Hydroxyethyl Cellulose

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American Polymer Standards Corporation

Safety Data Sheet

Section 1: Identification
Product Name: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose EC Number: 618-387-5 CAS Number: 9004-62-0

Product Nos.: HEC36K; HEC121K; HEC380K; HEC425K; HEC450K; HEC510K

Relevant Identified Uses of the Substance or mixture and uses advised against:
Identified Uses: Laboratory Use
Supplier/Manufacture: American Polymer Standards Corporation, 8680 Tyler Blvd., Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: 440-255-2211 * Fax: 440-255-8397 * Email: apsc@ampolymer.com
In Case of Emergency: (440) 255-2211

Section 2: Hazardous Identification

Signal Word: None
GHS: Not classified as hazardous per GHS; not listed in Table 3.1 Annex VI of regulation 1272/2008/EU, as amended. The
product is not hazardous in the form in which it is placed on the market and under the normal and recommended conditions of
storage and use. The product is not dangerous according to the criteria set by the EU.
OHSA: While this material is not considered hazardous by OSHA Hazard Communications Standards (29 CFR 1910.1200), this
SDS contains valuable information critical to the safe handling and proper use of the product. This MSDS should be retained for
employees and other users of this product.

HMIS Classification: NFPA Rating:

Health Hazards: 0 Health Hazard: 0
Flammability: 0 Fire: 0
Physical Hazards: 0 Reactivity Hazards: 0

Potential Health Effects:

Inhalation: May be harmful if inhaled. May cause respiratory tract irritation.
Skin: May be harmful if absorbed through skin. May cause skin irritation.
Eyes May cause eye irritation.
Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed.
Low hazard in normal laboratory use. The small quantities supplied in our products are unlikely to cause server or immediate health
effects. Use only as directed and in accordance with safe laboratory practices.

Section 3: Composition/Information on Ingredients

Substance/Mixture: Substance
Synonyms: 2-hydroxyethyl cellulose
Chemical Name: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose

Section 4: First-Aid Measures

Description of Necessary First-Aid Measures
Inhalation: Move person to fresh air; if effects occur, consult a physician
Wash skin with plenty of water. Seek first-aid or medical attentions as needed. If molten material comes in contact with
skin, do not apply ice but cool under ice water of running stream of eater. DO NOT attempt to remove the material from
skin. Removal could result in severe tissue damage. Seek medical attention immediately. Suitable emergency safety
shower facility should be immediately available.
Flush eyes thoroughly with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses after the initial 1-2 minutes and continue
flushing for several additional minutes. If effects occur, consult a physician, preferably an ophthalmologist.
If swallowed, seek medical attention. May cause gastrointestinal blockage. Do not give laxatives. Do not induce vomiting
unless directed to do so by medical personnel.

Description of Symptoms/Effects (both acute and delayed) & Symptoms of Overexposure:

Inhalation: No known significant effects of critical hazards. No specific data regarding symptoms of overexposure.
Skin: No known significant effects of critical hazards. No specific data regarding symptoms of overexposure.
Eyes: No known significant effects of critical hazards. No specific data regarding symptoms of overexposure.
Ingestion: No known significant effects of critical hazards. No specific data regarding symptoms of overexposure.

Indication of Immediate Medical Attention & Special Treatment Needed, If Necessary:

Treat symptomatically. Contact poison treatment specialist immediately if large quantities have been
Note to Physician:
ingested or inhaled.
Specific Treatments: No specific treatment
No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without suitable training. It may be dangerous
Protection of First-Aiders:
to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

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American Polymer Standards Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Section 5: Fire-Fighting Measures

Suitable Extinguishing Media: Use dry chemical powder, water spray (fog), foam or CO2
Unsuitable Extinguishing Media: Do not use water jet.
Specific Hazards Arising from the Chemical: Carbon oxides
Hazardous Thermal Decomposition Products: Carbon oxides

Promptly isolate the scene by removing all persons form the vicinity of the
incident if there is a fire. No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or
Special Protective Actions for Fire-Fighters:
without suitable training. Move containers from fire area if this can be done
without risk. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool.
Fire-Fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment and self-contained
Special Protective Equipment for Fire-Fighters: breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Personal Precautions, Protective Spilled material may cause a slipping hazard. Keep unnecessary and unprotected
Equipment & Emergency Procedures: personnel from entering the area. Use appropriate safety equipment. For additional
information, refer to Section 8: Exposure Controls & Personal Protection.
Environmental Precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways and/or groundwater. For
additional information, refer to Section 12: Ecological Information.
Methods & Materials for Containment &
Contain spilled material if possible. Sweep up. Collect in suitable and properly labeled
Clean Up:
containers. For additional information, refer to Section 13: Disposal Considerations.

