Mantenimeito Chiller
Mantenimeito Chiller
Mantenimeito Chiller
Moisture con- Operator Week Visual inspec- Read the color scale on the
tent of the re- tion sight glass/have the system
frigerant inspected by a refrigeration
engineer (see chapter Mois-
ture content of the refrigerant
[} 78])
Leaks in the re- Operator Week Visual inspec- Inspect the refrigerant circuit
frigerant circuit tion for leaks/have the system
checked for leaks by a refrig-
eration engineer (see chapter
Leaks in the refrigerant cir-
cuit [} 79])
Electronics cab- Operator Month Visual inspec- Visual inspection for soiling/
inet air filter tion replace air filter (see chapter
Electronics cabinet air filter
[} 95])
Electronics cab- Operator Month Visual inspec- Check contact protection grill
inet ventilation tion for completeness/repair or
fan replace, if necessary (see
chapter Overview [} 29])
All cable screw Electrician / ½ year Inspection with Firmness of the cable screw
fittings IPG service tool fitting / retighten, replace if
All motors / Electrician / ½ year Inspection with Check the fastening of the
heaters IPG service tool connection lines; tighten if
All motor pro- Electrician / ½ year Function check Inspection of the overload
tection IPG service tripping / replacement of the
switches defective component (see cir-
cuit diagram)
72 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Filling quantity, Operator Month Visual inspec- Check the oil level in the com-
compressor oil tion pressors via the sight glass/
have the system checked by a
refrigeration engineer for
possible leaks (see chapter
Filling quantity, compressor
oil [} 76])
Refrigerant cir- Refrigeration Year Inspection Check for leaks with a refrig-
cuit leak tight- technician/ erant leak detector/repair
ness IPG service leak, top up refrigerant (see
chapter Leaks in the refriger-
ant circuit [} 79])
Cooling water Operator Week Visual inspec- Read the water level indica-
fill level tion tor/add water (see chapter
Cooling water fill level
[} 75])
Condenser air Operator Month Visual inspec- Carry out a visual inspection
filter tion for contamination/replace air
filter (see chapter Condenser
air filter [} 96])
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 73
| Maintenance
74 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
If the water level in the level indicator is less than 50%, LaserNet issues
the warning Water level.
1. Open the rear door to inspect the cooling water level in the water
tank (see previous figure).
2. Top up the cooling water via the tank filling (see Filling the cool-
ing water system [} 55]).
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 75
| Maintenance
1. Open the door of the product to check the level of the compressor
The oil level can be checked when the machine is switched on as well as when it is
switched off.
2. Check that there is a sufficient quantity of compressor oil in the
sight glass.
3. Close the door of the product again.
76 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 77
| Maintenance
1 2
Figure 31: Sight glass and drier-accumulator
1. Open the door of the product and check the indicator color.
A green color indicates no moisture in the refrigerant and a yellow color indicates
low moisture. If the indicator turns red, thus indicating a high moisture content in
the refrigerant, the dryer accumulator must be changed.
2. In this case, contact the service department of IPG Laser GmbH.
3. Close the door of the product again.
You can find more information on this in the chapter Refrigerant filling
quantity [} 77].
78 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Damage to the respiratory tracts in the event of dam-
age to the refrigerant circuit
In the event of damage to the refrigerant circuit, the
escaping refrigerant can degrade into toxic acids in
the heat of a cigarette and cause chemical burns to
the respiratory tracts.
ð Keep ignition sources away from the product.
ð Do not smoke.
ð Have the damage repaired immediately by a re-
frigeration technician.
Possible frostbite due to refrigerant leakage
In the event of a refrigerant circuit leak, the escaping
gas immediately cools to -40°C and can cause frost-
bite on the skin.
ð Never reach into the direct flow of escaping re-
frigerant with your hand.
Refrigerant The refrigerant used is R407C. The refrigerant is non-toxic and non-
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 79
| Maintenance
Checking for oil Refrigerant leaks are always associated with oil leaks.
