Module2 3

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7/11/24, 9:57 AM

, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 31:10
Writing Hide

The introduction of invasive 1 Mark for Review abc

species to new environments can

have devastating effects on local Which choice completes the text
ecosystems. Ecologist Maria with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?
Gonzalez notes that these
species often ______ native Ⓐ bolster
populations, leading to significant
changes in habitat dynamics.
Ⓑ outcompete

Ⓒ merge with

Ⓓ coexist with

Question 1 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:57 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 30:57
Writing Hide

During a renovation project of a 2 Mark for Review abc

medieval castle, archaeologists at

the Historical Preservation Which choice completes the text
Society are analyzing the ______ with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?
of ancient construction
techniques on the castle's Ⓐ influence
durability. Their goal is to explore
whether the methods used in the
past contribute to the longevity of Ⓑ incongruence
the structure compared to
modern building practices.
Ⓒ coincidence

Ⓓ disparity

Question 2 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:57 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 30:45
Writing Hide

For environmentalist Rachel 3 Mark for Review abc

Carson, being ______ was crucial

to her advocacy work. With her Which choice completes the text
keen observation of ecological with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?
interactions and the effects of
pesticides, Carson’s writing in Ⓐ ambitious
Silent Spring sparked a
groundbreaking environmental
movement by highlighting the Ⓑ analytical
consequences of human actions
on nature.
Ⓒ indifferent

Ⓓ speculative

Question 3 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:58 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 30:15
Writing Hide

Social psychologist Stanley 4 Mark for Review abc

Milgram conducted controversial

experiments in the 1960s that Which choice completes the text
aimed to ______ the influence of with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?
authority on obedience. His
findings revealed that people are Ⓐ mitigate
surprisingly likely to follow orders
that conflict with their personal
conscience when directed by an Ⓑ disregard
authority figure.
Ⓒ elucidate

Ⓓ exacerbate

Question 4 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:58 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 30:06
Writing Hide

Amelia Earhart was a pioneering 5 Mark for Review abc

aviator and a significant figure in

the United States during the early Which choice completes the text
20th century. However, her with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?
influence was not merely ______
America: she became an Ⓐ restricted to
international symbol of courage
and determination, inspiring a
generation of female pilots Ⓑ separated from
around the world to break
through the barriers of a male-
dominated field. Ⓒ opposed to

Ⓓ alienated by

Question 5 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:58 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 29:54
Writing Hide

The human body is composed of 6 Mark for Review abc

various types of cells, each with

its specific function. For example, Which choice completes the text
neurons are specialized cells that with the most logical and
precise word or phrase?
______ electrical impulses,
playing a crucial role in Ⓐ inhibit
transmitting information
throughout the nervous system.
Ⓑ conduct

Ⓒ discourage

Ⓓ deter

Question 6 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:58 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 29:43
Writing Hide

The following text is adapted from 7 Mark for Review abc

The Shadows of the Canvas by

Tessa Silverman. In the novel, the As used in the text, what does
protagonist, Arlo, is deeply the word “gathered” most nearly
engrossed in the process of
crafting his piece of art. Ⓐ Combined
With each brushstroke and added Ⓑ Improved
detail, the work gathered more
intricacy, transforming its initially
ambiguous and ethereal form into Ⓒ Accumulated
one of sharper elegance and
intrigue. As time passed, the
primary motif of the artwork Ⓓ Created
became increasingly discernible,
even to the average viewer.

Question 7 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:59 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 29:33
Writing Hide

The following text is adapted from 8 Mark for Review abc

Mountain's Echo, a 1924 memoir

by Margaret Turner. Turner Which choice best describes the
narrates her experiences growing function of the underlined
sentence in the text as a whole?
up in a small mountain town.
Ⓐ It stresses the
In my quaint mountain town, life importance of architectural
diversity in shaping the town's
had a rhythm as steady as the character.
heartbeat of the earth. Everyone
knew everyone else, and there Ⓑ It implies that the houses
was a comforting predictability to
our days. Yet each house, like the in the town are more significant
than the people who inhabit
people within, held its own unique them.
stories and secrets. When
evening fell, I would stroll along Ⓒ It suggests that, despite
the winding lanes, gazing at the
houses silhouetted against the the homogeneous environment,
individuality and complexity still
setting sun, each a symbol of a persist.
life distinct and intertwined with
others. Ⓓ It insinuates that the
author feels disconnected from
the community despite its

