Curriculum Chef Level II
Curriculum Chef Level II
Curriculum Chef Level II
Plot 38, Kirthar Road, Sector H-9/4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Director General Skills Standard and Curricula, National Vocational and Technical Training
National Deputy Head, TVET Sector Support Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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TVET Sector Support Programme
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This document has been produced with the technical assistance of the TVET Sector Support
Programme, which is funded by the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Royal
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Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(GIZ) GmbH in close collaboration with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission
(NAVTTC) as well as provincial Technical Education and Vocational Training Authorities (TEVTAs),
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sector organizations.
Document Version
November, 2019
Islamabad, Pakistan
Introduction 3
Definition/ Description of the training programme for Cook 3
Purpose of the training programme 3
Overall objectives of training programme 3
Competencies to be gained after completion of course 3
Possible available job opportunities available immediately and later in the future 4
Trainee entry level 4
Minimum qualification of trainer 4
Recommended trainer: trainee ratio 4
Medium of instruction i.e. language of instruction 4
Laws and regulations 5
Duration of the course (Total time, Theory & Practical time) 5
Sequence of the modules 6
Summary – overview of the curriculum 8
Modules 13
Module 1: Maintain professional kitchen standards for food preparation and cooking
throughout the shift 13
Module 2: Demonstrate basic food preparation and cooking skills 25
Module 3: Prepare and cook vegetables 32
Module 4: Prepare, cook and finish meat, poultry and fish dishes 35
Module 5: Prepare and finish simple salad and fruit dishes 39
Module 6: Prepare, cook and finish pasta and rice dishes 41
Module 7: Prepare, cook and finish eggs and egg dishes 44
Module 8: Prepare and cook grain and pulse dishes 47
Module 9: Prepare and cook soups, stocks and sauces 50
Module 10: Prepare, bake and finish simple bread and dough products 53
Module 11: Prepare hot and cold sandwiches 56
Module 12: Prepare and finish simple sweet dishes 59
Module 13: Complete kitchen shift effectively 64
Module 14: Develop a new business 70
Complete list of tools and equipment 80
List of consumable supplies 84
Credit values 85
Definition/ Description of the training programme for Cook
Cooks plan, organize, prepare and cook meals. While specific duties vary depending on the
type of establishment, it is the cook's responsibility to prepare and cook simple dishes that
are both appealing and nutritious. To present a prepared meal attractively is also a cook’s
Selecting tools and equipment used to prepare and cook simple dishes
Checking the quality of food before, during and after preparation and cooking
Master basic food preparation and cooking processes and culinary techniques
Apply food safety and hygiene regulations
Maintain professional standards throughout shift
Be aware of nutritional, economic and ecological requirements
Prepare and cook vegetables
Prepare, cook and finish meat, poultry and fish dishes
Prepare and finish simple salad and fruit dishes
Prepare and cook pasta and rice dishes
Prepare and cook eggs and egg dishes
Prepare and cook grain and pulses
Prepare and cook soups, stocks and sauces
Prepare, cook and finish simple bread and dough products
Prepare hot and cold sandwiches
Prepare and finish simple sweet dishes
Clean kitchen equipment and cooking utensils
Complete kitchen shift effectively
Identify and pursue new business opportunities in the hospitality sector
Chef de Partie
Executive Chefs
Banquet Managers
Food service administrators and coordinators
Hotel Managers
General Managers.
Learning Module hours in training provider premises
Training workshop, laboratory and on-the-job workplace
Module 9: Prepare
Module 4: and cook soups,
Prepare, cook stocks and sauces
and finish
meat, poultry Module 6: Prepare,
and fish cook and finish
dishes pasta and rice Module 1:
dishes Maintain
professional Module 2:
Module 8: kitchen Demonstrate Module 13:
Module 7: Prepare, standards basic food Complete
Prepare and
cook and finish for food preparation kitchen shift
cook grain
eggs and egg preparation and cooking effectively
and pulse
dishes and cooking skills
the shift
Module 10:
bake and Module 11: Prepare
finish simple hot and cold
bread and sandwiches
Module 12:
Module 14:
Prepare and
Developing a new
finish simple
sweet dishes
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: The importance of having Total: Equipment and materials For theoretical
clean hair, skin and nails, for washing hands, learning:
Ensure personal Keep hair, skin and nails clean 8 hours
for hygiene purposes, including antibacterial Class room with
hygiene and and hygienic
including preventing Theory: soap, suitable wash basin, multimedia aid, audio-
chef’s uniform for
Follow the recommended contamination of food being paper towels or air dryer visual facilities and flip
kitchen 1 hours
procedures for washing hands prepared or cooked charts
operations meets Chef’s uniform according
at all appropriate times Practical: For practical
organisational Recommended procedures to job requirements (black
requirements Avoid unsafe behaviour that for washing hands at all 7 hours trousers, white chef’s learning:
could contaminate the food appropriate times, including jacket, white chef’s cap, EITHER
being prepared or cooked wash hands for at least 20 white neckerchief, white
Training Kitchen
seconds with antibacterial apron, safety trainers or
Report any cuts, boils, grazes, soap, washing whole hands boots, disposable gloves) OR
injuries, illness and infections thoroughly including the
promptly to the appropriate Hazard analysis and Access to a
back of the hand, fingers,
person critical control points commercial kitchen for
wrists, and forearms, palms
(HACCP) standards training purposes (for
Select appropriate chef’s and between fingers, where
bacteria and pathogens example hotels,
uniform and headgear in line Organizational guidelines
tend to collect, dry in a restaurants, cafés,
with manufacturer's for personal hygiene
sanitary manner: clean, clubs, industrial
instructions and organisational
unused paper towels or canteens, non-
automatic hand dryer commercial
Wear chef’s uniform and organizations, similar
headgear that is clean, fit for Avoiding unsafe behaviour, establishments)
use and worn correctly including spitting, smoking,
touching own face, nose or
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 13
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU2: The student will be able to: The importance of working Total: Different types of For theoretical
in a healthy, safe and emergency notices learning:
Maintain the Maintain a safe, hygienic and 10 hours
hygienic way, including Class room with
health, safety secure kitchen working Standard operating
working tidily, following Theory: multimedia aid, audio-
and security of environment procedures for
proper procedures and visual facilities and flip
the kitchen 2 hours occupational health and
Keep a look out for hazards in instructions, in order to charts
working safety
the kitchen avoid accidents, ensure Practical:
environment For practical
food is safely prepared and Fire equipment
Identify any hazards or 8 hours learning:
cooked, and that there is no
potential hazards in the kitchen First aid equipment EITHER
risk to the guest
and deal with these correctly
Equipment for contacting Training Kitchen
Taking personal
Report any accidents or near responsibility, including security, including OR
accidents quickly and taking reasonable care of telephones and other
accurately to the proper own safety and the safety of electronic devices Access to a
person others, following Standard commercial kitchen for
training purposes (for
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Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Deal with problems and Operating Procedures for Logbooks for recording example hotels,
unexpected situations in an safe working practice, accidents and incidents restaurants, cafés,
appropriate manner informing Chef de Partie of clubs, industrial
Organisational procedures
anything that might be canteens, non-
Practise emergency for dealing with problems,
unsafe or cause an accident commercial
procedures correctly including accidents, fire,
organisations, similar
Sources of information evacuations
about health, hygiene and
Organisational procedures
safety in the kitchen,
for dealing with
including Standard
Operating Procedures for
kitchen, manuals, data Contact details for
sheet and instructions from colleagues, supervisors
manufacturers and
suppliers, websites, training Organisational guidelines
materials for responding to and
reporting accidents
Features of a healthy
workplace, including Chef’s uniform according
suitable size; adequate to job requirements (black
lighting, heating and trousers, white chef’s
ventilation; safe floors, jacket, white chef’s cap,
stairs, doors and windows; white neckerchief, white
appropriate equipment that apron, safety trainers or
is regularly maintained; boots, disposable gloves)
sufficient storage facilities;
hygienic disposal facilities,
assembly point for
Working with hazardous
substances, including
cooking oil, gels or spirits,
cleaning chemicals
Reducing the risk of
working with hazardous
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Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
substances, including
proper training using
hazardous substances,
using appropriate protective
equipment (including
gloves, goggles, masks),
putting warning signs out,
using safe working methods
Types of hazards to be
found in the kitchen,
including slips; trips and
falls; strains and sprains;
sharp objects; cuts and
lacerations; burns; hot
liquids and surfaces;
moving heavy items;
working fast; fire risks
(including hot stoves,
electrical equipment);
likelihood and potential
impact of hazard
Methods to deal with
hazards correctly, including
providing and using chef’s
uniform; non-slip flooring;
working tidily, following
proper procedures, warning
others when necessary,
providing additional training
to use equipment and
machinery correctly;
maintaining equipment and
LU3: The student will be able to: Check that the food is of the Total: Example notes from daily For theoretical
required weight, in order to briefing learning:
Check quality Check the delivery from stores 08 hours
ensure appropriate Class room with
and quantity of to ensure that the quantity of
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Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
food and food delivered is sufficient for quantities of dishes can be Theory: Recipes and methods of multimedia aid, audio-
maintain kitchen the number of covers expected prepared preparation and cooking visual facilities and flip
02 hours
and food safety charts
Check that food is delivered at Check that food is being Organisational guidelines
standards at Practical:
the correct temperature kept at an appropriate for checking the quality For practical
every level of
temperature, to avoid 06 hours and quantity of food learning:
food handling Ensure that any packaged