Reference to other sections: See Section 1 for emergency contact information

See Section 8 for information on appropriate personal protective equipment
See Section 13 for additional waste treatment information

Section 7: Handling & Storage

Precautions for Safe Handling:
No smoking, open flames or sources of ignition in handling and storage areas. Wear appropriate personal
protective equipment (refer to Section 8). Avoid inhalation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid
Protective creation of dust. Ensure adequate ventilation. Electrical equipment and lighting should be protected to
Measures: appropriate standards to prevent dust coming ton contact with hot surfaces, sparks or other ignition sources.
Take precautionary measures against electrostatic discharges. To avoid fire or explosion, dissipate static
electricity during transfer by earthing and bonding containers and equipment before transferring material.
Eating, drinking and smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is handled, stored and
Advice on General
processed. Workers should wash hands and face before eating, drinking and smoking. Remove contaminated
clothing and protective equipment before entering eating areas. See Sections 8 for additional information on
hygiene measures.
Conditions for Safe Storage:
Store in accordance with local regulations. Store in a segregated and approved area. Store in original container protected from direct
sunlight. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place, away from incompatible materials (see Section 10) and food
and drink. Eliminate all ignition sources. Separate from oxidizing materials. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for
use. Containers that have been opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage. Do not store in unlabeled
containers. Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination.

Section 8: Exposure Controls & Personal Protection

Exposure Limits: Contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.

Engineering Controls: Safety shower and eye bath. Mechanical exhaust required.

Personal Protective Measures:

Respiratory protection is not required. Where protection from nuisance levels of dusts are desired, use type
Respiratory: N95 (US) or type P1 (EN 143) dust masks. Use respirators and components tested and approved under
appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (SU) or CEN (EU).
Hand: Protective gloves
Eye: Chemical safety goggles
Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task being performed and the
risk involved.
Hygiene Measures: Wash thoroughly after handling.

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American Polymer Standards Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Section 9: Physical & Chemical Properties
Appearance: Physical State Lower & Upper Flammability/Explosive
Solid Not Available
& Color: Limits:
Odor: Odorless Vapor Pressure: Not Available
Odor Threshold: Not Available Vapor Density: Not Available
pH: Not Available Relative Density: Not Available
Melting Point: Not Available Solubility: Not Available
Boiling Point: Not Available Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water: Not Available
Flash Point: Not Available Auto-ignition Temperature: Not Available
Evaporation Rate: Not Available Decomposition Temperature: Not Available
Flammability (solid, gas): Not Available Viscosity: Not Available

Section 10: Stability & Reactivity

Reactivity: No specific test data related to reactivity available for this product or its ingredients.
Chemical Stability: The product is stable.
Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not occur.
Conditions to Avoid: None Known
Incompatible materials: None Known
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Strong oxidizing agents

Section 11: Toxicology Information

Acute Toxicity:
Oral LD50: No Data Available
Inhalation LC50: No Data Available
Dermal LD50: No Data Available

Prolonged contact is essentially nonirritating to skin. Repeated contact

Skin Corrosion/Irritation:
may cause flaking and softening of skin
Serious Eye Damage/Irritation: May cause slight temporary eye irritation. Corneal injury is unlikely.
Respiratory or Skin Sensitization: No Data Available
Germ Cell Mutagenicity: No Data Available
Reproductive Toxicity: No Data Available
Teratogenicity: No Data Available
Specific Target Organ Toxicity-Single Exposure: No Data Available
Specific Target Organ Toxicity-Repeated Exposure: No Data Available
Aspiration Hazard: No Data Available

IARC: No component of this product, present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or
confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.
ACGIH: No com No component of this product, present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible
or confirmed human carcinogen by ACGIH.
NTP: No component of this product, present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or
confirmed human carcinogen by NTP.
OSHA: No component of this product, present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or
confirmed human carcinogen by OSHA.

