Budget Actual HC Oct 2023 FA

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Type Dept Nature Account COA Description


Employee Cost Human Capital 1603 3051603 IT & Office Equipment 1,733
Employee Cost Human Capital 6000 3056000 Wages & Salaries 94,514
Employee Cost Human Capital 6008 3056008 Allowance - Car -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6011 3056011 Allowance - Other -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6012 3056012 Over time 900
Employee Cost Human Capital 6014 3056014 THR -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6016 3056016 Employee Reward -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6017 3056017 Severance pay -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6020 3056020 Employee wellness 667
Employee Cost Human Capital 6030 3056030 BPJS Employment 5,721
Employee Cost Human Capital 6031 3056031 BPJS Healthy Care 757
Employee Cost Human Capital 6033 3056033 Medical expenses 3,049
Employee Cost Human Capital 6034 3056034 Medical examinations -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6043 3056043 International Travel - Airfares -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6055 3056055 Training and seminars 1,592
Employee Cost FAT JKT 6001 3016001 Casual labour porter 167
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 1603 PPIC8500.1603 IT & Office Equipment 20,533
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 1603 PPIC8500.6323 Food & Beverages -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 1603 PPIC8500.6331 IT consumeables -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 1603 PPIC8500.6334 Medical Supplies -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6000 PPIC8500.6000 Wages & Salaries 212,044
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6011 PPIC8500.6011 Allowance – Other -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6012 PPIC8500.6012 Over time 8,119
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6014 PPIC8500.6014 THR -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6016 PPIC8500.6016 Employee Reward -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6017 PPIC8500.6017 Severance pay -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6030 PPIC8500.6030 BPJS Employment 13,517
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6031 PPIC8500.6031 BPJS Healthy Care 3,140
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6033 PPIC8500.6033 Medical expenses 19,271
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6034 PPIC8500.6034 Medical examinations 1,111
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6040 PPIC8500.6040 Domestic Travel - Airfares 20,033
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6041 PPIC8500.6041 Domestic Travel - Accomodation 2,313
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6042 PPIC8500.6042 Domestic Travel - Other 1,393
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6043 PPIC8500.6043 International Travel - Airfares -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site PPIC8500.6054 Employee Donation -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6055 PPIC8500.6055 Training and seminars 5,927
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6057 PPIC8500.6057 FIFO - Airfares -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6058 PPIC8500.6058 FIFO - Accommodation -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6059 PPIC8500.6059 FIFO - Other -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6169 PPIC8500.6169 Telephone and mobile phone 5,153
Employee Cost MINING 6001 PPIC8800.6001 Casual labour porter 3,333
Employee Cost FAT SITE 6001 PPIC8210.6001 Casual labour porter 67
Jan-2023 Feb-2023 Mar-2023
Actual Selisih Budget Actual Selisih Budget Actual

- 1,733 1,733 - 1,733 - -

75,088 19,426 98,414 76,266 22,149 98,414 76,363
1,262 - 1,262 - 1,284 - 1,284 - 1,283
7,294 - 7,294 - 7,417 - 7,417 - 7,428
1,104 - 204 900 1,345 - 445 900 1,149
5,649 - 5,649 - 5,649 - 5,649 78,275 5,649
- - 89,086 - 89,086 - -
- - - 82 - 82 - -
- 667 667 - 667 667 -
5,056 665 5,957 5,141 816 5,957 5,159
736 22 789 748 42 789 748
2,235 814 3,160 479 2,681 3,160 1,238
18 - 18 - 188 - 188 - -
- - - - - - -
- 1,592 858 518 340 725 197
149 18 167 151 15 167 98
- 20,533 26,267 - 26,267 24,533 -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - 30
156,211 55,833 267,478 156,113 111,364 289,811 160,684
8,881 - 8,881 - 8,824 - 8,824 - 9,243
8,550 - 431 8,119 6,787 1,332 8,119 6,731
11,475 - 11,475 - 11,475 - 11,475 170,879 11,475
- - 152,219 - 152,219 - -
8,363 - 8,363 - 1,648 - 1,648 3,142 5,894
10,741 2,776 16,855 10,642 6,213 18,252 10,930
2,759 382 3,556 2,789 767 3,868 2,844
794 18,478 20,410 763 19,647 21,216 1,432
816 295 1,111 11,916 - 10,805 1,111 27
648 19,385 25,633 - 25,633 30,800 249
76 2,237 3,020 - 3,020 4,127 216
207 1,186 1,783 - 1,783 2,303 -
- - 8,400 - 8,400 - -
- - - 94 - 94 - -
3,774 2,153 29,227 2,092 27,135 39,227 360
2,162 - 2,162 - 3,035 - 3,035 - 4,041
19 - 19 - 156 - 156 - 62
716 - 716 - 1,112 - 1,112 - 542
223 4,931 6,507 - 6,507 6,183 -
- 3,333 3,333 - 3,333 3,333 -
- 67 67 - 67 67 -
315,008 110,049 775,716 316,714 459,002 816,026 314,072
Apr-2023 May-2023
Selisih Budget Actual Selisih Budget Actual Selisih

