Iec 60079-11-2023
Iec 60079-11-2023
Iec 60079-11-2023
Edition 7.0 2023-01
Explosive atmospheres –
Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
IEC 60079-11:2023-01(en)
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IEC 60079-11
Edition 7.0 2023-01
Explosive atmospheres –
Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor.
FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................... 10
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 23
2 Normative references .................................................................................................... 30
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms ...................................................................... 31
3.1 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................ 31
3.2 Abbreviated terms ................................................................................................. 35
4 Equipment grouping, classification and Levels of Protection of apparatus ...................... 35
5 Ignition compliance requirements .................................................................................. 36
5.1 General ................................................................................................................. 36
5.2 Conditions for assessment .................................................................................... 36
5.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 36
5.2.2 Level of Protection "ia" .................................................................................. 37
5.2.3 Level of Protection "ib" .................................................................................. 38
5.2.4 Level of Protection "ic"................................................................................... 38
5.2.5 Non-shock hazard equipment or systems ....................................................... 39
5.3 Spark ignition compliance ..................................................................................... 39
5.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 39
5.3.2 Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib" .................................................................... 40
5.3.3 Level of Protection "ic"................................................................................... 40
5.3.4 Application of safety factors ........................................................................... 41
5.3.5 Circuits without controlled semiconductor limitation ....................................... 41
5.3.6 Circuits with controlled semiconductor limitation ............................................ 42
5.4 Thermal ignition compliance .................................................................................. 43
5.4.1 General ......................................................................................................... 43
5.4.2 Temperature of small components for Group I and Group II ........................... 43
5.4.3 Wiring within intrinsically safe apparatus for Group I and Group II ................. 43
5.4.4 PCB tracks for Group I and Group II .............................................................. 45
5.4.5 Intrinsically safe apparatus and component temperature for dusts ................. 48
5.5 Simple apparatus .................................................................................................. 48
6 Apparatus construction .................................................................................................. 49
6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 49
6.2 Enclosures ............................................................................................................ 49
6.2.1 General ......................................................................................................... 49
6.2.2 Apparatus complying with Table 7 ................................................................. 50
6.2.3 Apparatus complying with Table 8 or Table 9 ................................................. 50
6.2.4 Enclosures for Group IIIC intrinsically safe apparatus .................................... 50
6.2.5 Protection of separations ............................................................................... 50
6.3 Connection facilities for external circuits ............................................................... 51
6.3.1 Terminals ...................................................................................................... 51
6.3.2 Earth Terminals ............................................................................................. 53
6.3.3 Plugs and sockets ......................................................................................... 53
6.3.4 Permanently connected cable ........................................................................ 53
6.3.5 Connections and accessories for intrinsically safe apparatus for use in
non-hazardous area ....................................................................................... 54
6.4 Internal connections and connectors ..................................................................... 55
6.4.1 General ......................................................................................................... 55
6.4.2 Infallible connections ..................................................................................... 55
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 –3–
6.4.3 Connectors for internal connections, plug-in cards and components .............. 57
6.4.4 Earth conductors and connections ................................................................. 57
6.5 Separation of conductive parts .............................................................................. 58
6.5.1 Separations on which intrinsic safety depends ............................................... 58
6.5.2 Separation distances according to Table 7..................................................... 58
6.5.3 Reduced separation distances ....................................................................... 59
6.5.4 Failure of separations .................................................................................... 59
6.5.5 Voltage between conductive parts ................................................................. 65
6.5.6 Types of separation ....................................................................................... 65
6.5.7 Composite separations .................................................................................. 72
6.5.8 Printed circuit board assemblies .................................................................... 73
6.5.9 Separation by metal parts .............................................................................. 75
6.5.10 Separation by non-metallic insulating partitions ............................................. 75
6.5.11 Insulation of internal wiring ............................................................................ 76
6.6 Encapsulation ....................................................................................................... 76
6.6.1 General ......................................................................................................... 76
6.6.2 Encapsulation used for the exclusion of explosive atmospheres .................... 77
6.6.3 Mechanical protection to avoid access to parts .............................................. 80
6.6.4 Encapsulation used for protection of a fuse ................................................... 81
6.6.5 Encapsulation used to provide separation ...................................................... 81
6.6.6 Encapsulation used to enhance the rating of protective components .............. 81
6.6.7 Free space within the encapsulation .............................................................. 81
6.7 Specification of coating, encapsulation materials .................................................. 83
6.8 Protection against polarity reversal ....................................................................... 83
6.9 Dielectric strength requirement ............................................................................. 83
7 Characteristics and failure of components and assemblies ............................................ 84
7.1 Rating of components on which intrinsic safety depends ....................................... 84
7.2 Failure of components .......................................................................................... 84
7.3 Manufacturing variation ......................................................................................... 84
7.4 Resistors .............................................................................................................. 85
7.4.1 General ......................................................................................................... 85
7.4.2 Resistors on which intrinsic safety depends ................................................... 85
7.5 Capacitors ............................................................................................................ 86
7.5.1 General ......................................................................................................... 86
7.5.2 Capacitors on which intrinsic safety depends ................................................. 86
7.5.3 Blocking capacitors ........................................................................................ 87
7.5.4 Infallible filter capacitors ................................................................................ 87
7.6 Inductors and windings ......................................................................................... 88
7.6.1 General ......................................................................................................... 88
7.6.2 Inductors on which intrinsic safety depends ................................................... 88
7.6.3 Infallibly insulated inductors ........................................................................... 88
7.6.4 Damping windings ......................................................................................... 89
7.6.5 Common mode choke coils (EMI suppression filters) ..................................... 89
7.7 Semiconductors .................................................................................................... 90
7.7.1 Failure of semiconductors .............................................................................. 90
7.7.2 Semiconductors on which intrinsic safety depends ......................................... 91
7.7.3 Transient effects on semiconductors on which intrinsic safety depends ......... 91
7.7.4 Semiconductors in shunt voltage limiters ....................................................... 91
7.7.5 Shunt assembly on which intrinsic safety depends ......................................... 92
–4– IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
9.1.3 Test gas mixtures and spark test apparatus calibration current .................... 108
9.2 Spark ignition assessment using reference curves and tables ............................. 109
9.2.1 General ....................................................................................................... 109
9.2.2 Assessment of simple resistive circuit .......................................................... 109
9.2.3 Assessment of simple capacitive circuits ..................................................... 110
9.2.4 Assessment of Simple Inductive Circuits ...................................................... 112
9.2.5 Determination of L o /R o for resistance limited power source ......................... 113
9.2.6 Circuits with both inductance and capacitance ............................................. 114
9.3 Temperature tests ............................................................................................... 114
9.4 Mechanical tests ................................................................................................. 115
9.4.1 Casting compound ....................................................................................... 115
9.4.2 Acceptability of encapsulated or coated fuses.............................................. 115
9.4.3 Partitions ..................................................................................................... 116
9.4.4 Cable pull test ............................................................................................. 116
9.5 Current carrying capacity of infallible printed circuit board connections ............... 116
9.6 Dielectric strength tests ...................................................................................... 116
9.7 Qualification of solid insulation and distance through casting compound for
application of reduced separations ...................................................................... 116
9.7.1 General ....................................................................................................... 116
9.7.2 Preconditioning ............................................................................................ 117
9.7.3 AC power frequency voltage test ................................................................. 117
9.7.4 Partial discharge test ................................................................................... 118
9.8 Type tests for PCB coatings ................................................................................ 119
9.9 Differential Leakage current tests for signal isolators .......................................... 119
9.10 Isolator tests ....................................................................................................... 120
9.10.1 General ....................................................................................................... 120
9.10.2 Thermal conditioning and dielectric test ....................................................... 120
9.10.3 Dielectric and short circuit test ..................................................................... 121
9.11 Tests for intrinsically safe apparatus containing piezoelectric devices ................. 122
9.12 Tests for PTC devices ......................................................................................... 122
9.13 Determination of parameters of loosely specified components ............................ 123
9.14 Tests for cells, batteries and supercapacitors ..................................................... 123
9.14.1 Conditions for testing ................................................................................... 123
9.14.2 Electrolyte leakage test for cells, batteries and supercapacitors .................. 124
9.14.3 Spark ignition and surface temperature of cells, batteries or
supercapacitors ........................................................................................... 125
9.14.4 Battery container pressure tests .................................................................. 126
9.14.5 Battery resistance ........................................................................................ 126
9.15 Determination of storable energy in common mode chokes ................................. 126
9.16 Type tests for components protected by time dependent current limitation .......... 128
9.17 Transformer tests ................................................................................................ 129
9.17.1 General ....................................................................................................... 129
9.17.2 Mains transformers for Level of Protection "ia" and "ib" ............................... 130
9.17.3 Transformers galvanically isolated from the mains supply for Levels of
Protection "ia" and "ib" ................................................................................. 130
9.17.4 Transformers for Level of Protection "ic" ...................................................... 131
10 Routine verifications and tests ..................................................................................... 131
10.1 Alternative reduced spacings .............................................................................. 131
10.2 Routine tests for diode safety barriers ................................................................. 131
–6– IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
E.3.2 Additional requirements of "ia" and "ib" FISCO field devices ........................ 182
E.3.3 Additional requirement of "ic" FISCO field devices ....................................... 182
E.3.4 Terminator ................................................................................................... 182
E.3.5 Simple apparatus ......................................................................................... 182
Annex F (normative) Ignition testing of semiconductor limiting power supply circuits .......... 184
F.1 Overview............................................................................................................. 184
F.2 Initial test ............................................................................................................ 184
F.3 Subsequent tests ................................................................................................ 184
F.4 Examples of pass and fail ................................................................................... 185
Annex G (normative) Universal output characteristics ........................................................ 191
G.1 Overview............................................................................................................. 191
G.2 Linear source ...................................................................................................... 191
G.3 Non-linear source ............................................................................................... 191
G.4 Curves ................................................................................................................ 192
Annex H (informative) Examples of marking ....................................................................... 203
H.1 General ............................................................................................................... 203
H.2 Self-contained intrinsically safe apparatus .......................................................... 203
H.3 Intrinsically safe apparatus supplied by other intrinsically safe circuits ................ 203
H.4 Associated apparatus.......................................................................................... 204
H.5 Associated apparatus protected by a flameproof enclosure ................................. 204
H.6 Intrinsically safe apparatus Level of Protection "ic" ............................................. 204
H.7 Intrinsically safe apparatus Level of Protection "ib" with "ia"' outputs .................. 205
H.8 FISCO ................................................................................................................ 205
H.8.1 Power supply ............................................................................................... 205
H.8.2 Field device ................................................................................................. 205
H.8.3 Terminator ................................................................................................... 206
H.8.4 Dual marked field device ............................................................................. 206
Annex I (informative) Overview of tests on enclosures or parts of enclosures .................... 207
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 209
Figure 17 – Recommended bias circuit for Differential Leakage measurement .................... 120
Figure 18 – Inductor test circuit ........................................................................................... 127
Figure 19 – Measured oscillation ........................................................................................ 128
Figure A.1 – Resistive circuits ............................................................................................. 138
Figure A.2 – Group I capacitive circuits ............................................................................... 139
Figure A.3 – Group II capacitive circuits .............................................................................. 140
Figure A.4 – Inductive circuits of Group II ........................................................................... 141
Figure A.5 – Group I inductive circuits ................................................................................ 142
Figure A.6 – Group IIC inductive circuits ............................................................................. 143
Figure B.1 – Spark test apparatus for intrinsically safe circuits ............................................ 165
Figure B.2 – Cadmium contact disc ..................................................................................... 166
Figure B.3 – Wire holder ..................................................................................................... 166
Figure B.4 – Example of a practical design of spark test apparatus ..................................... 167
Figure B.5 – Arrangement for fusing tungsten wires ............................................................ 168
Figure C.1 – Measurement of clearance .............................................................................. 169
Figure C.2 – Measurement of composite distances ............................................................. 169
Figure C.3 – Measurement of creepage .............................................................................. 170
Figure C.4 – Composite separation including creepage ....................................................... 171
Figure C.5 – PCB with two coated components designed for ambient pressure
60 kPa to 110 kPa .............................................................................................................. 171
Figure C.6 – PCB with 3 mm slot designed for ambient pressure 60 kPa to 110 kPa ........... 172
Figure D.1 – Example circuit configuration .......................................................................... 175
Figure D.2 – Example output voltage, current, power and energy measured during a
load transient ...................................................................................................................... 179
Figure E.1 – Typical FISCO system .................................................................................... 183
Figure F.1 – Safety factor vs ignition probability .................................................................. 190
Figure G.1 – Example of an output characteristic for Group IIC ........................................... 192
Figure G.2 – Limit curve diagram for universal source characteristic − Group IIC ................ 197
Figure G.3 – Limit curve diagram for universal source characteristic – Group IIB ................ 202
Figure I.1 – Tests for enclosures or parts of enclosures for separation distances
complying with Table 7 ....................................................................................................... 207
Figure I.2 – Tests for enclosures or parts of enclosures for separation distances
complying with Table 8 or Table 9 ....................................................................................... 208
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IEC 60079-11 has been prepared by subcommittee 31G: Intrinsically safe apparatus, of IEC
technical committee 31: Equipment for explosive atmospheres. It is an International Standard.
This seventh edition cancels and replaces the sixth edition published in 2011. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 11 –
The significance of changes between IEC 60079-11, Edition 7 (2023) and IEC 60079-11,
Edition 6 (2011 + Corrigendum 1 (2012)) are as listed below:
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
A significant number of editorial changes including re- All X
structuring of sections. These are too numerous to list in
this table.
Protection of catalytic elements for Group IIC or Group IIB 1 C2
+ H 2 excluded from the scope of the standard.
Extension, with requirements, of ambient pressure down to 1 B1
60 kPa.
Modification to Table 1 showing Clause 14 of IEC 60079-0 1 X
as 'Applies'. This does not affect the technical
Definitions removed as they are now in IEC 60079-0. 3 X
(References are from Ed.6)
3.2 coating
3.3 conformal coating
3.7.1 countable fault
3.7.3 non-countable fault
3.18 recurring peak voltage
3.20 encapsulation
3.21 casting
3.23 galvanic isolation
Definitions removed as they are no longer considered 3 X
(References are from Ed.6)
3.7.2 fault
3.12 Infallible separation
Diode safety barriers no longer refers to devices that 3.1.37 X
provide galvanic isolation.
Intrinsic safety parameters and U m can have brief 3.1.9 X
transients above the stated values, and these do not need 7.7.3
to be taken into account.
New definition – spark test apparatus. 3.1.14 X
New definition – electrochemical capacitor. 3.1.15 X
New definition – transient rating. X
New definition – transient energy (previously let-through X
New definition – non-hazardous area accessory. 3.1.17 X
Clarification that it is not a requirement of this standard 5.1 X
that conformance to industrial standards be verified.
Clarification of conditions for the assessment added. 5.2.1 X
Clarification relating to the application of service 5.2.1 g) C1
Statements that Level of Protection "ia" and "ib" 5.2.3 X
requirements are always sufficient for Level of Protection
– 12 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
For Level of Protection "ic", faults are only considered for 5.2.4 C3
spark ignition assessment and the determination of U o , I o ,
L i , C i and L i /R i . A short circuit fault, and subsequent
component faults arising, are now termed non-countable
For Level of Protection "ic", the types of components on 5.2.4 X
which intrinsic safety depends are limited.
Clarification of the requirements for non-shock hazard 5.2.5 A1
equipment or systems (for example SELV / PELV) for
declaration of U m . 12.1 c)
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
Clarified that the track under component reduction factor 5.4.4 X
only applies if the portion of the track underneath the
component is greater than 10 mm.
Use of the 1,3 W limit for thermal ignition compliance for 5.4.5 X
Group III extended to include Group I.
Board thickness, copper thickness and ambient 5.4.4 X
temperature factors extended in use of Table 4.
Enclosure requirement for Groups IIIA and IIIB aligned with 6.2.1 X
Group I and Group II.
Clarification that the IEC 60079-0 enclosure requirements 6.2.4 a)1) C1
apply for Group IIIC equipment with separations according
to Table 7 (Ed 6 Table 5) that are reliant on an enclosure
providing IP5X.
Requirement for a Specific Condition of Use added when C8
use of reduced separations is reliant on an enclosure
providing IP54.
Plugs and sockets can comply with reduced separation 6.3.3 X
Use of an enclosure to protect battery charging X
connections from spark ignition (Ed.6 clause 7.4.9)
extended to include all non-hazardous area connection
It is no longer necessary to define U m for the connection X
from non-hazardous area connection facilities to 11.1.5
accessories listed in the certificate provided the accessory
is suitably marked and listed in the instructions. 12.1 j)
It is no longer necessary to assess a non-hazardous area X
accessory in accordance with this standard.
Clarification that charging of cells and batteries in the non- X
hazardous area has to be within the limits specified by
their manufacturer, and IEC 60079-0.
Conductors, connectors and PCB tracks have to be 6.4.1 C9
suitably rated for their failure to be a countable fault.
It is now a stated requirement that circuits remain 6.4.1 C1
intrinsically safe after disconnection of a connector.
It is now a requirement that infallible connections remain C10
capable of carrying the current following considered fault
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
Specific Condition of Use required when OVC II/I is C13
required for mains apparatus when using Table 9 –
Reduced separations for Level of Protection "ic".
Table 8 – Reduced separations is derived from Ed.6 Table X
F.1 but with additional requirements.
Routine tests when using Table 9 – Reduced separations X
for Level of Protection "ic" no longer have to be performed b)
at the most onerous ambient condition.
Table 9 – Reduced separations for Level of Protection "ic" X
is derived from Ed.6 Table F.2 but with additional
Additional options for infallible separations when exposing X
connection facilities.
Separations tables clarify that the voltages do not need to Table 7 X
include non-repetitive transients.
Table 8
Table 9
Determination of type and routine testing required when Table 8 C14
using reduced separations tables.
Additional separation distance options. Table 8 X
Table 9
Dielectric strength test is no longer required for all X
separations through casting compound and solid
When Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) Is unknown, a CTI X
of 100 may be assumed, and some materials are identified
as non-tracking.
Extended and clarified requirements for assessing X
creepage distances.
Two coats of conformal coating no longer required when X
Consideration of composite separations extended to 6.5.7 X
reduced distances tables.
Metal parts used for separation no longer have to be 6.5.9 X
Where metal parts connected to the frame or earth are C15
used to separate two circuits, a Specific Condition of Use
is now required.
Clarification that separation by metal parts requires C1
infallible connection.
Relaxation of requirements for non-metallic insulating 6.5.10 X
partitions for Level of Protection "ic".
Added requirements for insulation between internal wiring X
of separate intrinsically safe circuits.
Encapsulation requirements have been separated and 6.6 X
extended according to the purpose of the encapsulation.
Routine verification of encapsulation added. 6.6.1 C16
The specified COT for encapsulation shall not be exceeded 6.6.1 a) C17
in normal operation. Tighter requirements for damage to
compound for temperature greater than COT.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 15 –
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
Free space within encapsulation other than within 6.6.1 X
components is now permitted. 6.6.7
Requirements for specification of coating, encapsulation 6.7 C18
and moulding materials.
Components used to protect against polarity reversal have 6.8 C1
to be rated to 7.1.
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
Clarification that a safety factor of 1,0 is required when 7.7.3 X
assessing the transient power rating of a semiconductor on
which intrinsic safety depends.
For Level of Protection "ic", transient rating of 7.7.3 X
semiconductors is only necessary for diode safety barriers.
Where two diodes are used in a safety shunt for Level of 7.7.6 X
Protection "ia", the failure of only a single diode has been
extended to the failure of a single shunt path. This means
that the tracking from the diode to reference voltages (for
example, ground) no longer have to be infallible.
Controlled semiconductor current limitation is permitted for 7.7.7 X
Level of Protection "ia".
Clarification of the requirements for programmable 7.7.8 C1
Statement that transformers need not be considered to 7.8.1 X
increase the voltage or current beyond that defined by their
turns ratio.
Table 17 extended with a 10 A column. 7.8.3 X
Foil / screen thickness for 10 A added. 7.8.3 X
Clarification that the requirement for mains transformers C1
includes any transformer that is not galvanically isolated
from the mains.
Reduced requirements for transformers that are X
galvanically isolated from the mains.
Clarification of requirements for transformers for Level of 7.8.5 X
Protection "ic". 9.17.4
Requirements for transformers for Level of Protection "ic" 7.8.5 C22
Clarification of the rating requirements for relays. 7.9.2 X
Countable fault separation between the coil and contacts 7.9.2 a) C23
of a relay is no longer permitted.
Addition of option for relays depending on reduced 7.9.2 X
separation distances internally to comply with
IEC 61810-1.
Relays in Level of Protection "ic" need only comply with 7.9.2 X
the relevant industrial standards.
Clarified that IEC 60079-28 does not apply to self- 7.10.1 X
contained optical isolators.
Addition of options for non-optical signal isolators. 7.10.2 X
Clarified that a single fuse is sufficient. 7.11 X
Clarification that the cold resistance of a fuse cannot be 7.11 C1
used to limit the breaking current.
A fuse in Level of Protection "ic" shall be considered an 7.11 C24
ignition risk if its opening is an expected occurrence.
Clarification that the breaking capacity of fuses connected 7.11 C25
to U m may be less than 1 500 A provided that the 12.1 j)
maximum prospective current is stated in the instructions.
Cells which may explode no longer require a statement 7.12.1 X
from the manufacturer of the cell that they are safe for use
in any particular apparatus.
Clarification that temperature rise and electrolyte leakage 7.12.1 C1
should be considered for cells.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 17 –
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
Clarification that short circuit of a single cell is considered 7.12.1 C1
a non-countable fault.
Demonstration of the concentration of hydrogen can come 7.12.4 X
from the manufacturer, rather than the manufacturer of the
Containers for sealed cells and batteries no longer need 7.12.4 X
the pressure test of 9.14.4.
Clarification of conditions for determining cell voltages 7.12.5 X
Clarified that the requirements only apply to replaceable 7.12.8 X
Crystal oscillators are excluded from the requirements for 7.13 X
piezoelectric devices, and there are extended requirements
for Level of Protection "ic".
Clarified that thermal assessment of catalytic sensors shall 7.14.2 C1
take into account heating due to the catalytic reaction.
Clarification that supercapacitors shall be treated as 7.15 C26
batteries with a limited capacity but without the ability to
limit their own voltage. 9.14
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
Test temperature for immersion in water for encapsulated 9.4.2 X
fuses has been lowered by 2 °C for compatibility with other
Parameters for loosely specified components shall be 9.13 X
determined taking into account the service temperature,
not just the ambient temperature.
Clarification and modification of the tests for optical 9.10 X
Clarified that tests on piezoelectric devices need be 9.11 X
performed on only a single sample, unless that sample is
damaged during the testing.
Clarified that primary cells shall be unused and limiting 9.14.1 X
devices shall be removed for the electrolyte leakage test.
Clarified that the current shall be continuous when 9.14.1 C1
discharging during the tests.
Cells that have essential features that limit their current 9.14.1 X
may be used for Level of Protection "ia".
Cells that explode or catch fire during short circuit test 9.14.1 X
shall not be used for Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib".
Electrolyte leakage and surface temperature test 9.14.1 C28
requirements for cells and batteries modified to cover the
number of samples tested, the test temperature, and
testing with dust layers.
Added option to conduct short circuit until discharge 9.14.2 a) X
testing for Level of Protection "ic" to establish compliance
with the electrolyte leakage requirement.
Added alternative assessment of damage to encapsulation 9.14.2 X
from leaked electrolyte.
Spark ignition of batteries may be carried out following X
current limitation where separation is maintained.
Requirement added to consider the spark ignition risk of C29
single lithium cells of less than 4,5 V with high short circuit
For single cells, it is sufficient to measure the temperature X
in the middle of the cell rather than having to locate the
highest temperature point.
For thermal ignition assessment of cells and batteries with b) X
Level of Protection "ib", added an alternative test for 9.14.2
lithium-ion rechargeable cells where it is not possible to
obtain samples with current limiting devices disabled.
There is an assumption that these cells will leak electrolyte
so 7.12.3 applies.
Where limiting devices are removed from a cell for testing, X
it is no longer necessary to also test with 10 samples with
the limiting devices still in place.
Only a single sample need be tested for thermal ignition c) X
compliance testing of cells or batteries for Level of
Protection "ic".
Transient test for diode safety barriers and safety shunts 9.16 X
has been extended to include controlled semiconductor
current limitation.
Clarify that transformer dielectric strength test is a test at 9.17.1 X
room temperature.
Reduced testing requirements for transformers that are 9.17.2 X
galvanically isolated from the mains.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 19 –
Explanation of the significance of changes Clause Minor and Extension Major
editorial technical
changes changes
Transformer windings requiring galvanic separation 10.3.1 C30
between different intrinsically safe circuits are to be tested
for a dielectric strength of 2U if that is greater than 500 V.
Transformers for Level of Protection "ic" shall be routine 10.2.2 C31
tested where there is no applicable industrial standard, or
the applicable industrial standard does not specify a
routine test.
Marking of IP rating no longer required as this is now a 11 X
Specific Condition of Use.
Flowchart for testing of enclosures added. Annex I X
List of voltage limiting techniques has been deleted. former 8.7.3 A3
Requirements for handlights and caplights removed as former 9.3 X
these are covered elsewhere (including in other
NOTE The technical changes referred to include the significance of technical changes in the revised IEC Standard,
but they do not form an exhaustive list of all modifications from the previous version.
A) Definitions
These are changes which modify requirements in an editorial or a minor technical way. They
include changes of the wording to clarify technical requirements without any technical change,
or a reduction in level of existing requirement.
These are changes which add new or modify existing technical requirements, in a way that new
options are given, but without increasing requirements for equipment that was fully compliant
with the previous standard. Therefore, these will not have to be considered for products in
conformity with the preceding edition.
These are changes to technical requirements (addition, increase of the level or removal) made
in a way that a product in conformity with the preceding edition will not always be able to fulfil
the requirements given in the later edition. These changes have to be considered for products
in conformity with the preceding edition. For these changes additional information is provided
in clause B) below.
NOTE These changes represent current technological knowledge. However, these changes should not normally
have an influence on equipment already placed on the market.
– 20 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Full information on the voting for its approval can be found in the report on voting indicated in
the above table.
This document supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0, except as
indicated in Table 1.
The language used for the development of this International Standard is English.
This document was drafted in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, and developed in
accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, IEC Supplement, available
at The main document types developed by IEC are
described in greater detail at
A list of all parts of the IEC 60079 series, under the general title: Explosive atmospheres, can
be found on the IEC website.
– 22 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under "" in the data related to
the specific document. At this date, the document will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
IMPORTANT – The "colour inside" logo on the cover page of this document indicates
that it contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding
of its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a colour printer.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 23 –
1 Scope
This part of IEC 60079 specifies the construction and testing of intrinsically safe apparatus
intended for use in explosive atmospheres, and for associated apparatus which is intended for
connection to intrinsically safe circuits which enter such atmospheres.
This Type of Protection is applicable to electrical equipment in which the electrical circuits
themselves are incapable of causing ignition of a surrounding explosive atmosphere. This
includes electrical equipment which contains circuits that are intrinsically safe only under certain
conditions, for example under battery supply with mains supply removed.
This document is also applicable to electrical equipment or parts of electrical equipment located
outside the explosive atmosphere or protected by another Type of Protection listed in
IEC 60079-0, where the intrinsic safety of the electrical circuits in the explosive atmosphere
may depend upon the design and construction of such electrical equipment or parts of such
electrical equipment. The electrical circuits exposed to the explosive atmosphere are assessed
for use in such atmospheres by applying this document.
This document applies to sensors connected to intrinsically safe circuits but does not apply to
the protection of catalytic elements for Group IIC or Group IIB + H 2 .
The requirements for intrinsically safe systems are provided in IEC 60079-25.
This document supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0, except as
indicated in Table 1. Where a requirement of this document conflicts with a requirement of
IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this document takes precedence.
Unless otherwise stated, the requirements in this document are applicable to both intrinsically
safe apparatus and associated apparatus, and the generic term "apparatus" is used throughout
the standard.
As this document applies only to electrical equipment, the term "equipment" used in the
standard always means "electrical equipment".
This document applies to apparatus for use under the atmospheric conditions of IEC 60079-0
with additional requirements for use at extended atmospheric pressures in the range from
60 kPa (0,6 bar), up to 110 kPa (1,1 bar).
– 24 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
NOTE 1 The applicable Clauses / Subclauses of IEC 60079-0 are identified by the Clause / Subclause title which
is normative. This document was written against the specific requirements of IEC 60079-0:2017 (Ed.7). The Clause
/ Subclause numbers for the 7 th and previous edition are shown for information only. This is to enable the general
requirements of IEC 60079-0:2011 (Ed.6) to be used where necessary with this part of IEC 60079. Where there
were no requirements in the 6 th edition but there are for the 7 th edition (indicated by NR against the 6 th edition
only), or where there is a conflict between requirements, the later edition requirements take precedence.
NOTE 2 A shaded row in the above table indicates that this is a Clause heading. In cases where the applicability
is the same for all the subclauses the 'Applies' or 'Excluded' is listed in the heading row and the subclauses are not
expanded. Where the application of the individual sub-clauses may be different, these are expanded in the above
table and the applicability for each is listed.
a Excluded except when is applied, or as required by 9.4.1 or 9.11.
b Excluded for simple apparatus. See 3.1.5 and 5.5.
