Budget Actual HC Oct 2023 FA
Budget Actual HC Oct 2023 FA
Budget Actual HC Oct 2023 FA
Employee Cost Human Capital 1603 3051603 IT & Office Equipment 1,733
Employee Cost Human Capital 6000 3056000 Wages & Salaries 94,514
Employee Cost Human Capital 6008 3056008 Allowance - Car -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6011 3056011 Allowance - Other -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6012 3056012 Over time 900
Employee Cost Human Capital 6014 3056014 THR -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6016 3056016 Employee Reward -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6017 3056017 Severance pay -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6020 3056020 Employee wellness 667
Employee Cost Human Capital 6030 3056030 BPJS Employment 5,721
Employee Cost Human Capital 6031 3056031 BPJS Healthy Care 757
Employee Cost Human Capital 6033 3056033 Medical expenses 3,049
Employee Cost Human Capital 6034 3056034 Medical examinations -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6043 3056043 International Travel - Airfares -
Employee Cost Human Capital 6055 3056055 Training and seminars 1,592
Employee Cost FAT JKT 6001 3016001 Casual labour porter 167
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 1603 PPIC8500.1603 IT & Office Equipment 20,533
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 1603 PPIC8500.6323 Food & Beverages -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 1603 PPIC8500.6331 IT consumeables -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 1603 PPIC8500.6334 Medical Supplies -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6000 PPIC8500.6000 Wages & Salaries 212,044
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6011 PPIC8500.6011 Allowance – Other -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6012 PPIC8500.6012 Over time 8,119
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6014 PPIC8500.6014 THR -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6016 PPIC8500.6016 Employee Reward -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6017 PPIC8500.6017 Severance pay -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6030 PPIC8500.6030 BPJS Employment 13,517
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6031 PPIC8500.6031 BPJS Healthy Care 3,140
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6033 PPIC8500.6033 Medical expenses 19,271
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6034 PPIC8500.6034 Medical examinations 1,111
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6040 PPIC8500.6040 Domestic Travel - Airfares 20,033
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6041 PPIC8500.6041 Domestic Travel - Accomodation 2,313
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6042 PPIC8500.6042 Domestic Travel - Other 1,393
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6043 PPIC8500.6043 International Travel - Airfares -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site PPIC8500.6054 Employee Donation -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6055 PPIC8500.6055 Training and seminars 5,927
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6057 PPIC8500.6057 FIFO - Airfares -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6058 PPIC8500.6058 FIFO - Accommodation -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6059 PPIC8500.6059 FIFO - Other -
Employee Cost Human Capital-Site 6169 PPIC8500.6169 Telephone and mobile phone 5,153
Employee Cost MINING 6001 PPIC8800.6001 Casual labour porter 3,333
Employee Cost FAT SITE 6001 PPIC8210.6001 Casual labour porter 67
Jan-2023 Feb-2023 Mar-2023
Actual Selisih Budget Actual Selisih Budget Actual
- - - - - - 6,533
99,994 101,273 - 1,279 122,045 93,988 28,058 109,416
- 1,308 - 1,308 - 1,283 1,294 - 2,577 - 1,305
- 10,431 - 10,431 - 7,428 10,315 - 17,742 - 8,410
900 777 123 651 811 - 161 1,160
- 7,116 - 7,116 72,625 7,116 65,510 - 4,329
- - - - - - - 2,409
- 3,422 - 3,422 - - - -
24,833 - 24,833 1,333 - 1,333 1,333
6,079 6,320 - 240 6,877 5,721 1,155 6,909
853 319 533 894 774 120 980
3,327 2,218 1,109 5,248 1,267 3,981 5,873
- - - - 1,298 - 1,298 -
- - - - - - -
1,858 - 1,858 1,119 12 1,107 1,850
167 134 32 236 133 103 333
24,400 - 24,400 31,467 - 31,467 19,067
- 11 - 11 - 6 - 6 -
- 7 - 7 - - - -
- - - - - - -
337,050 189,738 147,312 368,665 185,473 183,192 349,569
- 12,741 - 12,741 - 12,767 - 12,767 - 10,161
8,119 8,839 - 720 9,508 6,106 3,402 8,281
- 15,535 - 15,535 - 15,535 - 15,535 -
- - - - - - -
- 2,036 - 2,036 843 481 362 1,067
20,950 14,547 6,403 21,333 12,747 8,586 21,738
4,023 1,424 2,599 5,175 3,202 1,973 5,306
19,827 561 19,266 20,132 338 19,794 20,299
1,111 170 941 2,195 253 1,943 13,438
41,300 160 41,140 41,833 - 41,833 42,767
5,147 103 5,044 4,640 590 4,050 4,760
2,850 - 2,850 2,663 - 2,663 2,730
8,400 - 8,400 1,800 - 1,800 8,400
- 67 - 67 - 100 - 100 -
20,294 - 20,294 6,927 911 6,016 10,794
- 5,705 - 5,705 - 6,912 - 6,912 - 9,122
- 216 - 216 - 514 - 514 - 123
- 863 - 863 - 897 - 897 - 1,287
5,763 - 5,763 4,963 665 4,298 5,263
3,333 - 3,333 6,667 - 6,667 6,667
67 - 67 133 - 133 133
640,644 386,040 254,604 731,263 370,225 361,038 617,520
Aug-2023 Sep-2023 Oct-2023
Actual Selisih Budget Actual Selisih Budget Actual