Biometric Electronic Signature Security
Biometric Electronic Signature Security
Biometric Electronic Signature Security
Phillip H. Griffin(&)
1 Introduction
When weak secrets are extracted from biometric sensor data they can be coupled
with biometric matching to provide two authentication factors, “something-you-know”
and “something-you-are”. Extraction of this user knowledge from biometric sensor data
allows two factors to be derived from a single user interaction with a data collection
device. This technique can be incorporated into the design of an access control system
to provide strong, two-factor authentication that does not diminish the user experience
of a single factor authentication system. Extracted user knowledge can also serve as the
shared secret needed to operate an Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocol, such
as the Biometric AKE (BAKE) protocol [3] and to establish the secure channel between
two communicating parties needed to perform an electronic signature transaction.
1.1 Protocols
The Password AKE (PAKE) protocol has been defined internationally in both the
ISO/IEC 11770-4 [2] standard and the ITU-T X.1035 [4] recommendation. PAKE can
be operated using a weak secret provided directly from biometric sensor data by
extraction (i.e., using BAKE), or operated with user knowledge entered from a key-
board or touch screen device that is separate from a biometric sensor. PAKE and
BAKE can be used to establish “a symmetric cryptographic key via Diffie-Hellman
exchange” [4].
The BAKE protocol depends on PAKE for its key exchange mechanism. PAKE
relies on a weak secret input to a Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol for crypto-
graphic key establishment. These AKE protocols allow remote communicating parties
to “establish a secure communication channel” without the need to rely “on any
external trusted parties” [5]. Diffie-Hellman key exchange is at the heart of both BAKE
and PAKE, as illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Relationship of the Biometric Authenticated Key Exchange (BAKE) and Password
Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocols to the Diffie-Hellman protocol.
has access to a reliable and fully functional PKI. The use of PKI-based methods can “
require too many computation, memory size, and bandwidth resources” for use in IoT
environments [7].
Diffie-Hellman is a key establishment technique that “provides forward secrecy,
prevents user credentials from being exposed during identity authentication attempts,
and thwarts man-in-the-middle and phishing attacks” [1]. By using Diffie-Hellman for
key establishment, a secure channel can be established between two parties for sub-
sequent communications. Key establishment is then based “on a shared low-entropy
password”, a weak secret known to both parties [5]. This shared secret input to the
Diffie-Hellman protocol through BAKE, then PAKE allows these protocols to provide
implicit identity authentication [5].
The BAKE protocol extends the single factor PAKE protocol to provide strong,
two-factor authentication. Both BAKE and PAKE provide mutual authentication
through challenge-response messages exchanged securely between the parties. The
confidentiality of the challenge-response, the user credentials, and any included content
are protected from attack by encryption during transfer. A high-level description of the
BAKE protocol processing steps is provided in Fig. 2.
words spoken by a user, which form the knowledge string” used in BAKE “to create a
symmetric encryption key” [8]. The something-you-are authenticator “contains bio-
metric matching data” [8].
When the included data in step 4 of Fig. 2 is a user agreement or contract, the
BAKE and PAKE authentication protocols become a secure foundation for the
implementation of electronic signatures. Identity authentication of contract signatories
is a traditional requirement of contract law worldwide, and for electronic signatures
care must be taken to ensure that “the method used to identify the signer is reliable” [9].
Additional assurance against subsequent attempts to repudiate an e-signed agreement
can be gained by the inclusion of additional content in the encrypted BAKE message.
The meaning of the term electronic signature (e-signature) varies by legal jurisdiction. In
the United States, two acts specify the term, the Electronic Signatures in Global and
National Commerce Act (E-Sign) and the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA).
These acts describe an e-signature as “any process, symbol or electronic sound per-
formed by an individual and associated with information that the individual agrees to
accept and sign, and an indication of intention to conduct an electronic transaction” [10].