– 30 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
IEC 60079-7, Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety "e"
IEC 60079-25, Explosive atmospheres – Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical systems
IEC 60112, Method for the determination of the proof and the comparative tracking indices of
solid insulating materials
IEC 60317-0-1, Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 0-1: General
requirements – Enamelled round copper wire
IEC 60664-1, Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage supply systems – Part 1:
Principles, requirements and tests
IEC 60664-3, Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems – Part 3: Use of
coating, potting or moulding for protection against pollution
IEC 60747-17, Semiconductor devices – Part 17: Magnetic and capacitive coupler for basic and
reinforced insulation
IEC 61010-1, Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and
laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements
IEC 61810-1, Electromechanical elementary relays – Part 1: General and safety requirements
IEC 62133-2, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes –
Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for
use in portable applications – Part 2: Lithium systems
ANSI/UL 746E, Polymeric Materials – Industrial Laminates, Filament Wound Tubing, Vulcanized
Fibre, and Materials Used In Printed Wiring Boards
DIN VDE V 0884-11, Semiconductor devices – Part 11: Magnetic and capacitive coupler for
basic and reinforced isolation
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60079-0 and the
following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following
intrinsic safety "i"
Type of Protection based on the restriction of electrical energy within equipment and of
interconnecting wiring exposed to the explosive atmosphere to a level below that which can
cause ignition by either sparking or heating effects
intrinsically safe apparatus
electrical equipment in which all the circuits are intrinsically safe circuits whilst in the hazardous
associated apparatus
electrical apparatus which contains both intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits and
is constructed so that the non-intrinsically safe circuits cannot adversely affect the intrinsically
safe circuits
intrinsically safe circuit
circuit, in which any spark or any thermal effect produced under the conditions specified in
IEC 60079-11, which include normal operation and specified fault conditions, is not capable of
causing ignition of a given explosive atmosphere
simple apparatus
electrical component or combination of components of simple construction with well-defined
electrical parameters that is compatible with the intrinsic safety of the circuit in which it is used
– 32 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
control drawing
document that is prepared by the manufacturer for the intrinsically safe or associated apparatus,
detailing the electrical parameters to allow for interconnections to other circuits or apparatus
diode safety barrier
associated apparatus, which does not provide galvanic isolation, incorporating shunt diodes or
diode chains (including Zener diodes) protected by fuses or resistors or a combination of these,
manufactured as an individual apparatus rather than as part of a larger apparatus
fuse rating
nominal current rating of a fuse
Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept
intrinsically safe system architecture which is bus-powered and designed in accordance with
specific requirements
Note 1 to entry: The requirements are specified in IEC 61158-2, Industrial communication networks – Fieldbus
specifications – Part 2: Physical layer specification and service definition.
infallible connection
connections, including joints and interconnecting wiring and printed circuit board tracks, that
are not considered as becoming open-circuited in service or storage
Note 1 to entry: The specific conditions to be considered are specified in IEC 60079-11, Explosive atmospheres –
Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i".
internal wiring
wiring and electrical connections that are made within the apparatus by its manufacturer
live maintenance
maintenance activities carried out while the associated apparatus, intrinsically safe apparatus
and circuits are energized
intrinsic safety parameters
Note 1 to entry: Voltage, current and power at connection facilities may have brief transients above the specified
parameter value, as permitted by IEC 60079-11.
Note 2 to entry: Apparatus can have multiple sets of intrinsic safety parameters.
maximum input voltage
maximum (peak) voltage that can be applied to the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the
apparatus without invalidating intrinsic safety
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 33 –
maximum input current
maximum (peak) current for the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the apparatus, that can
be taken from external circuits connected to the connection facilities without invalidating
intrinsic safety
maximum input power
maximum power for the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the apparatus, that can be taken
from external circuits connected to the connection facilities without invalidating intrinsic safety
maximum internal capacitance
maximum equivalent internal capacitance of the apparatus, which is considered as appearing
at the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the apparatus
maximum internal inductance
maximum equivalent internal inductance of the apparatus which is considered as appearing at
the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the apparatus
L i /R i
maximum internal inductance to resistance ratio
maximum value of the ratio of inductance to resistance which is considered as appearing at the
intrinsically safe connection facilities of the apparatus
maximum output voltage
maximum (peak) voltage that can appear at the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the
maximum output current
maximum (peak) current that can be taken from the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the
maximum output power
maximum electrical power that can be taken from the intrinsically safe connection facilities of
the apparatus
maximum external capacitance
maximum capacitance that can be connected to the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the
apparatus without invalidating intrinsic safety
– 34 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
maximum external inductance
maximum inductance that can be connected to the intrinsically safe connection facilities of the
apparatus without invalidating intrinsic safety
L o /R o
maximum external inductance to resistance ratio
maximum value of the ratio of inductance to resistance which can be connected to the
intrinsically safe connection facilities of the apparatus without invalidating intrinsic safety
maximum RMS AC or DC voltage
maximum voltage that can be applied to the non-intrinsically safe connection facilities of
associated apparatus, or to the connection facilities of intrinsically safe apparatus for use only
in the non-hazardous area, without invalidating intrinsic safety
EXAMPLE Examples of connection facilities of intrinsically safe apparatus restricted to use in the non-hazardous
area are battery charging contacts and data interfaces.
Note 1 to entry: The value of U m can be different at different sets of connection facilities, and can be different for
AC and DC voltages.
process of placing an object in a tool with a shaping cavity and introducing plastic material
around the inserted component under pressure to either partially or totally encapsulate the
inserted component
Note 1 to entry: This process is also referred to as injection moulding, over-moulding or insert moulding.
spark test apparatus
apparatus used to verify experimentally that the electrical sparks of a circuit are incapable of
igniting a specified explosive gas atmosphere
electrochemical capacitor
device that stores electrical energy using a double layer in an electrochemical cell
Note 1 to entry: The electrochemical capacitor is not to be confused with electrolytic capacitor.
transient rating
rating of a component related to transient effects
transient energy
energy delivered by a circuit above the steady state condition
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 35 –
non-hazardous area accessory
<intrinsic safety>
electrical equipment to which intrinsically safe apparatus is temporarily connected by the end
user, only while the intrinsically safe apparatus is in a non-hazardous area
controlled semiconductor
semiconductor component with an output that can be switched or adjusted using a separate
electrical input
Note 1 to entry: The inputs and outputs referred to above may form part of an integrated circuit.
Intrinsically safe apparatus and intrinsically safe circuits of associated apparatus shall be
grouped in accordance with the equipment grouping requirements of IEC 60079-0.
Intrinsically safe apparatus shall have a maximum surface temperature or temperature class
assigned in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60079-0. Temperature classification does
not apply to associated apparatus.
NOTE Equipment containing associated apparatus protected by another Type of Protection will be assigned
temperature class and equipment group according to the requirements of that Type of Protection. The equipment
group for this equipment can be different to the group for intrinsic safety, for example equipment marked Ex db [ia
IIC Ga] IIB T4 Gb.
– 36 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Intrinsically safe apparatus and intrinsically safe circuits of associated apparatus shall be
assigned one or more of the following Levels of Protection:
The requirements of this document apply to all Levels of Protection unless otherwise stated.
Apparatus may be specified with more than one Level of Protection, equipment group, or
temperature class, and may have different intrinsic safety parameters for these varied cases.
5.1 General
1) intrinsically safe circuits shall meet the spark ignition requirements of 5.3; and
2) intrinsically safe apparatus shall meet the thermal ignition requirements of 5.4.
These shall be assessed under the conditions specified in 5.2 for the applicable Level of
Protection, equipment group and, for intrinsically safe apparatus only, maximum surface
Intrinsic safety parameters, U m and, if required by 5.2.5, the maximum rated voltage for
apparatus, may be assigned for each of the connection facilities.
NOTE IEC 60079-14 specifies the types of circuits or power supplies which are suitable for associated apparatus
with a U m of less than 250 V.
Where instructions for live maintenance procedures are specified by the manufacturer, the
effects of this live maintenance shall not invalidate intrinsic safety. (See 12.1 d) ).
Except for 9.6 a), where it is stated that industrial standards are sufficient to meet the
requirements of this document, it is not a requirement of this document that compliance with
those industrial standards be verified.
5.2.1 General
Intrinsically safe circuits shall not be capable of causing ignition under the most onerous
conditions, except where permitted elsewhere in this document. This shall include, but is not
limited to, the following:
a) under the circumstances specified in 5.2.2, 5.2.3 or 5.2.4 as applicable for the Level of
b) with any voltage up to U m applied to non-intrinsically safe connection facilities, except as
modified by 5.2.5;
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 37 –
NOTE Rating of a component is assessed without faults applied to the component, whereas its thermal ignition
compliance is assessed with the most onerous faults according to Clause 7 applied to the component;
h) with the most onerous values of any relevant parameters applied within the manufacturing
tolerances of the apparatus (see 7.3).
Where a fault can lead to a subsequent fault or faults, then the primary and subsequent faults
shall be considered to be a single fault. Within a single fault scenario, all countable and non-
countable faults shall be considered static. For example, once a short circuit component fault
is applied, this failure mode shall be maintained throughout the entire fault scenario.
For determination of the maximum surface temperature, a safety factor of 1,0 shall be applied
to voltage and power.
Intrinsically safe circuits in Level of Protection "ia" shall be assessed in each of the following
In assessing the circuits for spark ignition, the following safety factors shall be applied in
accordance with 5.3.4:
If only one countable fault can occur, the requirements of d) need not be considered.
If no countable fault can occur, the requirements of c) and d) need not be considered.
Designs which conform to the requirements for Level of Protection "ia" are also suitable for
Levels of Protection "ib" and "ic".
Intrinsically safe circuits in Level of Protection "ib" shall be assessed in each of the following
In assessing the circuits for spark ignition, a safety factor of 1,5 shall be applied in accordance
with 5.3.4.
Designs which conform to the requirements for Level of Protection "ib" are suitable for Level of
Protection "ic".
Intrinsically safe circuits in Level of Protection "ic" shall be assessed in each of the following
– define voltage or current for the purposes of spark ignition compliance, including
components used to protect other components on which intrinsic safety depends,
– define U o or I o , or
– provide protection against polarity reversal in accordance with 6.8.
If applicable, P o and P i shall be determined under the most onerous normal operating
In assessing the circuits for spark ignition, a safety factor of 1,0 shall be applied in accordance
with 5.3.4.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 39 –
Equipment or systems that are limited to extra low voltage and are designed according to other
standards or regulations to prevent the risk of electric shock that might be hazardous to human
health may be considered non-shock hazard equipment or systems.
Where this document requires the application of U m between connection facilities that are not
galvanically isolated from each other, it is permitted to only consider application of the
manufacturer's maximum rated voltage, providing the following requirements are met:
NOTE 2 In this case the voltage across the galvanic isolation is typically referred to as common mode.
EXAMPLE 2 A serial data port is declared to have a U m of 250 V AC RMS , but with a maximum voltage between any
two pins of the data port of 6 V. The circuit is assessed with 6 V differential mode applied between any two data port
pins, but with 250 V AC RMS common mode applied between the data port and galvanically isolated circuits (such as
earth or the intrinsically safe circuits). The Specific Conditions of Use would state that the voltage applied to the
serial data port connections is a maximum of 6 V and that only equipment complying with IEC 62368-1 may be used.
Any galvanic isolation between the circuit of the data port and the intrinsically safe circuit would require separations
for U m (so in this example, 250 V AC RMS ).
5.3.1 General
Intrinsically safe circuits shall be assessed to ensure that at each point where an interruption
or interconnection exposed to the explosive atmosphere is considered to occur, the available
spark energy is incapable of causing ignition of the explosive atmosphere for the specified
equipment group under the conditions and safety factors specified in 5.2 for the Level of
Protection of the circuit.
NOTE The term "spark" is used throughout this document to refer to a make or break of the circuit under test. It is
not necessary for such a make or break to produce a visible spark.
Spark ignition shall be assessed, except where stated otherwise in this document, as follows:
b) at the connection facilities of intrinsically safe circuits, including connection of the applicable
C o , L o and L o /R o specified for the connection facility. Unless stated otherwise in the
instructions, C o and L o are applied separately when assessing the connection facility.
For Group III circuits, the energy limits of Group IIB shall be applied.
Spark ignition assessment may use representative circuits that are at least as onerous for spark
ignition as the actual circuit under assessment.
– spark ignition from a capacitor limited by a resistor complying with 7.4.2 can be considered as a resistive circuit
with a fixed voltage;
– all the capacitors in a part of a circuit can be represented by a single capacitor equivalent to the sum of
Spark ignition testing conducted according to 9.1 at normal ambient temperatures, and the
ignition data in Annex A and Annex G may be used, where the service temperature is between
−60 °C and 100 °C. No additional safety factors or consideration of heating due to faults within
the apparatus are required. Equipment designed for use in service temperatures outside this
range shall be subject to special investigation.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", spark ignition assessment shall be applied to the
following, except where stated otherwise in this document:
Spark ignition assessment (for example, application of the spark test apparatus) shall be carried
out after the application of faults as specified in 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 and shall not add further to the
fault count.
For Level of Protection "ic", spark ignition assessment shall be applied to the following, except
where stated otherwise in this document:
a) across any separation of conductive parts whose failure is considered a non-countable fault
according to 6.5.4; and
b) in place of all or any part of components that are operated in excess of their manufacturer's
specification under normal operating conditions.
Transients resulting from the application of U m , which do not occur in normal operation (for
example, as a result of a failure in the power supply), shall not be considered for the purposes
of spark ignition compliance.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 41 –
Where a safety factor of 1,0 is required by 5.2 for spark ignition assessment, it shall be obtained
by one of the following methods:
a) using the columns for safety factor of 1,0 in the tables in Annex A;
b) using the curves in Annex A;
c) using Annex G without removing the 1,5 safety factor; or
d) testing according to 9.1 using test mixtures according to
Where a safety factor of 1,5 is required by 5.2 for spark ignition assessment, it shall be obtained
by one of the following methods:
a) using the columns for safety factor of 1,5 in the tables in Annex A.
b) using the curves in Annex A or the columns for safety factor 1,0 in the tables in Annex A
where, prior to the application of the curves or tables:
1) for inductive circuits the current is increased by a factor of 1,5;
2) for capacitive circuits the voltage is increased by a factor of 1,5; or
3) for resistive circuits, the current is increased by a factor of 1,5, or, as a conservative
alternative, the voltage may instead be increased by a factor of 1,5.
c) using Annex G (the limit curves of which already include a safety factor of 1,5);
d) testing according to 9.1 applying one of the following:
1) starting with the current and voltage under the conditions specified in 5.2 and testing
using the test mixtures specified in
– for inductive and resistive circuits, so far as practical the current is increased to 1,5
times the assessed current by decreasing the values of limiting resistance; where it
is not practical to obtain the 1,5 safety factor in this way, the voltage is increased
until the required current is obtained; or
– for capacitive circuits, the voltage is increased by a factor of 1,5.
2) where d) 1) is not practical, the use of more ignitable test mixtures according to;
e) using Annex F (which applies the safety factor to the gas mixture).
NOTE The purpose of the application of a safety factor is to ensure either that a type test or theoretical assessment
is carried out with a circuit which is demonstrably more likely to cause ignition than the original, or that the original
circuit is tested in a more readily ignited gas mixture. In general, it is not possible to obtain exact equivalence between
different methods of achieving a specified safety factor, but the methods stated in this document provide acceptable
Circuits for which intrinsic safety does not depend on controlled semiconductor limitation shall
be assessed using one of the following:
d) for linear output characteristic, using Annex G for linear sources of power; or
– 42 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
e) for trapezoidal output characteristic, using Annex G for rectangular sources of power.
NOTE A circuit assessed using the reference curves and tables of Annex A might cause ignition when tested using
the spark test apparatus. Nevertheless, the tables can still be used for assessment because the sensitivity of the
spark test apparatus varies, and the curves and tables are derived from a large number of such tests.
Circuits for which intrinsic safety depends on the operation of controlled semiconductor
limitation shall be assessed to ensure spark ignition compliance both in the steady state
condition where limitation is not activated and for the transient response when the limitation is
In both of these cases the assessment shall consider the worst-case load that the application
is expected to encounter under the conditions specified in 5.2 both for the limiting circuit and
the load. This load might be a resistance, a fixed voltage load (such as a Zener) or a constant
current source load, in combination with the inductance and capacitance that may be present
under these conditions.
Where the transient response of the limitation is tested using the spark test apparatus (either
using 9.1 or Annex F), the circuit shall be arranged to ensure that it fully resets during the test
between each main break and following make of the spark test apparatus. Make and break
caused by bouncing of the tungsten wire on the cadmium disk need not be considered. The test
may be carried out on a representative circuit where the reset time has been reduced from that
of a production circuit.
Where connection facility parameters are limited by circuits with controllable semiconductor
limitation, U o and I o shall be calculated from the steady state limits, and not the peak of the
transient response.
Assessment may involve one or more of the following, as applicable, to demonstrate steady
state and transient response compliance.
Different methods may be used for steady state and transient response. Switching controlled
semiconductor limitation shall not trigger or trip during any test used to demonstrate steady
state compliance.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 43 –
5.4.1 General
All surfaces of intrinsically safe apparatus that come into contact with explosive atmospheres
shall be assessed to ensure that, under the conditions specified in 5.2, the apparatus complies
with the maximum surface temperature requirements of IEC 60079-0 as modified by:
The assessment shall be made without any additional factor required by IEC 60079-0 on the
input voltage, current or power other than those required by this document.
Where the maximum power dissipation in tracks or wiring does not exceed 1,3 W, they shall be
considered acceptable for a temperature classification of T4, or for Group I at a maximum
ambient temperature of 40 °C. Where dust is excluded and the maximum power dissipation in
the track or wiring does not exceed 3,3 W, they shall be considered suitable for Group I at a
maximum ambient temperature of 40 °C. When using this assessment at ambient temperatures
greater than 40 °C, these power limits shall be derated as specified in IEC 60079-0 for
assessment of temperature classification for component surface area ≥ 20 mm 2 .
Requirements for small component temperature for Group I or Group II electrical equipment of
IEC 60079-0 apply, and the test requirements are provided in the small component ignition test
of IEC 60079-0.
The 5 K and 10 K margin required by IEC 60079-0 in the type tests for determining maximum
surface temperature applies to surface temperature requirements for and for Level
of Protection "ic".
The 5 K and 10 K margin required by IEC 60079-0 does not apply for surface temperature
requirements for Levels of Protection "ia" or "ib" when the table for assessment of temperature
classification according to component size for small components in IEC 60079-0 is used,
otherwise, the margin applies.
5.4.3 Wiring within intrinsically safe apparatus for Group I and Group II
The maximum permissible current corresponding to the maximum wire temperature due to self-
heating shall either be taken from Table 3 for copper wires or can be calculated from the
following equation for metals in general.
( t − Ta ) (1 + α (T − Ta ) )
I = If
(T − Ta ) (1 + α ( t − Ta ) )
α is the temperature coefficient of resistance of the wire material at T a in K -1 ;
I is the maximum permissible current RMS, in amperes;
If is the current, in amperes, at which the wire melts in an ambient temperature T a ;
T is the melting temperature of the wire material in degrees Celsius (1 083 °C for copper,
1 064 °C for gold);
– 44 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Where the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material is specified at an ambient other
than T a , α a at T a can be determined as follows:
αa =
+ (Ta − Tr )
Where the melting current of the wire is available at a different ambient temperature to T a (for
example, where the manufacturer of the wire specifies the melting current in the wire in an
ambient of 20 °C),
(T − Ta )
I f = Ir
(T − Tr )
Ir is the current, in amperes, at which the wire melts in an ambient temperature T r
EXAMPLE fine copper wire with a surface area less than 20 mm 2 (Temperature class = T4)
α = 0,004 27 K –1
I f = 1,6 A (determined experimentally or specified by the wire manufacturer)
T = 1 083 °C
T a = 40 °C
1 Temperature coefficient of resistance of copper” by D.H Dellinger, Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards Vol 7 No 1
page 89, November 1910.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 45 –
mm mm 2 A
T1 to T4 and T5 T6
Group I
0,035 0,000 962 0,53 0,48 0,43
0,05 0,001 96 1,04 0,93 0,84
0,1 0,007 85 2,1 1,9 1,7
0,2 0,031 4 3,7 3,3 3,0
0,35 0,096 2 6,4 5,6 5,0
0,5 0,196 7,7 6,9 6,7
a Diameter and cross-sectional area are the nominal dimensions specified by the wire manufacturer.
The value given for maximum permissible current, in amperes, is the RMS AC or DC value.
For stranded conductors, the cross-sectional area is taken as the total area of all strands of the conductor.
The table also applies to flexible circuit boards and flexible flat conductors, such as a ribbon cable, but not to rigid
circuit conductors.
The temperature classification of PCB tracks exposed to the explosive atmosphere shall be
determined using available analytical techniques and data or by testing. In all cases, the
maximum continuous current shall be used to determine the temperature classification of a
track. Tracks with lengths of 10 mm or less shall be disregarded for temperature classification
purposes. Manufacturing tolerances shall not reduce the track width, board thickness or
conductor thickness values determined in accordance with these requirements by more than
10 % or 1 mm, whichever is the smaller.
Where the tracks are made of copper, the temperature classification may be determined using
Table 4. The values found in the table shall be adjusted depending on the actual board
thickness, number of track layers, copper conductor thickness, ambient temperature, and
whether the track passes under components dissipating more than 0,25 W. When applying
Table 4 and the associated adjustment factors, linear interpolation between current, track width,
track thickness, ambient temperature, and board thickness values is allowed. No extrapolation
of any values or adjustment factors is allowed. The maximum permissible current I P is
calculated as shown below:
IP =I × λB × λL × λT × λC × λA
I is the maximum permissible current for temperature classification found in Table 4;
λB is the board thickness factor;
λL is the number of layers factor;
λT is the copper thickness factor;
λC is the under component factor;
λA is the ambient temperature factor.
– 46 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
To find the maximum permissible current for a T5 (T amb = 60 °C) rating of a 1 mm wide track that is greater than 10
mm in length on a two-layer circuit board with board thickness of 1,55 mm and copper conductor thickness of 18 µm
that does not pass under power dissipating components.
Table 4 maximum permissible current for T5 (T amb = 40 °C) of a 1 mm wide track I = 4,8 A
The value given for maximum permissible current, in amperes, is the RMS AC or DC value.
This table applies to PCBs 1,55 mm or thicker with a single layer of copper of 33 μm thickness. The values found
in the table shall be adjusted by multiplying the maximum permissible current found above by each of the factors
1 1,00 (°C) T4 T5 T6
2 0,67 40 1,00 1,00 1,00
>2 0,50 60 0,83 0,83 0,83
80 0,77 0,64 0,40
70 1,30
51 1,20
33 1,00
18 0,67
a Applies to tracks passing under components dissipating 0,25 W or more, either normally or under fault
conditions, where the section of track passing under the component exceeds a length of 10 mm.
– 48 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
The temperature considered for thermal ignition compliance shall be that of the surface of the
intrinsically safe apparatus that is in contact with the dust.
EXAMPLE 1 For intrinsically safe apparatus protected by an enclosure providing a degree of protection of at least
IP5X, the surface temperature of the enclosure is measured regardless of whether the enclosure requirements of
IEC 60079-0 identified in Table 1 have been applied.
EXAMPLE 2 For EPL Da, or EPL Db with a specified layer of dust, with an enclosure that does not meet 6.2.4 a),
the test of is performed with the enclosure filled with dust and the balance of the 200 mm external to the
enclosure. The temperature is measured on the surface of the cell.
As an alternative to assessment of the surface temperature, for the purpose of thermal ignition
compliance for Groups I or III, intrinsically safe apparatus shall be considered suitable for total
immersion, or an uncontrolled dust layer thickness, if the maximum power dissipation in any
component under the conditions specified in 5.2 is in accordance with Table 5, and the
continuous short circuit current is less than 250 mA. In this case, for Group III, the intrinsically
safe apparatus shall be marked for a maximum surface temperature of 135 °C for an
uncontrolled dust layer thickness.
NOTE The 250 mA level is to address the risk of thermal ignition from wires or tracks.
a) passive components, for example, switches, junction boxes, resistors and simple
semiconductor devices;
b) sources of stored energy consisting of single components in simple circuits with well-defined
parameters, for example, capacitors or inductors, whose values shall be considered when
determining the overall safety of the system; and
c) sources of generated energy, for example, thermocouples and photocells, which do not
generate more than 1,5 V, 100 mA and 25 mW.
Simple apparatus shall conform to all relevant requirements of this document with the exception
of Clause 11 and the manufacturer's responsibility requirement of IEC 60079-0. The
manufacturer or intrinsically safe system designer shall demonstrate compliance, including
material data sheets and test reports, if applicable.
Where simple apparatus forms part of an apparatus containing other electrical circuits, the
whole shall be assessed according to the requirements of this document, including apparatus
that complies with 5.5 c).
NOTE 1 Sensors which utilize catalytic reaction or other electro-chemical mechanisms are not normally simple
NOTE 2 It is not a requirement of this document that the simple apparatus manufacturer's specifications, such as
electrical and thermal rating, be verified.
6 Apparatus construction
6.1 General
The requirements given in this clause apply, unless otherwise stated in the relevant subclauses,
only to those features of apparatus on which intrinsic safety depends.
EXAMPLE The requirements for encapsulation with casting compound apply only if it is required to satisfy
or 6.6.
6.2 Enclosures
6.2.1 General
The degree of protection required will vary according to the intended use; for example, an
enclosure providing a degree of protection of at least IP54 in accordance with IEC 60529 might
be required for Group I and Group III apparatus.
NOTE It is not a requirement of this document that the suitability for the intended use and environmental conditions
be verified.
The enclosure for protection against contact with live parts may be physically different from that
for ingress protection.
The designation of the surfaces of the enclosure relevant to intrinsic safety shall be recorded
in the documentation according to the documentation requirements of IEC 60079-0 and in the
user instructions (See 12.1 f)).
Any specific requirements for entries into enclosures, for example for IP rating, shall be
provided in the manufacturer's instructions.
Enclosures for intrinsically safe apparatus for Group I, Group II, Group IIIA, and Group IIIB,
which rely on the separation requirements in Table 7 or the reduced separation distances of
Table 8 or Table 9, shall meet the requirements of 6.2.2 or 6.2.3 as applicable. See Annex I for
additional information.
Enclosures for intrinsically safe apparatus for Group IIIC shall meet the requirements of 6.2.4.
– 50 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Enclosures for associated apparatus (or parts thereof) for all equipment groups which rely on
the separation requirements in Table 7 or the reduced separation distances of Table 8 or
Table 9 shall meet the requirements of 6.2.2 or 6.2.3 as applicable.
Parts of apparatus relying on the separation requirements of Table 7 shall be provided with an
enclosure providing a degree of ingress protection of at least IP2X in accordance with
IEC 60529.
The enclosure does not need to be subjected to the tests for enclosures in IEC 60079-0, except
that for portable or personal equipment, the drop test of IEC 60079-0 still applies.
Parts of apparatus relying on the reduced separation requirements of Table 8 or Table 9 shall
be provided with protection for the separations on which intrinsic safety depends by one of the
a) The enclosure shall provide a degree of ingress protection of at least IP54 according to
IEC 60529 and meet the requirements of
b) The separations shall be protected according to
c) For fixed installations, an enclosure providing a degree of protection of at least IP2X
according to IEC 60529 and restricted to installation and use in environments providing
pollution degree 2 or 1 according to IEC 60664-1. The enclosure does not need to be
subjected to the tests for enclosures in IEC 60079-0. The certificate number shall include
the "X" suffix in accordance with the marking requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the Specific
Conditions of Use listed on the certificate shall detail the restricted installation conditions.
EXAMPLE "Equipment shall only be used in controlled environments which achieve pollution degree 2 as
defined in IEC 60664-1." (Only non-conductive pollution occurs except that occasionally a temporary conductivity
caused by condensation is to be expected).
Parts of apparatus relying on the separation requirements of Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9, shall
be provided with protection for the separations on which intrinsic safety depends by one of the
a) The enclosure shall provide at least the degree of protection given in 1) or 2) below and
meet the requirements of;
1) Where separation is accomplished by meeting the requirements for clearance or
creepage distances of Table 7, at least IP5X according to IEC 60529.
2) Where the separation is accomplished by meeting the requirements for clearance or
creepage distances of Table 8 or Table 9, at least IP54 according to IEC 60529.
b) The separations shall be protected according to
Separations may be protected to satisfy 6.2.3 b) or 6.2.4 a) by the use of an enclosure providing
the specified IP rating, after the requirements according to IEC 60079-0 as identified in Table 1
have been applied.
Where the enclosure integrity relies on the sealing of openings that can be used for wiring, the
certificate number shall include the "X" suffix in accordance with the marking requirements of
IEC 60079-0 and the Specific Conditions of Use listed on the certificate shall detail that only
cable glands, thread adapters and blanking elements conforming to the requirements of
IEC 60079-0 may be used with the apparatus.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 51 –
Separations may be protected to satisfy 6.2.3 a) or 6.2.4 b) by the use of an enclosure providing
a degree of protection of at least IP2X according to IEC 60529, provided that separations are:
The enclosure does not need to be subjected to the tests for enclosures in IEC 60079-0, except
that for portable and personal equipment, the drop test of IEC 60079-0 still applies.
6.3.1 Terminals
In addition to satisfying the requirements of 6.5.1, terminals for intrinsically safe circuits shall
be separated from terminals for non-intrinsically safe circuits by one or more of the methods
given in a) or b) as follows:
a) The clearance between bare conductive parts of intrinsically safe terminals and bare
conductive parts of non-intrinsically safe terminals shall be at least 50 mm.
