#1 ODC Notes

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Common Themes of OD Definitions

1) OD applies to changes in the strategy, structure, and/or processes of an

entire system, such as an org., a deptt or work group, or individual role or job.
Ex: An OD program directed at helping a top management team become more
effective might focus on interactions and problem-solving processes within
the group. This focus might result in the improved ability of top management
to solve company problems in strategy and structure.
This contrasts with approaches focusing on one or only a few aspects of a
system, such as tech. innovation or OM.
2) OD is based on the application & transfer of behavioral science knowledge
and practice, including microconcepts, (leadership, group dynamics, & work
design) &
Macroapproaches, (strategy & organization design)
These subjects distinguish OD from such applications as MC, technological
innovation, or OM (Eco, Fin and Tech aspects)
And neglect the personal and social characteristics of a system.
OD is distinguished by its intent to transfer behavioral science knowledge and
skill so that the system is more capable of carrying out planned change in the

3) OD involves the design, implementation, and the subsequent

reinforcement of change. It moves beyond the initial efforts to implement a
change program to a longer-term concern for institutionalizing new activities
within the organization.
For example, implementing self-managed work teams might focus on ways in
which supervisors could give workers more control over work methods. After
workers had more control, attention would shift to ensuring that supervisors
continued to provide that freedom. That assurance might include rewarding
supervisors for managing in a participative style.
4) OD is oriented to improving organizational effectiveness.
Effectiveness is best measured along three dimensions.
First, OD affirms that an effective organization is adaptable; it is able to solve
its own problems and focus attention and resources on achieving key goals.
OD helps organization members gain the skills and knowledge necessary to
conduct these activities by involving them in the change process.
Second, an effective organization has high financial and technical performance
OD helps organizations achieve these ends by leveraging social science
practices to lower costs, improve products and services, and increase
Finally, an effective organization has satisfied and loyal customers or other
external stakeholders and an engaged, satisfied, and learning workforce.
Other forms of organizational change clearly differ from OD in their focus. MC
primarily addresses financial performance, whereas OM/industrial
engineering focuses on productivity.
Quantum Software
 200+Employees
 Grown from a start up value over 95 million in 3 years
 Values Corporate culture
Balance :- Quantum Software needs to create a balance between corporate culture
and liability and look to make changes to their weekly “beer bust” event

Beer Bust Event

 A Friday afternoon event where all get to let loose.
 Involves Free food and alcohol to all employees

Benefits of BBE
 The corporate culture was the party events on Fridays in the case on (TGIF),
which was the celebration of employees working hard in 16 hours days,
and 6 days out of the week
 Want to keep up the team spirit with employees
 Employee Morale
 Helps in maintaining an informal culture among employees
 Owners want to be “friends” with employees
Corporate Attorney only alternative was to go meet with CEO Stan and Erin
(sponsored the events on Friday for employees )
He suggested that this event needs to change to the two Owners with little

Why the Change is needed? Liability!!!

 Injury
 Death

Owner’s Perspective
 Long Hours :-Owners feel the “need” to throw events where employees can
let loose
 Increases Employee Morale
 believe “beer bust” Fridays have been key to their success and growth
 Authority :- “No ties, no suit coats, first names only” has been a successful
norm in the organizational culture that is believed to help with
o employee retention,
o teamwork and
o outcome

Attorney’s concern for BBE:

 Liability :-allowing employees to drink while on the clock and on company
 Little rules and regulations set for employees to ensure safety
 Instance of an Employees overdoing it and falling off on a table

 Organizational culture Important!
The recommendation would be on the agreement with Bill Carter. His
opinion cutting back event’s at Company, and to avoid law suits
 Company founders demonstrated employees did work very hard. followed
safety rules, and still had events on Friday, which improved the company

Alternatives for Quantum
 Hire more Employees
 Cancel event completely
 Keep event and make changes
Beer Bust Potential Changes
 Liability waivers
 Off sight-Organise the event somewhere like a restaurant or bar
 Decrease to once monthly
 “Designated Driver” Programs

 Hire more employees so working hours are less and no need for BBE
 Arrange for rides home
 create a new event
 off site Restaurant or Bar
 reducing the frequency from weekly to monthly events

Final Recommendation
 1. Hire more employees
 2. Make all 4 changes to Beer Bust event

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