Biochem 2
Biochem 2
Biochem 2
Code :6056
1. Brief the functions and diagnostic importance of plasma proteins present in the
beta region of electrophoretic pattern?
2. Mention the causes, signs, symptoms and treatment of Hypokalemia?
3. Explain the precipitation reactions of protein?
4. Describe the DNA repair mechanisms with suitable clinical examples?
5. Explain the role of Kidney in regulation of pH?
6. Mention the sources, recommended dietary allowance, function and deficiency
manifestation of Copper.
7. Brief the causes, symptoms and treatment of Gout?
8. Applications of DNA recombinant technology.
9. Brief the in vitro thyroid function tests.
10. Explain the cellular signaling and defense mechanism of free radicals?
1. Potassium.
2. Blotting techniques.
3. Tumour markers.
4. Role of kidney in the regulation of pH.
5. Albumin.
6. Gout.
7. Nitric oxide.
8. Branched chain amino acids.
9. Hypocalcemia.
10. Post translational modification.
1. Respiratory acidosis.
2. Creatinine clearance test.
3. Fluorosis.
4. Primary structure of protein.
6. Transmethylation reaction.
7. Glutamine.
8. Collagen.
9. Hyponatremia.
10. Post transcriptional modification.
[MBBS 0123] JANUARY 2023 Sub. Code : 6056
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
Q.P. Code: 526056
Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks (80 Theory + 20MCQs)
Answer All Questions
I. Essay: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Write in detail about the initiation, elongation and termination of transcription.
Give an account of post transcriptional processing.
2. A 40 year old woman complains of tiredness and appears pale. She is experiencing
a heavy and prolonged menstrual flow. Blood investigation shows decreased
haemoglobin and microcytic hypochromic Red Blood Cells.
a) What are the causes of Anaemia?
b) Describe in detail about Iron homeostasis.
c) How will you diagnose and treat Iron deficiency?
II. Write notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Synthesis and mechanism of action of Nitric Oxide.
2. Homocystinurias.
3. Hyperuricemias.
4. Normal Anion gap and High Anion gap metabolic acidosis.
5. Phase Two detoxification.
6. Special products formed from Glycine.
7. A 24 year old physiotherapist consulted his general practioner because of
excessive sweating and was also concerned that his eyes seemed to have become
more prominent and that he had lost weight recently although his appetite was
normal. He also complained of palpitation. On examination, his doctor observed
that his pulse rate was 100 / min at rest and that he had a slightly enlarged thyroid
gland. Serum TSH: < 0.1 mIU/ mL (0.3 – 5 μIU/mL), Free T4:3.2 ng/ dL
(0.8 – 2.7 ng/dL) Free T3: 880 pg/ dL (210- 440 pg/dL).
a) What is your diagnosis? Justify.
b) What is the cause of tachycardia in this condition?
c) What is the explanation for the eye prominence in this condition?
8. Electrophoresis.
9. Antioxidants.
10. A 42 year old male was diagnosed with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma.
A family counselling revealed that the proband had five family members with
colorectal cancer diagnosed before 45 years of age. Hence all family members
were counselled that this would have been caused by a defect of DNA repair and
that all family members older than 25 years should undergo regular colonoscopic
a) What are the different DNA repair mechanisms? Which repair defect causes
Hereditary Non polyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC)? Describe in detail about
the repair mechanism.
[MBBS 0323] MARCH 2023 Sub. Code : 6056
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
1. A 6 year old boy presents with periodic aggressive behaviour. His urinary ALA is
elevated. On examination, he is icteric. A mild hepatomegaly is observed. Blood
examination revealed massive elevation of AFP. HPLC and Tandem Mass
Spectrometry examination revealed elevation of succinylacetone. A diagnosis of
Type I Tyrosinemia is made.
a) What is the most probable enzyme defect? And why does he present with
elevation of ALA and neuropsychiatric manifestation?
b) Describe in detail all tyrosine metabolism disorders.
c) Add a note on special products formed from Tyrosine.
2. What is cloning? Mention the various types of cloning.
Describe in detail the steps involved and tools required in recombinant DNA
II. Write notes on: (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Purine salvage pathway.
2. Explain the role of lungs in acid base homeostasis
3. A 5 year old boy brought to the hospital with complaints of mental retardation,
hypopigmented patches all over the body and mousy odour of urine. On
examination his eyes were blue. What is the most probable diagnosis and What is
the defective enzyme? Explain the biochemical basis of the clinical features seen
in this boy.
