Grade 4 Soal Akhir Sas 2

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Muatan : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 07.30 - 09.00 (90 menit)

Kelas : I (satu) Nama : ………………………….

A. Choose the best answer! (Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dengan memberi tanda silang
X !)

1. I go to school every morning at ….

a. a quarter to seven c. half past six

b. a quarter to six d. half past seven

2. My family have breakfast at ….

a. a quarter to six c. a quarter past five

b. a half past five d. a half past six

3. My grandpa has ………………at twelve o’clock.

a. lunch c. breakfast
b. dinner d. supper

Monica …...(kadang-kadang) eats pizza at Sunday.
a. Always c. Sometimes
b. Never d. Usually

5. Mr. Slamet goes to Sulawesi by ….

a. train c. plane
b. ship d. bus

6. a – d – e - p – i - c - b
Arrange the following letters into meaningful words!
a. Submarine c. Train
b. Motorcycle d. Pedicab

The following text is for questions number 7-8

7. I go to work at seven o’clock. I go to hospital everyday by car. I

take care a patient in the Lavalete hospital. I bring some food
and meals for lunch . I like my activities and I feel great can help
many person.

What is her profession and how does she go to hospital ?

a. Teacher , by ship b. Doctor , by car

c. Security , by car d. Headmaster by pedicab

8. What time does she go to hospital in the text?

a. At six o’clock b. At five o’clock c. At four o’clock d. At seven o’clock


a. They are having lunch with noodles

b. They are having lunch with fried chicken
c. They are having lunch with pizza
d. They are having lunch with humburger

10. Andika dan teman temanya pergi ke kebun binatang dengan naik bis.
(Translate into English)

a. Andika and his friends go the zoo by train.

b. Andika and his friends go the zoo by bus.
c. Andika and his friends go the zoo by ship.
d. Andika and his friends go the zoo by car.

11. Anton likes fishing, he goes fishing by motorcycle.

a. Anton suka memancing, dia memancing dengan naik motor.
b. Anton suka memancing, dia pergi memancing dengan naik bis.
c. Anton suka bersepeda, dia pergi bersepeda setiap minggu.
d. Anton suka memancing, dia pergi memancing dengan naik motor.

12. Popeye is a sailor, he goes around the world by …

a. canoe c. ship
b. boat d. plane

A : How does your brother go to the city park?

B : He goes to the city by ….

a. bicycle b. pedicab
c. land vehicle d. air vehicle

14. Yezra : Do you like to go by boat ?

Jenny : ………, I’m not comfortable with water.
a. Always b. Never c. Often d. No, I don’t like.

Many transportation in the world . Any water transportation, land transportation and air
transportation . Water transportation likes boat, canoe atc. Land transportation likes car,
taxi, motor etc. Which air transportation is below ?...

a. Raft c. Water transportation

b. Air ballon d. Canoe

C. Match the the statements below!

16. ● ● At six o’clock

● ●
17. My mother goes to the market at Tidy
……………. Every morning. She buys
vegetables, fish and fruits.
● ●

18. It’s a bus

● ●

19. Here my bedroom.

There are pillow,bolters on the bed. At five thirty nine
My bedroom is…….
● ●

It is a bike

D. Answer True or False for the following statements !

Statements True False

21. Dinner time

Sasa : I want to eat in the
Tina : Ok.
Sasa : We meet at KFC
reastaurant at six o’clock.

22. Uncle Beny goes to Bali by plane it is

Faster than bus.

23. It’s a kind of vehicle.

It’s air transportation.
It’is helicopter.

24. It is a kind of water transportation.

It is a submarine.

25. Ship, rowboat, submarine are kind of

air transportation .
Hi boys…
Look! What time is it?
It’s at three o’clock.
Let go or we will be late.

27. It’s twenty five past ten.

E. Answer the questions base on the text! (No. 26 – 28)

My name is Lee Min Ho. I am a student of elementary school in grade. Now, I study at SD
International School in my town. I always get up at five o’clock every morning. Then, I
pray, after that, I make the bed. At a half past six, I go to school by grabs car. I arrive at
school at ten to seven. School begins at 07 : 00 o’clock.

28. What time does he get up? _____________________________________

29. What vehicles does he go to school? ____________________________
30. What time is the school begin? __________________________________
F. Project/Proyek

“Sailing boat Creations From Origami Paper Or Hvs Paper”

(Kreasi perahu layar Dari Kertas Origami Atau Kertas Hvs)

Tools and materials : Alat dan bahan :

1. Origami paper / HVS colored 1. Kertas origami/HVS berwarna
paper 2. Lem kertas
3. Pensil
2. Glue 4. Spidol warna/krayon
3. Pencil 5. Gunting
4. Marker/Crayon 6. Penggaris
5. Scissors
6. Ruler

G. Observasi
(obseve and describe with your sentence! Amati dan buatlah deskripsi dengan kalimat

H. Product
Students make a picture of their dream vehicle/ Siswa membuat gambar kendaraan impian


Answer Key
A. PG C. True or False F. Project/Proyek
1. c. (half past six) 21. True
2. b. (half past five) 22. True Membuat perahu kertas dari kertas
3. a. (lunch) 23. True origami/hvs berwarna.
4. c. Sometimes 24. True
5. c. (plane) 25. False G. Observasi
6. d. (pedicab) 26. False Siswa menonton & mengamati video
7. b. (doctor, by car) 27. False tentang sejarah jam, kemudian
8. d. (at seven menuliskan hasil pengamatan video
o’clock) D. Essay tersebut dengan bahasa yang
9. c. (They are having 28. He gets up at five sederhana.
lunch with pizza) o’clock every morning.
10. b. (Andika and his H. Product
friends go to the zoo 29. He goes to school by Students make a picture of their
by bus) grab car. dream vehicle/ Siswa membuat
11. d. (Anton suka gambar kendaraan impian
memancing, dia pergi 30. School begins at seven mereka.
memancing dengan o’clock.
naik motor)
12. d. (plane)
13. b. (pedicab)
14. d. (No,I don’t
15. b. (Airballon)

16. It’s a bus

17. At six o’clock

18. It is a bike

19. Tidy

20. At five thirty nine

No No
Skor Skor
Soal Soal
1. 1 16 1

2. 1 17 1

3. 1 18 1

4. 1 19 1

Nilai = Jawaban benar X100

Jumlah soal
5. 1 20 1

6. 1 21 1

7. 1 22 1

8. 1 23 1

9. 1 24 1

10. 1 25 1

11. 1 26 3

12. 1 27 3

13. 1 28 3

14. 1 29 3

15. 1 30 3

Total 40

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