A valid e-signature can be implemented to authenticate the identity of the signer
using a number of different techniques. These techniques include “a digital signature, a
digitized fingerprint, a retinal scan, a pin number”, or “a digitized image of a hand-
written signature that is attached to an electronic message” [9]. A “common method of
creating a valid signature is the ‘shared secrets’ method”, which both authenticates the
signer and uses “passwords or credit card numbers to establish the necessary intent to
conclude a transaction” [11]. These characteristics make BAKE and its embedded
PAKE protocol a suitable mechanism for the implementation of e-signatures.
There are no e-signature security requirements for protecting the signers “private
identifying information such as private keys and passwords” [11]. There are no
requirements for safeguarding the user against phishing or man-in-the-middle attacks,
the use of strong, multi-factor authentication, forward secrecy of cryptographic keys, or
the provision of user assurance through mutual authentication. Ideally, an optimal e-
signature solution would meet all of these security requirements as well as the e-
signature requirements specified in E-Sign and UETA.
The BAKE protocol can meet all of these requirements and address the security
risks associated with e-signatures. These risks include the risk of repudiation of a
signed contract and the failure to properly authenticate the e-signer. Since BAKE
provides mutual authentication, e-signers can “identify themselves to a server and gain
assurance that the server they are trying to connect to is not an imposter” [12]. BAKE
provides the relying party of a contract with strong multi-factor authentication of the e-
signer, but “does not require changes in user behavior or to the user authentication
experience” [12].
Proof that a “person approved a particular electronic document might be gathered in
many different ways” [13]. To mitigate the risk of later repudiation, a relying party
should also document the signers’ intention to conduct an electronic transaction and
Biometric Electronic Signature Security 19
their acceptance of the terms and conditions of the e-signed agreement. Biometric voice
samples acquired from the e-signer can be used for this purpose if they are transferred
and stored securely. A relying party can use this documentation to reduce the risk of
repudiation, since the documentation may be replayed or used for biometric matching
to demonstrate evidence of e-signer consent.
2.1 Standardization
The draft 2018 revision of the X9.84 Biometric Information Management and Security
standard [14] specifies “three new biometric-based e-signature techniques” [10]. These
techniques include two that are PKI-based, Biometric Electronic Signature Token
(BEST) and Signcrypted BEST (SBEST). The standard also specifies the “biometric
electronic-signature authenticated-key exchange (BESAKE)” protocol [10] described
in this paper. A high-level description of the processing steps of the BESAKE protocol
is provided in Fig. 3.
The BESAKE protocol builds upon BAKE authentication to form an electronic
signature protocol. The key differences in these protocols are captured in steps 1, 5, and
11 in Fig. 3. To meet the requirements of the E-Sign and UETA acts, the intention of
the signatory to perform an electronic transaction and their acceptance of the terms of
the agreement being signed have been captured along with the agreement. The con-
fidentiality of these values is protected by encryption during transfer from the signer to
the relying party or server.
To mitigate the risk of subsequent repudiation of the agreement, the relying party
can store and log the details of the e-signing event. Date and time, location, and other
information may be included in the log, and coupled with the agreement. Digital
signatures and encryption may be used to protect the authenticity, data integrity and
confidentiality of this information, so that it can be relied on by a third party. Other
security controls may also be employed as appropriate to manage security risk.
A commonly used method for capturing the intention of a user to conduct an electronic
transaction and their acceptance of the terms of an agreement is to present the user with
text associated with check boxes. To complete a contract a user may be required to
check the boxes before completing the transaction to indicate intent to sign and
acceptance of an offer.
Biometrics can be used to provide stronger evidence of the user intent to e-sign and
accept an agreement. The use of biometrics can enhance the e-signature experience.
In this schema, text exchanges are collected as character strings that can represent
characters from any national language. The information object identifier id-Voice
indicates the voice of the e-signer is used to document the exchange. Multi-modal
biometric exchanges are also supported by the schema. Face and voice biometrics
exchanges can be captured using the id-FaceAndVoice identifier. The extension
marker, “…” instructs messaging tools to expect additional Exchanges information
objects, allowing support for additional mechanism to be added by an implementer as
4 Conclusion
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