Potential Health Effects:

Inhalation: May be harmful if inhaled. May cause respiratory tract irritation.
Ingestion: May be harmful if swallowed.
Skin: May be harmful if absorbed through skin. May cause skin irritation.
Eyes: Cause eye irritation.

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American Polymer Standards Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Section 12: Ecological Information
Toxicity: No Data Available
Persistence & Degradability: No Data Available
Bio-accumulative Potential: No Data Available
Mobility in Soil: No Data Available
PET: No Data Available
Results of PET & vPvB assessment:
vPvB: No Data Available
Other Adverse Effects: No known significant effect or critical hazards

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

The generation of waste should be avoided or minimized whenever possible. Disposal practices must be in
compliance with all Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. DO NOT DUMP INTO ANY SEWERS, ON
Disposal Methods:
THE GROUND OR INTO ANY BODY OF WATER. Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to
ensure proper disposal.
Within the present knowledge of the supplier, this product is not regarded as hazardous waste, as defined
Hazardous Waste:
by EU Directive 2008/98/EC

The generation of waste should be avoided or minimized whenever possible. Waste packaging should be
Disposal Methods:
recycled. Incineration or landfill should only be considered when recycling is not feasible.

This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Empty containers or liners may retain
Special Precautions: some product residues. Avoid dispersals of split material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways,
drains and sewers.

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT (US): Not Regulated

IMDG: Not Regulated
IATA: Not Regulated
ADR/RID: Not Regulated

Transport in bulk according to Annex II of Marpol and IBC Code: Not Available

Section 15: Regulatory Information

All components of this product are either listed on the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act
U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act:
(TSCA) inventory of chemicals or are otherwise compliant with TSCA regulations.
No chemical in this material are subject to reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section
SARA 302 Components:
SARA 311/312 Components: No SARA Hazards
This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that
SARA 313 Components:
exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.
EU Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH)
Annex XIV – List of substance authorization:
Annex XIV None of the components are listed
Substances of very high concern: None of the components are listed
Annex XVII Restrictions on the manufacture placing on the market and use of
Not Applicable
certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles:
Other EU Regulations:
Ozone depleting substance (1005/2009/EU): Not Listed
Prior Informed Consent (PIC) (649/2012/EU): Not Listed
Seveso Directive: This product is not controlled under the Seveso Directive
International Regulations:
Chemical Weapon Convention List Schedules I, II & III Chemicals: Not Listed
Montreal Protocol (Annexes A, B, C, E): Not Listed
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants: Not Listed
Rotterdam Convention of Prior Informed Consent (PIC): Not Listed
UNECE Aarhus Protocol on POPs and Heavy Metals: Not Listed

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American Polymer Standards Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Section 15: Regulatory Information
Right to Know Components:
Massachusetts: No components of the material are subject to Massachusetts Right to Know Act.
New Jersey: Cellulose, 2-hydroxyethyl ether CAS # 9004-62-0
Pennsylvania: Cellulose, 2-hydroxyethyl ether CAS # 9004-62-0
California Prop 65: No components found.
Inventory List:
Australia This material is listed or exempted.
Canada This material is listed or exempted.
China This material is listed or exempted.
Europe This material is listed or exempted.
Inventory List continued:
Japan inventory (ENCS): This material is listed or exempted.
Japan inventory (ISHL): This material is listed or exempted.
New Zealand This material is listed or exempted.
Philippines This material is listed or exempted.
Republic of Korea This material is listed or exempted.
Taiwan This material is listed or exempted.
Turkey This material is listed or exempted.
United States This material is listed or exempted.

Section 16: Other Information

Date of Issue: April 22, 2014

Last Revision Date: March 8, 2019

DISCLAIMER: For R&D use only. Not for use in Food, Drugs or Cosmetics. The information contained in this MSDS is the most
accurate and complete information available to us. APSC expresses or implies no warranty to the information
provided and assumes no liability. The material covered in this MSDS is provided in 1-gram quantities or less and is
not expected to posse any health or environmental risks based on these quantities.

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