Tests To Send Field Assistant WASH
Tests To Send Field Assistant WASH
Tests To Send Field Assistant WASH
You will have 2 hours to complete the WASH test (32 questions).
All answers should be written in English, and only in English.
Please right down the detail of the calculation when it is needed (case study included).
Do not worry if you don’t know the exact answers to all the questions, start with the one
questions you are comfortable with, and go back to the other ones after.
Good luck!
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• Open defecation is common practice for the population and there are reports of high levels of
diarrhea. Scabies is becoming significant.
Use Sphere standard where appropriate to answer the following questions. Data shared through 2
End End End #
Bladder End test
gEnd End
# # Host Populatio # HT
nmonth month monthindiv month (ml month month
Populatio Water/person/ tank Indiv. / Indiv./ Indiv./
Household Ind./H populatio in 6 Tapstan H
n now day (liters) capacit . / / L Latrine bathing unit washing basin
s (HH) H n (ind.) months d per
y (m3) tap of
Now 1%)
Daily water
Tap stands
Actual tap
Actual taps
Chlorine (L of
1% in month)
Chlorine (Kg
in month)
Bathing units
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Water supply and operation and maintenance
Q1 - What is the daily water demand for the new refugee camp including the host community (now, at 3
months, at 6 months)? (1.0 pts)
Q2 - Is the water quantity sufficient for 3 months for the refugees? (0.5 pts)
Q4 – How many taps & tap stands are needed now, at the end of 3 months and at the end of 6 months .
(1 pts)
Water treatment
Q5 – What is your estimated chlorine requirement for month 1 (in kg of granular product)? (2.5 pts)
Q7 – How many bathing units and clothes washing units would be needed now and at the end of 6
months? (1.0 pts)
Q9 – Describe what is a cluster ? Who is the Global Lead Agency for WASH cluster ? (0.5 pts)
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Q11 – What is the maximum theoretical depth a surface motorpump can suck-up ? (0.5 pts)
Q13 – Explain briefly the difference between an aquifer test and a well test and how they are run ? (1.5
Q14 – Could you describe a situation where we might use lay flat hose for water distribution? What are
the disadvantages of these pipes ? (1.0 pts)
Q15 – What is the recommended flow at each tap/distribution point in emergency situation ? What is
the reason for it ? (2.0 pts)
Q16 – An Oxfam tank needs to supply water by gravity to 5 distribution frames at the bottom of a hill.
What pipe size would you recommend to complete the water distribution system ? (2.0 pts).
In addition to the information in the scheme below, please consider the following : 6 taps for each frame
; 3m residual head.
After calculating the head losses in the pipes, use the head loss diagram below.
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Q17 – What process would you use in emergency situation to reduce/remove the pathogens in the
water ? (1 pts)
Q18 – What are we looking to be removed when filtering water on a sand bed (mechanical filtration) ?
(1 pts)
Q19 – What is the percentage of active product in aluminium sulphate (alumina)? What is the factor
limiting its use in water treatment ? (1 pts)
Q20 – Explain what is a jar test, and describe how you will implement it in detail to help you measure
the chlorination needed for drinking water. (2 pts)
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Q21 – Name 1 portable kit commonly used for bacteriological analysis in WASH emergency response.
What is the final outcome that we want to get from using these kits ? What does it indicate? (2 pts)
Q23 – What basic equipment would you install for the treatment and disposal of wastewater coming
from showers and kitchens in an emergency situation ? (1 pts)
Q24 – Name the 5 main steps for the sewage to go through in a traditional urban sanitation system ? (1
Q25 – Why are covered sanitation systems better than open sanitation drainage? (0.5 pts)
Q26 – What would you propose to deal with the drainage water at a water point in an IDP site ? (1pts)
Q27 – What process would you use in an emergency situation to remove suspended particles in raw
water ? (1 pts)
Q28 – Explain what is the differences between a simple pit latrine and a VIP latrine in terms of
construction and use. Please detail on what principle the VIP latrine works, and its advantages. Why are
they named dry latrines ? (2.0 pts)
Q29 – Two families of 3 and 6 individuals want to constructed a dry latrine to be shared. Explain in
detail calculation of the pit size needed for the construction of this latrine. (1.5 pts)
Q31 – Give an example of implementation of a community based approach in WASH response ? (1 pts)
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Q32 – Responding to an influx of IDPs in a settlement area, what essential hygiene items would you
provide them (and in which quantity )? (1 pts)
Q34 – What is the best way for WASH committees to be accountable to the community ? (1 pts)
Q35 – What is the main objective of training the WASH committee ? (0.5 pts)
Q36 – What is the main aim of Community Led Total Sanitation ? (0.5 pts)
Q38 – Explain in detail what is the "3 pots method" (what is it ? When is it use? Advantages ?
Disadvantages ?) (0.5 pts)
Q39 – Describe what are the characteristic of a good water storage container (0.5 pts)
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