- 3,067 - 3,067 1,733 - 1,733

22,051 99,448 93,626 5,822 99,994 165,363 - 65,369
- 1,283 - 1,305 - 1,305 - 1,312 - 1,312
- 7,428 - 8,410 - 8,410 - 11,097 - 11,097
- 249 900 640 260 900 829 71
72,625 - 4,329 - 4,329 - 7,116 - 7,116
- - 2,409 - 2,409 - - 2,409 2,409
- - - - - 40,329 - 40,329
667 667 - 667 667 2,409 - 1,742
798 6,037 5,437 600 6,079 5,888 192
42 831 767 64 853 772 81
1,922 3,271 891 2,380 44,282 68,150 - 23,868
- - - - 5,117 - 5,117
- - - - - - -
528 992 - 992 2,258 - 2,258
69 167 - 167 167 142 24
24,533 15,600 - 15,600 12,133 - 12,133
- - - - - 29 - 29
- - - - - - -
- 30 - - - - - -
129,127 302,381 204,403 97,978 320,217 187,942 132,275
- 9,243 - 10,161 - 10,161 - 11,503 - 11,503
1,388 8,119 7,957 162 8,119 10,300 - 2,181
159,405 - 1,078 - 1,078 - 15,535 - 15,535
- - - - - - -
- 2,752 30,218 3,528 26,690 5,167 6,022 - 855
7,322 19,043 11,623 7,421 19,844 12,788 7,056
1,025 4,063 2,972 1,091 3,672 3,118 554
19,784 21,716 1,634 20,082 198,404 474 197,930
1,084 1,111 - 11,216 12,327 1,111 2,606 - 1,495
30,551 32,467 - 32,467 36,300 397 35,903
3,911 3,780 - 3,780 4,160 42 4,118
2,303 2,223 - 2,223 2,403 13 2,390
- 8,400 - 8,400 1,800 - 1,800
- - - - - 102 - 102
38,867 216,094 67 216,027 24,860 136 24,724
- 4,041 - 9,122 - 9,122 - 9,403 - 9,403
- 62 - 123 - 123 - 268 - 268
- 542 - 1,287 - 1,287 - 1,192 - 1,192
6,183 5,063 - 5,063 5,813 440 5,373
3,333 3,333 - 3,333 3,333 - 3,333
67 67 - 67 67 - 67
501,954 789,056 360,554 428,502 809,455 563,310 246,145
Jun-2023 Jul-2023
Budget Actual Selisih Budget Actual Selisih Budget

- - - - - - 6,533
99,994 101,273 - 1,279 122,045 93,988 28,058 109,416
- 1,308 - 1,308 - 1,283 1,294 - 2,577 - 1,305
- 10,431 - 10,431 - 7,428 10,315 - 17,742 - 8,410
900 777 123 651 811 - 161 1,160
- 7,116 - 7,116 72,625 7,116 65,510 - 4,329
- - - - - - - 2,409
- 3,422 - 3,422 - - - -
24,833 - 24,833 1,333 - 1,333 1,333
6,079 6,320 - 240 6,877 5,721 1,155 6,909
853 319 533 894 774 120 980
3,327 2,218 1,109 5,248 1,267 3,981 5,873
- - - - 1,298 - 1,298 -
- - - - - - -
1,858 - 1,858 1,119 12 1,107 1,850
167 134 32 236 133 103 333
24,400 - 24,400 31,467 - 31,467 19,067
- 11 - 11 - 6 - 6 -
- 7 - 7 - - - -
- - - - - - -
337,050 189,738 147,312 368,665 185,473 183,192 349,569
- 12,741 - 12,741 - 12,767 - 12,767 - 10,161
8,119 8,839 - 720 9,508 6,106 3,402 8,281
- 15,535 - 15,535 - 15,535 - 15,535 -
- - - - - - -
- 2,036 - 2,036 843 481 362 1,067
20,950 14,547 6,403 21,333 12,747 8,586 21,738
4,023 1,424 2,599 5,175 3,202 1,973 5,306
19,827 561 19,266 20,132 338 19,794 20,299
1,111 170 941 2,195 253 1,943 13,438
41,300 160 41,140 41,833 - 41,833 42,767
5,147 103 5,044 4,640 590 4,050 4,760
2,850 - 2,850 2,663 - 2,663 2,730
8,400 - 8,400 1,800 - 1,800 8,400
- 67 - 67 - 100 - 100 -
20,294 - 20,294 6,927 911 6,016 10,794
- 5,705 - 5,705 - 6,912 - 6,912 - 9,122
- 216 - 216 - 514 - 514 - 123
- 863 - 863 - 897 - 897 - 1,287
5,763 - 5,763 4,963 665 4,298 5,263
3,333 - 3,333 6,667 - 6,667 6,667
67 - 67 133 - 133 133
640,644 386,040 254,604 731,263 370,225 361,038 617,520
Aug-2023 Sep-2023 Oct-2023
Actual Selisih Budget Actual Selisih Budget Actual