4. Serum protein electrophoresis.
5. Cell cycle.
6. Role of Parathormone in Calcium, Phosphate homeostasis.
7. Define Xenobiotics and add a note on the various detoxification reactions.
8. Mutation.
9. Secondary structure of protein.
10. A patient had seizures and usually appeared weak, tired and showed deposition of
brown coloured ring in the descemets layer of the cornea and hepatomegaly was
a) Name the disorder.
b) Which mineral metabolism is deranged?
c) What is the biochemical defect?
d) Mention the functional role of concerned mineral.
[MBBS 1123] NOVEMBER 2023 Sub. Code : 6056
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
1. Give the salient features of Electrophoresis. What are the abnormalities that you
could detect in Serum Electrophoresis?
1. PCR.
2. Secondary structure of protein.
3. Alanine.
4. Causes and deficiency manifestation of Iron.
5. Homocystinuria.
6. Histidine.
7. Amylase.
8. Metabolic alkalosis.
9. DNA repair mechanism.
10. Genetic code.
[MBBS 0124] JANUARY 2024 Sub. Code : 6056
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
1. A 65 year old man presents with back pain. On examination he is found to have
multiple lytic lesions in the spine. A serum protein electrophoresis (EPP) was
performed, which revealed a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma.
a) What is the pH of the buffer used for serum protein electrophoresis? Why?
b) What is the band observed in serum protein electrophoresis in Multiple
Myeloma? Describe.
c) Describe the EPP pattern observed in Nephrotic syndrome.
2. The proband was a 40-year-old male was diagnosed with poorly differentiated
adenocarcinoma. A family counseling revealed that the proband had five family
members with colorectal cancer diagnosed before 45 years of age. As Hereditary
Non Polyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC) is suspected, all family members were
counselled that this caused by a defect of DNA repair and that all family members
older than 25 years should undergo regular colonoscopic examination.
a) What are the errors that can happen in a DNA?
b) Which is the most common error in a DNA?
c) Which repair defect causes HNPCC?
d) Describe in detail about the repair mechanism causative of HNPCC.
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3. STATEMENT 1 : More than one codon can code for a single aminoacid.
STATEMENT 2 : More than one aminoacids can be coded by a single codon.
a) Which statement is true?
b) Mention the property of genetic code, that is applicable to the true
c) What is wobble phenomenon? Explain with an example.
d) Mention all the properties of genetic code.
4. A 11 year old boy is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. He was prescribed Human
Biosynthetic Insulin (BHI).
a) Mention the technology used for the synthesis of BHI.
b) Mention the tools required for the technology.
c) What is cDNA? How is it synthesized?
5. A 17 year old girl is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. She is a vegetarian
and hence her nutritionist suggests her mom that her greens be given the tangy
flavor using lime instead of tomato.
a) How is heme iron absorbed along the apical side of intestine?
b) How is non heme iron absorbed along the apical side of intestine?
c) What is the rationale behind adding lime to greens?
d) Describe in detail the basolateral side transport of iron.
6. A 56-year-old man, a known hypertensive presented to his family doctor with loss
of appetite, weight loss, generalized weakness and lethargy of six months duration.
A blood sample was taken for analysis.
Serum : Sodium 130 mmol/L
Potassium 5.2 mmol/L
Bicarbonate 16 mmol/L
Urea 258 mg/dL
Creatinine 7.1 mg/dL
Calcium 7.2 mg/dL
Phosphate 8.6 mg /dL
Albumin 2.8g /dL
Alkaline phosphatase 205 U/L
A diagnosis of chronic kidney disease was made
a) Interpret serum calcium and substantiate the change observed in chronic
kidney disease.
b) Interpret and reason out potassium level alteration observed in the
c) What is the expected change in Parathormone levels in this patient? Why?
7. A 6 year old boy presents with periodic aggressive behavior. His urinary ALA is
elevated. On examination, he is icteric. A mild hepatomegaly is observed. Blood
examination revealed massive elevation of AFP. HPLC and TMS examination
revealed elevation of succinylacetone. A diagnosis of Type I Tyrosinemia is
a) What is the most probable enzyme defect?
b) Why does he present with elevation of ALA and neuropsychiatric
c) Mention other Tyrosine metabolism disorders and mention the respective
enzyme defects.