potential food spoilage EITHER
food does not exceed its ‘sell- Standard operating
by’ or ‘use-by’ dates Check that food flavour, procedures for quality Training Kitchen
texture and aroma is of control of food and safety
Inform Chef de Partie if there OR
acceptable quality, to
are any problems with the HACCP standards
ensure safe preparation and Access to a
quantity or quality of food
cooking Food safety guidelines commercial kitchen for
training purposes (for
Check that sufficient food Chef’s uniform according
example hotels,
and other ingredients to to job requirements (black
restaurants, cafés,
meet the requirements for trousers, white chef’s
clubs, industrial
the number of covers jacket, white chef’s cap,
canteens, non-
expected are available, to white neckerchief, white
avoid being unable to apron, safety trainers or
organisations, similar
provide a full service to food boots, disposable gloves)
Understanding basic
nutrition, including
carbohydrates (to provide
energy), proteins (including
amino acids, for growing
and repairing tissues), fats
(for energy and certain
vitamins), vitamins and
minerals 9for general
health), fibre (to aid
digestion), water (to aid
digestion and most other
body processes
LU4: Identify opportunities for The impact of kitchen Total: Organisational policy and For theoretical
reducing waste waste, including lost procedures for disposing of learning:
Ensure wastage 04 hours
income through food being waste Class room with
from kitchen Follow organisational policies
thrown away, cost of waste Theory: multimedia aid, audio-
operations is and procedures for managing Tools and equipment for
removal to the organisation, visual facilities and flip
minimized and reducing waste 1 hours disposing of waste,
impact on the environment, charts
including waste disposal
Dispose of waste in line with potential to attract pests Practical: units, recycling bins For practical
organisational procedures learning:
Disposing of kitchen waste 3 hours Standard Operating
promptly, hygienically and EITHER
Procedures for kitchen
appropriately, including
department and for waste Training Kitchen
disposal or recycling as
appropriate OR
Chef’s uniform according
Opportunities for waste Access to a
to job requirements (black
reduction in the kitchen, commercial kitchen for
trousers, white chef’s
including careful weighing / training purposes (for
jacket, white chef’s cap,
measuring / portioning, example hotels,
white neckerchief, white
checking and using stock restaurants, cafés,
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Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Reading the recipe to Total: Recipes to determine what For theoretical
determine what food and food, other ingredients and learning:
Understand how Understand how to assemble 15 hours
equipment is needed equipment is needed Class room with
to assemble food food, ingredients and
Theory: multimedia aid, audio-
and equipment to equipment required to prepare, Developing awareness of Pre-preparation
visual facilities and flip
prepare and cook cook and finish dishes as the nutritional values of 3 hours equipment: including sets
simple dishes, required different foods, including of knives (different types),
with guidance calories, carbohydrates, Practical: peeling knives, carving For practical
Understand the need to defrost learning:
from Chef de amino acids (for proteins), 12 hours knives, chef knives, etc,
ingredients prior to preparation
Partie and other essential fatty acids, graters, measuring scale, EITHER
associates Know how to select minerals and trace refrigerators, freezers,
Training Kitchen
appropriate equipment needed minerals, vitamins, chopping boards (different
to prepare, cook and finish roughage / dietary fibre colours – refer to HACCP OR
dishes regulations): red – raw
Storage of food prior to Access to a
meat; blue – raw fish;
Understand how to check that preparation, including dry commercial kitchen for
yellow – cooked meat;
ingredients meet type, quality store, refrigerator (maintain training purposes (for
green – salad and fruit;
and quantity requirements temperature from 3 to 5 example hotels,
brown – vegetables; white
prior to preparation and degrees), freezer (maintain restaurants, cafés,
– bakery and dairy
cooking temperature from -18 clubs, industrial
to -20 degrees) Utensils: including pans canteens, non-
(large, small, medium), commercial
Storing fresh and frozen
bowls, sets measuring organisations, similar
ingredients correctly before
spoons, forks, bread slicer, establishments)
mixers (large, small),
blenders, toasters, tin
chemical contamination
(including mould, fungus,
Seeking guidance from
Chef de Partie and other
associates when
Compliance with relevant
regulations and standards
(see Introduction)
LU2: The student will be able to: Preparation requirements: Total: Recipes to determine what For theoretical
including recipe, quantity food, other ingredients and learning:
Understand how Understand the requirements 15 hours
required, special equipment is needed Class room with
to prepare simple for preparing dishes for
ingredients, washing hands, Theory: multimedia aid, audio-
dishes for cooking Pre-preparation
sanitizing work surfaces visual facilities and flip
cooking, with 3 hours equipment: including sets
Know how to use tools and and equipment as required, charts
guidance from of knives (different types),
equipment for preparing washing hands Practical:
Chef de Partie peeling knives, carving For practical
different dishes correctly learning:
and other Carrying out the appropriate 12 hours knives, chef knives, etc,
associates Know the appropriate methods preparation methods graters, measuring scale, EITHER
to prepare different dishes for correctly, including beating, refrigerators, freezers,
Training Kitchen
cooking blending, clarification, chopping boards (different
cleaning, cooling, cutting, colours – refer to HACCP OR
Understand how to check that defrosting, dicing, dipping, regulations)
preparation of ingredients flavouring, grading, Access to a
meets quality requirements Utensils: including pans commercial kitchen for
greasing, kneading,
(large, small, medium), training purposes (for
marinating , measuring,
bowls, sets measuring example hotels,
mixing, moistening, pan
spoons, forks, bread slicer, restaurants, cafés,
greasing, polishing,
mixers (large, small), clubs, industrial
portioning, pre washing,
blenders, toasters, tin canteens, non-
proofing, sanitizing,
openers, peelers, potato commercial
seasoning, sheeting, slicing,
cutters, choppers, mincing
machine, bone saw
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Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU3: The student will be able to: Understanding the effect of Total: Cooking equipment: For theoretical
different cooking processes burners, stoves, ovens, learning:
Understand how Understand the requirements 15 hours
on different (convection oven, deck Class room with
to cook simple for cooking different dishes
ingredients/dishes and their Theory: oven), microwaves, grills, multimedia aid, audio-
dishes, with
Know how to use tools and nutritional value tilting pan, steamers, visual facilities and flip
guidance from 3 hours
equipment to cook different salamander, pans, deep charts
Chef de Partie Cooking requirements:
dishes correctly Practical: fryer
and other including recipe, quantity For practical
associates Know the appropriate methods required, special 12 hours Chef’s uniform according learning:
to cook different dishes requirements to job requirements (black EITHER
trousers, white chef’s
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Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Understand how to combine Carrying out the appropriate jacket, white chef’s cap, Training Kitchen
main ingredients with other cooking methods correctly, white neckerchief, white
ingredients including dry cooking apron, safety trainers or
methods (sautéing, pan boots, disposable gloves) Access to a
Know how to check that dishes
frying, deep frying, grilling, commercial kitchen for
have the correct flavour,
roasting, griddling, baking, training purposes (for
consistency and quantity
baking, blind baking, example hotels,
Know how to check that scrambling), moist cooking restaurants, cafés,
cooking of different dishes methods (simmering, clubs, industrial
meets quality requirements boiling, steaming, poaching, canteens, non-
simmering, boiling, commercial
steaming), combination organisations, similar
cooking methods (braising, establishments)
The importance of using the
correct tools and equipment
(as directed by the recipe),
to cook different dishes, to
ensure cooking is of the
correct standard
Combining other
ingredients, including herbs
and spices, sauces, salt,
cream, sugar, milk
Quality requirements for
cooked different dishes,
including appearance (size,
shape, colour, gloss,
consistency), texture, taste,
flavour, fresh smell, taste,
colour, appearance, cooked
according to requirements,
LU4: The student will be able to: The importance of using the Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
correct tools and equipment plates, platters, silver learning:
Understand how Understand the importance of 15 hours
(as directed by the recipe), salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
to present simple holding and serving different
to finish dishes, to ensure Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
dishes for dishes at correct temperature
finishing is of the correct visual facilities and flip
service, with 3 hours Details of requirements,
Understand how to safely store standard charts
guidance from including food check from
cooked dishes and ingredients Practical:
Chef de Partie Correct temperatures for food outlet For practical
not for immediate use
and other holding and serving 12 hours learning:
Chef’s uniform according EITHER
associates different dishes (above 63
to job requirements (black
degrees), checking with a
trousers, white chef’s Training Kitchen
temperature probe;
jacket, white chef’s cap,
maximum holding time of 90 OR
white neckerchief, white
apron, safety trainers or Access to a
Seeking guidance from boots, disposable gloves) commercial kitchen for
Chef de Partie and other training purposes (for
associates when example hotels,
appropriate restaurants, cafés,
clubs, industrial
Compliance with relevant
canteens, non-
regulations and standards
(see Introduction)
organisations, similar
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
vegetables including root equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
vegetables, bulbs, flower (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing vegetables for
heads, fungi, tubers, leaves, Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under cooking
stems, vegetable fruits, chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 2 hours
Assemble food, ingredients squashes fresh peas, beans measuring scales, charts
supervision from
and equipment required to and seeds; Other Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie For practical
prepare, cook and finish ingredients including boards (different colours –
and other 8 hours learning:
vegetables cooking oil, cooking salt, refer to HACCP
associates) to EITHER
herbs, spices, seasoning regulations), utensils
prepare Use tools and equipment for including pans, bowls, Training Kitchen
vegetables for preparing vegetables correctly Pre-preparation methods:
spoons and forks,
cooking washing, cleaning, OR
