BJT Ce Amp 1
BJT Ce Amp 1
BJT Ce Amp 1
10 V VCC
R1 12 k
200 k Vo
CB rπ gm vbe
R1 R2 RC
10 u
Vs R2
50 k RE Rin
3.6 k
15 u
(a) (b)
The purpose of this exercise it to find the input resistance of a common-emitter amplifier
shown in Fig. 1 (a) in the mid-band frequency regime, i.e., the small-signal resistance as seen
by the source Vs in the mid-band regime. The small-signal equivalent circuit of the amplifier
is shown in Fig. 1 (b) from which Rin is seen to be R1 k R2 k rπ . Our goal is to verify this by
The small-signal circuit of the amplifier can be represented by that shown inside the dashed
rectangle in Fig. 2. Let us connect an external source of constant magnitude and frequency
(in the mid-band range) at the input through a series resistance Rs . The output voltage is,
v o = AV vs . (1)
Rs + Rin
1. Vary Rs from 0 Ω (or a negligibly small value) to a large value (say, 10 times the
expected value of Rin ), and plot |Vo | versus log Rs .
2. Denote the maximum value of |Vo | by Vm . From the plot, find Rs for which |Vo | is
Vm /2. The resistance thus obtained is the same as Rin .
vs vin AV vin vo
Exercise Set
1. Perform DC simulation of the amplifier and obtain the DC values, IB and IC . Compute
β = IC /IB . Note that this β value may be different than the “forward β” parameter (bf)
of the transistor.
4. Obtain the gain versus frequency response of the amplifier, and find the midband range.
5. Set the frequency in the midband range. Obtain Rin by simulation, as described above,
and compare it with its expected value.