Current Budget to Actuals 001.
Configuration Paths
Your General Ledger configuration determines the path you will follow when configuring Enterprise Planning and Budgeting and creating business processes. In this document, we specify the steps for the following ten common configurations.
Single ledger, Functional currency only (no Entered or Translated amounts), no statistical balances, Ending balances only (no Average balances)
Business area 1. Uncheck Enable Currency Option. 2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business process 1. Remove Currency dimension: select the functional currency. 2. Remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, and End Balance.
Single ledger, Functional currency only (no Entered or Translated amounts), statistical balances in separate accounts from monetary balances, Ending balances only (no Average balances)
Business area 1. Uncheck Enable Currency Option. 2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business process 1. Remove Currency dimension: select the functional currency and Statistical. 2. Remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, End Balance, and Statistic.
Single ledger, Functional currency only (no Entered or Translated amounts), statistical balances in same accounts as monetary balances, Ending balances only (no Average balances)
Business area 1. Uncheck Enable Currency Option. 2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business process 1. Remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, End Balance, and Statistic. 2. The business process View will be dimensioned by Currency, with data in the functional currency and in Statistical.
Single ledger, Functional currency only (no Entered or Translated amounts), statistical balances in same accounts as monetary balances, Ending and Average balances
Business area 1. Uncheck Enable Currency Option. 2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business processes 1. Create 2 business processes: one for Ending balances, one for Average balances. 2. In the Ending business process, remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, End Balance, and Statistic. 3. In the Average business process, remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, Average Balance, and Statistic. Both business process Views will be dimensioned by Currency, with data in the functional currency and in Statistical.
Multiple ledgers, single Functional currency (no Entered or Translated amounts), statistical balances in same accounts as monetary balances, Ending and Average balances, data in ledgers differentiated by another dimension
For example, data in the German ledger is in the Germany member of the Organization dimension only and data in the French ledger is in the France member of the Organization dimension only. Business area 1. Uncheck Enable Currency Option.
2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business process 1. Remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, End Balance, and Statistic. 2. The business process View will be dimensioned by Currency, with data in the functional currency (Euro in this example) and in Statistical.
Multiple ledgers, single Functional currency (no Entered or Translated amounts), statistical balances in same accounts as monetary balances, Ending and Average balances, data in ledgers NOT differentiated by another dimension
For example, the Statutory ledger and Management ledger, where there is no dimension that differentiates the data. Two otherwise identical rows may only differ by the ledger member. Business area 1. Uncheck Enable Currency option. 2. Include Currency, Financial Element, and Ledger as dimensions. Business process 1. Remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, End Balance, and Statistic. 2. The business process View will be dimensioned by Currency, with data in the functional currency and in Statistical, and by Ledger.
Multiple ledgers, multiple Functional currencies (no Entered or Translated amounts), no statistical balances, Ending balances only (no Average balances), data in ledgers differentiated by another dimension
For example, data in the US ledger is in the US member of the Organization dimension only and data in the Japan ledger is in the Japan member of the Organization dimension only. Business area 1. Check Enable Currency Option. 2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business process 1. Remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, and End Balance. 2. On the Currency tab, choose Local currency as the business process currency.
The business process View will not be dimensioned by Currency, but each Organizations data will be in its currency.
Multiple ledgers, multiple Functional currencies, Entered amounts (no Translated amounts), no statistical balances, Ending balances only (no Average balances), data in ledgers differentiated by another dimension
For example, data in the US ledger is in the US member of the Organization dimension only and data in the Japan ledger is in the Japan member of the Organization dimension only. Business area 1. Check Enable Currency Option. 2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business process 1. Remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, and End Balance. 2. On the Currency tab, choose Local currency as the business process currency. Two business process Views will be created: The Functional currency business process View will not be dimensioned by Currency, but each Organizations data will be in its own local currency. The Entered currency business process View will be dimensioned by Currency.
Multiple ledgers, multiple Functional currencies, Entered and Translated amounts; no statistical balances; Ending balances only (no Average balances), data in ledgers differentiated by another dimension
For example, data in the US ledger is in the US member of the Organization dimension only and data in the Japan ledger is in the Japan member of the Organization dimension only. Business area 1. Check Enable Currency Option. 2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business process 1. Remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, and End Balance. 2. On the Currency tab, choose Local currency as the business process currency.