Use appropriate methods to aluminium foils, cling film,
measuring, trimming,
prepare vegetables for cooking gloves, markers, date and Access to a
slicing, dicing, cube cutting,
time stickers, mixer, commercial kitchen for
Check that preparation of portioning, grating, julienne
blender, tin opener, peeler, training purposes (for
vegetables meets quality and other styles of cutting
potato cutter, chopper, example hotels,
requirements mixing, blending,
masher restaurants, cafés,
seasoning, storing prepared
ingredients correctly in a Chef’s uniform according clubs, industrial
refrigerator, disposing of to job requirements (black canteens, non-
waste trousers, white chef’s commercial
jacket, white chef’s cap, organisations, similar
white neckerchief, white establishments)
apron, safety trainers or
boots, disposable gloves)
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Cooking equipment: For theoretical
vegetables including root burners, stoves, ovens, learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
vegetables, bulbs, flower (convection oven, deck Class room with
methods and cooking vegetables
heads, fungi, tubers, leaves, Theory: oven), microwaves, grills, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under
Use tools and equipment to stems, vegetable fruits, tilting pan, steamers, visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours
cook vegetables correctly squashes fresh peas, beans salamander, pans, deep charts
supervision from
and seeds; Other Practical: fryer
Chef de Partie Use appropriate methods to For practical
ingredients including
and other cook vegetables 08 hours Chef’s uniform according learning:
cooking oil, cooking salt,
associates) to to job requirements (black EITHER
Combine vegetable ingredients herbs, spices, seasoning
cook vegetable trousers, white chef’s
with other ingredients Training Kitchen
Dry cooking methods: jacket, white chef’s cap,
Check that cooking of sautéing, pan frying, deep white neckerchief, white OR
vegetables meets quality frying, grilling, roasting, apron, safety trainers or
griddling, baking boots, disposable gloves) Access to a
commercial kitchen for
Moist cooking methods: training purposes (for
simmering, boiling, example hotels,
steaming restaurants, cafés,
Combination cooking clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
methods: braising, stewing
organisations, similar
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing and seasoning Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
vegetables according to plates, platters, silver learning:
Present Finish, garnish and present the 5 hours
requirements, including salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
vegetables for dish to meet organisational
butter glaze, cheese Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
service following specifications
topping, browning, herbs visual facilities and flip
guidance 1 hours Details of requirements,
Make sure dishes are at and seasonings, garnishes charts
including food check from
correct temperature for holding Practical: For practical
Storing cooked vegetable food outlet
and serving
dishes, including care with 04 hours learning:
Chef’s uniform according EITHER
Safely store cooked potential cross-
to job requirements (black
vegetables and vegetable contamination, labelling,
trousers, white chef’s
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 33
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
ingredients not for immediate correct temperature (1 – 5 jacket, white chef’s cap, Training Kitchen
use degrees for refrigerator, -18 white neckerchief, white
to -20 degrees for freezer) apron, safety trainers or
boots, disposable gloves) Access to a
commercial kitchen for
training purposes (for
example hotels,
restaurants, cafés,
clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: red Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
meat (beef, mutton), equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 15 hours
including different cuts and (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing meat, poultry and
joints, (beef steak, beef Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under fish dishes for cooking
fillet, mutton quorma chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 03 hours
Assemble food, ingredients (traditional Pakistani), measuring scales, charts
supervision from
and equipment required to mutton karahi beef jalfrezi Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie For practical
prepare, cook and finish meat, beef with vegetables); white boards (different colours –
and other 12 hours learning:
poultry and fish dishes meat (chicken, poultry) refer to HACCP
associates) to EITHER
including whole chicken, regulations), utensils
prepare meat, Use tools and equipment for thigh, breast, wings; including pans, bowls, Training Kitchen
poultry and fish preparing meat, poultry and chicken quorma chicken spoons and forks,
dishes for fish dishes correctly OR
karahi (traditional aluminium foils, cling film,
Use appropriate methods to Pakistani), chicken ginger gloves, markers, date and Access to a
prepare meat, poultry and fish chicken curry); fish, time stickers, mixer, commercial kitchen for
dishes for cooking including white flat fish, blender, toaster, tin training purposes (for
white round fish, oily fish, opener, chopper, mincing example hotels,
Check that preparation of shellfish, (fish steak, fried machine, bone saw cutter, restaurants, cafés,
meat, poultry and fish dishes fish, crumbed fish, Lahori patties maker clubs, industrial
meets quality requirements fried fish (traditional
Chef’s uniform according canteens, non-
Pakistani dish)) commercial
to job requirements (black
Pre-preparation methods: trousers, white chef’s organisations, similar
cleaning, washing, boning, jacket, white chef’s cap, establishments)
skinning, dicing, trimming, white neckerchief, white
tying, trussing, slicing,
portioning, mincing,
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Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: red Total: Cooking equipment: For theoretical
meat (beef, mutton), burners, stoves, ovens, learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 15 hours
including different cuts and (convection oven, deck Class room with
methods and cooking meat, poultry and fish
joints, (beef steak, beef Theory: oven), microwaves, grills, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under dishes
fillet, mutton quorma tilting pan, steamers, visual facilities and flip
indirect 03 hours
Use tools and equipment to (traditional Pakistani), salamander, heavy duty, charts
supervision from
cook meat, poultry and fish mutton karahi beef jalfrezi Practical: pans, juicer, juice
Chef de Partie For practical
dishes correctly beef with vegetables); white extractor, deep fryer
and other 12 hours learning:
meat (chicken, poultry)
associates) to Use appropriate methods to Chef’s uniform according EITHER
including whole chicken,
cook and finish cook meat, poultry and fish to job requirements (black
thigh, breast, wings; Training Kitchen
meat, poultry and dishes trousers, white chef’s
chicken quorma chicken
fish dishes jacket, white chef’s cap, OR
Combine meat, poultry and karahi (traditional
white neckerchief, white
fish with other ingredients Pakistani), chicken ginger Access to a
apron, safety trainers or
chicken curry); fish, commercial kitchen for
Check that cooking of meat, boots, disposable gloves)
including white flat fish, training purposes (for
poultry and fish dishes meets white round fish, oily fish, example hotels,
quality requirements shellfish, (fish steak, fried restaurants, cafés,
fish, crumbed fish, Lahori clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 36
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing and seasoning Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
meat, poultry and fish plates, platters, silver learning:
Present meat, Finish, garnish and present the 10 hours
dishes according to salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
poultry and fish dish to meet organisational
requirements, including Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
dishes for service specifications
carving, portioning, filleting visual facilities and flip
following 02 hours Details of requirements,
Make sure dishes are at for service, garnishes, charts
guidance including food check from
correct temperature for holding sauces, coating, glazing, Practical: food outlet For practical
and serving herbs and seasonings
08 hours learning:
Chef’s uniform according EITHER
Safely store cooked meat, Storing cooked meat,
to job requirements (black
poultry and fish dishes and poultry or fish dishes,
trousers, white chef’s Training Kitchen
meat, poultry and fish not for including care with potential
jacket, white chef’s cap,
immediate use cross-contamination, OR
white neckerchief, white
labelling, correct
apron, safety trainers or Access to a
temperature (1 – 5 degrees
boots, disposable gloves) commercial kitchen for
for refrigerator, -18 to -20
degrees for freezer) training purposes (for
example hotels,
restaurants, cafés,
clubs, industrial
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 37
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
including fruit and salad equipment: knives learning:
Assemble food Identify requirements for 10 hours
dishes, Pakistani fresh (different types), peeling Class room with
and equipment to preparing simple salad and
salad (traditional Pakistani), Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
prepare and fruit dishes
mayonnaise salad, Russian chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
finish simple 02 hours
Assemble food, ingredients salad, lettuce, tomatoes, measuring scales, charts
salad and fruit
and equipment required to cucumber, green and black Practical: refrigeration, chopping
dishes For practical
prepare and finish simple olives, beans, parsley, boards (different colours –
08 hours learning:
salad and fruit dishes coriander, lemon, oranges, refer to HACCP
apples, mangos, bananas, regulations), utensils
Use tools and equipment for herbs and spices including, pans, bowls, Training Kitchen
preparing simple salad and spoons and forks,
fruit dishes correctly Pre-preparation methods: OR
aluminium foils, cling film,
pre washing, cleaning,
Use appropriate methods to gloves, markers, date and Access to a
sorting, trimming, slicing,
prepare simple salad and fruit time stickers, mixer, commercial kitchen for
dicing, cube cutting,
dishes blender, toaster, tin training purposes (for
portioning, grating, julienne
opener, peeler, potato example hotels,
Check that preparation of and other types of cutting,
cutter, beater, masher, restaurants, cafés,
simple salad and fruit dishes mixing, blending,
baking trays clubs, industrial
meets quality requirements seasoning, storing prepared
ingredients correctly in a Chef’s uniform according canteens, non-
refrigerator, disposing of to job requirements (black commercial
waste trousers, white chef’s organisations, similar
jacket, white chef’s cap, establishments)
white neckerchief, white
apron, safety trainers or
boots, disposable gloves)
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing and seasoning Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
simple salad and fruit plates, platters, silver learning:
Finish and Identify requirements for finish 05 hours
dishes according to salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