Question 8 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:59 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 29:21
Writing Hide

Industrial designer Gavin 9 Mark for Review abc

Matheson advocates for a holistic

approach to design that Which choice best states the
incorporates not only aesthetics main idea of the text?

but also sustainability. His latest Ⓐ Gavin Matheson has

creation, a line of eco-friendly
furniture crafted from recycled gained popularity for his unique
aesthetic sense in furniture
materials, echoes his design design.
philosophy. Since its launch, the
line has seen success not only for Ⓑ Gavin Matheson's
its chic design but also for its
positive environmental impact. furniture line is crafted from
recycled materials, which
Consumers commend Gavin's makes this furniture line eco-
commitment to sustainability. friendly.

Ⓒ Consumers appreciate
Gavin's eco-friendly furniture
for their stylish, sustainable

Ⓓ The line of eco-friendly

furniture has transformed the
design industry's perspective
on sustainability.

Question 9 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:59 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 29:09
Writing Hide

In the Heart of the City is a novel 10 Mark for Review abc

by Mark Reynolds. Maria, a small-

town girl, moves to New York City Which quotation from the book
for her job but constantly worries most effectively illustrates the
about her aging parents back
home: ______ Ⓐ "Every time I called
home, I'd remind mom to give
dad his medication and tell
them both not to skip meals."

Ⓑ "The city never sleeps,

and neither does my ambition.
But I often find myself missing
the quiet of our small town."

Ⓒ "I've found a tiny

apartment with a window that
overlooks a bustling street - a
constant reminder of my new

Ⓓ "The food here is

different, a melting pot of
cultures. I am trying to cook
some of it at home."

Question 10 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:59 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 28:58
Writing Hide

The United States has seen a 11 Mark for Review abc

significant increase in solar

energy production over the past Which choice most effectively
decade, with some states leading uses data from the graph to
complete the text?
the way due to their favorable
climates and policies. In 2019, the Ⓐ Texas and Nevada
U.S. Energy Information combined produced more solar
Administration reported on solar energy than California.
energy production across various
states. According to the 2019 Ⓑ Arizona produced the
data, California produced 27,900
Gigawatt-hours of solar energy, second highest solar energy,
over 5,000 Gigawatt-hours.
and ______

North Carolina's solar
energy production was close to
6,000 Gigawatt-hours.

Ⓓ New Mexico was the

lowest producer among these
states, with less than 1,000

Question 11 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:59 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 28:49
Writing Hide

An Unforeseen Tomorrow is an 12 Mark for Review abc

1889 novel by Frederick

Lancaster. Edward, a man Which quotation from An
burdened by his past actions, Unforeseen Tomorrow most
effectively illustrates the claim?
consistently wrestles with the
guilt and consequences of a Ⓐ "Sometimes, the choices
singular past decision that we make lead us down roads
drastically changed his life. His from which we cannot return."
regret becomes unmistakable
when he admits to another Ⓑ "I cannot escape the
character, ______ echoes of the days when I
strayed from the path of

Ⓒ "In the grand theater of

life, I've played the fool; my
follies were choices made in

"That one decision, it
hounds me like a persistent
specter, a reminder of the path
I should not have taken."

Question 12 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 9:59 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 28:39
Writing Hide

Whispers of the City is a short 13 Mark for Review abc

story from the early 20th century

by Anika Jai. In the story, Which quotation from
Mr.Bakshi, an Indian immigrant Mr.Bakshi's phone call best
illustrates the claim?
residing in New York City, is on a
business trip in Chicago. During Ⓐ "As I walked the bustling
his phone call with his wife, he streets of Chicago, I noticed the
shares updates and observations myriad of street vendors, each
of the cultural differences he offering a variety of foods,
encounters: ______ unlike the narrow selections
back home."

Ⓑ "The city's skyline at

night, ablaze with lights, is a
stark contrast to the starlit
simplicity that adorns the New
York horizon."

