Check Sheet BP &FP
Check Sheet BP &FP
Check Sheet BP &FP
of India
Ministry of Railways
Research Designs & Standards Organisation
Manak Nagar, Lucknow-226 012
1. Firm’s Name
3. Contracts details:
a) Contract No.
b) Order placing authority
c) Specification no.
( as mentioned in the contract )
d) Drawing No.
(as mentioned in the contract )
4. Quantity on order
6. Consignee
7. Acceptance criteria
Item ready Yes / No
Visual Check :
Marking OK/Not OK Yes / No
Opening plugged with PVC plugs / End caps Yes / No
Visual Defects Yes / No
8. Hose Clamp: Hose clamp confirming to, Stainless Steel 10A IS:304:
Test certificate issued by NTH Laboratory or from reputed Lab approved by Zonal Director of RDSO
Enclosed. Details are verified and as per the test report, results are conforming to the Specifications.