present simple simple salad and fruit dishes
requirements, including Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
salad and fruit
Use tools and equipment to dressings, sauces, visual facilities and flip
dishes for service 01 hours Details of requirements,
finish simple salad and fruit decorating, dusting, herbs charts
following including food check from
dishes correctly and seasonings, garnishes Practical:
guidance food outlet For practical
Use appropriate methods to Storing cooked fruit and 04 hours learning:
Chef’s uniform according
finish simple salad and fruit salad dishes, including care EITHER
to job requirements (black
dishes with potential cross-
trousers, white chef’s Training Kitchen
contamination, labelling,
Combine simple salad and fruit jacket, white chef’s cap,
correct temperature (room OR
dishes with other ingredients white neckerchief, white
temperature, or 1 – 5
apron, safety trainers or Access to a
Check that finishing of simple degrees for refrigerator)
boots, disposable gloves) commercial kitchen for
salad and fruit dishes meets
training purposes (for
quality requirements
example hotels,
restaurants, cafés,
clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
pasta (including fresh, equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
dried, spaghetti, cannelloni, (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing pasta and rice
macaroni, tortellini, farfalle, Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under dishes for cooking
ravioli); rice (including long chef knives, etc, noodle visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours
Assemble food, ingredients grain, short grain, round, machine, measuring charts
supervision from
and equipment required to brown, basmati, risotto); Practical: scales, refrigeration,
Chef de Partie For practical
prepare, cook and finish pasta other ingredients including chopping boards (different
and other learning:
and rice dishes cooking oil, olive oil, 08 hours colours – refer to HACCP
associates) to EITHER
vegetables, meat, poultry, regulations), utensils
prepare pasta Use tools and equipment for cooking salt, tomatoes, including pans, bowls, Training Kitchen
and rice dishes preparing pasta and rice onions, herbs, spices, spoons and forks,
dishes correctly seasoning aluminium foils, cling film, OR
Use appropriate methods to gloves, markers, date and Access to a
Pre-preparation methods:
prepare pasta and rice dishes time stickers, tin opener, commercial kitchen for
measuring, dipping,
for cooking peeler, potato opener, training purposes (for
moistening, cleaning,
chopper, mincing machine, example hotels,
Check that preparation of slicing, sautéing, seasoning,
beater, masher restaurants, cafés,
pasta and rice dishes meets trimming, storing, blending,
flavouring, marinating, Chef’s uniform according clubs, industrial
quality requirements
seasoning, storing prepared to job requirements (black canteens, non-
ingredients correctly in a trousers, white chef’s commercial
refrigerator, disposing of jacket, white chef’s cap, organisations, similar
waste white neckerchief, white establishments)
apron, safety trainers or
boots, disposable gloves)
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Cooking equipment: For theoretical
pasta (including fresh, burners, stoves, learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
dried, spaghetti, cannelloni, microwaves, tilting pan, Class room with
methods and cooking pasta and rice dishes
macaroni, tortellini, farfalle, Theory: steamers, pans multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under
Use tools and equipment to ravioli); rice (including long visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours Chef’s uniform according
cook pasta and rice dishes grain, short grain, round, charts
supervision from to job requirements (black
correctly brown, basmati, risotto); Practical:
Chef de Partie trousers, white chef’s For practical
other ingredients including
and other Use appropriate methods to 08 hours jacket, white chef’s cap, learning:
cooking oil, olive oil,
associates) to cook pasta and rice dishes white neckerchief, white EITHER
vegetables, meat, poultry,
cook pasta and apron, safety trainers or
Combine pasta and rice cooking salt, tomatoes, Training Kitchen
rice dishes boots, disposable gloves)
ingredients with other onions, herbs, spices,
seasoning OR
Dry cooking methods: Access to a
Check that cooking of pasta
frying, baking commercial kitchen for
and rice dishes meets quality
training purposes (for
requirements Moist cooking methods: example hotels,
boiling, steaming restaurants, cafés,
Combination methods: clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
stewing, braising
Testing rice and pasta to organisations, similar
see when cooking is establishments)
The importance of re-
heating rice only once to a
core temperature of 75
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing and seasoning Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
pasta and rice dishes plates, platters, silver learning:
Present pasta Finish, garnish and present the 05 hours
according to requirements, salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
and rice dishes dish to meet organisational
including herbs and Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
for service specifications
seasonings, toppings
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 42
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
following Make sure dishes are at (including cheese, tomato), 01 hours Details of requirements, visual facilities and flip
guidance correct temperature for holding sauces, garnishes including food check from charts
and serving food outlet
Storing cooked pasta and For practical
04 hours
Safely store cooked pasta and rice dishes, including care Chef’s uniform according learning:
rice dishes and pasta and rice with potential cross- to job requirements (black EITHER
ingredients not for immediate contamination, labelling, trousers, white chef’s
Training Kitchen
use correct temperature (1 – 5 jacket, white chef’s cap,
degrees for refrigerator, -18 white neckerchief, white OR
to -20 degrees for freezer) apron, safety trainers or
boots, disposable gloves) Access to a
commercial kitchen for
training purposes (for
example hotels,
restaurants, cafés,
clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
including egg, omelette equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 05 hours
poached egg, mushroom (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing eggs and egg dishes
omelette, cheese omelette), Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under for cooking
cooking oil, olive oil, chef knives, etc, measuring visual facilities and flip
indirect 01 hours
Assemble food, ingredients vegetables, cooking salt, scales, refrigeration, charts
supervision from
and equipment required to tomatoes, onions, herbs, Practical: chopping boards (different
Chef de Partie For practical
prepare, cook and finish eggs spices, seasoning colours – refer to HACCP
and other 04 hours learning:
and egg dishes regulations), utensils
associates) to Pre-preparation methods: EITHER
including pans, bowls,
prepare and cook Use tools and equipment for washing, cleaning, grating,
spoons and forks, Training Kitchen
eggs preparing eggs and egg dishes sorting, measuring, mixing,
aluminium foils, cling film,
correctly blending, seasoning, storing OR
gloves, markers, date and
prepared ingredients
Use appropriate methods to time stickers, mixer, Access to a
correctly in a refrigerator,
prepare eggs and egg dishes blender, toaster, tin commercial kitchen for
disposing of waste
for cooking opener, beater training purposes (for
Chef’s uniform according example hotels,
Check that preparation of eggs
to job requirements (black restaurants, cafés,
and egg dishes meets quality
trousers, white chef’s clubs, industrial
jacket, white chef’s cap, canteens, non-
white neckerchief, white commercial
apron, safety trainers or organisations, similar
boots, disposable gloves) establishments)
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Cooking equipment: For theoretical
including egg (fried egg, burners, stoves, learning:
Use basic 05 hours
omelette poached egg, microwaves, pans Class room with
methods and
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 44
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
equipment (under Identify requirements for mushroom omelette, Theory: Chef’s uniform according multimedia aid, audio-
indirect cooking eggs and egg dishes cheese omelette), cooking to job requirements (black visual facilities and flip
01 hours
supervision from oil, olive oil, vegetables, trousers, white chef’s charts
Use tools and equipment to
Chef de Partie cooking salt, tomatoes, Practical: jacket, white chef’s cap,
cook eggs and egg dishes For practical
and other onions, herbs, spices, white neckerchief, white
correctly 04 hours learning:
associates) to seasoning apron, safety trainers or
prepare and cook Use appropriate methods to boots, disposable gloves)
Dry cooking methods: pan
egg dishes cook eggs and egg dishes Training Kitchen
frying, baking, scrambling
Combine ingredients for egg OR
Moist cooking methods:
dishes with other ingredients
poaching, boiling Access to a
Check that cooking of eggs commercial kitchen for
and egg dishes meets quality training purposes (for
requirements example hotels,
restaurants, cafés,
clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing and seasoning Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
eggs and egg dishes plates, platters, silver learning:
Present eggs and Finish, garnish and present the 05 hours
according to requirements, salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
egg dishes for dish to meet organisational
including toppings (cheese, Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
service following specifications
tomato), garnishes, herbs visual facilities and flip
guidance 01 hours Details of requirements,
Make sure dishes are at and seasonings charts
including food check from
correct temperature for holding Practical: food outlet For practical
and serving learning:
04 hours Chef’s uniform according EITHER
to job requirements (black
trousers, white chef’s Training Kitchen
jacket, white chef’s cap,
white neckerchief, white
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
pulses, including peas, equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
beans, lentils; grains, (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing grain and pulse
including barley, Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under dishes for cooking
corn/maize, oats, millet, chef knives, etc, measuring visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours
Assemble food, ingredients wheat; other ingredients scales, refrigeration, charts
supervision from
and equipment required to including cooking oil, Practical: chopping boards (different
Chef de Partie For practical
prepare, cook and finish grain vegetables, cooking salt, colours – refer to HACCP
and other 08 hours learning:
and pulse dishes tomatoes, onions, herbs, regulations), utensils
associates) to EITHER
spices, seasoning including pans, bowls,
prepare grain Use tools and equipment for spoons and forks, Training Kitchen
and pulse dishes preparing grain and pulse Pre-preparation methods:
aluminium foils, cling film,
for cooking dishes correctly washing, cleaning, peeling, OR
gloves, markers, date and
measuring, soaking,
