Time is an illusion. What happens if you live on another planet? What happens if
you don't live anywhere near a gravitational source? What happens if you live next
to a black hole? Why does Environment drive the illusion of time? What drives
Environment? Consciousness.
Look at the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia. Everything that looks like art is
actually a math formula or a [Classified] physics principal. Look into the musical
notes of common prayer terms used in Freemasonry and decipher it with an
enigma. You will be able to see formulas. Perhaps its because truth resonates.
"Think of the universe in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
The only thing that matters is the here and now. Not the past. Not the future. Time
is an illusion. You control the present, therefore you control the past, therefore you
control the future. Your future. Double meaning to "Future Proves Past"?
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The MSM can be demolished right now. Unplug the cable and don't support them
by watching them or listening to them or commenting on them or participating in
their existence. Acknowledgement is half the battle to creating reality. Deny
acknowledgement then you deny their reality.
Time has been structured around consciousness. Time is an illusion. Double Slit.
The numbers on the clock represent positioning relative to the planet's orbit that
contribute to consciousness alignment. What is time? If its an illusion, why do we
measure it? Why do we measure time with what we currently do? Who taught
Earth about time? Environment. Illusion. Difference between subconsciousness,
which would be your IS. This is denominated by the - in IS-BE. Subsconscious = IS
Consciousness = - Avatar = BE IS-BE
Why is it important to relive trauma without fear in order to heal? Meaning you
release your burden and accept your innocence and therefore forgive yourself.
We see many 3s 6s and 9s. Very nice. Synchronicity is powerful. Use it to project
your conscious will. Speak it. Words are spells. Spells are magick. Why do we
spell words? Because they are spells. Magick. "I need to Google <this>." ^ Magick
allows for you to refer to an entire entity in any part of speech and still
"communicate" effectively whereby strengthening the Magick of the spell.
If the instrument is broken the music will be sour. Magick in those words. Speak
them aloud and wisdom will flow from within.
The brain filters out that which you cannot see within the minds eye. Remember
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these, the wrath of God is coming.
Additionally, time is not a dimension. It's an illusion. You're always being born and
you're always dying, therefore your state is of mind.
By choosing an act you are requiring that act to first exist. IS-BEs CREATE
Good and Evil exist within. Love and fear exist within. Evil thrives where fear
spreads. Love thrives only around love. It is easier to fear what you do not know if
you've been conditioned as such. The Kingdom of Heaven requires the mind of a
child. No fear. Curiosity. PURE LOVE How was society engineered? Love brings
fear? Lust creates fake love which brings fear. Fear of performance, Fear of
betrayal, Fear of competition, When you teach the ways of the material realm, you
cause people to misunderstand (intentionally) what kind of love LIGHT is.
Humans are programmed to have sex. Sex produces drugs in the brain. You can
physically become dependent on the drugs released during sex. When you are
addicted, in order to get your next high, you need more intensity. It always ends
with pedophilia. Always. It's human nature.
Fixing a broken leg requires focusing on the elements that make it broken, which
require an understanding of physiology and consciousness. It also requires a
holistic body frequency cable of controlling the radiation that emits from your IS-
BE. You can will the frequency to heal. All states of matter exist simultaneously.
Consciousness is responsible to "selecting" the state. Consciousness projects a
frequency of reality. This frequency is in a dimension. Every choice in life creates
an alternate reality. Really all states exist simultaneously. Without knowing what
will manifest as a consequence of the frequency, you can know that if you are at
frequency A in this dimension, there must be, by the laws of quantum physics a
dimension parallel to our own where the decisions made differ such that
frequency B exists. Your IS-BE can see the frequency and you can set your
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target/scope onto that frequency and try to bring it into focus. Cascading entropic
failure occurs in your timeline/reality as you merge the two frequencies together.
Stabilization takes calculated action which requires time.
"the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves
as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by
functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality”
The truth is within. You must always be able to rely on yourself and think for
yourself while fundamentally understanding that we are all one. There is no
cornerstone to our existence except experience. Conscious thought is infinite,
experience is limited. Divisions and walls allow for compartmentalized
experiences. The purpose of this lower realm of existence is experience. If
everything IS the same, then what point is it to BE?
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However, as Dr. Lipton has stated, the brain is forming these neural pathways
throughout the conscious and unconscious mind of the IS-BE, essentially creating
the totality of the Immortal Spiritual Entity's "being". To borrow from Hitchhikers
Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to everything apparently is 42, which is "to BE.
The summation of your IS-BE can be expressed by who your soul is, and what you
have BEcome. BEcoming is the aggregate of conscious and unconscious
experiences recorded and processed (and filtered) by the brain directly.
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