Care should be exercised in the layout of terminals and in the wiring method used so that
contact between circuits is unlikely if a wire becomes dislodged.
b) When separation is accomplished by locating terminals for intrinsically safe and non-
intrinsically safe circuits in separate enclosures or by use of either an insulating partition or
an earthed metal partition between terminals with a common cover, the following applies:
1) partitions used to separate terminals shall extend to within 1,5 mm of the enclosure
walls, or alternatively shall provide a minimum distance of 50 mm between the bare
conductive parts of terminals when measured in any direction around the partition;
2) metal partitions shall be earthed and shall have sufficient strength and rigidity to ensure
that they are not likely to be damaged during field wiring. Such partitions shall be at least
0,45 mm thick or shall conform to 9.4.3 if of lesser thickness. In addition, metal partitions
shall have sufficient current-carrying capacity to prevent burn-through or loss of earth
connection under fault conditions; and
3) non-metallic insulating partitions shall be so supported that they cannot readily be
deformed in a manner that would defeat their purpose. Such partitions shall be at least
0,9 mm thick or shall conform to 9.4.3 if of lesser thickness.
In addition to satisfying the requirements of 6.5.1, the clearance and creepage distances
between bare conductive parts of connection facilities intended to receive connections for
external circuits (see d1 and d2 in Figure 1) shall meet the following:
The above methods of separation shall also be applied where intrinsic safety can be invalidated
by external wiring which, if disconnected from the terminal, can come into contact with
conductors or components which are not protected by an enclosure providing a degree of
protection of at least IP2X according to IEC 60529.
Movement of metallic parts that are not rigidly fixed shall be taken into account. Figure 1 shows
the distances to be considered at terminals.
– 52 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
1 Cover / enclosure
2 Partition in accordance with 6.3.1; in this example, it shall be homogeneous with the base or cemented to it
t Distances for separations in accordance with 6.5.1
d 1 ≥ 3 mm, when cover / enclosure is conductive and earthed
d 2 ≥ 6 mm
d 3 ≥ 50 mm or d 4 ≤ 1,5 mm
a) terminals used for this purpose shall be fixed in their mountings without possibility of self-
loosening and shall be constructed in such a way that the conductors are prevented from
slipping out from their intended location;
b) proper contact shall be assured without deterioration of the conductors, even if multi-
stranded cores are used in terminals which are intended for direct clamping of the cores;
c) the contact made by a terminal shall not be appreciably impaired by temperature changes
in normal service;
d) terminals which are intended for clamping stranded cores shall include a resilient
intermediate part; and
e) terminals designed for conductors of maximum cross-sections up to 4 mm 2 shall be of a
type designed to accommodate conductors having a smaller cross-section than their
Terminals which conform to the requirements for electrical connections of IEC 60079-7 are
considered to comply with these requirements.
– terminals with sharp edges which could cause breakage of the conductors;
– terminals which may turn, be twisted or permanently deformed by normal tightening; or
– insulating materials which transmit contact pressure in terminals.
Where apparatus is fitted with more than one plug or socket for external connections and
interchange could adversely affect intrinsic safety, the following requirements apply.
a) Plugs and sockets used for connection of external intrinsically safe circuits shall be separate
from, and non-interchangeable with, those for connection of non-intrinsically safe circuits.
b) Plugs and sockets used for connection of separate intrinsically safe circuits, or separate
non-intrinsically safe circuits, shall either:
1) be arranged, for example by keying, so that interchange is not possible; or;
2) have mating plugs and sockets that are identified, for example by marking or colour
coding, to make interchanging obvious.
Where a plug or a socket is not prefabricated with its wires, the connecting facilities shall
conform to 6.3.1. If prefabricated, or the connections require the use of a special tool, for
example by crimping, such that there is no possibility of a strand of wire becoming free, then
the connection facilities need only comply with Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9 under the conditions
of 6.2.2, 6.2.3 or 6.2.4 as applicable.
Where a connector carries earthed circuits and intrinsic safety depends on the earth connection
then the connector shall be constructed in accordance with 6.4.4.
Apparatus which is constructed with an integral cable for external connections shall be
subjected to the pull test in 9.4.4 on the cable if breakage of the terminations inside the
apparatus could result in intrinsic safety being invalidated, for example where there is more
than one intrinsically safe circuit in the cable and breakage could lead to an unsafe
– 54 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
6.3.5 Connections and accessories for intrinsically safe apparatus for use in non-
hazardous area General
Intrinsically safe apparatus may be provided with connection facilities that are restricted to
connection to a non-hazardous area accessory, for example data downloading or battery
charging connections. These connections shall conform to and
These connections shall be protected against causing spark ignition when the apparatus is in
the hazardous area by either of the following:
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", connection facilities shall be provided with protection to
ensure the rating of components on which intrinsic safety depends within the intrinsically safe
apparatus conform to 7.1 while it is connected in the non-hazardous area, including connection
implemented through galvanic isolation.
Dependent on the location of the protective circuitry and components in either the intrinsically
safe apparatus or the non-hazardous area accessory, one of the following applies:
a) Where the intrinsically safe apparatus connection facilities are not restricted to the use of a
non-hazardous area accessory listed in the certificate, the maximum voltage U m , which can
be applied to these connections, shall be stated in the certificate and marked on the
apparatus; or
b) Where any part of the protection circuit is located in the non-hazardous area accessory, the
accessory shall be listed in the certificate. The maximum rated input voltage U m , which can
be applied to the connection facilities of the non-hazardous area accessory that connect to
non-intrinsically safe equipment, shall be stated in the certificate and the marking of the
accessory shall conform to 11.1.5.
NOTE 1 It is not a requirement of this document to specify parameters for the connection between the accessory
and the intrinsically safe apparatus.
Countable fault analysis of 5.2, separation distances, thermal or spark ignition
considerations are not required for the non-hazardous area accessory, although protection
components shall conform to the requirements of 7.1 after the application of non-countable
faults to components.
EXAMPLE A fuse and a single Zener diode conforming to 7.1 fulfil this requirement.
NOTE 2 IEC 60079-14 specifies the types of circuits or power supplies which are suitable for associated apparatus
with a U m of less than 250 V.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 55 –
Charging of secondary cells and batteries shall only be done within the limits specified by the
cell or battery manufacturer and as defined in the secondary cells table of IEC 60079-0.
6.4.1 General
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", if not complying with 6.4.2, failure to open circuit of any
conductor, connector or PCB track, including its connections, shall be considered:
– a countable fault if rated for the maximum current using available data; or;
– a non-countable fault.
NOTE 1 It is not a requirement of this document that the conformity of the equipment manufacturer's specification
of the current rating of the conductors, connector or PCB tracks needs to be verified.
If, after failure to open circuit, the connection is free to move, a short circuit fault to any part of
the circuit within the range of movement shall be considered a countable fault in addition to the
fault resulting in disconnection.
For Level of Protection "ic", the connection shall be suitable for the maximum current under
normal operating conditions including 5.2.1 f), and shall not be subjected to open circuit faults.
For all Levels of Protection, where complete disconnection of a connector can occur, the circuits
shall remain intrinsically safe. General
Connections made via connectors, wires, PCBs or other means complying with,, and as applicable, and that are protected by an enclosure of at least IP2X,
including when exposing connection facilities, shall be considered infallible against failure to
open circuit. Connectors
Connectors shall be considered infallible if the connection comprises at least three independent
connecting elements for Level of Protection "ia" circuits and at least two for Level of Protection
"ib" circuits (see Figure 2). These elements shall be connected in parallel. Where the connector
can be removed at an angle, one connection shall be present at, or near to, each end of the
– each connecting element shall be rated to carry the complete current under the conditions
specified in 5.2; or
– if more than one conductor is needed to carry the complete current, then under the
conditions specified in 5.2, the remaining conductors shall be capable of carrying the
complete current.
– 56 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Figure 2b) – Example of three connecting elements which are not independent Wiring
a) where two wires are in parallel and individually rated to carry the complete current under
the conditions specified in 5.2 using available data, in which case only one of the wires shall
be considered to disconnect;
NOTE Reconnection of the disconnected wire is considered in accordance with 6.4.1.
b) where a single wire has a conductor diameter of at least 0,5 mm and has an unsupported
length of less than 50 mm or is mechanically secured adjacent to its point of connection; or
c) where a single wire is of stranded or flexible ribbon type construction, has a conductor cross-
sectional area of at least 0,125 mm 2 (0,4 mm diameter), is not flexed in service and is either
less than 50 mm long or is secured adjacent to its point of connection.
The following PCB tracks and vias are considered to make an infallible connection:
30 (outer layers)
1 2
24 (inner layers)
30 (outer layers)
1 2
"ib" 24 (inner layers)
EXAMPLE IPC-2221 and IPC-2152 are examples of available data for demonstrating adequate sizing.
a) there are two connections in parallel individually rated to carry the complete current under
the conditions specified in 5.2;
b) there is a single soldered joint in which the wire passes through the board (including
through-plated holes) and:
– is soldered at or adjacent to the hole; or
– has a crimped connection; or
– is brazed or welded;
c) there is a soldered joint of a surface mount component mounted in accordance with the
component manufacturer's recommendations or applicable industrial standard; or
NOTE IEC 61191-2, IPC-A-610 are examples of applicable industrial standards.
d) there is a single connection which conforms to IEC 60079-7 Level of Protection "eb".
For Levels of Protections "ia" and "ib", if the connection provided by a connector is required to
maintain intrinsic safety, the requirements of apply.
Where earthing is required to maintain intrinsic safety, any conductor, connector, and PCB track
used for this purpose shall meet the requirements of 6.4.2 under the conditions specified in 5.2.
NOTE Earthing of enclosures, conductors, metal screens, tracks on a PCB, separation contacts of plug-in
connectors and diode safety barriers might be required to maintain intrinsic safety.
– 58 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Where intrinsic safety depends on the separation between conductive parts of:
separation shall be maintained as necessary, in accordance with 6.5.2 and 6.5.3, following the
fault analysis of 6.5.4.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", this requirement applies to internal separations within
components unless stated otherwise in this document.
For Level of Protection "ic", this requirement does not apply to internal separations within
components unless stated otherwise in this document.
NOTE 1 Separations are additionally required by IEC 60079-0 to meet applicable safety requirements of relevant
industrial standards.
NOTE 2 Details about the different types of separation are given in 6.5.6.
Separation distances shall be measured or assessed taking into account any possible
movement of the conductors or conductive parts. Manufacturing tolerances shall not reduce the
distances below the minimum requirement by more than 10 % or 1 mm, whichever is the
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", where a separation distance to bodies of prefabricated
electronic components is required for intrinsic safety, no allowance shall be taken of the
component insulation to achieve separation unless the thickness of this insulation is specified
by the manufacturer of the component.
EXAMPLE 1 Where a component is mounted over or adjacent to tracks on the PCBs, the separation between the
conductive part inside the component and the track.
Short circuits between any internal conducting parts of a component and its solder pads do not
need to be considered where the solder footprint is of similar design to the recommendation of
the manufacturer of the component.
Separation distances according to Table 7 represent standard separation distances under the
conditions of 6.2.2 or the applicable requirements of 6.2.4.
NOTE The requirements for separation distances specified in Table 7 are similar to those specified in IEC 60664-1
for pollution degree 3 and OVC III.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 59 – General
Table 8 or Table 9, under the conditions of 6.2.3 or 6.2.4, provide reduced separation
requirements with respect to Table 7 for:
– assembled PCBs;
– insulation materials, except where only Table 7 is permitted by this document; and
– galvanically isolating components, such as relays and signal isolators with the exception of
NOTE Table 8 and Table 9 take advantage of a reduced pollution degree and defined OVC to apply reduced
separation distances derived from IEC 60664-1.
Apparatus meeting the separation requirements of Table 8 shall comply with the following:
For mains powered associated apparatus, the mains supply shall be assumed to be OVC III as
defined in IEC 60664-1 unless restricted by the apparatus manufacturer. Where the OVC is
restricted to OVC I or II, this shall be included in the documentation provided by the
manufacturer as a condition of installation. The certificate number shall include the "X" suffix in
accordance with the marking requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the Specific Conditions of Use
listed on the certificate shall detail the installation requirements.
Circuits that are either not connected to the mains supply or receive reduced transient
overvoltages as specified for OVC I or II due to suitable protection internal to the apparatus,
shall use the OVC I or II columns in Table 8 circuits from the point of limitation.
Table 9 may be used for Level of Protection "ic" up to 250 V AC RMS / DC or 375 V peak provided
that the following requirements are met:
a) Circuits that are either not connected to the mains supply or receive reduced transient
overvoltages as specified for OVC I or II due to suitable protection internal to the apparatus,
shall be considered to be OVC I or II circuit from the point of limitation.
b) For mains powered associated apparatus without suitable internal protection, the mains
supply shall be limited to OVC I or II as defined in IEC 60664-1. This shall be included in
the documentation provided by the manufacturer as a condition of installation. The
certificate number shall include the "X" suffix in accordance with the marking requirements
of IEC 60079-0 and the Specific Conditions of Use listed on the certificate shall detail the
installation requirements.
c) If the rated voltage of the apparatus or the nominal voltage of any part of the apparatus
being considered does not exceed 60 V AC RMS or 85 V DC, no separation distance
requirements additional to the general industrial standards are required. General
Failure of separations within an enclosure complying with 6.2 shall be considered according to,, or
Separation distances complying with the values of Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9, under the
applicable conditions of 6.2.2, 6.2.3 or 6.2.4 shall not be considered to fail.
Where connection facilities are accessible by the end user, separation distances are only
considered infallible against failure where the separation is:
a) provided by solid insulation, including location of tracks on the inner layers of a multi-layer
b) encapsulated;
c) covered by a coating in accordance with this document; or
d) protected by an enclosure providing a degree of protection of at least IP2X according to
IEC 60529.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", separation distances less than the values specified in
Table 7 but greater than or equal to one-third of that value, shall be subject to countable faults.
For Level of Protection "ia", where the total distance value of Table 7 consists of two sections
combined in accordance with 6.5.7 a countable fault shall be applied to either section but not
both, in the assessment of the overall separation.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", separation distances less than one-third of the values
specified in Table 7 shall be subject to a non-countable fault.
For Level of Protection "ic", except as permitted by 6.5.7, separation distances less than the
values specified in Table 7 shall be subject to a non-countable fault.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", except where used to comply with 6.5.7, separation
distances less than the values specified in Table 8 but greater than or equal to one-half of that
value, shall be subject to a countable fault. The dielectric test voltages shall be those specified
in 9.7 and 9.8 as applicable.
For Level of Protection "ia" where the total distance value of Table 8 consists of two sections
combined in accordance with 6.5.7, a countable fault shall be applied to either section, but not
both, in the assessment of the overall separation.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", separation distances less than one-half of the values
specified in Table 8 shall be subject to a non-countable fault.
For Level of Protection "ic", the distances of Table 8 may be applied and separation distances
less than the values specified in Table 8 shall be subject to a non-countable fault.
EXAMPLE: Table 9 cannot be applied to an OVC III Level of Protection “ic” circuit, but Table 7 and Table 8 can be.
For Level of Protection "ic", except as permitted by 6.5.7, separation distances less than the
values specified in Table 9 shall be considered as subject to a non-countable fault.
Table 7 – Clearances, creepage distances and separations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Voltage Clearance Separation distance Separation distance Creepage distance Separation distance CTI b
(peak through through solid protected by
value) a casting compound insulation coating
V mm mm mm mm mm
Level of ia, ib ic ia, ib ic ia, ib ic ia, ib ic ia, ib ic ia ib, ic
10 1,5 0,4 0,5 0,2 0,5 0,2 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,3 - -
30 2,0 0,8 0,7 0,2 0,5 0,2 2,0 1,3 0,7 0,3 100 100
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
60 3,0 0,8 1,0 0,3 0,5 0,3 3,0 1,9 1,0 0,6 100 100
90 4,0 0,8 1,3 0,3 0,7 0,3 4,0 2,1 1,3 0,6 100 100
190 5,0 1,5 1,7 0,6 0,8 0,6 8,0 2,5 2,6 1,1 175 175
375 6,0 2,5 2,0 0,6 1,0 0,6 10,0 4,0 3,3 1,7 175 175
550 7,0 4,0 2,4 0,8 1,2 0,8 15,0 6,3 5,0 2,4 275 175
750 8,0 5,0 2,7 0,9 1,4 0,9 18,0 10,0 6,0 2,9 275 175
– 61 –
1 000 10,0 7,0 3,3 1,1 1,7 1,1 25,0 12,5 8,3 4,0 275 175
1 300 14,0 8,0 4,6 1,7 2,3 1,7 36,0 13,0 12,0 5,8 275 175
1 575 16,0 10,0 5,3 - 2,7 - 49,0 15,0 16,3 - 275 175
3 300 - 18,0 9,0 - 4,5 - - 32,0 - - - -
4 700 - 22,0 12,0 - 6,0 - - 50,0 - - - -
9 500 - 45,0 20,0 - 10,0 - - 100,0 - - - -
15 600 - 70,0 33,0 - 16,5 - - 150,0 - - - -
a Including recurring peak voltage, but transients may be ignored
b See At voltages up to 10 V, the CTI of insulating materials is not required to be specified.
Table 8 – Reduced separations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Separation distance under
Separation distance Dielectric test voltages for type 1
under type 1 type 2 protection c or Solid
Rated Clearance Creepage and type 2 protection, solid
separation distance insulation
insulation protection c insulation and casting compound
through casting compound
AC RMS or Material Group
≥ 600) ≥ 400) ≥ 100)
V mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
10 0,50 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,50 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 840 V AC RMS 620 V AC RMS
32 0,50 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,50 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 840 V AC RMS 620 V AC RMS
50 0,50 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,50 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 840 V AC RMS 620 V AC RMS
h h h
63 1,50 0,32 0,32 1,26 1,80 2,50 0,75 0,32 0,20 0,20 1 390 V AC RMS 840 V AC RMS
0,20 f
h h h
100 1,50 0,32 0,32 1,42 2,00 2,80 0,75 0,32 f
0,20 0,20 2 600 V AC RMS 2 600 V AC RMS
1,50 1,50 h h h
1,20 0,45 g
2 830 V AC RMS 2 700 V AC RMS
150 3,00 e e 1,57 2,17 3,14 1,50 0,65 f f 0,20
– 62 –
1,30 1,30 0,20 0,20 PDV: 849 V peak PDV: 849 V peak
h h h
1,50 1,20 g
4 240 V AC RMS 3 000 V AC RMS
300 5,50 3,00 3,00 3,00 4,13 6,00 2,75 1,50 f f 0,20
0,20 0,20 PDV:1 167 V peak PDV: 1 167 V peak
h h h
3,00 1,50 g
5 660 V AC RMS 4 240 V AC RMS
600 8,00 5,50 6,10 6,10 8,60 12,00 4,00 3,20 f f 0,20
0,20 0,20 PDV:1 803 V peak PDV:1 803 V peak
a Including recurring peak voltage, but transients may be ignored.
b Material groups according to IEC 60664-1. See
c Type according to IEC 60664-3, see also
d CTI for PCB shall be: ≥ 100 for voltages from 10 V to 100 V; ≥ 175 for voltages from 150 V to 400 V and ≥ 275 for voltages greater than 400 V.
e The lower value is permitted when the type test for dielectric strength is applied with U = 2 065 V AC RMS .
f Requires the routine test for dielectric strength requirements according to 10.1.
g Requires a type test according to 9.7 (see
h Applied only for components and parts that provide or are located across galvanic isolation. Where there is no galvanic isolation the PCB column may be used.
I The dielectric requirements are to verify the suitability of the casting compound material for the application. Care should be taken that test results are not influenced by any
electrical path in parallel to the isolation.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Table 9 – Reduced separations for Level of Protection "ic"
1 2 3 4 5 6
Creepage Separation
b Dielectric test
Material Group through solid
Voltage a Separation distance protected by coating voltages for type 1
Voltage insulation and
Clearance and type 2 protection
peak casting
or DC I II III compound
≥ 600) ≥ 400) ≥ 100) Conformal Type 1 Type 2
coating protection protection
V V mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm V AC RMS
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
f 85 - - - - - - - - -
c - 0,40 0,63 0,90 1,25 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,15 780
1 Chassis
2 Load
3 Non-intrinsically safe circuit defined by U m
4 Part of intrinsically safe circuit not itself intrinsically safe
5 Intrinsically safe circuit
6 Dimensions to which Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9 are applicable
7 Dimensions to which general industrial standards are applicable
8 Dimensions to 7.11
9 Dimensions to 6.3.1 for output terminals between separate Intrinsically safe circuits and between Intrinsically safe to non-intrinsically safe circuits
10 Protective components as applicable for example, in accordance with or 7.10.2.
When using Table 7, Table 8, or Table 9, the value of voltage to be considered between any
two conductive parts shall be either of the following, as applicable:
a) for circuits which are galvanically isolated within the apparatus: the highest voltage that can
appear across the separation when the two circuits are connected together at any one point,
derived from:
– the maximum voltage of the circuits; or
– any voltages generated within the same apparatus.
Where one of the voltages is less than 20 % of the other, it shall be ignored. Mains supply
voltages shall be taken without the addition of standard mains tolerances. For such
sinusoidal voltages, peak voltage shall be considered to be
2 × RMS value of the rated voltage.
b) between parts of a circuit: the maximum peak value of the voltage that can occur between
the two conductive parts. This is normally the maximum voltage in that circuit but could be
the sum of the voltages of different sources connected to that circuit. Where it is the sum of
the voltages, one of them shall be ignored if it is less than 20 % of the other.
In all cases, the conditions specified in 5.2 shall be applied to derive the maximum voltage.
Any external voltage shall be assumed to have the value U m , or the rated voltage when applying
5.2.5, or U i declared for the connection facilities through which it enters, or the maximum voltage
as defined by the protection components of a specified non-hazardous area accessory. Clearance
Clearance distances are given in column 2 of Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9 and are applicable
– intrinsically safe apparatus when used at atmospheric pressure between 60 kPa and
110 kPa; and
– associated apparatus when used at atmospheric pressure between 80 kPa and 110 kPa.
For associated apparatus intended to be used at atmospheric pressure between 60 kPa and
80 kPa, multiply the clearance found in column 2 by the atmospheric pressure correction factor
of 1,34 for the critical separations in non-intrinsically safe circuits and the separations between
intrinsically safe circuits and non-intrinsically safe circuits.
NOTE It is possible to specify different input voltages or overvoltage categories for different pressures. For example,
U m = 250 V for use between 80 kPa and 110 kPa and U m = 125 V for use between 60 kPa and 110 kPa.
The marking for associated apparatus designed for use in the ambient pressure range 60 kPa
to 80 kPa shall include either the symbol P a or P amb together with both the upper and lower
ambient pressures or, if this is impracticable, the certificate number shall include the "X" suffix
in accordance with the marking requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the Specific Conditions of
Use listed on the certificate shall detail the limitations.
Where an insulating partition is used to extend clearance, it shall meet the requirements of
6.5.10. Other insulating parts shall comply with column 4 of Table 7, or column 6 of Table 8 or
column 5 in Table 9 as applicable.
– 66 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Where the casting compound meets the requirements of 6.6.1 and 6.6.5, separation distances
which meet column 3 of Table 7, or column 5 of Table 8 or Table 9 apply. These separations
may also be applied at the boundary between casting compound and solid insulation provided
that the casting compound adheres to both the conductive parts and to the solid insulation (for
example, tracks on a PCB).
Casting compound according to Table 8 shall comply with the dielectric requirements of
column 7. Specifications provided by the manufacturer of the material may be used to
demonstrate compliance with this requirement, otherwise testing shall be according to 9.7.
NOTE The exclusion of creepage distance requirements through the casting compound is due to the removal of the
likelihood of contamination.
– column 4 of Table 7,
– column 6 of Table 8, or
– column 5 of Table 9.
Solid insulation according to Table 8 shall comply with the dielectric requirements of column 7.
Specifications provided by the manufacturer of the material may be used to demonstrate
compliance with this requirement, otherwise testing shall be according to 9.7.
Where type testing for reduced solid insulation distances is explicitly required by Table 8, the
type test shall be in accordance with 9.7 applying the test voltage as applicable according to
column 7 of Table 8. A partial discharge test is only required where a PDV is specified in
column 7 of Table 8.
If the insulator is fabricated from two or more pieces of electrical insulating material, then the
composite may be considered as solid.
For the purpose of this document, solid insulation should either be prefabricated (for example
sheet or sleeving or elastomeric insulation on wiring) or moulded.
For the creepage distances specified in column 5 of Table 7, the insulating material shall comply
with column 7 of Table 7.
For creepage distances specified in column 3 of Table 8 or Table 9, the insulating material shall
comply with the respective material groups or CTI value.
Specification of CTI provided by the manufacturer of the material may be used to demonstrate
compliance with the requirements.
For insulation materials where the CTI value is not known, a CTI of 100 is assumed. For glass,
ceramics or other inorganic insulating materials which do not track, there are no requirements
for creepage distances.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 67 –
In Table 8, the creepage distance specified for material groups shall be applied to components
across galvanic isolation, and parts across galvanic isolation, for voltages above 50 V RMS .
Otherwise, the distance specified in PCB column applies also to components and parts.
Where a joint is cemented and the cement has insulation properties at least as good as the
adjacent material, clearance or a creepage path through the joint need not be considered.
The method of measuring or assessing these distances shall be in accordance with Figure 4.
The values of the distance X, applicable for Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9 and the Level of
Protection are shown in Table 10. The following shall apply for assessment of the creepage
– where the distance is equal to or larger than the specified value of X, the creepage distance
shall be measured along the contours; and
– any distance less than the specified value of X shall be assumed to be bridged with an
insulating link placed in the most unfavourable position. See Figure 4 Examples 1 and 3.
Where the creepage distance is made up from the addition of shorter distances, for example
where a conductive part is interposed, the distance shall be accomplished by their sums in
accordance with 6.5.7.
Example 1
Condition: Path under consideration includes a parallel- Rule: Creepage distance and clearance are measured
or converging-sided groove of any depth with a width directly across the groove as shown.
less than X mm.
Example 2
Condition: Path under consideration includes a parallel- Rule: Clearance is the 'line of sight' distance. Creepage
sided groove of any depth d equal to or more than path follows the contour of the groove.
X mm.
Example 3
Condition: Path under consideration includes a V- Rule: Clearance is the 'line of sight' distance. Creepage
shaped groove with a width greater than X mm. path follows the contour of the groove but 'short circuits'
the bottom of the groove by X mm link.
Example 4
Condition: Path under consideration includes a rib. Rule: Clearance is the shortest direct air path over the top
of the rib. Creepage path follows the contour of the rib.
Example 5
Condition: Path under consideration includes an Rule: Creepage and clearance path is the 'line of sight'
uncemented joint with groove less than X mm wide on distance shown.
each side.
Example 6
Condition: Path under consideration includes an Rule: Clearance is the 'line of sight' distance. Creepage
uncemented joint with grooves equal to or more than path follows the contour of the grooves.
X mm wide on each side.
Example 7
Condition: Path under consideration includes an Rule: Clearance and creepage paths are as shown.
uncemented joint with a groove on one side less than
X mm wide and the groove on the other side equal to or
more than X mm wide.
Example 8
Condition: Creepage distance through uncemented joint Rule: Clearance is the shortest direct air path over the
is less than creepage distance over partition. top of the partition.
Example 9
Example 10
Example 11
A coating shall seal the path between the conductors which require protection against the
ingress of moisture and pollution and shall give an effective, lasting, unbroken seal. It shall
adhere to both the conductive parts and to the insulating material.
– 72 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
The application of the coating together with a subsequent inspection according to 10.4, shall
ensure that the coating is complete and homogeneous.
The COT rating of the coating as specified by the manufacturer of the coating shall be at least
equal to the maximum and minimum service temperature of any conformally coated component
or part.
Coating used to achieve type 1 or type 2 protection shall be subjected to the type testing
specified in 9.8.
For separation distances on a PCB, a solder mask that meets the requirements of type 1 or
type 2 protection in accordance with IEC 60664-3 may be considered as conformal coating
provided that no damage occurs during soldering.
Coatings according to IEC 61010-1 or ANSI/UL 746E may be used to achieve type 1 protection
without testing according to IEC 60664-3 as specified above, noting that there are application
limitations that those standards require to be considered.
NOTE It is not a requirement of this document that the conformity of the manufacturer's specification of the coating
needs to be verified.
The method used for coating and the measures for inspection, if applicable, shall be specified
in the documentation according to the documentation requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where the
coating is considered adequate to prevent conductive parts, for example soldered joints and
component leads, from protruding through the coating, this shall be stated in the documentation
and confirmed by type examination.
Where bare conductors or conductive parts emerge from the coating, the CTI of the coating
shall comply with column 7 of Table 7 or comply with the respective material group or CTI value
of Table 8 or Table 9.
Separations shall be converted to a percentage of the minimum required separation for the
appropriate table column.
– for Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", any separation less than 33,3 % shall be ignored; for
the overall separation to be infallible, the sum shall be at least 100 %; and
– for Level of Protection "ic", the sum shall be at least 100 %.
– for Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", any separation less than 0,2 mm or less than 50 %
shall be ignored; for the overall separation to be infallible, the sum shall be at least 100 %;
– for Level of Protection "ic", the sum shall be at least 100 %; and
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 73 –
– voltages defined in column 7 of Table 8 and column 6 of Table 9 shall be applied across the
composite separation.
NOTE Further guidance is given in Annex C.
Where an ambient pressure correction factor is applied in accordance with for
associated apparatus, the correction factor shall be applied only to the clearance values when
considering whether the composite separation sums up to 100 % of the required value. The
correction factor is not used in determining whether a clearance is large enough to be counted
in the composite separation.