Use appropriate methods to time stickers, blender, tin Access to a
dipping, cutting, portioning,
prepare grain and pulse dishes opener, peeler commercial kitchen for
grating, cutting, mixing,
for cooking blending, seasoning, storing Chef’s uniform according training purposes (for
prepared ingredients to job requirements (black example hotels,
Check that preparation of grain
correctly in a refrigerator, trousers, white chef’s restaurants, cafés,
and pulse dishes meets quality
disposing of waste jacket, white chef’s cap, clubs, industrial
white neckerchief, white canteens, non-
apron, safety trainers or commercial
boots, disposable gloves) organisations, similar
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Cooking equipment: For theoretical
pulses, including peas, burners, stoves, ovens, learning:
Use basic 10 hours
beans, lentils; grains, (convection oven, deck Class room with
methods and
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 47
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
equipment (under Identify requirements for including barley, Theory: oven), microwaves, multimedia aid, audio-
indirect cooking grain and pulse dishes corn/maize, oats, millet, steamers, pans visual facilities and flip
02 hours
supervision from wheat; other ingredients charts
Use tools and equipment to Chef’s uniform according
Chef de Partie including cooking oil, Practical:
cook grain and pulse dishes to job requirements (black For practical
and other vegetables, cooking salt,
correctly 08 hours trousers, white chef’s learning:
associates) to tomatoes, onions, herbs,
jacket, white chef’s cap, EITHER
cook grain and Use appropriate methods to spices, seasoning
white neckerchief, white
pulse dishes cook grain and pulse dishes Training Kitchen
Dry cooking methods: apron, safety trainers or
Combine ingredients for grain sautéing, pan frying boots, disposable gloves) OR
and pulse dishes with other Moist cooking methods: Access to a
poaching, boiling, steaming, commercial kitchen for
Check that cooking of grain simmering training purposes (for
and pulse dishes meets quality example hotels,
requirements restaurants, cafés,
clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing and seasoning Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
grain and pulse dishes plates, platters, silver learning:
Present grain Finish, garnish and present the 05 hours
according to requirements, salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
and pulse dishes dish to meet organisational
including herbs and Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
for service specifications
seasonings visual facilities and flip
following 01 hours Details of requirements,
Make sure dishes are at charts
guidance Storing cooked grain and including food check from
correct temperature for holding Practical:
pulse dishes, including care food outlet For practical
and serving learning:
with potential cross- 04 hours Chef’s uniform according EITHER
Safely store cooked grain and contamination, labelling,
to job requirements (black
pulse dishes and ingredients correct temperature (1 – 5
trousers, white chef’s Training Kitchen
for grain and pulse dishes not degrees for refrigerator)
jacket, white chef’s cap,
for immediate use OR
white neckerchief, white
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
types of soup, including un- equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 15 hours
passed, clear, purées, (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing soups, stocks and
cream soups, cold soups; Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under sauces for cooking
stocks, including vegetable, chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 3 hours
Assemble food, ingredients chicken, beef, fish, brown, measuring scales, charts
supervision from
and equipment required to white; sauces, including Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie For practical
prepare, cook and finish stock-based brown sauces, boards (different colours –
and other 12 hours learning:
soups, stocks and sauces veloutés, milk-based refer to HACCP
associates) to EITHER
béchamels, hollandaise regulations), utensils
prepare soups, Use tools and equipment for sauces; bouquet garnie including pans, bowls, Training Kitchen
stocks and preparing soups, stocks and spoons and forks,
sauces for sauces correctly Pre-preparation: washing, OR
aluminium foils, cling film,
cooking cleaning, measuring,
Use appropriate methods to gloves, markers, date and Access to a
trimming, slicing, dicing,
prepare soups, stocks and time stickers, mixer, commercial kitchen for
cube cutting, portioning,
sauces for cooking blender, tin opener, peeler, training purposes (for
grating, cutting, mixing,
potato cutter, chopper, example hotels,
Check that preparation of blending, clarification,
mincing machine, beater restaurants, cafés,
soups, stocks and sauces flavouring, boiling, cooling,
seasoning, storing prepared Chef’s uniform according clubs, industrial
meets quality requirements
ingredients correctly in a to job requirements (black canteens, non-
refrigerator, disposing of trousers, white chef’s commercial
waste jacket, white chef’s cap, organisations, similar
white neckerchief, white establishments)
apron, safety trainers or
boots, disposable gloves)
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Cooking equipment: For theoretical
types of soup, including un- burners, stoves, ovens, learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
passed, clear, purées, (convection oven, deck Class room with
methods and cooking soups, stocks and
cream soups, cold soups; Theory: oven), microwaves, tilting multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under sauces
stocks, including vegetable, pan, blender heavy duty, visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours
Use tools and equipment to chicken, beef, fish, brown, pans, juicer, juice extractor charts
supervision from
cook soups, stocks and white; sauces, including Practical:
Chef de Partie Chef’s uniform according For practical
sauces correctly stock-based brown sauces,
and other 08 hours to job requirements (black learning:
veloutés, milk-based
associates) to Use appropriate methods to trousers, white chef’s EITHER
béchamels, hollandaise
cook and finish cook soups, stocks and jacket, white chef’s cap,
sauces; bouquet garnie Training Kitchen
soup, stock and sauces white neckerchief, white
sauces Moist cooking methods: apron, safety trainers or OR
Combine soup, stock and simmering, boiling boots, disposable gloves)
sauce ingredients with other Access to a
ingredients Minimum cooking time for commercial kitchen for
stock, including vegetable training purposes (for
Check that cooking of soups, stock – 30 minutes; chicken example hotels,
stocks and sauces meets stock – 2 hours; fish stock – restaurants, cafés,
quality requirements 20 minutes; beef stock – 4 clubs, industrial
hours canteens, non-
organisations, similar
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing and seasoning Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
soups, stocks and sauces serving dishes, learning:
Present soups, Finish, garnish and present the 10 hours
according to requirements, sauceboats, soup bowl Class room with
stocks and dish to meet organisational
including garnishes and Theory: multimedia aid, audio-
sauces for specifications Details of requirements,
accompaniments, finishing visual facilities and flip
service following 02 hours including food check from
Make sure dishes are at with butter or cream, charts
guidance food outlet
correct temperature for holding adjusting consistency and Practical: For practical
and serving seasoning Chef’s uniform according
08 hours learning:
to job requirements (black EITHER
Safely store cooked soups, Storing soups and stocks,
trousers, white chef’s
stocks and sauces and soup, including cooling process,
jacket, white chef’s cap,
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 51
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
stock and sauce ingredients covering, labelling, care white neckerchief, white Training Kitchen
not for immediate use with potential cross- apron, safety trainers or
contamination, reducing boots, disposable gloves)
stock to a glaze to prolong Access to a
storage life; straining commercial kitchen for
sauces, correct storage training purposes (for
temperature (1 – 5 degrees example hotels,
for refrigerator, -18 to -20 restaurants, cafés,
degrees for freezer) clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
flour (including white, equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
brown, wholemeal), water, (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing simple bread and
yeast, sugar, salt; specialist Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under dough products for baking
Pakistani breads including chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours
Assemble food, ingredients Chapati, Naan, Roghani measuring scales, charts
supervision from
and equipment required to Naan, Kandahari Naan, Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie For practical
prepare, bake and finish Tandoori roti, Paratha, boards (different colours –
and other 08 hours learning:
simple bread and dough Kulcha, Sheer-maal, Taftan, refer to HACCP
associates) to EITHER
products Puri regulations), utensils
prepare simple
including pans, bowls, Training Kitchen
bread and dough Use tools and equipment for Pre-preparation methods:
spoons and forks,
products for preparing simple bread and cleaning, measuring, OR
aluminium foils, cling film,
baking dough products correctly beating, kneading, knocking
gloves, markers, date and Access to a
back, proofing, shaping,
Use appropriate methods to time stickers, bread slicers, commercial kitchen for
moistening, spraying,
prepare simple bread and mixer, blender, toaster, tin training purposes (for
polishing, greasing,
dough products for baking opener, peeler, beater, example hotels,
sheeting, cooling, pan
baking trays restaurants, cafés,
Check that preparation of greasing, oven pre-heating,
cutting, mixing, blending Chef’s uniform according clubs, industrial
simple bread and dough
to job requirements (black canteens, non-
products meets quality
trousers, white chef’s commercial
jacket, white chef’s cap, organisations, similar
white neckerchief, white establishments)
apron, safety trainers or
boots, disposable gloves)
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Cooking equipment: For theoretical
flour (including white, ovens, (convection oven, learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
brown, wholemeal), water, deck oven, tandoori oven), Class room with
methods and baking simple bread and
yeast, sugar, salt; specialist Theory: steamers, salamander, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under dough products
Pakistani breads including wok, dough mixing visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours
Use tools and equipment to Chapati, Naan, Roghani machine, dough sheeter, charts
supervision from
bake simple bread and dough Naan, Kandahari Naan, Practical: egg beater, egg mixing
Chef de Partie For practical
products correctly Tandoori roti, Paratha, machine measuring scales,
and other 08 hours learning:
Kulcha, Sheer-maal, Taftan, pans, baking
associates) to Use appropriate methods to EITHER
bake and finish bake simple bread and dough Chef’s uniform according
Dry cooking methods: Training Kitchen
ingredients for products to job requirements (black