ð Check the refrigerant circuit for oil leaks.
ð Contact the service department of IPG Laser GmbH or hire a re-
frigeration technician to perform a refrigerant circuit leak inspec-
tion if an oil leak is observed.
Leak inspection
Risk of frostbite for untrained personnel
When working on the refrigeration circuit, there is a
risk of frostbite if all safety precautions have not
been taken.
ð Have all work on the cooling circuit carried out
by fully trained refrigeration technicians.
ð Wear heat-insulating gloves and safety glasses
while working on the refrigerant circuit.
ð Observe the operating instructions of the refrig-
erant used.
80 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Figure 33: Testing the overload tripping of the motor protection switches
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 81
| Maintenance
Risk of injury from rotating fan blades
The fan blades rotate at very high speed during op-
eration. When the cabinet door is open and the pro-
tection against contact is absent, there is a danger of
severe injuries.
ð Never operate the laser chiller with the protec-
tion against contact removed.
ð Before maintenance work, ensure that the laser
chiller is switched off.
ð After completing all work on the product, rein-
stall the protection against contact.
82 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 83
| Maintenance
Item Designation
1 Optics circuit water tank drain
84 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Both water tanks are emptied on the back side of the laser chiller via
two ball valves.
1. Connect a hose to each of the ball valves of the tank drain.
2. Open the ball valves to drain the cooling water.
3. Close the two ball valves again after draining the water tanks
completely and remove the hoses.
Draining the wa- 4. Remove the water hoses to the external process optics from the
ter hoses cabinet (number is dependent on the configuration).
5. Empty the water hoses completely.
6. Reconnect the water hoses as shown in the diagrams (see chapter
Connecting the water supply [} 53]).
Filling 7. Add new treated water via the filling connection (see chapter Fill-
ing the cooling water system [} 55]).
8. After filling, treat the water with a broad-spectrum biocide (see
chapter Treating the cooling water [} 86]).
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 85
| Maintenance
Deposits Deposits such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), iron oxides and man-
ganese oxides often result in a progressive constriction of the cross-sec-
tion in water lines, requiring greater pumping power and increased en-
ergy consumption. Deposits in heat exchangers reduce the cooling per-
formance and can even cause these components to fail in the worst
ð Ensure that the cooling water used satisfies the specifications in
the chapter Water specifications [} 137].
Microbial con- Industrial cooling circuits frequently offer ideal conditions for bacteria,
tamination fungi and algae. These microorganisms can accumulate in water lines,
significantly impeding the flow of water and heat.
IPG recommends replacing the water in all cooling circuits semi-annu-
ally as well as regular water treatment with one of the following broad
spectrum biocides to effectively limit the growth of microorganisms:
• NALCO 77352NA
86 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Severe burns due to contact with microbiocide
NALCO® 77352NA is a microbiocide based on mag-
nesium nitrate and isothiazolinones. B500 is a mi-
crobiocide based on isothiazolinone.
The biocides can cause severe chemical burns on the
skin and severe eye damage. Sensitization possible
through skin contact.
ð Read the enclosed safety data sheet and the
technical data sheet before use.
ð Wear suitable safety gloves and suitable face
protection or suitable safety glasses.
ð Avoid contact with your skin or eyes. Do not
breathe in the vapors.
ð If the eyes or skin nevertheless come into con-
tact with the substance, wash the area of skin
with plenty of water and soap. Rinse out the
eyes with plenty of water. Consult a physician.
ð Microbiocide and its containers are to be dis-
posed of as hazardous waste.
ð Avoid releasing it into the environment.
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 87
| Maintenance
The start-up kit B500 contains the biocide EKOFAKT B500, one pair of
safety gloves, safety goggles and the safety data sheet and technical data
sheet for the biocide.
The cooling water is treated with EKOFAKT B500 on a monthly basis. In
addition, IPG recommends use of the biocide during the initial filling of
the cooling system with water and upon every change of water.