- 6,533 1,733 - 1,733 1,733 -

92,710 16,706 123,020 93,342 29,679 103,594 95,243
1,273 - 2,577 - 1,262 1,270 - 2,532 - 1,312 1,242
10,147 - 18,557 - 7,294 10,240 - 17,533 - 8,097 10,590
885 275 696 756 - 60 971 901
7,116 - 11,445 - 5,649 7,116 - 12,765 3,884 7,116
- - 2,409 - - - 2,409 -
- - - 13,239 - 13,239 - 0 -
- 1,333 1,333 - 1,333 425 -
5,741 1,168 6,974 5,834 1,141 6,501 5,911
765 215 938 794 144 998 807
7 5,867 8,139 479 7,661 - 10,374 437
186 - 186 - 18 1,233 - 1,251 5,117 -
- - - - - - -
- 1,850 2,850 - 2,850 3,117 -
132 202 184 143 41 191 134
- 19,067 31,067 - 31,067 12,133 -
15 - 15 - 56 - 56 - 29 88
182 - 182 - 365 - 365 - -
- - - - - - -
198,240 151,328 364,169 191,012 173,156 370,175 187,573
12,489 - 22,650 - 8,881 12,927 - 21,808 - 11,503 13,769
7,140 1,141 7,688 6,135 1,553 5,938 7,039
15,535 - 15,535 - 15,535 - 15,535 - 15,535
- - 50,000 - 50,000 - -
1,957 - 890 213 3,182 - 2,969 - 11,072
12,710 9,028 22,653 13,030 9,623 23,048 13,748
3,070 2,236 4,807 3,205 1,602 5,097 3,258
370 19,929 30,757 1,332 29,425 21,299 470
2,253 11,184 1,406 549 857 - 384 161
- 42,767 46,900 - 46,900 46,700 - 154
73 4,687 5,727 349 5,377 5,160 -
- 2,730 3,157 46 3,111 2,943 -
- 8,400 1,800 - 1,800 8,400 -
99 - 99 - 65 - 65 - 102 192
2,030 8,764 24,227 752 23,475 6,927 1,706
7,894 - 17,016 - 2,162 6,325 - 8,488 - 9,403 11,031
254 - 378 - 19 334 - 353 - 268 248
1,041 - 2,328 - 716 1,281 - 1,997 - 1,192 1,209
432 4,831 5,940 - 5,940 5,093 -
- 6,667 3,333 - 3,333 6,667 -
- 133 133 - 133 133 -
384,745 232,775 723,844 390,927 332,917 605,988 389,325
Selisih Budget Actual Selisih

1,733 18,267 - 18,267

8,351 1,256,043 963,262 292,781
- 2,554 - 5,163 12,833 - 17,996
- 18,687 - 31,229 93,368 - 124,597
70 10,678 9,199 1,480
- 3,232 144,806 63,973 80,833
2,409 89,086 - 89,086
- 0 800 57,072 - 56,272
425 34,758 2,409 32,349
590 75,711 56,209 19,502
190 10,516 7,230 3,286
- 10,811 76,122 77,400 - 1,278
5,117 10,215 2,923 7,292
- 5,800 - 5,800
3,117 19,003 727 18,275
57 2,278 1,216 1,062
12,133 218,933 - 218,933
- 117 - 29 204 - 233
- - 553 - 553
- - 30 - 30
182,602 3,945,296 1,817,391 2,127,904
- 25,272 - 30,545 113,306 - 143,851
- 1,100 96,369 75,583 20,785
- 15,535 170,879 128,709 42,170
- 202,219 - 202,219
- 11,072 49,408 44,184 5,224
9,300 244,866 123,506 121,360
1,839 52,276 28,640 23,637
20,829 437,650 8,167 429,483
- 545 49,333 7,536 41,797
46,854 463,600 1,300 462,300
5,160 54,220 1,449 52,771
2,943 30,803 266 30,537
8,400 57,600 - 57,600
- 295 - 102 719 - 821
5,221 406,323 11,828 394,496
- 20,435 - 20,688 65,630 - 86,318
- 515 - 411 2,196 - 2,606
- 2,401 - 3,195 10,140 - 13,336
5,093 66,517 1,761 64,756
6,667 50,000 - 50,000
133 1,067 - 1,067
216,663 8,260,079 3,790,917 4,469,161

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