simple bread and baking, frying (wok) trousers, white chef’s OR
dough products Combine ingredients for simple jacket, white chef’s cap,
dishes bread and dough products with white neckerchief, white Access to a
other ingredients apron, safety trainers or commercial kitchen for
boots, disposable gloves) training purposes (for
Check that baking of simple
example hotels,
bread and dough products
restaurants, cafés,
meets quality requirements
clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing and seasoning Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
simple bread and dough plates, platters, silver learning:
Present simple Finish, garnish and present the 05 hours
products according to salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
bread and dough dish to meet organisational
requirements, including Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
products for specifications
cooling, glazing, adding visual facilities and flip
service following 01 hours Details of requirements,
Safely store baked bread and toppings, icing, coating, charts
guidance including food check from
dough products and portioning, cutting Practical: food outlet
ingredients for simple bread
04 hours
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 54
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
and dough products not for Storing cooked bread and Chef’s uniform according For practical
immediate use dough products, including to job requirements (black learning:
above 63 degrees for hot trousers, white chef’s EITHER
products (including jacket, white chef’s cap,
Training Kitchen
chapattis and naan breads white neckerchief, white
– limited storage times), at apron, safety trainers or OR
room temperatures, boots, disposable gloves)
covered to prevent Access to a
contamination and stop commercial kitchen for
them drying out, training purposes (for
refrigerated for high-risk example hotels,
ingredients (eg fresh cream restaurants, cafés,
– maximum storage 24 clubs, industrial
hours), labelling canteens, non-
organisations, similar
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
including toasted cheese, equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 05 hours
meat, and chicken (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing hot sandwiches
sandwiches, cooking oil, Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under
Assemble food, ingredients olive oil, vegetables, fruits, chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 01 hours
and equipment required to beans, meat, fish, poultry measuring scales, charts
supervision from
prepare hot sandwiches cooking salt, tomatoes, Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie For practical
onions, herbs, spices, boards (different colours –
and other Use tools and equipment for 04 hours learning:
seasoning refer to HACCP
associates) to preparing hot sandwiches EITHER
regulations), utensils
prepare hot correctly Pre-preparation: washing,
including pans, bowls, Training Kitchen
sandwiches cleaning, measuring,
Use appropriate methods to spoons and forks,
trimming, slicing, dicing, OR
prepare hot sandwiches aluminium foils, cling film,
cube cutting, portioning,
gloves, markers, date and Access to a
Check that the sandwich has grating, julienne and other
time stickers, bread slicers, commercial kitchen for
the correct flavour, consistency styles of cutting mixing,
mixer, blender, tin opener, training purposes (for
and quantity blending, seasoning, storing
peeler, potato cutter example hotels,
prepared ingredients
Check that preparation of hot correctly in a refrigerator, Cooking equipment: restaurants, cafés,
sandwiches meets quality disposing of waste burners, stoves, ovens, clubs, industrial
requirements (convection oven, deck canteens, non-
Cooking methods: commercial
oven), grills, pans, deep
toasting, grilling, Panini organisations, similar
machine establishments)
Chef’s uniform according
to job requirements (black
trousers, white chef’s
jacket, white chef’s cap,
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
including vegetable / equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 05 hours
cheese / meat / egg (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing cold sandwiches
sandwiches, cooking oil, Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under
Assemble food, ingredients olive oil, vegetables, fruits, chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 01 hours
and equipment required to beans, meat, fish, poultry measuring scales, charts
supervision from
prepare cold sandwiches cooking salt, tomatoes, Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie For practical
onions, herbs, spices, boards (different colours –
and other Use tools and equipment for 04 hours learning:
seasoning refer to HACCP
associates) to preparing cold sandwiches EITHER
regulations), red – raw
prepare cold correctly Pre-preparation methods:
meat; blue – raw fish; Training Kitchen
sandwiches washing, cleaning,
Use appropriate methods to yellow – cooked meat;
measuring, trimming, OR
prepare cold sandwiches green – salad and fruit;
slicing, dicing, cube cutting,
brown – vegetables; white Access to a
portioning, grating, julienne
Check that the sandwich has – bakery and dairy, commercial kitchen for
the correct flavour, consistency and other styles of cutting
utensils including pans, training purposes (for
and quantity mixing, blending
bowls, spoons and forks, example hotels,
aluminium foils, cling film, restaurants, cafés,
Check that preparation of cold
gloves, markers, date and clubs, industrial
sandwiches meets quality
time stickers, bread slicers, canteens, non-
mixer, blender, tin opener, commercial
peeler, potato cutter organisations, similar
Chef’s uniform according establishments)
to job requirements (black
trousers, white chef’s
jacket, white chef’s cap,
white neckerchief, white
apron, safety trainers or
boots, disposable gloves)
LU3: The student will be able to: Finishing hot and cold Total: Presentation equipment: For theoretical
sandwiches, including plates, platters, silver learning:
Present hot and Garnish and present the hours
cutting, trimming, salvers, serving dishes, Class room with
cold sandwiches sandwich to meet
portioning, garnishing Theory: sauceboats multimedia aid, audio-
for service organisational specifications
visual facilities and flip
following Storing hot and cold hours Details of requirements,
Make sure hot and cold charts
guidance sandwiches for service, including food check from
sandwiches are at correct Practical: For practical
including at service food outlet
temperature for holding and learning:
temperature for hot hours
serving Chef’s uniform according
sandwiches (above 63 EITHER
to job requirements (black
Safely store hot and cold degrees), at room
trousers, white chef’s Training Kitchen
sandwiches not for immediate temperature, covered to
jacket, white chef’s cap,
use prevent contamination and OR
white neckerchief, white
stop them drying out,
apron, safety trainers or Access to a
refrigerated for high-risk
boots, disposable gloves) commercial kitchen for
ingredients (eg meat, fish,
egg mixtures – maximum training purposes (for
storage 24 hours) example hotels,
restaurants, cafés,
clubs, industrial
canteens, non-
organisations, similar
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
including cooking oil, eggs, equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
milk, butter, sugar, cooking (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing and cooking simple
salt, flavorings including Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under gâteaux
chocolate and jam chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours
Assemble food, ingredients measuring scales, charts
supervision from Pre-preparation:
and equipment required to Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie measuring, weighing, For practical
prepare and finish simple boards (different colours –
and other grating, beating, folding, 08 hours learning:
sweet dishes refer to HACCP
associates) to rubbing-in, creaming, EITHER
regulations), utensils
prepare and Use tools and equipment for mixing, blending,
including pans, bowels, Training Kitchen
finish simple preparing and cooking simple seasoning, whisking,
spoons and forks,
cakes and cakes and gâteaux correctly spraying, greasing, OR
aluminium foils, cling film,
gâteaux sheeting, oven pre-heating,
Use appropriate methods to gloves, markers, date and Access to a
spreading mixture evenly
prepare simple cakes and time stickers, mixer, commercial kitchen for
into prepared tins, checking
gâteaux for cooking blender, tin opener, baking training purposes (for
shelving position, cutting,
trays, baking parchment/ example hotels,
Check that preparation for storing prepared ingredients
greaseproof paper restaurants, cafés,
simple cakes and gâteaux correctly in a refrigerator,
disposing of waste Cooking equipment, clubs, industrial
meets quality requirements
burners, stoves, ovens, canteens, non-
Use appropriate methods to Dry cooking methods: commercial
(convection oven, deck
cook simple cakes and baking organisations, similar
oven), microwaves,
gâteaux steamers, pans, juicer, establishments)
Finishing: cooling,
removing baking cooling racks
Check that the cakes and
gateau has the correct flavour, parchment/greaseproof
Presentation equipment:
consistency and quantity paper, spreading fillings,
plates, platters, silver
glazing, decorating, icing,
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 59
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Check that cooking of simple piping, dusting, trimming, salvers, serving dishes,
cakes and gâteaux meets portioning sauceboats
quality requirements
Storing simple cakes and Details of requirements,
gâteaux for service, including food check from
including at room food outlet
temperature, covered to
Chef’s uniform according
prevent contamination and
to job requirements (black
stop them drying out,
trousers, white chef’s
refrigerated for high-risk
jacket, white chef’s cap,
ingredients (eg fresh cream,
white neckerchief, white
butter cream – maximum
apron, safety trainers or
storage 24 hours)
boots, disposable gloves)
LU2: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
types of pastry, including equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 10 hours
short crust, flaky, choux (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing and cooking simple
pastry, hot water crust, Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under pastries
suet; ingredients including chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 02 hours
Use tools and equipment for flour (self-raising or plain, measuring scales, charts
supervision from
preparing and cooking simple wholemeal), fats (including Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie For practical
pastries correctly margarine, butter, lard), boards (different colours –
and other 08 hours learning:
cooking salt, cold water, refer to HACCP
associates) to Use appropriate methods to EITHER
caster sugar, eggs (for regulations), white for
prepare and prepare simple pastries for choux pastry and hot water ready to eat, utensils Training Kitchen
finish simple cooking crust) including pans, bowels,
pastries OR
Check that preparation for spoons and forks,
simple pastries meets quality aluminium foils, cling film, Access to a
measuring, weighing,
requirements gloves, markers, date and commercial kitchen for
trimming, cutting, grating,
time stickers, mixer, training purposes (for