Creepage and clearance distances for PCBAs shall comply with the following (see Figure 5):
a) When a PCBA is covered by a conformal coating according to, the requirements for
creepage and clearance distances shall apply only to conductive parts which lie outside the
coating, including, for example;
– tracks which emerge from the coating;
– the free surface of a PCBA which is coated on one side only; or
– bare parts of components able to protrude through the coating.
b) The requirements of shall apply to circuits or parts of circuits and their fixed
components when the coating covers the connecting pins, solder joints and the conductive
parts of any components.
Figure 5c – PCBA with soldered leads folded or cropped, completely covered by coating
Figure 5 (2 of 2) General
Separation by metal parts shall only be used when breakdown to the metal part results in
conduction to a potential (for example, earth or the terminal of a battery) which does not
invalidate intrinsic safety. In this case, separation requirements to the metal part do not apply.
Where the connection to the metal part results in losing the isolation between an intrinsically
safe circuit and the frame or earth and this might invalidate intrinsic safety, the certificate
number shall include the “X” suffix in accordance with the marking requirements of IEC 60079-
0 and the Specific Conditions of Use listed on the certificate shall detail the limitations as
required by 6.9.
EXAMPLE Intrinsic safety depends on the separation to earthed metal parts if a current-limiting resistor can be
bypassed by short circuits between the circuit and the earthed metal part.
Creepage distance requirements do not apply where interposing PCB tracks (for example, an
earthed track) separate the conductive tracks under consideration, however, clearance
requirements shall still be applied. Clearance requirements shall not apply where a metal
partition of sufficient dimensions does not allow a discharge between components requiring
A metal part used for separation shall have strength and rigidity so that it is unlikely to be
damaged and shall be of sufficient thickness and of sufficient current-carrying capacity to
prevent burn-through or loss of connection under the conditions specified in 5.2.
a) Where a metal part, for example a track of a PCB, a screen or a partition, separates an
intrinsically safe circuit from other circuits, the metal part, as well as any connection to it,
shall conform to 6.4.2.
b) Where the connection is made through a connector, the connector shall be constructed in
accordance with
c) Where intrinsic safety depends on a metal partition, it shall either be at least 0,45 mm thick,
or shall conform to 9.4.3 if of lesser thickness.
For Level of Protection "ic", where separation distances to a metal part connected to a controlled
potential do not comply with the required separation distances, the metal part shall be capable
of carrying the maximum current to which it could be continuously subjected.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", a non-metallic insulating partition used to maintain
separation shall comply with applicable separation requirements and shall:
For Level of Protection "ic" non-metallic insulating partitions, there is no minimum thickness
other than the applicable separation requirements and 9.4.3 does not apply.
– 76 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 General
Except for varnish and similar coatings, insulation covering the conductors of internal wiring
may be considered as solid insulation (see
The separation of conductors of insulated wires shall be determined by adding together the
radial thicknesses of extruded insulation on wires which could come into contact either as
separate wires, or in a cable form, or in a cable.
The maximum current in the insulated wiring shall not cause the temperature rating specified
by the manufacturer of the wire to be exceeded.
Insulation on wires that comply with the distance through solid insulation are not considered to
fail or reduce the insulation thickness should breakage of the conductor occur.
The distance between the conductors of any core of an intrinsically safe circuit and that of any
core of a non-intrinsically safe circuit shall be in accordance with column 4 of Table 7 taking
into account the requirements of 6.5.7 except when one of the following applies:
– the cores of either the intrinsically safe or the non-intrinsically safe circuit are enclosed in
an earthed screen complying with 6.4.4; or
– in Levels of Protection "ib" and "ic" apparatus with a maximum voltage of 375 V (peak value)
between the conductors, the insulation of the intrinsically safe cores is capable of
withstanding the test in accordance with 9.6 applying a test voltage of 2 000 V RMS .
NOTE One method of achieving insulation capable of withstanding this test voltage is to add an insulating sleeve
over the core.
The distance between the conductors of any core of separate intrinsically safe circuits shall be
in accordance with column 4 of Table 7 taking into account the requirements of 6.5.7, except
when one of the following applies:
– the cores of either intrinsically safe circuits are enclosed in an earthed screen; or
– the insulation between separate intrinsically safe circuits with a maximum voltage of 90 V
(peak value) between the conductors is capable of withstanding the test in accordance with
9.6 applying a test voltage of 1 000 V RMS (or 500 V RMS core to insulation).
6.6 Encapsulation
6.6.1 General
Encapsulation may be used for, but is not limited to, one or a combination of the following:
Failure of separations and components within the compound shall be assessed under the
conditions specified in 5.2.
For intrinsically safe apparatus, all circuits connected to the encapsulated conductive parts,
and components or bare conductive parts protruding from the compound, shall be either
intrinsically safe or protected by another Type of Protection listed in IEC 60079-0. The
possibility of spark ignition inside the encapsulation need not be considered if the encapsulation
complies with
The following requirements apply to the encapsulating compound and, where applicable, any
potting box or part of an enclosure:
a) The COT of the compound as specified by the manufacturer of the compound shall be at
least equal to the maximum and minimum temperature at the interface between the
compound and any encapsulated component or part under normal operating conditions.
Temperatures higher than the compound's COT rating are permitted if under the conditions
specified in 5.2, there is no damage to the compound both internally and externally that
could invalidate intrinsic safety.
EXAMPLE Damage that could invalidate intrinsic safety includes cracks in the compound, exposure of
encapsulated parts, flaking, impermissible shrinkage, swelling, decomposition, softening or evidence of
b) The compound shall have at its free surface a CTI value of at least that specified in Table 7
or Table 8 or Table 9 as applicable if any bare conductive parts protrude from the compound.
c) Only materials passing the test in 9.4.1 shall have its free surface exposed and unprotected,
thus forming part of the enclosure.
d) The compound shall be adherent to all conductive parts, components and substrates except
when they are totally enclosed by the compound. A seal shall be maintained where any part
of the circuit, for example a bare or insulated conductor or component or the substrate of a
PCB, emerges from the encapsulation and therefore the compound shall be adherent at
these interfaces.
e) Measures to prevent voids in the compound during the encapsulation process shall be
defined in the documentation according to the documentation requirements of IEC 60079-0.
Where casting or pouring is used to exclude an explosive atmosphere from components and
conductive parts, the minimum thickness to the free surface of the encapsulating compound
shall be at least half the values specified in column 3 of Table 7, or column 5 of Table 8 and
Table 9, with a minimum of 1 mm (see Figure 6).
When the encapsulating compound is in direct contact with and adheres to an enclosure of solid
insulation material conforming to column 4 of Table 7, no other separation is required (see
Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9).
Where the encapsulating compound is in direct contact with and adheres to a metallic
a) there is no minimum thickness required for the encapsulation provided that there is no free
space (see 6.6.7) and failure of separation to the metallic enclosure does not invalidate
intrinsic safety;
– 78 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
1 Free surface, external wall
2 Compound
3 Component – compound need not enter the component
1 Component – compound need not enter the component
2 Compound – no specified thickness
3 Metal or insulating enclosure
1 Free surface, external wall
2 Compound
3 Component – compound need not enter the component
4 Metal or insulating enclosure
Figure 8 – Enclosure where the compound forms one of the external walls
1 Component – compound need not enter the component
2 Compound
3 Metal or insulating enclosure
Where moulding is used to exclude an explosive atmosphere from components and intrinsically
safe circuits, the minimum thickness to the free surface shall comply with column 4 of Table 7,
with a minimum thickness of 0,5 mm (see Figure 10 and Figure 11). When the plastic is in direct
contact with and adheres to a solid insulation material conforming to column 4 of Table 7, with
a minimum thickness of 0,5 mm, no other separation is required.
1 Moulding
2 Components
Figure 11 is intended to show components that are first mounted onto a PCB (item 3) before
being moulded under pressure. This is sometimes referred to as insert moulding.
1 Moulding
2 Components
3 PCB with a minimum thickness of 0,5 mm
EXAMPLE Examples of the application of moulding over components are fuses, piezoelectric devices with their
suppression components and energy storage devices with their suppression components.
In intrinsically safe apparatus, where a compound is used to reduce the ignition capability of
hot components, for example diodes and resistors, the volume and thickness of the compound
shall ensure compliance with 5.4.
When encapsulation is used to prevent access to parts, the minimum thickness to the free
surface shall be at least half the value given in column 3 of Table 7 with a minimum of 1 mm.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 81 –
The minimum thickness to the free surface when the compound is cast or poured shall be at
least half the value given in column 3 of Table 7 with a minimum of 1 mm. The minimum
thickness to the free surface when moulded shall be at least the value given in column 4 of
Table 7 with a minimum of 0,5 mm. The compound shall not enter any free space within the
body of the fuse.
For those parts that require encapsulation to provide separation complying with, the
minimum separation distance between the free surface of the encapsulating compound and
encapsulated conductive parts or components shall be at least half the values specified in
column 3 of Table 7, or column 5 of Table 8 or Table 9 as appropriate, with a minimum of 1 mm.
When the encapsulating compound is in direct contact with and adheres to an enclosure of solid
insulation material conforming to column 4 of Table 7 or column 6 of Table 8 or column 5 of
Table 9 as appropriate, no other separation is required.
Encapsulation may be used to enhance the rating of protective components, for example Zener
diodes, using an increased thermal conductivity provided that the arrangement can be
demonstrated to be suitably effective under the conditions specified in 5.2. General
Where encapsulation is used for the exclusion of explosive atmospheres, the free space within
the encapsulation shall conform to and, as applicable except that free space
within components (for example, transistors, relays, fuses) does not need to be considered
when the component volume is less than 1 cm 3 .
Free space shall not be used within encapsulation to protect the compound from damage from
components within it.
For Group I and Group II, individual free space shall comply with the volume and compound
thickness values shown in Table 11, and the sum of the individual free spaces within a single
encapsulated volume shall not exceed:
For Group III the sum of the free spaces is not limited, but the volume of each individual free
space shall comply with the volume and compound thickness values shown in Table 12.
The assembly containing free spaces shall be protected against access to these free spaces
by the encapsulation or by an enclosure which forms a non-recoverable unit and forms a single
With the exception of free spaces within components as addressed in, the thickness of
compound required to protect free spaces shall be as specified in Table 11 for Group I and
Group II, and in Table 12 for Group III.
– 82 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Level of Minimum thickness of compound Free space Free space Free space
protection adjacent to free space to: ≤ 1 cm 3 > 1 cm 3 ≤ 10 cm 3 > 10 cm 3
Free space or free surface 3 mm Not permitted Not permitted
Non-metallic or metal enclosure with 3 mm including Not permitted Not permitted
"ia" adhesion enclosure wall a
Non-metallic or metal enclosure without 3 mm without Not permitted Not permitted
adhesion enclosure wall
Free space or free surface 1 mm 3 mm Not permitted
Non-metallic or metal enclosure with 1 mm including 3 mm including Not permitted
"ib" adhesion enclosure wall a enclosure wall a
Non-metallic or metal enclosure without 1 mm without 3 mm Not permitted
adhesion enclosure wall
Free space or free surface 1 mm 3 mm Not permitted
Non-metallic or metal enclosure with 1 mm including 3 mm including Not permitted
"ic" adhesion enclosure wall b enclosure wall b
Non-metallic or metal enclosure without 1 mm 3 mm Not permitted
a Provided that the wall thickness of the enclosure ≥ 1 mm the compound only needs to be thick enough to
retain adhesion.
b There is no minimum wall thickness requirement for Level of Protection "ic".
The thickness of the materials quoted in this table does not imply compliance with other mechanical tests required
by IEC 60079-0.
Level of Minimum thickness of compound Free space Free space Free space
Protection adjacent to free space to: ≤ 1 cm 3 > 1 cm 3 ≤ 100 cm 3 > 100 cm 3
Free space or free surface 3 mm 3 mm Not permitted
Non-metallic or metal enclosure with 3 mm including 3 mm including Not permitted
"ia" adhesion enclosure wall a enclosure wall a
Non-metallic or metal enclosure without 3 mm 3 mm Not permitted
Free space or free surface 1 mm 3 mm Not permitted
Non-metallic or metal enclosure with 1 mm including 3 mm including Not permitted
"ib" adhesion enclosure a enclosure wall a
Non-metallic or metal enclosure without 1 mm 3 mm Not permitted
Free space or free surface 1 mm 1 mm Not permitted
Non-metallic or metal enclosure with 1 mm including 1 mm including Not permitted
"ic" adhesion enclosure wall b enclosure wall b
Non-metallic or metal enclosure without 1 mm 1 mm Not permitted
a Provided that the wall thickness of the enclosure ≥ 1 mm the compound only needs to be thick enough to
retain adhesion.
b There is no minimum wall thickness requirement for Level of Protection "ic".
The thickness of the materials quoted in this table does not imply compliance with other mechanical tests required
by IEC 60079-0.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 83 –
The documents according to the documentation clause in IEC 60079-0 shall specify the
materials used for conformal coating and encapsulation when applied to achieve intrinsic safety.
This shall include the following material parameters:
a) the COT;
b) if applicable, the CTI value;
c) for coating materials when applying Table 8 or Table 9: their coating classification as type 1
or type 2 protection;
d) for coating materials: if applicable, the required surface treatments, such as cleaning,
temperature conditioning, etc.;
e) for materials used for encapsulation where applicable to obtain correct adhesion of the
compound to a component: any requirement for pre-treating of the component, for example
cleaning, etching.
When the material is relied upon for compliance with type testing then the following shall also
be controlled:
NOTE 1 Variations in type and percentage of fillers, flame retardants, ultra-violet light stabilizers, and the like can
have a significant effect on the properties of the material.
NOTE 2 It is not a requirement of this document that the conformity of the manufacturer's specification of the
materials needs to be verified.
Protection shall be provided within intrinsically safe apparatus to prevent invalidation of intrinsic
safety as a result of reversal of the polarity, where this could occur, of:
For this purpose, a single diode rated in accordance with 7.1 shall be acceptable.
Where it is required to maintain intrinsic safety, the insulation between an intrinsically safe
circuit and the frame of the apparatus or parts which may be earthed shall be capable of
complying with the test described in 9.6 at a test voltage of at least twice the voltage of the
intrinsically safe circuit or 500 V AC RMS , whichever is the greater. Where the circuit does not
satisfy this requirement, the certificate number shall include the "X" suffix in accordance with
the marking requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the Specific Conditions of Use listed on the
certificate shall detail the necessary information regarding the correct installation.
The insulation between an intrinsically safe circuit and a non-intrinsically safe circuit that it is
galvanically isolated from shall be capable of withstanding a test voltage of at least
2 U + 1 000 V, with a minimum of 1 500 V AC RMS , where U is the voltage applicable according
to 6.5.5.
Where breakdown between separate intrinsically safe circuits could produce an unsafe
condition, the insulation between these circuits shall be capable of withstanding a test voltage
of at least 2 U, with a minimum of 500 V AC RMS , where U is the voltage applicable according
to 6.5.5.
– 84 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", under the conditions specified in 5.2.2 and 5.2.3,
components on which intrinsic safety depends shall not operate at more than two-thirds of their
manufacturer's maximum current, voltage and power rating, as applicable unless otherwise
permitted by this document.
For Level of Protection "ic", unless otherwise stated in this document, under the conditions
specified in 5.2.4, components on which intrinsic safety depends shall not operate at more than
their manufacturer's maximum current and voltage rating and, for power rating:
a) at the manufacturer's maximum power rating with the application of non-countable faults;
b) at no more than two thirds of their power rating under normal operation.
For all Levels of Protection testing or analysis of components and assemblies of components
to determine the parameters, for example voltage and current, to which the safety factors are
applied need not be performed where parameters are supplied by the manufacturer of the
component since the factors of safety of 5.2 obviate the need for testing or analysis.
EXAMPLE 1 The safety factor is applicable to the power rating of a Zener diode, but not to the Zener voltage as
the Zener diode limits its own voltage, but cannot limit its own power.
EXAMPLE 2 For a PCB mounted semiconductor, the maximum permitted power dissipation is two-thirds of the
power required to reach the maximum permitted junction temperature, taking into account the specific mounting and
environmental conditions of the semiconductor.
EXAMPLE 3 A Zener diode stated by its manufacturer to be 10 V + 10 % is taken to be 11 V maximum without the
need to take into account effects such as voltage elevation due to rise in temperature.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", where a component is rated in accordance with 7.1, its
failure shall be a countable fault unless the component is considered to be infallible against that
failure mode. The failure of a component that is not rated according to 7.1 shall be a non-
countable fault unless otherwise stated in this document.
For Level of Protection "ic", if, under the conditions specified in 5.2.4, a component does not
operate within its manufacturer's rating, then its failure to short or open circuit shall be a non-
countable fault unless otherwise stated in this document. For all other conditions and failure
modes, the failure of components need not be considered.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib" and for spark ignition assessment for Level of Protection
"ic", in the assessment of the application of the conditions of 5.2, the most onerous values
resulting from the manufacturing process shall be taken into account. These might be different
in each case considered.
For components, the tolerance on values may be those specified by the manufacturer of the
component. Alternatively, the manufacturer of the equipment may specify absolute maxima or
minima (as applicable) which are assured by the manufacturing process.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 85 –
EXAMPLE 1 For the purposes of assessment, the manufacturer uses an absolute minimum value of resistance for
a resistor on which intrinsic safety depends. Then in production there can be variation in the nominal value of resistor
used without further assessment provided that the nominal value less the tolerance is at least the absolute minimum
used for the assessment.
EXAMPLE 2 Components are selected in production based on routine measurement of their value.
For Level of Protection "ic", thermal ignition compliance may be assessed using a
representative sample of the equipment, which is considered to be worst-case in practice,
without having to take into account the worst-case tolerance of every component.
7.4 Resistors
7.4.1 General
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", if not complying with 7.4.2 the failure of resistors to open
circuit, short circuit and any value of resistance between open circuit and short circuit shall be
considered a non-countable fault.
For Level of Protection "ic", resistors that do not conform to 7.4.2 shall be considered to fail as
specified in 7.2.
Resistors rated in accordance with the requirements of 7.1 and complying with the following
shall be considered as capable of failing according to Table 13.
a) film type;
b) wire wound type with protection to prevent unwinding of the wire in the event of breakage;
c) printed resistors as used in hybrid and similar circuits covered by a coating conforming to or encapsulated in accordance with 6.6.
The external connections of a resistor shall conform to 6.5.1 except where a resistor only
ensures its own thermal ignition compliance. Separation requirements shall not be applied to
the interior of a resistor. Faults between turns of a correctly rated wire wound resistor with
windings coated by the resistor manufacturer need not be taken into account. The insulating
surface of a resistor shall be assumed to comply with the required CTI value in column 7 of
Table 7 or footnote d) in Table 8 at the voltage rating defined by the resistor manufacturer.
When applying Table 9 the insulating surface of a resistor shall be assumed to have material
group IIIa if not specified otherwise by the manufacturer of the resistor.
Where a resistor and capacitor or supercapacitor are connected in series to limit the charge or
discharge of the capacitor or supercapacitor, the power rating of the resistor shall be based on
the lesser of the power calculated using the voltage across the capacitance (as if the capacitor
were a battery), or a total available power in watts equivalent to CU 2 where C is the maximum
capacitance and U is the maximum voltage.
Other than for the power rating of series resistors during the charge or discharge of capacitors
or supercapacitors, resistors meeting the requirements of 7.4.2 shall be considered to be
capable of withstanding any transient to be expected.
The internal resistance of a battery or supercapacitor may be used for limitation in the
assessment of intrinsic safety, in which case its minimum resistance value shall be specified by
the cell manufacturer or determined according to 9.14.5.
– a fuse;
– the filament of a bulb in handlights or caplights; or
– infra-red sources in gas detectors
may be used for limitation provided that these components are used within their normal
operating rating. The resistance shall be the cold resistance at the minimum service
temperature, determined either in accordance with 9.8 or as specified by the manufacturer of
the component.
NOTE The bulb might need to be protected by a Type of Protection other than intrinsic safety.
7.5 Capacitors
7.5.1 General
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", if not complying with 7.5.2, 7.5.3 or 7.5.4 the failure of
capacitors to open circuit, short circuit and any value less than the maximum specified
capacitance shall be considered a non-countable fault. The capacitance is not considered to
increase from the maximum rated value.
For Level of Protection "ic", capacitors that do not conform to 7.5.2 shall be considered to fail
as specified in 7.2.
Capacitors rated in accordance with the requirements of 7.1 and complying with the following
shall be considered as capable of failing according to Table 14.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 87 –
"ia" and "ib" 1,5 N/A N/A Countable fault Countable fault a Countable fault C nom ± Tol
"ic" 1,0 N/A N/A Not applied Not applied Not applied C nom ± Tol
a Capacitors with internal and external separations complying with shall not be considered to fail to short
External connections of capacitors shall conform to 6.5.1. Where the failure of the capacitor to
short circuit is a countable fault, and for Level of Protection "ic", the separation requirements
shall not be applied to the interior of capacitors.
Where capacitors are located between circuits requiring galvanic isolation for intrinsic safety
the insulation of each capacitor shall comply with the dielectric strength requirements of 6.9
applied between its electrodes and also between each electrode and external conductive parts
of the capacitor.
Electrolytic capacitors, including tantalum, shall not be used where intrinsic safety depends on
the blocking of DC current.
The effect of capacitive coupling shall be considered. Current caused by the highest nominal
operating frequency in that part of the circuit (as specified by the manufacturer) shall be taken
into account. Transient energy from a non-intrinsically safe circuit to an intrinsically safe circuit
(for example as a result of the application of the peak of U m ) shall be in accordance with the
permissible ignition energy of 9.11.
For Level of Protection "ia", DC blocking may be achieved with two series capacitors provided
that the capacitors:
– conform to 7.5.2;
– are of a solid dielectric type; and
– each comply with the dielectric strength requirement of 6.9.
Either of the two capacitors shall be considered as being capable of failing to short or open
circuit as a countable fault. However, a second countable fault shall not be applied to the
capacitor assembly if the total distance across the assembly complies with and the
distance across each capacitor is at least half the value required for an infallible separation.
NOTE Only one capacitor is required where its internal and external separations meet
Capacitors connected between the frame of the apparatus and an intrinsically safe circuit shall
conform to 6.9. Where their failure to short circuit would bypass a component on which the
intrinsic safety of the circuit depends, they shall also either:
7.6.1 General
Inductors and windings shall conform to 7.6 except for the windings of transformers described
in 7.8.
NOTE Values for R or L/R for transformer windings can be determined using 7.6. Transformer windings might benefit
from an assessment described in 7.6.3.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", if not complying with 7.6.2, 7.6.3, 7.6.4 or the
failure of inductors to any value of resistance between open circuit and short circuit shall be
considered a non-countable fault in accordance with 7.2. Only inductance to resistance ratios
less than or equal to that derived from the inductor specifications shall be considered. The
inductance is not considered to increase from its maximum rated value.
For Level of Protection "ic", inductors that do not conform to 7.6.2 or 7.6.4 shall be considered
to fail as specified in 7.2.
Inductors rated in accordance with the requirements of 7.1 and complying with the following
shall be considered as capable of failing according to Table 15.
Safety factor
applied to the Failure mode
rating Normal
Level of
Protection R< L<
Open Short value
U I P (R nom – (L nom – L/R > max
circuit circuit
Tol) Tol)
L nom ± Tol
Countable Countable Countable Countable
"ia" and "ib" N/A 1,5 N/A Not applied
fault fault a fault a fault R nom ± Tol
L nom ± Tol
"ic" N/A 1,0 N/A Not applied Not applied Not applied Not applied Not applied
R nom ± Tol
a Inductors complying with 7.6.3 are not considered to fail to a lower resistance than their rated value.
The external connections of inductors shall conform to 6.5.1 but the separation requirements
shall not be applied to the interior of the inductor.
Inductors made from insulated conductors shall not be considered to fail to a lower resistance
than their rated values (taking into account the tolerances) if they comply with all of the
c) the conductor shall be covered with at least two layers of insulation, or a single layer of solid
insulation of thickness greater than 0,5 mm between adjacent conductors, or be made of
enamelled round wire in accordance with either:
1) Grade 1 enamelled round wire that complies with the minimum dielectric breakdown
requirements for grade 2 according to IEC 60317-0-1, and has no more than 6 faults per
30 m of wire irrespective of diameter when tested according to the continuity of insulation
test of IEC 60851-5; or
2) Grade 2 enamelled round wire according to IEC 60317-0-1.
NOTE It is not a requirement of this document that the conformity of the manufacturer's specification of the
insulation to Grade 1 or Grade 2 needs to be verified.
d) windings shall be consolidated with a suitable substance for example by dipping, trickling
or vacuum impregnation, taking into account the following:
1) consolidation shall take place after any fastening or wrapping, and after drying to remove
2) the consolidation shall be carried out in compliance with the specific instructions of the
manufacturer of the relevant type of consolidating substance;
3) the consolidation shall ensure that the spaces between the conductors are filled as
completely as possible and that good cohesion between the conductors is achieved;
4) if consolidating substances containing solvents are used, the consolidation and drying
process shall be carried out at least twice; and
5) coating by painting or spraying shall not be considered as consolidation.
Damping windings used as short circuited turns to minimize the effects of inductance shall be
considered not to be subject to open circuit faults if they are of reliable mechanical construction,
for example seamless metal tubes or windings of bare wire continuously short-circuited by
soldering. General
If the recoverable energy stored within a common mode choke, in addition to transient energies
provided by the circuit, does not exceed the energy limits specified in Table D.1 when tested
according to 9.15, then the common mode choke is considered to have an inductance
corresponding to the leakage inductance. If the above is not satisfied, then the following shall
a) For Levels of Protection "ia" or "ib" if the common mode choke does not comply with,
the inductance of the common mode choke shall be that of one winding with the other open
b) For Level of Protection "ic", where the return path can only be through the choke, common
mode chokes are considered to have an inductance corresponding to the leakage
inductance. Otherwise, the inductance shall be that of one winding with the other open
NOTE Common mode chokes are usually operated in differential mode to reduce electromagnetic interference.
Common mode chokes for Level of Protection "ia" and "ib" may be considered to have an
inductance value equal to the leakage inductance if they are in compliance with the following:
a) the inductors shall be rated in accordance with the requirements of 7.6.2; and
b) the current return path shall only be through the common mode choke; and
c) either:
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7.7 Semiconductors
Analysis of integrated circuits based on failure rates of particular failure modes other than stated
is not permitted by this document.
EXAMPLE Analysis according to IEC 61508 is not sufficient to demonstrate intrinsic safety.
For Levels of Protection "ia" or "ib", semiconductors shall be considered to fail as follows:
a) if not complying with 7.7.2 and 7.7.3 the failure to open circuit or short circuit shall be
considered a non-countable fault.
b) Integrated circuits shall be considered to fail so that any combination of short and open
circuits can exist between their external connections. Although any combination can be
assumed, once that fault has been applied, it cannot be changed, for example, by application
of a second fault. Under this fault situation any capacitance and inductance connected to
the device shall be considered in their most onerous connection as a result of the applied
c) When considering the voltage available on the external pins of an integrated circuit that
includes voltage converters (for example, for voltage increase or voltage inversion in flash
memory), the internal voltages need not be considered, provided that in normal operation
the enhanced voltage is not present at any external pin and no external components such
as capacitors or inductors are used for the conversion. If the enhanced voltage is available
at any external pin of an integrated circuit under normal operating conditions, then the
enhanced voltage shall only be considered to be present on that pin and any pins of the
same package that are not internally connected to the integrated circuit (for example, not
connected pins).
NOTE It is not a requirement of this document that the manufacturer's specification for the semiconductor
needs to be verified.
d) For thermal ignition assessment for Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", the semiconductor
shall be considered to fail as a non-countable fault to a state where it dissipates the
maximum power available at its place of installation under the conditions specified in 5.2,
unless one of the following is applied:
1) Diodes (including LEDs and Zener diodes) operated within the requirements of 7.7.2
shall only be considered for the power they can dissipate in the forward conducting
mode, or Zener mode, if applicable.
2) Controlled semiconductors of low complexity, such as transistors, thyristors and triacs
operating within the requirements of 7.7.2 shall be considered to fail to short or open
circuit. Additionally, thermal ignition assessment of the controlled semiconductor shall
include its operation without failing in any intended conducting or triggered state as well
as in any state to which it can be driven by the failure of other components in the circuit
in which it is installed. For example, a fault in the circuit driving the gate of a field-effect
transistor might cause heating due to a high on resistance.
For Level of Protection "ic", semiconductors that do not comply with 7.7.2 shall be considered
to fail as specified in 7.2.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 91 –
Semiconductors rated in accordance with the requirements of 7.1 and complying with the
following shall be considered as capable of failing according to Table 16.
The external connections of a semiconductor shall comply with 6.5.1, as applicable, but the
separation requirements shall not be applied to the interior of a sealed semiconductor.
Semiconductors on which intrinsic safety depends that are protected by a fuse or controlled
semiconductor current limitation shall be rated with a safety factor of 1,0 for the maximum
transient current pulse that results during switching of the limitation (such as opening of the
fuse or response time of the controlled semiconductor limitation). This shall be demonstrated
in accordance with 9.16.
EXAMPLE Transients generated by switched mode supplies do not need to be considered when rating
For Level of Protection "ic", the above requirements only apply to diode safety barriers.