Ⓒ "In Chicago, despite the

colder weather, I find the
warmth in coffee shops just as
comforting as in our New York

Ⓓ "Here, each community

celebrates its own heritage
proudly, a tapestry of traditions
that seems more vivid than the
melting pot of New York."

Question 13 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:00 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 28:27
Writing Hide

The ancient Minoan civilization 14 Mark for Review abc

thrived around 2600 BCE on the

island of Crete, surrounded by the Which choice most logically
Mediterranean Sea. The completes the text?

temperate climate, rich soil, and Ⓐ relied solely on rainwater

ample rainfall created ideal
conditions for agriculture, to irrigate their crops.

allowing the Minoans to grow a

variety of crops throughout the Ⓑ constructed additional
year. Their advanced farming storage facilities for their
techniques and maritime trade surplus grain.

resulted in surplus food

production. Consequently, the Ⓒ only traded their crops
Minoans ______ during the seasons of scarcity.

Ⓓ focused on developing
crops resistant to the local

Question 14 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:00 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 28:17
Writing Hide

In a study of the social behaviors 15 Mark for Review abc

of meerkats (Suricata suricatta),

researchers failed to account for Which choice most logically
the relative familiarity of the completes the text?

individuals within social groups. Ⓐ are valuable for

The social behaviors of meerkats
interacting within familiar groups identifying social behaviors
within familiar groups but not
were judged by the same within unfamiliar groups.
standards as those of meerkats
introduced into unfamiliar groups. Ⓑ should not be considered
The results of the study,
therefore, ______ representative of the social
behaviors of any meerkat
species other than S.suricatta.

Ⓒ provide more information

about the meerkats’ social
behaviors in artificially arranged
groups than in natural ones.

Ⓓmight imply disparities in

social behaviors among the
meerkats that might not truly

Question 15 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:00 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 28:08
Writing Hide

Environmental advocate Lisa Park 16 Mark for Review abc

from the University of British

Columbia emphasizes the Which choice completes the text
importance of community so that it conforms to the
conventions of Standard
involvement in local conservation English?
efforts. She argues that when
residents understand the direct Ⓐ it
benefits of maintaining local
parks and natural reserves,
______ often volunteer more Ⓑ they
frequently for clean-up activities.
Ⓒ one

Ⓓ he

Question 16 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:00 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 27:57
Writing Hide

At a cursory glance, the 17 Mark for Review abc

architecture of Antoni Gaudi

might seem like whimsical Which choice completes the text
creations inspired by nature. so that it conforms to the
conventions of Standard
When studied, however, these English?
buildings show themselves as
______ structural innovations Ⓐ marvels, and the
ingeniously integrated with
aesthetic appeal.
Ⓑ marvels; the

Ⓒ marvels, the

Ⓓ marvels. The

Question 17 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:00 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 27:43
Writing Hide

Amidst heated debates on climate 18 Mark for Review abc

change, a recent publication by

environmental scientists ______ Which choice completes the text
the potential for urban green so that it conforms to the
conventions of Standard
spaces to lower city English?
temperatures. Their research
indicates that strategically placed Ⓐ highlights
vegetation can significantly
contribute to mitigating the urban
heat island effect. Ⓑ highlight

Ⓒ to highlight

Ⓓ highlighting

Question 18 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:01 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 27:26
Writing Hide

French oceanographer Jacques 19 Mark for Review abc

Cousteau pioneered marine

conservation and brought the Which choice completes the text
underwater world to the public so that it conforms to the
conventions of Standard
eye with his groundbreaking English?
work. Nonetheless, ______
achievements in developing the Ⓐ he's
Aqua-Lung would not have been
possible without the engineering
expertise of Emile Gagnan. Ⓑ his

Ⓒ it's

Ⓓ its

Question 19 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:01 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 27:16
Writing Hide

The Global Seed Vault in 20 Mark for Review abc

Svalbard, Norway, is a critical

project for biodiversity Which choice completes the text
conservation that has garnered so that it conforms to the
conventions of Standard
international attention. Its vast English?
seed storage facilities ______
thousands of plant species for Ⓐ to safeguard
future generations, serving as a
global backup for agricultural
diversity. Ⓑ safeguard

Ⓒ safeguarding

Ⓓ having safeguarded

Question 20 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:01 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 27:02
Writing Hide