Use appropriate methods to mixing, blending, rubbing in,
blender, tin opener, baking example hotels,
cook simple pastries creaming, folding, beating,
trays, baking parchment/ restaurants, cafés,
rolling, shaping, piping,
lining, spooning, stirring, clubs, industrial
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 60
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Check that the pastries have moistening, spraying, greaseproof paper, rolling canteens, non-
the correct flavour, consistency polishing, seasoning, pin, pastry brushes commercial
and quantity greasing, sheeting, oven organisations, similar
Cooking equipment,
pre-heating, storing establishments)
Check that cooking of simple burners, stoves, ovens,
prepared ingredients
pastries meets quality (convection oven, deck
correctly in a refrigerator,
requirements oven), microwaves,
disposing of waste
steamers, pans, juicer
Dry cooking methods:
Presentation equipment:
baking, blind baking
plates, platters, silver
Finishing: cooling, filling, salvers, serving dishes,
glazing, dusting, decorating sauceboats
(including with seeds, nuts,
Details of requirements,
sugars), portioning
including food check from
Storing simple pastries for food outlet
service, including at room
Chef’s uniform according
temperature, covered to
to job requirements (black
prevent contamination and
trousers, white chef’s
stop them drying out,
jacket, white chef’s cap,
refrigerated for high-risk
white neckerchief, white
ingredients (eg meat, fish,
apron, safety trainers or
egg ingredients – maximum
boots, disposable gloves)
storage 24 hours)
LU3: The student will be able to: Food and ingredients: Total: Pre-preparation For theoretical
types of sweets, including equipment: knives learning:
Use basic Identify requirements for 05 hours
ice creams, mousses, egg- (different types), peeling Class room with
methods and preparing and cooking simple
based desserts, batter- Theory: knives, carving knives, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment (under sweets
based desserts, milk chef knives, etc, graters, visual facilities and flip
indirect 01 hours
Use tools and equipment for puddings, sponge-based measuring scales, charts
supervision from
preparing and cooking simple desserts, fruit-based Practical: refrigeration, chopping
Chef de Partie
sweets correctly desserts; dishes including boards (different colours –
and other 04 hours
Pakistani sweets, gulab refer to HACCP
associates) to
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 61
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
prepare and Use appropriate methods to jamun, crème brulée regulations), white for For practical
finish simple prepare simple sweets for chocolate mousse, rice ready to eat, utensils learning:
sweets cooking dishes, cooking oil, eggs, including pans, bowels, EITHER
milk, butter, sugar, rice, spoons and forks,
Check that preparation for Training Kitchen
cooking salt aluminium foils, cling film,
simple sweets meets quality
gloves, markers, date and OR
requirements Pre-preparation: cleaning,
time stickers, mixer,
measuring, trimming, Access to a
Use appropriate methods to blender, tin opener, baking
slicing, dicing, portioning, commercial kitchen for
cook simple sweets trays, baking parchment/
grating, beating, training purposes (for
greaseproof paper
Check that the sweets have moistening, spraying, example hotels,
the correct flavour, consistency polishing, greasing, Cooking equipment, restaurants, cafés,
and quantity kneading, sheeting, cooling, burners, stoves, ovens, clubs, industrial
oven pre-heating, cutting, (convection oven, deck canteens, non-
Check that cooking of simple mixing, blending, oven), microwaves, commercial
sweets meets quality seasoning, storing prepared steamers, pans, juicer organisations, similar
requirements ingredients correctly in a
Presentation equipment: establishments)
refrigerator, disposing of
plates, platters, silver
salvers, serving dishes,
Dry cooking methods: sauceboats
Details of requirements,
Moist cooking methods: including food check from
steaming food outlet
Finishing: cooling, filling, Chef’s uniform according
glazing, dusting, decorating, to job requirements (black
piping, portioning trousers, white chef’s
jacket, white chef’s cap,
Storing simple sweets for
white neckerchief, white
service, including hot dishes
apron, safety trainers or
(above 63 degrees), at
boots, disposable gloves)
room temperature, covered
where necessary to prevent
contamination and stop
them drying out,
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 62
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Principles of sanitation, Total: Small cleaning equipment For theoretical
including disinfection, to use for different tools learning:
Clear kitchen Select and use appropriate 7 hours
action of chemicals on and equipment, including Class room with
work area of tools, specialist equipment and
surfaces, implications for Theory: cloths, dusters, mops, multimedia aid, audio-
equipment and method for cleaning the
working practice brushes, buckets visual facilities and flip
food products kitchen work area 1 hours charts
following The standards of Cleaning materials,
Restore the kitchen work area Practical: For practical
guidance from cleanliness and tidiness including sanitizer, vinegar,
to a safe and tidy condition
Chef de Partie that are expected when 6 hours lemon, degreaser learning:
and other Make sure that any food, tools clearing the kitchen work EITHER
HACCP standards and
associates and equipment needed for the area
procedures Training Kitchen
next shift are set up ready for
The cleaning equipment to
use Organisation’s waste OR
use for different tools and
disposal guidelines
Store all food, tools and equipment, including small Access to a
equipment in line with cleaning equipment to use Chef’s uniform according commercial kitchen for
organisational requirements for different tools and to job requirements (black training purposes (for
equipment, including cloths, trousers, white chef’s example hotels,
Handle and dispose of waste dusters, mops, brushes, jacket, white chef’s cap, restaurants, cafés,
materials appropriately buckets white neckerchief, white clubs, industrial
according to organisational
apron, safety trainers or canteens, non-
and legal requirements Cleaning materials,
boots, disposable gloves) commercial
including sanitizer, vinegar,
Report any problems organisations, similar
lemon, degreaser
associated with cleaning, establishments)
storing or disposing of Methods and procedures
materials and equipment to the for safe storage of food,
relevant person tools and equipment
Organisation's procedures
for dealing with and
disposing of waste material
Types of waste material
generated in the work area,
including disposable and
recyclable waste
Problems associated with
cleaning, storing or
disposing of materials,
including appropriate
equipment, insufficient or
inappropriate storage
facilities, incorrect disposal
of materials (eg cooking
Personal chef’s uniform
National and organisational
requirements for personal
chef’s uniform
LU2: The student will be able to: Methods and procedures Total: Cleaning equipment, For theoretical
for safe storage of food, including small equipment learning:
Ensure that all Select appropriate equipment 10 hours
tools and equipment, (cloths, dusters, mops, Class room with
kitchen and products for cleaning and
including making sure that Theory: brushes, buckets), large multimedia aid, audio-
equipment and sanitizing equipment and
any food, tools and equipment (dishwashers, visual facilities and flip
surfaces are surfaces 02 hours
equipment needed for the jet washers, wet and dry charts
cleared, cleaned
Pre-soak any equipment, tools next shift are set up ready Practical: vacuum cleaners); large
and sanitized For practical
and utensils as required to free for use, storing all food, cleaning equipment,
08 hours learning:
food particles and grease tools and equipment in line including dishwasher, jet
with organisational
requirements, including dry
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 65
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Use appropriate equipment, stores, refrigerator, freezer, washer, wet and dry Training Kitchen
products and methods to clean returning food and vacuum cleaner
and sanitize equipment and equipment to stores
Cleaning materials,
surfaces (including documenting Access to a
including sanitizer,
returns), storing in commercial kitchen for
Ensure that equipment and detergents, disinfectants,
cupboards or other storage training purposes (for
products used for cleaning are vinegar, lemon, degreaser
areas example hotels,
in good condition and changed
HACCP standards and restaurants, cafés,
when required Standards of cleanliness
procedures clubs, industrial
and tidiness expected when
Store equipment and products canteens, non-
clearing the kitchen work Organisation’s waste
for cleaning and sanitizing commercial
area disposal guidelines
equipment and surfaces after organisations, similar
use according to The purpose of cleaning, Chef’s uniform according establishments)
organisational requirements including reducing the to job requirements (black
danger of contamination of trousers, white chef’s
Report to supervisor any
food, creating a good jacket, white chef’s cap,
problems with cleaning,
impression for guests, staff white neckerchief, white
equipment or products
and inspectors, and apron, safety trainers or
reducing the risk of boots, disposable gloves)
accidents and equipment
Principles of sanitisation,
including disinfection,
action of chemicals on
surfaces, implications for
working practice
Cleaning equipment to use
for different tools and
equipment, including small
equipment (cloths, dusters,
mops, brushes, buckets),
large equipment
(dishwashers, jet washers,
LU3: The student will be able to: Organisational procedures Total: Log Books For theoretical
for returning surplus food, learning:
Ensure all 05 hours Pen
Class room with
surplus food,
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 67
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
equipment and Identify and return unused equipment and material to Theory: Folders multimedia aid, audio-
materials are food items to the kitchen or to the appropriate department visual facilities and flip
01 hours Chef’s uniform according
returned from the the concerned department charts
The process for recording to job requirements (black
kitchen to the Practical:
Identify and return equipment returns of surplus food, trousers, white chef’s For practical
and materials to the equipment and material to 04 hours jacket, white chef’s cap, learning:
appropriate store the appropriate department white neckerchief, white EITHER
apron, safety trainers or
Maintain proper log books or Disciplinary actions against Training Kitchen
boots, disposable gloves)
records of returned items any violation of the rule
Advise supervisor of any Organisation’s policy and
Access to a
problems with returning procedures for returning
commercial kitchen for
surplus food, equipment and surplus items
training purposes (for
material to the appropriate
Problems with returning example hotels,
surplus food, equipment restaurants, cafés,
and material to the clubs, industrial
appropriate department, canteens, non-
including not accepted by commercial
department, materials organisations, similar
should have been disposed establishments)
of, not returned, equipment
is out of order when