Semiconductors may be used as shunt voltage limiting devices provided that they conform to
7.7.2 and 7.7.3 with the applicable safety factor for the following:
a) for diodes, diode connected transistors, thyristors and equivalent semiconductor devices: a
forward current rating greater than or equal to the short circuit current that would flow at
their place of installation; and
b) for Zener diodes:
1) rated for the power that would be dissipated in the Zener mode, and
2) having a forward current rating greater than or equal to the short circuit current that
would flow at their place of installation.
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NOTE The maximum current in the forward direction is necessary to ensure the overall construction of the Zener
diode is adequate to carry any fault current.
a) all components shall be rated in accordance with 7.7.2, 7.7.3, and 7.7.4;
b) where there are multiple independent shunt paths, the voltage of the assembly shall be that
of the highest voltage shunt path; and
c) where a shunt assembly which does not provide galvanic isolation is manufactured as an
individual apparatus rather than as part of a larger apparatus, the construction of the
assembly shall be in accordance with 8.1.2.
NOTE When a shunt component is used to prevent spark ignition of a component, for example, an inductor,
encapsulation in accordance with 6.6.2 may be required.
The following shunt assembly constructions shall be considered infallible for Level of Protection
"ia" against failure to limit the output voltage where they comply with 7.7.5:
a) two parallel paths of diodes or Zener diodes or diode chains; the failure of only a single
diode or Zener diode to either open circuit or short circuit shall be considered a single
countable fault;
b) an assembly of bridge connected diodes;
c) two independent controlled semiconductor voltage limitation circuits if both the input and
output circuits are intrinsically safe circuits or where it can be shown that they cannot be
subjected to any transient voltage; or
d) for associated apparatus, three independent controlled semiconductor voltage limitation
circuits where these can be subjected to transient voltage.
Controlled and non-controlled semiconductors may be used for the purposes of blocking or
limiting current provided that they comply with 7.7.2 and 7.7.3.
NOTE Microcontrollers and microprocessors are intended to run software code while programmable logic
components can be configured by a hardware description language.
For all Levels of Protection for the determination of service temperatures, it shall be assumed
that programmable components operate normally.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", the failure of a programmable component shall be a non-
countable fault.
a) may be relied upon to set levels for hardware control of circuits (for example for control of
voltage, current, temperature) where intrinsic safety depends on the controlled level;
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 93 –
b) may form part of the control loop for control of circuits for the purposes of thermal ignition
compliance and rating of components;
c) shall not be relied upon to respond to changes in conditions that present a spark ignition
EXAMPLES For Level of Protection "ic",
– where a crowbar is relied upon for spark ignition compliance, programmable components can be used to
control the threshold of a hardware trigger for the crowbar, but programmable components cannot be used
to trigger the crowbar;
– programmable components cannot be used within the control loop of a voltage regulator that defined U o if
this is relied upon to prevent an ignition capable spark, but programmable components may be used to set
the set-point of the voltage regulator;
– programmable components cannot be used within the control loop of an output that limits I o if this is relied
upon to keep I o within short circuit spark ignition limits, but programmable components may be used to set
the set-point of the current regulator.
7.8 Transformers
7.8.1 General
The combination of faults within a transformer which would result in an increased output voltage
or current shall not be considered.
a) short circuit of the galvanic isolation between windings of a transformer shall be considered
a non-countable fault.
b) For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", the failure of windings to any value of resistance
between open circuit and short circuit shall be considered a non-countable fault except
where the winding complies with 7.6.2 or 7.6.3.
c) For Level of Protection "ic", short circuits within windings and open circuits of windings shall
be considered to occur, except where the transformer is constructed in accordance with the
relevant industrial standard for the equipment type.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", transformers used within their normal rating and meeting
the requirements of 7.8.3 and 7.8.4 as applicable, shall be considered as providing infallible
galvanic isolation between applicable windings.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib" transformers on which intrinsic safety depends shall be
type tested according to 9.17.2 or 9.17.3 as applicable.
For Level of Protection "ic", transformers rated for the normal operating voltage, current and
power in the circuit, and meeting the requirements of 7.8.5 as applicable, shall be considered
as providing infallible galvanic isolation between applicable windings.
Transformers on which intrinsic safety depends shall be routine tested in accordance with 10.3.
NOTE 1 Use of impregnation to consolidate the windings might not meet the requirements for separation.
All windings for supplying intrinsically safe circuits shall be separated from all other windings
by one of the following types of construction.
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For type 2 construction, the windings shall be wound one over another with either:
Type 2a) solid insulation in accordance with Table 7 between the windings; or
Type 2b) a copper foil screen complying with 6.5.9 between the windings or an equivalent wire
winding (wire screen). The thickness of the copper foil or the wire screen shall be in accordance
with Table 17.
NOTE 2 This ensures that, for Type 2b) in the event of a short circuit between any winding and the screen, the
screen will withstand, without breakdown, the current which flows until the fuse or circuit-breaker functions.
Manufacturer's tolerances shall not reduce the values given in Table 17 by more than 10 % or
0,1 mm, whichever is the smaller.
The foil screen shall be provided with two mechanically separate leads to a reference
potential, for example earth or the negative terminal of a battery, each of which is rated to
carry the maximum continuous current which could flow.
EXAMPLE Examples of maximum continuous current are the current before a circuit-breaker operates, or 1,7
I n for a fuse.
A wire screen shall consist of at least two electrically independent layers of wire, each of
which is provided with a connection rated to carry the maximum continuous current which
could flow. The only requirement of the insulation between the layers is that it shall be
capable of withstanding a 500 V RMS test to all adjacent layers in accordance with 9.6.
For transformers using ferrite cores, there is no requirement for grounding the core, but the
ferrite shall be considered as conductive for separation purposes, unless adequate information
is available to demonstrate that the core material is insulating.
7.8.4 Protective measures for transformers on which intrinsic safety depends for
Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib"
The cores of all mains supply transformers, including all transformers where at least one
winding is not galvanically isolated from the mains supply, shall be provided with an earth
connection, except where earthing is not required for intrinsic safety, for example when
transformers with insulated cores are used.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 95 –
The input circuit of mains transformers intended for supplying intrinsically safe circuits shall be
protected either by a fuse conforming to 7.11 or by a suitably rated circuit-breaker.
If the input and output windings are separated by an earthed metal screen (type 20
construction), each non-earthed input line shall be protected by a fuse or circuit-breaker.
Where, in addition to the fuse or circuit-breaker, an embedded thermal device complying with and is used for protection against overheating of the transformer, a single
device is considered sufficient.
Fuses, fuse holders, circuit-breakers and thermal devices shall conform to an appropriate
recognized standard.
Mains frequency transformers shall be tested according to, and other transformers
shall be tested according to
NOTE It is not a requirement of this document that the manufacturer's specification for the fuses, fuse holders,
circuit-breakers and thermal devices needs to be verified.
As transformers that are galvanically isolated from the mains supply are not directly connected
to mains voltage, the reduced test requirements according to 9.17.3 apply.
NOTE Transformers not directly connected to mains supply are considered connected to secondary circuits with a
reduced OVC. These transformers can be coupling transformers such as those used in signal circuits or switched
mode power supplies.
When such transformers are connected to non-intrinsically safe circuits derived from mains
voltages, then either protective measures in accordance with shall be applied or a single
shunt Zener diode protected to a safety factor of 1,0 by a suitably rated fuse according to 7.11
shall be included at the supply connection so that unspecified power shall not impair the
infallibility of the galvanic isolation provided by the transformer. The rated input voltage of
9.17.3 shall be that of the Zener diode.
When such transformers are only connected to intrinsically safe circuits and a fuse is not
present, then each winding shall be subjected to the maximum current that can flow under the
conditions specified in 5.2.
For Level of Protection "ic", transformers on which intrinsic safety depends shall have a rated
input voltage equivalent to U m or U i and shall comply with the applicable safety requirements
of the relevant industrial standards providing basic insulation. The requirements of Table 7 or
Table 9 as applicable shall apply for the external connections of the transformers but shall not
apply to the internal separations between the windings.
For Level of Protection "ic" transformers shall be type tested according to 9.17.4.
7.9 Relays
7.9.1 General
The coil of a relay shall be considered an energy storage component. Only inductance to
resistance ratios less than or equal to that derived from the inductor specifications shall be
considered. The inductance is not considered to increase from its maximum rated value.
– short circuit of the isolation of relays from coil to contact and between contacts shall be a
non-countable fault;
– for Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", the failure of the coil to any value of resistance between
open circuit and short circuit shall be considered a non-countable fault;
– for Level of Protection "ic", the failure of the coil to open circuit and short circuit shall be
considered a non-countable fault.
Relays on which intrinsic safety depends shall comply with the dielectric strength requirements
of 6.9.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", relays on which intrinsic safety depends that are operated
within their specification under normal operation and that comply with all the following as
applicable shall be considered to provide infallible galvanic isolation between the coil and the
contacts or between different contacts:
a) Separation between the coil and the contacts shall comply with
b) The coil shall be capable of dissipating the maximum power to which it can be subjected
under the conditions specified in 5.2.
c) Where the coil is connected to an intrinsically safe circuit, the contacts in normal operation
shall not exceed their manufacturer's rating.
d) Where the nominal contact current is between 5 A RMS and 10 A RMS , or the apparent power
is between 100 VA and 500 VA or the voltage is greater than 250 V AC RMS , one of the
following is applied:
1) the required creepage distance and clearance within the relay shall be doubled, or
2) when reduced separation distances according to 6.5.3 are used for relays, relays that
meet IEC 61810-1 are acceptable provided that:
– the relay conforms to reinforced insulation according to IEC 61810-1 with a rated
insulation voltage of at least the voltage required by 6.5.5,
– the assessment of the relay according to IEC 61810-1 for the rated insulation voltage
is done at least for the same OVC as the relay is used in the context this document,
– the assessment of the relay according to IEC 61810-1 for the rated insulation voltage
is done at least for pollution degree 2, and
– the contacts in normal operation are used within the ratings of the IEC 61810-1
assessment for this relay.
The separation requirements and dielectric strength requirements according to this
document still apply for such relays, except that a partial discharge test is not required
for such relays.
e) For values of current or power higher than specified in d), intrinsically safe circuits and non-
intrinsically safe circuits shall be connected to the same relay only if one of the following is
1) they are separated by a metal partition conforming to 6.5.9 or an insulating partition
conforming to 6.5.10. The dimensions of such an insulating partition shall take into
account the ionization arising from operation of the relay which would generally require
creepage distances and clearances greater than those given in, or
2) when reduced separation distances according to 6.5.3 are used for relays, relays that
meet IEC 61810-1 are acceptable, provided that:
– the relay conforms to reinforced insulation according to IEC 61810-1 with a rated
insulation voltage of at least the voltage required by 6.5.5,
– the assessment of the relay according to IEC 61810-1 for the rated insulation voltage
is done at least for the same OVC as the relay is used in the context this document,
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 97 –
– the assessment of the relay according to IEC 61810-1 for the rated insulation voltage
is done at least for pollution degree 3, and
NOTE Although the relay is used in pollution degree 2, the inner distances of the relay are rated for
pollution degree 3, to take into account the ionization arising from operation of the relay.
– the contacts in normal operation are used within the ratings of the IEC 61810-1
assessment for this relay.
The separation requirements and dielectric strength requirements according to this
document still apply for such relays, except that a partial discharge test is not required
for such relays.
f) Where a relay has contacts in intrinsically safe circuits and other contacts in non-intrinsically
safe circuits, the intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe contacts shall be separated by
an insulating partition conforming to 6.5.10 or a metal partition conforming to 6.5.9 in
addition to Table 7. The relay shall be designed such that broken or damaged contact
arrangements cannot become dislodged and impair the integrity of the separation between
intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits.
g) If the insulating or earthed metal partition is embedded in a closed relay enclosure then
9.4.3 shall be applied to the closed relay enclosure and not to the insulating or earthed
metal partition itself.
For Level of Protection "ic" where the relay is constructed in accordance with the relevant
industrial standard for the apparatus, other than dielectric and separation distances, no
additional enhanced constructional requirements are required.
7.10.1 General
The requirements of 7.10 apply to signal isolators using optical, magnetic, capacitive coupling
and galvanically separating components, other than transformers (See 7.8), relays (See 7.9),
or single capacitors (See 7.5).
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", if not complying with 7.10.2 and either 7.10.3 or 7.10.4
the failure of signal isolators to a short circuit across the galvanic isolation and to any resistance
value shall be considered a non-countable fault.
For Level of Protection "ic", signal isolators that do not comply with 7.10.2 and either 7.10.3 or
7.10.4 shall be considered to fail as specified in 7.2, including across their galvanic isolation.
The requirements of IEC 60079-28 need not be applied to self-contained optical isolators for
compliance with this document.
Signal isolators rated in accordance with the requirements of 7.1 and complying with the
following shall be considered as capable of failing according to Table 18.
Where external protective components are required to fulfil the rating of the signal isolator,
countable faults shall not be applied to the protective components and the rating of the
protective component shall have a safety factor of 1,0. For example, a single shunt Zener diode
protected to a safety factor of 1,0 by a suitably rated fuse according to 7.11 shall be considered
as sufficient protection. Separations according to general industrial standards shall be applied
for such components (see Figure 3).
The external connections across the isolation of a signal isolator shall comply with 6.5.1 but the
separation requirements shall not be applied to the interior of encapsulated or sealed signal
isolators except where required by 7.10.3.
Signal isolators shall comply with the dielectric strength requirements in accordance with 6.9
across the galvanic isolation. The manufacturer's insulation voltage rating for the infallible
separation of the component shall be not less than the test voltage required by 6.9.
Non-optical signal isolators, and optical isolators with intentional power transfer, shall comply
with a differential leakage current transfer limit of 50 μA, under the most onerous conditions of
data rate for the application under consideration, either as measured by 9.9 or obtained from
the manufacturer of the signal isolator. Current transfer of the signal isolator need not be
considered for the assessment of the equipment.
NOTE Optical signal isolators are excluded from evaluation of transferred current based on the assumption that the
energy transferred optically with known architectures is not capable of violating the current transfer limit.
7.10.3 Signal isolators between intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits
Signal isolators are considered to provide infallible separation between intrinsically safe and
non-intrinsically safe circuits if complying with one or more of the following:
a) Optical signal isolators that meet the construction, material and test requirements for
reinforced insulation according to IEC 60747-5-5 with an insulation rating of at least the
voltage required by 6.5.5. The signal isolator shall additionally comply with 7.10.2.
b) Non optical signal isolators that meet the construction, material and test requirements for
reinforced insulation according to DIN VDE V 0884-11 or IEC 60747-17 with an insulation
rating of at least the voltage required by 6.5.5 of this document. The signal isolator shall
additionally comply with 7.10.2.
c) Signal isolators that comply with 7.10.2, and in addition comply with the separation
requirements of applied to the interior of the device except that inside sealed devices
columns 5, 6 and 7 of Table 7, or columns 3 and 4 of Table 8 and Table 9 shall not apply.
d) Optical signal isolators that comply with the requirements of 6.9 across the galvanic isolation
and for Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib" the tests of 9.10. The rating of the optical signal
isolator need not comply with 7.1 or 7.10.2, except that the separation requirements of shall be applied to the external connections across the isolation and to the interior
of the optical signal isolator. Inside sealed devices columns 5, 6, and 7 of Table 7, or
columns 3, 4 and 5 of Table 8, and columns 3 and 4 of Table 9 shall not apply.
NOTE It is not a requirement of this document that the conformity of the signal isolator manufacturer's specification
needs to be verified against IEC 60747-5-5, DIN VDE V 0884-11 or IEC 60747-17.
Signal isolators shall be considered to provide infallible separation of separate intrinsically safe
circuits if complying with 7.10.2, or 7.10.3 d). Protective techniques (such as those indicated in
7.10.2) may be necessary to avoid exceeding the rating of the isolating component.
7.11 Fuses
Where intrinsic safety depends on the opening of a fuse, for the purposes of assessment the
fuse shall be considered capable of carrying a current of 1,7 I n continuously. A single suitably
rated fuse is sufficient to provide protection.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 99 –
For intrinsically safe apparatus of Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", fuses which can carry
current when located in explosive atmospheres shall be encapsulated in accordance with 6.6.
For Level of Protection "ic", the opening of a fuse shall only be considered an ignition risk where
such opening is an expected occurrence, for example where shorting or overloading at the
connection facilities would cause the fuse to open.
Where fuses are encapsulated or coated, the compound or coating shall not enter the fuse
interior. This shall be demonstrated by one of the following:
Fuses used to protect components shall be replaceable only by opening the apparatus
enclosure. For replaceable fuses, the type designation and the fuse rating I n , or the
characteristics important to intrinsic safety shall be marked adjacent to the fuses.
Fuses shall have a voltage rating of at least the maximum voltage that they might be subjected
to under the conditions specified in 5.2 while open circuit, although they do not need to conform
to General industrial standards for the construction of fuses and fuse holders shall be
applied and their method of mounting including the connecting wiring shall not reduce the
clearances, creepage distances and other separations afforded by the fuse and its holder.
Where required for intrinsic safety, the distances to other parts of the circuit shall comply with
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", the opening of fuses shall be considered and is not a
countable fault.
A fuse shall have a breaking capacity (AC or DC as applicable) not less than the maximum
prospective current of the circuit in which it is installed. For mains electricity supply systems
not exceeding 250 V AC RMS , the prospective current shall normally be considered to be
1 500 A AC. The breaking capacity of the fuse is determined according to the IEC 60127 series
or ANSI/UL 248 series and shall be stated by the manufacturer of the fuses. The cold resistance
shall not be used for the purpose of complying with the breaking capacity of the fuse.
NOTE This does not exclude the use of the cold resistance to limit current in the rest of the circuit or to protect
other components. See 7.4.2.
For connection facilities with a specified U m the breaking capacity of the fuse may be below
1 500 A. In this case the manufacturer shall specify the maximum prospective current allowed
for the circuit in their instructions.
– power rating (1,7 × I n ) 2 × maximum resistance of limiting device with applicable safety
factors applied.
Separation across the resistor shall be determined using the voltage of 1,7 × I n × maximum
resistance of the resistor.
– 100 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
7.12.1 General
Contrary to the cells and batteries requirements of IEC 60079-0, cells and batteries are
permitted to be connected in parallel in intrinsically safe apparatus provided that intrinsic safety
is not invalidated. For example, 5.3, 5.4.4, 7.12.3, and are considered under the
conditions of short circuiting of one or more of the parallel cells or supercapacitors.
NOTE The parallel battery requirement of IEC 60079-0 applies to cells and batteries in associated apparatus that
are protected by another Type of Protection listed in IEC 60079-0.
Some types of cells and batteries, for example some lithium types, might explode if short-
circuited or subjected to reverse charging. These types of cells shall conform to the applicable
safety requirements of the relevant industrial standards, for example, IEC 62133 or UL 1642.
The instructions and, if practicable, the marking for the apparatus shall draw attention to any
safety precautions for cells and batteries to be observed by the user.
Where batteries are intended to be replaced by the user (for example where 7.12.7 or 7.12.8
are applicable), the apparatus shall be marked with a warning label as specified in item a) of
Where secondary batteries are used but cannot be charged in a hazardous area, the apparatus
shall be marked with a warning label as specified in item c) of 11.2.
If the cells or batteries are charged in hazardous areas, the charging circuits shall be fully
specified and assessed as part of the assessment of the apparatus. The charging system shall
be such that, under the conditions specified in 5.2, the charger voltage and current do not
exceed the limits specified by the cell or battery manufacturer.
For intrinsically safe apparatus with cells or batteries for EPL Da, or EPL Db where the cells
are charged in hazardous areas, the temperature rise and electrolyte leakage tests of the cells
specified in 9.14 shall also be considered under the conditions of charging.
The spark ignition capability and surface temperature of cells and batteries used in intrinsically
safe apparatus shall be tested or assessed in accordance with 9.14.3. The cell or battery
construction shall be one of the following types:
a) sealed cells;
b) valve regulated cells or batteries;
c) cells or batteries which are intended to be sealed in a similar manner to items a) and b)
apart from a pressure relief device.
Such cells or batteries shall not require addition of electrolyte during their life and shall have
a sealed metallic or plastic battery container conforming to the following:
1) without seams or joints, for example solid-drawn, spun or moulded, joined by fusion,
eutectic methods, welding, or adhesives sealed with elastomeric or plastic sealing
devices retained by the structure of the enclosure and held permanently in compression,
for example washers and O-rings;
2) swaged, crimped, shrunk on or folded construction of parts of the enclosure which do
not conform with the above or parts using materials which are permeable to gas, for
example paper-based materials, shall not be considered to be sealed;
3) seals around terminals shall be either constructed as above or be poured seals of
thermosetting or thermoplastic compound;
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 101 –
NOTE A manufacturer's datasheet specifying compliance with the applicable standards for sealed cells or valve
regulated cells is considered a declaration of conformance. It is not a requirement of this document that the conformity
of the cell or battery manufacturer's specification needs to be verified.
In less well-defined circumstances, the battery shall be considered to have a short circuit failure
between its external terminals.
Cells and batteries shall either be of a type from which there can be no spillage of electrolyte
or they shall be enclosed to prevent damage by the electrolyte to the components upon which
intrinsic safety depends. Cells and batteries which are not enclosed to prevent damage to the
intrinsically safe circuit by the electrolyte shall be tested in accordance with 9.14.2, or written
confirmation shall be obtained from the cell/battery manufacturer that the product conforms to
9.14.2. If cells and batteries which leak electrolyte are encapsulated in accordance with 6.6,
they shall be tested in accordance with 9.14.2 after encapsulation.
7.12.4 Ventilation
Where the intrinsically safe apparatus contains cells or batteries that are charged within them,
the manufacturer shall demonstrate that the concentration of hydrogen cannot exceed 2 % by
volume in any free volume of the apparatus containing electrical or electronic components or
connections. Alternatively, where the apparatus meets the requirements for Levels of Protection
"ia" or "ib" and Group IIC, the requirement of degassing apertures or limitation of hydrogen
concentration does not apply.
NOTE 1 It is not a requirement of this document that the conformity of the battery manufacturer's specification of
the concentration of hydrogen needs to be verified.
Battery containers for primary and secondary valve regulated cells or batteries within
intrinsically safe apparatus that are sealed (no visible vents such as holes, leaks or slots) shall
be tested in accordance with 9.14.4, and the pressure above atmospheric inside the battery
container shall not exceed 30 kPa (0,3 bar).
Sealed cells that clearly do not vent during the tests found in 9.14 and battery containers that
enclose such cells do not need to be tested in accordance with 9.14.4.
NOTE 2 Higher pressures might occur in sealed and valve regulated cells. Valve regulated cells limit the pressure
to a value that can be contained by the cell, as specified by the manufacturer.
For the purpose of evaluation and test, the cell voltage shall be that specified in the primary
cells table and secondary cells table of IEC 60079-0. When a cell is not listed in these tables,
it shall be tested in accordance with 9.13 to determine the maximum open circuit voltage at a
temperature of (23 ± 5) °C and after charging using the method specified by the apparatus
manufacturer. The nominal voltage shall be that specified by the cell manufacturer.
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Where a resistor is used to limit the current that can be supplied by the battery, it shall be rated
in accordance with 7.4.2.
Current limiting resistors in series with cells or batteries shall be rated at the maximum voltage
U m unless otherwise protected. In this instance protection may be achieved by use of a single
Zener diode rated in accordance with 7.7.2.
Current-limiting devices necessary to ensure the safety of the battery are not required to be an
integral part of the battery.
Where a battery requires current-limiting devices to ensure the safety of the battery itself and
is intended to be used and to be replaced in an explosive atmosphere, it shall form a completely
replaceable unit with its current-limiting devices. The unit shall be encapsulated or enclosed so
that only the intrinsically safe output terminals, or suitably protected intrinsically safe terminals
for charging purposes, are exposed.
The unit shall be subjected to the drop test of IEC 60079-0 except that the prior impact test
shall be omitted. The construction of the unit shall be considered adequate if the test does not
result in the ejection or separation of the cells from the unit or current-limiting device in such a
way as to invalidate the intrinsic safety of the unit.
If the cell or battery requires current-limiting devices to ensure the safety of the battery itself,
and is not intended to be replaced in the explosive atmosphere, it shall either be protected in
accordance with 7.12.7 or alternatively it may be housed in a compartment that can only be
opened with the use of a tool, or an interlocking device according to IEC 60079-0. The
apparatus shall also conform to the following:
a) the battery compartment or means of attachment shall be arranged so that the cell or battery
can be installed and replaced without invalidating the intrinsic safety of the apparatus;
b) handheld apparatus, ready for use, such as radio receivers and transceivers, shall be
subjected to the drop test of IEC 60079-0 except that the prior impact test shall be omitted.
The construction of the apparatus shall be considered adequate if the test does not result
in the ejection or separation of the battery or cells from the apparatus in such a way as to
invalidate the intrinsic safety of the apparatus or battery; and
c) the apparatus shall be marked with a warning label as specified in 11.2 b).
External charging contacts of batteries shall meet the requirements according to 6.3.5.
Other than crystal-oscillators (for example, clock oscillators), piezoelectric devices shall be
tested in accordance with 9.11.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 103 –
For Level of Protection "ic", the test in 9.11 only applies where the piezoelectric circuit can be
directly shorted, for example, due to non-compliant spacings or directly connected sparking
contacts. The voltage used to determine the separation distances shall be one of the following
as applicable:
a) the normal operating voltage of the circuit when the piezoelectric element is not subjected
to shock during normal operation; or
b) the maximum voltage generated by the test in 9.11 when the piezoelectric element is
subjected to shock in normal operation.
7.14.1 Electrochemical
Electrochemical cells used for detection of gases shall be considered for their addition to
voltages and currents which may affect spark ignition compliance. However, they need not be
considered for their addition to the power for thermal ignition assessment of the apparatus.
7.14.2 Catalytic
Catalytic sensors are only permitted for intrinsically safe apparatus for Groups I, IIA, IIB and III.
The temperature rise due to catalytic reaction heating shall be taken into account for thermal
ignition compliance according to 5.4. This may be by application of the small component ignition
test given in IEC 60079-0.
7.15 Supercapacitors
The voltage applied to the supercapacitor shall not exceed the limit specified by the
manufacturer, even when faults in accordance with 5.2 are applied. The service temperature of
the supercapacitors shall not exceed the allowable limits defined by the supercapacitor
When considering the influence of a supercapacitor on the power rating of components on which
intrinsic safety depends and on thermal ignition hazards, it may be assumed to have stored
energy limited by the specified capacitance.
For Level of Protection "ic", supercapacitors shall be considered to fail as specified in 7.2.
– 104 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
7.16.1 General
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", if not complying with 7.16.2 or 7.16.3, the failure of thermal
devices to any value of resistance between open circuit and short circuit shall be a non-
countable fault.
For Level of Protection "ic", resistive thermal devices that do not comply with 7.16.2 or 7.16.3
shall be considered to fail as specified in 7.2.
Resistors covered by 7.4 or fuses covered by 7.11 are exempt from 7.16. General
Thermal devices, including temperature sensors, may be used to limit temperature for the
purposes of intrinsic safety providing that they comply with or or and
the following:
a) they shall be used within a control circuit (for example used in conjunction with controlled
semiconductor limitation); and
b) they shall be considered as capable of failing according to Table 19.
"ia" and "ib" 1,0 1,5 1,5 Countable fault Countable fault Countable fault
"ic" 1,0 1,0 Not applied Not applied Not applied
a Where specified.
b Refer to 7.1.
c Most onerous resistance, or equivalent (for example, thermocouple voltage), at the required maximum
Non-resettable thermal fuses, and resettable thermal switches or thermal trips, shall be
considered as capable of failing according to Table 20.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 105 –
"ia" and "ib" 1,0 1,0 N/A Countable fault b c Not applied
PTC devices, including PPTC devices, may be used to limit temperature without the use of
additional control circuits provided that:
Table 21 – Rating and failure modes of PTC devices used to limit temperature
PPTC devices rated in accordance with the requirements of 7.1, may use self-heating to limit
current for the purposes of thermal ignition compliance, power rating of components, and the
determination of P o provided they comply with all the following:
a) Thermal assessment takes into account the maximum power available to the device, and
shall not be based on the trip temperature;
b) The external connections of PPTC devices comply with 6.5.1 but separation requirements
shall not be applied to the interior; and
c) They are considered capable of failing according to Table 22.
Table 22 – Rating and failure modes of PPTC devices used to limit current
"ia" and "ib" 1,5 1,0 1,5 Countable fault Countable fault Countable fault
"ic" 1,0 1,0 1,0 Not applied Not applied Not applied
a The maximum current at which the device will trip into a high impedance mode whilst at the minimum ambient
b The maximum current the device can withstand without damage. This shall be compared to the maximum
transient current available under the conditions specified in 5.2 with all related PPTC devices short circuited.
– 106 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Mechanical switches, forming part of the apparatus, operated within their manufacturer's
specification under the conditions specified in 5.2 need only be considered as open or closed.
8.1.1 General
The diodes within a diode safety barrier limit the voltage applied to an intrinsically safe circuit
and a following resistor limits the current which can flow into the circuit. The diodes shall be
protected by a fuse or resistor(s). These assemblies are intended for use as interfaces between
intrinsically safe circuits and non-intrinsically safe circuits and shall be subject to the routine
tests of 10.1.
The ability of the diode safety barrier to withstand transients shall be tested in accordance
with 9.16.
Diode safety barriers containing only two diodes or diode chains and used for Level of
Protection "ia" shall be acceptable as infallible assemblies in accordance with 7.7.6, provided
the diodes have been subjected to the routine tests specified in 10.2.2. In this case, the failure
of only one diode shall be taken into account in the application of 5.2.