The widespread use of the steam 21 Mark for Review abc

engine during the Industrial

Revolution marked a Which choice completes the text
transformative period in so that it conforms to the
conventions of Standard
manufacturing, allowing for English?
greater productivity and
innovation. This was not the only Ⓐ technology; similarly,
landmark development in the
domain of ______ the harnessing
of electricity in the late 19th Ⓑ technology; similarly
century propelled technological
progress. Ⓒ technology, similarly,

Ⓓ technology, similarly;

Question 21 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:01 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 26:47
Writing Hide

The photographs taken by Ansel 22 Mark for Review abc

Adams capture the grandeur of

American wilderness. By Which choice completes the text
developing a unique approach to so that it conforms to the
conventions of Standard
exposure and post-processing English?
techniques, Adams altered the
presentation of a traditional Ⓐ them
landscape photograph, enhancing
its depth of field and dynamic
range, making ______ truly Ⓑ one
Ⓒ these

Ⓓ it

Question 22 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:08 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 19:57
Writing Hide

Serbian-American inventor Nikola 23 Mark for Review abc

Tesla, whose work has had a

lasting impact on modern Which choice completes the text
technology, harnessed the so that it conforms to the
conventions of Standard
principles of electromagnetic English?
induction ______ alternating
current power systems, thereby Ⓐ designs
transforming the world of electric
Ⓑ designed

Ⓒ is designing

Ⓓ to design

Question 23 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:08 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 19:46
Writing Hide

Most flowering plants produce 24 Mark for Review abc

brightly colored blooms to attract

pollinators. However, some plants Which choice completes the text
produce a strong odor instead. with the most logical transition?

The Rafflesia, ______ is a plant Ⓐ for example,

that emits a decaying flesh smell
to lure insects.
Ⓑ despite this,

Ⓒ moreover,

Ⓓ therefore,

Question 24 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:09 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 19:36
Writing Hide

Many scholars assert that the 25 Mark for Review abc

prevalence of social media has led

to shorter attention spans and a Which choice completes the text
decline in meaningful with the most logical transition?

communication. ______ others Ⓐ Similarly,

contend that it has created
unprecedented opportunities for
global connectivity and Ⓑ However,
Ⓒ Thus,

Ⓓ Hence,

Question 25 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:09 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 19:26
Writing Hide

Cosmic microwave background 26 Mark for Review abc

radiation (CMB) is the thermal

radiation left over from the Big Which choice completes the text
Bang, which provides a snapshot with the most logical transition?

of the universe just 380,000 Ⓐ Hence,

years after its birth, when atoms
first formed and the universe
became transparent. ______ Ⓑ Meanwhile,
measuring the CMB has provided
cosmologists with a wealth of
information about the early Ⓒ In contrast,
universe and the Big Bang.
Ⓓ Nevertheless,

Question 26 of 27 Back Next 1/1
7/11/24, 10:09 AM
, New Masters sharon's SAT

Module 2:
Reading and 19:15
Writing Hide

While researching a topic, a 27 Mark for Review abc

student has taken the following

notes: The student wants to present
the study and its methodology.
Which choice most effectively
uses relevant information from
the notes to accomplish this
The Fennec Fox is the goal?
smallest fox species, known
for its large ears. Ⓐ The Fennec Fox, known
for its large ears, uses this
physical attribute to dissipate
Zoologist Carla Mendez heat and survive in desert
conducted a study on the environments.
function of these large ears.
Ⓑ The study by Carla
She used thermal cameras to Mendez found that the large
observe the heat dissipation ears of the Fennec Fox assist
from the Fennec Fox's ears. in dissipating heat and
regulating body temperature,
an adaptive feature for desert
The study found that these survival.
large ears help the fox
dissipate heat and regulate Ⓒ Carla Mendez studied
body temperature. the purpose of Fennec Foxes'
large ears by observing heat
Mendez concluded that these dissipation through thermal
large ears are a crucial
adaptive feature for the fox's
survival in desert Ⓓ Carla Mendez's study
environments. found that the large ears of
Fennec Foxes, the smallest fox
species, are crucial for survival
in desert environments.

Question 27 of 27 Back Next 1/1

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