Using appropriate systems
to manage stock (including
First In First Out – FIFO;
Last In First Out – LIFO;
Last In Last Out – LILO)
according to organisational
LU4: The student will be able to: Procedures for handing Total: Log Books For theoretical
over to next kitchen shift, learning:
08 hours Pen
including cleaning and Class room with
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 68
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
Hand over to Ensure that kitchen work area sanitising the kitchen work Theory: Folders multimedia aid, audio-
next kitchen shift is fully maintained ready for area and equipment, visual facilities and flip
02 hours Standard Operating
if appropriate next shift ensuring any relevant charts
Procedures for filling
information is recorded in Practical:
Ensure that next shift is logbooks For practical
the log
prepared and ready for 06 hours learning:
Chef’s uniform according
handover Notifying next kitchen shift EITHER
to job requirements (black
any special requirements,
Notify next shift of any relevant trousers, white chef’s Training Kitchen
events, requests or
issues or problems jacket, white chef’s cap,
comments relating to OR
white neckerchief, white
Complete any logbook entries guests, verbally or in writing
apron, safety trainers or Access to a
as required by organisation (including kitchen log and
boots, disposable gloves) commercial kitchen for
written notes), in order to
Leave kitchen promptly and maintain guest service training purposes (for
courteously example hotels,
Notifying next kitchen shift restaurants, cafés,
of any checking for and clubs, industrial
resolving problems with the canteens, non-
service, equipment or commercial
products, including written organisations, similar
record, personal briefing to establishments)
other associates
Making appropriate entries
in kitchen logbooks,
including appropriate detail,
people involved, time,
actions taken, to ensure
efficient operation
Organisation’s policies and
procedures for handing over
a shift
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU1: The student will be able to: Hospitality sector, including Total: Directories of existing Class room with
hotels, restaurants, cafés, businesses multimedia aid, audio-
Identify business Look for, and recognise, 10 hours
clubs, industrial canteens, visual facilities and flip
opportunities in business opportunities in the Examples of business
non-commercial Theory: charts
the hospitality hospitality sector plans
organisations, similar
sector 02 hours Visits to hospitality
Create hospitality business establishments Examples of financial plans
opportunities where they do Practical:
Size and importance of the Advertising materials for
not obviously exist Visits to advisors
hospitality industry in 08 hours potential business
including Chambers of
Quickly identify potential Pakistan, turnover, premises
Commerce and Trade
hospitality business contribution to the economy
Copies of job Associations, Pakistan
developments and how they
Factors affecting the advertisements for Hotels Association,
will affect the new business
hospitality industry, hospitality jobs Chefs’ Institute of
Identify the additional benefits including tourism, business Pakistan, professional
usage, inflation and other Information on sources of and legal advisors,
of potential hospitality
economy issues, terrorism finance government agencies,
business opportunities
Business planner accountants, banks
Looking for and identifying
templates and other loan
opportunities, including new
business or existing Start-up-costs estimator
business, checking
profitability, market Business information,
research (including with including company annual
guests, competitors, reports, journals,
qualitative research – magazines, company
thoughts and opinions, websites and newspapers
quantitative research –
numerical), sales forecasts,
competition, strengths and
Curriculum Document Level 2 Cook Page | 70
Learning Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Elements Duration Materials Required Learning Place
LU2: The student will be able to: Business laws and Total: Directories of existing Class room with
regulations, including businesses multimedia aid, audio-
Develop the Check what laws and other 10 hours
trading terms and visual facilities and flip
structure of the regulations will affect the new Examples of business
conditions, obtaining Theory: charts
new hospitality hospitality business plans
approval of company name
business 02 hours Visits to hospitality
Work out what money needed through the Securities and Examples of financial plans
to start the new hospitality Exchange Commission of Practical:
Pakistan, paying fees for Advertising materials for
business and keep it running Visits to advisors
name registration and 08 hours potential business
including Chambers of
Identify own contribution to company incorporation, premises
Commerce and Trade
running the new hospitality registering the company, Copies of job Associations, Pakistan
business applying for a national tax advertisements for Hotels Association,
Determine the staff needed for number and registering for hospitality jobs Chefs’ Institute of
the new hospitality business income tax, registering for Pakistan, professional
sales tax by applying for a Information on sources of and legal advisors,
Sourcing suppliers for the new Sales Tax Number; record finance government agencies,
hospitality business keeping accountants, banks
Business planner
Decide how to use quality templates and other loan
Finance, including bank
standards in the new agencies
loans, family finance, other
Start-up-costs estimator
hospitality business investors; personal (and
family) survival budget, cost Business information,
Decide on the new hospitality
of premises / equipment / including company annual
business’s policy for looking
supplies, running and reports, journals,
after guests
staffing costs, forecasting, magazines, company
Investigate suitable premises record keeping websites and newspapers
for the new hospitality
Finding and securing the
services of a good
Decide how you will get accountant, including
equipment, tools and materials checking advertisements,
Identifying other sources of recommendations from
support other hospitality colleagues
LU3: The student will be able to: The vision of the new Total: Directories of existing Class room with
business, the products or businesses multimedia aid, audio-
Communicate the Know the competition from 10 hours
services it provides (eg visual facilities and flip
new hospitality other hospitality businesses Examples of business
food, drink, Theory: charts
business’s and be able to explain to plans
accommodation, take-away
services to guests the advantages of own 02 hours Visits to hospitality
or delivered service), and Examples of financial plans
guests offer businesses
how best to communicate Practical:
this information clearly and Advertising materials for
Clearly define what products or Visits to advisors
passionately to potential 08 hours potential business
services the new business including Chambers of
guests, including ensuring premises
delivers and make sure that it Commerce and Trade
is presented to guests in a way information is clear, focused Copies of job Associations, Pakistan
they can relate to and persuasive advertisements for Hotels Association,
hospitality jobs Chefs’ Institute of
Tell potential guests how the Methods of communication
Pakistan, professional
new hospitality business is that are available to tell Information on sources of and legal advisors,
aiming to meet their needs and potential guests about the finance government agencies,
about new developments new business, including
Business planner accountants, banks
through advertising,
Check that the marketing templates and other loan
promotions, word of mouth,
strategy is based on an agencies
personal reputation and
accurate understanding of Start-up-costs estimator
personal selling, friends and
potential guest’s needs and family Business information,
preferences including company annual
Improving the experience
reports, journals,
new guests have when
LU4: The student will be able to: Arrangements, including Total: Case studies of Class room with
with staff, with suppliers, arrangements agreed multimedia aid, audio-
Negotiate Clearly explain the features of 10 hours
with guests between hospitality visual facilities and flip
arrangements for the arrangements that need to
Theory: business owners and other charts
the new be made and the benefits to Negotiations other than on
people or organisations
hospitality the other person or price (for example delivery 02 hours Visits to hospitality
business organisation costs and times, product businesses
and service specification, Practical:
Think whether there is Visits to advisors
service level and extras) 08 hours
anything to negotiate on other including Chambers of
than price The advantages of Commerce and Trade
negotiating on things other Associations, Pakistan
Negotiate arrangements
than profitability Hotels Association,
calmly and effectively
Chefs’ Institute of
The importance of not
Behave ethically throughout Pakistan, professional
getting emotional or
negotiations and legal advisors,
personal about a deal,
government agencies,
Sign off arrangements so they including getting upset or
accountants, banks
are clear to all parties angry, and the impact of
and other loan
this on the deal, including
Perishable commodities
Vegetables, including carrot, zucchini, green beans lady finger, mushrooms, potatoes
Meat, poultry and fish, including beef, lamb, mutton, sausages, fish
Fruit and salad ingredients, including lettuce (all types), tomatoes, cucumber, green
and black olives, parsley, coriander, lemon, oranges, apples, mangos, bananas
Pasta and rice, including pasta (farfalle, fettuccini alfredo), rice (plain rice, biryani,
basmati, pilau)
Grains, pulses, white lentils, chick peas
Bread ingredients, including flour, dry yeast, cooking salt, water, sugar, raisins,
walnut, cinnamon, baking powder, brown sugar, icing sugar, vegetable ghee for pan
greasing, sesame seed
Sweet dish ingredients, including pastry, flour, chocolate, vanilla flavour
Herbs, spices, seasonings and other sundry ingredients, including aniseed, baking
powder, balsamic vinegar, Barbecue sauce, basil, bay leaf (taz patta), beans, black
pepper powder, black pepper whole, brown flour, brown sauce, brown sugar, chicken
powder, chili sauce, chocolate different in colour, cinnamon, cooking salt, coriander
powder, corn flour, dry herbs, dry nuts, dry oregano, dry yeast, extra virgin olive oil,
fine flour, flour, food colour, gram masala, hot sauce, icing sugar, jafel, jalwatri,
lemon juice,), lentils, light olive oils, mayonnaise, meat tenderizer, mustard sauce,
mustard powder, olive oil, olive oil extra virgin, olives different colours, onion powder,
oyster sauce, pickle, raisins, red chili crush, rice flour, sesame oil, sesame seed,
soya sauce, sugar, tabasco sauce, tahini sauce, tomato ketchup, tomato paste,
tomato sauce, turmeric powder, vegetable ghee, vegetable oil, vinegar, walnut, white
pepper powder, Worcestershire sauce,
Aluminum foils
Baking parchment
Greaseproof paper
Cling film
Date and time stickers
Note Pads
Materials for cleaning and sanitizing equipment and work surfaces, including sanitizer,
vinegar, lemon, degreaser
Estimate of Credit
Competency Standard hours
A: Maintain professional kitchen standards for
food preparation and cooking throughout the 60 6