For Level of Protection "ic", diode safety barriers shall have as a minimum a single diode and
a current limiting resistor operated in accordance with 7.1.
8.1.2 Construction Mounting
The construction shall be such that, when groups of barriers are mounted together, any
incorrect mounting is obvious, for example by being asymmetrical in shape or colour in relation
to the mounting.
In addition to any circuit connection facility which may be at earth potential, the barrier shall be
fitted with at least one of the following for connection to earth:
The assembly shall be protected against access in order to prevent repair or replacement of
any components on which intrinsic safety depends, either by encapsulation in accordance with
6.6 or by an enclosure which forms a non-recoverable unit. The entire assembly shall form a
single entity.
Apparatus that is to be used within a FISCO system shall comply with Annex E, and shall be
marked according to 11.1.3.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 107 –
9.1.1 General
The spark ignition test shall use a representative circuit that is at least as incendive as the most
onerous circuit under consideration. Where it is impractical to use components on the limit of
their manufacturing tolerance (for example Zener diodes), the most onerous component from a
sample set of 10 shall be used.
Safety factors shall be taken into account as described in d) or d) as applicable.
No ignition shall occur during the test described in 9.1.2 applied to the representative circuit.
The spark test apparatus shall be that described in Annex B except where Annex B indicates
that it may not be suitable. In these circumstances, an alternative test apparatus of equivalent
sensitivity shall be used and justification for its use shall be included in the documentation.
The sensitivity of the spark test apparatus shall be checked in accordance with 9.1.3 before
each test series is carried out. For this purpose, the test apparatus shall be operated in a
(24 ± 0,24) V DC circuit containing a (95 ± 5) mH air-cored coil. The current in this circuit shall
be set at the value given in Table 23 or Table 24 as applicable, using the 'ignition' column,
according to the appropriate equipment group and the safety factor of the test mixture. The
sensitivity shall be considered to be satisfactory if an ignition of the explosive test mixture
occurs within 440 revolutions of the wire holder with the wire holder at positive polarity. When
sensitivity is not satisfactory, refer to B.3 for guidance.
Each circuit shall be tested for the following number of revolutions of the wire holder in the
spark test apparatus, with no ignition allowed to take place:
+ 40 + 20
a) for DC and capacitive circuits, 400 0 revolutions (5 min), 200 0 revolutions at each
+ 100
b) for AC circuits, 1 000 0 revolutions (12,5 min).
Care shall be taken to ensure that the circuit has sufficient time to reset (at least three-time
constants for capacitive circuits) between each discharge or trip. The normal time for reset of
the circuit shall be less than 20 ms using the normal speed of the spark test apparatus and
using 4 wires.
Where this is inadequate for resetting the circuit, then the duration between the opening and
subsequent shorting of the wire and disc shall be increased by removing one or more of the
wires and the number of revolutions shall be increased accordingly. Where sufficient reset time
cannot be obtained by removing all but one wire, then the speed of rotation of the spark test
apparatus may be reduced, but for capacitive circuits to not lower than that needed to achieve
four time constants, while ensuring adequate sensitivity of the spark test apparatus.
After each test in accordance with a) or b), sensitivity of the spark test apparatus shall be
verified. If the sensitivity does not conform to 9.1.3, the ignition test on the circuit under
investigation shall be considered invalid and shall be repeated.
When testing inductors, the effects of service temperature on coil resistance shall be taken into
account to ensure that the worst-case current is flowing through the inductor. Self-heating
effects during the test shall be ignored.
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When there is a doubt that the apparatus is over-sensitive (for example, if a test has resulted
in an ignition which was unexpected), the sensitivity may be checked by applying at least the
'no-ignition' column of Table 23 or Table 24, as applicable. If an ignition occurs within 400
revolutions, then investigation of the source of the over sensitivity shall take place and the
ignition test on the circuit under investigation shall be considered invalid and shall be repeated.
NOTE Bent, frayed, or cadmium coated tungsten wires of the spark test apparatus can change its sensitivity. This
might cause invalid test results.
9.1.3 Test gas mixtures and spark test apparatus calibration current Explosive test mixtures and calibration currents for safety factor 1,0
The explosive test mixtures as given in Table 23 shall be used, according to the stated
equipment group which is being tested.
Table 23 – Compositions of explosive test mixtures adequate for 1,0 safety factor
In special cases, apparatus which is to be tested and marked for use in a particular gas or
vapour shall be tested in the most easily ignited concentration of that gas or vapour in air.
Flammable gasses and vapours of purity less than 95 % shall not be used.
NOTE The purity of commercially available gases and vapours is normally adequate for these tests. The effect of
normal variations in laboratory temperature and air pressure and of the humidity of the air in the explosive test
mixture is also likely to be small. Any significant effects of these variations will become apparent during the routine
calibration of the spark test apparatus. Explosive test mixtures and calibration currents for safety factor 1,5
When conducting the test of 9.1.2, the preferred test mixtures are those specified in
with a safety factor applied by an increase of voltage or current as applicable according to d) d)1). Where this is not practical and a more ignitable test mixture is used to achieve
a factor of safety, a safety factor of 1,5 is considered as having been applied for the purpose of
this document when the composition is as given in Table 24.
Table 24 – Compositions of explosive test mixtures adequate for 1,5 safety factor
9.2.1 General
Where the circuit to be assessed for ignition compliance approximates to the simple circuit from which
the curve is derived, Figure A.1 to Figure A.6 or Table A.1 and Table A.2 may be used in the
The following procedure shall be applied:
– determine the most onerous circuit configuration considering component tolerances, supply
voltage variations, separation faults and component faults under the conditions specified in
– apply the safety factors specified in 5.2, using the methods specified in 5.3.4; and
verify that the relevant parameters of the resulting circuit are within the limits of the applicable
reference curves in Figure A.1 to Figure A.6 or values found in Table A.1 and Table A.2.
NOTE The figures and Tables in Annex A are based on the probability of ignition rather than binary ignition / no
ignition. It is therefore possible that circuits that comply with Annex A will cause an ignition when tested using the
spark test apparatus, and that circuits that pass the spark ignition test of 9.1 do not comply with Annex A. The
sensitivity of the spark test apparatus varies, and the curves and tables are derived from a large number of such
tests. General
A simple resistive circuit is shown in Figure 12. It consists of a voltage source limited by a fixed
resistance and does not include capacitive or inductive energy storage components. Spark
ignition assessment of such circuits may be done using the values found in Figure A.1 or
Table A.1.
A schematic diagram of a simple resistive circuit is shown in Figure 12. Spark ignition
assessment of this circuit is conducted as follows:
a) Determine resistor value – The resistor conforms to 7.4.2 and its value is specified as 300 Ω
minimum so no tolerance need be applied.
b) Determine the maximum voltage – Determine the maximum open circuit voltage of the
battery in accordance with 7.12.5. For this example, assume the maximum battery voltage
for spark ignition evaluation is 23,5 V.
c) Determine the maximum short circuit current – The maximum short circuit current is
calculated by dividing the maximum voltage by the minimum resistance: 23,5 V / 300 Ω =
78,3 mA. Since the circuit is resistive, the requirements of 5.2 and 5.3.4 are applied resulting
in a short circuit current, including safety factor, of 1,5 × 78,3 mA = 117,5 mA.
– 110 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
d) Verify spark ignition compliance – From Table A.1 for Group IIC, the minimum igniting
current for a resistive circuit at 23,5 V is 275 mA. The circuit can therefore be assessed as
intrinsically safe regarding spark ignition. General
A simple capacitive circuit is shown in Figure 13. If the combination of voltage and resistance limits the
short circuit current appropriately to the equipment group and safety factor when assessed in
accordance with 9.2.2, the reference curves in Figure A.2 and Figure A.3 or the values found in
Table A.2 may be applied.
NOTE Due to the voltage source decoupling provided by an already intrinsically safe resistive circuit and the large
safety factors involved in generating the ignition data found in Figure A.2 and Figure A.3 and Table A.2, it is not
necessary to consider the influence of resistive limited energy during capacitive ignition assessment under the
conditions stated.
Consider the circuit of Figure 13 which is intended for Group I application. It consists of a 30 V
battery connected to a 10 µF capacitor through a 10 kΩ resistor. For this example, the values
of 30 V and 10 µF are taken as maximum values, and 10 kΩ as a minimum value.
When a resistance is used in series with a capacitance to limit the energy that may discharge
from the combination of both (energy between nodes A and B in Figure 14), the assessment of
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 111 –
the effective capacitance between these two nodes may be simplified by excluding the
resistance and multiplying the capacitance by a reduction factor. The reduction factor is
determined by using Table 25 and where the resistance value exceeds 40 ohms, the following
formula may be used:
1 +
β is the Reduction Factor;
R is the Resistance.
Alternatively, the circuit may be tested or, for Group I, Figure A.2 may be used to determine the
effective capacitance with resistors of the values given in that figure.
The resistor shall be in accordance with 7.4.2, and the node X shall be separated from all other
conductive parts according to General
Figure 15 shows an example of a simple inductive circuit. Such simple inductive circuits may
be assessed for spark ignition by applying Figure A.4, Figure A.5, or Figure A.6 as appropriate.
Consider a circuit for a Group IIC explosive atmosphere requiring a safety factor of 1,5,
consisting of a power supply comprising a 23,5 V battery with a suitably mounted 300 Ω current-
limiting resistor feeding into a 1 100 Ω, 100 mH inductor as shown in Figure 15. For the purpose
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 113 –
of this example, the 300 Ω and 1 100 Ω values are specified as minimum values and 100 mH is
a maximum value.
a) Determine the maximum voltage – Determine the maximum value for the battery voltage in
accordance with 7.12.5. For this example, assume the maximum battery voltage for spark
ignition evaluation is 23,5 V.
b) Complete resistive ignition assessment in accordance with 9.2.2. This example circuit is
assessed as intrinsically safe as the maximum short circuit current, including safety factor,
is 118 mA and the limiting value found in Table A.1 is 275 mA.
c) Determine the maximum current flowing through the inductor – Since the 300 Ω and 1 100 Ω
values are specified as minimums, the maximum possible current in the load is 23,5 V /
(300 Ω + 1 100 Ω) = 16,8 mA. No faults need to be applied since the 300 Ω resistor is rated
to 7.4.2 and short circuit failure of the inductor leads to the circuit considered in b) above.
Application of the requirements of 5.2 requires that, for a safety factor of 1,5, the current in
the circuit be increased to 1,5 ×16,8mA = 25,2 mA.
d) Verify spark ignition compliance – Reference to Figure A.4 for Group IIC shows that, for a
100 mH inductor, the minimum igniting current for a source of 24 V is 28,3 mA. The circuit
can therefore be assessed as intrinsically safe regarding spark ignition for Group IIC.
NOTE Figure A.4, Figure A.5 and Figure A.6 have been derived using air-cored inductors. Normally these limits can
be used for non-air-cored inductors, though it is sometimes necessary to use the spark test of 9.1 instead.
For linear circuits the maximum external inductance to resistance ratio (L o /R o ) which may be
connected to a resistance limited power source may be calculated using the following formula.
This formula takes account of a 1,5 factor of safety on current and shall not be used where the
maximum capacitance present at the power source output exceeds 1 % of C o .
2 2 2
LO 8eRS + (64e RS − 72U O eLS )
= H/Ω
RO 4,5U O2
e is the minimum ignition energy in joules, and is for
– Group I apparatus: 525 μJ
– Group IIA apparatus: 320 μJ
– Group IIB apparatus: 160 μJ
– Group IIC apparatus: 40 μJ
R s is the minimum output resistance of the power source, in ohms;
U o is the maximum open circuit voltage, in volts;
L s is the maximum inductance present at the power source terminals, in Henrys.
If L s = 0
Where a safety factor of 1,0 is required, this value for L o /R o shall be multiplied by 2,25.
NOTE 2 The normal application of the L o /R o ratio is for distributed parameters, for example cables. Its use for
lumped values for inductance and resistance requires special consideration.
For circuits containing both inductance and capacitance where the capacitive stored energy can
reinforce the power source feeding an inductor or vice versa, the circuit shall be assessed for
compliance using one of the following methods:
a) tested in accordance 9.1 or Annex F with the combination of capacitance and inductance;
b) assessment that the combination of capacitance and inductance maintains the required
safety factor when connected to the power supply;
EXAMPLE Where a capacitor shunts energy from an inductor under all the conditions specified in 5.2.
c) using Annex G; or
d) where linear (resistive current limiting) circuits are being considered, 1) or 2) may be
1) the values of inductance and capacitance determined according to 9.2.3 and 9.2.4 are
allowed when:
– all inductance and capacitance are distributed, for example as in a cable; or
– the total inductance of the circuit (excluding the cable) is < 1 % of the allowed value
of inductance; or
– the total capacitance of the circuit (excluding the cable) is < 1 % of the allowed value
of capacitance;
2) where both the total inductance and capacitance of the circuit (excluding the cable) is
greater than or equal to 1 % of the allowed values of inductance and capacitance
determined according to 9.2.3 and 9.2.4, the allowed values shall be halved.
The reduced capacitance of the circuit (including cable) shall not be greater than 1 µF
for Groups I, IIA, IIB and III, and 600 nF for Group IIC.
The values of allowed inductance and capacitance determined by these methods shall not be
exceeded by the sum of all the lumped and distributed inductances and the sum of all lumped
and distributed capacitances in the circuit, respectively.
Where the application of the above leads to reduced values of L o and C o for use with lumped
inductance and capacitance, this shall be indicated in the manufacturer's instructions or
certificate so that both lumped inductance and capacitance may be connected without further
Except for cells, batteries and supercapacitors tested according to 9.14, for Levels of Protection
"ia" and "ib" where the thermal characteristic of the component is non-linear, tests shall be
carried out at the maximum ambient temperature or, where sufficient information is known about
the thermal characteristic of the component, extrapolated from the test temperature.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 115 –
Temperatures shall be measured by any convenient means. The measuring element shall not
substantially lower the measured temperature.
– measure the winding resistance with the winding at a recorded ambient temperature;
– apply the test current or currents and measure the maximum resistance of the winding, and
record the ambient temperature at the time of measurement; and
– calculate the rise in temperature from the following equation:
∆T= (k + t1 ) − (k + t2 )
Δ T is the temperature rise, in kelvins;
r is the resistance of the winding at the ambient temperature t 1 , in ohms;
R is the maximum resistance of the winding under the test current conditions, in ohms;
t 1 is the ambient temperature, in degrees Celsius, when r is measured;
t 2 is the ambient temperature, in degrees Celsius, when R is measured; and
k is the inverse of the temperature coefficient of resistance of the winding at 0 °C and has the
value of 234,5 K for copper.
For Level of Protection "ia" and "ib", a force of at least 30 N shall be applied perpendicular to
the exposed surface of casting compound with a (6 ± 0,2) mm diameter flat ended metal rod for
at least 10 s. No damage to or permanent deformation of the encapsulation or movement greater
than 1 mm shall occur.
For all Levels of Protection, where a free surface of casting compound occurs and forms part
of the enclosure required for intrinsic safety, the resistance to impact tests shall be carried out
on the surface of the casting compound in accordance with IEC 60079-0 using the drop height
h for enclosures and external accessible parts of enclosures (other than light-transmitting parts)
in the tests for resistance to impact table of IEC 60079-0.
NOTE A requirement for the resistance to impact test does not imply the inclusion of other requirements in
IEC 60079-0, such as thermal endurance to heat or cold.
Where fuses are required to be encapsulated or coated, and the material could enter the interior
of the fuse and affect safety, the following test shall be performed on five samples of each fuse
before encapsulation or coating is applied.
With the test samples at an initial temperature of (23 ± 5) °C, they shall be immersed suddenly
in water at a temperature of (50 ± 2) °C to a depth of not less than 25 mm for at least 1 min.
The devices are considered to be satisfactory if no bubbles emerge from the sample during this
Alternatively, a test can be applied where five samples of the fuse, encapsulated or coated as
defined in the documentation, are examined after application of the encapsulation or coating to
ensure that the material has not entered the interior.
– 116 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
9.4.3 Partitions
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", partitions in their place of installation shall withstand a
minimum force of 30 N applied by a (6 ± 0,2) mm diameter solid test rod. The force shall be
applied to the approximate centre of the partition for at least 10 s. There shall be no deformation
of the partition that would make it unsuitable for its purpose.
The cable pull test shall be carried out by the application of a tensile force of minimum value
30 N on the cable in the direction of the cable entrance into the apparatus. The test duration
shall be at least 1 h.
Although the cable sheath may be displaced, no visible displacement of the cable terminations
shall be observed.
This test shall not be applied to individual conductors which are permanently connected and do
not form part of a cable.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", the current carrying capacity of the connection shall be
tested for at least 1 h at the maximum service temperature with a current of 1,5 times the
maximum continuous current which can flow in the connection under the conditions specified in
5.2. The application of this test current shall not cause the connection to fail to open circuit or
to be separated from its substrate at any point.
For b) and c) the voltage shall be increased steadily to the specified value in a period of not
less than 10 s and then maintained for at least 60 s. The applied voltage shall remain constant
during the test and the current flowing during the test shall not exceed 5 mA RMS at any time.
9.7 Qualification of solid insulation and distance through casting compound for
application of reduced separations
9.7.1 General
These type tests qualify solid insulation and distance through casting compound for reduced
separation distances.
9.7.2 Preconditioning
Six samples shall be conditioned in an air oven for at least 48 h at a temperature of between
10 K and 15 K above the maximum service temperature, but at not less than 80 °C.
After dry heat preconditioning of, the same six samples shall be subjected to
temperature cycling as follows:
After dry heat cycle of, the same six samples shall be subjected to rapid change of
temperature as follows:
The six samples from test before shall be subjected to the following humidity preconditioning
before the AC power frequency voltage test of 9.7.3.
The humidity test is carried out in a chamber containing air with a humidity of (93 ± 3) % RH.
The temperature of the air in the chamber is maintained at (40 ± 2) °C.
Before applying humidity, the sample is brought to a temperature of (42 ± 2) °C, maintaining it
at this temperature for at least 4 h before the humidity conditioning. The air in the chamber is
stirred and the chamber is designed so that condensation will not precipitate on the sample.
The AC power frequency voltage test is performed and completed within 1 h of the end of
humidity conditioning as specified in
– 118 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
The test shall be performed at a frequency between 48 Hz and 62 Hz. Testing with a DC voltage
is not permitted for this test.
The waveform of the test voltage shall be substantially sinusoidal. This requirement is fulfilled
if the ratio of the peak value to the RMS value is 2 ± 3 %. The test voltage is specified in
Table 8 column 7.
The supply shall have sufficient volt-ampere capacity to maintain the test voltage, taking into
account any leakage current which may occur. The applied voltage shall remain constant during
the test. The current flowing during the test shall not exceed 100 mA RMS at any time.
The voltage shall be increased steadily from 0 V to the specified value within 5 s and then
maintained for at least 60 s.
The following test shall be carried out following the AC power frequency voltage test specified
in 9.7.3.
The waveform of the sinusoidal power frequency test voltage shall be substantially sinusoidal.
This requirement is fulfilled if the ratio of the peak value to the RMS value is 2 ± 3 %.
NOTE Where Table 8 does not specify a PDV value, the Partial discharge test is not required according to this
According to the partial discharge hysteresis an initial value of 1,25 times the test voltage U t
shall be applied.
The voltage shall be raised uniformly from 0 V up to the initial test voltage 1,25 times U t . It shall
then be kept constant for a specified time t 1 of 5 s. If no partial discharges have occurred, the
test voltage shall be reduced to zero after t 1 . If a partial discharge has occurred, the voltage
shall be decreased to the test voltage U t , which shall be kept constant for a specified time t 2 of
15 s until the partial discharge magnitude is measured. (See Figure 16)
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 119 –
The noise level shall not be subtracted from the reading of the partial discharge meter.
Coatings used to achieve type 1 or type 2 protection shall be subjected to the type testing
specified in test sequence 1 of IEC 60664-3 Annex A Table A.1.
Three samples of a signal isolator that has power and ground terminals on the signal output
side shall be subjected to a differential leakage test. The signal input side of the signal isolator
shall be operated at the nominal operating voltage for the application. Input signals of logic
high, logic low and toggling at the maximum data rate of the application or higher, and at 50 %
duty factor shall be applied to all inputs on the powered side of the signal isolator. The voltage
generated on the output side for each test condition shall remain less than 0,5 V into a 10 kΩ
1 % load installed between the component power and ground terminals as shown in Figure 17.
– 120 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
NOTE The values for output side resistive load and voltage threshold are chosen for ease of measurement and do
not have other significance.
9.10.1 General
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", the following tests shall be performed for optical isolators
used to provide isolation between intrinsically safe circuits and non-intrinsically safe circuits.
The samples shall successfully comply with both the tests specified in 9.10.2 and 9.10.3. General
The maximum temperature for thermal conditioning shall be determined by the overload tests
using 5 samples each for the receiver side test and for the transmitter side test. All 10 samples
shall then be subjected to thermal conditioning and dielectric strength tests.
The transmitter side of the isolator shall be operated with the rated load values (for example,
I f = I N ).
The receiver side shall be operated with a specific power (for example, between collector and
emitter), which shall not damage the components. This value shall be determined either by
preliminary tests or taken from the data sheet.
After thermal equilibrium has been reached, the power shall be increased. After thermal
equilibrium has been reached again, the power shall be increased further in steps, until thermal
equilibrium, and so on, until either:
a) the receiver semiconductor is damaged. This will terminate or drastically reduce the power
dissipation; or
b) the power at the receiver semiconductor reaches the point to which it is limited by protective
components or assemblies that form part of the circuit.
The maximum surface temperature of the receiver side shall be recorded for each sample
together with the ambient temperature.
The receiver side of the isolator shall be connected to a source voltage U with a series resistor
R where:
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 121 –
U= 4 ×
I max
I max
P max maximum permitted power in the receiver
I max maximum permitted current in the receiver
The transmitter side shall be operated with a specific power, which shall not damage the
components. This value shall either be determined by preliminary tests or taken from the data
After thermal equilibrium has been reached, the power shall be increased. After thermal
equilibrium has been reached again, the power shall be increased further in steps, until thermal
equilibrium, and so on, until either:
a) the transmitter semiconductor is damaged. This will terminate or drastically reduce the
power dissipation; or
b) the power at the transmitter semiconductor reaches the point to which it is limited by
protective components or assemblies that form part of the circuit.
The maximum surface temperature of the transmitter side shall be recorded for each sample
together with the ambient temperature.
All samples used in and shall be placed in an oven for 6 0 h at the
maximum surface temperature recorded from or and increased by at least
10 K but at most 15 K.
After the isolators have cooled down to (23 ± 5) °C they shall be subjected to dielectric strength
test with a voltage of 1 500 V (AC 48 Hz to 62 Hz) applied between intrinsically safe and non-
intrinsically safe terminals and within 10 s increased to 3 0 kV. This voltage shall be applied
for (65 ± 5) s.
During this test, there shall be no breakdown of the insulation between the receiver and the
transmitter, and the leakage current shall not exceed 5 mA RMS . General
Three new samples, not used in the tests of 9.10.2, shall be used for this test.
Optical isolators shall be subjected to a pre-test dielectric strength test (, followed by
a short circuit current test ( followed by a dielectric strength test (
Prior to the short circuit current tests, the samples shall be capable of withstanding without
breakdown a dielectric strength test in accordance with 9.6 b) of 4 0 kV RMS applied between
– 122 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
the intrinsically safe side and the non-intrinsically safe side. The leakage current measured in
9.6 b), shall not exceed 1 mA RMS during the dielectric strength test.
All samples shall be subjected to a short circuit current test. The open circuit voltage of the test
circuit shall be the maximum voltage available to the optical isolator under the conditions
specified in 5.2 (for example, the peak of U m ). The available instantaneous short circuit current
capacity of the test circuit shall be at least 200 A. The test circuit shall be connected to the
optical isolator so that the test current flows through the non-intrinsically safe side of the optical
isolator. Protective components or assemblies that form part of the circuit are permitted to
remain connected for the test. The optical isolators shall not burst or catch fire throughout the
short circuit current tests.
Each sample shall withstand without breakdown a dielectric strength test in accordance with
9.6 b) of 2 U + 1 000 V RMS or 1 500 V RMS , whichever is greater, applied between the intrinsically
safe side and the non-intrinsically safe side. The leakage current measured in 9.6 b) shall not
exceed 1 mA RMS during the dielectric strength test.
When the intrinsically safe apparatus containing the piezoelectric device includes a guard to
prevent a direct physical impact, the impact test shall be carried out on the guard with both the
guard and the intrinsically safe apparatus mounted as intended by the manufacturer.
The maximum energy stored by the capacitance of the device at the maximum measured
voltage shall not exceed the following:
Where the electrical output of the piezoelectric device is limited by protective components or
guards, these components or guards shall not be damaged by the impact in such a way as to
allow intrinsic safety to be invalidated.
Where it is necessary to protect the intrinsically safe apparatus from external physical impact
in order to prevent the impact energy exceeding the specified values, the certificate number
shall include the "X" suffix in accordance with the marking requirements of IEC 60079-0 and
the Specific Conditions of Use listed on the certificate shall detail the installation requirements.
At least 10 samples for Level of Protection "ia" and "ib, and at least one sample for Level of
Protection "ic" shall be tested for their ability to control the components and apparatus being
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 123 –
protected, with the surface temperature of the PTC being taken into account. The thermal
coupling shall be taken to be the worst-case identified from the testing of these samples.
Ten unused samples of the component shall be obtained from any source or sources of supply
and their relevant parameters shall be measured. Except when determining thermal
characteristics, tests shall normally be carried out at, or referred to, the most onerous service
temperature, but where necessary, temperature-sensitive components shall be tested at lower
temperatures to obtain their most onerous conditions.
The most onerous value for the parameter, obtained on any of the 10 samples shall be taken
as representative of the component and the parameters shall be documented as required by
IEC 60079-0. General
Secondary cells or batteries, or supercapacitors, shall be fully charged and then discharged at
least twice before any tests are carried out. On the second discharge, or the subsequent one
as necessary, the capacity of the cell, battery or supercapacitor shall be confirmed as being
within its manufacturer's specification to ensure that tests are carried out on a fully charged
sample which is within its manufacturer's specification.
The primary cells for the following tests shall be new and previously unused.
Except where otherwise permitted by b), when a short circuit is required for test
purposes the resistance of the short circuit link, excluding connections to it, either shall not
exceed 3 mΩ or have a voltage drop across it not exceeding 200 mV or 15 % of the cell voltage.
The short circuit shall be applied as close to the cell, battery or supercapacitor terminals as
The current and voltage shall be continuous during the discharge. There shall be no sudden
drop of current or voltage to zero.
NOTE Voltage and current are expected to decrease following a natural curve for a cell or supercapacitor with no
The short circuit tests for electrolyte leakage in 9.14.2 and surface temperature in 9.14.3 shall
be carried out with all current-limiting devices, internal or external to the cell container or battery
case removed, bypassed or otherwise deactivated. Samples having internal current-limiting
devices removed, bypassed or otherwise deactivated should be obtained from the cell/battery
manufacturer together with any special instructions or precautions necessary for safe use and
testing of the samples. Features of a cell or supercapacitor that provide essential functions,
such as a separator with shutdown function or the ohmic resistance of electrolyte, are not
considered current limiting devices in the sense of this clause and need not be removed,
bypassed or deactivated and such cells or supercapacitors can be considered for Level of
Protection "ia" or "ib".
Where a short circuit test results in explosion or fire of the cell or battery, it shall not be used
for Levels of Protection "ia" or "ib".
For EPLs Ma, Mb, Ga, Gb and Db where no dust layer is specified, the tests found in 9.14.2
and shall be conducted as follows;
– 124 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
a) on 3 test samples at the higher of the minimum service temperature or -20 °C, with a
tolerance of ± 2 °C;
b) on 3 test samples at the maximum service temperature ± 2 °C; and
c) on 3 test samples at (23 ± 5) °C.
For EPL Db where the cell or supercapacitor might become in direct contact with dust and for
EPL Da, shall be carried out with the applicable dust layer depth specified in
IEC 60079-0, either:
For EPL Da or EPL Db the tests in 9.14.2 and shall be conducted under the applicable
dust layer either inside or outside the apparatus enclosure.
Following the tests in and, a further 7 test samples shall be tested at the
temperature from a), b) or c) above which results in the maximum temperature of the cell or
supercapacitor surface.
Secondary lithium ion cells that are tested using the alternative short circuit link resistance
value in b) are assumed to leak electrolyte and the requirements of 7.12.3 shall apply,
otherwise the test samples specified in 9.14.1 shall be subjected to the most onerous of the
a) for Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", short circuit until discharged. For Level of Protection
"ic", this test is not required but is nonetheless sufficient to establish compliance with 9.14.2
for the cell, battery or supercapacitor;
b) application of input or charging currents within the manufacturer's recommendations; or
c) charging a battery within the manufacturer's recommendations with one cell fully discharged
or suffering from polarity reversal.
The conditions above shall include any reverse charging due to conditions arising from the
application of 5.2. They shall not include the use of an external charging circuit which exceeds
the charging rates recommended by the manufacturer of the cell, battery or supercapacitor.
The test samples shall be placed with any case discontinuities, for example seals, facing
downward or in the orientation specified by the manufacturer of the device, over a piece of
blotting paper for a period of at least 12 h after the application of the above tests. There shall
be no visible sign of electrolyte on the blotting paper or on the external surfaces of the test
Where encapsulation has been applied to achieve conformance to 7.12.2, examination of the
compound at the end of the test shall show no damage which would invalidate intrinsic safety.