1. During a cooling water treatment in the optics circuit, press the
corresponding Reset button in the Maintenance tab in the
LaserNet software (see chapter Maintenance tab [} 69])
This pauses the conductivity control in the optics circuit for 4 hours. This provides
a suitable time period for the cooling water additive to act as it is not filtered out
by the DI cartridge.
2. Add the biocide to the respective cooling circuit. The concentra-
tion of EKOFAKT B500 in the cooling water should be 10 ml / 100
3. Allow the water in the cooling circuit to circulate for two hours so
that the biocide can kill the microorganisms throughout the entire
The Nalco kit contains the biocide 77352NA, the corrosion inhibitor
TRAC 105, one pair of safety gloves, safety goggles and the safety data
sheets for all chemicals in the kit.
88 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Irritation of eyes and skin due to corrosion inhibitor
The corrosion inhibitor NALCO TRAC105 is highly ir-
ritating to the eyes and irritating to the skin. The va-
pors can cause headaches and nausea.
ð Read the enclosed safety data sheet and the
technical data sheet before use.
ð Wear suitable safety gloves and suitable face
protection or suitable safety glasses.
ð Avoid contact with the skin or eyes. Do not
breathe in the vapors.
ð If the eyes or skin nevertheless come into con-
tact with the substance, wash the area of skin
with plenty of water and soap. Rinse out the
eyes with plenty of water.
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 89
| Maintenance
90 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Item Designation
1 Upper quick closure
2 Fastening clamp
3 DI cartridge
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 91
| Maintenance
92 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Item Designation
1 Strainer
2 Screw plug
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 93
| Maintenance
94 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
5 6
Replacing the air 1. Swing open the filter grill using the locking grip.
intake filter
2. Check the filter pad for dirt and replace it if necessary.
Replacing the air 3. Slide the splash guard along the hook plate and up to remove the
outlet filter guard.
4. Turn the locking grip of the exposed filter grill upward and swing
open the grill.
5. Check the filter pad for dirt and replace it if necessary.
Contact IPG Service to order additional filter pads (see chapter Spare
parts and consumables [} 100]).
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 95
| Maintenance
2 Filter pad
96 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
Damage to the respiratory tracts in the event of dam-
age to the refrigerant circuit
In the event of damage to the refrigerant circuit, the
escaping refrigerant can degrade into toxic acids in
the heat of a cigarette and cause chemical burns to
the respiratory tracts.
ð Keep ignition sources away from the product.
ð Do not smoke.
ð Have the damage repaired immediately by a re-
frigeration technician.
Possible frostbite due to refrigerant leakage
In the event of a refrigerant circuit leak, the escaping
gas immediately cools to -40°C and can cause frost-
bite on the skin.
ð Never reach into the direct flow of escaping re-
frigerant with your hand.
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 97
| Maintenance
Risk of frostbite for untrained personnel
When working on the refrigeration circuit, there is a
risk of frostbite if all safety precautions have not
been taken.
ð Have all work on the cooling circuit carried out
by fully trained refrigeration technicians.
ð Wear heat-insulating gloves and safety glasses
while working on the refrigerant circuit.
ð Observe the operating instructions of the refrig-
erant used.
Refrigerant The table below shows the individual components of the R407C refrig-
erant used and their concentrations.
Filling / recover-
ing the refriger-
Draining refrigerant
ant Have the refrigerant recovered from the cooling sys-
tem by a refrigeration technician in compliance with
national regulations. Ensure that no damage is
caused to people or the environment in the process.
The filling and recovery of the refrigerant are performed via the
Schrader valves on the suction line and the hot gas line of the refriger-
ant circuit.
98 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6
| Maintenance
ð Open the rear door of the laser chiller and remove the contact
protection to access the Schrader valves (see Protection against
contact [} 20]).
Item Designation
1 Schrader valve of the suction line
LC 430.01-A.3.5/6 99
| Maintenance
100 LC 430.01-A.3.5/6