Four business process Views will be created: 1. The Functional currency business process View will not be dimensioned by Currency, but each Organizations data will be in its own local currency. 2. The Entered currency business process View will be dimensioned by Currency. 3. The Translated USD business process View will not be dimensioned by Currency, but each Organizations data will be in USD. 4. The Translated EUR business process View will not be dimensioned by Currency, but each Organizations data will be in EUR.
Multiple ledgers, multiple Functional currencies, Entered and Translated amounts; statistical balances in separate accounts from monetary balances, Ending and Average balances, data in ledgers differentiated by another dimension
For example, data in the US ledger is in the US member of the Organization dimension only and data in the Japan ledger is in the Japan member of the Organization dimension only. Business area 1. Check Enable Currency Option. 2. Include Currency and Financial Element as dimensions. Business process 1. Create 2 business processes: one for Ending balances, one for Average balances. 2. On the Currency tab, choose Local currency as the business process currency. 3. In the Ending business process, remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, End Balance, and Statistic. 4. In the Average business process, remove Financial Element dimension: select Revenue, Expense, Average Balance, and Statistic. Four business process Views will be created for each of the Ending and Average business processes: 1. The Functional currency business process View will not be dimensioned by Currency, but each Organizations data will be in its own local currency. 2. The Entered currency business process View will be dimensioned by Currency. 3. The Translated USD business process View will not be dimensioned by Currency, but each Organizations data will be in USD. 4. The Translated EUR business process View will not be dimensioned by Currency, but each Organizations data will be in EUR.
Ongoing Maintenance
Listed above and in more detail below are the steps for the initial implementation. On a monthly basis in the example illustrated throughout this guide, you would do the following: Run the dimension rules for Organization, Account, Natural Account, Department, and Sub Account to uptake any new segment values. Run the five hierarchy rules to uptake any changes to the hierarchies. Run the balance rules for GL Actuals Balances. Refresh the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting business area. If there are any new account codes, update the solve in each business process to take them into account. Set the Current Periods in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting to the next month. The Enterprise Planning and Budgeting business processes will automatically run each month to update the data and reports.
The buttons appear gray and Windows-like rather than rounded: is something wrong? Yes, you need to configure the xServer correctly. To do this, in the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting About Document, search for xServer: it refers to a MetaLink note describing the steps. Before running the Dimension Rules, I tried to navigate to the Configuration Rules tab and received the following error:
"Value Set not found for the Dimension you selected. Please contact your System Administrator."
How can I resolve this error and access the Configuration Rules tab? This error occurs when, in Application Preferences, you have set the Ledger to your ledger from General Ledger but you have not yet run the dimension rules. Setting the Ledger in Application Preferences automatically associates it with a new Global Value Set Combination but the required value sets referenced in the error message are not assigned to this new Global Value Set Combination until the Dimension Rules are run. If you must use the Configuration Rules tab before the Dimension Member rules are run, temporarily change the Ledger in Application Preferences to point to Default Ledger. Change this value back to your ledger from General Ledger when you have finished with the Configuration Rules tab. During the initial implementation, I set the Signage Methodology in Enterprise Performance Foundation and ran some balance loads. Now I realize that I should have set it differently. What are the steps involved to reset it and get my data correct?
Change the FEM: Signage Methodology profile option. Re-run the Sign Extended Account Types concurrent program. Undo all the balances loads. Re-run all the balance loads. Re-run any Enterprise Planning and Budgeting business processes that load data. When I was running the dimension rules, I received an error on a single rule which I have now corrected. Must I resubmit all dimension rules or can I re-run an individual dimension rule? If you need to run an individual dimension rule, you can schedule a concurrent request from the Process Management tab using the program Program Enterprise Performance Foundation General Ledger Dimension Rule Engine; the only parameter is the name of the dimension rule.
Change Record
Date Jan. 23, 2007 Jan. 25, 2007 Author HEM GHA Description of Change Initial Version Made various revisions