Alternatively, the compatibility of electrolyte with the encapsulation may be tested by applying
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 125 –
the electrolyte directly to a sample of encapsulant. The sample thickness shall be representative
of the application. After at least 12 hours, there shall be no observable damage to the
encapsulant which would invalidate conformance with 7.12.2.
For EPL Da and Db where the cell might come into direct contact with dust the electrolyte
leakage test may be conducted without a layer of dust, but at the maximum temperature
obtained in 9.14.1.
NOTE The cell manufacturer may need be approached to determine the suitably of the cells for this test. General
For the purposes of 9.14.3, the term cell shall also refer to supercapacitors.
NOTE 1 Some cell types, for example nickel cadmium, can exhibit a maximum short circuit current at temperatures
lower than normal ambient.
NOTE 2 Some cells, batteries or supercapacitors can catch fire or explode during the short circuit test.
Cells and batteries shall be tested or assessed in accordance with and taking
into account the requirements of 9.14.1.
Spark ignition assessment or testing shall be carried out at the cell or battery external terminals,
except where a current-limiting device is included and the circuit between this device and the
cell or battery:
in which case the test or assessment may then include the current-limiting device.
Where the apparatus contains one or more cells that shall not be changed in the explosive
atmosphere, the spark ignition discharge at the terminals of a single cell does not require to be
tested, provided that the single cell delivers a peak open circuit voltage of less than 4,5 V except
for supercapacitors and lithium-ion cells and batteries with a high short circuit current where
spark ignition risk should be considered.
NOTE 1 The allowance for excluding single cells with peak open circuit voltage less than 4,5 V from spark ignition
testing is based on the presence of negligible inductance between the cell terminals resulting in a purely resistive
circuit with a voltage below that needed to cause spark breakdown between electrodes in air. This rationale does not
apply to spark ignition testing in any other case covered by this document, as any interconnecting conductors will
introduce some inductance into the circuit.
NOTE 2 For lithium-ion cells, inductance between the cell terminals cannot be ignored as some cells can provide
extremely high short circuit current and spark ignition from cells with open circuit voltage below 4,5 V has been
experimentally demonstrated. Work on more specific proposals to address this issue is ongoing.
NOTE 3 One method of achieving the necessary safety factors for the spark ignition testing of individual cells or
supercapacitors is to use an assembly of cells, either two in series for voltage or two in parallel for current as
NOTE The 5 K or 10 K temperature margin required by IEC 60079-0 for maximum surface temperature
measurement for Group II still applies.
– 126 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
The cells or batteries shall be arranged in a way as to simulate the thermal effects of their
intended position in the complete apparatus. The temperature shall be determined on the
hottest surface of the cell or battery that may be exposed to the explosive atmosphere. In case
of testing single cells, it is sufficient to measure the temperature in the middle of the cell with
respect to its longitudinal axis. If an external sheath is fitted, then the temperature shall be
measured at the interface of the sheath and the metal surface of the cell or battery.
a) For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", if leakage of electrolyte occurs during the maximum
surface temperature test, then the requirements of 7.12.3 should also be considered.
While determining the maximum surface temperature of a battery comprising more than one
cell in series connection, provided that the cells are adequately separated from each other,
only one cell should be shorted at a time.
NOTE This is based on the extremely low likelihood of more than one cell shorting at the same time.
b) For Level of Protection "ib", if:
– the short circuit test conducted with a short circuit link resistance according to 9.14.1
fails due to interruption or sudden drop of the current and voltage; and
– the short circuit link resistance test according to 9.14.1 did not result in explosion or fire
of the cell or battery; and
– no samples with internal current-limiting devices removed, bypassed, or otherwise
deactivated can be obtained
then secondary lithium-ion cells may be alternatively tested with a short circuit link
resistance of (80 ± 20) mΩ according to the short circuit test described in IEC 62133-2 under
otherwise identical conditions as described in 9.14.1. This alternative short circuit test shall
not be used to show compliance with 9.14.2.
c) For Level of Protection "ic", the maximum surface temperature shall be determined by
testing a single sample in normal operating conditions with all protection devices in place.
Five samples of the battery container shall be subjected to a pressure test to determine the
pressure at which venting occurs. Pressure shall be applied to the inside of the container. The
pressure is to be gradually increased until venting occurs. The maximum pressure shall be
recorded and shall not exceed 30 kPa.
The maximum recorded venting pressure shall be applied to a sample of the battery container
for a period of at least 60 s. After testing the sample shall be subjected to a visual inspection.
There shall be no visible damage or permanent deformation.
Where separation distances within the battery container are based on Table 7, the pressure
test may be carried out on a sample that has not been submitted to the thermal endurance tests
of IEC 60079-0. Where separation distances within the battery container are based on Table 8
or Table 9, the pressure test shall be carried out on a sample that has been submitted to the
thermal endurance tests and additionally, if portable apparatus, the drop test of IEC 60079-0.
The short circuit current shall be determined from tests of 10 samples of the cell or battery.
The minimum internal resistance shall be calculated using the peak open circuit voltage
according to 7.12.5 and the highest measured value of short circuit current.
Measurement of the maximum energy that can be stored in a common mode choke shall use
the setup of Figure 18.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 127 –
L is the common mode choke under test, with the windings connected in series
U S is the maximum voltage available in the circuit being assessed
S is a bounce-free mechanical contact or a transistor switch. Where a transistor is used, its internal capacitance
shall be added to C when calculating the result.
C is a capacitor used to measure the energy returned from the choke.
C shall be a polymer or foil type capacitor. To minimize measurement errors a switch with an
effective capacitance of less than 10 % of the capacitance value of C shall be used. The
capacitance shall be such that, with the switch closed, the energy stored in the capacitor is less
than 1 % of the energy stored in the choke,
0,5LU S2
( R + RCHOKE )
The test shall be performed by closing and then re-opening S and measuring Û C , the peak
voltage achieved in the first half cycle of oscillation, as shown in Figure 19. The switch S may
be opened and closed repeatedly; in which case the duty cycle shall ensure that the heating of
the common mode choke is negligible.
– 128 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
The energy stored in the common mode choke shall be calculated as:
E = CUˆ C 2
The test shall be repeated on one sample at different temperatures over the service temperature
range for the choke, in order to determine the most onerous case (the highest value of Û C ). The
test need not be performed above the Curie temperature for the ferrite material.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", the measurement shall be made at the most onerous
temperature on a further 9 samples of the common mode choke.
9.16 Type tests for components protected by time dependent current limitation
When suitable data is available from the manufacturers of the devices, the transient rating of
the protected device may be shown to be greater than or equal to the transient rating of the
limiting device, for example where the I 2 t rating of a fuse is less than the I 2 t rating of a protected
Otherwise, the size of the transient shall be compared with the ability of the protected device
to withstand the transient. The size of the transient shall be determined as follows:
a) The maximum transient current under the conditions specified in 5.2 shall be determined.
EXAMPLE 1 Examples of maximum current are:
1) The peak of U m , U i or the voltage of a battery divided by a series resistance plus the cold resistance of a
2) The transient current from the secondary side of a transformer measured under worst-case condition of the
supply circuit.
3) I i at power input connection facilities.
b) The operating time of the current limitation shall be determined by one of the following:
1) From the data of the manufacturer of the current limiting device. For example, if the I 2 t
rating of a fuse is used then the operating time is the rating divided by the square of the
current determined in a).
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 129 –
2) For a fuse, the greater of 50 μs or the maximum fuse opening time as specified by the
manufacturer of the fuse at the current as determined in a). Where this time is not
specified, 10 fuses shall be subjected to this current and the maximum fuse opening
time measured.
3) For semiconductor limitation, the pulse length where the current exceeds the maximum
continuous current which can flow without the limitation being applied, under most
onerous conditions (including component values, voltage, current, timing and
temperature). This time shall either be:
i) calculated from component data (for example using circuit simulation), or
ii) measured on a circuit representative of the worst-case, and with a 1,5 safety factor
added to the measured time.
The ability of the protected device to withstand the transient shall be determined by either of
the following:
c) By comparison with the transient rating of the protected component, as specified by the
manufacturer of the component, or;
d) By testing as follows;
1) The primary value(s) of the protected component for carrying out its protective function
is measured.
EXAMPLE 2 Examples of primary values are:
– the forward voltage for a diode;
– the Zener voltage for a Zener diode;
– the saturation voltage for a thyristor or bipolar junction transistor;
- the on and off resistance for a FET.
2) Each protected component is subjected to at least five rectangular current pulses of the
maximum transient current derived from 9.16 a) with a pulse length of the time equal to
the operating time determined in 9.16 b), applied with approximately 20 ms intervals.
For resettable current limiting circuits, the number of pulses should be greater than the
designed maximum demand.
3) The primary value(s) of the protected component is re-measured at the same current as
9.16 d) 1) and the values shall not differ with those taken before the component was
subjected to the pulse currents by more than 5 % (including the uncertainties of the test
apparatus), nor take the component outside of the component manufacturer's
specification. After testing, the component shall be checked for conformity to the
component manufacturer's specification for its principal function.
EXAMPLE 3 Testing a 12 V Zener diode for a fuse current is considered to demonstrate the suitability of a 5,2 V
Zener diode of the same type at the same fuse current.
9.17.1 General
The requirement for safe electrical isolation is satisfied if the transformer passes the type test
described below and, after the transformer has cooled down to (23 ± 5) °C, withstands the
dielectric strength test according to 9.6 with the applicable voltage according to 6.9.
Where a series resistor is either incorporated within the transformer, or encapsulated with the
transformer so that there is no bare live part between the transformer and the resistor, or
mounted so as to provide infallible separation in accordance with, and if the resistor
remains in circuit after the application of 5.2 then the output winding shall not be considered as
subject to short circuit except through the resistor.
– 130 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
The transformer together with its associated devices, for example fuses, circuit breakers,
thermal devices and resistors connected to the winding terminations, shall maintain a safe
electrical isolation between the power supply and the intrinsically safe circuit even if any one of
the output windings is short-circuited and all other output windings are subjected to their
maximum rated electrical load.
The input voltage is set to the rated voltage of the transformer. The input current shall be
adjusted to between 1,70 I n and 1,87 I n of the fuse, or to the maximum continuous current which
the circuit-breaker will carry without operating, by increasing the load on the secondary
windings. Where the increase of load is limited by reaching a short circuit on all secondary
windings, the test shall proceed using the rated input voltage and the maximum input current
reached under these conditions.
Where a self-resetting thermal trip is used, the test shall continue for at least 12 h, otherwise
the test shall continue for at least 6 h or until a non-resetting thermal trip operates.
Transformers that are not galvanically isolated from the mains supply and which do not operate
at mains frequency shall be tested in a functional circuit that represents conditions specified in
5.2 including where practicable, possible variations in frequency range, input voltage range and
The input current shall be adjusted to its maximum value to between 1,70 I n and 1,87 I n of the
fuse, or to the maximum continuous current which the circuit breaker will carry without
operating, by adjusting the input voltage, frequency and load within the ranges that apply to the
DC/DC converter circuit in which the transformer is used.
Where a self-resetting thermal trip is used, the test shall continue for at least 12 h, otherwise
the test shall continue for at least 6 h or until a non-resetting thermal trip operates.
For type 1 and type 20 transformers, the transformer winding temperature shall not exceed the
permissible value for the class of insulation given in IEC 60085 or the COT of the insulating
materials. The winding temperature shall be measured in accordance with 9.3.
For type 20 transformers where insulation from earth of the windings used in the intrinsically
safe circuit is required, then the requirement shall be as above. However, if insulation from
earth is not required, then the transformer shall be accepted providing that it does not produce
9.17.3 Transformers galvanically isolated from the mains supply for Levels of
Protection "ia" and "ib"
The transformer together with its associated devices, for example fuses, circuit breakers,
thermal devices and resistors connected to the winding terminations, shall maintain a safe
electrical isolation when subjected to the load that gives maximum power dissipation in the
transformer without open circuiting the windings, to ensure that the insulation is rated correctly.
Transformers shall be tested in a functional circuit that is able to represent the worst-case
operating conditions, taking into account the requirements of 5.2.
The worst-case conditions include the possible variations in frequency range, input voltage
range and load.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 131 –
The input current shall be adjusted to its maximum value by adjusting the input voltage,
frequency or load within the ranges that apply to the circuit in which the transformer is used.
For fuse limitation the current shall be up to between 1,70 I n and 1,87 I n , for a circuit breaker
the current shall be the maximum continuous current which the circuit breaker will carry without
operating. Where it is not practicable to operate the transformer under alternating current
conditions, each winding shall be subjected to a direct current of between 1,7 I n and 1,87 I n
considering the current transfer ratios if this increases the current.
Where a self-resetting thermal trip is used, the test shall continue for at least 12 h, otherwise
the test shall continue for at least 6 h or until a non-resetting thermal trip operates.
Except where insulation from earth is not required for intrinsic safety for type 20 transformers,
transformers shall be subject to the conditions specified in 5.2.4 and the transformer winding
temperature shall not exceed the permissible value for the class of insulation given in IEC 60085
or the COT of the insulating materials. The temperature of the windings shall be determined
according to 9.3.
Where the alternative spacings of Table 8 column 5 indicate the requirement for a routine
dielectric strength test, the test in 9.6 shall be conducted as the routine test at the voltage
required by 6.9.
As routine tests can only be performed with galvanically separated circuits, representative test
conductors may be included in the design of the printed circuit board for verification that the
intended manufacturing procedure (coating, potting) was successful.
A routine test shall be carried out on each completed barrier to check correct operation of each
barrier component and the resistance of any fuse. The use of removable links to allow this test
shall be acceptable provided that intrinsic safety is maintained with the links removed.
NOTE Removable links are not generally needed for Level of Protection "ic" safety barriers.
The voltage across the diodes shall be measured as specified by their manufacturer at ambient
temperature before and after the following tests:
For routine tests, the voltages applied to transformers shall conform to the values given in
Table 26, where U is the voltage determined according to 6.5.5 a). The test voltage shall be
applied for a period of at least 60 s.
– 132 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Alternatively, the test may be carried out at 1,2 times the test voltage, but with reduced duration
of at least 1 s.
The applied voltage shall remain constant during the test. The current flowing during the test
shall not increase above that which is expected from the design of the circuit and shall not
exceed 5 mA RMS at any time.
During these tests, there shall be no breakdown of the insulation between windings or between
any winding and the core or the screen.
For Level of Protection "ic", where there is a routine dielectric strength test in the relevant
industrial standard for the equipment type, this test is acceptable. Where the relevant industrial
standard does not require a routine test, no routine test according to this document is required.
Where no relevant industrial standard exists, the routine tests specified for Levels of Protection
"ia" and "ib" transformers shall be used.
Apparatus that uses conformal coating or encapsulation as part of the intrinsic safety protection
shall be subjected to a routine verification.
No damage shall be evident to the conformal coating or encapsulation, this includes but is not
limited to;
– Cracks;
– non-homogeneous covering of the encapsulated or coated parts;
– inadmissible shrinkage;
– swelling;
– decomposition;
– failure of adhesion (separation of any adhered parts) or flaking; and
– softening.
Routine verification may be replaced by batch verification where there is confidence in the
manufacturing process, in which case the following criteria based on ISO 2859-1 shall apply:
– For a production batch from 1 001 up to 10 000, a sampling of 80 shall be inspected with no
– Batches above 10 000 shall be subdivided into smaller batches
If there are any non-compliant inspection results, 100 % of all remaining samples in the batch
shall be inspected. Future batches shall be routinely inspected until confidence is established
to reconsider batch verification.
In cases where destructive testing is used to verify the encapsulation process, verification on
fewer test samples is permitted. If it is not stated in the schedule drawings, this destructive
testing shall take place at least at the beginning and at the end of each production batch.
Representative samples for this verification are permitted.
NOTE Upon non-compliant inspections, reconsideration of this batch testing approach is at the discretion of the
party issuing the involved certificate.
11 Marking
11.1.1 General
Intrinsically safe apparatus and associated apparatus shall carry at least the minimum marking
specified in IEC 60079-0. The text of the warning markings, when applicable, shall be derived
from the text of warning marking table of IEC 60079-0.
Where required by, the marking shall include the pressure range.
Where practicable, all parameters relevant for intrinsic safety should be marked. Where L o and
L o /R o are both marked, the L o /R o ratio should be shown as an alternative to the use of L o , for
example, with an interposing "or".
NOTE Standard symbols for marking and documentation are given in Clause 3 of this document and in IEC 60079-0.
Practical considerations may restrict or preclude the use of italic characters or of subscripts,
and a simplified presentation may be used, for example "Uo" rather than "U o ".
11.1.3 FISCO
For apparatus complying with the requirements of Annex E, each piece of apparatus shall
additionally be marked with the word "FISCO" followed by an indication of its function, such as
'power supply', 'field device' or 'terminator'.
Where apparatus is dual marked so that it can be used in both a FISCO system and a
conventional intrinsically safe system, care shall be taken to differentiate between the FISCO
marking and the marking for the conventional intrinsically safe system.
In the case of FISCO power supplies, output parameters U o , I o , C o , L o , P o and L o /R o and FISCO
field devices or terminators, input and internal parameters U i , I i , C i , L i , P i and L i /R i need not be
– 134 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Connection facilities, terminal boxes, plugs and sockets of intrinsically safe apparatus and
associated apparatus shall be clearly marked and shall be clearly identifiable. Where a colour
is used for this purpose, it shall be light blue for the intrinsically safe connections.
Where parts of an apparatus or different pieces of apparatus are interconnected using plugs
and sockets, these plugs and sockets shall be identified as containing only intrinsically safe
circuits. Where a colour is used for this purpose, it shall be light blue.
In addition, sufficient and adequate marking shall be provided to ensure correct connection for
the continued intrinsic safety of the whole.
NOTE It may be necessary to include additional labels, for example on or adjacent to plugs and sockets, to achieve
this. If clarity of intention is maintained, the apparatus label may suffice.
Where required by, non-hazardous area accessories shall carry at least the following
The non-hazardous area accessory shall not include any Ex marking, certificate number or
output parameters U o , I o , C o , L o , P o .
Where any of the following warning markings are required on the apparatus, the text as
described in Table 27, following the word "WARNING," may be replaced by technically
equivalent text. Multiple warnings may be combined into one equivalent warning.
12 Instructions
12.1 General
In addition to the requirements of IEC 60079-0 the instructions shall include the following
information as applicable:
This document permits the use of Specific Conditions of Use as a method of addressing a
specific requirement at the time of installation. In these cases, the certificate number shall
include the suffix "X" in accordance with the marking requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the
Specific Conditions of Use listed on the certificate shall detail how to address the concern.
Multiple Specific Conditions of Use may be combined. The areas of concern that may be
mitigated by using Specific Conditions of Use are shown in Table 28 and are in addition to those
permitted by IEC 60079-0.
– 136 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Item Reference Concern that can be addressed with Specific Conditions of Use
a) 5.2.5 c) The requirements which apply to equipment or systems to be connected to the
connection facilities and the maximum voltage that may be applied between the non-
intrinsically safe connection facilities.
b) 6.2.3 c) The restricted installation conditions.
c) The restricted installation conditions.
d) Only cable glands, thread adapters, and blanking elements conforming to IEC 60079-0
shall be used with the apparatus.
e) The restricted installation conditions.
f) The permitted ambient pressure range.
g) The necessary information regarding the correct installation.
h) 9.11 The installation requirements.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 137 –
Annex A
The curves and tables found in this annex are derived from ignition testing of simple linear
circuits. They may be applied in accordance with 9.2 when the circuit being assessed
approximates the simple circuits depicted in Figure A.1 through Figure A.6 as applicable.
Circuits that do not approximate the simple linear circuits shown in these figures require an
alternative assessment: refer to 5.3 for additional requirements. The curves shown in Figure A.1
through Figure A.6 represent a 1,0 safety factor.
– 138 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
1 Minimum ignition current I (A)
2 Source voltage U (V)
1 Capacitance C (µF)
2 Minimum igniting voltage U (V)
1 Capacitance C (µF)
2 Minimum igniting voltage U (V)
1 Inductance L (H)
2 Minimum igniting current I (A)
NOTE 2 The energy levels indicated refer to the constant energy portion of the curve.
1 Inductance L (mH)
2 Minimum igniting current I (A)
NOTE 1 The curves correspond to values of circuit voltage U as indicated.
NOTE 2 The energy level of 525 µJ refers to the constant energy portion of the curve.
1 Inductance L (mH)
2 Minimum igniting current I (A)
NOTE 2 The energy level of 40 µJ refers to the constant energy portion of the curve.
5,0 100
5,1 88
5,2 79
5,3 71
5,4 65
5,5 58
5,6 1 000 54
5,7 860 50
5,8 750 46
5,9 670 43
6,0 600 40 1 000
6,1 535 37 880
6,2 475 34 790
6,3 420 31 720
6,4 370 28 650
6,5 325 25 570
6,6 285 22 500
6,7 250 19,6 430
6,8 220 17,9 380
6,9 200 16,8 335
7,0 175 15,7 300
7,1 155 14,6 268
7,2 136 13,5 240
7,3 120 12,7 216
7,4 110 11,9 195
7,5 100 11,1 174
7,6 92 10,4 160
7,7 85 9,8 145
7,8 79 9,3 130
7,9 74 8,8 115
8,0 69 8,4 100
8,1 65 8,0 90
8,2 61 7,6 81
8,3 56 7,2 73
8,4 54 6,8 66
8,5 51 6,5 60
8,6 49 6,2 55
– 152 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Annex B
B.1 Principle
The circuit to be tested is connected to the contacts of the spark test apparatus, which are in
an explosion chamber that is filled with an explosive test mixture.
The parameters of the circuit are adjusted to achieve the prescribed safety factor and a test is
made to determine whether or not ignition of the explosive test mixture takes place within a
defined number of operations of the contact system.
Except where otherwise specified, the tolerance on mechanical dimensions of the machined
parts is ±2 % and that of voltages and current is ±1 %.
The spark test apparatus shall consist of a contact arrangement in an explosion chamber having
a volume of at least 250 cm 3 . It is arranged to produce make-sparks and break-sparks in the
prescribed explosive test mixture.
NOTE 1 An example of a practical design of the spark test apparatus is shown in Figure B.4. (For the contact
arrangement, see Figure B.1, Figure B.2 and Figure B.3.)
One of the two contact electrodes shall consist of a rotating cadmium contact disc with two slots
as in Figure B.2.
The spark test apparatus described in B.2 refers to the 3 A test current limited apparatus, and
B.7 describes the 10 A test current limited apparatus.
The other contact electrode consists of four tungsten contact wires with a diameter of
(0,2 ± 0,02) mm clamped on a circle of 50 mm diameter to an electrode holder (made of brass
or other suitable material as in Figure B.3).
NOTE 2 It is advantageous to round off the corners of the electrode holder slightly at the points where the wires
are clamped to avoid premature breakage of the wires at the sharp edge.
The contact arrangement shall be mounted as shown in Figure B.1. The electrode holder rotates
so that the tungsten contact wires slide over the slotted cadmium disc. The distance between
the electrode holder and the cadmium disc is 10 mm. The free length of the contact wires is
11 mm. The contact wires are straight and fitted so as to be normal to the surface of the
cadmium disc when not in contact with it.
The axes of the shafts driving the cadmium disc and the electrode holder are 31 mm apart and
are electrically insulated from each other and from the baseplate of the spark test apparatus.
The current is led in and out through sliding contacts on the shafts which are geared together
by non-conductive gears with a ratio of 50:12.
The electrode holder shall rotate at between 78 r/min and 82 r/min by an electric motor, with
suitable reduction gearing if necessary. The cadmium disc is turned more slowly in the opposite
Gas-tight bearing bushes in the baseplate are required unless a gas flow system is used.
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Either a counting or a timing device shall be used to determine the number of revolutions of the
shaft of the electrode holder.
NOTE 3 It is advantageous to stop the driving motor, or at least the counting device, automatically after an ignition
of the explosive mixture, for example by means of a photocell or a pressure switch.
At the terminals of the contact arrangement, the self-capacitance of the spark test apparatus
shall not exceed 30 pF with the contacts open. The resistance shall not exceed 0,15 Ω at a
current of 1 A DC and the self-inductance shall not exceed 3 µH with the contacts closed.
When the sensitivity is not as specified, one or more of the following may be conducted until
the required sensitivity is achieved:
Tungsten is a very brittle material and tungsten wires often tend to split at the ends after a
relatively short period of operation.
a) Fuse the ends of the tungsten wires in a simple device as shown in Figure B.5. This forms
a small sphere on each wire which shall be removed, for example by slight pressure by
NOTE 1 When prepared in this way, it is found that, on average, the contact wires have to be changed after
about 12 500 revolutions.
b) Cut the tungsten wires with a shearing action, for example using heavy duty scissors in good
The wires are then mounted in the electrode holder and manually cleaned by rubbing the
surface, including the end of the wire, with grade 0 emery cloth or similar.
NOTE 2 It is advantageous to remove the electrode holder from the spark test apparatus when cleaning the wires.
Experience has shown that, in order to stabilize the sensitivity during use, it is advantageous
to clean and straighten the wires at regular intervals. The interval chosen depends on the rate
at which deposits form on the wires. This rate depends on the circuit being tested. A wire shall
be replaced if the end of the wire is split or if the wire cannot be straightened.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 163 –
The following procedure is recommended for conditioning a new cadmium disc to stabilize the
sensitivity of the spark test apparatus:
Except as permitted by B.7, the use of the spark test apparatus shall be limited to the testing
of intrinsically safe circuits with the following parameters:
The spark test apparatus may be successfully applied to circuits exceeding these limits but
variations in sensitivity might occur.
If the test current exceeds 3 A, the temperature rise and cadmium coating of the tungsten wires
might lead to additional ignition effects invalidating the test result.
With inductive circuits, care should be exercised that self-inductance and circuit time constants
do not adversely affect the results.
Capacitive and inductive circuits with large time constants may be tested, for example by
reducing the speed at which the spark test apparatus is driven. Capacitive circuits may be
tested by removing two or three of the tungsten wires. Attention is drawn to the fact that reducing
the speed of the spark test apparatus may alter its sensitivity.
The spark test apparatus might not be suitable for the testing of circuits, which shut off the
current or reduce the electrical values as a result of making or breaking contact in the spark
test apparatus during the required number of revolutions. Such circuits shall be modified for the
test to deliver the worst-case output conditions throughout the test.
NOTE For the test of such circuits Annex D and Annex F provide further information.
– 164 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Test currents of 3 A to 10 A may be tested in the spark test apparatus when it is modified as
The tungsten wires shall be replaced by wires with diameter increased from 0,2 mm to
(0,4 ± 0,03) mm and the free length reduced to 10,5 mm.
NOTE 1 The reduction in free length reduces the wear on the cadmium disc.
The total resistance of the spark test apparatus including the commutation contact resistance
shall be reduced to less than 100 mΩ or the circuit under test shall be modified to compensate
for the internal resistance of the spark test apparatus.
NOTE 2 Brushes of the type used in the automobile industry combined with brass sleeves on the spark test
apparatus shafts so as to increase the contact area have been found to be one practical solution to reduce the
contact resistance.
The total inductance of the spark test apparatus and the inductance of the interconnection to
the circuit under test shall be minimized. A maximum value of 1 µH shall be achieved.
The spark test apparatus can be used for higher currents but special care in interpreting the
results is necessary.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 165 –
Dimensions in millimetres
1 Connection for circuit under test
Dimensions in millimetres
Dimensions in millimetres
1 Insulating plate 10 Pressure plate
2 Current connection 11 Clamp
3 Insulated bolt 12 Chamber
4 Insulated bearing 13 Cadmium contact disc
5 Gas outlet 14 Rubber seal
6 Base plate 15 Gas inlets
7 Contact wire 16 Gear wheel drive 50:12
8 Wire holder 17 Insulated coupling
9 Clamping screw 18 Drive motor with reduction gears 80 r/min
Dimensions in millimetres
1 Current feed 3 Tungsten wire
2 Copper block 4 Insulating plate
Annex C
The clearance is taken as the shortest distance in air between two conductive parts. Where
there is an insulating part according to this standard, for example an insulating partition
conforming to 6.5.10, between the conductive parts, the distance is measured along the path
which will be taken by a stretched piece of string as can be seen in Figure C.1.
1 Conductor
2 Clearance
3 Insulating partition
Where the distance between the conductive parts is partly clearance and partly separation
distance through casting compound and/or solid insulation, the equivalent clearance or
separation distance through casting compound can be calculated in the following manner. The
value can then be compared with the value in the relevant column of Table 7, Table 8 or Table 9
as applicable.
1 Conductor B separation distance through casting compound
A Clearance C Separation through solid insulation
In Figure C.2, if A is less than the applicable value of Table 7, the distances that make up the
composite separation should be converted to a percentage of their appropriate figure in Table 7.
Any percentage less than 33,3 % should be ignored, the rest added. If the result is 100 % or
more then the separation is infallible.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", If the result is between 33,3 % and 100 % then failure of
the separation is a countable fault. For Level of Protection "ic", if the result is less than 100 %
then the separation is not permitted to be used to maintain intrinsic safety.
For example, if the separation voltage is 25 V, and distances are A = 1,0 mm, B = 0,25 mm and
C = 0,2 mm then the calculation is as follows:
A similar consideration can be used for Table 8 and Table 9 but applying the requirements from
6.5.7 for Table 8 and Table 9 instead of the requirements for Table 7.
