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1, JANUARY 2004

Simulation of Lightning Surge Propagation from Distribution Line to Consumer

Entrance via Pole-Mounted Transformer
Taku Noda, Member, IEEE, Maki Sakae, and Shigeru Yokoyama, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This article presents a comparison between simu-

lation and laboratory-test results of lightning surge propagation
from a distribution line to a consumer entrance via a pole-mounted
transformer. The simulation result, obtained using a transformer
model previously proposed by the authors, closely reproduces the
laboratory-test result.
Index Terms—Electromagnetic transient analysis, lightning,
power distribution lines, power transformers, surges.


T HE assessment of overvoltages at the consumer side has

become more important, since the number of sensitive
electronic devices installed in houses, factories, and buildings
is increasing. One of the sources of the consumer-side over-
voltages is transferred lightning surges from a distribution Fig. 1. Surge transfer from a distribution line to a consumer entrance via a
pole-mounted transformer.
line via a pole-mounted transformer as illustrated in Fig. 1.
In this article, the transformer model proposed by the authors
[1] is used for simulating the transferred lightning surges. The III. SIMULATION
simulation result is compared with a laboratory test result and
The transformer model proposed in [1] is used for the
the comparison shows a reasonable agreement.
modeling of the pole-mounted transformer, taking into account
(a) the winding-to-winding and winding-to-enclosure capaci-
tances; (b) the skin effect of the winding conductors and the
Fig. 2 shows the laboratory-test setup. A consumer supplied iron core; and (c) the multiple resonance due to the combination
from a terminal pole is assumed, since this test was carried out in of the winding inductance and the turn-to-turn capacitance.
a limited indoor space (a HV test laboratory of CRIEPI). Thus, The effects are represented by circuit blocks added to the
the distribution line is installed only at one side of the pole. The fundamental equivalent circuit of transformer. The saturation
distribution line consists of three phase wires with no ground and the hysteresis of the iron core are ignored as recommended
wire. At the transformer end the phases b and c of the distri- by CIGRE WG 33.02 [2], since the main scope of this article is
bution line are, respectively, connected to the primary and a lightning surge study where magnetic flux cannot penetrate
terminals of the transformer, while the phase a is open-ended. into the iron core. The same 10-kVA transformer as in [1] was
The capacity of the transformer is 10 kVA, and its secondary used in the laboratory test and, thus, the model parameters used
0 terminal is short-circuited to the enclosure terminal and is in the present simulation are the same as those given in [1].
grounded through a 5-m vertical wire. The service drop line, The distribution line is modeled by the constant-parameter
connecting the secondary , 0 and terminals to the consumer line model in EMTP, ignoring the frequency dependence. The
entrance, is inclined with respect to the ground surface. At the line parameters are calculated at 100 kHz. Because the ground
other end of the distribution line, a pulse generator (PG) with surface in the laboratory is covered with copper plates, the fre-
three-phase impedance matching resistors, shown in Fig. 3, is quency dependence is negligible. However, in the case of an ac-
connected for applying a step voltage. Voltage waveforms at the tual distribution line, the J. Marti line model should be used to
PG output and the consumer entrance are measured by a dig- take into account the frequency dependence. The service drop
ital-storage oscilloscope. line is inclined with respect to the ground surface. For simplicity,
although the wave propagation properties of such an inclined
Manuscript received November 14, 2002. line are different from a horizontal line, the service drop line is
T. Noda is with the Electrical Insulation Department, Central Research In- modeled by the constant-parameter line model assuming a hor-
stitute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Tokyo 201-8511, Japan (e-mail: izontal line with the height of 2.5 m ( ). The line
M. Sakae is with Research Lab., Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., Fukuoka parameters are calculated also at 100 kHz. Since the grounding
815-8520, Japan (e-mail: wire is short enough in length, it is modeled by a single in-
S. Yokoyama is with Komae Research Labs, Central Research Institute ductance calculated by , which
of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Tokyo 201-8511, Japan (e-mail: gives the inductance of a straight line with length and radius
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2003.820410 in a free space. Substituting and gives
0885-8977/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

Fig. 2. Laboratory-test setup. The DV wires, used for the vertical grounding wire and the service drop line, are covered with vinyl sheath and the conductor
diameter is 2.6 mm.

Fig. 3. PG with three phase matching resistors. This is for applying to phase
b. When applying to phase c, the PG is connected to node c’ and node b’ is

Fig. 5. Laboratory-test and simulation results, case 1.

Fig. 4. Internal circuit of PG and lead wire.

. The internal circuit of the PG and the lead wire

connecting the PG to the matching resistors are represented as in
Fig. 4. The parameter values are obtained by measurement using
an impedance analyzer. The impedance matching resistors are
modeled by resistors as they are. The capacitances of voltage
probes are considered in the simulation by 8-pF capacitances.

In the laboratory test, the capacitor of the PG is first charged
to 15.6 V and then a step voltage is generated by closing the
mercury switch. The corresponding simulation is started by the
same procedure representing the mercury switch by an ideal
switch. The simulation is carried out using EMTP Ver. 3.1C
with a time step of 1 ns. The following two cases are consid-
ered: the voltage of the PG is applied to b’ in case 1 and to c’ in
Fig. 6. Laboratory-test and simulation results, case 2.
case 2 (see Fig. 3). Figs. 5 and 6 show the measured and calcu-
lated waveforms for cases 1 and 2, respectively. The simulation
results reasonably agree with the test results in terms of max- the voltage differences among the secondary terminals after the
imum overvoltages and oscillation frequencies. Since there exist first cycle of the oscillations, it is understood that the magnetic

couplings have to be represented as well as the capacitive cou-

plings for accurate simulations. The small deviation from the
test result is partly due to the approximate representation of the
service drop line. The fact that the frequency response of the
pole-mounted transformer is considered only up to 1–2 MHz is
also a cause of the deviation.

Lightning surge propagation from a distribution line to a con-
sumer entrance via a pole-mounted transformer has been simu-
lated using a pole-mounted transformer model proposed in [1].
It is confirmed that the simulation result closely reproduces the
laboratory-test result.

[1] T. Noda, H. Nakamoto, and S. Yokoyama, “Accurate modeling of
core-type distribution transformers for electromagnetic transient
studies,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 17, pp. 969–976, Oct. 2002.
[2] “Guidelines for Representation of Network Elements When Calculating
Transients,” CIGRE – WG 33.02, CIGRE Tech. Brochure no. 39, 1990.

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