Creepage distances have to be measured along the surface of insulation and, therefore, are
measured as shown in the following sketch:
a) the creepage distance should be measured around any intentional groove in the surface,
providing that the width of the groove is at least the applicable value for X in accordance
b) where an insulating partition conforming to 6.5.10 is inserted but not cemented in, the
creepage distance should be measured either over or under the partition, whichever gives
the smaller value;
c) if the partition described in b) is cemented in, then the creepage distance should always be
measured over the partition.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 171 –
1 Conformal coating
2 Conductor
3 Substrate
A Distance under conformal coating
B Distance with no coating
When conformal coating is used to reduce the required creepage distances, and only part of
the separation distance is coated as shown in Figure C.4, the total effective separation is
calculated by calculating the percentage of distance A of the appropriate value in column 6 of
Table 7 (or column 4 or 5 of Table 8, or column 4 Table 9), calculating the percentage of
distance B of the appropriate value in column 5 (or column 3 of Table 8 or Table 9), and adding
the two percentages together.
Dimensions in millimetres
2 Electrical component
3 Coating
The following assumes an ambient pressure range of 60 kPa to 110 kPa, a voltage of 375 V
between the two components, and Level of Protection "ia" or "ib.
– 172 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Distance under coating consists of two distances of 1,1 mm, which are both ≥ ⅓ of 3,3 mm
so can be used as composite separation.
The 3,4 mm is both composite clearance and creepage. Since the allowed creepage
distance is greater than the allowed clearance, the 3,4 mm need only be considered as a
Clearance of 3,4 mm is ≥ ⅓ of 8,0 mm so can be used as composite separation.
So overall composite separation with 3.4 mm as clearance is:
distance under coating / 3,3 mm + clearance / 8,0 mm
= (1,1 + 1,1) / 3,3 + 3,4 / 8,0 = 109,1 %.
Creepage of 3,4 mm is ≥ ⅓ of 10,0 mm so can be used as composite separation.
So overall composite separation with 3.4 mm as creepage is:
distance under coating / 3,3 mm + creepage / 10,0 mm
= (1,1 + 1,1) / 3,3 + 3,4 / 10,0 = 100,6 %.
Hence this passes the assessment.
2 Electrical component
3 Slot
NOTE The two electrical components belong to different electrical circuits to be separated for voltages up to
375 V peak .
Figure C.6 – PCB with 3 mm slot designed for ambient pressure 60 kPa to 110 kPa
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 173 –
Clearance in accordance with Table 7 or Table 8: 6 mm × 1,34 = 8,04 mm (with 1,34 factor for associated
apparatus in pressure range 60 kPa to 110 kPa)
– 174 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Annex D
D.1 Overview
Annex D defines the analysis and measurements required to establish that, during the time that
controlled semiconductor current or voltage limitation takes to respond to changes in the supply
or load, the energy released in the spark is sufficiently unlikely to cause an ignition, considering
the applicable EPL, output characteristics, equipment group and safety factor.
Measurement of transient output energy should follow the guidance in this annex as closely as
is practical, taking into account that it provides generic recommendations which may not be
suitable in all cases. The search for the maximum transient energy can take a large number of
tests with different load and source combinations. This testing should be kept to a practical limit
taking into consideration the margin of safety found and the Level of Protection required. The
maximum transient output energy under the conditions specified in 5.2 can be affected by
variations in manufacturing tolerances, voltage, current, response time, thresholds, timing of
semiconductors, applied faults and loads, and temperature. The representative circuit and the
test setup should take reasonable measures to apply the most incendive values within these
The measurement is of the transient energy out from a power supply into an intrinsically safe
load. It does not include energy that might be available from the load, hence the position of the
current probe in Figure D.1. For example, a short circuit of the output of the supply might include
energy from both the supply and the load, but only the energy from the supply is considered in
the analysis and measurement.
Although the tests require repeating with different sources and loads, there is no requirement
to repeat these tests on more than one circuit.
Consideration should be given to the transient response to two types of changes that can cause
the controlled semiconductor limitation to activate: a change in the supply to the circuit
(upstream), and a change to the load (downstream). Normally a change to the supply is required
for controlled semiconductor voltage limitation, and a change to the load is required for
controlled semiconductor current limitation. However, both should be considered for all circuits
as, for example, an open-circuit fault in the load can cause a voltage regulator in the circuit
under test to overshoot and exceed the steady state voltage limit.
Table D.1 provides the energy limits considered as sufficiently unlikely to cause an ignition for
the particular equipment group.
Figure D.1 provides a combined representation of possible circuit configurations and test setup
for both supply change test (D.6) using switch (1) and load change test (D.7) using switch (10).
Where a circuit does not correlate to this configuration, a suitable alternative test setup should
be used.
1 supply change test switch
2 R S , supply source resistance (if any)
3 semiconductor controlled series or shunt current limit for intrinsic safety (may have redundancy)
4 voltage regulator which may be for functional purposes or intrinsic safety
5 shunt voltage limitation, either controlled semiconductor, or diode clamp
6 semiconductor controlled current limit for intrinsic safety (may have redundancy)
7 R CL , output resistor at the lowest resistance defined by the scheduled drawings
8 current probe
9 permanent load (which may include L and C as applicable)
10 load change test switch
11 switched load (which may include L and C as applicable)
12 voltage probe
13 oscilloscope
Items within the dotted line that are not present in the circuit under test or need to be omitted under fault conditions
should not be included.
U MAX is the maximum voltage that the supply to the circuit under test could be subjected to
under the conditions specified in 5.2.
U IN is the nominal voltage for the test prior to the application of a change to the supply.
During tests, lower values of U IN might be required to establish the worst-case energy
U LIM is the maximum controlled or uncontrolled voltage limitation provided at (5) used for the
steady state assessment of 5.3.6. At connection facilities, U o = U LIM
I LIM is the maximum controlled or uncontrolled current limitation provided at (3) or (6) used
for the steady state assessment of 5.3.6. At connection facilities, I o = I LIM
P LIM is the peak power of the permitted steady state output characteristic of the circuit taking
into account the required safety factor
A controlled semiconductor limitation circuit may be designed to have lower voltage or current
trip points than the voltage or current limits used for the steady state assessment of 5.3.6.
– 176 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
EXAMPLE Where U LIM is determined as 12 V for a voltage triggered crowbar, in production the crowbar can be
designed to trigger at a maximum of 11 V and hence there is 1 V margin before the U LIM is exceeded. This can
provide stability of the circuit in the field.
Where controlled semiconductor limitation circuits use redundancy to comply with the countable
fault requirements of 5.2, and where interaction between redundant circuits might invalidate the
tests, they should be repeated with the redundant circuits both enabled and disabled. Other
than this consideration of redundant circuits, it is not necessary to apply more countable faults
than required by 5.2 when considering faults in both the supply and load.
Components that are present for functional reasons and on which intrinsic safety does not
depend should be either left in or removed from the circuit depending on which produces the
most onerous result of the test. For example, the voltage regulator at (4) might be considered
a short circuit under the conditions specified in 5.2, and hence should be replaced with a short
circuit for the test. U IN would then be set accordingly to provide the range of voltage outputs
possible from the regulator.
The tests require the capability to measure the current and voltage at a frequency of at least
100 MHz. A digital storage oscilloscope (13) with a bandwidth of at least 100 MHz. The
oscilloscope is typically capable of producing a trace of the product of two channels and of
integration between user defined points in time. If these functions are not available, then they
may be calculated by other means.
The output current should be measured using a galvanically isolated oscilloscope current probe
or clamp (8) of suitable bandwidth and the output voltage measured using a voltage probe (12)
with an impedance of at least 1 MΩ.
NOTE The suitability of the bandwidth of the current probe can be determined by comparison with the rise time of
the measured current signal.
The oscilloscope should be set to trigger from a suitable point on either the current or voltage
channel as applicable for the test. The oscilloscope should be set to record sufficient pre-trigger
time to ensure that the whole of the excess transient energy is included in the assessment of
the result.
Switching of source voltage (1) or load (10) should be made with a non-bouncing switching
device such as a MOSFET or mercury switch which has a sufficient switching speed. This
should be verified from the switching profile once the test has been run.
EXAMPLE A switching device that switches within 5% of the time that would be required for the transient operation
of the circuit is suitable for this test.
The voltage across the switching device when in the on state should be limited to avoid
interference with the result of the test. This can be achieved either by a low on-state resistance
or low saturation voltage to ensure that the switching device voltage is less than 5 % of the
applied voltage, or for supply change tests, by increasing U MAX to compensate for the switch
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 177 –
Test loads for connection at the output of the circuit under test (9) and (11) should be selected
to produce the maximum energy in the output transient during the test, and this normally
requires experimentation. The type and size of the loads will vary depending on the circuit and
its input conditions. For example, this could be any combination of:
a) a Zener diode with an avalanche voltage of the next available voltage below U LIM ;
b) a resistor;
c) the capacitance or inductance for the circuit (for example, including C o and L o at connection
d) constant current loads.
Steady state loads (9) should not cause activation of any voltage or current limitation prior to
the closing of the fault simulating switch (1) or (10).
The steady state supply voltage (U IN ) should be representative of the supply under the
conditions specified in 5.2, including the source resistance (R S ) and any inductance or
capacitance. This may be based on a bench top power supply. The voltage should be varied
during the test from 0 V to the highest voltage available to the circuit, or the highest voltage
that does not cause a voltage limiter under test (5) to operate, whichever is lower.
For the supply change test, the fault voltage (U MAX) can be supplied from a benchtop power
supply and should be varied during the test as the maximum transient energy might occur with
U MAX set anywhere between U IN and the maximum supply voltage to the circuit under the
conditions specified in 5.2.
– for associated apparatus U MAX might be voltages up to U m
– the most onerous condition might be a short circuit of a voltage regulator at (4)
– the most onerous condition might be due to the failure of a control circuit operating where the output is from
the secondary side of a transformer, and the control signal varies the drive of the primary.
For a test of the response to a change in the supply, the fault voltage (U MAX) should be switched
into the circuit using the non-bouncing switching device (1) and the voltage across the load and
current through the load recorded over time by the oscilloscope.
Variation of combinations of both steady state and fault voltages (U IN , U MAX) as well as the
load (9) should be considered.
For Levels of Protection "ia" and "ib", test conditions should include measuring the transient
output energy during both power up and power down of the equipment. This requires de-
energising the steady state voltage (U IN ).
– 178 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
For a test of the response to a change in the load, the steady state load at (9) should be modified
by switching the modifying load (11) into or out of the circuit using the load switch (10). The
voltage across the load and total current in the combined loads (9) and (11) should be recorded
over time by the oscilloscope.
Different combinations of various steady state voltages (U IN up to U LIM ), and steady state loads
(9) should be considered with the transient load (11).
Figure D.2 provides examples of output waveforms measured during a load change test of a
controlled semiconductor current limitation circuit.
a) For series-controlled semiconductor current limitation in Levels of Protection "ia", the energy
determined during the time t when U LIM or I LIM are exceeded should be within the values in
Table D.1 (see Figure D.2a).
Where it can be demonstrated that intrinsic safety is maintained, higher energy limits may
be used.
EXAMPLE The transfer of an assessment of an equivalent circuit verified by means of the spark test apparatus.
b) For circuits other than a), the energy in excess of that derived from P LIM (see Figure D.2b)
determined during the time t when U LIM or I LIM are exceeded should be within the values in
Table D.1.
NOTE As there is limited information on the spark ignition risk presented by a transient during controlled
semiconductor limitation, ongoing work might result in future editions in energy limits that are not related to the
steady state power, hence result in less permitted transient energy.
Where there is ringing, the time t can comprise more than one section.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 179 –
a – Example total transient output energy b – Example excess transient energy output
1 Measured output voltage
2 Measured load current
3 Measured output power (Voltage x Current on oscilloscope
7 Time t
8 Transient output energy is given by this area.
9 Excess transient output energy is given by this area.
Figure D.2 – Example output voltage, current, power and energy measured
during a load transient
– 180 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Annex E
E.1 Overview
Annex E contains the details of the construction of apparatus for use with the FISCO. It is based
on the concepts of Manchester encoded bus powered systems designed in accordance with
IEC 61158-2 which is the physical layer standard for Fieldbus installations.
The constructional requirements of FISCO apparatus are determined by this document except
as modified by this annex. Part of a Fieldbus device may be protected by any of the methods
of explosion protection listed in IEC 60079-0, appropriate to the EPL. In these circumstances,
the requirements of this annex apply only to that part of the apparatus directly connected to the
intrinsically safe trunk or spurs.
NOTE 1 Certification to the FISCO requirements does not prevent apparatus also being certified and marked in the
conventional manner so that they may be used in other systems.
NOTE 2 A typical system illustrating the types of FISCO apparatus is shown in Figure E.1.
E.2.1 General
Apparatus shall be constructed in accordance with this document except as modified by this
The apparatus documentation shall confirm that each apparatus is suitable for use in a FISCO
system in accordance with IEC 60079-25.
E.2.2.1 General
The power supply shall either be resistive limited or have a trapezoidal or rectangular output
characteristic. The maximum output voltage U o shall be in the range 14 V to 17,5 V under the
conditions specified in this document for the respective Level of Protection.
The maximum unprotected internal capacitance C i and inductance L i shall be not greater than
5 nF and 10 µH, respectively.
The output circuit from the power supply may be connected to earth.
The maximum output current I o for any "ia" or 'ib 'FISCO power supply shall be determined in
accordance with this document but shall not exceed 380 mA. For rectangular supplies,
Table E.1 may be used for assessment.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 181 –
NOTE The two largest current values for IIB are derived from 5,32 W.
The maximum output current I o for an "ic" FISCO power supply shall be determined in
accordance with this document. For "ic" FISCO rectangular supplies Table E.2 may be used for
V mA mA
14 274 570
15 199 531
16 154 432
17 121 360
17,5 112 319
NOTE The maximum output power P o from "ic" FISCO power supplies is not
E.3.1 General
These requirements apply to apparatus other than the power supply, terminators and simple
apparatus connected to the intrinsically safe bus whether installed inside or outside the
hazardous area.
d) the maximum unprotected internal capacitance C i of each field device shall not be greater
than 5 nF. No specification of the input and internal parameters is required on the certificate
or label;
e) under normal or fault conditions as specified in this document the bus terminals shall remain
passive, that is the terminals shall not be a source of energy to the system except for a
leakage current not greater than 50 µA;
f) field devices shall be allocated a Level of Protection and be suitable for Group I, IIC or III
or any combination of these groups; and
g) Group IIC field devices intended to be installed within the hazardous area shall be
temperature classified. Group III devices intended to be installed in the hazardous area shall
be allocated a maximum surface temperature.
The additional requirements of "ia" and "ib" FISCO field devices are as follows:
a) field devices shall have minimum input parameters of I i : 380 mA and P i : 5,32 W; and
b) field devices shall have an internal inductance L i not greater than 10 µH.
The additional requirement of "ic" FISCO field devices is that they shall have an internal
inductance L i not greater than 20 µH.
E.3.4 Terminator
The line terminators required by the system shall comprise a resistor-capacitor combination,
which presents at its terminals a circuit equivalent to a resistor of minimum value 90 Ω in series
with a capacitor of maximum value 2,2 µF (including tolerances).
NOTE 1 IEC 61158-2 specifies the component values necessary for operational reasons.
NOTE 2 The terminators may be incorporated within field devices or power supplies.
NOTE 3 For safety assessment purposes, the effective capacitance, C i , of the terminator is considered not to affect
the intrinsic safety of the system.
The requirement of simple apparatus used in an intrinsically safe system is that the apparatus
shall comply with this document. Additionally, the total inductance and capacitance of each
simple apparatus connected to a FISCO system shall not be greater than 10 µH and 5 nF
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 183 –
NOTE For a Levels of Protection "ia" or "ib" the maximum power available can be as high as 5,32 W, which could
invalidate the assumption about temperature rise in 5.5 6).
1 FISCO Terminator 5 FISCO Field devices
2 FISCO Power supply 6 Trunk
3 Data 7 Spur
4 FISCO Handheld terminal (HHT)
Annex F
F.1 Overview
For the purposes of this annex, the probability of ignition shall be considered to be the number
of ignitions divided by the number of sparks during a test sequence. No account is taken of the
resulting margin of error.
This annex provides a test procedure for spark ignition testing of the intrinsically safe outputs
of power supplies with controlled semiconductor limitation. It is based on using the spark test
apparatus of Annex B with at least three gas mixtures with increased safety factors to determine
a probability of ignition with the target gas of less than 1,16 × 10 -6 . It is not intended for use
where the safety factor is applied to the voltage or current.
For the purposes of this annex, the term 'power supply' is a generic term for all circuits that
provide power. This includes dedicated power supply equipment, internal current regulators or
voltage enhancement circuits, and circuits for which providing power is not the primary function.
This annex is suitable for both semiconductor current and voltage limited power supplies that
limit or shut off the current when the current or voltage limit is exceeded but recover to normal
operation sufficiently rapidly between each break of contact of the spark test apparatus and the
following make. This annex is not suitable for supplies for which the recovery time cannot be
sufficiently reduced for the purpose of the test.
There shall be an initial test of 400 revolutions of the power supply under test using test gas
mixture providing a safety factor of 1,5 as specified in where there shall be no ignitions
There shall be at least three tests of the power supply under test using the sequence described
in Table F.2. Further such tests may be performed using gas mixtures with additional safety
factors if required.
Table F.3 provides examples of suitable gas mixtures, together with the corresponding
calibrating currents using the standard 24 V, 95 mH calibrating circuit.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 185 –
Table F.1 provides definitions of terms to apply when using Table F.2:
Term Definition
DUT The power supply under test modified as necessary to meet the requirements of 5.2,
and with the recovery time reduced as necessary to ensure full recovery between
each break and the following make during the tests.
Simple reference circuit A circuit consisting of a laboratory power supply and a low-inductance series
The laboratory power supply has its voltage set to the maximum output voltage of
the DUT under the conditions specified in 5.2 (for example, U o ).
The resistor sets the short circuit current to be equal to the maximum continuous
current that can be supplied by the DUT (for example, I o ).
Table F.4 is an example of a circuit that passes the test sequence of Table F.2. The plot of this
circuit is provided in Figure F.1, labelled 'Pr – Table F.4 – PASS'. When the plot of this circuit
is compared with the plot for a simple reference circuit, labelled 'Pr – Simple Reference Circuit',
it shows that while there are more ignitions when the safety factor is higher, at 1,67 and 2,5,
but as the safety factor is reduced, the probability reduces faster than for a simple reference
circuit, and therefore has an acceptably low figure as the safety factor would drop to unity.
Table F.5 is an example of a circuit that does not pass the test sequence of Table F.2. The plot
of this circuit is provided in Figure F.1, labelled 'Pr – Table F.5 – FAIL'. When the plot of this
circuit is compared with the plot for a simple reference circuit, labelled 'Pr – Simple Reference
Circuit', it shows that while there are less ignitions when the safety factor is higher, at 1,67 and
2,5, but as the safety factor is reduced, the probability does not reduce faster than for a simple
reference circuit, and therefore it does not slope to an acceptably low figure as the safety factor
would drop to unity.
Table F.2 – Sequence of tests
3 Record test gas used Use Table F.3 if useful Use Table F.3 if useful Use Table F.3 if useful
(Step 1 target safety factor) (Step 1 target safety factor) (Step 1 target safety factor)
Measure calibration current achieved Measure using 24V 95 mH calibration Measure using 24V 95 mH calibration Measure using 24V 95 mH calibration
using 24 V 95 mH calibration circuit circuit circuit circuit
9 Px = Py = Pz =
obtained for DUT 16 000 1 600 160
10 Review possible compliance result If either Px = 0, or Py = 0, or Pz = 0, the DUT has passed. If all are not 0, then continue to step 11
Measure number of ignition when simple
11 reference circuit tested for number of Na Nb Nc
revolutions in step 6.
Calculate number of ignitions per spark Na Nb Nc
12 Pa = Pb = Pc =
obtained for the simple reference circuit 16 000 1 600 160
The DUT has passed if all three of the following conditions are met:
1) (log Px) ≤ (log Pa),
13 Review compliance result Py Pb
or Px ≤ Pa
Py logSFy Pz logSFx
3) ,
SFz – log SFy) Px Py
(log Py – log Px) (log Pz – log Py)
(log SFy- log SFx)
≥ (log or � � ≥� �
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 187 –
Compositions of Current in the Safety factor for equipment group and subgroup
explosive test mixtures, calibration
% by volume in the air circuit, I IIА IIВ IIС
(8,3 ± 0,3) % methane 110 to 111 1,00
(5,25 ± 0,25) % propane 100 to 101 1,089 to 1,00
(52 ± 0,5) % hydrogen 73 to 74 1,49 to 1,52 1,35 to 1,38
(48 ± 0,5) % hydrogen 66 to 67 1,64 to 1,68 1,49 to 1,53
(7,8 ± 0,5) % ethylene 65 to 66 1,67 to 1,70 1,52 to 1,55 1,00
(38 ± 0,5) % hydrogen 43 to 44 2,05 to 2,58 2,27 to 2,35 1,47 to 1,53
(21 ± 2) % hydrogen 30,0 to 30,5 3,60 to 3,70 3,27 to 3,36 2,13 to 2,20 1,00
(60 ± 0,5) % hydrogen/ 20,0 to 21,0 5,23 to 5,55 4,76 to 5,05 3,09 to 3,30 1,42 to 1,53
(40 ± 0,5) % oxygen
(70 ± 0,5) % hydrogen/ 15,0 to 15,3 - - - 1,96 to 2,03
(30 ± 0,5) % oxygen under
the pressure of 0,22 MPa
Table F.4 – Example of a Group I circuit with characteristics described by 'Pr – Table F.4 – PASS' of Figure F.1
3) ≥ ?
– 0,176) – 0,223)
(log Py – log Px) (log Pz – log Py) (-2,252 + 4,204) (-0,301 + 2,252)
Yes as � (0,223 = 41,868� ≥ � (0,398 = 11,133�
(log SFy- log SFx) (log SFz – log SFy)
6 4 000 400 40
Number of sparks assumed for
7 16 000 1 600 160
number of revolutions in step 6
Measure number of ignitions when
8 DUT tested for number of revolutions Nx = 6 ignitions Ny = 1 ignition Nz = 1 ignition
in step 6
6 1 1
Calculate number of ignitions per Px = = 3,75 × 10-4 Py = = 6,25 × 10-4 Pz = = 6,25 × 10-3
9 16 000 1 600 160
spark obtained for DUT
Log Px = -3,426 Log Py = -3,204 Log Pz = -2,204
– 189 –
13 Review compliance result 2) (log Py – log Px) ≥ (log Pb – log Pa) ? No as (-3,204 + 3,426 = 0,222) is not greater than (-2,726 + 3,204 =
3) ≥ ?
– 0,176) – 0,223)
(log Py – log Px) (log Pz – log Py) (-3,204 + 3,426) (-2,204 + 3,204)
(log SFy- log SFx) (log SFz – log SFy)
No as � (0,223 = 4,758� is not greater than � (0,398 = 5,707�
NOTE This does not pass the test sequence of Table F.2
– 190 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Annex G
G.1 Overview
Annex G describes a curve based method to replace spark testing as part of spark ignition
assessment of intrinsically safe sources of power.
Curves are provided for Groups IIB and IIC. Groups I, IIA and III may use the curves for Group
IIB as a conservative demonstration of intrinsic safety. The curves in Figure G.1, Figure G.2
and Figure G.3 represent a 1,5 safety factor.
NOTE The curves in this annex are identical to those in IEC 60079-25. However, they are used in this document
for a different purpose. The restriction of their use in IEC 60079-25 to Level of Protection "ib" does not apply to the
use of these curves in this document.
The successful application of this annex for linear sources of power shall have their maximum
voltage within the limit curve for linear source from the applicable diagram from Figure G.2 or
Figure G.3.
The successful application of this annex for non-linear sources of power (for example,
rectangular or trapezoidal output characteristic) requires three assessments:
a) The output characteristic curve shall be fully within the limit curve for rectangular source
from the applicable diagram from Figure G.2 or Figure G.3. The solid blue line of Figure G.1
provides an example of an output characteristic for Group IIC.
b) The point on the applicable diagram representing the maximum voltage and maximum
current shall be within the limit curve for linear source from the applicable diagram from
Figure G.2 or Figure G.3. The dashed blue line of Figure G.1 provides an example of this
point relating to the solid blue output characteristic.
c) The maximum short circuit current, capacitance and inductance shall be the smaller of the
values derived from the above or from Annex A.
– 192 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
G.4 Curves
The following pages contain the limit curve diagrams Figure G.2 and Figure G.3.
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 193 –
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.2a) – Diagram for 0,15 mH
– 194 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.2b) – Diagram for 0,5 mH
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 195 –
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.2c) – Diagram for 1 mH
– 196 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.2d) – Diagram for 2 mH
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 197 –
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.2e) – Diagram for 5 mH
Figure G.2 – Limit curve diagram for universal source characteristic − Group IIC
– 198 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.3a) – Diagram for 0,15 mH
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 199 –
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.3b) – Diagram for 0,5 mH
– 200 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.3c) – Diagram for 1 mH
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 201 –
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.3d) – Diagram for 2 mH
– 202 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
1 inductive limit for rectangular source
2 inductive limit for linear source
Figure G.3e) – Diagram for 5 mH
Figure G.3 – Limit curve diagram for universal source characteristic – Group IIB
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 203 –
Annex H
Examples of marking
H.1 General
Where ABC represents the conformity assessment scheme and DEF the initials of the certifying
body, as applicable.
This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute
an endorsement by the IEC of the product named. Any resemblance to actual product is entirely
Serial No. 12345
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
–25 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +50 °C
ABC DEF 12.1234
Serial No. 12345
Ex ib IIB T4 Gb
Ex ib IIIC T135°C Db
ABC DEF 12.1234
Li: 10 µH Ci: 1 200 pF
Pi: 1,3 W
– 204 – IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023
Serial No. 12345
[Ex ib Mb] I
ABC DEF 12.1234
Um: 250 V Po: 0,9 W
Serial No. 12345
Ex ic IIB T4 Gc
ABC DEF 12.1234
Ui: 28 V Ci = 0
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 205 –
H.7 Intrinsically safe apparatus Level of Protection "ib" with "ia"' outputs
Type f transmitter with separate sensing element
Serial No. 12345
Ex ib [ia IIC Ga] IIB T6 Gb
ABC DEF 12.1234
Ui: 30 V Uo: 5.6V
Co: 35 uF
H.8.3 Terminator
FISCO terminator
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
James Bond plc
Type MI5 007
ABC DEF 12.1234
Serial No. 012345
Annex I
Figure I.1 shows an overview for the tests required on enclosures and parts of enclosures for
intrinsically safe apparatus when the spacing requirements comply with Table 7.
Figure I.2 shows an overview for the tests required on enclosures and parts of enclosures for
intrinsically safe apparatus and associated apparatus when the spacing requirements comply
with Table 8 and Table 9.
Enclosures for
Intrinsically safe
Enclosures for Group IIIC intrinsically safe apparatus (6.2.4) a
apparatus for
Group I, Group II,
Group IIIA, and
Group IIIB and
for associated
apparatus for all Separations Separation Separations Separations Separations
groups protected by distances distances located on protected by
coating through through the inner enclosure
casting solid layers of a
(See compound insulation multi-layer (See (See PCB
according to
Drop test of IEC 60079-0 for portable or personal equipment
IEC 60079-0 as
identified in
Table 1 b
a The enclosure tests of IEC 60079-0 are not required where there are no internal separations on which intrinsic
safety depends. This applies even if the enclosure is required for intrinsic safety for other reasons, for example
to exclude dust for thermal ignition compliance.
b The enclosure tests in IEC 60079-0 define the minimum number of samples that may be used; 2 samples for
metallic, glass or ceramic enclosures or parts of enclosures, or on 2 or 4 samples for non-metallic enclosures
or parts of enclosures.
Enclosures for Intrinsically safe apparatus for and for associated apparatus for all groups
according to
Drop test of IEC 60079-0 for portable or personal equipment
IEC 60079-0 as
identified in
Table 1 b
a The enclosure tests of IEC 60079-0 are not required where there are no internal separations on which intrinsic
safety depends. This applies even if the enclosure is required for intrinsic safety for other reasons, for example
to exclude dust for thermal ignition compliance.
b The enclosure tests in IEC 60079-0 define the minimum number of samples that may be used; 2 samples for
metallic, glass or ceramic enclosures or parts of enclosures, or on 2 or 4 samples for non-metallic enclosures
or parts of enclosures.
Figure I.2 – Tests for enclosures or parts of enclosures for separation distances
complying with Table 8 or Table 9
IEC 60079-11:2023 © IEC 2023 – 209 –
IEC 60068-2-14, Environmental testing – Part 2-14: Tests – Test N: Change of temperature
IEC 60068-2-78, Environmental testing – Part 2-78: Tests – Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state
IEC 60079-14, Explosive atmospheres – Part 14: Electrical installations design, selection and
IEC 60079-18, Explosive atmospheres – Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation "m"
IEC 60079-19, Explosive atmospheres – Part 19: Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation
IEC 60079-28, Explosive atmospheres – Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission
systems using optical radiation
IEC 60364-4-41, Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 4-41: Protection for safety –
Protection against electric shock
IEC 61086-1, Coatings for loaded printed wire boards (conformal coatings) – Part 1: Definitions,
classification and general requirements
IEC 61191-2, Printed board assemblies – Part 2: Sectional specification – Requirements for
surface mount soldered assemblies
IEC 62133-1, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes –
Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for
use in portable applications – Part 1: Nickel systems
ISO 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes – Part 1: Sampling schemes
indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
IPC-2152, Standard for Determining Current Carrying Capacity in Printed Board Design
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